The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, May 23, 1885, Image 3

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(MatKlay exeefted)
erwM ter Carrfw. jr wpHc IScts.
iK In- M.l. jwr ntantii ..... Ifcts.
iiM year ........ .$7.W
lfroe of potUvt to subscriber.
2r3'"A4veriiM:Nieats inserted by $Jtr jfrar:;t
the mu of i jtr square per mouth. Tran
sient Mtvertfc-iux 8ft cents jnr square, each
Notice To Atfrertiseri.
Tun A5Ti:iax guarantees to U-. ad
vei titers U largest ctronlnyon of any
nw3MKr published on the Columhia
This pjper Is on file at ihebl. Charles
Hotel, Portland, Or.
Strawlwry short cako.
Jos. Hume at the Eigle caausry pays
cash for mlmon.
The state grunge meets in annual ms
sioq at Sslesn next Monday.
The Sau Francisco weather' bureau
prophesies rain up here; safe hot.
Sheriff Host aav? he wants delinquent
taxpayers topiyup to-da. This is the
last call.
J. N. Griffin has the thanks of Tiik As
tokiax for n choice collection of currant
Note E. C. Holden's auction sale of
lot 1, hlfc G, Adah's Astoria at two o'clock
this afternoon.
Irv. Sterens is reported seriously ill at
at his residence, lie is suffering from
rheumatic fovor.
John "Whitoaker, the newly appointed
collector of internal revenue at l'ortland
takes oitioe on July 1st.
The Tillie 12. Starbuclc cleared for
Qusenstown yesterday with a hefty cargo
10I,(&J bus", 7heat, worth $7J,217.
British residents will this evening cel
ebrate by a banquet the GO birthday of
her Britannic maje3ty Queen Victoria.
Dr. Jay Tuttle requests the psrson hav
ing his oar svriuga to p'.ea33 return tho
came, or report at hi? omjj or residence.
Thero will be skating at Ross opera
house this ovening, and on Tuesday,
Thursdav and Saturday evenings here
nftor. Col 31. 31. Sp&dden arrived yesterday
from oastorn Oregon. lie is hero on a
short visit only, bnl will return again
for a longer stay.
A Chinaman arrested for stealing
dusks in Portland last Thursday wus
discharged, lie proved that tho birds
he stole wore drakes.
This is the first term of circuit court
for some time in which there has been
no indictment for murder, uiuch is a.
fortunate thing for the taxpayors.
The Ilwaco correspondent of the Mist
says that "P. J. McUovran has provided
for each of his li hands a Sharpe's
rifle, and ha has abjut thirty or fori;.'
The Steamer Sam will leave YTiisou &
Fisher's dock for Skipanon at eight
o'clock to-morrow inorinn?, returning at
bix o'clock r. m., givingoppjrtcuity for a
day's sport at the be ich.
The Cla-a Parksr will go to Skipanon
to-morrow, leaving Main street dock at
nine a. it. Fare for the round trip, fifty
cents. Tho boat will return at seven m
the evening. Carriages and horses can
bo takon.
Residents on John Da's are desirous
of having a past oJij e3tauh-hoJ. At
present tiiey have to coma to Astoria for
their mail. " Tuey had a pjst oflbo there
once Fern Kill but for some reason it
was discontinued.
Eugene Semple, candidate and claim
ant for tho Washington torntory govern
orship, has as a strong plea the alleged
fact ttiat ho is indorsed by the bars of
Astoria and St. Helens. Tiiat is certain
ly strong recommendation.
Pacific Lodge 2o. 17, lv. of P., inaugu
rated the new opera house in lino style
last ovening, it being the first public
gathering thore since the improvements
were begun. All present enjoyed them
selves and tho evening was a pleasant
At the late meeting of the grand lodge,
I. O. O. F., of AY. T., at Olympic, forty
bushels of clams were thrown into the
blue waters of the Sound, 'ihey had been
gathered for a clam bako but a storm
prevented it and the clams were liung
back to save 'em.
An upper Astoria family went calling
a few evenings ago, leaving the lire, as
they supposed, perfectly safe. "When
they came back they found the cat claw
ing'at a coal of lire that had fallen on
tho carpet. Puss burnt her paws, but
she put the fire out.
Samuel Embree, near Ilwaco, caught
the other day in a steel trap hot for
n bear, a ourious animal having
head and tail resembling those
of a fox; a body shaped like a cou
gar and feet something like a bear only
not so largo. lie is a terror to the sheep
tribe and doosu t refuse vetl whenever it
is on the bill of fare.
S. C. Null, editor of a religious paper
in Farmor City, Illinois, died last
Thursday aftornoon, from the ef
fects of a forty days' fast, which
he imagined the Lord had com.
mandod him to make. A good many ed
itors have to fast, but tho Lord hasn't
much to do with it. This, however, is a
cloar case of null and void.
Talking of the removal of the Indian
school lrom Forest Grove to Salem, tho
Washington Independent says tho folly
of tho ohango will be apparent in a year
or two, for "tho school is to be locatsd
some four miles blow Salem on lake, a malarious swamp, where the
agao is so preva cat that tho inhabitants
miko a regular business of hiring out
taeir children to fruit-grjwers, who tio
them to their apple trees to shake the ap
ples off.
The case of ilrs. Daggett vs Sarpren
ant & Forguson occupied tho attention of
tho court the greater part of yesterday.
It arises from damage done to the
property of plaintiff by an explosion on
Juno 23th,lSSl, wherein her property was
injured. Fulton Bros, appear for the
plaintiff; F. D. Wxnton for defendants.
The question at issue 13 virtually wheth
er or not the defendants are responsible
for the damage caused by that explosion
to tho houso of Sirs. Daggett if the worit
was performed for them by an independ
ent contractor.
A curious but very general impression
prevails among some people with re
gard to their own children as distin
guished from tho children of others,
their own always being n little smarter,
or a little quicker, or slower, or sicklier,
or healthier or in somo other way differ
ent from tho children of other pe'ople, so
that by reason of theso peculiarities,
whatovor they may be, the youth pos
stssingthem are entitled to a little more
consideration than the common herd. So
well known among teachers are those
facts and their consequences, that a
general feeling has. grown up in the pro
fession that somehow a mistake was
made by nature in bringing two such
discordant elements as paronts and
teachers into the world at the samo time,
ana a vivid impression exists among tho
pedagogues that the most desirable
place in the profession is that of a
teacher in an orphan asylnm.
It is related says the Seattlo Chronicle
that ex-governor AVhiteakor secured tho
office of collector of customs in Oregon
so easily that he seriously contemplates
declining it in hops of something better.
His friends think a man who was the
first constitutional governor of Oregon
and who has served tho party in thb
state logHihture and in the national con
crsand who crossed tho coniiucnt in
four days, nineteen hours and iif ty-throo
minutes to secure the organization of
the lower house to his party, deserves to
b? rewarded with something better than
a $..000-a-year office.
.Jo-ODp?nheimer,uwfll known resident
of I'ortlan-J, died at Spokane Falls last
Thursday, from injuries received on the
Canadian Pacific about two weeks ago.
When decceading from. the caboose of a
construction train the stop broke, and
having his right leg caught between tho
platform and the car, he had the flesh
horribb lacerated. He had to ride horse
back seventy-five miles to catch n steam
er, t'nd this rido was made before tho
wound was mora than rudely dressed.
The pain he suffered must have been in
tense. Ho was conveyed to this city as
ranidlv and carefully as possible, and
threo physicians called to attend him. ;
Ihe long oxpasnro nnu tao want ot
proiwr attention caused inflammation, ami was six feet eight inches long, three
and Mr. Oppenheimer was never in his feet ten inches wide and faarteeu inches
right mind aftor reaching tho Falls, th'ck.
ErysJp-Ias and gangrene set in, and; A nnttTonce was rectntlv held be
blood poisoning followed, and in spite of t th L- u d Sjleg commissioner
the best attention and medical aid ho ,, ,, T,4;i5n T,wi;r,a ;,i n
passed away.
Tatloe, J. May 22, 1835.
Jno. Thomas vs Jos. Walsh defendant;
allowed until Monday to file amended
Grand jury found three additional in
dictments. State vsPasquella Commictta, charged
with kidnapping; will plead to-day.
lowed till to-dav to filo motion to strike i
Maria tr. Haaven vs Wm. It. JJoss; al
oat part of complaint.
State vs Jno. Christiansen, Dan Nick
les and J03. Kelly, charged with partici
pating in a riot; allowed till to-day to
Stato vs Harry Keester: plead guilty;
will bo sentenced Monday.
Stato vs Robt. Leadbctter; plead not
guilty on ground of previous conviction;
Qnf 9ftii. I
Stato vs Ah Him; set for trial Tues-j
jav. i
fttifn w T.rv s;i Von." iiffotilnnt .lie .
Grand jury found two additional in
dictment?. Herman Schimdt arraigned; plead not
guilty; time for trial not fixed.
Stale vs Peter Moore; indicted for at- j
tempting to coerce; till to-day to plead.
State vs Chas. Lind, Edward "Williams,
Chnstian Viejen, Louis Anderssn, Chas.
Veklumd, Chas Yestorlnnd, and Louis .
Peterson, indicted on a charge of rioting; i
allowed till to-rfay to plead. Ordered
lh?t their bonds be re-executed in the
samo amount.
Mrs. Daggett vs Surpreuant & Fergu Fergu
eon: defendant's motion for non suit
stiil being argued when court adjourned.
What Uecome? of Oregon Com lets.
Many of our readers will remember Jas.
K.Mercer,forraerly editor of tho Portland
Bee; that he killed McDonald, editor of
muxuruuim j.eieyruM, uu uccuuuv ui u . lamous uumoniia jiquiu iruit leiueuy
nowspaper squabble, and that he was Syrun of Figs. Its pleasant taste and
,. in ihn Tv.n.-tontinrv in 1S7 for - beneficial effects have rendered it un
seat to tho penitentiary in 18t for a ,nen.ev lK)pujar. For sale liv W. E.
term of fifteen years, but was pardoned , De-meni & Co.
out about ono year ago. To-day, a very J
beautiful volume of 133 pages, entitled ilitiin"- Iat " 1.S ; 4 !I
the "Renresentative Men of Ohio." .. ..
edited bv Jas. K. Mercer, was shown to
us. It gives tho portraits of tho state j
onicials, faenators, representatives, and it
contains a fund ot carefully selected in
formation that bears evidence of edi- simeir rosin aiian s owiwk on oal
torial ability. Regardlesi of the paat, "fay. May 30. 18Sj, lor tho purpose of
everyouo wishes success to crown tho attending to the proper observance of
efforts of this energetic man.-Salfin ' Memorial service m accordance with
Statesman. the rules and regulations of the Grand
John Dunn was on trial for murder in
Belmont, Nevada. As tho deceased had
been shot by Dunn in the presenco of a
dozen witnesses, Dunn's lawyer did not
deny the killing; and, at Dunn's request
omitted the usual plea of insanity.
The evidence in, you need not address
the jury," said Dunn to his lawyer. "I
will do so myself."
So, turning to tho jury,
"Goutlemen," ho said, "there's
no use denying that I killed Grizzzly
Scott, especially as many of you saw me
do it; it is also in evidence that I have
killed two gamblers at intervals before
Grizzly. But, gentlemen of tho jury, I
call yourattention to a few fact: all theso
men were bullies, gamblers, drunkards
and horse thieves, and the town is well
nuoE luem. Jiut no ono snvs I ever
quarreled with quiet, respectable gentle
men like yourselves. Had 1 not killed
these mon, one or mora of your friends
would have been killed by them before
this. Do not punish me for s?vmg your
own valuable lives."
The jury acquitted tho prisoner with
out rising.
To Accommodate Ills Patrons.
Alex. Gilbert will keep his saloon
open day and night. Fishermen can get
a good lunch at nny hour of the night.
The genuine French sardine constantly
on hand.
Tarlridge, photographer, leaves town
Monday. Photographs at reduced
prices. a card tin-types for a dollar.
Near Case's Dank.
When others fail try Crow, the lead
ing Photographer, No. G Water street.
At Fnmli Fabro's.
Board for $22J0 a month. The best
in the city. Dinner from 5 to 7.
Babies" photos at Partridge's for three
days only.
Those wishing goo I photographs will
do well to call immediately near Case's
Photographs at Partridge's for three
days only. Price reduced. Finished
m Portland.
I) You Think that "Jeff" of
TItc Chop House
Gives von a meal for nothing, and a
glas3 of something to drink? "Not
much T' lint he gives a better meal and
more ofit than any place in town for
25 cents. lie buys by the wholesale and
pays cash. "That settles it."
"Hackmetack," a lasting and fra
grant perfume. Price 25 and 50 cents.
Sold by W. li Dement.
Russia is fortifying the gulf of Finland.
Riel, the Canadian robe", is an Ameri
can citizen.
Gen. Grant continues to improve and
is at work on his book.
The lease of tho O. It. & N. to the N.
P. & U. P. roads is as ybt undecided.
'Mrs. Sharon" tried to shoot a lawyer
in San lraucico last Thursday. She
Cowlitz county, AY. T., haa a tpui
tionof tiMi; as"ed value of property,
A Seattle fi- lt Thnrflv buu:e.l
$3.1,000 worth of properly iu :heiwit-r of
the town.
It is reported tLr.s Civt-:an.i tele
graphed to tho Illinois k-Ji siar:r "Send
any one but Logan."
The Jscre sailed from Rosen.
last Thursday for New "Ters: with the
Bartholdi statue on noaru.
In eoustructin" the big Cascade tunnel
at Stampede pifs, it v,:il !- newssry to
pierce a solid basnlt wall for l:ir entire
distance of i),0.7J fett.
The Port Towuseud -'liyiwsa that a
halibut was recently caught in Scow bay
!ir an Tmlinn which woiQhed 232 iwuiid.s.
selling a portion of their reservation.
. Tho chiefs were opposed to the sale, but
i asked time to consider the matter. Ono
' of the chiefs when asked how much time
they required, replied, "Mebbo so, ten
1 year.'
There aro 218 land offices in tho coun
try, tho groat majority of which are lo
cated in California Oregon, Colorado,
Minnesota, Kansas and the territories.
Each office is entitled to a register and
receiver, whoso respectivo silaries range
from 3,000 to 1,500 per annum. Tho
Jr?1' nnnonncemout by General bna rks,
that territorial offices would not neces
sarily be filled by residents of tho terri
lory'is expected to give n tremendous
impetus to tho filing of applications.
General Spark? says tho demand for
the?e positions is already greatly in ex
cess of anything ever expected. For the
21(5 places there are nearly 2,500 applica
tions, while each mail adda dozens at
, ,, , ,, ,
Oar faults no tenderness should ask,
Tho casteniug stripes must cleauss
them all:
But for our blunders O, in sharao
Before tho eyes of Hoaven wo fall.
; Earth bears no blossoms for mistakes;
Men crofn tho knave and scourge the
That did his will; but thou, O Lord,
Ba merciful to me, a fool!
RkcIiIch'.s Arnica Sislvt.
Tun Bkst iu the world for
Cuts, Hrr.icSjSores.TJIciT.s.Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapprd Hands,
Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Esiij
tions, and positively cures Piled, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded.
Price 25 cents per box. For sale by V.
E. Dement & Co.
The Rarest of Combinations.
True delicacy of flavor with true eili
cacv of action has been obtained in the
.. Astokia, Oreijo.n, Jlayuili, Wii.
' ! ;5Ji;r:' , V r
Thp Officers and Comrades of Cnsh
g Post No. 14, G. A. R. will assemble
.-riuy (it me iiepuuiic
By order of R. V. Moxtkith.
Post Commander
Vtr. II. Ross, Adjutant.
Situation Waiitctl
By u joung girl to take care of children
and help do general housework. Amer
ican family preferred. Inqnireof Thos.
Lawson, next door to C. P. rpshur'a
Don't pay 'Si to 50 cents for dinner
when von can get a better one at the
Telephone for 13 cents from 11 to '.
Sheet UliiHlc.
Former price 'Sj and 40 ccnU. latest
out. comic, sentimental, etc., at 10 cents.
(imrFix & ki:ed s
City Book Store.
If you want a first-class picture go to
Cr.iw's gallery and you will be sure to
he suited for his work recommends
Star a Seat Fitting Boot
JrShoigo toP.J. Goodmans, on Che
namus street, next door to I. W. Case.
All goods of the best make and guaran
teed quality. A full stock; new goods
constantly arriving. Custom work.
Fresh Eastern nnd Shoal water
Bay Oysters
Constantly on hand, cooked to any style
at Frank Fubre's.
Graj sells Sackctt P.ros. Al sawed
eedar shingles A full M guaranteed.
Sleepless Nights made miserable
by that terrible cough. Shi'oh's Cure is
the remedy for you. Sold by W. E. De
ment & Co.
Shiloh's Cough ana Consumption
Cure is sold by us on guarantee. It
cures consumption. Sold by W. E. De
ment. One of the finest billiard tables on tho
coast at Jeff's "Telephone."
Catarrh cured, health and sweet
breath secured by Shiloh's Catarrh Hem
eily. Prh-e 50 cents, Masai Injector free.
For salo by W. E. Dement.
Oot r,uueli, at tho Telephone
From 11 to 2 every day.
A fine lunch with drink or cigar, 23
No charge after two o'clock,
Private card rooms at Jeff's new sa
loon "The Telephone."'
For Dinner Parties to order, at short
notice, go to Frank Fabre'8.
That Hacking Cougn can be so
quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We
guarantee It. Sold by W. E. Dement
Oivmpiahas -a permanent o? ni-j ' : Linirt Mu w.irt
tion to oppose nil :uus or iwii.- :r -- - -- - .-- -; - ",
the support of common schools." ! 5 -;. Jrca-ive v cur. wa w.ih ..,.r..--.
A fire in a Cincinnati printing office k!liur,., Wf.u i,f,w ,..-... llf b,-!
Thursday occasioned a panu- m , f ... . , -. - H , nri
seventeen persons iwrished. j ..te,,,.,-.! Vt.Mr i10 W8R .... L.ut ' 7
A sloppy writer in the Philadelphia
Aciss essays tho futile task of writing
Tom Donaldson cp as a big-brained
man. He says:
Donaldson is a p illticiau pure asl simple.
MuhI ou, I do uotiwd v.ia word In !; .ier
verUul st 0 of an tMec-sckvr, :iiil adept
hi fiiy .-iiiiftc."-. i ui in :ts iirnl mid
proper sen-." of on- alio h wrsrd in tlsw
ici'jitce of u aeriiii e t. om N:al.!ath
tows prikl s fur jol ' aK". !' tiofs
not want ofl!"e.
And then says Uie littinhtt. Lt- iss h;
4aci:nnr-. f "cvndertal I'tun Lo:f.:f.-
sju'jJ tnreer. tr sit Mf-in?: r- .:i tlt.:i, j
i.a'ii!ng ;, pnrn . ,; iim v tsiitvers
daring tbe he mu. Irir.g xiL-Jt-ns!
as t tvildier, firnnd hNV..r tw t:- .-vr!
aii'l iao a soft lrth i a 5v;j ii-..i.'-f r. j
fter tne war he wnr.l-d t :e K.r.d- ..
L'uited Sib:c ceiwa: 1jjbo. " bis j
bi.iKMp&t:i onto l!. a ;iiia ' I..- uo.iUl
Ui: it :"inied Stnu. c-JU-rt ' t i.v ,.'
mal commissioner from Idaho. Pre.ii-
dent Hayes, who hid an almost unipiMe
weakness f.r Ohio men when any ntax!
was in iii3puie. appointed uonajd-yn
governor of Idaho, but apparently
coupled it with the condition that he
should immedia'eh resign it. This
Donaldson did. In 1S72 he was
made : Lin Jed States com
missioner to the Paris exposition.
Thus Mr. Tom Donaldson has held
office under every .Republicia adminis
tration since ho has come of age, save
alone Garfield's. "Wo do not wonder,
therefore, at his biographer's statement
that Mr. Tom Donaldson "was not a
very great admirer of Garfield." A snug
little otlice would doubtless nave helped
his appreciation of Garfield.
For a politician who is not an office-
seeker 'lorn Donaldson, has fed at the
Siblic trough with remarkablo success,
e is one of those phenomenal men, we
suppose, wliom tne oilico seeks and
During tho lato campaign Tom Don
aldson turned up as ono of tho managers
of Blaine's campaign. Perhaps the most
mysterious thing about iur. Uiamo is the
queer and nusavory kind of paoplo who
turn up a3 Ins tnends whenever ue comes '
to tne front, lko chief of theso last
year was Mr. Stove Elkins. He con
trolled the campiign coramittco and suc
ceeded in snatching defeat from certain
victory. His mo3t brilliant lieutenant
was Tom Donaldson.
Tom Donaldson had charge of the
printing of tho national committ. It
was one of the most important positions
of tho campaign. Heretofore tho print
ing of tho national commit teo had al
ways been dono in Washington and was
under the charge of the congressional
commit te, tho secretary of which, prac
tical poluiciaus like ueorgo liorham or
Mr. McPherson," was executive head.
While this state of affairs existed tho
Republican party always won. When it
was changed by tho Elkinses and Don
aldsons who were put in chargo of
Blaine's cause, tho Republican party was
Aside from tho natural and acquired
incoinp2tency of Elkins and Donaldson
for the important placc3 they held in the
Blaine campaign, theso places were too
rich in "opportunities"' of a Jtind these
men knew so well how to improve. A
percentage of the money Tom Donaldson j
handled for printing purposes would re
concile him to tho defeat of his party.
Wo don't siy he took it. We only say
the pecentage was largo and his oppor
tunities great.
As to his chief, Mr. Steve Elkins, we
have yet to meet a man who believes him
either honest, capable, or courageous.
Ao is universally regarded, so far as our I
observation goes, as without principle i
and destitute of honor. Ono who ha3 !
had dealings with him characterized
him in emphatic S.txon as a "hog."
This mccn is sure: If Blaihe's canvass j
had been entrusted to any body elso than J
Mr. Stevo Elkins, ho would have been ;
elected. And even as it was, ho would J
likely have pulled through had it not j
been" for Mr. Tom Donaldson's able ef- J
forts. !
And thero wonld h'avo been more cam-!
paign money when it was needed had it j
not been for tho pool rooms in New York
city. And theso samo institutions j
caused the delay in tho count of New 1
York's vote. Somebody had to hedge. I
Republican betting men were advised, so j
lato as Thursday after the election, to I
bet on Blaine's success. Somebody had j
to hedge.
Voaro credibly informed that bteve!
Elkins and Tom Donaldson did not final
ly lose anything on tho election.
Somebody did hedge.
Shiloh's Vitalizer is what you need
for Conciliation, Loa of Appetite, Diz-
ziiies and ah symptoms of Dyspepsia.
Price 10 and 73 cents per iK:tle. Sold
l W. E. Dement.
Will j on suffer with Dyspepsia and
a er Complaint ? Shilolfs Vita! is
guaranteed to pure S)ld by W. E.
Win will you cougn when hhiloh'a
Cure will give'iininediate relief. Price
10 eLs ;V i-ts and Si. Sold by W. K. De
ment. Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy
aud ive cui-e for Catarrh, Diptheria
banker Mouth. S?olil by W. E. Dm
AH the paleiitmedicnu'S advertised
in lids paper, together with the choicest
per:ume:y. tid loilvL article.-, etecr.n
be bought' a! the lowest. price5, at. I. W.
Conn's dsiu -!ire. opposite Oedder.t
hotel. AnSoi hi.
Buy your Id mo
of Grav at Portland
Synsp ofFif;.
Manufactured only by the California
Fig iyrup Co. San Francisco Cal. is
Xatnre-3 Own True Laxative. This
pleasant liquid fruit remedy may be
had of W. E. Dement & Co, at fifty cents
or one dollar per bottle. It is the most
pleasant, prompt and effective remedy
known, to cleanse the system; to acton,
the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels gpntly
vet thoroughly; to dispel Ileadaclis,
Colds and Fevers; to cure Constipation
Indigestion and kindred ills.
(Late of San Francisco.)
lias located In Astoria and solicits a share
ef the patronage. All work strictly flrst
class. Terms moderate.
Order box at Van Dusen'i.
For Sale.
on Benton street ; will be sold for S00.
Apply to this ottlce.
!.! :n:s. mm ni!iiirlir,.Mi ... r-.-i
Test Your BaMiig Powfler To-Bay !
Brands advertised ts absolntcly pans
Plaeo n. can tcp down on n. hot rtoro snttt
rested, then remove the coTwand smell. Actern
lt will not bo required to detcc; tho presenco C
1 Tf Tr-i-
HtclO.'cl!t Rsi NEVER Set" Qu-ttlud.
n '
-uatuc consumer's rulitble test,
Price Bulling Ponder Co.,
Dr. Price's Speail Flayorng Extracts,
riho strongest, noit rfrKciir.s and natural
Ha vor known, and
s Price's Lupuihj Yeast Gems
. vr Light, Healthy Ilread.TheBeit Dry Hop
Ycnat la tho world.
The ocst dry hop yeast in the world.
Broad raised by this yoast ta light.whlto
and wholesome like our grandmother's
delicious bread.
Price Baking Powder Co.,
KauTrs cl Dr. Price's special Fraionns Eitracts,
Chicago, III. St. Louis, Mo.
For sa'e by Cottixo. JIkklk & Co., Agents
rortland, Oregon
Steer Yourself to My Estab
lish in ent.
1 am selling IXE-FITTING SUITS of
Itcst Quality nx! Designs
At ReniarkaWc Low Prices.
Do you know that I can give you a Nobby
Suit of good material at
SIO, 12, 15, 18, $20.
See Our New Hats,
Latest Styles at $2.50, S3, G3.50
A Fine Assortment of Straw Hats.
And I herewith respectfully solcit a call.
IsrcW Tailor and Clothier.
Ordinance Ns. 791.
An ordinance concerning minors.
The city of Astoria does ordain as
see. l. i nat no minor, uiiuer i:iu ae
ofeisheteu years, shall be permitted to
ro abroad or be allowed to remain in
any tlieater or piace 01 amusement in
which intoxicating liquors arc sold, or
in anv dance-house, or wander about
the streets of the city after the hour of
nine, o'clock at night, unless such minor
shall have the permission of his or her
guardian or parent, or snail ue accom
nanietl bv such parent, or -unless such
minor shall have necessary business
upon such street or sheets. Any minor
WHO suau viniam me provisions ui uns
ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a
misdemeanor, and upon conviction
thereof in the police court shall be pun
ished by a fine of not less than one, nor
more than thirty dollars or by impris
onment in the city jail not to exceed ten
Passed the common council May 12th,
Attest: T.S.Jewktt,
Auditor and Clerk.
Approved May 13th, 1885.
h J.W.nriiE,
mils P5J7'
r I K- ! I
v X7 AI Y V-3 I I
A Few Brief Descriptions cf Some of My Finest Styles in Fine
1st Is a SINGLE BREASTED SACK SUIT in imported Corkscrew Goods
with flat binding, a close fitting cut, and equal to anv work mado to order. They
como in two shades. B HO WX and DARK NAVY BLUE.
2nd-Istt SINGLE BREASTED FROCK SUIT in dark Xavv Blue Crepe
Cloth, without binding, which makes up one of the finest, and niost'durable Dress
uarh. in cumr, in siyic, a uroKcn piaiu wiiu a nine mue ana orange running
through, giving it a very handsome appearance, without binding.
Ith-Is a SINGLE BREASTED r ROCK SUIT in a fine dark fancy Casslmere,
a black Diagonal Cloth with a fine thread of crcen and red silk running throuerh-
out, w liuou. umuinir.
5th-Is a DOUBLE BREASTED SACK SUIT in a fine dark mixed Cassimere,
a broken plaid with an old gold silk thread running through, forming a large and
almost indistinct plaid. Verv neat and durable. No binding.
black cloth with black satin lining and stitched edge. Also have same style
suits with Farmer satin lining, and bound with black silk binding.
7lh-ls a SINGLE BREASTED SACK SUIT in an extra fine blue Cloth with
a fine black silk, flat binding, the finest Goods made up in Gents1' Sack Suits.
Besides these few mentioned lines, I havo a large assortment in SINGLE or
SUITS with knee or long pants.
To go with these FINE DRE -S SUITS I have an elegant assortment of
Gents Fine Furnishing- Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots or Shoes.
ThelinrsestStncli. The Finest Good ) XiOiveBtPricei'.
Piiythlau ISulIdinsr. ASTORIA, Or.
The Leading Stationers and News Dealers of Astoria.
The Latest Notions
Wc defy any and all competition.
Hair Dressing Saloon
Parher House, Ulala St.,
For a flrst-class Shave, scientific Ilalr-cut.
and hygienic Shampoo, etc,
H. Dn PARK, Prop.
Fine Stationery,
Blank Books,
School Books,
Music Books,
s mv b tisa iikv ail b b
The Leading Clothier and Han
New Goods!
Men's, Souths' and Boys'
Hats and Furnisiiing Goods.
SUIT in a very fino fancy Casslmere,
31USIC.1I, I.Y5Ti:UME.YT3.
and Novelties, Etc.
Call, examine our goods and be convinced.
Astoria Bakery
Columbia Candy Factory.
Ed. Jackson, Proprietor.
Candles, - 20Ctaperlfa.
Bread, Fles and Cakes delivered every
3 Agents for Stock's
Llttie'Ciant, and
Kranlch and Bach's Pianos,
Tabor, and Western
Cottage Organs,
New Styles!
-" -