f3 jOl?J, jw"f""- - V rrr "J-T32 fa? She Batftt Sstoriiw. ASTORIA, OREGON: h.VTURDAY.. MAY 25. IS83 THE CL 4 1MAXT A T WASHINGTON. Said the late Charles Sumner, "I believe we have the meanest and most dishonest government on earth.'' He had made a two hours eloquent and able argument before the senate in behalf of the French spoliation claim, and saw to his chagrin that it had no more effect on that dignified boih than the wind that roared around the capitol on the outside. Charles Sumner belonged to that clas3 of able enthusiasts who believe that when the argument is made the cause is won. They fail to recognize the prejudices, passions, and other obstacles lying above and beyond mere intellectual processes, through which causes are heard and cases de cided by the public and their repre sentatives. Oharle.3 Sumner's efforts was a case in point. The congress of the United Stales is made up of members selected on political grounds, whose duties arc limited to political affairs. Xow, although congress legislates on almost eveiy conceivable interest of the citizen, other than political, all provisions for a patient hearing and of just results are fairly elimiminated through a lack of time. Were the member selected for his judicial turn and ability, with every impulse look ing to their exercise, he would yet find a lack of space in which to net He is . the most over-worked man in the country, boiug an agent at Waahiugtou for every constituent who has, or fancies ho ha, business at the capital, llis mail comes in laden with loiters calliug for pensions, pat ents, offices, and information. Ho dares not neglect resp mding to each, for his political future hangs ou his immediate compliance with the de mands. In addition to this he has, if he be longs (o the dominant party, a num ber of hungry applicants for place at him in person, and lie must listen and labor, or die. This poor fellow rises at daylight and woiks painfully at his corre spondence until breakfast, and then hurries out in cars or on foot to the various departments to solicit favors or gain information. At noon, when congress meets, ho finds his desk covered with newly received letters, and turning the hall of the throne, or senate, into an of fice,, proceeds to open and answer. All the while cards are coming in calliug him ont to impatient people in tho lobby. The poor fellow at Washington who finds himself there with a griev ance, and the claims count up into the millions, is bewildered by the hurry and confusion on all sides. He discovers to his dismay that he cannot get a member to listen. "When his mission is once understood he finds himself shunned as if he had a contagions disorder. If he is per sistent, members recognize him in the distance, and dart down alleys or take refuge in cars or hacks to avoid him. The poor man's claim must be re duced to writing, and he sees it dis appear through a door of a commit tee room that is not only closed against him, but guarded by a grim keeper, whose milk of human kind ness has long since curdled and left a cheek that is stony in its polished hardness. Tho house, being a huge, unwieldy body. is incapable cf any business other than political, and all else finds place, if not attention, in the committee-rooms. The committees are made up unless the' are ways and means or appropriations of the chairman and clerk. These two learn at an early day "how not to do it, and tho chairman, assisted by his clerk, gives his time to his own affairs. All this is aggravated by a body of disreputable men and women known as lobbyists, who live by fleecing claimants. This lobby is, in fact, to congress what a bar is to a court, and is disreputable because it is the will of congress that they should he of this sort. Every other legislative body than ours sees to their agents that they are honorabhjkmen. The ablest advocates of England are proud to practice before committees and commissions of parliament. "With us, the most emiuent attorneys, with good characters well established, dare not be seen in the lobby. It taints all that it touches. "It was in the year 1835, in the famous senatorial contest in Illinois, that one of the drollest tricks ever played by one party on another was compassed by the Republicans. The legislature was a tie on joint ballot, when a vacancy in the Democratic ranks was occasioned by the death of a member. The district in which a new election thus became necessary was overwhelmingly Democratic, but. confident in their majority and lulled into a sense of security, that party made no effort beyond a nomination. The Bepnblicansjworking in absolute secrecy, brought out a candidate at the eleventh hour, and turning out in great force late in the day in ac cordance with a preconcerted nro- gramme, captured fhe district from their unsuspecting opponents, thus electing John A Logan, their candi date, to fhe United Slatos senate. The exploit has gone on record as one of the shrewdest in the history of American politics." FromSmitJfs mure School History of the Unit ed 8tat&. The fact is worth noting that the administration is not only so well satisfied with the Republican inenm bents of the postoffices that it is ex ceedingly slow to make removals, but that its confidence in their integrity and fidelity is so pronounced that it is gradually reducing the number of inspectors, whose duty it is to hunt for frauds and irregularities. - - i About a year ago an English gen tleman traveling in Germany, came across an officer employed in super intending some details of military railroad transport. He had been a captain during the Franco-German war, and had allowed his company to be surprised. After being impris oned for eighteen months ho was placed in the military railroad trans port service and told thai ho was never to recoivo promotion. Being surprised by an enemy i rogardod as tho one unpardonablo sin by the Germans. NEW TO-DAY. To Rent. ALAUC.ENEW BUILDING XEAK THE O. It. & N. dock. Suitable for n saloun and boardlUK l:ouhC. Inquire of BOZOItTII . JOHNS. SPECIAL HOTIGE TO SHIPPERS. OREGON RAILWAY AM) NAVIGA TION COMPANY. Oreilanil-iieteht for all points Eu-t mil not be recelTPil after S p. m. blupniog or ders or bills of ladiri; miust be iireaeuted at tho office not later than that hour. Over- 1 land bills of lading will not be signed after j Ail4. tlWlil I'l4 1I lllkiVVVllU U llliVi !! .TOIINMUIIt. 'Iraffic Manger. E. x. NYlf ArcuL Astoiia My 22, 16S5. Notice. OUTSIDE FISHERMEN HAVING SAI.M on to sell and desiring to sell for Caw will find a bin cr upon application to JOSEPH HUME. At KtgleCanncr. Sm l!LJLif Jf9 PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER. Water Pipes a Specialty. A Full Stock of Materia! on Hand. Personal attention given all orders, and satisfaction guaranteed. Terms Reasonable. Shop and office on Cass street, one door aDove jfrans iraorcs Jiestatirant, Astoria, Oregon. TO LET. LIBERTY HALL. Suitable for Sociables and Parties. Terms Moderate. Applj to N. CLINTON. President. Notice of Application. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned, v,lll apply to the common council of the city of Astoria, at Its nevt reg ular meetlmr. for a license to sell w ine. malt and spirituous liquors in less quantities than one quart, for a period of one jear. In the building fronting on Water street and situ ated on lot 5 north half of block 133 in hhir- ely's addition to Astoria. PETER GRANT. Notice of Application. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned will applv to the Common Council, of the City of Astoria, at its next regular meeting for a license to sell wine, malt and spirituous liquors, in less quanti ties than ono quart, for a poriod of one year in the building fronting on Hemlock street and situated on lot 3 block 3 in Shh cljs ad dition to Astorlo, TETER MATTISON. REAL AT l TJ O O? I O IKT . SATURDAY, - - MAY 23, 2 P. M I am instructed to sell, on the premises, to the highest bidder, for cash, that valuable lot on the road-way, officially known as LOT 1, IN BLOCK C, ADAIR'S ASTORIA, said lot having 75 feet frontage by 150 feet length and Is surrounded by improved property. E. C. HO.D:X. Auctioneer. To Rent. THE FINE BUSINESS STORE FORME K ly occupied by J. Pilger. A desirable location. Apply to C. S. GUNDERSON. For Rent. THE HALL OVER D. L. BECK &. SON'S can be rented for Public gatherings. Application may be made to the executive committee of the Astoria Ladles ' Coffee Qui). Mrs. BERGMAN. MB6 PBAEL. 3IRS. CHARTERS. lifSilll a iilsEasS Eerjaod itcumpluluingof the le urcssion nriivsiliii'' in nil the avenues of comniLTCt) ami imlu-m. THE CAUSES that brought hard ti:ne- to our djor. are manifeld: owi production may be mentioned as the chief factor, but the QUESTION OF THE HOUR is, how can we I'veri a genera! h'ist up? It is evident t!wt -o:r.ething must he done, and done on. biinple talk wont iselp. We "must not indulge in luxuritf. we must economise and be caiofa!. If j ou arc in need of an thing, inquire for prices; don't trade in a certain store because II r. Jone or Mrs. Jlrown do. think for our i!f. Now. for instance if wo offer TO THE PUBLIC a certain aiticlo v.e know that no oIJut store in Astoria can afford to II the amc tiling at tin same price, hecau-e goods are from 2 to ."" per cent cheaper now than Ihcy won w hen the old i.ock were bought. IIa ing opened a general Irj Guuds and Clothing store only recently, we bought our stock at grcatlj' reduced fig mes, and we bought for cah litMrie. which means a further reduction of 0 per cent, so that we arc ahead alto gether as far as prices are concerned. At anv rate we invito the roasoiiinfr public to call and compare prices and if amun.iv can iio lienor we mil not elann to be he Low Price Store OP ASTORIA. NVt ilor to A. Van i?:!mii V- Co i .,.., i. mi,.- 'rjjoids in uenem! J', ist The iaiet t neckwear and summer have juct arrived. FOR LIVERPOOL DIRECT! Tli- Hue A 1 Iron r..rqe JgfeS' Ill'iTons Register, Will be READY TO RECEIVE FREIGHT AT ASTORIA about JUNE It or ciriier If rqH5roil. STMQ3?ir Will be taken at REASONABLE RATES. For particulars apply to fclRSON, CHURCn . Co., 1'nrtlaud, Or to 1. I CHERRY. Astori.u The Fine Iron Bark sggL "REMONSTRANT," WIU be placed on tlie berth at Astoria im mediately, for Salmon losding to Hale of Insurance by this vessel Is the low est qnotable. For particulars apply to MEYER. WILSON & CO. Fottland, GRAJND IN AID OF THE TOURNAMENT FUND, BY THE LADIES OF ASTORIA AT COMMENCING ON Wednesday, May 27th, '85, AND CONTINUING TWO DAYS. And it is resnectfidlv rpauested that La dles of the city will lend their aid In raising iuuas ior me enienainmenc 01 me visiting Firemen and their friends, for the honor oi our bra e Firemen and our Cit 's fair name. The Fair will be under the auspices of Mrs Dr. Trencliard, Mrs. S. Elmore. Mrs. I. Bergman, Mrs. N. Clinton, Mw.Middlebrook. Mrs. R. V. Montellh. Mis. J. Rodgers, WITH C.J Trencliard, W.J.Barrv, J. Thom.w, B. j. Worsley, Of the Tournament C-iinniHtci. LADIES. GOTO Mrs. Malcolm's 3!illiiicry Parlors 101: SPRING AND SUFFER HATS. A large and well-selected stock on lund, NEW GOODS being secured every day. A complete line of Ladles READY-MADE UNDERWKAR. with prices to suit th limes. CHEAF CORSETS a specialty : al-o a large i-ssortiiicnt of tin Best Gnule of COItoETS. Children's SUNKONNE1S, Just rccel ed. All the LATEST NOVELTIES, in SILK SCARFS. GOLD aud SILVER LACES and ORNAMENrS arc kept at litis. The Cheapest 3IiIUucry Honso in Astorln. No charge for trimming when material Is purchased at the establishment. For Sale. SINGLE UrRIGHT MARINE ENGINE and boilers, built by Delamater & Co., New York, IMO horse pewer: bteam Donkey Tumps ; Surface Condenser ; inde pendent air. circulating and feed pumps : tools and connections complete. For price aud particulars applv to FRANK WOOLSEY. Cor. First and A sts.. Portland. Restaurant and Lodging House WTTH STORE ATTACHED FOR BENT at a bargain. Inquire of BOZORTH & JOHNS. and Bazar. .ave Heceived fall liliiliiSiQIj itJUfrk OF FW&KI . C6. fTTrWT MV iti. i ., ! i ,M ,. ' " ' . -' . ' , " '"'' ' T2Tt te c hj tJBn jItti .-3Ck. HSac. JK"S tmjg& m trsL. B tE H bh wPwr I4 B MSsiSi tait wxi b3 tF cer Sm&r Bfeer si .KS, TO BE SOLD AT PRICES LOWER THAN '1 HE J.OWK&T. Stemenxbsr 1aiUt at WlmKi urniiurs, Be !iig Oil ClotJa, Wall Paper, Window Shades, Astoria Furniture Co, 1)"!11S in Furniture, Bedding, PICTURES, loDliini, Carpets, latiini, Pictnre Frames, WinJoi Stains, etc Cor. Chenamus and Hamilton Sts. Photographer, will leave Astoria T& 3 IKT 23 j&. "ST, Permanent Gallery in PORTLAND, Opposite the Post Office. fj TqwqW ThsSe Soli U Scarf Pins, Chains, f aiclies, , Pianos a::l Orsr.iu oV Uik Ucsl j malfo at tlicXiOiTPSt Price. The finest stock of Jewelry in Astoria. i E2T"AU goods wainuited as represented. GUSTAV HANSEN, JEWELER. San Francisco and Astoria PACKET LINE. Carrjlii'4 freight; running eery tea or1 twelve day?. i ASchooiierv.il! leae San Franckeo on or about the CC'.li iiur. . f Freight - Si 50 per Ton. S. II. HARMON, sic Stuart St., San Francisco, Cal., CL VTSOP MILL CO.. Astoria. J-MO PRSMACE. DO VOU WAST TO SAYS MONEY? A VCRY LARGE STOCK Or Fine Boots and Shoes! 10 RE SOLD AT EXTREMELY LOW PRICES.; FOR A SHORT TIME ONLY. Come and Get It arc Bargains at Tnc SIGN OF THE GOLDEN SHOE. I. J. AHVOLD, Agt. WILL Cut Faster AND EASIER ; Than any o'h- cr.ise inaue. Hundreds of woodmen tes tify to Its supe riority. It goes Deep and ever Sticks. CARNAHAN & CO., AsenU Astoria. Price, 81.50. U UDSDii.' AXEi pArarriDAwaarast.' f . -- ... J.u.irumnger a Ms &s& B t&a && "3 xBi'Si TO aj r su 1 I.VIait t:i Carpets, ivia tim Mouldings, Etc. Wall Paner, Mirrors, ' II. Jtf BUISSOX, Manager. iS FRESH BREAD Delivered in any Part ot the City. FINE CAKES A SPECIALTY. Home-Made Candy Made Daily: The Trade Supplied: Flue Pastry: A FIt-t Clast K.tablNliment. Prices to suit the times. F. B. ELBERSON, Prop'r. AST0R1A IR0N W0RKS- liFJO-OX STBF.ET, NK I'AltKSR HOOSE, ASTORIA. - OREGON. GENERAL' MACHINISTS BOILER MAKERS. LAfflaiMABIHEEMES BoiierWork, Steamboat Work and Cannery Work a spe cialty. Ofall Descriptions made to Order , ot Short Xotlce. A. D. "Wass, rresldent. J. G. ncsTLKit, Secretary, I. V. Case, Treasurer, jonx Fox.Superintendent. Notice of Application. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned Intends to apply to the Common Council of tho city of Astoria, for a license to sell wine, malt and spirituous liquors iu less quantities than one quart, for a period of one year in a building f ront im; on Main street and situated on lot 4 block 9 in the city of Astoria as laid out and recorded by John McClure. E. rAPMAHL. M. STUDZINSKI, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER. i "Watches, Jewelry, Clocks, OPTICAL GOODS. AfeTORIA, Orcson. All Goods Best Quality, and Low Prices. Notice of Application. "RJOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE XI undersigned intends to apply to the common council of the city of Astoria at its next regular meeting, for a license to sell wine, malt and spirituous liquors in less quantities than one quart, for a period of one year In the building, fronting on Water street and situated on lot 4 north half of block 133, In Shlvelj fs Astoria. J. N. HAMILTON. THE amily Groceries, Provisions and Freshest Vegetables - AT iim L, -ALL Corner Benion and Opposite Custom :u- ii Hay, Oats, aid Straw, Lime. Brict Cfsment, Saul and Plaster Wood DcllTered to Onlcr. TER p'!v t . Cnp! iin. or to toMJSS-- ' HE NEW MODE I s --vL3!L---- ----- ?S 5 - W " A FTJJUXs STOCK ?t.i-.Jwa25- - 1 ,a zzsseszr-. sFlm Ax Effiss.tgis3a.E,y, -0KAI.RK rr o t .1 f- lit-....-. iint3i.i;ei nun iiiu oupyi jsui-. A Gei.era! Assortment of HOUSEHOLD GOODS, Agents for Masjee Stoves and Ilsiffs The Best in the market. 1'iuiuutug good's of all kinds on hand. Juli work done In a workmanlike manner PLUMBING, GAS FITTING, AND CANNERY WORK Attended to Promptly on Reasonable Terms. Cbeuaimis Street, BText to C fi. Parker's Store. ASTOES., M. OT.SEN. J. OTSTAFSOX. MARTIN OLSEN So CO. DEALERS IN FTHUSriTURE 3s BEDDING Corner ZSIuln and Squemoqun Stroets. Astoria, Oresozi. WIHBOW SHADES AND TMNHNGrf; WALL PAPER, ETC A Complcle Stock. PEICES AS CHEAP AS QUALITY WILL AFPOED. AIX KiriiBS OF FURITUKE REPA2REB AKB VAKJSISIH2D. Change of Agency. We have appointed MR. O. F. NORTON Our Selling and Collecting Atjent at Astoria. All those wishing to purchise .1 Uist-class SEWJXO 2IACIIIXE, or to make pay ments due us will please call on Mr. Morton. Headquarters at . S.WORSLEY'S Sales room. The Singer Mf'g Co., 92 Morrison Street, Fortlaml, Or. Carnahan & Go. SUCCT.SS0R3 TO I. W. CASE, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE AND KSrAIL DEALERS IN aT. TTIT01? jj Corner Chenamus and Cass streets. ASTORIA --- - OREGON FOR LIVERPOOL DIRECT! The Splendid Iron Barque JANET McNIEK 100 A 1. 883 Tons Register. Will be at Astoria shortly and w ill take IX LOTS TO SUIT SHIIPFEKS. For rate of freight and Insurance applj to BALFOUR GUTHRIE & CO . Portland, Or., Or toL. RUSSEL, Astoria. FIXEST - - PS E Rj? p3 gra a ?R I ftilftO! AT S Chsnamus Streets. House Square. m is Ursjistr. Teasain? ui. I K-sprcsv Uasii-css. .HTIMIKR fL.tP.JI PARKB Zber. P. Pathsr,&1a3ter. .1 1'or TOW INC.. r'RKH'.H V or C1IAK- 11. Ji. 1A1KSC aJ --- RANGE CAN RE HAD IN A- TORIA ONLY OU i5?W AC.Ern A. !.l. AND 12CMIN'K IT. Vx'ILI. RE PLEASED. . ti. H..Wi:s is .;l5 agt'iit .r ML patent CiiiBg Sior- I;S!Js& And other first-class 5X37C8. Farnnos "Vorlc Stonin Pit- -inCs. itc.i a. Bpacialty. ALVAYS OX-i HAND. T- fet2,3L giy 35JS .S3S,55rfTtiS3r'S?7 't-aajft'' XJcz ag att'-i - - ?m it -rs.i 'Cfe4 trai-iS9"-!3S.T. 7T L.""SiS.rrititl r.2U(L 'Z.I7... &te&?Z&ZSr. rgsjsjUsssi OCOSS", a. jorrxsoN. Hardware m Slip Chandlery VAN DUSEH & CO., DEAIiFES IX Hardware and Ship Chandlery Pure Oil, Bright Varnish, Binaclc Oil, Cotton Canvas, Hemp Sail Twine, Cotton Sail Twine. Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes. Galvanized Cnt Nails, Agricultural Implements Sen ins Ulacliincs, Palais and Oils. Groceries, etc, HAVE YOU AnyflDiifi to Sell? IN THE MATTER OF Rags, Bottles, Old Rftetal, or Junk of Any Sort, Will give jou the best price for It. Do You Want to Buy SHIP MA.TEBIA.L, From a Beta j lug Pm to a nawser; from a Block to an Anchor. You Gan Get what You Want at FGAED& STOKES. Headquarters at hulldlns1, east end of Water Street. Fii & STOKES r