VOL. XXIII, I0. 121 ASTORIA, OKRGOX, T3 31 AY 2 J, 1885. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. BUSINESS CARDS. X. UYVSIOSTD. Jlxil Eiisloeer ami Sarvi'jitr, Iligfcer XalheuiatH? laorM lUm So. 5. Knigttts ot filhia-. li'M:i. TV. A. 1.. atf .r. A. JTl.Tttrn fclM ':fe2:::n. ::i:si Si?s:-o::. WM give immm MteMtkm l atl t -ftota any prtt of t he ehy or XMratr . OMctater AHmi's Store, eomer C ii I SMrMMtqua street. An.i. Otwgwi. TJetbtic . ti. OMcu, RmmmG. o i r I . A. Melnt!t,- -f-.' . Officii Horns . - to u a. ;-3 to . r. v. JtesWwioc. opfMHo tbe.lchanwM htiilriuu; ! M. a. iui::-. ro. ii ATTOHXEVa AT 2.AW. untoe 1h Iv!hm? v ufx. Htsii ( it HuN.i'Wi4ft. OffgOH. v. fol,to.. a. c. 1 1 j o. rrrrns esrotxsubs. ATTOK X K Y A T f . A V. j Rooms 5 and :. (VM !V4tM Jtotttilii. J OSKPII A. ;i:.ii. VTTOKXEY AT t.VW. " OFI'ICR. OH CH" MtHVt. i W- -Ut!t ' j Odd Fclloxrs llBHiliHg. I X J. A. KOVJJJV. Attorney anil "onu-.'lSnr ot izis Office on Oe.wwaiH Stivel. Avi, Owwi. SURVFYM OF Clatsop CotiKtj.suni Ci!j tiAj4if! Office : ChetMiit rtrft. Y. K.f. a. fe!l RooraXo.8. AP.CHlTltCT ANT) SlTKKlXTSXlWtM. 0pick: ltKrt. Klnaej-'fi lUrkMoiX, JAY TWTTSiK. H. K OrncB-KiMHi,r uittS I'vtlioui JiniW Ing. UnsiK5KJt Om Trdar Sin, ttarfc of " .tpvl 3nlMp.- --J a ' 'y K 1'. HI.IKM. A. K. JKAV.'. 1KT1!"T. Howhh iH AllitiV nui4iti.'. njj stair. c.- j tier Laws xtw spMTjqu? vjr.-t. AKKHta Orei. BANKING ABMHSUBABBE ! 6. W. CASE, Broker, Banker, and Insur aaco Agent, ASTOTS SLA . - O lTX I ??. OFl'I'-K IKH'KS FrtMH 3 't-K A. !. n.t.l 3 o!-k 1. M. isozortn. s; Jonns, Ceil Entate ainJ Itn.cranfe Ajtcul'; un4 HrLer ASTOitlA. - - - Ottjo. Wewrtt iMii'ifb'i lit tl' roHowiuej.wrtl kiiHvrn lit insttmnre rmjl rnCENIX OF HAUTFORD. SCOTT1SU rS'JOX A NVTiOVAl. OF KDlvBChfS. I.IOX. OF l.OXl0 HOME. OF XKW "iOUK. LONDON AXIS LANPASHIttli. OK U Yltst- POOL. 1'HCEXlX. OI llllOOKLYX. coxxiicncf i. of HAirrroui. OAKLlXDHOV.". OI'OAJTUM), OAt . Ami alo rrpt - WESTERX. of CattfMuu rr.l VnritG-'SKKYKXMdtt-main. Mill AVrriJl'AA TKAM MHL KU XSURAXVk CO Uea.1 Hst.it ltsuclit n! Sal 4 ms rnujkilen. M.W. FBCHlirSMCR. u. w.coKitmi. KUWAHP HAI 1. Fresidnt tw I'rRsWeut iwerrtar THE OESGOxs Fire ant Marine taraneg Co. or I'oitTivxn oi:rt:o. OapK-i! I'aid I'p. Cinli A!rt P,op'S. G. LmEXWERER, Agent, ASTOUIA, OUEGOX. C. E. Bain & Go. Are now prcninvi t- fnraNIi Doors. Windows. Mouldings VXD BB.AOK.STS. Orders Solicited. Private Boarding House. TIIE UXDEKSIGXnn ItllSI'IICTFCLLY announ'PS thht she is prepared to fm- or with ilnanl ami rurniHeil Kooms at erj reasonaoio rate-., no eua rnarce Jortiso of Tarlor or Bath room, ami cery effort will be made to make iter jr"lH foci com fortablc and at liome. BlHEcr Spta cI frotn S:30 to C;S0 I M. 3inS. E. C, IEOL.DI3.V. SE Cor. ilala and Jcffcrsoa streets. e&ss e fxs' I'f J m m its;: 1-cr.cTTcd trcngtL cr who aZTcr froci intSrn-l'.It pccnUar to xLiIr fccx, thcald try lac 1-cr.cTrcd trci rn-l'.It pccnUar ( MSP rt V1 ?he BEST TONIC TJi ne Vnif c -n .ncs Irm Th pi're rcats twtcf . and m inTa uhl le f jr Diw?M pr.Viir to A o8i,ciitndlIwlol4ltpitDUrj,l!V'' 1 In rlcbe'i anl J'uriKcs the IHand, rljHiiiir.rf-. tiw AiipeJtP ""trenstbr-ns tlw ,1fHrlf nd rrcs in 1jt tboroughly Jnviaorittc. Ctesrs th c.-nytPHOB. and itihUhs tb tjn ur oo a If does rot M.,i-n llw tf-et!i. cnt hecdac1:. r produce caost loitKm "' 'f i mj r, r SIRS MlZABTTH IUtup, 74 FnrdJ An Mihrs:- lw AVi . wr viriiT !t of D-c. ah. 1!: 1 hT.' awi Itiv -n. Iron Biiterfi. ad it hut t-n MCtetban docl- t tn" bsvwf; owed mcufiw wLuee Id: i t- in ifo AKo carnl JM. f Ijr i CnmplSint. atMl mm lny compleiwo J i ' -r snd Coofl. IIa li l?ncflr ml to y chAdrrn 0ia ha Ik t d w.ri. and crryl tp1 ItnM ( wrKr Tnke r.n othrr. 3tsd d5 ! JJKOKA CHKSIlt AI. C4.,M.TIiel3JI. ID-irs' IIaxs Boot uwfol end attwtire, x.a talnms 1U1 r( pn fc rwai mfonoattnc hboat own?. tc, pie rwaj ly aH oealerH in inedtoiiH nc mcifed to our ddrrs uu rrcnK of 1 rtaicp SNFLL, IlEITSIir A W01K!I. VHAiroiU.K A rT-. rorllautl Cr v. uiidin the r.nr STOCK AND WORKMANSHIP OXAKAVTHK! Bonis of ye;y pescrisiion Built. Stoop rr A: in I & ri'l-rt. Wood, Wood, Wood. or! p.i j..v lrl" 1 m'r. ai.t rl.4( 0RA68 a CO., (t 1 :VNK !. I'VKKKK. Triei4utfjr No. r P. Patterson GQHTRACTQH & BUILDER. Shjt nnT:flo!yret.io'lfesHteyt mniiery SASHBS. DOORS. MOULDINGS. ETC. ON HAND I!stl!.ltJs g Mi ! a'.l rHl Wif '!iil to i TIm Best Cooked to OrAet in Pint Class Styla. X?E MAKE A MrC!AI.rY OF Alex Mi-f'rj'ji & Co.. ri:oi;ir.T.i:- !.i..f st i , r ar f A'Sli't rit.l IV on SJxy :i:nl NtsJi'. ftSooreJs Remedy -rou KOOps riFl Ci.ni ar.tl rirtis ltisi OAJ. l'Ky Pile. Burns. Cuts: tt3'.- 31 ttVJCs Suuburn a:id Freckles, Cold m the Hoad or lataes. Croup. 33tc. etc Ant-.:u ::.-FA.l! nVIAK. li!lrt ' lr..K-;-. S5 (Vn a B. Tri It!, W.E. DEMENT & 00.1 a? Ss X J Oc ZZ Z&T S . AM OKI . ORKG(N C.vrr in .Stock, DRUGS. GHEMIGALS. TOILET and FANCY APJSLES. j rrorriptiois carefully Compounded THE LATEST STYLES wall'paperI AT B. S. FRAFfKLlK'S, ! XKXT POOltTO ASTORIAX OFF1CK. I A ery largo Stock from wldch to select Window curtains made to order. , S5SMy patent Trimmer to cut Wall Paper1 will be found convenient to ray patrons. J. A'. WILSON. (1 aw of f-an rntKP.M o.) PA1HTER, PAPER HAHOER, -AND IIhs toenled In AttortH and oHclt a share cfthe pjUranHne. All wotL strictly l!it oias. Terms moderate. Order box at Yau Dnten'a. r3' Bxli PvSS EraiicSeSj KP3i3 Pil3 S&SS 1 ICY Cnja k-i cs btj s5t. SI 1 P j m A YAXKTE 3I0XARCH. Interfcsttas: Career of Albert Steinberger the Only American Who Wni Ever Marie Kins. olood ju rny vstus, am the onJy j:eir 1 EvgiieI'ass TES.,Mar o. "ilrJio, apparent, bnt I dnijljank very heavy here's a letter Trent an ex king." said on ray prospect tjrihnt Une. Hy Col. John A. Sfeiuberger one morn, brother is still living tn New York ing a the mail boy 'laid his packet, city, m independent circumslnnctv. fresh from the postofliee on my olHcO'bearinir his enforced nbdicatlon f del:, in San Jinenn entttra. -Mexico, ami !k potntc-1 to a IrtV-r from jiik brother. i 1 way or introduction let it lejprof5pects for secuisng the .3,000,000, -.l.itod I hat the porth colonel 13 at 4 the price o( an ftvertttrned throne liresrnt engaged in the responsible, ami the wrecketlfarabition of an ex aml hw-rative position of superintend king.' -prPia1 (&rTrsnrt.flri',(: of cit or all the conl mines of thejA' ii'lnhp-Dimontig. AfJiAr'i 1).tfM& rnimnl li1 Ills ' . - -, - duties call hi:n from Washington' Terntor.'s ie mountains to the scorching plains of tropical Meuco.; il is a -sit-ii-presori man o. o r.:.u 'It's a long story," wiid the colonel, "and seidoin say much about it, for there"-? no tte losing team over the tc. Mv brother. Allert V., being at the time 4 years of age, that i ; in 1ST.", was t-i 1 Twi.( apfwiniea 1 1 resident ' Grant as Vnilei ii r,ues "'t' American industries, thongh I believe the old soldier president had other objects in view. My brother, by his fair treatment ami wise course of conduct, gradually won the confi dence and finally the entire admira tion of the natives a peacable but powerful race of dark-skinned, people who led a sort of Arcadian existence beneath an ocean tempered, tropical clime and "where the soil was so rich and all the elements so favorable, that nature lavishly furni-hed the necessities of life without any exer tion on the part of thn happy inhab itant. Albert gradually i. - into ioiitin until he was a eked to become pre mier to royally itself, which wa? rep-ret-cnled at that time by his dusky highness, King Maltou. a superb specimen of a physical man, cunning ei- to go m me- owikmu ""?'.rteascojnpaiiyof fte Second cavalrjr CBrofmu(:jlroper),himm t' forgho usual summer the south rrcii-. o.ten-ibly io look ir.arch, intending extend theesonr aflerthe ink rests of Americans and . ' ..,,..! --. r si. r . 1 ri 1.1 r . 1 l. 1 Upon asccnusng the onerous Ption ot leader of a kingdom of 70,W0 sonls my brother began making internal im- M.,n hn nn-Anc nftnn provemonts such ns building a better palace and strengthening the foris and defense. A swift sailing old v.-l-'.,i"'. 7 "' . '?g'"eSrVnn , lion in r;in xTiuifisuo'ior c-,,'u rihi fittetl up as a man of-war, consti tuting the navy otthe little kingdom, and upon his request Gen. Grant sent him t'Vf old pix-pounders and a Gnt liti4 &nn and thn kingdom .. on a solid war fooling. Altarlwxt turned his attention t the extortion and abases which the missionarie' under Dr. 'lurner wore practicing on the unsophisticated native", and then, like Cardinal "Wolsey, he could r. : -By this I fell. Mark well what rit inetl me." The missionaries of all dt nnminations grew jealous of his pow er. The;, saw their tithes abolished, and ojioned a correspondence with the British prime minister, which Hnalh resulted in If. 7A. S. liarw-otti. Capt Stevens, 11. 1. 2C., leing dis patched jo the island with instruc tions to investigate matters but not to take any action. Just about this lima King Malltou, being of a voluptuous nature and in dolent, threw down his scepter, anil at his Miggestion and by sanction of buth the legislative branches of the king dom, my brother was appointed king of the islands, ami his coronation is described by those who saw it to have been a magnificent affair. This was in April of 7fi. "Upon the Itarttcutu coming to anchor in ths harbor of Appia, the capital, a salute was ten 3 i r wi hiT,?, L w r'ne of Iho boie.- hjiveyot been re able and worshipped by Iils subjects. i,M.i f i;,. i,v deiodherbv Ine entire artillerv ofii'i;n" ilrnc stnn the kingdom, and Capt. Stevens was,M" ' Astoria. enterlaine unci loyally in the twlaceofi my brother. Albert acceptetl an in-j vitalion fioin the perfidious English i captain to diue with him next dai on board her ma jest s ship. Th' following day he, with all his minis ten of state, went on board lh Jim -ti'-ot'i, but 'no sooner had my brother put his foot on deck than ho was in formed that he was a prisoner, and he was taken below and chained, with orders to the guard to shoot him if he made the least attempt to escape or conversed with tho nutives. His suite were sent ashore, and upon the news ot tho arrest of their king becoming known over the island the natives were furious with rage. The steamer weighed anchor! nnd made for Australia, and mv brother was set ashore by the now iiit;un.-m.-ii utiwi.iiu. lijuu ueiu seii at liberty he immediately notified our' cfnf ilonnrfmnnf il flirt itnimci m ister in England of the facts in ths case, and in a short lime Capt. Ste vens was ordered io return home, where he was confronted by my broth er, tho ex-king, before a court of in quiry and dismissed from her majes ty s service. My brother presented his claim for $3,000,000 damages to tho British government, and the claim is now be ing urged and represented by M. Ev nrte, our ex-secretary of state, and I belicvo ho will get it some day, too. All these things happened so long ago, and other events ot an exciting nature were transpiring at the same timo that diverted attention, that our government allowed the matter to go by default, and people soon forgot all about it; but it created a great ex citement on tho Pacific slope at the time, and several filibustering expe ditions were talked of to reinstate flyaa , wrecked throne, but gradcftlh' if all dropped out ot stgpt. So far ns X knovr. ray brother Albert is rLe 02I;. genu trie "king the UniteJ States Lss ever produced. nndTl, hain2 roal( royalty royalty with lieeaming philooplty; t ami whenever I gafca letter from hun t he always snojiks rtf- his briahteniue THUS:!: 2sEg"DR0nVXED. . fc-., SwrvjrE FAi,iJr. T., liar 10. v . aecide, resulting ill Iho drowning of thrertanen, occurred yes terday at Fort Spbknne, flCfj miles north of here. iTho particulars aa telegraphed the Jevic7c, are as fol- jiw - ; xuuic i- i4j;aiit: iwrrj acru-is IW commoia river nere, wnicu is a crossinn lbe main lrav. .eiparoad. TesWrJlay Captain O'Brl- transferring hadgjteen completed tho ferry starteJ, toward evening, hiving on board, twelve 5en and eight pack mules. A heavrarind was blowing, and from somo oause, when the boat reached nearly imd-strcam, the cable parted, and thfc'Ierry was carried down the strearrfhnd broke in two on theiapids, n halt mile bejow. One soldier strippeiFand swam ashore. Mr. Gerdncr, tlto blacksmith, clung to the bottom otitic boat, and saved one man and ojo Indian, whom he picked up aftengpassing the rapids. All tho others nonaged to reach' the shore, one way te another, except J. L Kainbo, of Cpjpai)y C, Sccoud in fantry; William!, Clair, a teamster; and Patrick Boyle, a packer who could not swims- IVimbp had one of his arms brokeifiii some manner, and ot course could not sav5 himself. U,t,I;l'- "" ft?". " .la " '"'"'" Vl ..;- ftovic lr Hv "ln cSlvilhT " !!x . has a brother Ttto Yr Ugly Twins, Tccy go haaiajjihaad-audi. load their victim a Jfcrii.lejftolovm.-in"fa' gpSggL nuo valley or 'tno siiauow One is neuralgia, tho other rhenma tisrn. These generally proceed from diordered blood. Brown's Iron Bit tors knocks out theae ugly twins by setting tho blood aright and invigor ating t he sj stem. Air. AV. T. Osborne, of Coxville, Ala., used Brown's Iron Bitters for rheii'natism and neuralgia with most happy effect. It also cures dyspr-jxttt. '1 t. Il.uierotti Sextet'.. .spring and fall are lime when so many nip!e ni-t Mek. The changes in U:e wtather ate sevoiu on lceulu jM'ton-.. andceu thostuatiiRtUy strong an'.ijit, as thej a, "lo he feeling mivsahh." "I lion thej areyjal in coiKhtiiin to Iwj struck (town nil home kind 01 fever. A hanle or two or I'arkerS Tonic will imigorati- the digestion, pjt tho Ihcr, kulneys and hlo'd in pet feet order, and prevent more seriou- atiaco"-. Why hiifier, and prhap die. when mi simple a nieilt eme will av xmr.'Gtvwl for both b'e. and .:!l :ig.-. The sum of 6900,000 has been paid into the United State-t treasury dur ing the past few days by the Union Pacific under the Thurmau net - Ml 'he p.tleti! nuilieiP.e :itlortled iJ. 'i. jjs.'r. MgotieM witli Use choicest ih i!i.'tiei. t!id ioi'et a: tides oSc can lt at the lowtat price.-., at .1. V. opposite ()e-iilent ( rV. STINSOK & CO., SLACKSMITHING, itj.' to.'rs old stand, corner of Casa RMi Court Street. -if aivt Cxnnery work. Horseshoeing. Vas'Hie i-mi- 8id repaired. Good work wointoil RAWLINGS, I u. V.'l'o'e-taie and Retail Dealer in Tropical, Domestic, Green and Dried M IS. CAXDIKS, DRIED JIEATS, IC. ti?:c C'srs anil Tobncoo. -Vvt ' o r..i. Arvold's.SquerooqMaSt. HAS RETURNED. '.ATKF.KS HAS KCTTRNED T V 9 . and in rcatlv to turn out come fine fish ins boats for the river. Shop on th beach between Kinnej's.ind E!inorii'sea:it.crk?. Bids fir Building a Pilot Schooner. PT.XS AXD SPECIFICATIOXS AS Adopted bj tnc Roanl or Pilot CominU Moncn. for building a Pilot Schooner are now ready and mav be seen at the otllceof Uroun S JlcCabe. I'rbnt and K itreets, Portland, Avlierclliv will remain until May is. The IJoanl will rcciee bids in accordance with same until June riili.reccnlng the rutht to nJectanvoraII bids. Af-er ilay 2ith the plans anil specincillons will be r the oftlce of the Board in Atoria, where all bids will bft received, G. "VV. LOUXSI5ERRY. Sec. Board Pilot Com. For Rent. miiEiiALL oyer d.l. beck & sox's JL can be rented for Public gatherings. Application mav be made to the executive committee of the Astoria Ladles ' Coffee Club. ilns. BERiiMAX. Mhs PRAEL. 3IES. CHARTERS. the Sieinburger uyaasly nu th .ili liutiunuai. B..iw'. uuQk ui 1110 Ship Chandlers, HEAVY AND SHELF -HARDWARE j ; aims, uus, ana varnis n. :j... rt?i 1 if i 'uOSSERS' SUPPLIES. PRO I 8 I O N S ILL FEED V.GEXT.S il Salem -Flouring Jilills, Portland Eollei' Mills. Capital rionr and FAi5?BAWKS, SCALSS. ASTGUfA. GilEGOX. 5. ARNDT-& PERCHES, ASIORIA. - OREGON. The Pioneer Machine Shoo BLACKSMITH SJ. a ol j sr - fesrt i-i lH. i JJ r a 7Var vi ttizx,iL-m-5sjrir ' .-4,r 'T'-i Boiler Shop 5 2 " '--' tli Vii A.I1 kinds of EETOIHE, GASSEBY, AND Promptly attended to. A 'pcclalry maile of repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. SHERHE Tn,7C" 0!J- SK1HS, JliimiHiifitar.jris AT Ph.il. A. Stokes, Xet door to l'oard & htoke st .re. Is !:uU J quarters for , Cloth! ns ot Bottom Figures. rerj thing bought lieie srannite 'd to be J:t as represented. Xo '(l stock; eery thiuj f'e-h and XEV.' OOOIiS . n eorr M nmT. Remctnb'r the p'.atc. Pill f. A. STOKE. 4MTA full line of IKXTS' lL'RNlSIXO GOODS forsa'c at PrieeM thnt lvty Conipetitlon. 1885. TS T Will be aRwveil On Tiiiie teDosros. Dmft mi all the Leading Cities. Win. T. Coleman & Co. K. KSi.lSOKK, Manager Rink in; Department. Astoria, Oregon, Pure Ice, Delivered at Your Door. Thhicels out u riVc Cocoll-.li and is pure. All orders left at Pot & Hansen's Astoria Soda Worki vill be promptH attended to. CREED, Alaiuger. a&JSf A5T fir HKTfar ?"rj35S u:. . 23 ,t.ft -. Colurtia Transjortatii Coiiiam. p Through. Freight THE SKVT mm.'l tmfmammmrmrrme 1 09 S BS m& Wpm I I Pw fe KTTVimttttXiiWSS Which h.3 been specially built for the comfort of passengers w 111 lea e Wilson & FHher's Dock every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. arriving at Portland at 1 P.M. Returning leaves Tuesday and Thursday at 6 A. . E5""An additional trip will be made on at O O'clock Snntlay HornlBgr. for Sound port. III1 HOTEL MJ ! VA 7ArXLVNT, - Troprietor. ASTOKIA, (KEGON Fiml CJass lis llierj ncsjec. NEW K0US NEW FURNITURE.' c. r"s$4'tt up. Willi etcrjr Coturir ic::re Top tlic Contrort of Permanent Guests. and We.t U Mrret. 55. SI. PARKKR. PropV. First Class in Every Eespci Free C'.ae!s to 2ie 5Joso. Oh! I. a.v .wf w r v y v GOOD BOARD and LODGING tor $4.50 per AT TIIE New York Restaurant. ij.viiTirs r.riLBixo. 3i. riXCn, - - lroirlctov. V. W. KNOWLbS. I.D.JJROWX. St. Charles Hotel, (Europoan Plan.' RROT.'X & IvXOYLES - - Proprietors FinsT Cr.Ass in Evkj:y Rbsiect, Good Jlestaarant Connected with tuoHouse Mre-proof Crici nmluins. tHlRooscs. In tha Center of Use City. Cor. Front and Moirison Ht?.. Portland. Or B. B. Eranklin, SQUEMOQUA STREET, XKXT TO T1IK STOKIAV RUILDING. O C?-A11 woik done In a skillful manner on short notice at reasonable rates. ihe Telaphone Saloon The Finest Establishment of the Kind in Astoria. Especially lilted up for the Comfort and Convenience oft those who enjoy a Social Ola-s. The Ilpbl of Wines stud JiUiuors, The Choicest Clears. Everything New and First-Class. 25. T.. jr.rFF.RY. Prop-r. on Fast Time! STEAMEK Portland every hi. arriving at Astoria at 1 P. M. Monday of Each lVccK, leaving rortland Passensers 03 this route connect?at Kalama U. B. SCOTT, President. ItEi j Transient and i Ci riv-r ''uiuonHx.iLi ! . ! 1 - ! U BElBrtaker anil GaWnet late THE BEST 13 THE Tan Maniifactared by the OREGON MILLING COMPANY Is of Superior Quality, and is Endorsed ' by ail who uso it. i THE HOUSEKEEPER'S FAVORITE Of Superior Rising Quality. Guaranteed io Give Satisfaction. WYATT & TH03IPSON Sole Ase:iti for Astoria. Painting; anft Paper Hanpt KALSOMINING ETC. I'aint Shop in building formerly oc cupied by J. A. Montgomery, corner of jfain and Jefferson Streets. All orders promptly ami satisfactory executed. J. H. B. GRAY. Wholesale and retail dealer In. GROCERIES, FLOUR, AHD FEED Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME, SAND AND CEMENT. General Stomse and AYharfaRe on reason able terms. Foot of Renton street, Astoria, Oregon. WI3. EDGAR, bealer In Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes Meerschaum and Brier Pipes, GB-Lr: EHGU3H CUTLERY Revolvers and Cartridges. CQUXERjMAIX AKD CTJEXAMDS ST3. m in uuiuuui The Popular Resort for Astorians. For the Finest of Wines and Liquors Go to THE COf SALOOX. a LEX. CA'IPRl'.LL. - - PROPRIETOR ASTORIA LIQUOR STORE, AI'G. DAXrELSOX, - Proprietor. icebuUtaml Kcflttcd Throusb,out Tho Best or Wia;KS.I,IO.TIOIt:S,Ayi CIGAHH. Fer a Good Cigar, call for one of "Danielson's Best." Corner West 5th and "Water Streets, Astoria. US-Hill Magnus 0. Crosby Dealer In HARBWAEE, IRON, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, STOVES, TIF3WAR E AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON, t2?i33L AND QC3;g303P. Astoria Bail Loft. Best tfWoit at Bottom lipres J. HESS, Tho well-known Sallmakcr now occupies The Astoria Sail I.ofr. formerly occupied by A.M. Johnson. Boat Sails a Specialty. ALL WOEK WARRAXTED Corns and sea me at The Astori.i Ball Loft : next toTythlan BuIIdlns. Address P. O. Box 312. J. HESS. -ASK FOR Union India Rubber Co.'s Pure Para Gum CRACK PBOOF RUBBER BOOTS. BEAVAKE OP I3IITATIOS ! Be sure the, boots are stamped LftACK PROOF on the heels, and have the Pl'UR GU2tI SPRINGS on the foot and instep, which prevent their cracking or breaking. "We are now making them with ItlTBDEi: AJTD ASBESTOS Soles which will make them last more than twice as long as any ltubber boots made. FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS. ALL KLNDS RUBBER BELTING, PACK IXG, HOSE, SPRIXGS, CIXjTHIXG, BOOTS AJD SHOES, Etc. GOODYEAR RUBBER CO. E. H. PEAbE, J r. i Agents, S. 51. BUXYOX. f San Francisco.