The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, May 17, 1885, Image 3

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$k DatUi SUoran.
...MAY 17. !&55
(Monday excepted)
runiiM!Kus and morniKTOits,
Terms of Subscription.
5crvel by Carrier, per week
aoni y .-.inn. p?r iiionui ........
' f " one year
Frei f postage to subscribers.
r&Adverlist'ineiits inserted by the year at
the rate of S2 per square per month. Tran
sient advertising llfty cents per square, eacb
Notice To Adrcrtiscrs.
Tun Astouiax guarantees to its ad
vertisers the largest circulation of any
newspaper published on the Columbia
This paper is on file at the St. Charles
Hotel, Portland, Or. ..
Fine weathor for work or play.
Circuit court meets to-morrow.
Tho State took out 303 cases salmon
Tho Wells, Fargo & CoAs letter box is
now in front of tho Occident hotel.
Tho State left cut at noon yesterday.
The Oregon came in half an hour after.
Tho vestry of Grace church will hold
thoir regular meeting to-morrow evening.
The subject to-night at tho Congrega
tional church will bo "The Great War
Gospel meeting at tho Y. 31. C. A. hall
this afternoon at 3 o'clock. All aro cor
dially invited.
Tho Clara Parker conies down from
tho Cowlitz to-day with a load of hay and
farm produce.
"Win. Allen's restaurant at tho Parker
house is establishing a fine reputation
for excellence and cleanliness.
Tho Haddingtonshire went up stream
yesterday. She has bsen chartered by
Sibson, Church & Co. Ssa adv't.
That handsome baby carriago on ex
hibition at Carl Adler's was won by Sher
iff Ross at tho raffle last evening.
The iron bark Remonstrant begins dis
charging ballast to-morrow. She will
load salmon for Liverpool. See adv't.
The schooner Alcalde arrived in from
San Francisco yesterday afternoon, and
will load lumber at tho Clatsop mill for
San Pedro.
ThoS. F. Chronicle says tho salmon
aro so scarce in the Sacramento river that
the fishermen nro not making running
Oolachaus are reported scarce in tne
Frasor river this spring. They aro prob
ably visiting somewhere with tho Colum
bia' smelt.
"Micky Fat" who sailod away in tho
liichgrccn many moons ago and gazed on
foreign scones, is back as cay.and sylph
like as of yore.
The Yamhill Reporter says there is a
man in McMinnville who will run any
man in Oregon 100 yards for 500. S-a-y;
can your man beat 9 seconds?
Tho Salem Tall; riso3 in it1? place and
asserts that a man named W. H. Adair
brought a strawberry into Salem that
weighs tonouncss and a half. Rig berry;
big story.
The raiso has struck the corner of
Main and Chonamus streets, "Win. Ed
gar's store. The Old Corner and adjacent
buildings wero being boosted up to tho
level yesterday afternoon.
A man named Fraser was arrested ye3
terdaj on tho ghoulish charge of burglary
at tho residence of tho Into P. M. Lin
guist of Knappa. A man who would
steal from a corpso would stop at noth
ing. Southern Orogonians report that the
construction forces of tho Central Pacific
havo'been ordored to proceed to tho front
of the California and Oregon railroad to
push it to a connection with tho Oregon
and California railroad.
Next in order i3 tho circus agent with
"the greatest show on oarth. I tell you,
sir, it just lays over anything you over
saw. Seventy-nine camels and a royal
Begal tiger. "What'll you charge for
three columns, e. o. d. for six weeks."
B. B. Franklin is progressive. Not con
tent with having tho finest hearso north
of San Francisco ho has gone and bought
a Clarence coach with a glass front, out
rigged lamp3 and. everything stunning.
Messrs Ross and Norris had the first
ride in it and they say it is immense.
A bargo with a locomotivo aboard, is
anohoredin Scow bay, Larger locomo
tives have arrived in Astoria, but as this
is tho first one that ever came hero to be
unloaded and used in this county, it pos
sesses moro interest to us. It will be
used at tho government works in the vi
cinity of Ft. Stevens.
A couple of accidents at the Scandina
vian ball last evening interfered some
what with tho jovof tho occasion. M.
Meara fell down Ithe stairs sustaining
severo injuries, fie was brought to St.
Mary's hospital. Another man fell over
board and was rescued none the worse
for his perilous adventure.
At tho hoso team contest by tho Cali
fornia firemen at San Jose, Cal., last
Wednesdaj', tho run of 400 yards, 300
feet of hoso laid' and water got, was won
by the Alerts of San Jese: time one min
ute and seventeen seconds. One minute
and twelve seconds is tho beat time ever
made by a California hoso team in that
The Ladies Aid Society of thoM. E.
church will give a strawberry and ice
cream festival at tho residence of Capt.
J. D. Merryman on Tuesday evening,
May 19th. An interesting programme
will be guaranteed. As Mr. and Mrs.
Merryman contemplate leaving the city
at an early day this will afford an oppor
tunity for many to show by their pres
enoe tho esteem in which ho and his
family are held by the entiro community.
Next Friday the new passenger tariff
goes into eltect on the u. it. & Hi. lines.
There is some difference but not much.
The fare to Baker City from Portland
now is $20.45; after the 22cd it will ba
1123, a little matter of $6.17 less. To
Huntington the faro is now $23.35; the
new tariff cuts it down to $10.18. Tho
primage and gougage in Astoria, as prac
tised by tho company will' havo to help
out whatever deficiency the reduction
makes unless they take a notion to cut
down the salaries of their already poorly
paid clerks.
Some weeks ago in a cut on the Cas
cade division of the Northern Pacific
railroad, ono or two miles beyond South
Prairie, W. T., tho workmen camo upon a
fir log eight feet in diameter, fifty six
feet below the surface of tho ground.
When found tne wood was in a soft state,
but after being exposed to the air a short
time it became hardened to almost tho
consistency of stone. Several cords of
the wood wero taken away by persons
desiring specimens to preserve. The
grain of the fir wood remains plainly to
be Been, but in color it might easily bo
taken for walnut. While tho wood was
yet eof t some made pipes of it, whioh af
ter hardening became very handsome.
Others made razor hones and different
articles, for all of which it is excolent
Tho -'Canned Goods" bill will, in all
probability, be passed by the New York
legislature. As originally reported it re
quired packers of canned goods to put
the date of packing on tho cans. Tho
E resent bill does not require that. The
ill, in substance, requires that ovory
packer fihttll bo compelled to place on the
cans the city, town or village, name of
county and state where the goods were
packed, preceded by the words "packed
at," and bearing his own namo or the
name of the corporation which puts up
tho good3. This will do away with what
are known in tho trade as "seconds."
Standard and extra brands both have to
have tho name of tho packing company
on the can, together with tho brand.
The flags throughout the city fluttered
in the breeze yesterday in honor of the
71st anniversary of Scandinavian nation
ality. At two o'clock a procession was
formed which marched through the
principal streets of tho city. It was
headed by the stars and stripes flanked
by the Norwegian and Swedish national
color3. Cashing Post band furnished
tho music. The procession was com
posed of several hundred of our Scandi
navian citizens wearing rosettes and
marshaled by J. M. Olsen, M. Olsen, G.
G. Smith andothora. After parading the
principal streets of tho city tho column
marched to tho Columbia cannery where
they assembled in the large hall up stairs.
Mr. C. A. Hanson called tho audience to
order and after music by the Cashing
Post band, introduced with a few befit
ting remarks, tho speaker of tho day,
Mr. Bjelnes who, in the Norewgian lan
guage, spoke of the important event that
led to tho observance of tho 17th of May;
touching on tho historic points which
clustered round that day of glorious
memory and the political changes that
have followed.
A double quartette of male voices,
rendered some excellent vocal music in
the Scandinavian tongue, which was well
received and enthusiastically encored.
There is a hidden talent of music in our
Norse citizens which ought to be culti
vated and utilized with profit, both to
thomselves and others. Mr. C. A. Han
son next gave a short address in English,
relativo to the day and its bearing on
tho cause of national freedom. Aftor
whioh ho introduced F. D. Winton, Hon.
C. Leinenweber, Messrs. H. Oberg, Thos.
Dealy and Dr. T. T. Cabanis?,ail of which
addressed tho assembly in brief but fit
ting remarks, eulogizing tho Scaudina
vians on their memories from home and
the excellent qualities which havo fitted
them for American citizenship.
The speeches wero interspersed with
musical selections by the band and the
singers; and altogether it was a very en
joyable afternoon for those who partici
pated. At 8 o'clock they again assembled
to finish tho day in a grand ball until
midnight when suppar was served, and
all expressed themselves highly pleased
with tho day's colebralion.
Rev. Dr. Roberts returnod from Port
land yesterday. Ho will officiate as usual
in his pulpit to-day.
C. Brown and his sister, Mrs. F. B. El
berson, returnod 3esterday from tho fa.
neral of their father, Hon. Samuel Brown
at Gervais.
Jay Tnttle, Jno. Halm. J. W. Welch,
Wm. Bock and G. Reed go to Portland
to-morrow to represent Astoria at the
session of tho grand lodgo I. O. O. F.,
which meets in that city next Tuesday.
Mr. Hobson, the newly appointed col
lector of tho port, says that he will have
tne necessary bonus made out and for
warded by Tuesday next. His bonds
men have to qualify in tho sum of 100,
000. A Denial.
Astobia, Or., May 15, '35.
Wo fishermen of Kinney's cannery ask
you to be kind enough to correct the
statement made in yesterday's Herald,
about men being prevented from hauling
their fish on the dock of Kinney's can
nery. We wish to havo it understood
that there was nobody who wanted to
haul up fish; neither did wo try to pre
vent them from it. as stated in yester
day's Herald, and oblige,
Kcjnzt's FisnnEiruK.
Kuciilcn'tt Arnica Salvo.
Tiie Best Salvk In tho world for
Cuts, Bruises, Sores.Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapped Hands.
Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Erup
tions, and positively cures Piles, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded.
Price 25 cents per box. For sale by W.
is. ucmeni xc jo.
Stand Back.
It was ordered by the H. A. C. min
strels at their last meeting, that Mr.
George Morris bo instructed to secure
the city hall of Astoria, where this troop
will soon perform. Statesman, JJ.
A Treat Free.
This afternoon at tho Telephone
saloon there will bo comic and senti
mental singing by a celebrated profess
or, accompanied by violin and Jeffs
new piano.
Special Meeting.
There will be a special meeting of
Cushing Relief Corps No. 3, at their
hall to-morrow afternoon at two o'clock.
A full attendance is desired. By or
der of the president.
Private card rooms at Jeffs new sa
loon "The Telephone.'
For Dinner Parties to order, at short
notice, go to Frank Fabre's.
At Franlc Fabre's.
Board for $22 .50 a month. The best
in the city. Dinner from 5 to 7.
Hot F.uncli, at tho Telephone
From 11 to 2 every da3
A fine lunch with drink or cigar, 25
No charge after two o'clook,
"Hackmetack," a lasting and fra
grant perfume. Price 25 and 50 cents.
Sold by W. E. Dement.
Don't pay 25 to 50 cents for dinner
when vou can get a better one at the,
Telephone for 15 cents from 11 to 2.
If you want a first-class picture go to
Craw's gallery and you will ba surejto
be suited for his work recommends
Buy your Lime of Gray at Portland
Gen. Grant's condition is unchanged.
Minister Phelp3 has nrrived in Eng
land. Judge Wallace of California, is to bo
minister to China.
Tho revised version of tho Old Testa
ment was issued yesterday.
Steerage rate3 between this country
and Europe advanced from 80 to 10 per
cent yesterday.
Forty Texas convicts wero set r.t liber
ty by a Brazos county mob after a des
perate fight last Friday.
There is a hitch in the Busso-Fuyiif h
negotiations. Russia is not fatti-iilcd
with England's propositions.
Eugene Sample is in Washington urg
ing his "claims" for appointment a gov
ernor of Washington Territory.
The London dispatch that the Central
Pacific had absorbed the O. C rnilroLd
is partially denied in San Francisco.
. Lieut. Griffin's oxposo of tho he!p!e? s-
ness of our Atlantic ana ruciuc scu coast
defenses attracts universal attention. It
shows that tho Uuited States is at tho
mercy of such a nation as Chili.
Inl8iSMfa33r.i. Marchall & Wild, of
Boston. Mass., fitted out two brigs Con
voy Bnd Owhyhee) for a voyage to tho
northwest coast of America, in tho fur
trade. The Convoy, to which I was at
tached, sailed on the 23th of June, 1828
two months previous to tho Owhyhee.
We passed through tho strait of Mag
ellan, touching at the Society and Sand
wich islands, and after an oventful voy
age completed our passage from Boston
to Astoria in about seven months. At
tho time of our sighting the land in the
vicinity of Columbia river a bng was
also seen steering in for land. We en
tered Baker's Bay, near Capo Disappoint
ment, late in the day and anchored.
whilo our consort which proved to be the
brig Eagle of and from London, in at
tempting to enter more to the southard
grounded upon a sand spit off Chenuke
Point, and during the night went to
pieces, vessel and cargo proving a total
los3. Tho crew after landing with their
boats upon tho point, wero tbero and
then murdered by the Chenuke Indians,
and not a soul left to toll the tale. On the
following morning as soon as the facts
becam knowne, our Captain (Thomp
son), dispatched a boat up to Fort Van
couver with the sad intelligence, and a
party of Canadian trappers in employ of
the Hudson Bay company, proceded
down tho river and retaliated severely
upon thq Chenuke Indians from both
front and rear. After a delay of a few
days we proceeded up the river and
moored our vessel inside tho Willamette
upon the starboard shore about two
miles from tho mouth, whore wo unbent
sails and prepared for a long stay, built
temporary workshops for tho carpenter
(Armarer) and sailmaker and cultiyated
a vegetable garden, which proved a
great success. Our vessel now properly
located was used as a base to operate
from with boats and a large canoo laden
with goods and trading with Indians
for furs at various distances and direc
tions from the ship, and wero thus em
ployed for about two years with an oc
casional trip with the ship up tho coast
to the Russian settlement, and after
trading along tho coast returned to our
location on tho Willamette, whore our
former operations wero continued with
marked success, until we left for Canton,
touching at San Francisco and the Sand
wich Islands, and from thence to New
York, where wo arrived after an nb-sence
of three years and two mouths.
W. C.Fixdebs.
New Orleans, May 8, 18S5.
IVidc Aivalic Druggists.
Messrs. W. E. Dement & Co. aro al-
I ways aliro to their business, and spare
! tinn.ninfstn-sppiirftfhnlin.storovprvnrt.iclt'
in their line. They have secured the agen
cy for the celebrated Dr. King's New
Discovery for Consumption. The only
certain euro known lor Consumption,
Coughs, Colds. Hoarseness, Atiuua,
Hay Fever. Bronchitis, or any affection
of tho Throat and Lungs. Sold on a
positive guarantee. Trial Bottles free.
Regular size 1.00.
The Most Agreeable
As well as the mobt effective method
of dispelling Headaches, Colds and Fe
vers or clensing tho System is by taking
a few doses of tho pleasant California
liquid fruit remedy Syrup of Figs. 50 c
and $1 bottles for sale by W. E. De
ment & Co.
For a Scat Fitting Boot
Or Shoe, go to P. J. Goodmans, on Clifi
numus street, next door to I. W. Case.
All goods of the best make and guaran
teed quality. A full stock; new goads
constantly arriving. Custom work.
Sheet 31uslc
Former price 33 and 40 cents, latest
out, comic, sentimental, etc at 10 cents.
Citv Book Store.
When others fail try Crow. Jho lead
ing Photographer, No. 6K Water street.
Seth Thomas Nutmeg clocks nt Gns
tav Hansen's for eighteen dollars a
Gray sells Sackett Bros.' Al sawed
cedar shingles A fulLM guaranteed.
Io You Think that JcfT" of
Tho Chop House
Gives yon a meal for nothing, and a
glass of something to drink? "Not
much !" but he gives a better meal and
more of it than any place in town for
25 cents. Ho buys by the wholesale and
pays cash. "That settles it."
That Hacking Cough can be so
quickly cured by ShIIoh's Cure. We
guarantee it. Sold by W. K. Dement.
Situation Wanted
By a joung girl to take cara of children
and help do general housework. Amer
ican ramiiv preferred, inqnire or inos.
Lawson, ne"xt door to C. P. Upshur's
Fr-ru Eastern and Shoalivater
Hay Os'Hlern
Constantly on hand, cooked to any style
at Frank Fabre's.
CushiugPost No. 14, G. A. It.
AsTOitiA, Oregon, May 9th, 1883.
Post Orders .No, 2.
The Officers and Comrades of Cush
ing Post No. 14, G. A. K. will assemble
st their Post Hall at 12 o'clock on Sat
urday, May 50. 1885, for the purpose of
attending to the proper observance of
Memorial service in accordance with
the rules and regulations of the Grand
Army of the Republic
By order of R. V. Mokteith,
Post Commander
W. B. Ross, Adjutant.
Tho Lstttt Styles Worn thin Season.
The summer bison cloth is extremely
stylish and rivals etamino in popularity.
Tho etamine, with the rough surface, hav
ing a sort of camel's-hcir effect, is per
haps the prettier of the two, and certain
ly newer than anything. Sorao of tho
new goods deserve no belter name than
that of canvas, which they certainty nrs:
and though, when dressed up with :i
quantity of !j:ij! hnlrj or run tbnmu'i
bouretto style, in repuinr strip-h cud
plaids, nothing can he more charming,
canvas, in its unadulterated condition, is
not desirablo us a gown. Tlia only ob
jection to these soft, open materials 13
that they require .1 foundation, and as
the foundation of a handsome drtS3
should be uuonestiouabIy of silk, tLe ex
pense of a spring castumo is immediately
Canvas grenadine in solid colow with
a Iwrder half a yard wide of altoruativo
squares of a contrasting color is exceed
ingly pretty. Navy bluo with a border
blocked with red 1?, as this combination
always proves, handsomer than any oth
er, but the garnet with ecru, brown and
gold, green and gray, and brown and red
aro also pretty in greater or less degrees.
All these materials vary in desirability
with their cost, which ranges from 75
cents to 3.70 a yard.
Pattern dresses are very much worn
and rich in variety. Ono charming cos
tumo is of whito bison cloth, combined
with the same material in a stylish Per
sian design of bleu fade and garnet on a
white ground. Tho skirt is absolutely
plain and quite scant. The drapery long,
full and graceful, bordered with the fig
ured material, which also serves for a
wide collar, cuffs and small vest in the
basque. This vest is apparently confined
by three knotted silk cords of tho three
colors blue, red and white. One is
loosely passed across the bust, tho other
at the waist, tho third about four inches
below, and thd drapery is carried across
the front of tho basque, giving a prin
cess effect. Avery irench nnd compli-'
cated affair is a pai t of the same trous
seau, and intended for a ball dress. It is
rather elaborate for tne seaside, but
n'importe. The skirt is of white alba
tross cloth, heavily embroidered in Turk
ish blue, and beneath it is tho inevitable
balayeuse 01 blue silk, A sort of apron
front of the bluo silk is finished with n
deep feathery f ringo and tied behind in
an enormous bow with long ends. Be
neath tho basque aro two deep puffs of
the white cloth, carried entirely around
tho figure, and the sleeveless basquo
opens to the waist, finished by n jabot of
lace, over a vest of a deeper shade of blue
velvet. Thero aro small puffs of white
illusion in placo of sleeves.
A New York suit for tho streot is of ol
ive green camel's hair, with a plain
skirt, long, full over-dress, trimmed with
a gathered flounco of woolen lace the
color of the dress and tho short basquo
is trimmed couavo fashion with the laco
laid plainly upon tho material. The bon
net is very small and has an enormous
bunch of marigolds on top and dark ol
ive velvet strings for tho solo trimming.
Worn with this dress wero a pair of low
shoes and black silk stockings, a littlo
bit of bad tasto for street costuming
Among the cotton fabrics is something
entirely novel in the shape of Turkish
cottons. They aro solid colors, navy bluo,
red, brown, wink and gray, with tufted
stripes or dots, or else they aro any one
of these colors tufted in any one of the
others. It is impossible to believe them
to be cotton. Ia-spite of tho earnest as
surance of the salesman one tests the
texturo between finger and thumb, and
then feels but half convinced. They pos
sess all tho charm of liaute nouveaute but
they lack tho freshness of the pretty per
cales, satins andVFrench prints; they cost
from GO to 7u cents a yard, wnicu puts
them at a disadvantage. All tho thin
materials partake of tho Oriental flavor
which tinges tho nowest manufactures
and among tho countless charming pat
terns in this stylo there aro n few of those
deadly designs which embrace palms,
Ivmra rrHlM nnd nil other lnnc'fl nffpcls
such, as ono finds on calico 'comforters"
of country hotels. Passing them with a
shudder, the oyo is appeased by exquisite
lawns anu camoncs in uencaie coiora
and embroideries to corespond. These
are pattern dresses, of course, and cost
from S5 to 20 and $30; they are laid out
in little flat boxes nnd nro enticing to a
degree. The fabrio is daintily folded
among its embroideries, nnd there is al
so displayed the picture of a young wo
man arrayed in ono of theso costumes,
and she is such a brilliant success that
one buys the box with tho reckless deter
mination to look precisely like hor.
"White dresses are most elaborate, and
multiplicity of their styles defy tho power
of the pen.
"They are worn," remarked tho clerk
of this department, "with colored rib
bons and stockings," throwing as he
spoke n cardinal sash and a pair of car
dinal silk hoso against tho pretty confu
sion of mull and flounces and lace in her
hand. And then I realized that tho reign
of tho beautiful black silk stocking was
roally over, and I confess that I realized
it withn sigh. Later, at tho stocking
counter I sighed again to see tne ugliness
of the stockings which have replaced the
becoming black ones. Littlo checks that
divide tho leg into countless spaces and
forbid oven the suggestion of roundness,
or uglier, longitudinal stripes, or worse
than all others, irregular blocks and
disks! "Weill It is consoling to reflect
that there are doubtless a few women
with whom fashion will not bo the first
The now Parisian bustle is an affair
which requires consideration. It is not
a delicate trifle, tho Parisian -bustle; it
is au contraire& Junoesquo and stately
combination of silk, whalebone, steel
spring and lacing. It has an independ
ent swing thai is the pride of its wearer
and tho terror of the passer-by. It has
somewhat the effect of a propelling pow
er though I doubt if it really materially
aids locomotion. In the hand it compels
admiration, sinco about it thero is no
vestige of mohair, hair-cloth and skeleton-like
cnscni6 peculiar to tho Ameri
can bustle. It has on anatomy that is
almost human. It is covered in cashmere,
lk or satin in pale-blue, with little ruf
fles edged with maroon velvet or cardinal
with black trimmings, and so on through
the scale of colors and pricss from 5 to
$15. Fashion Letter.
Sj-rup ofFJ;rs.
Manufactured only by the California
Fig Syrup Co. San Francisco Cal. is
Natures Own Truo Laxative. This
Sleasant liquid fruit remedy may be
ad of W. E. Dement & Co, at fifty cents
or one dollar per bottle. It Is the most
vet thoreughly: to dispel Uwulachs.
Colds and Fevers: to cure Constipation
Indigestion and kindred ills.
To Accommodate Ills Patrous.
Alex. Gilbert will keep his saloon
open day and night. Fishermen can get
a good lunch at any hour of the night.
The genuine French sardine constantly
on hand.
Taenia, Xenon, Oraugre, etc, flavor
Ca&c Creams, Paddlnars, etc., nt deli
cately nnd naturally ast&o fruit from
J ivhldx ticy oro made.
For Strength, and Truo 3Priiifc
Flavor They Stand ime.
Price Baking Powder Co.,
Chicago, III. St. Louis, Mo.
mixers or
Dr. Prices Cream Baking Powder
Dr. Price's Xnpnlin Yeast Gems,
Beat Dry Hop Yeast.
Light Healthy Bread,
The De9t dry hop yoaat In the world.
Bread raised by this yeaat Is Hght.whlte
and wholesome like our grandmother's
delicious bread.
Price Baking Powder Co.,
MTrsol Dr. Price's scecial FlaTonnz Extracts.
Chicago, III. St. Louis, Mo.
For sate bv CuiTixo.MnnLK & Co., Agents
I'ortland, Oregon
Steer Yourself to My Estab
lishment. I am selling FINE-FITTING SUIT3 or
Best Quality and Designs
At Remarkahle Low Prices.
Do you know that I can give you a Nobby
Suit of good material at
$10, $13, $15, $18, $20.
See Our New Hats,
Latest Styles at $2.60, $3, S3. 50
A Fine Assortment of Straw Hat.
And I herewith respectfully solclt a call.
Merctat Tailor anl ClotMer.
Fair and Bazar,
Wednesday, May 27th, '85,
And 1c Is respectfully requested that La
dies of the city will lend their aid In raising
funds lor tne entertainment 01 tno visiting
Firemen and their friends, for the honor of
our brave Firemen and our City's fair name.
The Fair will be under the auspices of
Mrs Dr. Trenchard,
Mrs. S. Hlraoro,
Mrs. I. Bergman.
Mrs. N. Clinton.
Mrs. K. V. Montelth,
Mrs. J. Rodgers,
C. J. Trenchard,
J. Thomas,
"SV. J. Barry,
B. s. Worsley,
Of the Tournament Committee,
Your Helm!
ti3K3 3cif5fSfl H Wt-, jr7TpE.y3B &EsS f hhvjBWkv Tmm
A Few Brief Descriptions of Some of My Finest Styles in Fine
1st Is a SINGLE BREASTED SACK SUIT m imported Corkscrew Goods
with flat binding, a close fitting cut. and equal to any work made to order. 'They
come in two shades. BKOWX and DARK JS'AVY BLUE.
2nd-Is a SINGLE BREASTED FEOCK SUIT in dark Navy Blue Crepe
Cloth, without binding, which makes up one of the finest, and most durable Dress
Suits manufactured.
M Is a SINGLE BREASTED SACK SUIT in a very fine fancy Casslmere,.
dark in color, in style, a broken plaid with a little blue and orange running
through, givinn it a very handsome appearance, without binding.
4th Is a SINGLE BREASTED FROCK SUIT in a fine dark fancy Casslmerer
a black Diagonal Cloth with a fine thread of green and red silk running through
out, witheu: binding.
5th-Is a DOUBLE BREASTED SACK SUIT in a fine dark mixed Cassimere,
a broken plaid with an old gold silk thread running through, forming a larga and
almost indistinct plaid. Very neat and durable. No binding.
black cloth with black satin lining and stitched edge. Also have same style
suits with Farmer satin lining, and bound with black silk binding.
7th -Is a SINGLE BREASTED SACK SUIT in an extra fine blue Cloth wlflt
a fine black silk flat binding, the finest Goods made up in Gents' Sack Suits.
- Besides these few mentioned lines, I havo a large assortment in SINGLE or
SUITS with knee or long pants.
To go with these FINE DRESS SUITS I have au elegant assortment of
Gents Fine Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots or Shoes.
The Iiarsest Stock. The VFlnst Goods. The lowest Prices. .
Pliythian Slnlldlnr, - ASTORIA, Or.
Tl J V I 11
The Leading Stationers and
The Latest Notions
Wo defy any aud all competition.
Hair Dressing Saloon
Farlxcr House, Mala St.,
For a first-class Shave, scientific Hair-cut.
and hygienic Shampoo, etc,
H. Du PAIIK, Prop.
Fine Stationery,
Blank Books, j
School Books,
Music Books,!
New Goods!
Mea's, Souths' and Soys'
Hats and Furnishing Goods.
velty Store
News Dealers of Astoria.
and Novelties, Etc.
Call, examino our goods and be convinced.
Astoria Bakery
Columbia Gandy Factory.
Ed. Jackson, Proprietor.
Dread, Pie8 and Cakes delivered every
Agents for Steck's
Little Giant, and
Kranlch and Bach's Pianos,
Taber, and Western
Cottage Organs,
New Styles!
Of 1 1
and Hatter.