fl) ,'0Mr y. VOL. XXIII, NO. 110 ASTORIA, OREGO-X, FRIDAY 3IAY 1885. PRICE, FIYE CENTS. 15. BUSINESS CARDS. TRJ. A. I., anil -I. A. FULTOX. Physicians ant! Surgeons. Will give proinnt attention to all calls, fioin any part of the city or country OH.ce over Allen's store, comer f'ass and -Miuemoqua streets, AMoria, Oiefc'-n. iojc eptiom- Io. 41. D It. FKAXK -A-R. I'liyHioiau nudSitrcoou. Oilkt. Room c, o it I). A. Mcintosh's stoic. Ofpick Houits : 3 to 11 a. .v. ;-3 to 5 x. M. Residence, opposite Ihclohausen building JKO. A. DOltliJS. GKO. NOI-ANP XOl.AV61 tfc IOR-.IS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. offlw lit Kinney's Mock, t ppnslte C:ty Hall. Astoila. Oregon. C.tt. I'CT.TON. u. c. rur.Toy. FI7I.TOK IsKOTHE-tS. ATTOl.VKY.S AT LAW. .looms s and fi.Odd Fellows Itidldlug. J OSKt'II A. CI--.!.. ATTORXI.V AT LAW. OrriCF. on Cns-. street. Odd Fellows P.ulldlng. dooi south of J. l A. ROM'MtY, Attorney and Counsellor at 5-uv, OjUceou Chenamu. Snoet. Arin.H. Oivaoti. fKUO K. 1-AItHLI.iC. SURVEYOR OF Clatsop Coun.y.nnd City of Astoria Office : ChenRinus street. Y. M. O. A. hall Koom No. 8. G W. ..KICK. AUOIHTliCT AND aUl'l.SUNTKNDKKT. Offick: Rooms, Kinney, Uriel. l!lok. TAYTCfTiTE! .11." I. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office Rooms l. J, and 3. l'ythlan l.ulld lng. UnsiDENCK On Cedar Street, back of St. Mary's Hospital. F r. HICKS. A. K SHAW. n.ci.s it SSI lV. DENTISTS. Room. In Alien'! Building, up Malm, coi ner Cass and Siueiuoiua Mieol). Astoila. Oregon. BAKKIHC AHD INSURANGE I I. W. CASE, Broker, Banker, and Insur ance Agent, ASTORIA, - ORi:."V. OFFICKHOn.S From S o'clock A. !. until 3 o'clock 1. M. Bozorth & Johns, Hel EsUte and Insurance A-ronts aail I$roers ASTORIA. ... - Oregon. We write policies In the following well known Fire Insurance Companies : PHO.XIX OF IIARTFOKD. SCOTTISH UNION AND NATIONAL OF EDI MirRfi. LIOX. OF LONDON HOME. OF NEW -ORK. LONDON AND LANCASHIRE, OF LIVEK- rooL. l'HCENIX. OF P.ROOKLYN. CONNECTICFT. OF HARTFORD. OAKLAND HOME. OF OAKLAND, GALA. And also represent the WESTERX. or California. HAMUURG-llREMEX. orer manv. and AMERICA X STEA .V ROIL ER 1XSURAXCE CO. Heal Estate Bought and Sold o ComruU.iou. M. W. FECIIHElMEIt II. W. COUI.KT r, -EDWARD HALL, - President Vice l'reshlcnt Seej elan' THE OREGON Fire aid Marine Insurance Co. OF mi.TLVNl). OUKC.OX. Ctiplt.il Ia!d I'p. CrhIi A8ct Kxcred. -uao.oca.oco A8O.U00.U0 C. I.F.I SE.WEBEi.. ASTORIA. OREGON. AffOHt, 0. E. Bain & Co. Arc now prepared to furnish Doors. Windows. Mouldings AXD :q 3el a- o ds: es t -s . Orders Solicltod. Private Boarding House. milK UNI-EUSIOXEI) IlESPIiCTFl'LLY A. announces that she is prepared to fur- I nisnj-aaicsoruenuemen wkii iwamoniy. i or wltli Hoanl and Furnished Itooms at very reasonable rates. No eilra ehaigo for use! of Parlor or Bath room, and every cffoit 1 win do mane loinaKC ner gnesis u-ei coin, fortable and at home. BlHaer Served from 3:30 to i;30 I M 311.8. E. C, HOLPDX. SE Cor. Main and Jefferson streets. Dissolution of Copartnership. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE I j copaitnersnip neretoiore existing un der the turn name and stjle of Thotnes and JJnowles Is thi. dav dissolved by mutual agreement. C. AV. KNOWLES, C.T.1HOMES. Astoria, Oregon, April lSth. iss. .w OH i MY BACK , Eriry strain or cold attacks thzt treat back ozd nearly prostrates you. i'S Pfc3 THE BESTTGNIE Btrcn-thcriB tho Muscles, Steadies lhs ?Jer-reti, Enrlclies tlie Blootl, G Ives Nciv Vigor. Da T. Ix MTEE8. lairtjeld. Iowa. cars- "Brown'-) Iron Bitters is tho best Iron tnrdicmo I hftro known in mr SO rears' practice. I h-vo found it fipeciallr benrrfctaJ in neirons or phreical pzbauH tion. end in all debilitAtinfr ailmenU thit 1-n.ir f-t heaTflyon tho S7stem.Ue it Iroelj in ray own I "jnUy." Genuine hai tnulo mark and cro-fn r-tl lriea on wrapper. Tnko no other. Made only tiy BROV CHEMICAL CO., BAITIMO!.::, ilD. xwiSXs coins, etc.. Riven away uy an a znaUed to any address on rece: SXELL, IIFITSIIU '.VnOLESALK ACKXT", TUTT 3 PI LsL. TORPID BOWELS, DISORDERED LEVER, and MALARIA. From theso sources nrlsethreo-fonrths of tho diseases of tlio human race. These symptoms Indicate their existence. Ijoss or Appetite, IIowcl coctlve, Kick lleaOachc, fullness after eat li:j,nTerslon to ezcrtloiiof liody or mind, Eructation of food, Irritcnil Ity of temper, X,ovsplrlts,AfeclInj; ucToro the eyes, lilplily colored XJrIue,COWSTlPATIOA',anademanil tho uso of u remedy that nets dlrcctlvon the Liver. As nLlvcr mcdieinoTUl'S PIJCLS have no cnual. Tlieiructionon tho Kidneys and Skin is nlso prompt; removing all impurities through these threo scareiif-era of the system, producing appetite, sound digestion, lobular stools, a dear skin nnd a vlfr orouabody. TCTT'S PIX.U; cause no nausea oi griping nor interfere "With dally work and are n perfect ANTEDOTE. TO fflALARiA. bold eTerrw.ere2et. Oliico 41 ZlmraySt.N Y. QR VTHAlTt OR"WniSKmiS chauKJd In stantly to a GLossr Ulack by a slnglo application cftiils Dm. SoldbyDrug- olsts.orsentbycxprcssonrccelptofSl. Ofllce, 41 Murrav Street, New York. SIPP, PLUMBER AHD GAS FITTER. Water Pipes a Specialty. A Fall Stock of Material on Hand. IVrsnMHl attention -iven ell older., and satisfaction uaranteert. TvraiM IteasomiMe. Shop and offlee on Cass street, one dour above Frank Fabto'ti llestaumnt, Astoria, Oregon. Tanks for Sale. 4 HOUND TANKS, Capacity W) gallon eah. At ASTORIA 1'LAXIXU MILL. aM v Wholesale and l.clail Dealr-r In P?wMon &s MILL FEED. Glass and Plated Ware, TKOl'ICAL AXD DOMESTIC FRUITS AND VEGErABLES. Together wit'i Wines. LlqiiOrsJobaccOiCigars SViOore's Remedy -FOR- Poison Cul. MOOl.F.'S !.KMED Cures and Pi events 1'OlSOX OAK. I'RKS Piles. Burns. Cuts: KK- 3IO VES Snubum and Freckles. , ., . .-, ,-,-, ,. ,. r-,- Cld 'n "-e s4d r Iwdbb, Croup, Jtitc.. etc Au Invaluable FAMILY SALV1C Sold by i au uniggisre. 25 Cents n II ox. Try It! ! P. Patterson, i CONTRACTOR & BUILDER. Shop on CokpomIv Street, opposite Kinney's Caunery SABHBS. DOORS. MOTJLDIKGS, ETC, ON HAND. Estimates given and all work wananted to give satisfaction. . 2i -o i g fc - g-- r -ai- jm & tao t j.1." irs -flr Allen, THE AFGHAN IHSITTK New Yobk. 3rny 1?.. A St. Peters burg special says: The Russians, have 120,000 men between the- Caspian J sea and Herat. According to the"; best military estimate, Russia's jiosi-. tion is practically uuassailablo, and it; would be madness for an Anglo-Iudi-j an army to attempt operating in cen tral Asia against Russia. The follow- ing plan of operations in central Asia j has been drawn up by (Jt-neral (Jonr- ko, and would have boon put lnto ex ecution in the event of war: First. ' the principles of the campaign would i bo those of the ?oseow campaign of 1312 against Louis Napoleen: second. 1'i''i- commanders would strictly avuiu auy cueiui vugit:iuiiiL uuim tLo Anglo-Indian army was drawn in to the interior, at least GOO mi!e3 be yond Candahp.r; third, threo Russian Uorp-cVarmcc, each o0,000 strong, would await the Anglo-Indian ad vance in strongly defensive positions, echeloned along the Kuahk and 3Iur ghab rivers: fonrth 2 j.OD) Cossack-;, at the iirst sign of British advance, would swarm through Afghanistan, arouse the whole country, proclaim Ayonb Khan as tho ameer, and harass 'British communications; burning supplies, raiding around tho British ' army, stampeding camp followers.etc, pian sea, roadv to march straight to . ieucran, the instant the shah oil'er- ' , II 1 I!.. 1I.1.II. hi auoiiui snow ijjo H.iguiesi wgii oi aiding tho English; sixth, when the Anglo-Iudian army has been drawn far into the interior, worn out by the difficult country and worried night and day by Cossacks, it would be at tacked, simultaneously by 90,000 men, forming threoRnssian corps-trunim-; seventh, in case of British defeat, the Russian advance would be followed by the immediate construction of rail ways, mado very slowly, but very snrely. i.:N'..1.AI. MIDDI.r.TOX'.S RKl'ORT. Ottawa. Out., May 13.- -In tho houso Ibis afternoon Hon. M. Oarou read the following official dispatch from Middleten: Hon. A. P. Carou, Ottawa: 1 have just made a general attack and car ried th whole sottlemont. Tho tn-n behaved splendidly. The rebels are in full retreat Sorry to say E havo net got Riel. While 1 was reeon noitering this morning William Ash ley, one of the prisoners, galloped up with n flag of truce, and hand ml mo a letter from Riel. saying: "If you massacroour familiesl shall massacre prisoners." I sent an answer that if lie would put his women and children in one place, and let ma know whore it wa;, no shot should bi fired on them. 1 then returned to camp and pushed on my advance parlies, who were heavily fired on. I then pressed on with the advance. Tho men re sponded nobly, led h their officers land Colonel Strnbonzio. They drove the euemy out of their ride pits and they forced their way across tho plain and seized tho houses, and we are now masters of tho placotmd mo-)t of my force will bivouac there. Right in tho heat of tho action Mr. Ashley camo back with another mis sive from Riel, as follews: General Ypur prcn.pt answer to my note shows that I was right in mentioning the cause of hnmanity. We will gather our families in one place, and as soon as it is dono 1 will let you know. I am, etc., . Locis David Ricii. On the envelope he had written as follews: '"I do not like war, and if you don't retreat nnd refuse an in terview, the question remains the same concerning tho prisoners." The New: At Winuiper. Wikjjipeg, ny 13. News of tho cajiture of Batoiicho by n gallant bayonet ohargo was something of a surprise and also a cause of rejoicing to tho people here. General Middle- ton was expected to pursue other tactics, as indicated in previous dis patches. ISo details of the success ful attack on Batoucho have been received, and tho enemy's loss is still a matter of conjecture. It is believed, howerer, that tho rebels havo been beaten so badly that they will make no fnrther stand in a body, but will very likely disperse through the western country in small bauds, where they cannot be hunted down without great difficulty. Riel is ex pected to get away to Montana, as there are but few obstacles in his way. In fact there is little to prevent him, disguising himself, making his way to Qu'Appelle, and thenca by railway to Winnipeg. He has plenty of sympathizing friends not very far from tho city who would gladly "give him refuge. From the Bertrend t'lerpj Among the many ministers of the gospel, who hnvo been helped by Rrown's Iron Bitters, tho Rev. E. A. Spring, Corydon, Iowa, Bay3, ''I used it for general ill-health and found it a great help." Rev. Jas. McCarty, Fort Stevenson, Dakota, savs, "it ' cured me of dyspepsia and increased ' mv WMtrhk twnn tv.fi vo noiinrlo " Tim Rev. Mr. OJTey, 2sTew Bern. N. C, says ho has taken it, and considers it one of the bsst medicines known. Tho Rev. Mr. Whitney, Hingham, Wis., says, "After r. long sickness from liuig fever, I used Brown,s Iron Bit ters and gained strength." So throughout the States with hundreds and hundreds of other clergymen. wSstfjtMa'' " 'c i l avoiding any goneral engagement; & IVOODITIU t ili't a -orp-i iil uu3ii viitiuii ui --i.cuu Toil land Ore"Oi I c1 - iu.uou v udsiiu&K, iuhiu ui? ' - " - stationed at Chickishlar. on tho Cas- RIOT IX LONDON. London. May 13. A riot occurred this afternoon between a mob and the police for possession of the Nel son monument in Trafalgar square. A!out 10,000 men had assembled in the square to make a demonstration against the government's budget pro po.nl to increase the duty on spirits and beer. The crowd was very un ruly, a large propoatiou 6f it consist ing" of an element in search of sport. The police found themselves unable to maintain order, and tho pressure on the speakers and the resolution readers compelled them to mount the Nelson Monument. When from this eminence the speeches were resumed, they were rendered inaudible to tho audience addressed by tho uproar among the roys.orer.3. Police inter vened to seenro silence for the ora tors, and then a great strngglo ensued between the mob and the police for the possession of the mon ument The row lasted nearly an hour, and tho promoters of the meet ing and tho police were finally forced to retire, leaving tho crowd singing iu triumph uRnlo Britannia." Soon after the mob had compelled the speakers to leave it surged down to the front of tho -National club, which faces Trafalgar square, and every per son noticed entering or leaving the club building was mobbed. The at titude of tho crowd was so menacing that the club doors wero closed and a messenger dispatched to Scotland Yard for additional police. At 9 o'clock tho rioters wero still in full iK)ssc-ssion o Trafalgar square, and Northumberland avenue was al so occupied by a mob of many thous ands. Tho police by this timo had been largely reinforced, had charged a number of limes upon tho mob nnd had made several arrests. The Soudan. SfAKKir, Mny 13. One thousnud natives who havo been hostile have submitted to British authority, and havo been armed. It is feared, how ever, that news that the British forc es aro to be withdrawn will defer further submission, as a majority of the natives consider that to every Arab that inauifests friendliness to ward English occupation death is in evitable at the hand.s of Osmnn Dig ma as soon as the British have re tired. There is a fearful' amount of sickness among the British and Egyptian troops here. The sick rooms in all the ships are crowded with patients and additional hospi tals aro being erected on shore. Sav 1'nvN'cisco, Afav 13. The solio ::-r HonaiKit originally built by Rulston for a yacht, after a check ered caiuer, h:s been lilted out for a trip !o the mines at Gallowin bay. Alaska. Tho charter price is $1,000 a ino'sib, and she carries a $10,000 outfit, provido.l by tho Omnia): Gold and Sdvcr Mining company. Her oulr.l includes eighteen months pro vision for ten men nnda lot of Indi ans, to work in the mine, a lot of tools, horr-cs and mules. Miners who go up are Allen and William Maston, H. Laurie Richards and fivo others. Robert Laurie gees assupointendent and captain, and Nickersnn a3 assay or. The most remarkable fatality has overtaken former expeditions fit ted out for these mines. The schoon er JfarcJi, in 1SS1, went ashore in Norton sound, dragging her anchors in a galo. Tnc schooner Lto, was lost iu 1832, and in 1S33, tho schooner Ala7:a, returning to San Francisco with twelve men and eighty tons of ore, foundered, with loss of all hands in Retiring sea. There is only one white man at the mines now. Ho has been there since tho Alaska left. The schooner Jionanza, with a min ing party bound for Gallowin bay, Alaska, sailed to-day. Nkw York, May 13. The report from London that tho Oregon and California is to be consolidated with the Central Pacific system is con firmed here to-day. Tho arrange ment is virtually tho purchase of tho former by tho latter, the stock of the one being exchanged for outstanding stock of tho other, on terms not yet made known, and perhaps not defi nitely agreed upon. New bonds of the Central are to be issued in lieu of the present defaulted Oregon bonds, ibis admits the Central Pa cific into Oregon, and besides put ting it on an eqnnl footing with other to Oregon and Puget sound business, completes a great north and south line from tho British Columbia fron tier to the gulf of Mexico. Wa'.hin'gton, May 13. Army cir cles aro distnrbed by changes an nounced, by which eastern posts and soft places about Washington are to be filled by officers in political har mony with the administration. It is well known that Hancock's nomina tion for the presidency was zealously supported by a good many old offi cers, who nre now to be measurably rewarded for their devotion, and Re publicans belonging to what is called the soft place brigade nre to bo sent to the rear. Seott's EmuIMnu ofPurc Codilver oii.AVUh I-ypoplioBpiiitci is a most valuable remedy for con sumption, Scrofu7a. wasting Diseases of children, colds and chronic coughs, and in all condition where there is a loss of flesh, a lack of nerve power and a general debility of the syEtem. A Nasal Injector free with each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy Price 50 cents. Sold by W.E. Dement sison & risiier Ship Chandlers, HEAVY AND SHELF fT". Mi Paints. 0s s. and Varnish. lU-.l5tKS SUSTUtS. PlO V I SI O N fi millTpeed AGENTb FOK Salem .Flouring Mills, Portland Boiler Mills, Capital Hour and FAIRBANKS' SCALES. ASTOI-IA.OKi.GOX. 3. A.RNDT & FERCHEN, ASTORIA. - OHEGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop El NGISTE, GMHEBT, se: STEAMBOAT W0SK Promptly attended t-. A Hj'.clalty raade of repairing ...canyraa.ieorrepa.rin, . CANNERY DIES, 7 FOOT OP LAFAYllTTi. STKEET. r o Utf. OIL SKINS, ; Gum Boots, Overalls, Shirts, ElC. Phil. A. Stokes, Nexl door to Foard & Stokes -tore, 1 head- Clothing at Bottom Figures. l-verythliij- bought heru euaraiile d lo be jtt :is !(MreeiiFeu. fo o:i stock; eer - tiling frc-h. and XCW MOODS u every Steanser. Kcmemlwr the place. BLACKSMITH "Sfe!-?. Boiler Shop YM?T All kinds of IIIII. A. STOKE. r8j-3Pj C3-A full line of ....NTS' I-'UKNISIUXO fgfCsgl-SSi-JIfl ? MOODS for sale nt lJfiA Prleca that Defy Com pet U Ion. S- iqqk illisrto ana CaUnet later, 1885. j SQUEKIOQUA STREET, INTERBS T!xext to tiie a3toi:iax - -o- Will be allowed On Time -Deposits. Drafts ou all tho Leading Cities. Vm. T. Coleman & Co. S. KLIIOKK, Manager Hacking Department. Astoria, Oregon. Pure Ice, Delivered at Your Door. This Ice is cut on Lake Coco!lal.i and Is pure. All ordeM left at Post & Hansen'! Astoria Sotla Works will be promptly atteti'led to. O. KEEI), Afanager. -" ' i. iirii--rifr"--'Tej-TTirTiiiiiTi-ii'iTTrifririr Goliiii TraBortatM Goiany. FOE PORTLAND ! Througii Freight on Fast THE NEW Whleh has been specially built for Wilson & Fisher's Dock every Monday, VVednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. arriving ai Portland at 1 P.M. Keturulng- leaves Portland every Tuesday and Thursday at. 6 A. M. arriving at Astoria at 1 P. M. J3f An additional trip will he made on Huutlay or Each AVee.., leaving Portland at t) O'clock Snnday Hornlujr. . Passengers bj this route connect at Kalamn for Sound ports. IF. B. SCOTT, President ffllffli 1 ITEL 2VinM.KVAWALr.aLVX, - P.oprife.or ASTORIA. OREGON First i'las! In Every Kespcc NEW HOUSE. NEW FURNITURE. ri(tel tiy Willi every Convcn- irc for Use Comfort of transient and Permanent Guests. Corner S.pietnoqu:. sunl Ve3t 5th St fuels.. II. B. PAI-KEI.. Iropr. First Class in Every Respect I're t'anrlt to tlio IXoitsf. Oh! I Say! GOOD BOARD and LODGING rou $4.50 per Week, AT THK Mew York Restaurant. r.AKTH'rf lU'lLDTXO. M. rsXCR. - - rroprlcittr. f. M KXOW..K-J. U D. BROWX. , fil.qT--.Q Fftp r wiaiies fl0l81 lEuropoan Pfan.- ropoa INIOW'X & I-XOWLES - - rroprlcli-is First Class in Every 11e.ipct. Goad Restaurant Connected with the ITous-. Fire-proof llrick RaUdlng. 1-5 Room .. in thi uei6r or tns u..y. I ccr. rmttt antl Mcmsor. Si?.. Portland, or jg, b. Franklin, I P i ", &let "M" " ; &teSJ5?fl?PtiwaI y-k- ' vi,ttT''tti&-&is&sK&iZr& t iWSiirmi S&&0m"A C57All work dono in a skillful maimer on short notice at reasonable ratea. !The Telephone Saloon The Finest Establishment of the Kind in Astoria. Especially fitted up for the Comfort and Convenience or .hose who enjoy a Social Glx s. The Best or Wiues and Liquors, Tlio Choicest Cigars. Everything New and First-Class. R. I-. J1.FFJ-KY. Propp. irwrnrrT-rar STEAMER the comfoit of pasienRers will leave THE BEST 13 THE 0i3:E3.IE3S,3? 2 jRoya! Brand Flour Manufactured by tha i npcnniu mm i iwr- phmdamv UH1.UUI1 ii.iL-.iiiu uuiiii nil i I of Superior Quality, and Ls Endorsed by all who use It. THEHOUSEKEEPER'S FAVORITE Of Superior Hising Quality. Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction. WYATT & THOMPSON Sole Ascii Is for AHtorla. Paint.! and Paper Haipii KALSOMINING ETC. Taint Shop in building formerly oc cupied by J. A. Montgomery, corner of Main and Jefferson Streets. All orders promptly and satisfactory executed. J. H. D. GRAY, Wholesale and retail dealer In. GROCERIES, FLOUR, AND FEED Hay. Oats. Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME, SAND AND CEMENT. Qcneral Storage nnd Wharfage on reason able terms. Foot of Benton street, Astoria. Oregon. WE. EDGAR, Dealer Iu Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes Meerschaum and Brier Pipes, GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY Revolvers and Cartridges. COP.NF.R MAIN' AND CHENAMTJS ST3. The Gem Saloon, The Popular P.esort for Astorians. rOr the Finest of Wines and Liquors Mo to T1IIC UCM .SALOON". A LUX. CAMPBELL. - - PROPRIETOR ASTORIA LIOUOB STORE, AUG. DAMELSON. - - Proprietor. Rebuilt nnd Refitted Tlironjcttout. Tho Best of WIXKS.Ii0irOI-S,A-tfl CIGAHS, For a Good Cigar, call for one of "Danielson's Best." Comer West 9th and Water Streets, Astoria. n9-0m Magnus C. Crosby Dealer In HARD! ARE, IRON, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, STOVES, TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET .RON- 3?i33. and copper- Astoria Sail Loft. Best of Work at Bottom Fipres J. HESS, The well-known Sallmaker now oecuplea Tho Astoria Sail J)Ir. formerly occupied by A. M. Johnson. Boat Sails a Specialty. ALL WORK WARRANTED Come and seo me at The Astoria Sail Loft : next to Pythian Building. Address P. O.Box 312. J. 51 ESS. Floats! Floats! Floats! CANNERYMEN who are In need of Floats. Copper Handles and Malleta should send their orders to B. W. BLOOI. Clatskanie, Orecon. who has a quantity on hand which will be sold at reasonable rates. 'SECURE THE SHADOW Ere the substance fade, and when you visit Portland, make it a part of your business to call on "W. H. Towkk. at the San Fran cisco Gallery, S. W. corner First and Morrison streets, and hare your photograph taken In the highest style of the art.