(41 Site gaftj fotfmr. ASTORIA, OREGON: SUNDAY. MAY 10.1835 SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE PORT OP ASTORIA? READY FOR SEA. KdwardPercjr, Br bV Qucenstown, May 9, VESSELS J.Y TUB RIVER. .laaeVMaXeO, RcnoBUrafil. Br bk lUSdee.Brbk CxMaadra, Br bk Allinib&d. Bf bk Kjttjr. Br bk MtWasbJ&stoa, Aa ip Cdoaa, 2fcL i H.'Coz, Br jp hn Luis, Br bk TxUle B.titarbsclcAmcp Archer. Br bk Elma. Br bk VESSELS OX THE WAY. fren Ferelea Ports, for (be Columbia River CaroaTon Ostlr. Br bk729 Sidney Uriaedale, Brsp Liverpool May 1 HaddinctonabJro. Brsp 123) Rio Jan 24 Mottle, Ger bk 823 Liverpool Orerdale. Br bkOallao March 2 Solvelc. Nor bk 602 Callao Jan 29 Frem AiaericaR Ports. Olire S. Southard. Am sp Kew York Apitl 12 TIIK TABLE FOR ASTOKTA. MAY. 1IIOU WATEtt. I LOW WATEB. ! First. Second. First. Second. f; a S 2 ttCu: s h 5 h a h egg ft. tn. . m. u A. w. ,v ft. m. .v 1 12a 1 41 2 13 2 53 3SS 4 34 8 0SO 011 7 51p 30 12 03 00 4G 43 42 40 27 09 50 32 13 59 49 47 53 8 43- 01 S 9 ID 11 9 51- 03 06 0 9 18 10 02- 10 5V 1145 0 18 1 31 2 37 3 25 4 17 5 01 5 4!i C29 7 15 7D9 8 43 9 40 10 37 11 33 0 09 1 28 234 3 40 435 5 20 007 0 45 7 39 750 8 21a 5 45 88 2 40p 87 3 2L 84 .4 05 ' 8'0 ri 2 7 C .5 55 7 0 G42 3 8- 0 7 03 8 22 1)82 35 28 21 13 05 -02 -0 8 -11 -11 -0 9 0 5 00 05 32 28 23 10 32 II 27a 0 lSo 0 17a 10! U53 1 41 2 :) 3 2 4:0 552 7 20 8 42 9 51 0 40 1 1 1 1 42 48 I 42 29 11 49 20 00 3G Up 15 08 03 10 52 11 4Ca OSip 0 07a -0 1 -0 3 -0 4 023 -0 3 1 10a -0 21 The bouts between midnignt and noon are designated by a (a. si.), those between noon and midnight by p (p. ai.). oft. 00m. a denotes midnight, oa. 00i. p denotes noon. The height is reckoned from the level of average lower low waters to w hlch the sound ings are given on the Coast Survey charts. Columbia River Exports. SUirJIENTS FOBEIOK. JANUAUY. Wheat, 8S8.837 bus CS8,S7t Floor, 24.838 bbls . 93,252 Total, (19 cargoes) $731,023 FEBEUAKY. Wheat, CIC.735 has ..$4:5,230 Flour, 33.037 bbls 152.090 Salmon, 11.800 cs 59.930 Lumber, SOS M 59.8T3 Total (IC cargoes) S747.H3 MARCH. Wheat. 322.2:8 bus $239,929 Flour. 9.237 bbls 3G.8J0 Total, (C cargoes) S27C.87B Al'KIL. Wheat, 99.193 bus $ 77,000 Flour, 11.000 bbls 44,000 Lumber, 900 11 12,050 Total. (1 cargoes) ..1S3,C50 MAY. 1 To Liverpool, per Beemah. Flour 11.191 bbl .. ... 19.100 Wheat 10,890 bus 15.000 Total.... $04,100 1 To Qucenstown, per Jane SproU. Flour 11.9S8 bbls 511,000 Household Goods 2 chests SO Total $41,030 9 To Queenstoum per Edward Percey. Wheat 47,571 bus $36,500 3. ARNDT & EERCHEN, ASTORIA. - OREGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop BLACKSMITH ii&Mft?fey f-tr r"a. W H 8 I V - -"- v -- 4T,WBKVfcd;tS. Wh and iJHtiK0K2re fSjiBB Doner anop Jr'r"---fr All kinds of ENGINE, CANNEHY, AND STEAMBOAT W0KK Promptly attended to. A specialty made of repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. FISHERMEN'S OUTFITS. OIL SKINS, Gum Boots, Overalls, Shirts, Etc. AT Phil. A. Stokes, Next door to Foard & Stokes' store, Is head quarters for Clothing at Bottom Figures. Everything bought here guaranteed to be Just as represented. No old stock; every thing fresh, and NEW GOODS on every Steamer. Remember the place. PHIL. A. STOKES. a-A full line 61 GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS for sale at Prices that Defy Competition. Tanks for Sale. 4 ROUND TANKS, Capacity 560 gallons each. At ASTORIA PLANING MDLL. ltiC 7 3C 0 51 8 21 CC 9 07 CO 9 53 7 3 10 .TO 75 11 03 7 C 11 39 -- 1 OG 95 1 55 9C 2 45 94 3 37 90 4 31 S 4 5 28 7 7 0 21 7 1 7 20 0 9 8 12 7 0 II 01 73 943 7 4 10 2C 74 11 03 73 11 30 -- 1 18 87 1 59 8 0 233 85 3 13p ASTOBIAK DIRECTORY. State Officers United States Senators........ j J. H. Slater 1 J. X. Dolph Representative In Congress M. C. George Governor, Z. F.Moody Governor's Secretary. Secretary of State Assistant Secretary. State Treasurer Assistant Treasurer Sup't Public Instruction, Chas. B. Moores It. P. Earbart F.E-IIodgkln Ed. Hirsch A. F. Wheeler E. B. McElroy Mate rrinter. w. n. isyars Clerk School Land Board E, P. McCornac Sup't Insane Asylum-. .......Dr. H. Carpenter sup't renitentiary. . ueo. uoiuns IW. P. Lord Supreme Judges J. B. Waldo (W.W.Thayer District Judges : First District .L, R. Webster Seeoud District ..... fiobert Bean Third District R P. Boise Fourth District Seneca Smith Fifth District F. J. Taylor Sixth District . M. L Olmstcad Clatacp County Officers: Judge..... .......... C. A. McGulre Clerk-.................. C. J. Trenchant Sheriff W. G. Ross r-io,to, J D, K. Warren Commissioners -jD0. H0bson Assessor .... ........................J. F. Warren Treaurer.:................-lsaac Bergman Surveyor. ... ....... i. r. farser School Bup't J. E. Hlgttfns Coroner J.'. C. Ross Astoria City Officers: Mnvnr., .,,,.. J- W. Hume Auditor and Clerk .T. S. Jewett Treasurer. J. G. Hustler Assessor....... ..... Geo. r. wueeier Street Superintendent Thos. Logan Chief of Police Clark Loughrey Police Judge ......-.. C. II. Stockton Sexton ... M. Conley covaciwxs : (C. II. Cooper First Ward A. A. He eland ( Isaac Bergman ( Thos. Dealy. Second Ward . C. J. Tienchard ( Chas. Gratko, SOCIETY XKETIXGS. i' ' TampIeLxl8:e,No. 7A.P.A.M. TJECtULAR COJTMUNICATIOXS 3 1 flrbt and third Tuesdas In eachVx month, at 7 o'clock, r. si., at the'V Hall in Astoria. Members of the order in good standing are invited to attend.. uy oraer oi mo . -. Bea rer Lodgre No. 35. L O. O. F. KEGULAE MEETING EV ery Thursday evening at seven o'clock, at the Lodge room In Odd Fellows Hall. Asto ria. Solournlnc members of the order in good standing, cordially invited to attend. Ocean Encampment, No. 13, 1. O. O. F. REGULARMKEITNGSOF OCEAN EN campment No. 13. I. O. O. P., at the Lodge, In the Odd Fellows Building, at seven i. m., on the second and fourth Mondays or eacu montu, bojouming ureui ren cordially Invited. By order C' P. Seaside Lodge No. 12, A. O. TJ. W. KEGULAR MEETINGS OF SEASIDE Lodge No. 12, A. O. U. W. will be held in. their Hall over Camahan & Co.'s on Thursday evening of each week, at 7 o'clock. Members of the order In good standing, and visiting Brothers are invited to attend. Li brary will be open fifteen minutes before and after each meeting. By order M. W. C. BROWN, Rec Astoria Lodse Mo. 40, L O. G.I. REGULAR MEETING EVERY MON day evening at 7 -.SO o'clock. In the Hall over Carnahan's store. Members of the Or der, In good standing, are Invited to attend. By enter " W.C.T. American Legion of Honor. REGULAR MEETING OF ASTORIA Conneli 2fo. 5 is held on the first and third Tuesday of each month, at 7 o'clock i si. By order of the Council Commander. R. V. MONTE1TH, Sec'ty. Occident Council No. 5. 0. C. F. MEETS EVERY FIRST AND THIRD Saturday evenings of eacli month, at 8 o'clock P. 31. Members of the order are respectfully requested to attend. By order. C. BROWN, Recorder. Cushlnsr Post No. 14, G. A. R. REGULAR MEETINGS OF THIS TOST on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 7 :30 r. si. Visiting com rades cordially invited. By order P.C. Cushinfi: Relief Corps No. 3, G. A R. REGULAR MEETINGSONTHESECOND and fourth Tuesdays of each month, at 2 P.M. By order Mns. C. ROSS. Secretary. Pacific Lodge No. 17, K. of P. REGULAR MEETINGS' OF THIS Lodge every Friday evening, at 7:30 o'clock, in their Castle Hall, Sojourning Knights cordially Invited to nttend. W. A. SHERMAN, K. of It. and S. Astoria Division No. One, Uniform 3ank, X. of P. REGULAR MEETING ON THE FIRST Thursday Qf each mouth, In their Ar mory Hall, In Pythian Castle, at 8 r. si. Reg ular drills tra the second, third and fourth Thursday of each month, at such place as shall be designated by the Commander. Sojourning Sir Knlghti cordially invited to meetings and drills. SCOTT BOZORTn. Recorder. Astoria Ladles' Coffee Club. REGULAR MEETINGS AT THE CLUB'S rooms on the first and third Friday's of each month at 7 P. M. MrtB. F. B. KLBERSON, Pres. Common Council. REGULAR MEETINGS. SECOND AND fourth Tuesday evenings of each month at 7 o'clock. 38-lersons desiring to have matters acted upon by the Council, at any regular meet ing must present the same to the Auditor aad Clerk, on or before the Friday evening prior to the Tuesday on which the Council nolds its regular meeting. THOS. S. JEWETT, Auditor and Cleric GERMAN! BEER HALL FROM THE " Northern Pacific Brewery Five Cents. a Class. jyXo inferior Beer sold at this place. W5f . BOCK, Proprietor. THE LATEST STYLES IN WALL PAPER ii AT B. B. FRANKLIN'S, NEXT DOOR TO ASTO RUN OFFICE. A very terjeatock from which to select. .Wjadow curtains made to order. Hrkyjpate Trimmer to cut Wall Paper will be found convenient to ray patrons. ftOTAl W TROYALPSBfljli B Bill wm POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity, strength and wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the mul titude ot low test snort weight, alum or phosphate powders. Solo! only in cam. Roy al Baking Powdf.ii Co.. 100 Walt-st. N. Y. MARKETS. WYATT & THOMPSON, DEALERS IX FRESH AND CURED MEATS, CHOICE GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Crockery and Glassware. Mm DF"oca., DESto. STAR MARKET. WHERRY & COMPANY, Fresh and Cured Meats, T7"o g;t.a7cX s, FRUITS, BUTTER, and EGGS. OPPOSITE OCCIDENT HOTEL, CHETW'AaiUS street, Astoria. Ox Washington Market. Mala Street, Astoria, Orrgoa. BERGMAIS & CO. JPltOPRIETOItS RESPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTEN tion of the public to the fact that the above Market will always be supplied with a FULL VARIETY AND BEST QUALITY FRESH AHD CURED MEATS ! I Which will be soid at lowest rates, whole sale and retail. BFSpecial attention given to supplying ships. Job Printing. Best Quality: Lowest Prices, AT The Astorian Job Office. Receipt Books, Bill Heads, Posters. Cards, Tags, Legal Blanks. Circulars, Note and Letter Heads, Etc. Neat, Quick and Cheap, at The Astorian Job Office. G. A. STINSON & CO., BLACKSMITHING, At Capt. Rogers old stand, corner ofCass and Court Streets. Ship and Cannery work. Horseshoeing. Wagons made and repaired. Good work guaranteed. ers' Sife. Old Castle, Yspitti, and other brands of Coke Tin Plates, for sale in lots to suit purchasers, now in warehouse at Astoria; also Liverpool fine and coarse salt For further particulars apply to JWflMiClL Portland, Oregon. Boat Building. THE BEST STOCK AND WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED. Boats of Every Description Built. Shop over Arndt & Ferchen's. K. 31. LLMTIIEBS. Notice of Application. "VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE i.i uDueracnea win apply to me common Council, of the City of Astoria, at its next regular meeting for a license to sell wine, TTlnlt and snlritllnna llnnnr In Iocs nmntL tiesikan one quart, for a period of one year the city of Astoria as laid out afld recorded by John McClure. REIPPA&KRATPE. Cai LITTLE PEOPLE. Small Gertrude (five years old) Mamma, I quite agree with you. Mamma "Why, my child, what docs agree mean? S. G. When two per sons think alike. Mamma What does disagree mean? S. G. When one person thinks alike. Life. "What's the matter?" called a mother, turning to her little boy who set up a howl, "what are you crying about?" "I want something." "What do von want? ' "I have for got what it.is, and that's what makes ' me cry." Arkansaw Traveler. A little boy in Saratoga not long ago came rushiDg in from outdoors ago crying because he had been stung by a bee. "Mamma," he sobbed, "I'd j just as iieve the bees d walk on me; but I don't like to have 'em sit down." While at the breakfast table a little girl made loud and repeated calls for buttered toast. After disposing ot a liberal quantity, she was told that too much hot buttered toast would make her ill. Looking at the dish for a moment, she thought she euw her way out of the difficulty and ex claimed: "Well, give mo anozzer piece and send for ze doctor." Washed-Out Hair. There is a sort of pallid, chalk com plexion which the novelists call a "washed-out complexion." It Is ghastly enough, and no mistake. Yashed-out, faded, discolored, or parti colored hair is almost as repulsive aim mntnniilinli-" Pnrlrnf'c Tlnm 'R'llcflTTi will restore your hair to its original color, whatever it was ; brown, auburn or black. Why wear moss on j-our head. wnen you may easily nave lively, snm ning hair. m ' Bev. Father Mv child, you should pray God to make you a new heart. Youthful sinner So I did, papa, four days ago; guess it isn't done yet. Life. A rjfe Saving Present. Mr.I.E. Allison, Hutchinson, Kan.: Saved lite life by a simple Trial Bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery, for Con sumption, which caused him to procure a large bottle, that completely cured him, when Doctors, change of climate and everything else had failed. Asthma, Bronchitis, lIoarseness,Severe Coughs, and all Throat and Lung diseases, it is guaranteed to cure. Trial Bottlss freo atW.E. Dement & Co.'s Drug Store. Large size S1.00. YOTJXG 3IE.N !-JtEAI 'X'lf IM. The Voltaic Belt Co., of Marshall, Hlch., offer to send their celebrated Elec-Tito-YoLTAio Belt and other Electihc Appliances on trial for thirty days, to men (young or old) afflicted with nervous debility, loss of vitality and manhood, and all kindred troubles. Also for rheumatism, neuralgia, parol j sis. and manv other dis eases. Complete restoration to health, vigor and manhood guaranteed. No risk Is in curred as thirty days trial Is allowed. Write them at once for Illustrated pamphlet tree zzSEE THAT YOU GETm the "PORTLAND'' Olioioe 3?gfm 1 f .y FLOTJR!! For Sale In T.ots to Suit. By WII.SO.V FJSIIEft. ASTORIA. or hicsox. cnmtcit &. CO., PORTLAND, Or. &. Lemon & Co. STEVEDORES and RIGGERS Portland and Astoria. Poitland Office No. IC, N. Front street. Holden's Auction Rooms Established January 1st, 1877. E. C. HOLDEN, Heal Estate and General Auctioneer and Commission Merchant, Chenamus Street, - Astoria, Oregou. Auuctlon sale of Sundries every Saturday. at 10 :30 a. m., at my Auction Jtooins. Will conduct Auction Sales of Real Estate, Cattle, and Farming Stock wherever de sired. Cash Returns Promptly made after Sales. Consignments respectfully solicited. Notary Public for the State of Oregon. Commissioner of Deeds for Washington Territory. Agent for Dally and "Weekly Oregonian. ASTORIA IRON WORKS. Bkxtox Street, Near PAnKEit House, ASTORIA. - OREGON. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. LAMailABIMGIES BoilerWork, Steamboat Work and Cannery Work a spe cialty. Of all Descriptions made .to Order at Short Notice. A. D. "Wass, President. J. G. Hustler, Secretary, I. W. Case, Treasurer. JOHX Fox.Suporlntendent. 1885. INTEREST Will be allowed On Time Deposits. Drafts on all the Leading Cities. Wm. T. Coleman & Co. 1 S. ELHOItE, Manager Banking Department, Astoria, Oregon. SANFORD'S NVIGORATOti 15 just "wnat its name implies ; e Purely Vegetable "Compound, thai acts directly upoa tteiiver j curing the many diseases iirciderio thatimf portant organ, and patenting the nu merous ailmants tHJotjarise from Us deranged or cpTpaactiQn. such, as Dyspepsia" Jounce, BiHonsnesSj CosenessftMaria, Sick-lieaclache, BietOTaintfetc. Itjs" therefore a luisrAuhl uTo"laye Cxoo&Healri ihiilSTermnstbe fcepfcin anler.' DB. 8A2TE0BD'S IIVEB IH7IQOHAT0E. Invigorates the Liver, Eegulatcs the Bow els, Strengthens the System, Purifies ihe Blood . Assists Digestion, Prevents Fevers. s a Household "Keed. An Invaluable Family Medicine for common complaints. D2. MOTOBD'S IIVEB HTVIGOBATOB. da experience of Forty years, and Thou sands cf Testimonials prove its Merit. FOIl SALE BT ALT. DEALERS IN MEDICINES For fnll mformntion send yonr address for 101 .-zoRooKoa lao Liver and 1U diseases," ft - a .sronD 24 sttans bt., sew toss ens ECZEMA nd Every Species of Itch ing and Burning Diseases Positively Cured. ECZEMA, or Saltltlicuiu, with its agonizing itching and burning, instantly relieved by a warm bath with Ccticuka Soap, and a single application of Cuticuiia. the great skin Cure. This repeated dailv, with two or three close? of Cuticuka Resolvent, the New Blood IV.nfler, to keep thel blood cool, the perspiration pure and and unirrltatiwr. tne Doweut opon, tue liver ana Miinejs act ive, will speedily cure Ktvema, Tetter, Ring worm, Psoriasis, Lichen Pruritus. Scall Head. Dandruff, and every species of Itching, Sca ly, and Pimplv Humors of the Scalp and Skin, when the best phjsicians :ind all known remedies fail. Will McDonnld. 2M2 Dearborn St.. Chicago, gratefully acknowledges euro of Eczema or Salt Rheum on head, neck, face, arms, and legs forscenteen years : not able to walk except on his hands and knees for one year; not able to help himself tor eight years; tiled hundreds of remedies ; doctors pronounced his case hopeless : permanently cured by ccticuua Resolvent (blood pu rifier) Internallv, and Cuticuka and Cuti cuka Soap (tne great skm cures) externally. Chas. Hncrli(on. l'.ttn.. lawyer. 2S State St., Boston, reports a case of iczema under his observation for ten years, which covered the patient's body and limbs, and to which all known methods of treatment had been aunlicd without benefit, which was completely cured solely by tho Cuticura Remedies, leavingaciean and healthy skm. P. IT. Drake. Emj.. Detroit, Hlch.. suf fered untold tortures from Eczema, which appeared on hU hands, head and face, and nearlv destroyed his eves. After the most careful doctoring and a consultation of physicians failed to relieve him, be used the Cuticoka Remedies. and was cured, and has remained so to date. air. John Thl el, Wllkesbarre, Pa., writes : '! have suffered from bait Rheum for over eight years, at times so bad that I could not attend to my business for weeks at a time, Tnrve boxes of CuriccrtA and four bottles Resolvent have entirely cured me or this dreadful disease." Sold bv all druscists. Price t Cuticura. CO cts. ; Reuolvext. Si ; Soap, ij cts. Pot teh Duuo and CrtKMirAL Co., Bost n. Mas?. Send for "How tr. Cure Si. lu Diseases " riTTrnTCURA SOAP. An exquisite Tol VlUli. let, Bath, and Nursery Sanative. CATARRH That pure, sweet, safe, and effective Amer ican dbtilatlon ot "Witch-Hazel, American Pine, Canada Fir, Marigold, and Clover Blossoni, called Saxkobd's Radical Cure fokCatakrh, with one box Catarrhal Solvent and one Sastford's Impoved 1n italek, all In one package, may now bo had of all druggists for st.oo. Ask lor Saxfohd's Radical Cure. Complete Local and Constitutional Treat ment for every form of Catarrh, from a Sim ple Cold or Intiuenza to loss of Smell, Taste, and Hearing, Cough, Bronchitis, and Ca tarrhal Consumption, in every package. Clergymen, Vocalists, And Public Speakers witliout number owe their present usefulness and success to Sax ford's Radical Cure for Catarrh. Rev. Dr. Wiggln says : "One of the best remedies for Catarrh nay, the best remedy we have found in a lifetime of suffering is San'ford's Radical Cuke. It clears the head and throat so thoroughly that, taken each morning on risitig. there are no un pleasant secretions nad no disagreeable hawking during the entire Jay, but an un precedented clearness of voice and respira tory organs." Sold by all druggists. Price $1.00, Potter Drus and Chemical Co., Boston. rAl 1 TK)a "Weary sufferer from QOIJJIYS Rheumatism. Neural- TJUTiutMsHnrrrrVla, Weak and Sore BT hi Coughs and jftl a .ret& Colds, Weat Back. AflSTE "Weak Stomach and Bowels, Dyspepsia, Female "Weakness, Shooting Pains through the Loins and Back, try these Piasters. Placed over the pit of the Stomach, thev prevent and cure Ague Pains, Bilious Colic. Liver Complaints, and protect tho system from a thousand Ills. 23c TO LET. LIBERTY HALL. Suitable for Sociables and Parties. Terms 3Ioderate. Aonlv to X. CLINTON. Presldem?. L.I. JOHNSON, DEALER IX CIGARS AND TOBACCOS, SMOKERS' ARTICLES, Playing Cards. Cutlery, Stationery.; Etc. A fine stock of Mersthaura and Brier Pi pes, Amber Goods, Etc Two doors of cor. "Water and West-9th Sts., ASTORIA, OREGON. Abstracts of Title. THE UNDERSIGNED HAS COMPILED a set of Abstract Books from the records of Clatsop County and Is now prepared to furnish complete and correct Abstracts of Title to any Real Estate In the County, at reasouable rates. C.R. THOMSON, Attorney at Law, Astoria, Oregon. Office, Room 5, over City Book Store. LOEB & GO JOBBERS IN WINES, LIQUOJRS. AND OIGAKK AGENTS FOR THE Best San -Francisco Houses and Eastern Distilleries. Tumblers Decanters, and Ail Kinds of Saloon Supplies. "All goods sold at San Francisco Pnerf. MAIN STREET. Opposite Parker House, Astoria, flrwoi. -ASK. FOR Union India Bnbber Co.'s Pure Para Gum CRACK PROOF RUBBER BOOTS. i:ewaeb of uiitatioxs ! Be sure the hoots are stamped CRACK PROOF on the heels, and have the PURE O (121 SPRINGS on the foot and instep, which prevent their cracking or breaking "We are now making them with. RUBBER AND ASBESTOS Soles which will make them last more than twice as long as any Rubber boots made. FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS. ALL KINDS RUBBER BELTING, PACK ING, HOSE. SPRINGS, CLOTHING. BOOTS AND SHOES, Etc GOODYEAR RUBBER CO. lUIl.PKASK,Jr.t Agents, S.aLRUNYON. f SanJFranclso. IMPOTENT MEN Bo they YounyorO'd baring: Lost thos- altribqtcs ot PERFECT HANHuOD Hay Regain Quickly Sexual Power Procbeatite Ability. rroj rf.-ia atrial. BvTHECSnoP The Civiale Remedies. form of hemlnal loss and weakness whether dua to outhful FoUy. Abase or Natural Failure. This treatment originated by PROF. C1VI ALeT. adopted In every HOSPITAL In FltANOKand ' J-AS1L APPLIED, PAlNLEi-S. QUICK. "5121" aU LAsxi.Ne imts result! FREE TO ALL. .PSJJHSil wnta Si?,e.?.?'f?ilS?frej:-o"'-pi. . did Illustrated U paps medical work, sfvlnff symp torn nf all fnnn. nSnn.i ni.....tii?f.J "i ot thl3 treatment, prleea, testimonials and newa- tuner eniinnipm,ntfl i. jt-n eaJ.JlUo aeents for the. new and ceitaln to cure. Seir-Adlustlnj; and Oloro KitUnj? Cradlu Compressor, for the thorough apd radical cure without surgery, of VARICOCELE Coniultftlloa wltn full Medleal Staff; PBEE. Ciriale Remedial Agencj, 160 Fulton SL, N. Y, RESTORED Thereanon hat Tito x-aniU eitm ot ijci t.jrnt vj SEMIS At WEAKSBSS. LOSS OP SI A V IIOOD, and Ihe result tj abuse.diittut or ejeceuei, u oteiny to a amplication called PROSTA TUIt RIIF.A. DR. LIEBIO'3 IX TIG ORATOR u the OXLYcureorPROSTATORRIIEA. Price. JJiOO per paclaQc, G paclaget. S10 CO. Gahle to Health and SeJf-Analytt tent free. AJJrest LIE RIG DISPRXSAR YforDtseaiet cf J-n 4C0 Geary St.. Sim Franctseo. Cat. Salmon Packer We are prepared to print One lb Salmon Labels of superior quality, well amlshed. At $1.40 per ML Correspondence solicited. A. L. BANCROFT & CO.. 721 Market Street, San Francisco. There is Ho Need of My Adver tising: LABEL The proof of the pudding Is chewing the string. Geo. W. Sanborn, Agt. HINDS, KETCHUM & CO., ASTORIA,. - NEW YORK. M. R. KIPP, PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER. Water Pipes a Specialty. A Full Stock of Material on Hand. Personal attention given all orders, and siiiisiiicuuu Kuarameeu. Terms Iteaaoeable. Shop and office on Cass street, one door aDove-rranic aore's itestaurant, Astoria, urei;un. P. Patterson, .CONTRACTOR & BUILDER. Shop on Concomly Street, opposite Kinney's Cannery. SASHES. DOORS, MOULDINGS, ETC., ON HAND. Estimates given and all work warranted to Rive saiistacuon. W. E. DEMENT & CO, XRL"EJGcG3irS. ASTORIA, - - - OREGON Carry in Stock, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, TOILET and FANCY ARTICLES. Prescriptions carefully Compounded Rit52z3HK lirffllrfMrF .. llfll'' iIlT'l. MANHOOD ''bSSBSKT TRANSPORTATION LINES. flwaco Steam lYiation Co SUMMER SCHEDULE. FROM ASTORIA TO Ft. Stevens, Ft.Canby and llwaco, Connecting by stages aud steamboats for Oysterville, Montesano and Olympfa STEAMER sMs. "GEN. MILES," "W. P. Whitcomi:, Master. "Will leave Astoria daily (Sundays excepted) for Ft. Stevena.-Ft.Canby and llwaco, at 8 A. M- Wlth Oysterville Mali? and Express daily, and Through Mails to points bejond, and Hontesano, W. T., on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. Fare to llwaco, $1.00 Passenger? w HI save 23 cents bv nurchas- Ing tickets before going on board. llwaco Freight per Ton, - $2.00 S"For Tickets. Townee or Charter an- ply at the ofUce or the company, Gray's wharf, foot of IJenton street. J. H. D. GRAY, Agent. STEAMER MOUNTAINEER. CAPT. E. J. MOODY. Atoria, Or., Cathlamet, W. T., Westport, Or., and intermediate points. The Steamer Mountaineer will leave Asto ria dally, until further notice, from Hustler's wharf, loot of Main street, at balf'BiatS o'clock P. 31., as follows : Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays, for CATHLAMET and Intermediate points ou Wash. Ter. side will go to Westport, same days. Tuesday, Thursdays and Satnrdays, for "WESTPORT and intermediate points on the Oregon side will go to Cathlamet same davs. Will LeaT CATHLAMET, W. T., for As toria, Mondays, Wednesdays aad Fridays at seven o'clock A.M., touching at allwayland Insrs on "Wash. Ter. side, and return on same side. Will Leave "WESTPORT, for Astoria,, Or. on Tuesdays, Thnrsdays and Satardays at se v en o'clock A. 3C, touching at all way. land Ing on Oregon side, and return on same slue. For Freight or Passage, apply on board, or to Main street Wharf. BUY YOUR TICKETS via. the popular THIWGVALLA LHOJ. The large, w ell appointed and commodi ous steamers of this line are running. DI RECT betwoen New York and Scandinavia Without calling at any fntermediata-port, consequently no Transfer of Passenger or Baggage. No extra expenses. Captains, Surgeons, Officers, Stewards and- Grew are all Scandinavians. Passengers' .Baggage checked to destination a safeguaruVadopt ed by no other steamship line. Drafts and Money Orders on Denmark, Sweden and Xnnrar Irctiprt nt Imvnct-T-jfoo ?. vhav Information apply to UUZUHTU fit JOHNS, Astoria, Oregon. West Ninth. Street Improvement. NOTICE is hereby given that the common council propose to order the improvement of West Ninth street In tho city of Astoria In Clatsop county, Oregon, as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shlvely, from the south side of w a ter street to the south side of Berry street, by raising that portion between the south side of Water street, and the south side of Cushing's Court, street to its established grade; and by grading. that portion between the south.slde of Cushing's Court street and the south side of Berry street to its fulLwidth and to the established grade, and by plank ing the same to a width of IB, feet through the center thereof, andbykcon structing wooden gutters and sidewalks on both sides of said street. And unless a remonstrance signed by the owners of two-thirds of the prop erty fronting on said portion ot saia street be filed with the Auditor and Clerk within ten days of the final jmbli cation of this notice, viz: TuesifayMay 2G, 1883, the common council will order said improvements made. By order of tho common council. Attest: T. S. Jewett, Auditor and Clerk. Astoria, May 3, 1885. Main Street Improvement. NOTICE is hereby given that the common council of the city of t Astoria propose to order the improvement of that portion of Main street In r the city of Astoria, Clatsop eounty, Oregon, as laid out and recorded by John Mc Clure, from the south, side of. Eighth street to the south side of Tenth street by grading the same to its fulL width to Its established grade and by "planking the same to a width of 16" feet through out the center thereof. And unless a remonstrance signed by the owners of two-thirds of the proper ty fronting on said portion of said street be iiled with the Auditor and Clerk within ten days of the final publi cation of this notice, viz: Tuesday, May 261885, the common council will order said Improvements made. By order of the common council. Atrest : T. S. Jewett, Auditor and Clerk. Astoria, May 3, 1885. "West Ninth Street Grade. NOTICE is hereby given that the common council of the city of Astoria propose to establish the grade of that portion of "West Ninth street, in Shive ly'3 Astoria, between Cedar street and Berry street as follows, to-wit; At its crossing with Cedar street at a height of 35 feet above the base of grades; at its crossing with Wall street, at a height of 76 feet above the base of grades ; at its crossing with Arch street at a height of 118 feet above the base of grades; at its crossing with 'Spruce street at a height of 163 feet above the base of grades: at its crossing with Berry street at a height of 205 jeet apoye the base of grades. And unless a remonstrance signed by the owners of two-thirds of the property fronting on said portion of said street be filed, with the Auditor and Clerk within ten days of the final publication of this notice, viz: May 26, 1885, the common council will establish such grade. By order of the common council. Attest; T. S. Jewett, - Auditor and Clerk. Astoria, May 3, 1885. Y'h -a u v - ;TV ."ri