m nf VOL. XXIII, NO. III. ASTORIA, OREGON, SATRFDAY 31 AY 9, 1885. PRICE, FIVE CENTS BUSINESS CARDS. TTUx. A. L. and .1. A. FUJL.TOW Physicians nml Surgeons. Will jrlve prompt attention to all calN. Iiom any part ol the city or country. Ofllce over Allen's Store, corner Csfis and Suneinoqua streets, Astoria, Oregon. Telephone No. 41. fVK. FRAXK PACK. Physician nnd Surge oil. Office. RooinG, over D. A. Mcintosh's jtoie. Okfice HODlts :- 9 to 11 a. M. ;-S to 5 p. M. Residence, opposite theJoliansen building CKO. A. POllUIS, GKO. "OUAJi"D XOK.AKD & BOKItlS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Ofilcc ill Kinney's Block, opposite City Hall, Astoria, Oregon. r. r. fultox. G. C. FOLT02T. FUrTOX BROTHERS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Rooms 5 and C. Odd Fellows Building. JOSEPH A. GILL,. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Offick. on Cass street, 1 door south of Odd Fellows Building. T ft A. KOWIiBY, Attorney and Counsellor ut Law, Ofllce on Cheuamus Street, Astoria. Oregon. G F.I.O F. PAitKEK. SURVEYOR OF ClatMep CoHnty,and City ofAMtorin Office : Chenamus street, Y. M. C. A. hall Room No. 6. 0. W. liEICK, ARCHITECT AND SUPERINTENDENT. Offick : Room 9, Klunej's Brick Block, TAY TOTTLE. Sl'.li. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office Rooms i, 2, and 8. Pythian Build ing. Residence On Cedar Street, luck of St. Mary's Hospital. f p. HICKS. A. R.MIAW. HICKS & SHAW. DENTISTS. Rooms In Allen's Building, up stairs, cor ner Cass and Squemoqua streets. Astoria. Oregon. BANKING AND INSURANCE! !. W. CASE, Broker, Banker, and Insur ance Agent, ASTORIA, - OKEfSOS. OFFICE HOURS: From 0 o'clock A. M. until 3 o'clock P. M. Bozorth. & Johns, Real Estate and Insurance Accnts and Broker ASTORIA. ... - Oregon. We write policies in the following well known Fire insurance Cempanies: PnCENIX OF HARTFORD. SCOTTISH UNION AND NATIONAL OF EDISBURO. LION. OF LONDON HOME. OF NEW YORK. LONDON AND LANCASHIRE, OF LIVER POOL. PHC&XIX. OF BROOKLYN. CONNECTICUT. OF HARTFORD. OAKLAND HOME, OF OAKLAND, CALA. And also represent the WESTERN, of California, HAM U URQ- BREMEN', of Ger many, and AMERICAN STEAM BOIL ER INSURANCE CO. Real Estate Bought and Sold on Commission. M. W. FECHHEIMER, -H. W.CORBET P. - -EDWARD HAL1-, - President Vice President Secretary THE OREGON Fire ail Marine taraoce Co. OK PORTLAND, OREGON. Capital Paid Up. Cash Asctt Exceed. - Jjso.eeo.eo C. LEIKEXWEBER, - Agent, ASTORIA, OREGON. C. E. Bain & Co. Are now prepared to furnish Doors. Windows, Mouldings AND BH.AOBLBTS. Orders Solicited. Private Boarding House, j mUE UNDERSIGNED RESPF.CTFULLY ! ja. announces inai sue is prepareu 10 iur nlsh Ladies or Gentlemen with Board only, or with Board and Furnished Rooms at v ery reasonable rates. No extra charge for use of Parlor or Bath room, and every effort will be made to make her guests feel com lortauie ana at home. j rInBrr Served from 5:39 to C:38 P. HI. ! MRS. K. C, HOLDKX. SE Cor. Main aud Jefferson streets. i Dissolution of Copartnership, j NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE 1 copartnership heretofore existing un der the firm name aud style of Thomes and Knowles Is this day dissolved by mutual agreement. j C. W. KNOWLES. C.T. THOMES. Astoria, Oregon, April 13th. 1885. 4w WOMEN I Xcedlcc renewed ktrcnsth, cr Trbo tufTer from Infirmltle pccnUnr to their sex, should try BITTER THE TONIC This medietas combines Iron with pore receUble tonics, end is lcviJmblo for Diseues peculiar to Women, and all who lead sad entarf lire. It En riches and Pm-lSea the Bleed, Ktiraalaten the Appetite. rrcBsrtbcBH the Muscles and Nerves in fact. thorocchlrlnTlgeratCfl. Clean the complexion, and makes the akin smooth. It does not blacken the teeth, cause headache, or produce constipation all other Jren nt&ictntt do. Mas. Fijzabeth BitBD. 74 Fanrell Are., Milwau kee. TVis., Bars, under date of Dee. 26th. 1884: I hare need Brown's Iron Bitters, and it ha been more than a doctor to me. hannjr cured me of the weakness ladies hare in Me. Also cored me of liv er Complaint, and now my complexion is clear and cood. Has been beneficial to mjr children." Genuine has aboTe trade mark and croeeed red lines on wrapper. Take no ether. Made only by BROYVX CHEMICAL COBALTIMOKE, MD. Ladies' Hans Book useful and attractive, con taining list of prises for recipes, information about coins, etc.. siren away by all dealers in medicine, cr mailed to any address on receipt of 2c ctamp. SXELL, IIEITSHU & WOODARD, Wholesale Agents, rorlland Oregon. A. V. Allen, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Provisions, MILL FEED. Glass and Plated Ware, TROPICAL AND DOMESTIC FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Together with Wines, LiquorsJobaccoXigars Moore's Remedy -FOR- Poison 0tls.. MOORE'S REMED Cures aud Pieents POISON OAK. CBUES Piles. Burns, Cuts: RE- JIOVRS Sunburn and Freckles, Cold in the Head or Lungs, Croup. Etc.. etc. An Invaluable FAMILY SALVE. Sold by ail Druggist. 25 Cents a Box. Try It! Old Caslle, Yspitti, and other brands of Coke Tin Plates, for sale iu lots to suit purchasers, now in warehouse at Astoria; also Liverpool fine and coarse salt For further particulars apply to Meyer, Wmk Co, Portland, Oregon. Boat Building. THE BEST STOCK AND WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED. Boats of Every Description ' Built. Shop over Arndt & Perchen's. K. M. LElTnERS. 1885. INTEREST Will be allowed On Time Deposits. Drills on all the Leading Cities. . Wm. T. Coleman &Co. .8; 1110 KB. Manager Banking Department, Astoria, Oregon. zzSEE THAT YOU GET TEE "PORTLAND" OHoice IB'saaaJJ.y Patent Roller FLOUR!! For Sale Jo Lois to Suit. Bv iriZSOX & FISREfl. ASTORIA. Or SKBSOX, CHURCH &. CO., PORTLAND, Or. H BEST Cam siito. THE NEW IRREPRESSIBLE CONFLICT. The conflict that is impending be tween England and Kussia is as irre pressible as that which once con vulsed the United States. The Bussian empire occupies the whol of northern Europe. Its great want, felt ever since it expanded into its present power, is an outlet iu winter. ' For half a year its ports in the Baltic are sealed with ice. It has ports in ' the Black sea which are accessible at j all seasons, utu Turkey commauus the outlet to the Mediterranean and the world beyond. Bnssia, like its typical bear, is therefore forced to hibernate. It is hermetically sealed for one-half of each year. The weak ness which results from this condi tion has often been demonstrated. Several limes, in recent years, when apprehending war, Bnssia had to send its Asiatic fleets to winter iu this port, and its Atlantic fleets to New York and Norfolk. It is not necessary now to consider whether the possession of a port, or ports in Europe, accessible at all times, is, or is not, a worthy national ambition. The condition of the United States at the outset of our ca reer bore some resemblance to that of Bussia. A foreign power com manded the outlet of the Mississippi as Turkey now holds the only outlet for Bussia into the Mediterranean. We were not sealed up in winter as Bussia is, but, for all that, the repres sion at the mouth of the Mississippi was keenly felt. If a lucky European complication had not given us a chance to purchase Louisiana for a bagatelle from the First Napoleon, it is not improbable that wo would have taken possession by forco lopg ago. England from the beginning has thrown the chief obstacles in the way of Bussian development in the direc tion above stated. She was moved to this ceurse: first, by jealousy of a possible naval rival in Bussia; and second, through au apprehension that an accumulation of Bussiau power near the Mediterranean might endan ger her principal line of communica tion with her East Indian posses sions. So far England has been enabled to induce other nations to act with her in confining the great northern colossus to his present limits. In 1851 sho had willing 'assistants in Louis Napoleon, who about that time began to feel that military glory was essential to the permanency of his dynasty, aud of Victor Emanuel, who was anxious to secure a recognized place in the European family of na tions for his little kingdom of bar dinia. It is quite certain, however, that as the irrepressible conflict be tween England and Bnssia progresses, its adventitious surroundings would disappear, and that in time the real belligerents wonld find themselves face to face. This seems to bo the condition of things to-day. In such a conjuncture to talk of arbitration, or composition of tho difficulty, is a mere waste ot time. If the conflict does not come off now, it will at some future day. So longas Bussia is shut out from the Mediterranean and En gland holds India, a collision is among the certainties of the future. Komaroffand AlikhanofT, Sir Peter Lumsden and the ameer are now fir ing the train as the Greek and Latin monks by their quarrels in the Holy Sepulchre in ISoi did that which pro duced the Crimean explosion. It can, perhaps, lead to nothing but error to suppose that Bnssia wants India. She has not the least use for that vast dependency. There is not much in it now. Warren Hastings and his successors have drained it very thoroughly. Tho looms of India have been superceded by those of Europe; her kings, princes and be gums have been plundered, of most oftheir treasures. India is a prosaic country, that now produces wheat, indigo and- opium. It is making some experiments in quinine. The great white czar does not want it. Holy Bussia has no use for jt. But Herat, the key which unlocks it is earnestly desired. It is expected that that key can be used to open the Bosphorus and not India. If Herat is conceded there will be no war now. But there will be one by and by, when Bussia will be in better condition to wage it than now. It follows that if England loses India, that she will no longer have any reason to impede Bussian development in southeastern Europe. Whenhe has no Asiatic dependency to look after, she will not be concerned about the lines o! communication with the Orient What the issue of the tremendous conflict, which appears to bo immi nent, is likely to"be, n'o man, of course, can telL The collision on land will be on the confines of Afghanistan. Tho English will do some heavy fight ing. The only native troops upon which they can place much depend ence are the Afghans, tho Sikhs and the Ghourkas. The great mass of the Sepoy army in India is a frail reed. On the other hand, the Bus sians are steady fighters. Mbro or less fanaticism is mixed up with all their campaigning. Holy Bussia excites an enthusiasm among them that has not been felt in England since the time of Cromwell's Iron sides. The will be jn addition some sputtering naval warfare. Bussian ports on the Baltic and t lso on the Black sea may be bombarded. There will be considerable slopping over of the fighting into the Pacific. Per haps Bussian ironclads may discharge some shells at English seaports. But for a half-century the naval arm of no nation has been very conspicuous in war. The fight between the Mon- ftor aud the Jlernmav in Hampton i roads, the capture of New Orleans and Mobile and the battle of Lissa almost comprise the naval achieve-' merits of the epoch. The Afghans have been the theme for some time past, but little has been said regarding their arms. The Af ghan matchlock or jaziel has no par allel as a firearm on the face of thej earui. xz is aoout nine icer. long, aim is fitted near the muzzle with a prong which supports it on the earth when it is about to be fired off. It is fitted with a powder pan nnd a catch for holdiug a fuse, and, therefore, he is by no means a certain shot During the last Afghan war it used to be a joke among the British soldiers that an Afghan would poise his jaziel up on a rock, calculate when his enemy would be likely to arrive in front of his muzzle, fixhis fuse, and then go off to some little distance and sit down and smoke. If the enemy ar rived in front of the matchlock just as it went off, why then he would most likely be killed; but it he didn't and tho weapon went off a quarterof an hour after he had passed it, then no harm was done, and its owner would philosophically set the jaziel again in hopes of catching the next comer, and then go oil to his rock and smoke and await developments. Henry James, a nephew and name sake of the well-known novelist, is a most interesting ohild of three years. Becently Mrs. Trowbridge of Cam bridge, called to see Mrs. James, and not finding her at home, said to the child: "I have no cards with me; do you think you can re member my name and tell your mam ma that Mrs. Trowbridge called to see her?" The child looked her full in the face and replied: "There are so many things in the world that I want to remember and can't. I don't think I shall try to remember a thing I don't want to." Again, after being advised to try and button her own shoes, faint grunts wero heard in the next room, nnd soon in an emphatic tons came the werds: :0h, God, why couldn't you have made mo with ray shoes on?' JV. Y.I'ost. A class in mental arithmetic was questioned concerning the number of men required to perform a certain piece of work in a specified time, the answer given was "twelve men and two-thirds." A bright lad per ceiving the oddity of two-thirds of a man, instantly replied; 'Twelve men and a boy fourteen years old" four teen being two thirds of twenty-one, the legal age of manhood. A Fastta? Girl. Iu Cincinnati a sixteen-year-old girl recently died after a fast of fifty two day.". She had been attacked by something like paralysis which rend ered it impossible for her to take nourishment. The human svstem .cannot thrive without good food and good ability to digest it. Weak and impairod digestiou is rectified by Brown's Iron Bitters--better than any other tonio in the world. Mr. J. E. Freoberg, Pomeroy. Iowa, says: '1 used Brown's Iron Bitters for dys pepsia and poor appetite; completely cured me.'' It will cure you. "So yon play the piano, my little girl?" said a gentleman to a little miss. "Yeth, thir." "And can you play any other instrument?" "Not yet", thir, but I expect to play the harp when I go to heaven" lioton Courier. Srotl'rtTCtmilMinii of Iure Cod Liver OH, with llypopliOHiihltCM. Especially Valuable for Children. Dr. J. 1J. Fj:aym:i:. Memphis, Tcnn., ays: I have used Scott's Eimibion for many year?, ami regard It as a valuable niedicffic for the diseases, of adults, for infants teething, ami broken down sy. teni iu children. Matilda's Iver to her little sister Come Myrtle, givo mo a kiss, only one. L. S. No, I wen't: you asked Tildy for just oue, in the parlor, be fore diuner, and you took Ixro. The Judyc. Sleo;!i-s Nights made mtier.uile bv that terrible rough. .Shiloh's Cure is the-renmly for yon. Sold by E. De ment it Co. Shiloh's Vitalizer is what yon need for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Diz-7.ine.t-.- anil all .symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 ar.d 73 cents per bottle. Sold by E. Dement. E. Lemon & Co. STEVEDORES and RIGGERS Portland nnd Astoria. Portland Oillcc No. lGtN. Front street. Holden's Auction Rooms Established January 1st, 1877. E. C. HOLDEN, Real Estate nnd General Auctioneer and Commission Merchant, Chenamus Street. - Astoria, Oregon Auuction sale of Sundries every Saturday, Ul. IU ZJU A. JI., ill. HIV AU" u '"iu"'J- Will conduct Auction Sales of Real Estate, Cattle, and Farming Stock wherever de iiretl. . . , Caidi Returns Promptly made after Salei. Consignments respectfully solicited, x-nn. Ti,lilt fnr thf tntA nf Hrflnmi Commissioner of Deeds for Washington rPv'Wr Agent for Dally and Weekly Orcgonlan fTmrnnBff niT vb.' - m am jij lil ii w b m a J H r,',S Sill 1i?feTHE GREAT .jfW avg:r & FOR "JEJUST. CURES Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Headache, Toothache, Sore Throat. Strelllne Sprclit. IlruWc, Jlornc, bcalil, Jr'rott Kltctt, AND ILL OTHER BODILY PAI3 A.D ACII73. N-51 Ly DrcccUts nd Deilen exarristur. Flft'Outi butU. Direction la 11 Lausuafti. THE CHARLES A. VOCKLEIt CO.. (Scriur.uA.VOGEiftCO.) iUllbuorr, JU., U.S. A. fflflAIIA HOTEL MRS. EVA WALL3IAN, - Proprietor. ASTORIA, OREGON. First Cinqs in Every Respect. NEW HOUSE, NEW FURNITURE. Fitted up willi cTory Courcn ieuco for the Comfort of Transient and Permanent Guests. Corner Squemoqua and West Sth Streets. The Telephone Saloon The Finest Establishment of the Kind in Astoria. Especially fitted up for tho Comfort and Convenience of those who enjoy a Social Glas. The Best or Wines and Liquors, The Choicest Cigars. Everything New and First-Class. R. Is. JEFFKItY. Prop'r. XI. H. PARKEK, I'roji'r. First Class in Every Respect. Free Condi to the llotiic. Oh! I Say! GOOD BOARD and LODGING FOR $4.50 per Week, AT THE New York Restaurant. UARTU'S BUILDING. 11. FUVCH, - - Proprietor. Pure Ice, Delivered at Your Door. This Ice is "cut on like Cocollalaandis pure. All orders left at Post & Hansen's Astoria Soda Works mill le nrompllv attended to. G. REED. Manager. ColnWa Transportation. Copy. FOR PORTLAND! Through Freight on Fast Time! THE SEW TELEPHO "Ylilch lias been specially built for the comfort of passengers will leave Wilson & FLiher's Dock every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. arriving at Portland at 1 P.M. Returning leaves Portland every Tuesday and Thursday at 6 A. M. arriving at Astoria at 1 P. M. a f-An additional trip will be made on Sunday of Each WceK, leaving Portland at 9 O'clock Hniiday Slorninsr. Passengers b this route connect at Kalama for Sound ports. U. B. SCOTT, President Wilson & Fisher' Ship Chandlers, HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE Paints, Oils, and Varnish. LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. PROVISIONS- AND , AGENTS FOR Salem "Flouring Mills, Portland Roller Mills, Capital "Flour and FAIRBANKS' SCALES. ASTORIA, OREGON. B. E. Franklin, SQUEMOQUA STREET, NEXT TO THE ASTOKIAX r.UII.TJINO. -All work done In a skillful manner on sliprt.notice at reasonable rates. ASTORIA IRON WORKS. Bknton STitK2Tt Near, Pakker House, ASTORIA. - OREGON. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS.' LAMaiMABIM&n-IS Boiler Work, Steamboat Work and Cannery Work a spe cialty. O.S'3?X"KrC3lrS , Of nil DeHcrlptlouH made to Order nt Short Xoilce. A. D. Wass, President. J. (. Hustlek, Secretary, I. W. Case, Treasurer. johx FoXjSuporintendent. S. ARNDT & JFERCHEN, ASTORIA, '- OREGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop j2?ro.n BiACKsainu S35Y?fer T t SH0P4 J3GZr -SCL !MA- Boiler Shop AU kinds of ENGINE, CANNERY, AKD STEAMBOAT WORK Promptly attended tc. A specialty made of repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. STEAllER MeMer aiifl CaMnet Maker, AND SIIIPJMP? 7L iriaK'Wj'Auamm. j- :zr,'- "YA'SaWr THE BEST 13 THE Royal Brand Flour Manufactured by the OREGON MILLING COMPANY Is of Superior quality, and Is Endorsed by all who use It. THEHOUSEKEEPER'S FAVORITE Of Superior Rising QuaUty. Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction. WYATT & THOMPSON Sole Asents for Astoria. Paiitii and Paper Hanpk KALS0M1MNG ETC. OHAS. OXjiSDEl'Kr Paint Shop in building formerly oc cupied by J. A. Montgomery, corner of Main and Jefferson Streets. . All ordera promptly and satisfactorly executed. J. H. D. GRAY. Wholesale and retail dealer in. GROCERIES, FLOUR, AND FEED Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME, SAND AND CEMENT. General Storage and Wharfage on reason able terms. Foot of Benton street, Astoria, Oregon. WH, EDOAR, Dealer In Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes Meerschaum and Brier Pipes, GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY Revolvers and Cartridges. CORNER MATK AND CHENAMUS ST8. The Gem Saloon; The Popular Resort for Astorians. For the Finest of Wines and Liquors Go to THE GEM SALOON. -ALEX. CAMPBELL, - - PROPRIETOR ASTORIA LIQUOR STOM, AUG. DANIELSON, - Proprietor. llebulltand. Refitted. Throughout Tho Best of WIXES.iilQUOBS.AND CIGABS, For a Good Cigar, call for one of "Danielson's Best." Corner West 9th and WaterStreets, Astoria. n9-Cm Magnus 0. Crosby Dealer In EARDWABE, IRON, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, , STOVES, TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEfeT IRON, 3?1r AND Oc;,P3pi"- Astoria Sail Joffc. Best of fori at Bottom Fipm J. HESS, The well-known Sailmaker now occupies The Astoria Sail Loft, formerly occupied by A. M. Johnson. Boat Sails a Specialty. ALL WORK WARRANTED Coine and see me at The Astoria Sail Loft : next to Pythian Building. Address P.O. Box 312. J. MESS. " Floats! Floats! Floats! CANNERYMEXT who are In need of Floats. Copper Handles and Mallets should send their orders to B. W. BLOOD. Clatskanie, Oregon, who has a quantity oa hand which will be sold at reasonable rates. 'SECURE THE SHADOW' Ere the substance fade, and when you visit Portland, make It a part of your business to call on W. H. Totvjte, at the San Fran clsoo Gallery, S. W. corner First and Morrison streets, and have your photograph taken In the highest style of the art. & f Si-. vv