The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, May 08, 1885, Image 3

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Fill DAY MAY S. 1RS5
(Moiulay excepted)
Terms of . Subscription.
Sorved by Cun-ier. per week loots.
Sent by Iil. icr month COcts.
" " one year ........... ?7.oo
Free of po-.ts.gc to subscribers.
CfirAdvertisement3 inset tod by the vear at
the rate of S2 per square per month. Tnm
Ment advertising fifty cents per square, each
Notice To Advertisers.
The AsroniAX guarantees to its ad
vertisers the largest circulation of. anv
newspaper lmblished on the Columbia
This paper is on file at the .St. Charles
Hotel, Portland, Or.
The umbrella trade is looking up.
Tho Shubricl; is off for Gray's harbor.
It will soon bo in order to do something
toward celebrating the 4th of July.
The BeJa came in yesterday having on
board some of the delayed railroad iron
for the Ft. Stevens wharf.
Thero will bo a grand ball at Mrs.
O'Brien's new hall at upper Astoria, to
morrow evening. A general invitation is
The Chipman went to tho Sound yes
terday, 'lho Edward Percy came down
j-esterday with a hull wholly free from
At Gray's dock will bo found a fine lot
of dri' wood, which will be sawed and de
livered to any part of tho city at a rea
sonable rate.
"Win. Loeb is having a forty foot ex
tension built on the rear of hisestab'isu
ment to accommodato his rapidh in
creasing business.
Tho Point Adams PjcVujCo. had
disincorporated. All the JHK propri
tary and otherwise, areBHScrred by
pnrouase to LIssrs. Gorgo & Barker.
John Hobson received a dispatch,from
"Washington vfcsterda .ifternoon stating
that oyerv thing wai satisfactory and
his papers were on tho way.
A St Helens correspondent writes that
court opened thero on tho Gth. J. Q. A.
Bowlby and F. D. "Wmton represent tho
Astoria bar. The famous Cloliuger case
was removed to Washington county.
The hoso belonging to tho fire depart
ment was given a thorough inspection
yesterday every foot being tested, and
all defective lengths condemnod. Thero
is now about 2,500 feet of hoso in A 1 con
dition. To-morrow evening Mougrein Do Las
somm tho man who made tho great sen
sation in London and Paris, will appear
at Liberty Hall. Ho ranks with Holler
and Anderson as being one of the world's
greatest wizards, and will create a sensa-
Capt. J. H. D. Gray, agent for tho II-
Fwaco Stoam Navigation Companv, adver
tises for bida for rebuilding the steamer
Gen. Canby, and building a now hull and
oabin. A lino model arrived on the last
steamer, m accordance with which tho
work is done.
The Salem fire companies have elected
tho following delegates to the state fire
men's association in this city: Albany
Engine Co., No. 1, T.J. Cline, G.Vf.
"Watts, H. Parker; Linn Engine Co., No.
LJ, K. "Weatherford and G. L. Foster;
ltescuo H. & L. Co., No. 1, F. P. Nutting
and O. H. Irvine.
Do 3ou remember once upon a time that
thero was somo talk of building a street
railway in Astoria? A private letter
lrom San Francisco says that tho work
will soon bo begun or resumed or com
menced or inaugurated or started, 83
that 'S3 may yet seo a street railway and
locomotive in Clatsop county.
Arrangements have been mado where
by tho Albany firemen who attend tho
tournament at Astoria can make tho
through trip in ono day, leaving Salem
on tho morning express and making con
nection at Portland with tho fast steamer
Telephone, arriving hero at live o'clock in
tho evening. Bound trip from Salem
will bo $G.3o.
Tho St. Charles Hotel, corner Front
and Morrison Sis., Portland, refitted and
refurnished will be found convenient
and attractive to Astorians. Mr. C. W.
Knowles, who is one of the men who
knows how to keep a hotel, w'll seo that
Astorians will bo made feel thoroughly
at home. The Dailt Astokian is on file
nt the St. Charles.
Tho advertisement of the San Francis
co and Astoria Packet Line appears jthis
morning. Leaving San Francisco every
ten or twelve days for Astoria direct tho
vessels will carry freight here for $1.50 a
ton. A ton means a ton in this case. Thero
will bo no "primage" or gougage, and if
a patron of the lino feels aggrieved, he
can have matters straightened out with
out waiting for red tape returns from
Volumo V of the history of Mexico, the
latest of tho list in Bancroft's ''History
of tho Pacific States," is received. It
treats of an important epoch in the his
tory of our southern sister republic, from
1824 to 1SG1, and is written with the same
fidelity to historic detail and picturesquo
verbiage that characterize tho earlier vol
umes of his great work. The work is of
great interest to American readers. The
chapter on tho secession of Texas from
Mexico and the history of the Mexican
war, written from an impartial stand
point, is a valuable contribution to tho
current history of the times Tho great
scope of the work, of which he volume
in question isbut an integral part, makes
it of abiding value to the public. The
volume is elaborately gotten up, has ac
curate maps and well executed illustra
tions and takes its place beside the other
volumes of tho scries on thousands of li
brary shelves all over the coast.
J. W. Cook is in the citj-.
L. A. Loomis came over from Oyster
ville yesterday.
C. W. Fulton nnd E. C Holden re
turned from Portland 3-esterday.
Leut. A. H. Itussell, of the ordnance
department, went to Ft. Canby yester
day. C. W. Knowles was busy shaking hands
yesterday on a flying visit from the me
tropolis. Mr. L. Eussell. acting agent for Bal
four, Guthrie & Co. is at the office of Mr.
P. L. Cherry.
Mr. Brown, an old and honored citizen
of Marion county is reported dangerous-
K v1 "6 mb uams. in irervais. lie is tno
Father of Mrs. J. Q. A. Bowlbv. Mrs. F.
B. Elber3on and C. Brown of this city.
Scott Bozorth starts for Boiso City,
Idaho, this morning, where he goes into
business. Scott has made an excellent
reputation here as a careful business man
and will doubtless meet with friends and
fortune in his new home.
The KnterUlnmcnt tobp girtn Thi Erenlng.
The spring term of school in District
Nc. 1 closed yesterdaj. "Written exam
inations were held tho first three days of
the weok, tho result ofjvhich will be an
nounced next Tuesday.
To-night takes place a school enter
tainment at Liberty Hall nnd those of
us who are not too old to remember with
what zest those entertainments were en
tered into in days gone by will need no
urging to attend this evening and con
tribute to the success of tho enterprise.
Tho object as before stated is to raise
money to bay necessary apparatus for
the school.
The teachers have worked hard to in
sure success and a generous appreciation
of their services is asked.
Aside from that tho entertainment is
well worth double the prico of admission.
Following is the order of exercises par
ticipated in by those who were selected
at the different preliminary contests last
Song "Swinging Neath the Old Apple
Tree" Second Grammar Department.
Salutatory Miss Ella Tanger.
Song-"Tho Old Boat" Otto Parker
and First Grammar Department.
Contest Primary Department Ircna
Johnson, Mamie Clinton, Lorena Wirt,
James Buffington, Maxie Wise, Nellio
Song "Tho Distant Drum" First
Grammar Dep't.
Song "Popping Corn" Pearl Holden.
Dialogue "Schoolmaster Wanted"
J. Trullinger and J. F. Hartwig.
Song "Writing to Papa" Alma Pohl
and Daisy Stockton.
Song Medley "Mother Gooso Melo
dies" First Intermediate Department.
Contest. Intermediate Department:
"How Maudo Kept Watch" Eliza Mc
kean; "Death of Marmion" Alfred
(' eveland; "William Tell" Minnie
Cleveland; "Grandma's Angel" Callie
Vaughn; "Guilty or not Guilty" Daisy
Stockton; "Both Sides" Alma Pohl.
Becitation "Miss Edith Holp3 Things
Along" Agnes Stockton.
Song "Old Kentucky Horae"-J. Trul
linger. Contest, Grammar Department:
"Gone with a Handsomer Man" May
Monteith; "Tho Vagabonds" Katie Lo
gan; "Darius Green and his Flying Ma
chine" Amy Pewell: "Mother nnd Poet"
Hannah McCormack; "Masachusetts
to Virginia" Belle Cleveland; "Abraham
Lincoln" Frank Brail ier.
Song "A B C Duet" Minnie Sherman
and Frank Young.
Bo-United States" First Grammar
School Cantata.
Decision of Judges.
Awarding of Prizes.
ADAIR 111105. VS. W. T. COLKMAX.
Tho caso of Adair vs. W. T. Coleman
cams up in tho D. S. circuit court yester
day, says tho Orcgonian of the 7th, for
hearing on a demurrer to tho complaint.
It seems that in 18S1 Coleman bought
fiOOO cases of snlmon of Adair Bros, nt
their cannery in Astoria. The fish was
shipped by direction of Coleman nnd
went to Liverpool, England to the care of
Bogers, Meyer &Co. On the 15th of Oc
tober in that year Coleman received a
dispatch stating that about 50 per cent of
the fish was bad. He immediately for
warded the dispatch to Adair iiros. nnd
instructed his agent at Astoria, Mr.
Brakke to ask the Adairs to assign
their property to him ns secuntv for the
loss, amounting to about $10,009 and in
case they would not do so ho was to at
tach the property. Adair Bros, convoj'ed
their cannery and other property to Cole
man ns security. Afterward Coleman re
ceived another dispatch stating that tho
fish were not so bad as at first thought.
Ho sent this dispatch to tho Adairs also.
In tho spring of 1SS2 tho Adairs wanted
thoir cannery back, as tho fishing season
was about to commence, and sought a
settlement with Coleman. He furnished
them with nn itemized account of losses
nnd expenses, amounting to a little over
$ 1,000 which they paid and took their
property back.
Sinco then they brought a suit in tho
state circuit court at Astoria to recover
the money paid Coleman, on tho ground
that he took advantage of them and de
ceived them. The suit was removed here
by Coleman. Tho grounds of the de
murrer to tho bill are that if the plaintiffs
nrejentitted to recover anything they have
a plain and adequate remedy at 1p w, nnd
therefore cannot properly bring a suit in
chancery; nnd that they are not entitleed
to recover at all as there wasa stetlement
by consent of both.partfes at the solicita
tion of the -Adairs, each party being
equally advised of the fact m the matter.
Tho demurrer was argued b3 C. W. Ful
ton for tho plaintiffs and Judge Kelly for
the defendant, and the subject taken
under advisement.
Keeils Investigation.
The matter on wheso head rests tho re
sponsibility of the Oregon exhibit will
soon be brought up. The first car load
of goods sent, says the AVirs, were col
lected by Messrs. Allen and Crawford
to pay the expenses of which the stale
voted 5,000. The exhibit was not suffi
cient, nnd Mr. Allen wrote here asking
that it bo replenished. The Oregon board
of immigration collected 325 a. -ut
another car load of stuff on to New r
leans, including 10,000 pamphlet.
Sinco that time tho Oregon board of im
migration has become a state institution,
and at the meeting Tuesday evening thoy
refused to take any responsibility for tho
oxhibit on their shoulders. What has
become of the 5,000 voted to pay ex
penses of the exhibit is a mystery. It
is certain that J. W. Virtue, of Baker
City got $1,000 for tho exhibition of a
cabinet of minerals; it is stated that
the cabinet was never sent to Now Or
leans, but was sold in Chicago by Mr.
Virtue. Other parties who mado them
selves prominent at first havo dropped
from public view since obtaining their
salary. Governor Moody is credited with
pronouncing the matter an outright
swindle, and it would havo bsen investi
gated by the legislature at the last ses
sion, but for tho stubborn senatorial con
test. If nn extra session is called, tho
thing will be looked into.
ItXtist bo Settled.
All outstanding accounts of the late
firm of Bergman & Berry remaining un
paid on the llth inst will be placed in
the hands of an attorney for collection.
Please note this and save costs.
Docs not make any second-class Pic
tures at his New Gallery, No. Gl, on
the Roadway.
At Fraulc Falro's.
Board for $22JK) a month. The best
in the city. Dinner from S to 7.
Oats aro worth 10 a ton in Seattle.
General Sheridan is daily expected at
Forest fires on tho Sound have done
immense damage.
Western Washington editors havo
formed a pres3 association.
The money order remittances at the
Portland postoffice now amount to
about 10,000 a day.
Tho Coquille appropriation is exhaust
ed nnd the government work there was
suspended last week.
Victoria has daily artillery drills.
Three six-ton guns have been mounted
as a defense against Kussian invasion.
A Portland ex-poiicenian named Cam
bridge has been arrested on a chargo of
blackmailing EmiI Weber to the extent
of 100.
The Xeics cites it as a remarkable fact
that Oregon fruit of all kinds is abso
lutely freo from worms, and is the best
flavored fruit in the world.
Hezekiah Gray, a paralytic patient at
the Washington hospital for tho insane,
at Steilacoom, fell into the lake near the
asylum on Sunday and was drowned.
Thero are nbont 45,000 head of sheep,
and over 25,000 head of cattle, in Lake
county. It is estimated that :140,000
pounds of wool were shipped out of the
county last season.
S. A. Clarke, of the Willamette Farm
er, states that SI. McMasters of the Dun
dee mortgage company, told him that
250 of tho Willamette farms were liable
to foreclosure on account of 500,003 of
ovsr-duo notes nnd that the company
had collected 1,000,000 and removed it
from the state, mostly from tho Willa
mette vallej'.
Bids aro called for by the Port Blakely
Mill Company for tho construction of
three miles of standard guage railroad
from the head of the bound towards
Gray's harbor, being the first section of
a road thirty-three miles in length, to be
built by that company, principally
through its own lands, anil intended for
lumbering and general trade.
Tho tug Hunter arrived at North Bend
Tuesday, says tho Coast Ji7, with John
Kruse and the crow he took to Shonlwater
bay to repair the schooner Mclanclhon,
which they found water-logged on their
arrival. Tho vessel was unloaded and
beached, when tho leak was found to bo
in tho casing of tho center-board, which
wes taken off and supplanted by a ke6l.
The Hunter is still at North Bend, where
her deck is being caulked.
The East Oregonian publishing com
pany of Pendleton, sued an ex-subscriber
for L5G claimed to bo due for newspa
per subscription. Jury trial was had hist
week before a justice. Defendant was
represented by nttornies Tustin & Leis
ure, Turner, Bailey & Balleray, Guyer &
Fitz Gerald, nnd Beau & Fee, and tho
plaintiffs by J. Wagner and A. P. Sharp
stein. Verdict was given for plaintiffs
for amount claimed. Defendants hnd to
pay 47 costs and fees of nino lawyers.
It is proposed to build pontoons at the
crossing of the Columbia river by tho
Cascade- branch. These pontoons will bo
135 feet long and each provided with a
gallows frame 12 feet high, and a hinged
lever and a block and tackle. Thirty-five
feet of timber resting on tho lower track
will servo as a brake. Tho variation of
tho river from low to high water at thi-
point is 27 feet lho lowest stage being
generally during tho latter part of De
cember, when the level is 1527 feet above
the mean sea level.
Tho 0. 11. and N. Co. recently proposed
to take the steamer Olympian, which
has "been lying at Tacoma for a year past,
to San Francisco, where bIio was to be
placed on tho dry dock and repaired.
All preparations were made for tho jour
ney, but the scheme was knocked in the
head by tho receipt of a telegram from
San Francisco announcing that tho
insurance companies in which the vessel
is insured for 200,000 would cancel tho
policy if tho guards wero not removed bo
fore making tho trip. Tho removal and
replacing of tho guards will cost nt least
1,00;. The crow engaged for the
passage to San Francisco havo been
discharged, and it is doubtful if the
Olympian will bo repaired, at least for
somo time to come.
!Iiicli!eii?.s Arnica Salic.
The IJkst in the world for
Cuts, IJrm-seSjSores.Ulct'rsiJalt Khcmii,
Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapprd Hands,
Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Erup
tions, and positively cures Piles, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded.
Price 25 cents per box. ForVnle by W.
K. Dement & Co.
Mhcet 31UMC.
IYimiir iiripf !5."i rmil 40 riMits InJnvt
out, comic, M'liliniental, etc., at 10 ccnK
GnipriJf & I!kkis
.City Book .Store.
Private card roonwat .left's new sa
loon "The Telephone.'
Do You Think that "Jeff of
The Chop House
Gives you a meal for nothing, and a
glass of something ro drink: "Not
much !" but he gives a better meal and
more of it than any place in town for
25 cents. He buys oy the wholesale and
pays cash. "That settles it"
For DinnerPartics to order, at .-diou
notice, go to Frank Fabre's.
For a Neat Fitting Hoot
Jr Shoe, go io P. J. Goodmans, on Che
namus street, next door to 1. W. Case.
All goods of the best make and guaran
teed quality. A full stock; new goods
constantly arriving. Custom work.
Hot V.uiich. at the Telephone
From 11 to 2 every day.
A fine lunch with drink or cigar, 25
No charge after two o'clock,
The sale of Syrup of Figs is simply
immense. Everyone is taking it, anil
alladmitthnt it is the best medicine ever
used. Children cry for it on account of
its pieasant tasie, aim grown people
who have used it once never take anyr
thing else. Unlike other remedies for
biliousness and constipation it never
loses its power to act and it always
leaves the organs on which it acts strong
er than before. Besides, one feels fresh
and bright and realizes that it is Nat
ure's own true laxative. XV. E-Dement
& Co. are agents for Astoria, Oregon.
Selh Thomas Nutmeg clocks at Ous
lav Hansen's for eighteen dollars a
Ono o the finest billiard tables on lho
coast at Jeff's "Telephone."
Gray sells irackctt Bros.' Al sawed
cedar shingles A full M guaranteed.
The parsimonious policy inaugurated
by the "O. It & N. Co. mce the Boston
oso came into control of its stock may
temporarily increase the dividend.-, but
in "tho long run" it "'won't pay" and.
now that it has been probably leased to
tho U. P. and N. P. Co's., the most ob
jectionable features may be abandoned.
Oregon, lite Ireland under control of
English landlords, may suffer the blood
sucking process the give-me-cvery thmg-and-,
et-uothing-iu-reiuru programme
for a sciuson, withont doing anything
more s-erious than to show its teeth: but
when it begins to feel that the niggardly
injustico is to ba kept up forever, and
that its very life is to be squeezed out by
degrees, by a set or foreign financiers who
care for nothing but their "pound of
flesh," it may possiblv bite.
In the days of tho old O. S. N. Co.,
when t he basinesi was not nearly as large
as now, the stock was owned almost ex
clusively in this city, and good salaries
were paid good men, and reciprocation
was tho order of the day. These men
didn't 'want the world," yet they grow
rich, says the Welcome, as did many of
their employes, and Portland flourished.
In those days newspapers were paid
ca.ih for advertising, and would no more
have been insulted with a proposition to
publish time cards and "locals" for free
rides than a competent employe would
have been given tho alternative in his old
age and after long and faithful service, of
seeking other occupation or accepting a
twenty psr cent reduction in his wage3.
It wouldn't have been anything of a
surprise during this New England su
premacy to have heard that an order had
reached here from tho economical men
of the hub that henceforth clerks must
save ink by not crossing t's and dotting
i's, and that deck hands must don slip
pers to save wear and tear on tho differ
ent steamboats; in fact such instructions
mav yet come, as the leaso of tho O. It
&' J. Co. to the transcontinental lines is
not yet definitely settled.
Mr. Byrne is perhaps not personally to
blame for tho obnoxious features that
have been developed in tho management
of the O. It & N. Co. sinco his advent
here: for most likely ho isbut thctool of
the modern Myconians of Boston or tho
cat's paw of tho sanguinary underminer
of homo happiness and superiors in office
who is at present quartered upon ns.
on hexry: how could youi
It is with regret that publicity is given
to tho following which wo find in the
current number of the Dydd y Meivher
Gwalia, handed to us last evening. It is
ovidenl that Mr. Beecher's experience
has profited him very little. Our read
ers can furnish their own comment.
Here aro tho alleged facts:
Gan fy mod wedi addaw, yu fy Uythyr
diwcddaf, nnfoh un drachefn, ceisiaf gy
flnwni fy addewid i'm hen gyfeillion yn
ugwlad fy ngenodigaeth. Wei, pwnc
niawr yn y wlad lion ychydig amger yn
ol oedd y lecsiwn: ond y mao wedi ei
rhestrnynmhlithy pethau a fu erbyn
lryn, n'r Dcmocratiaid wedi meddiennu'r
orsedd. Y mnent wedi disgyn i ystad
dda, a sier yw y gwiiant yu awr fawrhau
eu braint Derbynia llawer ohonvnt
seigiau breision; ond bydd yn chwyld
road ar yr oil o'r swydd-ddalwyr yn
Washington yn lied fuan bellach. ilwyr
ach mai er da y digwyddodd hyn, canys
caiff y wlad bedair blynedd o brawf ar y
Weinyddiaeth Ddemocrataidd. Bydd y
wlad, wed'yn, mewn sefyllfa i bendorfy
uu pa un o'8 ddwy ochr fydd yr orou, a
diau y symbylir y Gwerinwyr'i baratoi
at y dyfodol. Y peth a'm synodd fwyaf
o ddim oedd gwelcd yr ben wron, Henry
Wnrd Beecher, wedi troi o ochr Clove
land Brawd awdures "Caban F'ewythr
Twm" ydyw efe. Bu wrthi nos a dydd,
yn adeg caelhwnsiaetb, yn dadlsu dros
rvddhau v dyn du. Bu hefyd vn caplau
yu y rh vfel o du y Gogleddw3T. Mao yn
wommog ar un or eglwysi mwyaf yn y
Tulaethnu Unedid. Yraladdodd dros
ryddid o bob math: ond, fel Solomon, yu
ei hen ddyddiau, v mao wedi troi "at
dduwinu dyeithr! Safodd fel cadfridog
o du Cleveland, gan ysgwyd dwylaw gyd
a'r hen gaeth feistri, pleidio Masnach
Sydd, n gostvngiad cyflogau. Y mae y
cyflogau wedi dyfod i lawr erbyii hyn 10
cent y 100. Oncl nia gwn bc-th ydyw yr
achos o hv-u, os nad ydyw y Gwerinwyr
yn cejsio dial ar y dyn tlawd, er mwyn ci
ddychrynu. a diogelu eu hunain erbyn y
d3 fodol.
Morgan, tho English engraver of the
standard or "buzzard" dollar, animated
doubtless by an ambition similar to that
of -the youth who fired the Ephesiau
dome smuggled into his work in two
places tho initial letter of his surname,
Although microscopic in size, these "Ms"
are plainly discernible on the coin even
to the naked eye after a careful search.
An eagle-eyed Wall Btreet man recently
discovered one cf these letters, nnd
started among his acquaintances the fol
lowing puzzle: "Find three letter 'Ms'
on the standard dollar." Two aro readi
ly found ono in the word "unuin" and
another in tho word "America," but tho
third is not so easily found. An inter
view with chief Drummondof the Uni
ted States secret service showed that
there aro four "Ms" instead of three, and
the fourth, hitherto unnoticed even by
Wall street men, was pointed out to the
reporter. Mr. Drummond laughed when
his attention was called to tho matter,
and 83id: "Tho presence of these extra
letters on tho standard dollar was first
brought to my notice by one of
my clerks. They were, of course,
cut in the die" by Morgan." The
chief of tho secret servico acknowl
edged that they hid not escaped tho at
tention of tho counterfeiter, who hnd
placed them on tho falso coins. Similar
instances of tho mutilation of dies aro
recalled in tho case of English and
French engravers' work. Wyon, the ar
tist to the English mint, many years ago.
placed on tho plate of a postage stamp a
"W" of so minuto a character that for
years tho stamp circulated without a
doubt of its perfection. Tho eventual
discovery of the blemish created a sensa
tion in England. Tho objectionable ad
dition to tho work was promptly erased,
and a stringent law passed against tho
commission of a like offense In the
reign of Napoleon HI nn engraver placed
the initial letter of his surnamo on tho
plate for a stamp. This also was of such
microscopic dimensions that it escaped
detection for a long time. Tho discovery
of the fact led to the samo result as in
tho English case.
AH the patent medicines advertised
in this paper, together with the choicest
perfumery, and toilet articles, etc can
be bought al the lowest prices, at J. W.
Conn's drug store, opposite Oc-iden
hrtel. Astoria.
To Accommodate His latrous.
Ale;:. Gilbert will keep his saloon
open day and night Fishermen can get
a good lunch at any hour of the night.
The genuine FrciiPli sardine constantly
on hand.
If any one is sick in the house Mrs
blump has the ability to pull over her
face an expression of more woe-begone-ness
than ever, shakes her head and won
ders why they don't send for n doctor.
She gels tho well boarders into corners
and groans out premonition of death and
"It's no use tryin',"' says Mrs. Slump.
"The luck's nlways again me and always
will be. I've buried four children, and
had a scalawag of a husband, lost all my
property, and hero I am."
"Bat what's the use of going over tho
past, bad as it has been, and so making it
a part of the present?' I have said to
"Ah, you don't know what trouble i3
you don't'"
"Supposing I do not. Grant it. What's
that got to do with the matter? You meet
you troubles mora than half way, Mrs.
Slump. Nay, you call them back out of
their graves. Why not let them stny bur
ied there?"
But she won't.
That some other people may have had
a hard time getting through this world,
Mrs. Slump unwillingly grants, but every
other soul s time sinco creation's first
dawn has been an easy ono compared
with hers. Hers has been the sad eips
rienco par excellence of this earth and
none other can stand besido it. Nor will
she indulge in any hopo of a better. She
seems to hug the hard experience of the
past c!os;r and closer to her bo3om and
any endenvor on tho part of others to
soften it only serves to make her hug it
still closer. PnENncE Muxford.
A'ff.'g! Tjr-TTTX.
TanJIIn, jLcxnon, Oransc, etc., flavor
Cakes, Creams, Paddings, &c, n dell
cntely nnd ustarallyas tho fruit from
which they aro made.
For Strength, and True 3?ruifc
Flavor They Stand Alono.
Prico Baking Powder Co.,
Chicago, III. St. touts, Mo
Dr. Prices Cream Baking Powder
Dr. Price's Xupuliu Yeast GemSj
licet Dry Hop Yeatt,
ir Uniiir
The peat dry hop yoaqt in the world.
Bread raised by this yeast is llplit. white
and wholesome tiko our grandmother's
delicious pread,
Price Baking Powder Co.5
MTrs of Br. Fnce's special nayonnz Eitracts,
Chicago, in. St: Louis, Mo
For .sale by CnTixo.MRRLE & Co., Agents
1'ortlaml, Oregon
Fine Boots and Shoes
Come iiid Get Rare Bargains
I. J. ARV0LD, Agt.
FrcHli Eastern and Shoalwator
Cay Oysters
Constantly on hand, cooked to any style
at Frank Fabre's.
Syrup of Figs.
Nature's own true Laxative. Pleas;
ant to the palate, acceptable to the Stom
ach, harmless in its nature, painless in
its action. Cures habitual Constipation,
Biliousness, Indigestion and kindred
ills. Cleanses the system, purifies the
blood, regulates the Liver and acts on
the Bowels. Breaks up Colds, Chills
and Fever, etc. Strengthens the organs
on which it acts. Better than bitter,
nauseous Liver medicines, pills, salts
and draughts. Sample bottles free, and
large bottles for sale by W.E. Dement
& Co., Astoria.
Sluloh's Cough ana Consumption
Cure is sold by us on guarantee. It
cures consmnptlon. Sold by W. E. De
ment Sleepless Nights made miserable
by that terrible cough. Sluloh's Cure is
the remedy for you. Sold by W. E. De
ment & Co.
Buy jour Lime of Gray at Portland
Don't pay 23 to 50 cents for dinner
when you can got a better one at the
Telephone tor 15 cents from 11 to 2.
"""""' i i ii i in iiLL.nimntiwt
i iftfl
f ynyj F
iieAuni uhdujh
Closing Out
Silks and Dress Goods Department
In the above department we are showing the most complete assortment of
M.W and FASHIONABLE GOODS we have ever opened at prices verv favor
able to intending purchasers.
Gloak Department.
W e are showing the newest designs in SUMMER WRAPS, made up in all
the new materials, and handsomely trimmed. SUMMER ULSTERS, in black
and all the latest colors. A large assortment of Jersev WALKING JACKETS,
plain and braided, at very low price-.
New Hosiery,
New Laces,
New Ribbons.
New Parasols,
New Corsets,
'New Buttons,
New Trimmings.
A lanje stock of Ladies' and Children's MUSLIN UNDERWEAR. Also,
."0 pairs Nottingham Lace Curtain--. - 51.90 per pair, former price - $3.00
"0 do do do . 2.90 do do 4.2.1
7." do do do n.7.1 do do . 50
2.1 do do do 5.00 do do " -7.50
50 pairs real Applique Curtains in ecru, from $5.50 to $10.50 per pair, former
prices S8.00 to 15.000. Real Swiss Laco Curtains from $15.00 to 30.000 per pair.
Curtain Nets in white and Ecru from 15 uts to 50 cts per yard.
These goods are all of the latest designs and very much under former
prices-having been bought direct from New York importers.
The Leading Ory Goods and Clothing House
'an,weiM,rg' rl"g' -" - -.-.T rm-. I. .,. . .,. ,, .-I,,.. ,,.
The Leadi ng- Stationers and News Dealers of Astoria.
FAXCY ;ois.
The Latest Notions and Novelties, Etc.
Wc defy any and all competition. Call, examine our goods and be convinced. -OPPOSITE
VI Itl
Hair Dressing Saloon
"Parlter House, Main St.,
For a first-class Shave, scientific Ilalr-cut.
and hygienic Shampoo, etc,
II. Da PARK, Prop.
Fine Stationery,
Blank Books,
School Books,
Music Books,:
ID, L MolNTOSrl.f
a u
The Leading Clothier and Hatter,
New Goods!
Men's, "2"' and Boys'
ats and Furmslaing Goods.
i. -m i iigwi'wwmMWji ..
Astoria Bakery
Columbia Candy Factory.
Ed. Jackson, Proprietor.
Canaies. - - - 20 Cts per lb.
ISrcad, Pies and Cakes delivered every
day. " -
Agents foeSteck
Little CiaBand
j Kranich and Mroh's Pianos,'
Taber, and Western
Cottage Organs,
New Styles!