The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, May 07, 1885, Image 3

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She fatfvt gljstojm
...MAY 7. IRS-j
(Monday excepted)
rUULISHKKS AKl) rnoiuiiKTons,
Terms of Subscription.
Served by Carrier, per weel: 15cts.
"nt by Mall, pi-r nionlli cOcts.
" " one year .7.00
Free of iost:ige to subscribers.
55r-Advcrtiscinents inserted bj- the year at
tlie rate or $2 ier square per month. Tran
sient advertising fllty cents per square, each
IVotlce To Advertisers.
The Astosiax mmrantees to its ad
trUsers the largest cireu-atlon of any
newspaper published on the Columbia
The Columbia Arrived in yesterday.
The Oregon crossed out.
Holt Bros, have four tanks for sale at
the Astoria planing mill.
J. C. Trullinger's box making ma
chines are hard at work turning out 3,000
boxes a day.
The new water works at Ft. Canby,
built at an expense of about $1,000, is
about completed.
Have you noticed the amount of build
ing andimprovement that is going on all
over the city?
Real estate transfers and marriage
licenses are very few this month, hardly
enough to chronicle.
No. 2's engine is in service again and
should occasion requira the boya of Res
cue No. 2 are requested by the foreman
to haste to the rescue.
The Tarn (?Shantcr loaded with piles
at Rainier, goes to sea to-day: also the
Chipman, to load on the Sound for Val
paraiso. Miss Carrie Fields, whoso term of
school closes to-morrow, leaves on Mop
day on a summer's Tisit to her home in
Cooperstown, Now York.
The outgoing steamer took'JCO cases
salmon yesterday afternoon. One hun
dred and twenty-five sacks fat oysters
from Shoalwaler Ray also went to feed
the San Franciscans.
The coming grand jury will bo drawn as
heretofore legal opinion being that the
law passed by the last legislature ordain
ing the drawing of the grand jury by the
county clerk, is unconstitutional.
The thermometer touched DP in Fort
land last Tuesday afternoon. It must
be dreadful to have to look for items in
a country or a town where the thermom
eter reaches or touches or indicates 94.
The Oreponiun comfortably remarks
anent the dry weather that there is no
use in borrowing trouble, and the man
who puts his trust in our Oregon climate
is not going to get left, nor see his seed
begging bread.
Ross' new opera house is now giving
some hint of what it will look like when
completed. "Work on the seats has bo
gun and the plasterers have begun
work. The building will ba ready for
occupancy Juno 1st.
A Victoria dispatch of the ."til says:
The steamship Queen of the Pacific ar
rived at G o'clock this morning. Captain
Alexander is dangerously ill with pneu
monia and not expected to live. Ho was
taken ill the second day out from San
Geo. P. "Wall, the courteous agent of
Prof. Mongreni De Lassomm, is in tho
city. The Professor will give two of his
celebrated entertainments in Liberty
Hall on next Saturday and Monday even
ings. Tickets to all parts of the house
fifty cents.
It was stated on tho streets yesterday
that Mr. Jno. Hobson, the newly ap
pointed collector of tho port was not
naturalized. Mr. Hobson was absent
visiting his son's ranch yesterday, and
on his return made reply as appears in
another column.
Tho Shubrick went into Tillamook at
one o'clock Sunday afternoon, Mr. C.
lieinenweber acting as pilot, and arrived
at Hobsonville, after which buoying and
necessary harbor work was done, and at
five o'clock on Monday afternoon Mr.
Leinenweber piloted tho vessel out.
The Iowa" Press Association will be
here next month. A part of the pro
gramme is to visit Astoria. It will '"pay"
in every sense of tho word to give the
visitors a good impression of the place.
Their comments written in their offices
after their return will reach two million
The McKee Rankin company passed
through hero yesterday on their way to
San Francifco. "With proper manage
ment that troupe could have played here;
thev have lost money on their northern
trip and deserve a different result for
they have a good aggregation of theatri
cal talent.
And now comes the interesting ques
tion who is to be appointed postmaster.
There is no Republican or Democratic
way of haudling'the mails, just a plain,
common-sense way of tending to business
and the remembrance of the fact that
there is nothing to prevent a man from
being a United States officer and a gen
tleman at the same time.
During April 403 cs salmon went
eastward via N. P. R. It. F. M. Warren
shipped l.GSo cs. W: Hume 300 cs, A.
Booth 1,274 cs, "Washington Packing Co.
35G cs and Scaudinawan Packing Co. 300
cs; 1,050 cs went to St. Louis, GOO cs to
Des Moines, 300 cs to Kansas City, 325 to
Louisville, 395 to Philadelphia, 1.30G to
Chicago, 229 to St. Paul and 300 to Salt
Major Eastwick. in charge of tho gov
ernment work at Ft. Stevens has $43,--000
unexpended balance still on hand
and expects to be able to keep tho work
going till the next congress meets. De
lay in receiving railroad iron retards tho
work. It is thought probable that the
eighteen miles of narrow guage road to
Tillamook rock will be built this season
io haul ballast for the breakwater.
A large whale came in from the sea
yesterday, and after cruising around
awhile brought up near tho spit below
Sand island where his antics attracted
universal attention. After having an
hour's circus all to himself, the great
ocean mammal shot out toward the west,
and with a sort of farewell Father Wat
kins wavo of his tail, swung out to
tho shoreless depths of the hearing Pa
cific. Some curious addresses are to be found
on letters occasionally received in this
burg from 4,furrin parts." The follow
ing are taken at random from a few re
ceived by Capt. A. W. Berry in the last
two weeks: "Astoria, near Portland,
North America;" "Astoria, Oregon,
British America;" "Astoria, Columbia
river, Oregon, Central America;" "Asto
ria, North America." The writers are
evidently certain that Astoria is in
From the Oregonian it is learned that
the rules respecting peoplo being allowed
in tho pilot houses, have been repealed.
Supervising inspecting officers are au
thorized to grant captains permits allow
ing a limited number of persons in the
pilot house between sunrise and sunset,
except on excursion parties. The change
is not viewed with favor by steamboat
men generally, as the partial restriction
complicates matters. Captains would
prefer to have all persons forbidden ac
cess to the pilot house, or else have all
restrictions regarding tho matter re
moved. The will of the late Mr. Barrell ap
points Hon. D. P. Thompson executor
without bonds. Tho estate is valued at
about 1,000,000 and runs thirteen years
before it becomes duo. The will provides
an annuity to all tho heirs, and when the
youngest, now eight years of age, be
comes of age, the cstato is to be divided.
Mr. Burrell always had great confidence
in Mr. Thompson, as his imposing this
trust in him demonstrates. There is not
a similar instance on record, says the
Standard, where so great an estate was
placed in a person's hands without
Several marriageable young men of
Rochester, New York, are in a terrible
pickle. They have heretofore given as a
reason for not marrying that they could
not afford the luxury. About a 'month
ago several marriageable young ladies
Sut their heads together and prepared a
ocument proving conclusively that fam
ilies of from two to six (they provided
for the futurejyou see) can live well on
$9 a week. Having disposed of rents,
fuel and provisions, these artless girls
turned their attention to clothing, and
the document aforesaid states that the
woman who cannot dress stylishly and
save money on S0 a year is not worth
the marrying. Then these girls made
copies of the original and sent one to
each of the eligible young men.
The Chicago Lumberman says: In our
numerous Michigan exchanges wo see
frequent allusions to men in that state
who have gone, or are about to go, to
Washincton Territory on prospecting
tours. The larger number of these indi
viduals have been, or are now, interested
in the lumber business in Michigan.
They are now seeking tho Pacific coast
in search of now fields of operation, at
tracted by tho accounts they seo in this
jonrnal and elsewhere of the magnificent
fir jnd cedar growths of the Paget sound
region, or tho valleys of tho Chehalis and
the Columbia. Men who have spent tho
best portion of their lives in pine log
ging and lumber manufacture in Mich
igan, and have grown more or less
wealthy in their operations, are now
looking for new opportunities for their
sons. Within a year wo have observed a
considerable increase in the number of
Michigan men who have prospected in
Washington Territory, a number of
whom have become interested in mill
plants. The movement toward the Pa
cific coast is bound to increase.
Tho history of tho northwest is one of
steady development, and this is as true
of journalistic enterprises as it is of any
other form of industry. Ten years ago
its present publisher founded The West
Shore, and its progress upward from the
extremely modest sheet first issued, with
its small circlo of friends, to the largo il
lustrated magazine of to-day, with its
thousands of readers throughout the
whole northwest has been continuous and
gratifying. Ita field of usefulness is con
stantly widening, and in order to more
fully cover it and fulfill its mission, it
has determined upon making a decided
advance step. Hereafter Tlic West Shore
will be published simultaneously from
Tacoma and Port land. The Puget sound
country is a magnificent region, develop
ing with wonderful rapidity, and must
necessarily create a metropolitan city of
its own. For this reason tho publisher
considers The West Shore us more ac
ceptibly representing the northwest and
doing greater justice to its patrons when
issued from both Portland and Tacoma,
the Puget sound terminus of the great
Northern Pacific railroad. Representa
tives of the magazine may be found in
both cities, and communications by mail
may bo sent to cither office.
The following communication was re
ceived at this office yesterday evening:
Astoria, May G, 1885.
J. F. Halleeax:
I see by the evening Herald and I also
learned by dispatch that certain persons
telegraphed from this place that I was
not an American citizen. Now, for the
benefit of my friends doubting the fact
I will say what I can prove, that I got
my full citizenship papers in Albany,
Oregon, in 1853, before Judge G. H.
Williams, Col. J. K. Kelly acting as my
attorney, Wm. Hobson and Thos. Eyres
witnesses upon those papers. With oth
er necessary papers I received a donation
of G33 acres of land under the donation
land law of Oregon.
I think if the parties who wero so anx
ious to inform tho department in Wash
ington that I was not eligible to office,
had been actuated more by patriotism
than disappointment that some other
person had not obtained the office, he or
they upon inquiry at tho proper place
could have known the facts.
Jomj Horsox.
Meeting of Commissioners.
The Oregon state board of immigration
commissioners ni6t in monthly session at
the office, Ash and Front streets, yester
day afternoon and evening. A large
number of bills wero read and ordered
paid. Ten thousand copies of the pam
phlet, "Oregon as it is," and twenty thou
sand copies of tho circular of tho same
title were ordered printed, the latter for
distribution at Chicago, St. Paul and
Omaha. It was decided to request the
public press of Oregon to publish tho
stereotyped advertisement ot tho board
free of charge. A resolution was passed
declaring tho sending of county immi
gration agents to this city an unneces
sary expense and ill-advisable, and liable
to create discord among tho counties,
whereas the appointment of resident
agents at or near the county seat of each
county, to confer with the secretary of
the board on immigration matters, would
ue oi greater ueneut. isews, t.
Attcntiou Astoria Gymnasium.
This Thursday evening May 7th. at
8:30, the first class will be organized at
the Astoria Gymnasium. On and after
this date classes will receive instruction
each class night, viz: Monday and
W. 15. Johns,
Must he Settled.
All outstanding accounts of the late
firm of Bergman & Berry remaining un
paid on the 11th inst will be placed in
the hands of an attorney for collection.
Please note this and save costs.
Does not make any second-class Pic
tures at his New Gallery, No. fii, on
the Roadway.
At Frauli Fabre's.
Board for $22.50 a month. The best
in the city. Dinner from 5 to 7.
Don't pay 25 to 50 cents for dinner
when you can get a better one at the
Telephone for 15 cents from 11 to 2.
People talk of tho persistence of a
newspaper man and how he will hang to
you to get "an item," and ask you all
sorts of questions about your business
and altogether show an unwarrantable
impertinence in sticking his nose into
other people's business. It must be con
fessed that such is often the case, but it
must be remembered that the reporter as
far as he is personally concerned doesn't
care a continental whether a man is
worth 70,000 or ten cents; doesn't care
whether this man's wife skipped to San
Francisco, or that man paid his note, or
the other man is going to be sued; purely
as a matter of business it is his business
to find out those things; li that's what he
is there for," and however disagreeable
it may be to him ho has to tly around
and interview and get "the bottom facts"
and see that tbey are put in a shape that
cannot bo contradicted.
If he doesn't do it some other chap
will, and then the fellow that neglects
his business will read it in some other
paper and realize that he has been
These reflections are suggested by the
receipt of a letter from R. G. Dun & Co.
Any newspaper man could evidently get
points from R. G. Dun fc Co., and if
there is any newspaper reporter in the
county fha't has half tho "gall" that our
enterprising correspondents exhibit, the
same is personally unknown to the ahy
youth who takes his pen in hand to write
these few lines hoping you are well.
Our friends It. G. Dun &. Co., want
to know and send a page of questions.
Here are a few samples of tho aforesaid
questiens: "What is your full name?"
"How old are you?" "Aie yon mar
ried?" "What is your business?" "If
in partnership state date of formation."
"On what terms?" "Howmuch did each
contribute at starting?" "Was any of it
borrowed?" ."How" much?" "Where
did tou live before coming here?"
"What did yon do?" "Did you ever fail
in business?" "When, where and in
what firm?" "What stock have yoa on
band?" "How much notes and ac
counts?" "What real estate do you
own?" What other means havo you?"
"What do you owe for merchandise?"'
etc. etc. They omitted to ask what wo
had for breakfast and what is the namo
of our oldest boy, but appear to have got
in pretty near everything else. They are
perfectly polite about it and say"weshall
be glad to receive as full answers as yon
care to send us."
Now these men are doing this to make
u living for themselves and their families
and are not to bo blamed for their efforts,
but where is the newspaper man that
would have tho unmitigated cheek to ask
one-third of these questions and take the
chances of being fired out of the window
the door being out of repair!
HI? -Sea Lion
A tremendous splashing in one of tho
fish traps near Hwaco attracted tho atten
tion of men along tho shore Jast Tuesday
evening. Hastening to tho trap they
found one of tlm biggest sea lions ever
seen in tho Columbia river. Procuring
rifles they fired at him. The first shot
enraged tho monster and he started in
killing all tho big salmon in tho trap.
So enraged was tho phoca that ho tore
the fish to pieces, and not till seven balls
had pierced him did the shaggy monster
give up tho ghost. He was landed on the
Argonaut and on tho arrival of that ves
sel at Astoria yesterday morning ho at
tracted considerable attrtUfcm as ho
weighed between 800 and 900'pounds, and
was "nearly as big as a cow." The A rgo
naut took tho huge carcass up to Clifton
yesterday afternoon.
Buclrfcn's Arnica Sal re.
Tiik Bi:st Sai.vk in the world for
Cuts, Bruises, Sores,UIcer.s Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Erup
tions, and positively cures Piles, or un
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
erfect satisfaction, or money lefundeil.
'rice 25 cents per box. Fur sale by W.
E. Dement & Co.
Sheet 3iusic
Former price 35 and 40 cents, latest
out. eoinic, sentimental, elc at 10 cents.
Griffin & Rkeu'.s
Citv Rook Store.
Private card rooms at .JefPs
loon "The Telephone.'
Do Yon Tli in It fhaf "Jpfl"' of
The Chop House
Gives vou a meal for untliinir, ami a
glass of something to drink? "Not
much v out lie gives a better meal ami
more of it than any place in town for
25 cents. He buys by the wholesale and
pays cash. "That settles it."
For Dinner Parties to -order, at short
notice, go to Frank Fabre's.
FornlYcut Fitting ISoot
Jr Shoe, go to P. .1. Goodmans, on Che
natnus street, next door to I. W. Cac.
AH goods of the best make and guaran
teed quality. A full stock; new goods
constantly arriving. Custom work.
Hoi Lunch, at the Telephone
From 11 to 2 every day.
A fine lunch with drink or cigar, 25
No charge after two o'clock,
The sale of Syrup of Figs is Minply
immense. Everyone is taking it, and
all admit that it is the best medicine ever
used. Children cry for it on account of
its pleasant taste, and grown people
who have used it once never take any
thing else. Unlike other remedies for
biliousness and constipation it never
loses Its power to act, and it always
leaves the organs on which it acts strong
er than before. Besides, one feels fresh
and bright and realizes that it is Nat
ure's own true laxative. V. E.Dement
fc Co. are agents for Astoria, Oregon.
Seth Thomas Nutmeg clocks at ("us
tav Hansen's fcr eighteen dollars a
One of the finest billiard tables on the
coast at JefTs "Telephone."
Gray sells Sackett Bros.' Al sawed
cedar shingles A full M guaranteed.
All the patent medicines advertised
in this paper, together with the choicest
Eerfumery, and toilet articles, etc can
e bought at the lowest prices, at J. W.
Conn's drug store, opposite Ociden
hrlel. Astoria.
To Accommodate nis Patrons.
Alex. Gilbert will keep his saloon
open day and night. Fishermen can get
a good lunch at any hour of the night.
The genuine French sardine constantly
on hand.
Tacoma's population is G,93G.
Pendleton is to have 2,000 horse races
in July.
leant Tombstone, A. T., costs two cents
a pound.
Only half a dozen canneries will rnn
on tho Frazer this year. '
Portland derives an income of $7.",000
yearly from city licenses.
Tho printers of Salem intend to have
a celebration on July 4th.
It rained for five minutes at Eiparin
on Snake river Afoadaj af tortunn.
Tho Portland savings bank is going to
erect a new four-story building iu that
Rich placar diggings .ire reported to
have been discovered on a tribntary of
Skeena river.
Captain W. J. Bryant has been ap
poinfed inspector of mill for the Puget
sound district.
Fourteen teams have entered to com
pels, in the races of the firemen's tourna
ment at San Jose.
There wero two stajf robberies between
Rathdrum and Fort Cceur d'Alene last
Tuesday afternoon.
Ono hundred and seventy-five rebels
who escaped from Panama are recruiting
and creating disorder in Araijan.
General Komaroffa name is said to
mean "son-of-a-mosquito." Then it is a
misnomer, for a mosquito is a comer-on.
M. S. Henkle, of Walla Walla has been
arrested for tho alleged theft of 60,000
,feet of timber from tho Umatilla reserva
tion. Supervising inspector, C. C. Bern is, of
the first district, pronounces the steamer
Telephone the best equipped boat on the
The ship Icanhoc has been sold to P.
B. Cornwall and orhers for 12,000. She
will be repaired and placed in the coast
coal trade.
The lighthouse steamer Mudiona,
building by Dialogue to replaco the Shu
brick, is ready for launching at his yard
on the Delaware.
Tho Chiricahua Indians are reported
to be committing outrages in New Mexi
co. Several peoplo have been killed and
stock stampeded.
A twenty-stall roundhouse is to be
built at Missoula. W. T., this summer,
by tho Northern Pacific: also largo re
pairing machine shops.
The transfer of tho Arctic steamer
Alert from America to tho British gov
ernment waa formally made Tuesday at
the Halifax dock-yard.
The report that the smallpox is raging
among the Indians at tho Colville and
Coeur D'Aleno agencios is denied by
Major Waters. Indian agent.
The Cascado tnmiel of the Northern
Pacific will be 0,800 feet long one of the
longest in tho county. The material and
machinery for construction will cost
about 100,000.
Senator Sherman will leave Ohio to
day on an extended Pacific coast trip,
with San Francisco and Puget sound as
objective points. He is reported to be
tired of politics.
It is estimated that about 4,000,000
young salmon will be turned out of the
new hatchery on Hat creek. Cat, this
season and put into Hat creek, Pitt and
Sacramento rivers.
The Yellowstono river is gaining an un
enviable reputation as a treacherous and
dangerous stream. More drownings havo
occurred iu its waters than of those of
any other river in Montana.
Tho ship Spurtan, which grounded on
the lower sound last week, while in tow
of the Tacoma, has been taken to Harri
son's mill, where she will discharge her
cargo of lumber 1,000,000 feet.
Tho city council o"f Tacoma has passed
an ordinance forbidding iny vessel hav
ing, or suspected of having, any conta
gious disease aboard from coming within
J00 yards of any wharf or dock of the
Attorney-General Pride, of Idoho, has
been indicted bj' the Boiss grand jury
for extortion, when register of tho land
office. 31. Krabs. receiver of the land
office, has also been indicted on tho samo
It has become known at Panama that
tho robber Prestan, who burned Colon,
having made his escape, has since then
seized three steamers at Porto, with the
help of which it is feared he may make
trouble unless' the United States naval
forces shall capture him and his vessels.
Over one million and a quarter feet of
lumber will bo required for Peter Dona
hue's new building, corner of First and
Mission streets, San Francisco. This
will bo taken from Shoalwater bay, and
tho vessels .. M. Griffiths, J. G. Worth,
Arcturus, and Retriever have beeu en
gaged to transport it.
Tho Alaska canneries have nearly all
commenced operations. At Karluk, can
making was begun a month ago. The
manager of tho Cutting packing com
pany's cannery on Cook's Inlet, sailed
with a force of men from Kodiac for Kas
silof several weeks since, and packing is
now in progress there.
The Sacramento Uecord-Uaion says:
"The California and Oregon freight
train of thirty-five cars got stalled about
a mile from Roseville when coming to
the city Wednesday night in consequence
of the grasshoppers that had collected on
the track. It was found necessary to
cut the train in two, take part to Roseville
and then go back after the remainder."
An instrument is now in use in the secre
tary of state's office at Sacramento, Cal
by which the taxes on any amount can be
told, from a small sum to millions of
dollars, without making a figure, and
work can be done by almost any ono
which heretofore has requred the services
of an expert iu figures. Interest at ordi
nary rate", can also be computed instantly-
Lieutenant-Commodore Nichols, com
manding tho Pinta, writes to tho navy
department from Sitka, Alaska, under
date of March 31st, and says in part:
"Tho Chillcats aro somewhat uneasy
and say they will have no more white
men among them. They havo threatened
the white men, but nave committed
no overt act and probably will not,
though they have not the fear of tho
man-of-war that soma of the rest have,
owing to the fact that their village is
about twenty miles abovo tho river bar
and is only accessible by canoe."'
It is reported that only six of the Fra
zer river canneries will pack during the
coming season. Ewen & Co. have dis
mantled their cannery at New Westmin
ster and built a now ono a few miles
down the river, to which their plant has
been transferred. James Laidlaw will
manage tho Delta cannery. Tho Wel
lington canneries will be under the man
agement of Thomas Ladner. A full pack
will bo made at the Richmond cannery on
tho North Arm. The British Columbia
Packing Co.'s cannery at New Westmin
ster will be under the management of
Thomas Williams. A full pack is con
templated at tho .English cannery at tne
mouth of the river. These six are tho
only canneries intending to pack, unless
there is somo marked snd general im
provement in the situation.
Test Yonr BaMng Powfler To-Day 1
Brands adrcrUscU as absolutely para
Plae A can top down on a hot stnra cntll
rr a ted, then remove the corerund smell. A cbeni
ln win not be required, to detect Uie preaesco of
: llrtULfolaet lies NEVER Eea QuttkatJ.
In a million horaeaforaquaxterofacentiL.- it
LxibtuoU t&e consumer's reliable teat,
Price Baking Powder Co.,
Dr. Price's Special Flavoring Extracts,
The strongest, most dellclens and natural
flavor ksoirn, acd
I3r. Price's Lupulin Yeas! Gsms
1 or Light, Heattny Bread. The Best Drr Hop
Yeast 1" tbe world.
The nest dry hop yeast in the world.
Broad raised by this yoast is light. white
and wholesome liko our grandmother's
delicious brood.
Price Baking Powder Co.,
HanTrs of Dr. Price's special Ffcnronns Extracts,
Chicago, III. St. Louis, Mo.
For sale by CrcTixo.MKitLK & Co., Agents
Portland, Oregon
Your Helm!
Steer Yourself to My Estab
lishment. I am selling INK-FITTING SUITS of
Best Quality aatl Designs
At Remarkable Low Prices.
Do you know that I can Rive you a Nobby
Suit of good material at
SIO, $12, 15, 818, 820.
See Our New Hats,
Latest Stylos at $2.50, $3, S3.50
A Fine Assortment of Straw Hats.
it wir.i. pay: you to trade with me
And I herewith respectfully solcit a call.
Mercliant Tailor aifl Clothier.
.Fresh Eastern and Shoalwater
Kay Oysters
Qonstantlv on hand, cooked to any style
nt Frank Fabre's.
Syrup of Tigs.
Nature's own truo Laxative. Pleas
ant to the palate, acceptable to the Stom
ach, harmless in its nature, painless in
its action. Cures habitual Constipation,
Biliousness, Indigestion and kindred
ills. Cleanses tbts system, purifies the
blood, regulates the Liver and acts on
the Bowels. Breaks up Colds, Chills
and Fever, etc Strengthens the organs
on which it acts. Better than bitter,
nauseous Liver medicines, pills, salts
and draughts. Sanrnle bottles free, and
large bottles for sale by W. E. Dement
tic uo., Astoria,
Shiloh's Cough ana Consumption
Cure is sold by us on Guarantee. It
cures consumption. Sold by W. E. De
Sleepless Nights made miserable
bv that terrible couzh. Shiloh's Cure is
the remedy for you. Sold by W. E. De
ment Ci co.
Buy yonr Lime of Gray at Portland
Silks and Dress Goods Depa
In tho above department we are showing the most complete assortment of
XEW and FASHIONABLE GOODS we have ever opened at prices very favor
able to intending purchaser?:.
e are showing the newest designs in SUMMER WRAPS, made up in all
the new materials, and handsomely trimmed. SUMMER ULSTERS, in black
and all the latest colors. A large assortment of Jersey WALKING JACKETS,
plain and braided, at very low prices.
New Hosiery,
New Gloves,
New Laces,
New Ribbons.
New Parasols,
New Corsets,
New Buttons,
New Trimmings.
A large stock of Ladies' and Children's MUSLIN UNDERWEAR. Also,
ace Curtain Department.
K) pairs Nottingham Lace Curtain.
50 do do do
7." do do do
2.1 do do do
50 pairs real Applique Curtains in ecru, from $3.50 to $10.50 per pair, former
prices S8.00 to S15.000. Real Swiss Lace Curtains from 15.00 to $30,000 per pair.
Curtain Nets in white and Ecru from 15 cts to 50 cts per yard.
These goods are all of the latest designs and very much under former
prices, having been bought direct from New "i ork importers.
The Leading Dry Goods and Clothing House
The New York Novelty Store
The Leadi ng Stationers and News Dealers of Astoria.
The Latest Notions
"We defy any and all competition.
Hair Dressing Saloon
Xarlxei House, Main St.,
For a first-class Shave, scientific Hair-cut.
and hygienic Shampoo, etc,
31. Du PARK, Prop.
Fine Stationery,
Blank Books,
School Books,
Music Books,
The Leading Clothier and Hatter.
New Goods!
"Men's, "Touths' and Boys'
Hats and Furnishing Goods.
31.90 per pair, former price
2.00 do do
.'1.75 do do
5.00 do do 7.50
and Novelties, Etc.
Call, examine our goods and be convinced.
Astoria Bakery
Columbia Candy Factory.
Ed. Jackson, Proprietor.
Candies, - 20 Cts per lb.
Bread, Ties and Cakes delivered every
Agents for Stock's
Little Ciant, and
Kranich and. Bach's Pianos,
Tabor, and Western
Cottage Organs,
New Styles!