frl She gatttj Momtu ASTORIA, OREGON TUESDAY. .MAYO, 18?5 WAR AXD TRADE. The war cloud overhanging En gland and Russia seems to be disap Iearing. The war feeling in the two countries is less intense and a more pacific loners heard. "War prepara tions, however, are not discontinued and it is thought in many quarters that until an actual settlement of pending questions is made, hostilities are lia ble to break out The effect that such a war would have upon trade, especially in this country, is receiv ing a great deal of consideration. Until the millennium men will always consider what profit they can make out of war. No one wants war, it is said, because nothing can compen sate for the human sacrifices that accompany it But when war is im minent or cannot be prevented it is only hypocrisy to ignore the oppor tunities that some people may have to reap profit from its consequences. That the United States would be directly and immediately benefitted by a European conflict is held by many persons to be beyond question. The chances of the United States becoming involved in any way are held to be ?u7. And the prospect of the United States rurnishing for a consideration most things needed by combatants is considered almost certain. No other reasons are given to support this view, and yet in them selves they are really insufficient to warrant the supposition that we are to benefit greatly by the misfortunes of our neighbors. At first no doubt great activity would spring up in commercial circles upon the outbreak of war. But the ultimate results to our commerce and prosperity would be bad, for the activity would not spring from a demand that would be healthy and prolonged. A great deal is heard about the good that would come to shipping from a war. As pointed out before in these columns, the United States, when neutral, are precluded by the treaty of "Washington from furnish ing vessels and munitions of war to belligerents. There would not, there fore, be many orders for American built vessels for cruising purposes. In regard to munitions of war greater opportunities for trade are open. It is believed that the United States would be called upon to supply a varied and enormous quantity of ma terial, and that, e ven if some of these should be included in the list of con traband, the chances of their capture would be small. This would, it is held, have a good effect on the freight market But this is not so evident. There exists to-day a larger supply of shipping than the world needs. Of course the necessities of Beveral mar itime nations would withdraw from the freight market many of the best class of steamships for transport ser vice. This would apply especially to England and if war was prolonged he r demand for this service would be correspondingly larger. It is sup posed that ther e would be in addi tion the chances of destruction of many vessels by cruisers. But the loss from such a cause would not be large. Bussian war ships for instance would not be likely to inflict great damage upon England's commerce, owing to the smalln ess of the Bussian navy, to protection afforded by the number of British cruisers, and to the, metaphorically speaking, hailing distance of British ports from each other, into which British ships could run for safety. The extent o f the Bnssian merchant marine is mall, and any diminution of it would not affect materially the supply of tonnage necessary for the world's carrying trade. Itmxist be admitted that owiug to the changes in regard to neutrals the chances of war decreasing the amount of ton nage afloat are much less than for merly. Neutral goods in enemies' Tessels are protected. Neutral ves sels with enemies' goods on board aro protected. Steamers of the commer mercial marine are as fast, and often faster than cruisers. Improvement of business, there fore, through a diminution of vessel supply is not probable. Some ac tivity, it is held, would come from demand for goods for belligerents. "War brooks no delays and goods are wanted immediately. Neutrals would supply these in abundance, and in case of a European conflict, the United States being the chief neu trals, would take most of the trade. This means of course that vessels would be in demand again. But our own supply is at the best smalt and European powers at war would have to furnish their own carriers, which they could do almost with impunity. We can furnish goods, provided or ders came, of which there is no cer t&inty, but we cannot furnish ships, tb&nks to a system of navigation laws which injure and do not protect This may seem a heartless way of considering the question, but it is the practical one in these days, when mammon is the ruling god, it is use less to disguise the fact The com mercial men of thi3 country are thus viewing the matter, and they would not be human if they did not con sider the effect that war would have upon their trade. The announcement that John H. Mitchell is coming to Portland in June to take up his permanent resi dence, and the fact that his election to the U. S. senate was urged by tele graph by leading Democrats in "Wash ington during the last legislative meeting, lead many politicians to im agine, says the Welcome, that he is to appear at the anticipated extra ses sion of the legislature in the role of a "Mugwump" candidate for the seat formerly occupied by Senator Slater. aTobmoxs all over Utah held meet ings last Sunday, protesting against the government prosecution now go ing on. Such protests should be un heeded; the work shonld be prose cuted vigorously and the Mormon leaders made to feel that there is a God in Israel. NEW TO-DAY. Found SNAGGED IX YODNGS KAY, MAY 1st, fifteen or twenty fathoms of fishing net, corks marked J L. Owner can hare same by paj Ing charges. W.J. ING ALLS. T. G. RftWLlNGS, Wholesale and I'etall Dealer In Tropical, Domestic, Green and Dried . MJTS. CANDIES, DRIED MEATS, ETC. Flue Cigars anil Tobacco. Next door to T. J. Arvold's. Squemoqua St. P. Patterson, CONTRACTOR & BUILDER. Shop on Concoinly Street, opposite Kinney's Cannery. SASHES. DOORS. MOULDINGS. ETC, ON HAND. EM I mates given and all work u art an ted to give satisfaction. TO LET. LIBERTY HALL. Suitable for Sociables and Parties. Terms Moderate. Apply to N. CLINTON. President. L.I. JOHNSON, DKAL1JB IX CIGARS AND TOBACCOS, SMOKERS' ARTICLES. Plajlng Card. Cutlery, Stationery.; Etc A fine stock of Merschaum and Brier ripe,, Amber Goods, Etc. Two doors of cor. Water and West-nth Sts., ASTORIA, OREGON. Pure Ice, Delivered at Your Door. This Ice is cut on I.akc Cocollala and Is pure. AH orders left at Post & Hansen's Astoria Soda Works will be promptly attended to. G. REED. Manager. FISHERMEN'S OUTFITS. OIL SKINS, Gum Boots, Overalls, Shirts, Etc. AT Phil. A. Stokes, Next door to Foard & Stokes' store, Ls head quarters for Clothing at Bottom Figures. Everything bought here guaranteed to be Just as represented. No old stock ; every thing fresh, and NEW GOODS on eery Steamer. Remember the place. F1II. A. STOKES. 3-A full line of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS for sale at Prices that Defy Competition. For Sale. SINGLE UPRIGHT MARINE ENGINE and boilers, built by Delaniater & Co., New "iork, iMO horse pewer: Steam Donkey Pumps; Surf ace Condenser ; Inde pendent air, circulating and feed pumps ; tools and connections complete. For price and particulars applv to FRANK WOOLSEY, Cor. First and A sts.. Portland. Found. SMALL. WHITE SKIFF. . Inquire at H. GRUBE. Junk store, near N. Johaasen's. Notice. ON AND AFTER THIS DATE WE WILL not be responsible for any bills or debts contracted in our name unless accompanied by a written order from us. HArGOOD & CO Waterford, W. T.. April 29th. 1885. lw House to Let. CENTRALLY LOCATED. Apply to BOZORTH & JOHNS. To Rent. THE FINE BUSINESS STORE FORME Il ly occupied by J. Pilger. A desirable location. Apply to C. S. GUNDERSON. Fifteen Cows 1or Sale. K. OSBUKItf, Skipanon. For Sale. A FINE HOUSE AND LOT .SITUATED on Benton street ; will be sold for 800. Apply to this office. For Rent. THERE FINE BOOMS IN BUILDING recently occupied by J. Pilger. Suitable for offices, etc Apply to 0. S. GUNDERSON. PORT Your Helm! AND Steer Yourself to My Estab lishment. I am selling UNE-FITTING SUITS of Best Quality anil Designs At Remarkable Low Prices. Do you know thai I can giv j ou a Nobby Suit of good material at J4IO, $12, $15. $18, $20. See Our New Hats, Latest Styles at $2.50, $3, S3.50 ALSO A Fine Assortment of Straw Hats. IT WILL PAY YOU TO TRADE WITH ME And I herewith respectfully solclt a call. D. KANT, THE BOSS Merchant Tailor anil Clothier. LADIES. GOTO Xrs. Malcolm's Milliner j Parlors FOR SPRING AND SUMMER HATS. A large and well -selected stock on hand. NEW GOODS being secured every day. A complete line of Ladies' READY-MADE UNDERWKAR, withprices to suit the times. CHEAP CORSETS a specialty: also a large assortment of the Best Grade of CORSETS. Children's SUNI10NNETS, just receUed. All the LATEST NOVELTIES. In SILK SCARFS. GOLD and SILVER LACES and ORNAMENTS arc kept at this. The Cheapest Millinery HonHC In Astorin. No charge for trimming when material is purchased at the establishment. Closing Out A VERY LARGE STOCK OF Fine Boots and Shoes TO BE SOLD AT EXTREMELY LOW PRICES, FOR A SHORT TIME ONLY. Come and Get Rare Bargains AT THE SIGN OF THE GOLDEN SHOE. I. J. ABVOLD, Agt. "duplex! WILL Cut Faster AXE. PATnrtDAWIJOJHL AND EASIER J.C.TruIlinger I Than any oih- eraxo maue. Hundreds of woodmen tes tify to its sune- 4 riorlty. Itgow utep sou aerer Stlcki. CARNAHAN & CO.. ff Agents Astorii. Trlet, 81.50. Auditor and Clerk's Notice. NOTICE is hereby ptven that the city assessment roll of the city of As toria, in Clatsop county, Oregon, as re turned by the citv assessor for the year 18S5, is now on file in the office of the Auditor and Clerk of said city, where it is open and will remain open for inspec tion until the 15th day of May. 1883. All applications for corrections or re visions of the same must be filed "with the Anditor and Clerk piior to said l.'ith day of 3Iay, 18S5. By order of the common council. T.S. Jevtett, Auditor and Clerk. Astoria. Mav 1, 1885. Oh! I Say! GOOD BOAUD and LODGING FOR $4,50 per Week, AT TnE New York Restaurant. BARTH'3 BUILDING. If . FIISCII, - - Proprietor. PEG1AL ANN Have Received An Immense OF SPRING GOODS, TO BE SOLD AT PRICES LOWER THAX TnE LOWEST. Remeaaber THE EMPIRE STORE. CH AS HEILBORN, Dealer at Wholesale an J Iteta:! id Piirnitiim Sprlrlino SH,m,H,u) wuuwmuj vuipuivy if.umns, Oil Clotk, Wall Paper, Window Shades, Astoria Furniture Co. Dealer Furniture, Bedding, PICTURES, Monliliii, Carpets, Mattii, Picture ?rames, Moi Skies, etc. Cor. Chenaraus and Hamilton Sts. Th.e Low RECEIVED Per Steamer Oregon Fine Brocaded Velvets at $1.20 a yard, The first installment sold like hot-cakes, and ladles who were unable to secure some of that Velvet will please call j immediately, as we only have a limited amount and may not have a chance again to buy those goods j QUITE AS CHEAP. ALSO SOME MORE Boys' Suits at 60 cents on the Doll AND A FINE LINE OF Feathers ITery Cheap, OPPOSITE COLEMAN'S BANK LOW PRICE STORE, SoM Gold Jewelry,' Scarf Pins, Chains, latches, Pianos and Organs or llio Best iiinlcc at the Eoirest Prices. The finest stock of Jewelry In Astoria. J3?"AI1 goods warranted as represented. GUSTAV HANSEN, JEWELER. M. STUDZINSKI, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER. "Watches, Jewelry, Clocks, OPTICAL GOODS. j ASTORIA, .... Oregon, j AH Goods Best Quality, and Low Prices. The Roscoe Oyster and Chop House. The Beat Cooked to Order In First Class Style. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF rF"iix Ice C2j?&q,tjol Alex McCrea & Co., PROPRIETORS. Genevieve street, rcaof Adlert Crystal Palace. OpeB Hay sad Sight. P.amotQ Msifin Mouldings, Etc. hi Wall Paper, Mirrors, II. I)u BUISSOX, Manager. Price Store SOME MORE I. COHEN. The Seaside Bakery FRESH BREAD I Delivered in any Part ot ihe City. FINE CAKES A SPECIALTY. Home-Made Candy Made Daily: , The Trade Supplied: , Fine Pastry: A Flist Class Establishment. Prices to ' sun me times. F. B. ELBERS0N, Prop'r. SEE THAT YOU 6ET THE " PORTLAND v Olioice 3F"a,230X3r :Et-t:m."fc U.oll2? FLOUR!! For Sale in lofs to Suit. By WILSON &. FISHER. ASTORIA. Or 8IIISO.V, CHURCH fc CO., PORTLAND, Or. 1885. INTEREST Will be allowed On Time Deposits. Drafts on all the Leading Cities. Wm. T. Coleman & Co. S. KLMOKE, Manager Banking Department. Astoria, Oregon. To Rent. FINE BUSINESS OFFICE. CENTRAL ly located. Apply at this Office. A -THE Family Groceries, Provisions and Freshest Vegetables. AT- -ALL Low Down Prices I I Corner Benion and Chenamus Streets. Opposite Custom House Square. UEAtKl: IX Hay, Oats, and Straw, Lime, Brick, Cement, Sanfl ai Plaster Wood Dellrcred to Order. Dra)ln?, Teiulc?a.nd Express Busing. tatgjgeTg --?- TEK apply to the Captain, or to THE NEW MODEL A FUIiI. STOCK Jolin JL, Montgomery DEALER Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. A General Assortment ot HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Agents tor Magee Stoves and flanges The Best in the market. Piumblng goods of all kinds on hand. Job work done in a workmanlike manner PLUMBING, GAS FITTING, AND CANNERY WORK Attended to Promptly on Reasonable Terms. Chenamus Street, Xext teC L Parker's Store. ASTORIA. ORESOIf, M.OLSEX. J. QUSTAFSON. A. .70ITNSOX. MARTIN OLSEN & CO. DEALERS IX FUBJNTTUKE Ss bedding Corner 2Xaln and Squemoqaa Street. Astoria, Oregon. WINDOW SHADES AND TRIMMNGS; WALL PAPER, ETC A Complete Stoclr. PEICES AS CHEAP AS QUALITY WILL AFFORD. AI.X. KINDS OF FURKITURE KEPAIKEI AUTD YABSISHED. Change of Agency. We hare appointed MR. O. F. MORTON Our Selling and Collecting Agent at Astoria. All those wishing to purchase a flrst-class SEWIXa MACHINE, or to make pay ments due us w 111 please call on Mr. Morton. Headquarters at B. S.WORSLEY'S Sales room. The Singer Mfg Co.r Ji2 Morrison Street, Portland, Or. Carnaliaxi & Co. SUCCESSORS TO I. W. CASE, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE Corner Chenamus and Cass streets. ASTORIA .... OREGON $67,000,000 Capital! Liverpool and London .and Globe. North British and Mercantile Of London and Edinburgh. Old Connecticut of Hartford, ASD COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA Fire Insurance Companies, Representing a Capital of 867,000 OOO. B. VAN DUSEN. Agent. IlW FINEST - AT- vr 1113113 IS ill, ASA PARKER t ben P. Parker.Master. For TOWING. FK EIGHT orCHAK- II. 15. I'AUKKQ. KANGK CAN BE HAD IN AS TORIA ONLY OF B, B. BAWBB, AGENT CALL AND EXAMINE IT. Y f WILL BE PLEASED. E. It. HAWKS Is also agent tor Hi- I Cooiii Store And other first-class S537e3. Furnace "Work. Steam Fit tlng. etc.. a specialty. ALWAYS ON HAND. iy- Hardware ai SMb toiler? VAN DUSEN & GO. DEALERS IX Hardware and Ship Chandlery Pure Oil, Bright Yarnisli, Binacle Oil, Cotton Canvas, Hemp Sail Twine, Cotton Sail Twine, Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails, Agricultural Implements Sowing; Machines, Paints and Oils, Groceries, etc. HAVE YOU Anyffii to Sell? IN TIIE MATTER OF Rags, Bottles, Old Metal, or Junk of Any Sort, FOARD I STOKES Will give you the best price for It. Do You Want to Buy SHIP MATERIAL, From a Belaying Pin to a Hawser; from a Block to an Anchor. You Can Get what You Want atPOAED&STOKUS. Headquarters at buildin?, east end ot Water Street. g'rt?f I . L , iiS&S23!S '1"i X- . ' 'iV '