The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, May 03, 1885, Image 3

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?h? gtailg gkSfowmt.
31.VY .I. 18
(Monday excepted)
rur.LisiiKi:3 am,
Term, of Subscription.
Served liv Carrier, per week ... loots.
SfM by Mail. iK-r month wets.
" " ne year .... .... .$7.eo
Tree of hvUi5c to subscribers.
CyAUverilsomfiits inserted by the year at
the rate of $2 per square per month. Tran
sient advertising liltv cents per square, each
IVoticc To Atlrcrtisors.
The Astoria v guarantees lo il ad
vertisers The largest circulation of any
newspaper nulilUheti on the Columbia
Ilwaco will have a fourth of July cele
The Oban Bay and British Monarch
sailed yesterday.
Columbia river salmon is offered for
sale (in Portland) for twenty-five cents
It is thought that Gen. T. It. Taunatt
will ba appointed governor of Washing
ton territory.
Tho News says that a new speciea of
fish resembling smelt has made its ap
Iaaranco in the Willamette.
Seventy-five Chinamen are on the bark
Montana for Newchigak, Alaska, to
start a salmon cannery there.
Visitors from the interior of the state
say that they consider times are very
lively hero. "It must he very dull in the
inland towns.
No. 3's engine in Portland has been
overhauled "and repaired '"for the first
time in thirteen years' at a cost of 709.
?2. Cheap enough.
In the Y. II. C. A. rooms, this after
noon, the exercises will be changed to a
song service, conducted by an efficient
choir; begins at V, o'clock sharp.
Eev. K. Schied of the German Re
formed church will hold divine service in
the Presbyterian church at two o'clock.
All Germans are cordially invited to at
tend. A largo and merry party were tripping
tho light fantastic at tho rooms of tho
Ladies' Coffee club last evening, tho oc
casion being tho celebration of Rudolph
Prael's twentieth birthday.
Egga were offored at 1G cents a dozen
last week and fair butter at forty cents
a roll. Thero is a big reduction in tho
prico of provisions and the former state
ment that ''ABtoria is a dear place to livo
in" is considerably modified this season.
Captain E. "W. Holmes has been ap
pointed to tho command of the steamer
George Ur. Elder, in place of Captain
Ackley, who goes as a passenger to Vic
toria to bring tho large sidowheel steam
er Olytnpia to San Francisco to go on
tho dry dock to clean.
Win, Kahlsnd, a native of Hamburg,
aged 34, died at the hospital at 3 o'clock
yesterday morning, of IJright's disease
of the kidneys. Deceased was a member
of Beaver Lodge No. 33, 1. O. X). I. and
will be buried from the lodge room at
two o'clock this afternoon.
A salmon was recently gigged in Uma
tilla county with a Limerick hook in its
gills. It is generally understood that
salmon will not take a hook, and the
question is where and in what ocean or
sound or river did that fish get the hook,
is what the Heppaer Gazelle asks.
Tho 2a00 feet of tho first railway in
Clatsop county from the Ft. Stevens
wharf to tho Fort is about completed.
The locomotive "Tillamook" is expected
down this week. The latest report is
that a railroad will be built from the
Fort to Tillamook head to get rock for
the breakwater.
Bang on, Maine, May 1. The Whig
and Courier learns from Manager Burpee
of the Now Brunswick railway that the
Canada Pacific company announce that
on Monday they will have tho last rail
laid between Halifax and the Rocky
mountains, and have notified tho British
government that they will be able to take
troops by rail from Halifax to tho Pa
cific coast.
The rate of war insurance on British
grain vessels leaving tho Columbia river
for the United Kingdom or continental
ports was raised this week, says the Orc
uonian, to 1 per cent. In other words
the companies insure against the acts of
"the public enemies of her Britannic
majesty" for this extra 1 per. cent. The
regular rate is 2 on iron vessels, mak
ing the total insurance for tho voyage 2l
per cent. If thero should be no war the
extra 1 per cent, is clear gain to the in
surance company and dead loss to the
cargo owner. Bat if England and Russia
should fight, 1 per cent, extra would be
very cheap insurance.
Thexe will lie a special meeting of the
Vestry of Grace Church to-morrow
evening at 8 o'clock. Business of im
portance. M. D. Wii-sox,
Keieno Hose.
Rescue Hose Co. So. 2 are requested
to meet without fall at their drill at 2:30
this afternoon.
V. V. Loo AX.
Ulust be Settled.
All outstanding accounts of the late
lirm of Bergman & Berry remaining un
paid on the lllh inst will be placed in
the hands of an attorney for collection.
Please note this and save cosK
Ftmeral IVoliee.
The funeral of our lale brother Win.
Kahland will take place from the Lodge
room at 2 o'clock this alternoon. The
members of Beaver Lodge are hereby
notified to atteud at that hour.
By order N. G.
Sojourning brethren In good standing
invited to attend.
Sheet JJlnstc,
Former price 3T and -50 cents, latest
out, comic, sentimental, etc-, at 10 cents.
Gitirrix & Heed's
City Book .Store.
Private card rooms at .lenT new sa
loon "The Telephone.'
One of the finest billiard tables on the
coaa at JcfTs "Telephone-
Graj- sells Sackett Bros. Al sawed
cedar shingles A full M guaranteed.
All tho patent medicines advertised
iu this paper, .together with the choicest
perfumery, and toilet articles, etc-can
twj bought at the lowest prices, at J. W.
Conn's dni2 store, opposite Ocnlden
hctel, Astoria.
To Accommodate Ills Patrons.
Alex. Gilbert will keep his saloon
open day and night. Fishermen can get
a good lunch at any hour of the night.
The" genuine French sardine constantly
on hand-
"Money is scarce;' "I have troublo in
making collections;" "If Jones nnd Brown
and Smith would only pay me I could
easily meet my little obligations." Prob
ably one or t.voof our readers have heard
remaiks similar to the above last week.
The worst of it is that the are strictly
true. The extreme of it is that a good
ninny who cculd pay their bills just as
easy as net nso this lianuy excuse to de
fer settling their accounts and thus
help lo make and continue tho ifdull
times" that thry affect to regret so
Credit is a necessary element in busi
ness life, it U founded on that natural
confidence that is a part of human na
ture, and though a man's confidence be
misplaced and he be taken in again and
again yet he hates to give up his abiding
faith in humans like himself, and so
goes ahead trusting those whom his bet
ter judgment tells him will swindle him
at tho last.
This is one grave cause of financial
difficulties in Astoria. It is so easy to
get credit that the facility is grossly
abased. Everv spring flock a crowd of
adventurers here. They haven't got
anything but they start "in business."
Everything they do is done on credit;
tho placa is fitted up on credit, the stock
is bought on credit, the provisions they
cat arc got on credit, the clothes they
wear are bought on credit all this credit,
all this taking big chances is done by
Astoria merchants and men who are with
us the year round. Presently come3 a sher
iffs sale, or an attachment, or an" assign
ment," or a turning over or uuder some
way. One or two that are posted get in
and realize "enough to pay my bill;" the
rest stand around and swear and say just
what they think and are.snapped up tho
same way the month after.
Credit is too easily procured; there is
not enough judgment used in deciding
whether a man shall be given, credit or
not. There is a certain class of patron
age that a business man cannot afford.
He'd better, a sood deal, keep his goads
on his shelves than hand them oyer to a
man whoso name isn't worth writing on
tho debit side of his ledger, and who
never intended to pay for them. This is
making brioks.without straw and is one
of the things that is hurting Astoria. It
doesn't inako any difference whether
it is a peanut stand or a canuery,.the
thing is repeated right along and every
time it is the hard working man that
trie1 to pay his debts that is cinched.
Tho other fellow doesn't care: he never
expected to pay and isn't at all surprised
when ho breaks up or breaks down and
coolly tells his creditor that he can't pay
One of the unfortunate results of this
is to destroy confidence, to make men
suspicious of each other and to perma
nently iujuro that necessan mutual
trust without which no business commu
nity can flourish.
Another unfortunate result h beat ex
emplified by a enso that recently came
under our bbstrvation. A certnin pro
fessional man was employed to psrform
service that is usually considered well
paid at $:. His bill was $G3. Tho man
paid the bill but objected to the charge.
"Oh. well,"' wa3 tho answer, "you can af
ford it; and I lose so much on others that
I've got to charge some one or Fd havo
nothing." With no xnoro than passing
allusion to hi? lack of judgment in "giv
ing tho business away" it may be said
that such a practice of overcharging in
order to play even shows a total lack of
business principle and can be justified
on no grounds compatible wilh honesty.
People won't keen their mouths shut:
they will talk and it doesn't take long
for a little matter like that to get around,
and the story never loses anything in the
And this brings us to the last part of
our bricks without straw. Did you ever
know a man who mado a good thing of
it by overcharging and "failing in busi
ness" and abusing the confidence of oth
ers and making it in general harder for
his mora honestly disposed business
brethren to get on? Tho successes of those
who uro in that ticklish field aro to those
who aro in dishonor as one thousand to
one. The gougo business doesn't win,
for though temporarily successful, it is
like a lie; the chief difference between a
Iio and truth is that a lie has no future in
it; and so it is with those who make a
lio of their business.
The less of that kind of "business" that
we have touched on the better for
tho community. Tho remedy for it
lies in the hands of the business
men of tho place. The drain on the ac
tual business resources of the city is an
annual heavy one, and would seriously
injure the commercial prosperity of a
much larger city than ours. However
unpleasant the task, it is a public duty
to call attention to something which is
of injury to our uneiicial interests, and
which can have but one result. Every
man doing business in the place will
readily see the utter folly of allowing the
credit system to be so grossly abused as
it has been in every department of busi
ness, and in seasons like the present it
will bo even more readily seen than it
would were business better.
Frefcli Eastern and fcilioul water
ISuy Oyxtcrj
Constantly on hand, cooked to any style
at Frank Fabre's.
Star a Seat Fittiuff Boot
Jr ."Shoe, go to P. .1. Goodmans, on Che
nanms street, next door to 1. V. Case.
All goods of the best make and guaran
teed quality. A full stock; new goods
constantly arriving. Custom work.
Hut I.uneli. at the Telephone
From 11 to 2 every day.
A fine lunch with drink or cigar, 25
No charge after two o'clock,
A Ilnppy Thought.
It was .1 lmpnv thought that led to the
production of u concentrated fruit syr
up, so harmless in its nature that it may
bo given either to the mother or her
babe, relished alike by both, and of
such wonderful efficacy that all who
take it feel brighter and happier. .
E. Dement & Co. will furnish anyone
wishing Syrup of Kins atrial bottle free
of eharge,or will sell ."id cent and one
dollar bottles.
Seth Thomas Nutmeg clocks at Gus
tav Hansen's for -eighteen dollars a
Docs not make any second-class Pic
tures at his New Gallery, No. Gltf, on
the Roadway.
Buy your Lime of Gray at Portland
For Dinner Parties to order, at short
notice, go to Frank Fabrc's.
At Prank Fabro'j.
Board for S22JJ0 a month. The best
In the city. Dinner from 5 to 7.
Professor' Talk Conctrnlur Xatnrt's
Hpad-Covcrlnc The Xnrabrr of Hair,
on a Human Head Vcrlatlon
Vcrontinc to Color.
In a lecture delivered in Edinburgh
tho other day Prof. Canninghnm of tho
Dublin university gave some interesting
information obout human hair. Ho be
gan by saying that over 200,000 pounds
of such hair were brought to Paris alouo
each year, and that white hair costs as
much as ."5 a single ounce. Then he
stated that if his hearers would examine
the head of a child they would find that
tho hairs were arranged in vortices, and
that these yortices had their center on
the crown, the hairs sweeping around
this canter, in the direction of from
right to left. The number of hairs which
were implanted on the scalp varied, and
was in a great measure determined by
the size of the diameter of tho individual
hair shafts. Tho larger the hair shaft
the smaller would be the nunibsr of the3e
implanted on a given area, L'ae diame
ter of tho uairs was very vanuoie, auu
the chief factors which determined these
variations were age, sex, color of tho hair,
and above all nice. Uniformity of diam
eter of the hairs of the head never oc
curred in the same individual; they would
find haira on tho same head wuica were
at least five or six times coarser than the
finer hair?.
The average diameter of a human hair
taken from the head has been calculated
by. Sir Erasmus Wilson to be tho one
four-hundredth part of an inch; or. in
other words, if they were to place four
hundred hairs side by side, they would
find them covering an area of about one
inch. They were in the habit of looking
noon man as a coarser animal than
woman, but this was not the case in every
particular, because they found that fe
male hair was, as a rule coarser than tbet
of man, and this too in spite of the f re
nuent cuttings to which the male hair
wns subjected. Speaking of the effect of J
coloration, it was a lact tuat tue color ot
the hairs affected its diameter wery much
as they were in tho habit, popularly, of
looking upon it. Chestnut hair and flax
en hair were the finest: light brown hair
and, black hair were the coanet and
dark brown hair and red hair held an in
termediate position in this respect. ;
Several observers had attempted th
tedious task of counting tho number of j
hairs upon the head. According to Er- J
nsniurf Wilson, the average number was
120.000, but this number was very greatly
hairs, and when thev came down to black '
another observer had sbpvrn that a pages of the 15ST edition of the American .
square inch of scalp would hold as many ( ueWspaper directory, issued May 1st, by .
as 728 flaxen hairs, ynly Ca chestnut Om. i i! M 7'- . nf Vm? Vr.ri- it
hairs, they found the number reduced to.. ,J,;f periodicals published in the
rAi Tlion infill wlien thpv eoinn.irnl tt..:i.i ci..i. ..i r....i. ..r i.,
this with the results obtained oy anotu-
--.. ... ..--- - .. ---
er observer who had gone over the whole
scalp, and who had counted
;ed everv hair
4W brown and HU.-UW blonde. J-hey
would see from thjH3 figure that our lbe unraUer being 78. while Illinois fol
bloude beauties had a distinct advantage , OV3 th n pn of 77. Tt s carious to
over our brunettes in so far as tho hue-, notjce that New York, the scene of go
ness and the number of their hairs were much political activity during tho last
concerned. In fact, he might say that a campaign, should have only about one
blonda lady, with a good endowment of third as manv newspapers as the state of
flfiT-nn li-MVa. onmhpii nnr nnil riiaen- t,.. . ..-..: .. -.. :...i.. ix.
tangled each morning she performed her
wuuioi'iT.eeuNjuyuuu wwi """ , ditferent sections ot tho country, espe
ofhair. And yet statistics would show . cjaUy the territories, tho number of new
that she was less successful in obtaining papers forms an interesting studv.
a husband than tho brunette in the pro-
portion of three to two. Taking black- .,..- x
haired females, it has been found that Iuclicn s Arnica Salre.
out of 100, 79 were married, and taking. Tuk Bust ih the world for
the fair-haired of the sex it has been , Cuts, Bruises. Sorcs.UIcers, Salt Rheum,
found that only 5.".5 out of the hundred Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapped Hands,
were married. Chilblains. Corns, ami all Skin Erup-
It has long been accepted that the tye-
conductor of the heat: it tended, there
brows and eye-iasues were 01 lue utmost . pay requirou.
importance to the physical comfort of perfect sal i-niu-lioii. or money re
man, and ho held that the hair of tho Price 'Si cents tier bow For sale b)
hppi1nlrhnr1itns. Hnirwasa verv bad ' M. Di'inent iV to.
fore, to equalize the temperature of. Syrup of Fig.
the head, sheltering tho brain on tha one, Xnlim-'s own true Laxatiw. Pleas
hand from the cold, and on the other antto the j.akite.aecentable totheStom
hand from the heat of tho sun s rays, j ae, , i,.innfe3j, , n.s nature, painless in
Ihey could not doubt for one moment, j jts mlUu Cures habitual Constipation,
however, that the hair was upon the head i;inMu.s, indigestion and kindred
for ornament as well as use, and they iUs Iransiw tIu. svtcin, purines the
could not doubt-at leust ho himself had . ,,Iooi n.u.ltl.s tlu ,wr and ncL on
no doubt whatever-that constitution I Ul. iwels. Breaks up Colds, Chills
had much to do in determining its rich- j,,,,, KeV(.r (.u- strengthens the orgnus
ness of supply. Regarding tho short )(m uj,kh lt ac,s HeIter tl,a ,,fjter)
hairs upon the body generally, they were jj-jtpoj jhpr medicines, pills, salts
driven to the conclusion, m the absence 1 aml draughts. Sample bottles free, and
of any apparent present use of their Iaiw M,mM rr sae by W. K. Dement
presence, that they were rudimentary ' $ q0 Astoria.
structures, and that they wero vestiges of "" ..
a hairy coat, which atone time on our j
forefathers had fulfilled a sheltering- Dim" l pay 23 to .V) rents fur dinner
function. when ou can get a better one al the
Having described tho structure of the Telephone fur 13 cents from 11 lo 2.
hair as chiefly fibrous, coated on the out- i
side with a thin layer of over-lapping ' liiluhs Cough ami Consumption
scales, and the manner iu which it is iin- Can i -old by us on guarantee. Si
planted in the skin, Professor Cunning- cures ruiiMimptlon. Sold by W. K. De
ham pointed out that every human hair . mi'itt.
was provided with one or more oil glands, I
which secreted a greasy fluid near the; .shi!ihs Catarii: Remedy a o3i
orifice of the hair poncle. Ihoy found, 1 1VC cu. ror Catarrh, Diplheria and
therefore, that nature supplied its own ' Canker Mouth. .Slid by W. K. Dement.
Domade. and when tho scalp was healthy I - -
no other was required. "When the scalp
was healthy it was aisuncuy injurious 10
apply oil to tho hair, because it was
a well-Known puysioiogicai mci unit
when nature found her functions bsiug
performed by other means she becamo
slnprfsh and inert. When they wore
their hair short, they should immerse it ;
every day in cold water, but they shoald I
glands. Cold water was quite sumcient
for the purpose. The rate at which hair
grew was very varied. Tho beard grew
at the rate of somowhero about six and
a half inches a year, and n man, there
fore, of eighty years of age, who had
shaved regularly all his life, might be
said to havo sacrificed about thirty-thro9
feet of hair.
Tho male scalp did not possess any
thing like tho rare qualities of the female
scalp ns a hair prodacing organ, and this
he put down to the fact that tho latter
had a better supply of tho fatty tissue,
or cushion from which the hair received
its nourishment. To the fair sex he gave
this guide as to when they might expect
baldness to cemmence: So long as tho
loss contained only one-quarter of the
shed hairs under a length of six inches
there need be no apprehension, but as
soon as tho number exceeded this, the
hair loss was abnormal, haira were then
being shed which Jttld not yet attained
their full length, and baldness was the
You Thiuk tlmt "Jefi
Tlic Chop House
Gives you a meal for nothing, and a
glass of something to drink? "Not
much r but he gives a better meal and
more of it than any place in town for
23 cents. Ho buys by the wholesale and
paj-s cash. "That settles it"
A large assortment of Neckwear re
ceived at "Mcintosh's Furnishing store.
Boys' and Children's suits just ic
celved at Mcintosh's new store.
( W)lns ROLT.ISK Y.
Kntsla I'ro'ialiljr Accepts Knstun'tNVropoJaU.
Loxnos, May 2. The. Daily News this
morning say.s: A. special messenger has
left St. Petersburg and will arrive in
Loudon Monday or Tuesday, bringing
Kusaia's answer, which will probably be
a formal acceptance of the Epglish pro
posals. Tho czar has intimated to Eng
land, through Banm Do Stael, that he
earnest ly desires peacs. If the proposal
to arbitrate the question of the disregard
on the part of Russia of the conveiititiu
of March 17 isaccepaled,:; joint coaim is
sionwill proceed to delimiuato tho fron
tier of Afghanistan without wating the
decision of arbitration, a satisfactory
basis for deliminat ion having been agreed
upon before the Penjdeh affair. While
the commission is at work the disputed
territory will be considered as neutral ijnd
will not lis occupied either by itnssians
or Afghans.
Tae.Wir m au editorial, says it re
joices that the prospects o'f peace le
tween England nud ltussia aro brighter
than at any time since negotiations be
gan. The admiralty authorities have char
tered altogether 140 merchant vessels of
various rigs. They have also made ar
rangements for conveyance to India by
mail steamers of troops to strengthen the
Indian garrisons. The first contingent
will start next "Wednesday.
The steamer Slalr.of Nebraska has been
chartered as an armed cruiser, and steam
ers Pelican and DuUe of Devonshire as
troop ships.
The reserves who are going to India
have been ordered to be in readiness in a
The government has been in confiden
tial communication with Austria, respect
ing tho policy of the Tatter in the event of
war between'England and Russia.
The Daily News confirms the Stand
ard's report that England has proposed
to submit to arbitration, by any Euro
pean sovereign, the violation of the agree
ment of March 17. The Daily News adds
that tho czar favors arbitration, and ig
nores the individuality of Generals Lums
den and Komaroff.
3fnnyship owners in north England
aro uniting in a pledge to refuse lo sell
vessels to agents of the Bnssiau govern
ment. wp3er of To-Daj-.
People generally have bat a faint con
ceptiou of the magnitude and influence
the press of this country has attained.
Zrj ihni :I)nrrt nPO i1J7 ,,...n.t
uuiicii :jwiht iuu vuitauii, ui mi:
i, i:;,;tl st.nfi.s has Wit::. :m .wmwn '
0f oae ,wlwr for eTcrv 57 person. In
$ i total number of nowspaiwrs was 1
nblo. Kansas shows the oroatest increase.
pamtivo growth and prosparity of the
tin, and positively cures files, or no
11. is guamiuveti 10 uivo
I untied.
; Will you suffer with Dyspepsia and
j.ivt-r (.ompliuni V sniinirs V liaitzer is
unai-iutm! to cure juu. SoldbyW.E.
Water Pipes a Specialty.
A Full Stock of Material on Hand.
IVrMiaal attention Riven
nil orders and
TerniH Keiixnitultle.
Shun and ofnre. on Cuss street, one door
above Frank Fabre's Kestaurant, Astoria,
T I IjKATIIEKS has kktuknkd
) and is ready to turn out sonic fine flali
iiiK boats Tor the river. Shop on the beach
between Kinney's aud Elmore's canneries.
2. Inquire at H. C.KUIJE.
Junk store, near X. Johaiisen'.
not be respousible for any hllLs or debts
contracted iu our name unlets accompanied
by a written order from us.
uArnoon & co..
Watcrford, V. T.. April 29th. ISSi. lv
House to Let.
J Apply to
To Rent.
ly occupied by J. I'llger. A desirable
location. Apply to
Mr m A abi -iS VI m.k.
Vaalltn, Xetnon, Oraaco, etc., flavor
Cakca, Crcami, Ptiddlns, Ac, c dell
cately and naturally aatae fruit from
which they ara made.
For Strength and True Frnit
Flavor They Stand Alone.
Price Baking Powder Co.,
Chicago, III, St. Louis, Mo
hac;r3 sr
Dr. Prices Cream Baking Powder
Dr. Price's T.upulia Yoast Gems,
Heat Ziry IIo;i "Vrat.
The oeat dry hop yeast in tho world.
Bread raised by this yeast is Hght.whlte
and wholesome like our grandmother's
t delicious bread.
Price Baking Powder Co.,
il3HTf30I Er.PnCSS 5P2C131 i lSYOriflg LlirdClS,
Chicago, III. St. Louis, Mo.
Uv'ii'ivriTTiv - Vi-mrt-Pn Ant
" -n.v- -n . . 4 ....Ai&j.A..t. w., ....v..:
-Portland, Oregon
All Sorts of
hurts and many sorts of ails of
man and beast need a cooling
lotion. Mustang Liniment.
SlotM' Yourself to My Estab
lishment. 1 am selliiis-l'INE-FITTINC. SUITS or
Ret Qunlity and Designs
At Remarkable Low Prices.
Do you know that I can Rive you a Nobby
Suit of good material at
SIO, 12, 13, 18; 20.
See Our New Hats,
Latest Styles at $2.50, $3, S3.50
A Fine Assortment of Straw Hats.
And I herewith respectfully soiclt a call.
Merchant Tailor ail dottier.
For Rent.
recently occupied by J. rilger. Suitable
for ofllces, etc. Apply to
Fifteen Cows lor Sale.
K. OSRTTRV, Skipanon.
Your Helm!
Silks and Dress Goods Depa
In the above department we are showing the most complete assortment of
NKW and FASHIONABLE GOODS we have ever opened at prices very favor
able to intending purchasers.
oak Department.
We arc showing the newest designs in STDIMER WllAPS.made up in all
the new materials, and handsomely trimmed. SUMMER ULSTERS, In black
and all the latest colors. A large assortment of Jersey WALKING JACKETS,
plain and braided, at very low prices.
New Hosiery,
New Gloves,
New Laces,
New Ribbons.
New Parasols,
New Oorsets,
New Buttons,
New Trimmings.
A large tock r Ladies' and Children's MUSLIN UNDERWEAR. Also,
aos uurtam
oO pairs Nottingham Lace Cnrtain
30 do do do
73 do do do
23 do do do
30 pairs real Applique Curtains iu ecru, from 3.50 to 10.50 per pair, former
prices $8.00 to $13,000. Real Swiss Lace Curtains from $13.00 to .10.000 per pair.
Curtain Nets in white and Ecru from 13 cts to 30 cts per yard.
The-e goods are all of the latest designs and very much under former
prices, having been bought direct from Xew York importers.
The Leading Dry Goods and Ciothip.g House
OF -S.ST05X&.
The New York
Tho Lendi ng Stationers and News Dealers of Astoria.
w j n,nciaLgiaBKBpanaai3BBeeBBSPB3iim n i acBia bek a p
The Latest Notions
We defy any and all competition.
fl U
Ui Hi
Hair Dressing Saloon, Xain
For a first-class Shave, scientific Ilalr-cnt.
and hygienic Shampoo, etc,
II. Da PARK, Prop.
Fine Stationery,
Blank Books,
School Books,
Music Books, j
New Goods!
Men's, To-u.t&s' and Boys'
Hats and Furnishing Goods.
si.90 per pair, former price
2i0 do do
3.73 do do
Novelty Store
and Novelties, Etc.
Call, examine our goods and be convinced.
Astoria Bakery
Columbia Candy Factory.
Kd. Jaekson, Proprietor.
Candies, -
Bread, Pies and CaEes
20 Cta per lb.
delivered every
1 Agents for Steck's
Little Giant, and
Kranich and Bach's Pianos,
Tabor, and Western
Cottage Organs,
and Hatter.
New Styles!
mOlii lUan9i
v-E-.- 'i