The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, May 01, 1885, Image 3

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ruii)AY....; l!r; JLmay i. tsss
(Monday excepted)
rUIlLISIIKRS axi lT.oriiiKTons,
Terms orScbscrii'tlon.
orvel lv Carrier, per week loots.
smt ly Mall, per month.. .... GOete.
one year .7.oo
Free o jostage to subscriber.
SS'-Advt'rtlsenients inserted bv the vear at
the rate of 2 per square per month. " Tran
Ment advertising filty cents per square, each
IVotice To Advertisers.
Tite Astoriax guarantees to it3 ad
vertisers the largest circulation of any
newspaper published on the Columbia
May Day.
Fine Day.
Steamer Day.
Collection Day.
Mirror of Ireland to-night.
The canneries report a very light salm
on run.
Griffin t Jleed have some very line
books at very low prices.
The Oregon is due this merning: the
Stale sails for San Francisco.
And yet no "official" notification of.tho
forfeiture of the Astoria land grant.
Reserved seats for to-night's perform
ance, at the New York Novelty Store.
The Tom Coricin left San Francisco on
an Alaskan cruise last "Wednesday and
may show up here about to-morrow.
The Telephone is making arranee
ments to carry the Salem firemen to the
tournament and back for $5.05 each.
Jno. Bryce, Jr., one of Astoria's rising
young men, goes to Portland next week
in the employ of Hegele, Crowell & Co.
It is ngain rumored that tho Fleetwood
is to run as an opposition boat on tho
sound. She'll make things hum on any
route she takes.
Pendleton papers report the marriage
of "Rev. John 1L Tumijarvi, of Astoria,
Oregon, and Miss Kva Mary Liljala, of
Umatilla county.
P. Patterson, tho well known builder
and contractor is ready for work at his
new shop on Concomly street, opposite
Kinney's cannery.
Roports from all over the state are to
tho effect that there will be a big crowd
hero on tho occasion of tho firemen's
tournament next month.
At a mooting of tho Alert Hook fe Lad
der oonipany last evening J. E. Thomas
and H. G. Smith were elected delegates
to the Oregon Stato Firemon's Associa
tion. Capt. Flavel tells as a good joko his
being pointed out in Portland as "a lead
ing stockman and cat tie raiser from Clat
sop." It was in vain he assured those
who camo for points, thai ho was only
'au amateur."
Fortv-four Europe-bound vessels have
crossed tho Columbia bar since January
lst,18S5. They carried 1,S03,9G1 bushels
wheat, worth 1,430.530; 83,132 bbls. flour,
worth $323,202, and 11.S0U cs. salmon,
worth $59,950.
J. "SY. Munson is up from Pt. Adams
and wants to know further concerning
tho British men-of-war reportod crossing
near tho light house. They are probably
insured and looking for tho cutranco to
Shoal water bay.
Yesterday afternoon John Palm, who
is fishing for tho Cutting Packing com
pany was taking in his drift toward
bkipanon when a soa lion swimming up
attempted to upset the boat. Palm fought
him of with nu oar but at last readied
for his revolver, when tho phoca gavo up
the fight, as ho was not ready to fight a
man with a revolver. In attempting to
get a shot at the beast, Palm, in his ex
citement discharged tho weapon, the ball
striking and shattering his left wrist.
Visitors to Miss Conuolly's and Mis3
Badollet's rooms wero pleased yesterday
afternoon by tho skill and ability evinced
by the pupils in their declamations.
This afternoon the pupils in tho gram
mar department in Mrs. Martin's and
Miss Field's rooms will have their clos
ing exercises. On tho 8th inst. those
selected by tho judges through the after
noons of the week will have a final exhi
bition at Liberty Hall. The pupils of tho
school will have written examinations
the last three school days of next week,
which will close the work for the term.
lion. D. P. Thompson is in the city.
Col. J. C. Bell returned from the stato
capital yesterday.
J. G. Megler and wife camo down" from
Brookfield yesterday afternoon.
J. C. Trullinger goes to the Sound this
morning on a business and pleasure trip.
Mr. A. Noltner, editor and proprietor
of tho Portland Standard, camo down
Captain Geo. Flavel came down on tho
Telephone yesterday afternoon with some
fine blooded stock, Holsteins, for his
farm at Clatsop plains.
There will be a ineetingof the Astoria
Ladles.' Coffee Club at tho club room nt
7:30 this evening.
Mks. F. i). Kl.UEKSOX,
Y. 31. C. A.
Monthly business meeting this even
ing at 8 o clock. All members are re
quested to bo present.
D. R. McIxtosk,
Private card rooms at Jeffs new sa-
loqn "The Telephone.'
One of the finest billiard tables on the
roast at Jeff's "Telephone."
Go to Wilson & Fisher's and see
something new in window stops.
(J ray soils Sackett Bros.' Al sawed
cedar shingles A full M guaranteed.
All the pateut medicines advertised
in this paper, together with the choicest
perfumery, r.tid toilet articles, etc-can
Ikj bought at the lowest prices, at J. W.
Conn's drug ston. opposite Oclden
hrtel, Astoria.
A large assortment of Neckwear re
ceived nt Mcintosh's Furnishing store.
To Accommodate ills Patrons.
Alex. Gilbert will keep his saloon
open day and night. Fishermen can get
a good lunch at any hour of the night.
The genuine French sardine constantly
on hand.
Docs not make anj second-class Pic
tures at his Now Gallery, No. 6l, on
tho Roadway.
,Buy your Lime of Gray at Portland
A 5E17 PEAL.
How It May rrobxblj- Ailect Astoria.
Tho Northern Pecino and Union Pacific
railway companies have leased the lines
of tho O. R. N. Co. It is believed in
well informed circles that the now ar
rangement goes into effect to-day.
Tho basis of tho agreement is stated to
bo that tho railroad companies named
will operate tho lines, both steamboat
and railroad, of tho local company and
pay them five per cent, each on its capi
tal stock for the first year and six per
cent, for each subsequent year while the
lease holds, each oompany paying tho
lessor ono half. It was thought by rail
road men that at its present business the
O. R. & N. Co. could pay about a four
pur cent, uiviaeno. xne apparently ia
vorablo terms upon which that corpora
tion has leased its lines Is doubtless due
to its advantage of position, occupying
territory the possession of which is es
sential to each of its leasers. It was
thought some months ago that the high
est bidder would get it; it now appears the
two competitors nave concluded the
most economic way is to go in together
and make it a common outlet and miot
for joint traffic.
Portland being the de facto terminus
of tho Northern Pacific railroad, and of
the Oregon Short Line which is the Un
ion Pacific, is the most interested. Our
interest in the matter is of a secondary
nature; to us it makes but little differ
ence which king reigns over us as long
as tho present cinch is kept on. Tho
cinch may bo tightened a hole or two.
The river service is admirable and no reas
onable fault can bo found with the fares
or accomodations. Tho same may be
said as regards the ocean service except a
constant tendency to discriminate
against Astoria and un apparent desiro
to punish tho city for its presumption in
being so near the open highway of tho
son. Tho fact that the river and ocean
lines will, presumably, bo under the con
trol of the O. R. & N. Co., to a great ex
tent comprises Astoria's interest in the
matter. The leasing lines willj probably,
pay tho most of their attention to tho
railroads and let the present company
operate the steamers to the best advan
tage for tho common interest.
Tho lease will defer the proposed Oas
cado tunnel and tho completion of the
N. P.'s line to tho Sound, inasmuch as
tho terms of tho instrument makes it to
their interest to send as much trade to
Portland as possible.
A large crowd gathered at tho Tele
phone's dock yesterday to see the blooded
stock purchased for Capt. Geo. Flavel in
Rochester, New York and which had
come through in twelve days. There
wero five heifers and two yearling bulls;
One of tho latter was bought for Josiah
West who is another Ciatsop countv man
who takes prido in having lino stock.
Mr. West has on his place his fine
Hamiltonian Ktnlliou "Patrician," and
expects in time to have a fine breed of
horses. Tho animal that arrived last
ovenintr. thouoh twelvo days on the cars
and boat and evidently in a jaded condi-
uon, weigueu Mi pounus noi iau ior
a vear-old.
Cant. FJavel is verv much pleased with
his purchase; tho heifers are of the pur
est breed or tho famous Uolstem stock.
Ho was offered a handsome advanco on
his purchase in Portland but preferred
bringing them down to his farm.on Clat
sop Plains whither tho stock will bo taken
in a fow daj'S.
ItcKpttfifallr Declined.
The Abtosux is in receipt of n com
munication from tho Q. R. & N. Co.,
asking us to swap an advertisement for
a ticket over ita lines. The Astokian
has paid the O. R. fc N. Co. a good many
20 gold pieces for services rendered and
is perfectly able to keep on paying every
timo it wishes to employ tho company to
work for it, and if they want any adver
tising in ihe iisToaiAX tuey can put up
for it just the samo as wo put up when
we want their services. Tho proposition
is respectfully declined. Tnss Astoman,
however, makes this propesition: that if
tho O. R. & N. Co., will quit gouging tho
business men of Astoria and swindling
them under tho guise of "primage" and
"wharfage," wo will gladly publish their
time card and thank tbem besides, for
their effort to be honest toward this
Opera Houss Friday and Saturday
evenings next and Saturday matinee.
The company is one of the best that has
ever appeared in this city. They are not
a common band of strolling players, but
are artists of merit. Dan Morris Sulli
van is a host in himself; ho keeps the
audience in a roar of laughter whenever
he appears upon the stage. Miss Josie
Morris Sullivan is one of the brightest
and most sparkling ladies. She is tho
second Lotta, and our music loving peo-
Sla should not fail to seo her. Rochester,
r. Y., Journal.
The evening's entertainment was en
hanced by Dan and Miss Josie Morris
Sullivan's peculiar mirthful, side-splitting
portraiture of Irisn humor, -which
kept "the audience literally convulsed
with laughter. At no timo during tho
performance could a sad face be seen,
every person, for tho time, at least, for
getting everything savo tho genial Dan,
and the pretty and vivacious Josie Mor
ris. As artists, thoy aro excelled by
none, and we unhesitatingly prononnco
them the best that has visited our city
for years. To-night an entire change of
Erogrammo is promised and we heartily
espeak for them the patronage they are
certainly deserving of. "Throw physic
to the dogs" and visit Sullivan's combin
ation to-night, and by a hearty laugh
euro all the ills that humanity is heir to.
Daily Review, St CaUierinc's Ontario.
fr'rrfch Eastern jml Shoalvrater
Bay Oytcr
Constantly on hand, cooked to any slyle
al Frank Fahre's.
For n Scat Fitting Hoot
Jr Shoe, go to P. J. Goodmans, on Chc
namus street, next door to I. W. Cafce.
All goods of the best make and guaran
teed quality. A full stock; new goods
constantly arriving. Custom work.
Hot launch, at tho Telephone
From 11 to 2 every day.
A fino lunch with arinlc or eignr, 23
No charge after two o'clock,
Seth Thomas Nutmeg clocks at Gus
tav Hansen's for eighteen dollars a
Are you made miserable by Indi
gestion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of
appetite, Yellow Skin? Shiloh's Vital
Izer is a poeitive cure. Fot sale by W.
. Dement,
Under date of April 27tb, we are in re
ceipt of a letter from Hon. C. Lienen
weberin which that gentleman in answer
to a communication which recently ap
peared in The Astoruv, signed "Pro
Bono Publico," says:
"The live question now to be settled fa
simply this: havo traps the right to occu
py and hold possession of any portion of
the navigable waters on tho Columbia
river as against tho right to use the same
waters by gill nets? When that question
is full v decided all other arguments in
"Pro Bono Publico:.' letter will die n
natural death."
"The question is not traps on the Ore
gon side or traps on the Washington
side. I know of no traps on tho Oregon
side where tho owners storted from shore
and built clean across a channel for years
freely navigated by fishermen and their
only harbor of refuge on dark and stormy
nights as it is in Baker's "bay, and not
even contented with that, commenced
other traps from across the channel nud
building towards shore, virtually lapping
by each other so as not even to admit
fishing boats to paas without winding
themselves around eacu.end ot it.
"Baker's bay has always been a very
favorable fishing ground, and for years
has been used by gill nets, whereas now
gill nets are driven away from the ground
by the traps. Not only can they no
longer drift there, but they can't even
run in there for shelter, without running
against theso obstructions. Had these
traps been built out and maintained
along choro and not been extended across
tho channel, no serious objection would
have been raised, but now it becomes a
vital question if these traps have a right
to permanently take possession in exclu
sion of the rights of others."
"It is my opinion that tho placing of
tho traps has not been dono with duo
caution henca this public indignation
and objection, 3-et no person in particular
can claim that he is individually imposed
upon, since no ono can claim any indi
vidual right, but all men havo public
rights, which individuals are in duty
bound to respect, and this public right is
in this case questioned, which makes it a
public duty to tako notice of it, and I
can see no "possiblo harm to ba derived
from public discussion of publio ques
tions.' "If tho govenimeut, whose duty it will
be to decide all matters nt iasue wherein
the public in general aro interested, will
say thase traps have a Vight to be where
they are, that will and must be a decision
for tho people aud more traps can bo
placed elsewhere, for certainly no rights
enjoyed at Baker's bay could be denied
at ofher places."
"Wo havo :i precedent in California.
That stato had tho same question to
deal with, and after three years' agita
tion, it was decided no traps could be
lawfully built and maintained in any
part of its rivers, aud they were done
away with, and to-day none aro in exist
ence on the Sacramento river.''
"As stated openly, I am interested iu
traps and gill nets; my personal opinion
in deciding public questions amounts to
no more than any other individual's, and
were 1 not so directly interested, would
not havo taken such an active part in it.
A petition signed and indorsed by tko
entire business community has cone for
ward to thoproper parties, whoso duty it
win oo 10 lnvesiisaio i" puunc ques
tion." Addle Bachratn'fi TraTels.
A year ago or more, says tho Standard,
Addio Bachman of tho Bachman Bros.,
insurance agents and bankers, took sud
den leave from his friends in Portland
aud lit out for fresh fields and pastures.
Much speculation was indulged in as to
where he had gone, some being of tho
opinion that ho was seen aboard of tho
steamer Mexico, at San Francisco, others
believing that be had departed for the
east and more of his anxious victims that
he had fled to tho South sea islands or
some other equally hot place. Report
now says that on shaking the soil of Or
egon from his feet, ho benrded tho train
for the Sound at Kalauia disguised as a
coal heaver, paid a train boy live dollars
to lock him up iu a closet until ho reached
Tacoma. Here he disembarked and went
to Port Ludlow and thence took ship
for Australia. He is said to have had
$9,000 on his departure, and with a fire or.
two, including tho failure here, may soon
embark in the Wholesale business in a
foreign clime: but be this theory true or
false, tho Bachman indictments having
been dismissed, Addio can once more re
turn to the promised land Oregon and
ifhocanstavo off any law suits that
might be brought against him. live in
peace and plenty.
The Same Bromley.
In Washington the other day I met Ike
Bromley white of hair and whiskers,
but as handsome as ever. He had no
gray hair twenty years ago, when he was
in the Connecticut legislature, and used
to pnt in his evenings playing billiards
and making it interesting for his friends.
One day a chap whom he had "dono up"
on several occasions, introduced nu ex
pert player to Bromley under tho name
of Scott. As the gam'o progressed Brom
ley would say: "l'ourplay, Mr. Squat."
Finally the introducer became indignant,
and said: "We all know you are a wag,
Broxn., but my friend's name is Scott. I
spoke his name plainly when I presented
him there is no wit in calling him Mr.
Squat." Bromley looked hurt, and re
plied penitently: "I beg pardon, old fel
low. It was e stnpid mistake; but really
your friend plavs billiards" speaking
slowly nnd fumbling with his watch seals
as if greatly cmarrassed "ho plays bill
iards so well I thqugbt perhaps he spelled
his name with a cue." DetroitJournal.
Sj'rup ofFitrs.
Nature's own true Laxative- Pleas:
ant to the palate, acceptable totheStom
ach, harmless in its nature, painless in
its action. Cures habitual Constipation,
Biliou.sncss, Indigestion and kindred
ills. Cleanses the system, purifies the
blood, regulates the Liver and acts on
the Bowels. Breaks up Colds, Chills
and Fever, etc. Strengthens the'organs
on which it acts. Better than bitter,
nauseous Liver medicines, pills, salts
and draughts. Sample bottles free, and
large bottles for sale by W. E. Dement
& Co., Astoria.
Do You Think that 'JeH' of
The Chop House
Gives you a meal for nothing, and a
glass of something to drink? Not
much 1" but he gives a better meal and
more of it than any place in town for
25 cents. Ho buys oy the wholesale and
pays cash. "That settles it"
For Dinner Parties to order, at short
notice, go to Frank Fabre's.
For Dyspepsia andLiver Complaint,
you have a printed guarantee on every
bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizer. It never
falls to enre. Sold by- W. E. Dement,
On the Siar-Spancleil Banner.
It is-now ono hundred and seven years
since Paul Jones, the lieutenant in the
American navy, nailed to tho masthead
of the Alfred tho first ensign ever dis
played by the colonists upon a man-of-war.
Two years later, in 1777, the con
tinental congress adopted our present
It is worthy of notice, while referring
to the mighty changes wrought within
that one hundred and seven years, that
tho little fleet which on that December
momuig'saluted tho new ensign of Lieu
tenant Jones ha3 grown to be one of the
most picturesquo and" formidable ruins
in tho werld: From the little 9 collec
tion of continental rafts there has grown
upon our seas n moss covered navy that
defies the world and whipsnobody. .
Our national ensign to-day inevery
latitude and under overy sky, nnd on
every sea, waves over more blow and mors
noble decay than all the combined nan
nors of the civilized world.
Within that one hundred aud seven
years tho litllo band of patriots who,
nnea witu loity amoition ana new cu
gland rum, hailed the fragment of striped
bunting, has grown to bo a mighty na
tion, whose influence is felt in every
quarter of tho globe, and the breath of
whose congressmen rides upon tho breezes
of heaven like tho fragrance of a burn
ing distillery.
In that time, from tho little handful
of sore-oyed patriots has sprung up a
raco of Americans who wear tight panta
loons and defy the world.
From tho staning republic has grown
a nation whose wealth is beyond compu
tation, nnd whoso standing army, noble
in his solitude offers, single-handed, to
thump tho united armies of tho universe.
Ono hundred years in the history of a
nation is fraught with joy and sorrow.
Peace and war, prosperity aud adver
sity, starvation and pio three times a
day, have followed each other in rapid
succession down through all those relent
less years, where tho old flag has alter
nately shone resplendent in the beams
of peace or been covered by the clouds of
war. It has alternately waved above n
peacefnl, happy people or fluttered over
a nation of patriots who wero gnawing
each other's car in the name of tho god
dess of liberty.
We love the old flag, because it is our
flag. We havo all of us fought for it or
stayed at home and given it our moral
aid and encouragement.
We're coming, Alexandrovitcb. al least a
million more,
From Knnineshaeja's bay and ObkaIa-
guubn's shore.
From Karakouski's frozen wild, from
Tymskaia's plain,
We'ro marching. Alexander, with nil our
might nnn main.
From Gotmonsckino's forest, from
Tschernobeskoi's valo,
From Wassiagourbska's blooming fields,
from Olvmskia's dale.
From Kakamajosa's villages, from Mei-
douscunrnin's isle,
We're coming. Alexander, the wenry rank
and file.
From poly33ilabic villages we'ro march
ing gayiy uown,
Perchance to rot in Afghnn laud to gild
auow your crown;
We're on the Berg-el-Murghab, nud Pen j-
schidyeh we seek,
And we're headed by somo generals whose
names no tongue can speak.
From proviuces nnd villages whose names
beforo the eye
Look like a heap of consonants all shov
eled into 'pi."
We -arolows and -offskies, -effs and -offs
and -vitches,
For Holy Church and Pious Czar we'll die
in Herat's ditches.
Boston Globe.
ilnvhU-n's Arnica Salve.
Tiik Bkst in the world for
Cub., Bruises, Sores.Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores. Totter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains. Corns, nnd nil Skin Erup
tions, and positively cures Piles, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded.
Price 2T cents per box. For sale bv W.
E. Dement A- Co.
Is It Xot True?
There can be no argument as to the
qualities Hssen'inl to a perfect remedy
for the ills arising from a disordered or
inactive condition of the Liver, Stomach
and Bowels. Everyone will admit that it
should be perfectly safe for old nnd
young of both sexes, at any anil all
times; that it should be acceptable both
to the taste nud the stomach; that it
should never fail to act promptly aud
thorfiiighly,yet painlessly, nnd it should
give .strength to those organs. It Is now
well known that Syrup of Figs possess
es those qualities. In a pre-emiuent
degree. W. E. Dement A' Co. arc agents
for Astoria. Oregon.
A Frank Fubre.
Board for S22-T0 a month. This bet
in the city. Dinner from 3 to 7.
For luuiu Back, Sido or Ciiesi use
Shiloh's Porous Plaster, Pncu 2.1 cent?.
For sale by W. E. Dement.
Srin.oii's CritK will immediately
relieve Croup, Whooping Cough, anil
Bronchitis. .Sold by V. E. Dement & Co
A Nasal Injector free with each
bottle or Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy
Price r0 cents. Sold by W. E. DemPiit
Cnmp. Whooping Cough ami Bron
chitis immediately relieved by -Shiloh's
Cure. Sold by W-E. Dement.
Don't pay 25 to 50 cents for dinner
when you can got a belter ono at the
Telephone for 15 cents from 11 to 2.
Boys' and Children's suits ju-t re
ceived at Mcintosh's now store.
The Kev. Geo. 11. Thayer, or Bour
bon, lnd says: uBolh myself and wife
oweoinllves to Silicon's Consumption
Cuiie." Sold by W. E. Dement.
Plains Cards Cutlery. Stationery.! Etc. A
line stocK or 3Ierschaum and Drier Pipe,
Amber Goods, Etc.
Tvo dour of cor. Water ai ri i-t-SH Sts
Inquire at H. GltUBE,
Junk store, near If. JoUonsen's.
Vanilla, X.eaon, Ora&ze, etc.. flro"
Cake, Creams, Pnddlns, 5:e., ns dell
catcly and naturally as tho fruit from.
u-hlcU they are made.
For Strength, and True ITruifc
Flavor They Stand lone.
pkcpamo Br th;
Price Baking Powder Co.,
Chicago, III. SU Loula, Mo.
uxsznt ar
Dr. Prices Cream Baking Powder
Dr. Price's Xupnliu Yeast Genis,
2!eat Dry Hop Ycnnt.
!n?JT UrasvE'V PJnran
.i&n! nnAun; unAUs
The oest dry hop yonst In the world.
Sread raised by this yeast 13 llpht.whlta
ond wholesome like our grandmother's
delicious oread,
Price Baking Povder Co.9
MTrs ol Dr. Price's special FkTonnz Eitracu,
Chicago, III. St. Louis, Mo.
For sale by Crrriro.JIniti.n & Co., Apent5
rortland, Oregon
St ooi Yourself to My Estab
lishment. I am teJHiiR I-INK-FITTIXG SUITS of
IieHt Quality and DenlgnH
At Remarkable Low Prices.
Do vou know that I can Rive you a Nobby
Suit of good material at
SlO, 12, 15, $18, 820.
See Our New Hats.
Latest Styles at 2.50, S3, S3.50
A Fine A!ortiucnt of Straw Hats.
And I herewith respectfully solclt a call.
Merchant Tailor anfl. dottier.
Water Pipes a Specialty,
A Full Stock of Materia! on Hand.
Personal attention piven all orders, and
satisfaction guaranteed.
TerniH RcaHOunblo.
Shop aud onicc on Cass street, oue dooi
above Frank Fabre's Itostaurant, Astoria,
Fifteen Cows tor Sale.
X. OSBUR.V, Sklpanon.
and is ready to turn out some fine nsh
ln boats for the river. Shop on the beach
between Kinney's and Elmore's canneries.
pjVgwga - vy
Your Holm'
'JsCv "'"'y
Silks and Dress Goods Department
,, In the above department we are snowing the moat complete assortment of
NEW and FASHIONABLE GOODS we have ever opened at prices vcrv favor
able to intending purchasers.
Gloak Department
We are showing the newest designs in SUMMER WRAPS, made up in all
the new materials, and handsomely trimmed. SUMMER ULSTERS, in black
and all the latest colors. A large assortment of .Terey WA1JIING JACKETS,
plain and braided, at very low prices.
New Hosiery,
New Parasols,
New Corsets,
New Buttons,
A large .-.lock of Ladies' and Children's MUSLIN UNDERWEAR. Also,
Lace Curtain lepa
SO pairs Nottingham Lace Cnrtain-. -
50 do do do
73 do do do
2r do do do
o0 pains real Applique Curtains in
prices S8.00 to .513.000. Real Swiss Lace
Curtain Acts in white nnd Ecru from 15
TheH goods arc all of the latest designs and very much under former
s, having been bought direct from New York importers.
The Leading Dry Goods and Clothing House
The Leadi n Stationers and News Dealers of Astoria.
The Latest Notions
We defy any and all competition.
Hair Dressing Saloon
Parker House, Main St.,
For a llrst-class Shave, scientific ITair-cut.
and hygienic Shampoo, etc,
H. Dn PARK, Prop.
Fine Stationery,
Blank Books,
School Books,
Music Books,
The Leadii
New Goods!
Men's, Vov-tiis' and Boys'
Hats and Furnishing Goods.
New Laces,
New Bi
IM per pair, former price
230 do do
o.73 do do
o.00 do do
ecru, frort $3.50 to 10.50 per pair, former
Cm tains from 13.00 to SS0 0C0 per pair.
per pair.
cts to 50 cts per pair.
"' i ii ,nni'-'-'1in Ti' IhrTWTiTTT" VngTrrTBTTBTMTTI
I I III II IllHi, I wmwn I u, , -r j.jjtimm.jmL.utj.yLa.
i,i i
k ! JJ:VIjRY.
and Novelties, Etc.
Call, examine our koous anil be convinced.
Astoria Bakery
Columbia Candy Factory.
Ed. Jarksou. Proprietor.
Candies, - 20 Cts per lb.
Bread, Pics ami Cakes delivered every
! Agents for Steck's
Little Giant, and
Kranlch and Bach's Pianos,
Tabcr, and Western
Cottage Organs,
ithier s
New Styles 1
u v
j. i- . & . - -" -Y""r - -f lf-r - j .
- -.i'7jL, ,t -:
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