The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, April 30, 1885, Image 3

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Sailu 5steforian.
.Al'lilL ., lSo
(Monday excepted)
I'Uj:lisiikks ani ruoriHKxoxu),
ASTuniAX r.un.niNa. - - uass stui'Ki
Terms of Subscription.
Sfrved liy Carrier, per woe): iScts.
snt !ty Mall, pel month ROcts.
oni'Yfar . .ST.O0
Vrec of jnwtaw to Milfegt'ljers.
tAlvortIsetnnLsjuiPrtPd In the year at
ll.o rate of S2 ier square per month. Tran
sient advertising fifty eeuts per squarp, each
JVotioeTFo Atlfcrtfscrs.
Tun Astoriax guarantees to its ad-M-rtiscrs
the largest circulation of any
newspaper published on the Columbia
Special meeting of the Alerts this even
ing. Juo. Whiteaker has been appointed
collector of internal revenue, vice J. C.
I. J. Arvold is on deck with a big lot of
boots and shoes which must be closed
out regardless of cost.
II. TDuPark invites those who appre
ciate fine tonsorial vrork to his headquar
ters under tho Parker House.
Reserved 5cnts for Dan Morris Sulli
van's "Mirror of Ireland" entertainment,
at tho New York Novelty Store.
The annual meeting of tho stockhold
ers of the Astoria Iron "Works will be
held at tho office of the secretary at 750
this evening.
The people who want to get ready for
Russian dispatches are advised by the
l'erre Hauto Express to practice on the
following stanza:
John Dcane, a well known member of
the firm of Murphy, Grant, & Co., died
suddenlv at his residence in Mnraeda
Co., Cnf., last Tuesday.
The "Wilson Comedy company will
play "Uncle Josh'' at Liberty Hall this
evening for the benefit of the Astoria
Fire Department. Turn out on masse
and give tho boys n benefit.
Ever3 county in tho state except
Clatsop is preparing matter regarding
immigration to bo sent to headquarters
at Portland. Even Tillamook wakes up
and realizes its opportunity.
According to an Orcgonhin compositor
the whistle of the Telephone at Portland
ean be heard at Oregon City. Men who
work at Ilwaco no longer need an alarm
clock. Tho Telephone serves all pur
poses. Tho indictments found against the city
editor of tho Portland Standard, by tho
Clackamas county grand jury on a charge
of alleged libel, were quashed on techni
cal grounds, the grand jury not being
drawn in exact conformity with, the law.
A three-masted vessel, barkentine rig
ged, was in tho offing last evening, and
those who were watching her were not
quite suro but that it was n British war
vessel. Tho ShubricJ: arrived down from
Tonguo Point, however, last evening, so
that we can calmly contemplate any pos
sible emergency.
Milarodovitch and Jaladovitch
And Kara tschovi tch.
And all tho others that end in itch:
Schamscheff, TouchsauefF
And Sohepaleff,
And all the others that end in eff:
Wasiltchikoff, Kostomaroff
And all the others that end iu off.
The steamer Kooteuai built for II. "W
McCartney fc Co., to run on tho upper
Columbia from Little Dalles to the point
where tho Canadian Pacific crosses that
at roam was, probably, launched Sunday,
says tho "Walla "Walla Union. She will
begin regular trips this week. She will
travel but 18 miles in American waters,
ind the remaining 192 miles iu British
waters. The Kootenai, therefore, is com
pelled to "clear for foreign ports," tho
same as a ship clearing foreign with a
cargo from tho Columbia river, and must
receivo a special permit from tho govern
ment at Ottawa, Canada, before making
a trip.
Tho school rooms of Miss Trenchaud
and Miss Habersham were gaily decked
with flowers yesterday afternoon and
filled with ch'ildrcn whose eyes were
sparkling at the thought of the closing
exercises, iu which they were to take
part. The little folks acquitted them
selves very creditably, giving evidence
of natural ability anil careful training.
Thi3 afternoon "the pupils of Mis3 Connolly.-?
and Miss Bndollet's rooms will
have their closing exercises, and to-morrow
afternoon the series of exercises will
close by the final entertainment in Mrs.
Martin's and Miss Field's rooms, a pub
lic contest on tho 8th pror. at Liberty
Hall by lhoo selected at the several ex
ercises by tho judges winding up the
There is an ordinance, and a wise one,
on the statute books of the city that
makes it a misdemeanor to shoot a gull
within the city limits, but below the city
where rolls " the Oregon it hears the
sound of constant fusilade whenever a
gull shows its head. The result is few
galls, and ns these birds are splendid
scavengers, it is bad for the city. In the
interests of the noses of our readers and
the cleanliness of the b:ach, now that
the days of salmon heads are approach
ing, it'is suggested that those who shoot
gulls let up on them. A gull is no earthly
use when (lead, and living it saves paying
out money to men to keep tho beach
clean, so on the grounds of utility and
economy it would be better to kill stumps
orstray hogs, or bark trees, than to wonnd
the poor little gnlls that outside the city
limits are unprotected.
Special 1!oiltiisr A. H. & I,. o. 1.
There, will be a special meeting at the
hall, of Alert Hook and Ladder Co. No.
l. this Thursday evening at 8 o'clock
Oiarp, for the purpose of electing delc
itttes to the Stale Firemen's Associa
tion, to beheld in this city in June next,
liy order J. O. 107.o..tu. Pres.
F. T. Jordan, .Scc'ty.
Situation "Wan toil
lly competent help in kitchen or dining
room. Appl to ion:n2, O'fT.rirn'c new
Private card rooms at JeTs
loon "The Telephone
new sa-
Choice Seed Oats
For sale at J. II. D. Gray's.
One of the finest billiard table.- on the
cojist at JcfTs "Telephone."
(to to Vilon & Fisher's and see
something new in window stops.
Gray sells Sackett Bros.' Al sawed
cedar shingles A full M guaranteed.
All tho patent medicines advertised
iu this paper, together with the choicest
perfumery, and toilet aiticlesf etc. can
be bought nt the lowest prices, at J. W.
Conn's drug store, opposite OcMdcn
fcctel, Astoria.
The president has appointed Joint Hob-
son collector of the port, one of tho most
important offices in his gift in this part
of the national domain, and one which
will doubtless be worthily filled by our
old and respected fellow townsman. Mr.
Hobson has always been readyjwith coun
sol and substantial support for his party,
and tho recognition of this fact is uni
versal. Numerous and hearty wero the
congratulations extended to him yester
day, and his appointment meets with
general approval. Ho has been n resi
dent of this city for over fortv years, and
is thoroughly acquainted with tho wants
of this section and tho requirements of
ins new position.
Cant. Merrvmr.n's commission expires
on the 23th of next month, so that Mr.
Hobson will have just about timo to get
his 100,000 bondsmen ready, havo the
bonds approved and get his commission
in time -to step in. Ho will find every
thing in nrst-class snape. ane represen
tative of TnK Astobiax has on innumer
able occasions made draft 3 on the time
and patience of the force for statistics
and information, and whether it was the
worthy chief, or Mr. Brown, or Mr. Tay
lor, the desired information was always
obtainable without a moment's delay.
The position is now worth 3,000 a year.
"When the nresent incumbent took pos
session tho deputy collector's position
was worth S1.50U per annum ana tne as
sistant, 1,200. Through Cant. Merry-
man's representation tne salaries were
made more proportional to the import
ance of the duties imposed andthesalary
of the deputy is now $2,009 a year and of
41... .... I .... 4- C1 TTif TIiava n alert
IUV USIASUIUl, ?1V. AHtIO all Clou
inspectors and a janitor connected with
tho department: the inspectors get S4 a
day each when on duty. It i3 said that
there are 27 applications for the position
of janitor.
VICTORIA kxciti:d.
Victoeia. B. C. April 23. Citizens are
gathered in groups discussing the war
news, and a petition is in circulation
asking the mayor to call a public meeting
to devise means for tne protection oi tuo
place and the arming of tho inhabitants.
A Russian who visited Victoria nbout a
month ago under pretense of baying
furs, is now known to have been n Rus
sian spy, who took drawings of our forti-
licat'ons ana liarnors. no went irom
here to San Francisco.
It is rumored that the disabled steam
ship ('malilla. property of tho Oregon
Steamship Corapan3 which, since being
raised bv Llovd 8 ntrent. has laid in Est
quimalt'harbor, will be sold to the iinpe-j
rial government, ami ue repaired ami
fitted up as a cruistr for the protection
of British shipping in tho North Pacific.
The steamship G. 1J . Llder reports r-ee-iug
a strange steamer in the straits this
morning. She was lying well over on
the American side, near tho Dungeness
light, which is about twenty-four miles
from Victoria. Although tho suspicious
craft is believed to be an American tug
boat, the reiHirt produces much comment,
in view of the want of proper protection
for this port.
"Come till America," wrote a friend in
foreign parts. "All you have to do is to
get n three-cornered box and fill it with
bricks and carry it to the top of a honso
and the man at the lop does tho work."
Tho man who was yesterday tending
tho masons on tho top of tho building
next to M. D. Kant's, didn't even have to
"get a three-cornered box." Ho simply
filled a bucket with mortar and, balancing
it on his head, went slowly nud stately
up tho ladder. It .was a "kind of head
work that attracted universal attention.
Tho man with the "big head" couldn't
do that kind of work.
Tlir Situation In Afghanistan.
The Czar Gen. Ivoiunroff, why did you
attack the Afghans? Gen. Koraaroff 1
crave pardon, sire, but did you ever come
upon a flock of wild geeso when you had
your gun loaded for lions? The Czar
No, general. Gen. Komaroff "Well, sire,
then it would bo useless for mo to make
any explanation. Tho Czar My brave
and gallant general! Here, take this
medal, and when yon get a good chance,
hit "em again!
Dan Mqrris Sullivau's impersonation
of famous Irish characters is wonderful.
and his jigs and clogs are supi-rb, the
best ever witnessed. Pueblo, Col., Chief
The real show is to be seen in Josie
and Morris Sullivan, whoso eccentric
songs, dances and comicalities are irre
sistibly funny, and keep tho audience in
good humor from the opening to the
close. Morris Sullivan is immense, and
must bo seen to be properly appreciated.
Wo can cordially recommend this show
as being worthy of patronage to all who
love fun without -vulgarity. Etcuinq
Journal, Kansas City.
Frcxh KuMtcru and Shout water
Kay Oyster
Constant! v on hand, cooked to any tyle
at Frank KsibrcV.
Itovs' and Children's suits just re
ceived at Mcintosh's new store.
For Dinner Parlies to order, at short
notice, go to Frank Fabro's.
Fora "Vent Fitliu Boot
Jr Shoe, go to 1. .J. Goodmans, on Chc
nauuis .street, next door to I. W. Cae.
All goods of the best mak' and guaran
teed quality. A full stock; new goods
c-on-iuully arming. Custom work.
Hot I.mxcli, at the Telephone
From 11 to 2 every day.
A fine lunch with drink or cigar. 2.1
No charge after two o'clock,
Seth Thomas Xut meg clocks at Gus
tav Hansen's for eighteen dollars a
At Franlc Fahrtfs.
Board for $22.50 a month. The best
in the city. Dinner from Z to 7.
Don't pay 25 to .10 cents for dinner
when you can get a belter one at the
Telephone for 15 cents from 11 to 2.
"llaclrmetack." a lasting and fra
grant perfume. Price 25 and 50 cenls.
bold by W. E. Dement
Siiiloh's Ct'HE will immediate!?
relieve Croup, Whooping Cough, anil
Bronchitis. Sold by W. tf. Dement & Co
Croup, Whooping Cough and Bron
chitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's
uure. soia uy w. K. ucnient.
For lame Back, Side or cnest use
Shiloh's Porous Plaster, Pnca 23 cents.
For sale by W. E. Dement.
Tho trouble with John Siuipkiua
was so all his friends said thr.t his
mouth ran away with him. He talked too
His friend Watson, of tho Chicago
board of trade, often said: "If there
was a pad lock on John "WVs mouth and
I had the only key, that fellow would
m?ke both our fortunes.'
Simpkins was a reporter on Chicago
papers and he had put Watson up to some
good points, but although Watson wonld
say: "Now, John W., for my .sake don't
tell thisioany one." Simpkins wassure to
talk about it to everybody he met, and so
his pointers never amounted to anything.
This fatal habit of talking too much
had lost John "SV. situation after situa
tion, until at last he bad used up all the
places he could get on tho Chicago prss,
and had to cast about him for something
to do.
He met Watson just after the latter
had made a big thing on hogs and had re
solved to quit tho hazardous calling of
making a liviufcou 'change.
Watson, Pre got a big thing on
"What is it?"
"Well, briefly, it's this. You see the
corstaut trouble there is In Europe makes
news from there more than usually in
teresting. All right; I'm going to Lon
don. I'll rent a room ou ileet street or
the Strand, or wherever else is the correct
spot. I'll make an arrangement to send
aailv cables to somo ursi-ciess papers.
"Yon won't find many that will go to
that expense." .
"Oh, I've got that down fine. You see
my long experience ou tho press has fit
miliarizedme vith the phraseology. I
havo a complete code that I will leave
in the hands of my New York man. For
instance, I cable, 'Abbot Korti,' that
means the British army met the Mahdi
at Korti and defeated him with great
slaughter. British loss light. TheMahdi's
loss immense.' By telegraphing 'Absent
Korti,' I reverse the wholo order of things
and defeat tho Britiah. See? I have ar
ranged it that I can send a column dis
patch for a few dollar:'. There's money
in it. Watson.'"
'That ide business is as old as the
"Yes, 1 know, but 1 have pat more in
it than has over been done before nud
applied it more closely to war dispatches.
But that's not all. I'm going to wrile a
weekly London letter. I expect ."00
count rv papers will take it. I'll only
cliarge'fittv cents a Jet U-r and that alone
will net me s'J"0 a week. Eech ouo can
then put at the head of .its columns,
This pipcr is on file at our London of
fice, l(rx Fleet street,' nud each paper
can put that address at the head of its
London letter See?"
-Bat this will co-t you some cash."
"Yes, that's wliat I came to see you
about, Watson. I want to borrow $200
orJ00 If j'ou advance the money I'll
whack up with you."
"Well, John W., 1 can't promise. 111
loll you what I'll do. I'm going over to
England for a few months' rest. Now
you conio along. If yon can keep quiet
about your affair I'll go in with yon. If
vou oan't, why, it's the last deal I'll have
with you. Hadn't you better mako your
arrangements with tho papers before yon
"No, sir. That would be just giving
the scheme away. We can raeko ar
rangements belter from London than
here. A country paper will pay more
attention to a request from London than
one from Chicago.'
"I suppose that's so.'
At New York, the night before he
sailed, John "W. told his scheme to sever
al parlies, who complimented him by
saving it was a first-ralo thing. As he
and Watson sailed on the City of Chica
ijo one of these parties had tho schemes
ail worked out, and when Simpkins got
to London he was at a loss which of the
parties to swear at.
"Swear at your meuth: John W.," said
Watson, disgustedly. "I'm dono with
you until Jip locks arc invented."
His finaucial resources thus restricled,
Simpkins looked nrouud London for
something to do, not an easy thing to
find this year.
Watson was at .supper in a Fleet street
restaurant thai evening when John W.
came in, his hat on the back of his head.
"Struck it?" said Watson.
"You bet," cried Simpkins, sitting
down at the table. "Waiter, just dupli
cate this gentleman's order for me, will
you? Yes, sir 'ee, Watson, I'm a mem
ber of the British press. Went up to
some newspaper offices and when I struck
tho Daily rarayraplt ill ne nangeu n l
wasn't just tho man they wanted."
"Strange," said Watson, sarcastically.
"Oh. not at all. McGahan was an
American, so is Stanley, so is Burleigh
cr was, out there, anyhow. Told 'em I
had been nil through our war wasn't
true exactly, but it served. Asked me if
I could talk andj-ead llussian? Told
'em 1 could, rf -Understood French, of
course? Said certainly. Anything of
Afghanistan? Had a smattering and
could soon pick up a working knowledge
of tho language. To make a long story
short. I'm off to-night for the Afghan
'But you don't know either French or
"No, but Tve bought instruction books
in both lauguaces and I'll study 'em on
tho way oat. Couldn't get an Ollendorf
in tho Afghan language. Havo to chance
It happened that the quiet man at
their left was a member of the Patn
graph statt. He said nothing, but when
ho got back to the oQlco John W. Simp
kins' commission was ordered counter
manded. As luck would have it, Simp
kins was off before the order reached his
lodiiings. Watson stayed in London a
while, went to the continent and came
back to London acaiu. Auionc other
I letters waiting for him was the follow
Keab Heqat, Afghanistan. t
Daen'o if I Know tok Dati:, 1&J5. f
Mt Deae Watsen:
Tm dished a train, banc tho luck. When
I got to this outlandish, heathenish coun
try"nnd'before I got rightlysettled a Lon-
uon lenow came na special ior iuu i-uru-
Oraph and he had later credentials J nan
luiiie ami uesiuua u levicr ui uimuiswu,
said they had discovered I had no knowl
edge of languages, etc Now, Watson, I
swear I told no one bnt you. Of oourso
I don't think you gave mo away intention'
ally, but it must have come from you
somehow or other. See a lawyer
for me and find if I can't sue
the Paragraph for breach of any
thing. Now, old man send mo somo
cish. I'm broke, 6ro7.-c, B-B-O-K-E.
Don't fail me. Now, Fll put you on a1
scheme that I wan't yon to whack np
with mo on. There's millions in it. The
Russians mean business and don't yon
forget it, but either way there's a big
thing on. It -there's a row, wheat and
tinned goods will rise, nnd rise sudden.
Ifthero isn't thoy'll fall. Catch on?
Now, you -eet back to Chicago and stiok
to 'Change. I'll get tho first news of
anything and will cable ubuy" or "sell."
U I cablo tho three letters "buy" that will
mean there has been a skirmish between
tho Russians and Afghans. If I cable
tho two letters "by" then go in for all
you're worth. That will mean a battle.
Kow, Watson, don't fail me. ily lipa are
padlocked at last. There' not a soul
here I ein speak to.
J. W. SrirrKixs.
Watson sent the cash and sailed for
America. Day after day passed, with
long accounts in tho papers of the bound
ary difficulty, but no word from Sinip
kiiis. It was a slack day on the board of
trade. Wheat was flat, hovering at" 80.
Big Jones and Tom McGliun were talk
ing on the prospects of war.
"Kussia will back down, bet any mau
a farm. Yes, sir. England would lick
her out of her boots in less'n no time. J
She'd close up the Baltic nud the liisck :
se?s so quick it 'ud make Ut:ssi:'.s head j
swim. There'll be no war." j
"I dunno," said Tom. "Kussi.i would t
get thrashed, of course, but she's just '
bull-headed enougu to go into it. Jjeru:
wouldn't it make wheat jump though!"
Watson was listening with his hands in
his pockets when the shrill voice of the
Metfrnph bo cslled "Mr. "Watson, Mr.
Watson." "
Hprp" said Watson, stenninc from
the crowd, taking his dispatch and sien-
ing the envelope. A board of trade-man j
doesn't take a telegram liko anylx'Klj i
else. He gets it from the boy folded in j
two lengthwise. He cautiously raises the j
upper flap and peers at its contents in a j
way that makes it impossible for anyone j
else to see what is ou tho paper. Then !
he places it in his book so that he can j
lift tho book cover and consult his dis-.
patches without letting any onlooker -see ;
what lie reaas.
There was but one word in the dispatch
and that was "By,"
Watson was an old hand. Not a lino
of his face moved as he placed the bit of
yellow paper lengthwise in his book, -put
tne noon iu an upper pocKei nau sim mt
own hands unconcernedly whore they
were before. Through tho corner of his
eye he watched the clicking instruments
of the telegraph at tho office.
"Mr. Jones, cried the telegraph boy.
Mr. Jone3 took his dispatch, and after
scanning it furtitely finally read it aloud.
Air. Ulaastone, it saia. nau made a state
ment that peace preliminaries were pro
gressing favorably. "She's rotten, boys,"
cried "Watson, loudly, referring to wheat
as every one understood of course. ''I'll
sell all I've got.
There wero no takers.
"Com, boys, let's do o business.
Don't let us stagnate. Bemembr-r this
is Chicago."
"Will jou buy?" said Jone.
"I'll do anything,' cried Watson ex- j
citedly. I iu in. for business, lcs, 1 11
buy. I'll sell alll'vogot or I'll buy all
o7irceot. Gome, now. gentlemen.'
"This is not pork, Watson," said a :
cautious friend who thought Watson's
hog deal sneross had turned hi judg
ment. "What'll you take Watson.'"
"What'll you sell, Jones?"'
"I'll sell von all vou'll tuke.
much do von want?"
"Gimme r0?" This meant .V).00i bush
els. "Yes."
Ginime 7.?" . j
Gimme 100?" !
"Yes." !
"Gimmo 200?'" '
"Five huudred?" Hhotileu Walsou.
"Yes." cried Jones, wild with excite
ment. "Mnke it a million, if jou dare."
Jones hesitated breathless.
A veil went up from the crowd that
crushed around Watson, who stood at
the bottom of tho pit looking up at the
heated circlo of eager faces.
"Come, Jones, put up or shut up. Make
it a million or cave in."
"A million it is by ," cried Jones.
"I'll take yon," said Watson, noting it
down. "Now, boys; the lottom's
dropped out of it, come iu on me. Pump
it in, boys."
"A huudred, Watson."
"Tnko it, Smith.'
"FI1 go yon 200."
"Pump her iu, Stevens. All done on
wheat. Von think you're selling wheat
gentlemen, it'll be gold dust to-morrow.
What's the matter with you? No specu
lators 'round to-day? Gono homo? Can't
Chicago fill a little'order for a fellow?"
The excitement wa3 intense. Was Wat
son bluffing? was he crazy? had he pri
vate information? May wheat was now
"Give you a hundred at K," cried Mc
Glinn, shonldering his way into view.
"A half it is," said Wntson, noting it
"Ah liar shouted Forman. "The pa
tient foreigner wants this wheat. Wat
son's been to England. Let tho patient
foreigner move np. Fiftv at thres-qnar-ters,
"Take it, Forman."
- Here three or four offered wheat, nnd
Watson, pencil nnd book in hand, looked
from ono to the other saying io each,
"lako it, take it, take it.-
"Consols have gone down two points,"
cried Smith with n telegram in his
"Another fifty at eighty-one, Watson,"
yelled Forman."
"Take it. Anymore? Now's your last
chance, gentlemen, to go down on the
grain train. I'm buying a little wheat.
Who has any on hand? Have io go to
some villages for it, I guess."
"One man can't bluff Chicago," cp fed
Jones, who had caught his second wind.
. hundred at eighty-one.
"Take it."
'Another hundred at a quarter.'
"Take it."
'Another hundred at a half."
"Boost her up, Jones,' cried the crowd.
"Bully for you."
"I take it," said Watson, the coolest of
the crowd.
He booked several sale3 at that fiuare.
the last with Simeons, of Simeons & Co.,
nnd was just about closing another deal
when Simeons' partner sprang from Mie
telegraph office and sheuted:
"Stop, PoterP
Instantly the news spiead. There had
been a battle. The operators who had
sold tried to cover, but wheat sprang up.
Before night it had advanced hve cents,
and next day closed at eighty-eight and
a quarter. When John W. Simpkins
reaches Chicago he will find n quarter of
a million us his shnro of tho deal, and
all because he was in a place where he
couldn't talk tuo Afghan padlock was
on his lips. Luke bharp.
Btirltleii'.s Arnica Salve.
Thk Bi:st Salvk in the world for
Cuts, Bruise-, Sores.U leers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Erup
tions, and positively cures Piles, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded.
Price 25 cents per box. For sale by W.
E. Dement & Co.
A large assortment of Neckwear re
ceived at Mcintosh's Furnishing store.
To Accommodate Ills Ptttrons.
Alex. Gilbert will keep his saloon
open day nnd night. Fishermen can get
a good lunch at anv hour of the night.
The genuine French sardine constantly
on hand.
Does not make any &econd-claas Pic
tures at his New Gallery, No. Gltf, on
the Roadway.
Buy your Lime of Gray at Portland
l prices.
Test Tddt BaMng FDwfler TMlaj 1
Iirands adrertiicd as absolutely jinra
Ple i can top down on & tot stars until
srated.tben remove thoccrerandsineU. AcUom
lt will not bo required to detect the presence of
I KMicfpl
I . JWiilt.flnj iia NEVER Beta QaiiltoMl.
Inn to.lnonhom?3foraqaart?rof acij::. v
:- wd l fcecussumer'a reliable tet,
Price Bakiug Powder Co.,
Dr. Price's Special rhvorinp Extract,
S!ie2troaset,mc. tdelielo'i ami natural
flavor laowu. a.-. 1
s)r. Price's
Yeast Gems
1 rtJcht,HUtbyJlrcaU.TrielijtDryHoiJ
Ycat In tbt vorJi.
K5l rlffLV
The bost dry hop yeast in the world.
Broad rolaod by this yaaat is light, white
andwholeaome liko our-crandmother'g
deliclottq bread.
Price Baking Powder Co.,
ManTis of Dr. mce's special Flaionnz Eitracis,
Chicago, III. St. Louis, Mo.
I'orsa'e iy Ccttino.Mkulk & Co.. Agents
Portland, Oregon
our Helm!
SttMM Yourself to My Estab
lishment. I am .selling I'INK-riTTINO SUITS or
llast Quality anil DchIkhh
At Remapkable Low Prices.
Do vou know that I can give you a Nobby
Suit of good material at
8IO, $12, 815, SIS, $20.
See Our New Hats,
Latest Styles at $2.50, $3, S3.S0
A Klne Assortment of Straw Hats.
And I herewith respectfully soicit a call.
Three Fishers.
Three fishermen went saiiy out toward
the north,
Out toward the north as the mui went
And they laughed with lee a they
sailed forth.
Saying tJefFs Restaurant i the Inst iu
And Jeff i the place to go-ami line
1011 are sure to nave iuck netore morn
ing. Three fishermen Milling up from thenar
nt noon.
Hungry and dry from their toir of night,
They said '"Oh, if we were hy the Tele
phone saloon
We could get lunch and a drink and he
all right.
For men will drink and men will eat
You can do both at the Telephone and
that's a treat
And breakfast at the Chop House in the
Three grangers came into the town one
They came by tho way of TNecnnicunt
" creek
To tho Chop House to dine we'll go,
says they.
The best dinner there every nay in the
For Jeff docs sow and Jeff must reap.
He gives the best meal, nnd has many
to Keep.
Get your cocktail at the Telephone In the
I Kjaj viJTl
Silks and
In the above department we are t-how ing the most complete assortment of
NEW nnd FASHIONABLE GOODS we have ever opened at prices very favor
able to intending purchasers.
Cloak Department.
We are showing the newest designs in SUMMER WRAPS, made up in all
the. new materials, nnd handsomely trimmed. SUMMER ULSTERS, in black
and all the latest colors. A large assortment of Jersey WALKING JACKETS,
plain and braided, at very low prices.
New Hosiery,
New Gloves,
New Laces,
New Eifobons,
New Parasols,
New Corsets,
New Buttons,
New Trimmings.
A lame .stack or Ladie.V and Children's MUSLIN UNDER WEAK. ANo.
Lace Curtain
50 pairs Nottingham L:uv Cnrtain
50 do do do
75 do do do
25 do do do
50 pair real Applique Curtains in
.es $8.00 to $15,000. Real Swiss Laee
Curtain Nets in white and Ecru from 15
The.1? goods are all of the latent designs and very much under former
prices, having been bmight direct from Nov. York importers.
The Leading Dry Goods and Clothing House
The Leadi ng Stationers and
BAltV Rl'C'GlKM.
The Latest Notions
Wo defy any and all competition.
0. K.
Hair Dressing Saloon
Parker House, ItXaiiiSt.,
For a first-class Shave, scientific Hair-cut.
and hygienic Shampoo, etc,
U. Da PARK, Prop
Fine Stationery,
Blank Books,
School Books,
Music Books,
2 . a
D. A. MgIN
The Leading Clothier and Hatter.
New Goods!
Men's, 3Tova.Ia.s' and Boys'
Hats and Furnishing Goods.
Dress Goods Department,
M.!H) per pair, former price
2.1KI do do
;.75 do do
5.00 do do
ecru, from $5.50 Io $10.50 per pair,
Curtains from S15.(K) to uaUHH) p
', former
per pair.
cts to 50 cN per pair.
Xews Dealers of Astoria.
i:i2tl CAGE.,
and Novelties, Etc.
Call, examine our goods and be convinced.
Astoria Bakery
Columbia Candy Factory.
Kl. Tuck'.on, Proprietor.
l.reail, I'ics ami Oakt- delivered tvcr
Agents for Steck's
Little Giant, and
Kranich and Bach's Pianos,
Taber, and Western
Cottage Organs,
New Styles!
g.MCT T . li .-,!-. . ,. -. . -,, ,,,.,., .
3 wJ