(V fte gJatttj gfotfittt. ASTORIA. OIIEGON ,., M ,. APRILS?, 1SX. . WEDNESDAY SHIPPING lNTELLIGENCEIffi?SESE PORT OF ASTORIA. vbsskta ix run iti rat:. -o- JftBAt McNeil, ItHtfa Mcoatch Obipman. Urkp Kemortrant. llr 1A -lacSrsU. Br M Haitor. Hr Mc tbromtnt. r tile AlttilMbMi. Br 1 Kitty. K- IA Kdwani Percy. Ur 1V MtWccbincioa, Ae sp Ottawa. M. & i:. Oox. Br Sua f.nla KrtiL- TitHe K. MarbBck.Ac:p Arewer. ur ihc Uba Hay. Hr bfc Dim. ltr bk VESSELS 0 TIIZ WAT. I rosti Torelsn Port's, for tlu Colnmltin Klrci UarMtou C'-MttC, Hr bl?? Sidney ltctliJisstablre. Brsp 1J56 Rio Jaa i r.trftk. Ger bk 823 Livenwcl OFerdftto. Hr bk Oatleo March 2 AttKlr. Nor tV COS Callso Jan 'i From American Iort. uHre 8 Southard, Am sp Nasr York Arml IS TliiV. TA3LR I'OB AMTGItlA. ItlCM WATISH. LOW WATKR. I Fh 8voHd7i First. Second. o ti 2 1 3 S A. m. ,5 . . . h. m. X I'. . fe. , - . 1C 21 o t- 31 3C 4 0 13 13 12 10 at is 47 32 8 31 9 12 9 43 10 47 11 1 S5 ) y uo loo e sj j fic! 2 11 0 59 70 te 75ll0 Ttl ;sn -- o 71 4 13 I 5S 3G H 8 Ol (I0 7 4. K ji: 14 1G 20 23 7 32 36 00 OS 0 0 Kt 1 ". M 0l! 1 51 (J2 41 IT C 7 25 W, 7 2 0i 2S i 7 8 SB 51 C4j 9 49 43 10 1 !10 51 1 9 2 Si IriCj S3 !; u ii ;. vi " rn l .' 17 01 S os if. 4 o 7 7 , 1 34 V 7f.' rM C4 tfO! i oe li j)3 4 IS 46 1ST; &S7 ST 7 9 C 13 la 7 r.7 23 :! 10 11 Sll 7 11 12 2??U J1 11 1 S 0 19 23 29 6i 1 4 8 i! S U8'71, 7 3l The iMur beiwecu mi'iu&tit and noon arc .taMCHaUtt ly n (a. .v those uetreon noon MMtl mW:iiH ly p i sc ). Oft. Ohn a denotes iMiluiclit, h. OOm. dMiotes noon. The utigltt is rccKOiMHl from the Isyel of jvwfkHcrloY vatr to which tliesound tiMf ntc jfiveii oi the Coast Sun or charts. Columbia River Exports. IUPi5KT3 KOllltlfl.V. JANIAKY. o5JK ls. wie: .... S1.63 Irtrtfc Hvnr Total, (l&earsocs) rmttUAKr. .m.73i)m5. wtKMU 5.5T Ulrte. now i nwo oe. adHMu MS M ittmber MMflrt (16 fateiMS) ... MARCH. VHMlt,fc bHS FIOHr.7 bbl M ..4CS3.371 K! 2o2 .S73I.C23 $176,230 lfC.IO 69.9:0 69.673 747.113 ,. .239.02D 3c:-o TotJrt, f. csnfoev) APRIL. 3 T Ltlf1tou per IZattm Flow. 1I.C09 bhli. -SS7C.S79 5.1 1.009 1 To QmcohUc jr H99H11 Ctilc. Wheat, SCOS 1M S2D.000 22 To Panama jkt JTaknh. Iiber, f5,lJ?3 feet. $12,CW Astoria Iletnll Iarltct. Flour per blJ $4.7.1 Wlieat, per cental S1JK) Oals, ' $1450 Bacon. sile jier U, 14A&1C cts. houklerf. " 11 cts. Hams, " 131C eta. lard, t4iOK els. liQQf.ilSe. .Mutton, 7tl2i et. rork, lOir. cis. Voal, 14g,20 cl5. Dutter, per roll 454200 els. Ekss, per dozen 1725 cS. I'otatoes, H?r lb Vl cl Chcase, per a 1G2( ct uornwefti, per H 4 cts 18 k, OS, 7C 71 t:r so '.C 34 r,2a 03 7 ZGp 02 S2 0 4 8 I Si OC 9 35 0 0 10 23 1 2 11 29 - - 0C 42 2 00 4 0 3 01 34 3 51 27 4 3i 2 0 5 11 12 r. 50 0 0 C 21 00 CSS -04 7 32 -0 C S OJ -06 8 61 -02 U 43 0 2 10 45 -- 003 37 1 IS 361 i tt 29j 3 as i'O1 4 IS n' r. us 0 gt f. 46 0 3 C 19 0 0' 0 62 -0 1 7 27 Oatmeal. ' GftGXcts. Beans, MM cts. Coffee, ' lSg&lO cts. Tea, 4- 25JK)cts. Klce, " 70cts. .Sugar, - C&g9fcte. Syruj), per gallon 70c Si. Honey, per gallon $1.1.". Salmon, per "kit S4J50 Onions, per D lets. Apples dried cr 11 V3A'1 eta. Peaches lr. :ets. Plums, " Yl4 ftlfi etH. Cnntlles, per lb 20 els. Chickens, per dozen S5. liny, per ton 15 $20. Hidos, per lb 5 0 ets. Oils, per gallon, boiled lin&eed. 75c; raw linseed, 70e ; coal oil. 49c; lard$1.25 T J. A. ilse: (Lit- of San Fiaiiei'eo.) PAINTER, PAPER HANGER, -AND- BBOORATOFc Mas located n: Astoria and solicits a share of the patronage. All woik strictly flrst- tttaes. Terms moderate. Order box at Van Dusen's. T. G. RAWUNGS. AYlioIesale and Retail Dealer in Tropical, Domestic, Green and Dried .NUTS. CANDIES, DRIED MEATS, ETC. Fine Cigars sxitl ToTacco. Noxt door to I. J. Arvdld's, Sqnemoqua St. FOR SALE One E. W. BLISS, Latest improved HOWE SOLDERiHG MACHINE, With We-t'a Ciiaspcr attached. Thlaclilnc Is Nearly New and Is Sold for Wnnt or Use. Addrosj GEO. W. DUNBAR'S SONf, New Orleans, La, ASTORIAX DIRECTORY. State Officers: United states Senators ' Um fc&'tf . Eeprescntalive In Congress II-C, Georae ' Governor. Z. F.Moody . . uovernor a recrctary. becretnry of State Chas. B. Moores K. P. Earhirt F. 1- Hodgklu Ed. Hirscli . Wlioolor ' Assistant Treasurer. Sup't Public Instruction State Printer. Zl-E!i:!jIcElroy -V. H. Byara , Clerk School laud Board E, P. McCornac Sup't Insane Asjluni . .Ur. II. Carpenter Sup't Penitentiary.. Ceo. Collius pV. P. Iml -I J. r.. Waldo W.W.I liaycr Snjrc:ne .ludges.. District Judges : Firs: District L, 1L Wrlttr Second District ... ltobert Uean Third District K. P. Boise Fourth District Seneca Smlrh Fifth District F. J. Taylor Sixth District II. h 01mster.il CIati3cp County Officers: Judge C. A. McGuIre ClerkL . C. J. Trenchui J Sheriff W. G. Koss Commissioners -jj0 nou Asocssor . . J. F. Warren Treasurer.... ..... Isaac Bergman Survcj or............. .... O. F. Parker School Sup't .. J. 1. HiRU'15 Corouer .. A.' l Astoria City Officers: Mayor . .....-... . J. W. Umi.e Auditor and Clerk .T. S. J.mett Treasurer J. O. Hustler Assessor. -.... 5to. P. Wheeler Street Superintendent Tlios. Lupin Chief of Police Clark Lougtirey Police Jude . C. 11. Moci.tu Sexton .. ..... 51. (mlpj OOO'CtUIKN' : (C. H. CiHijci Firt Ward A. A. rieelind Isaac Bergman (Tlios. Ueaiy. Second Ward.... C. J. Ti enehard (Chas.Gralke. SOCIETY 3IEETIXCiS. Temple LrOCLffo, No. 7A.F.A.M. REGULAR COMMUNICATIONS a ftrst and third Tuesdas iu (hdivy month, at IVx o'clock, r. ai.. at t!ie'V Hall in Astonn. Members of thi oulT ii good standing ara Invited to attend.. Bv order of the W. M. B3a7arLociffe No. 35. 1. 0. 0. F. OEGULA11 MEETING KV- jlx er' 4 seven room rla. Sojoumins members of the onler ii' Reed sUindluK. cordially !m ited to altei d. IJyordr N. G. Ocean Encampment, No. 13, 1. O. O. F. C? EG ULAII MEETINGS OF OCEAN EN- JAj campment No. IS. I. O. O. F.. at the Lodge, m tho Odd Fellow Bi:l!dii:, at seven i. M., on tiie second and fmirth Mondays or each month. Sojoiu diir breth ren cofdiall. incited. B order (' P- Seasldo Lodfjo No. 12, A. O. U. W. 1 REGULAR MEETINGS OF SEASIDE U)dge No. 12, A. O, V. W. i!l be held iu their Hall u-r Carnahan f-- Co. on Tlisii-sday evening of eacli week, at 7 o'clock. Members ortiicorderin goml .standing, and visiting P.i-others are in lied to attend. li brary vill b open lifteen minutes before and after eacli meeting. By order M. W. CL BKO Vt'X, Bee Astoria LiOdge No. 40, L O. G.I. KEGULAB MEETING EVEBY MON ilny owning at 7 iSO o'clock, in the Hall over fY.rnahan'.s More. Members of the Or der, la good standing, are Invited to attend. By order W. ('. T. American Legion of Honor. REGULAR MEETING OF ASTORIA Council No cav Is held on the flrt and third Tuesday of each month, at T o'clock i. i. By order of the Council Commander. It. V. MONTE1TII. Sec't j . Occident Council No. 5. 0. C. F. MEETS EVERY FIRST AND THIRD Saturday evenings of each month, at S o'clock P. M". Members of the order are lespectfully requeued to attend. H order. C. BROWN, Recorder. CuabinEr Post No. 14, Q. A. R. REGULAR MEETINGS OF THIS POST on the second and fourth Tuesdays of eacli month at 7:30 v. si. Visiting eom rades cordially InVlted. By order V.C. Cusbing Relief Corps No. 3, (1. A. R. TEGULAR MEETINGSONTIIESECOND it- and fourth Tuesdays of each month, at 2 r. ir. By ordf r Mrs. C. ROSS. Secretary. Pacific Lodge No. 17, K. of P. KEGULAR MEETINGS OF THIS Lodge every Friday evening, id 7:30 o'clock, in their Castle Hall, Sojourning Knights cordially Invited to attenri. AY. A. SHERMAN. K. of R. and S. Astoria Division No. One, Uniform Rank, K. of P. I REGULAR MEETES'G ON-THE FIRST $ Thursday of each "mouth, in their Ar mory Hall, in Pythian Castle.at 8 1 ai. Reg ular drills on the second, thlid and fourth Tlmrsday of eacli month, at such place us shall be designated by tho Commander. Sojourning Sir Knight cordially invited to meetings and diilK SCOTT BOZORTH. Recorder. Astoria Ladies' CoQ'co Club. KEOULAR MEETINGS AT THE CLUB'S rooms on the first and thlnl Friday's of each month at 7 P. M. Mrs. F. B. ELBERSON, Pres. Common "council. TEGULAR MEETINGS, SECOND AND Jxi fourth Tuesday evenings of each month at 7H o'clock. ira-PersonsdesliIngto have matters acted upon by tho Council, at any regular meet ing must present the same to tho Auditor and Clerk, on or before the Friday evening prior to the Tuesday on which the Council holds its regular meeting. THOS. S. JEWETT. Auditor and Clerk. GERMANIA BEER HALL from Tnn Northern Pacific Brewery Five Cents a Glass. SST-No inferior Beer sold at this place. WB. DOCK, Proprietor. G. A. STINS0K & CO.. BLAOKSMITKING. At Capt, Rogers old stand, comer of Cass and Court Streets. Ship and Cannery work. Horseshoeing. Wagons made aod repaired. Good work guaranteed. For Sale. BRAND NEW COLUMBIA RIArER iSL-FlshlneBoat. Apply-to ' R. M. : LEATHERS. ak P0W! Absolutely Pure. This powder net -r .trks. A marvel of purltv.strt'nKth and nhule.tn r.,vs. More ocononilcal tliaa the inhaarv kinds, and cannot be sold In competition 'Ada tho mul titude ot low test short welsuT, alum or phospaat" powib is. SM ort'j n cans. Kov al. Baking Pi.v. dkr Co., lee Uali-Et. N. . 1." juse what its nzmz implies ; Purely Vegetable "Ccmpound, llnl acts directlyupoa the lih'er; caring the many diseases incidwyto that mi. portant organ, and pffi8nting the nu ruerous aUniints tKt) arise from its deranged or ?orpirr;ction, such, as DyspepsiS tTdice, Biliousness; Coseneslra.aria, Sick-headachs, Rheuraancetc. It is therefore 2 :ha Liver must be kept ia order." DR. SAHTORD'3 IIVSE INVICOUATOrv rnvicorates the Liver. Herniates the Bow- l3. SlrenL'thcns tiie System. Purifies the Blooil . Assists Digestion, Prevents Fc vc rs. Is a liousebold JSccd. An invaiuau;e Family Medicine for common complaints. D3. SAHTOBD'S ITVEH IKVIG0IIAT0S. Anczoariince cf Forty years, and Tho'i taitdsrf Testimonials prove its Hcrit. mil BAtTi TtV ALTi DEAT.ER3 Tii iTDICC.X3 For fill inforonrion tend your n(3drcs3 for 1(X fcB)k 6n lhe "Livtr and Its dl-ears,"' tt '''.sjroKD jjcam: st., xrw toes cr .MARKETS. WYftTT & THOMPSON. DEALERS IN FRESH AND GURE0 MEATS, CHOICE GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Crockery and Glassware. STAR MARKET. WHERE? &. COMPACT?, Fresh and Cured Meats, FRUITS, BUTTER, and EGGS. OPPOSITE OCCIDENT HOT EI , C2lKrVA3lUS Mfreel. AMoria, c Washington Market Main Street, Astoria, Oregon. I5KR3IAX a CO.IMtOritlF.TOKS RESPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTEN tion of the public to the fact tiiat the above Market will always be supplied w 1th a FULL A'ARIETY AND REST QUALITY FRESH AND CURED W1EAT8 I I which, will lo sold at lowest rates, whole sale and retail. EBSpecIal attention given to supplying ships. Notice of Application. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned Intends to apply to the common council of the city of Astoria at its next regular meeting, for a license to sell wine, malt and Mtirituous liouors In lss quantities than one quart, for x period of one year :n me uuumng. si:uttt u on ioi 4, block 13J. In Slilvel 's Astoria. JOHN JOHNSON. Astoria, April 19th, ISS3. Notice of Application. "TVTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TILVTTHE Li und-jslgucd Intend to apply to the common council of the ctty.of Astoria at its next regular meeting, for a license to sell wine.malt and splrItuousl!qursin less quan tities than one quart, for a period ol one year, in the building situated on lot 7, block 65, In Mcflure'.s Astoria. MCCORMICK &, GRAVES. Astoria, April Hth, 1S35. Notice of Application. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIA'EN THAT THE undersigned, wlil spi'lj to l!e common council of thecltyof Astoila, at lis next reg ular meeting for a license to sell wine, malt and spirituous liquors In less quantities than one quart, for a period of one ear in a building situated on lot 5 in block 135 in the city of Astoria as laid "out and recorded byJ.M.Shivelv. H. JELDNES. Astoria, April 2lst, 1SS3. c-5 HI B i I I HI K mm sJatHfeisl a Hftt s Tbo last legislature parsed tbe fol lowing bill: Sec. 1. The following shall be and nro hereby declared legal holidays in this stale, viz: Every Sunday, the" first dny of January, the twenty-second day of Jiebraary, tto thirtieth dav ot Tiiav. the fourth day I of July, the twonty-lifih day ot Di- comber, and every uay on J-icii J SKIN AND BLOOD UN1VER election is held m the slate, and . v nnnirtinrn every day nnpointed by the president ; bALLY UlfflfileNbbU. of the United States, for a public! Y.m T ToUUf ,2 yMh TralhStreeif fear, thanhsgiving day or holiday. ! Philadelphia, reports that one of his custo Obligations parable on a holiday be-! mera htateil to him incidentally that he was mm,inn t, ovi I,-.;.,,., ,i" reeling o well asul had gamed twenty-seven come tttio tbe next business cia... irnas in thcl-t jwr, all of wliich he at- ludian Agent Eells lias infomia-' lion, though not official, that the de layed patents to tho Indians ot their lands on the Pnyallup reservation have been issued and are now on their way from Washington. These j patents it will be remombercd, were ruaieu Homeume Hince, auu A.ere ready for delivery, but from some un explained cause, as one of the last acts of Secretary Teller, he caused their withdrawal, with n view, apparently, of suppressing their issue in the in terest of other parties. The rubber rings used to assist in keeping tho air from fruit cans somo times become bo dry and brittle as to bo almost useless. They can be re stored to a nominal condition, usual ly by letting tbetn he in water into which has been put a little ammonia. Mix in proportion ot one part of am monia and two parts of water. Some times they do not liavo to lie in this preparation more than five minutes; but frequently a half bonrrs neces sary to restore their elasticity. Invisible ink for use on postal enrds is mado by mixing ono part, by measure, ot sulphuric acid with sev en parts of water. A gold or quill pen must be used, and when quite dry tho cird will show no signs ot writing. To inako the writing appear the card must bo held to the fire. If it bo desirable to make some writing appear on tho card, a few words can be written across the invisible ink with tincture of iodine, which will disap pear on being held to the fire. A French botanist, Mons. Eonssa grives, asserts that poisonous gases are given off by both growing and harvested fruits such as apricots, oranges and quinces and death by poisoning has resulto3 from sleeping in rooms exposed to such emanations. A similar deadly gas evidently con nected in some way with vegetable odors is given off by sweet-scented ilowers and odoriferous leaves. O. P. Adams, of Miller's station, Linn county, lately sold the fine and famous mare ''Oregon Beauty," which ho ha3 owned for several years, re ceiving therefor tho sum of $1500. Sho is a large, powerful animal, weighing over 1200 pound?. Her long silver-gray or whito tail and mane sweep tho ground, the mane being 7 feet C inches, and the foretop 1 feet G inches in length. iSow we are realizing tha final re sults of the Jersoy craze. By A'icious breeding and forced feeding this stock ha.s been so weakened, constitu tionally, that they are dying off on cverj hand by milk fever and scrofu lous diseases. Ono farmer well known to me has lost his wholo herd of pedigree Jerseys. New Yorker. Porr. Rural .1 Great 3ieoiory That is daily liringing joy to ihc homes of thousands by saving many of their dear ones from an early grave. Truly is Dr. King's Xew Discovery for Consumption, Cough. CohR Asthma, Bronchitis, Hay Fever, Loss of Voice, Tickling in the Throat, 1'aln in .Side and Chest, or any disease of the Throat and Lungs, a positive cure. Trial Bot tles free at V. E. Dement & Coe.'s Drug .Store. Large size 31.03. YOC7XG 3I2:X!-KKA! TiliS. Tin. A'oi.taic Br.i.T Co., or Marshall, Mich., olfcr to send their celebrated Ei.ro tro-A oltaip P.r.LT ami other Electric Arri.TANcra on trial Tor thirty davs, to men (young or old) afllicted with nervous dobihty, loss of ltulUy aud manhood, and all kindred troubles. Also for lheumntlsm, neuralgia, iaralysls. and manv other dis eases. Complete restoration to health, vigor and manhood guarantied. No risk is in curred as thirty days trial Is allowed. AVrite them at once for illustrated pamphlet free Axe you made miserable by Indi gestion, Constipation, Dizziness, "Loss of appetile, Yellow Skin ? Shiloli's Vital i7er is a positive, euro. For sale by AV. E. Dement. CITY TREASURER'S REPORT. .1. '. Hustler in Account with the City of Astoria, for the Oa&rter I'mllnr 3Inrcli3L lS'-w. 18ST;. DK. Jan. 1. To balance per last statement. 3 fXWJ 43 March .11. To ami. from sale Billiard Ta ble licenses 71 G6 To amt. from sale Liquor li censes 2,GC0 CO To amt. from salcl'awn Brok ers licenses 25 00 To amt. from sale Team li censes ; 32 To amt. from sale Peel Ta ble licenses 12 GG To amt. from sale AVharOn- gcr's licenses CO 00 To amt. from sale Hotel B tin ners licenses 26 Co To aint. from sale auctioneers licenses 200 CO To amt. from sale Lois iu Cemetery 8 00 To amt. from Police Court fines 25S CO To amt. from sale Dog licenses 7 CO " amt. from delinquent tax list "SI 2CT. 23 To amt. from board of tran sient prisoners 22 00 Total 13,210 43 CK. March 31. By amt. AVarranls paid 8.302 85 " Balance on hand this day. 4,853 03 S13.21G 48 BALANCES. CemeteryFuxul Kg CO GcncrnlFund $ 532 2tJ PoliccFund 4,420 89 MainStrcet i co Cash .v- 4,853 63 S 5,335 89 5,333 89 .7. G. Hustler, Trea3. Astoria, Or., 3fareh 3lst.l835. fil tlCUTd WEGBmimNGUfflS the ONLY REMEDIES FOR THE . if touted t- a sWeiuntie eiMirse ef the Ccti I't'itA Bksoia knt. whicli Itas proved Jlect- uai w nen an oiarr reiucu:es laiieu, S K K OX KVi. ha-. Bradv, Somervllle. 2Ia.. he refers to Dr. J. J. Ywd, druKist, of thit ti'y cer tifies ;o a wonderful tmreof rannlpfc ores on tit- neck which had been treated uy iias-1-jtal phvslcis'is without cure, and x.ldch AieldeilcSmiiil'tely to the l xrtu lka l:rat i'niiH. CUR2il BY tTTiCl'llA. Mv .kin disease, which resisted secra! lorsular remedies ad oili.-r remedies ad- lied by lrtivsli iau". has l -n cared by your Clticcra kjoimitjm. 1 hey surpassed ray most sangulue c-:ptct.ilIo:o and rapidly ef fected a cure. . J C ARENlRt E. VlXl'KN'NKS. Ink K.rtAV IT$ V ViiL'F. All of your iJcrii'fi: Rf.mk.di fs tive verj" gool satL-fr.ction. Tiie Crticura I especially recommeml for the diseases for which It's uvd. I know from experience Us valiii-. Dit- II. J. PISATF. MONTEI.I.O, AVli1. I'rWlTItA AliltOAi). jhrough a home-ietunifd Norwegian, I have leurnd to know your Clticura, winch has !n .short time cured me of an Eezni.1 that my phjsiclan'- medic no COIiId mt hral. CUR. 11FLT.1 fi,i;p.KORN,NonwAVf A'jcntHTjtrretfiini. Till: PORT I'OWKRS. A fiing of gratitudo impels mo to ac kuow?e:sf the great merits of jour Cgti ci ir.v.Mtd I cerniaily rceonnnend it to the public a verv r:il.iable remeity. H. N. l'OWr R. Birinon-ouT, CoN. For -a!e exenwlure. liic Cutiixua. ilKgr'.-t5 "kiii Ctire...G" CtTiririiA Soai an equi-:ekIn IVaulIfier.'.'Oe. Cuticura RF-o: knt, the new Hlood Purifier, SI. Vox er Prrnr anil f Jjeinlral Co., 10-T!t. GMfJA JCUR V SOAP, an exquisite To'.l U IiM. Bath aud Niuery Sanative A s'nj'l? dtse of iRufiriUs Jtaitlcal Care m tn.d reii-e tne most violent Mieeing or 1 It ul Colds, clears the nead as by magic, step watery d scharges from the Note him! Ejes, prevents Ringing Noises in the Head, euro Nervous Headache, and subdue rtdils and Fever. Iu Chronic Ca tarrh It e'eanses the nasa! passages of foul mucus, restores the senes of smell, taste, and hearing when anected. frees the head, throat, nail bronchial tubes cf offensive matter, sweetens and purifies the breath, stops the cough, and arrests tit? progress, of Catarrh toward Consumption. One bottle Radle d Cure, one Ux Catarrh al oltent :u:d S.mf jrd's Inhaler. all in one pack ige. of all druggists for tl.Oo. Ask for Sanfor:'s ltDICL Ccrk. Puttee Urns: anil Chemical t o., Bottou. CQL4NS.S New Life for Sliat- tered Nerves Painful Muscles and Weaken ed Organs, Collins Vollnlr EIe-jrlc E'lnstcr instantlj af fects the wtvoils sys tem and banishes pain, nervousriess and debil ELECTRIC --"-, ny. a ierrect i.icc- ri A TPR - Oalvanlc Bal '"'l 1 b tery combined uitli ity. A perfect l'.lcc a UVjihiy rncdiclunl Plaster foriV. DlllgglSM. All W. E. DEMENT & CO. A.STOIIIA, - - - OREGON Carry in Stock, DRUGS. CHEMICALS. TOILET and FANCY ARTICLES. Prescriptions carefully Compounded Boat Building. THE BEST STOCK AND WORKMANSHIP GUAILVNTEED. Boats of Every Description Built. shop over Arndt & Ferchen's. . 31. LEATHERS. FISBIRMEF8 OUTFITS. OIL SKINS, Gum Boots, Overalls Shirts. Etc. AT Phil. Ar Stoker, Neit door lo Foard & Stokes' store, Is head quarters for Clothing at Bottom Figures. Everything bought hero euarantosd to be just as represented. No old stock; every thing fresh, and NEAV GOODS en every Steamer. Remember tho place. Plllt. A. STOKES. e5TA full lino of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS for sale at Prices that Defy Competition. Executrix' Notice. TVTOTICE IS HEREBY GH'EX THAT JL1 having been appointed executrix of the last will and testament of Conrad Boclling, deceased, all persons having claims against the estate of deceased should present tho same properly verified to me at my resi dence In Astoria, Oregon, within six months from this date. PHILIPPENA BOELLING. Executrix. Astoria, Clatsop County, Oregon.Marcli 2S, 1SS5. Notice of Application. NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN TIIAT THE undersijined will apply to tho Common Council, of tho City of Astoria, at its next regular meeting for a license to sell wine, malt and spirituous Honors. In less nuanti- tics than one quart, for a period of one year in mo ouiiuing ironnng on squemoqua street, and situated on Lot No. l, Block 5Jo. 02. in the city of Astoria as laid out and re corded by John McCture and extended by Cyrus Olnev. RUDOLPH BARTII. Astoria, April 13, 1883. HAS RETURNED. J P. liEATKRRS HAS RETURNED and Is ready to turn out some tine fish ing boatsfor.the river. Shop on the baach between Kinney's and Elmore's canneries. 3 LOEB & OO. JOBBER IN WINES. L1QUOKS, AND CIGAK& AGENTS FOR THK Best San Francisco Houses and Eastern Distilleries. Tumbtcrs DccnntGrs, and j : Kinds of Saloon Supplies. E&-AU gocd? v!d st Sda Francisco Pnms MALN STREET. Opposite Parker House, Astoria, Oiv.u . -ASK FOR- TTnion India Subber Co.'s Iurc Pari Gum OliACK PROOF RUBBER BOOTS. IlKWARr: OK IMITATIONS! Bo sure the roots are stamped CHACK PliOUF on the heels, and have the PVUF. GUM SPRINGS on the foot and instep, which prevent their crackinc or breaking We are now making them with RlTIiBUIi AND ASUESTOS Soles which will make them last more than twice & Song ;v am Rubber boots made. FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS. ALL KINDS RUBBER BELTING. PACK ING, IIOE- SPRINGS, CLOTHING, BOOTS A.D SHOES, Etc. GOODYEAR RUBBfcR CO. R. 11. PEASE. .Jr. I Agents. S. M. RUNYON. San Frauclsc-e. THE HENLEY CLUB SKATE NU-kle Plated, Spring Steel Bottom and Steel Clamp. The HENLEY CHALLENGE SKATE, Wooden Bottom and Leather Strap1. The best and only practically scientific skates. Elegant In finish. AV11I tun: a three foot circle and all tho wheels rest square on the tloor. Wheels with babbit metal boxes. 1 ho leading skates in all the prin cipal Rinks. Bicycles and Tricycles. OSBORN & ALEXANDER. Sole Agents. Meehaulcs' Tools. Hardware and Machinery. C23 Market St.,opp. Palace hotel. San Francisco. Send for free catalogue and price list I.OVEJL1. Boiler Skates. Latest and Best. Tension by Spiral Spring. Now adjustment. Used b largest Ricks. Send for circular to E. T. AT.r.Eft'. 41G Market St., San Francisco. NT MEN Co they YounsorOId Ixavlns Lot liiwo cttribates cf PERFECT HANHuGO 117 Roffaln QuScl.lr fe Sexual Power jfVXUJL PfiflCEEATiYE fleiLfiY, JV.- Jean C.'riu.V. BT THE CSR OP The Civiale Remedies. rorrn of Sjmlnal toga and wcaknrra wliH.Vr duo to Mouthful Folly. Abuse, or Natrml Kallurc. TIjU treatment originated by PJIOP. I. 1 l LF r.ilnp:ed in ecry IIOllTAI. In FKAACKand iinanalinedly endorsed by the Medical ITofewlon, Ij KASHA Al'RLIKU, IA1XLI-S, OCICK. and abovo all LAS'IIXU IN IIS Jtfcsl l.l. FREE TO ALL. Fpon'eceptof Ccm Zm.tlTe . In postara arap, wo lli?f rd f i ony arsst Inquirer, our fnlen dld Illustrated W pre medical work, RlrlnKsyinp. tomjoralironnsor Sexual Disease. descriDtlon of thU treatment, prices, testimonial and now parver endorsements, S&,. tc. We nro also agents tor the nen- and certain to cure. SeirAdlustlntrnnd Olore Flttlnp Cridlo Compressor, for tho thorough and radical cure without surgery, ot ., VARICOCELE Contnltatlon with full Medical Stall; FREE. Chriale Remedial Agency, 1G0 Fulton SL, N. Y. RESTORED 17ie reaion thai ThoxtimU rznrc' rrt cured of SRillXAL WEAKNESS, LOSS OF 3IAX II00D, andthtrcsultof abax.dittast orercesies, it ottir.g to a cotnpiiecUiea ceiled I'ROSTATOR RIIEA. Dr.. LIEBIO'S IS VIG ORATOR ts the OXLTcurtforPROSTATORRUEA. Price. 1.00 per pactase. 0 package, 810 W. Guide to Health and Self-Ar.aiytt tent free. Addrti LIE DIG DISPEXSA R i'for LHtcaset cf Jfc-. . 400 Geary St.. San Francuco. Cal. Salmon Packer Ye aro prepared to print One lb Salmon Labels of suporior quality, well varnished. At $1.40 per M. Correspondence solicited. A. L. BANCROFT & CO.. T31 Market Street, San Francisco. Thero Is Ho Haed of My Adver tising The proof of tho pudding Is chewing the string. Geo. W. Saiiborn, Agt. HINDS, KETCHUM & CO., ASTORIA, - - - NEAV YORK. Delinquent Tax. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT TIIE delinquent tax In School District No. 9, if not naid in ten davs from dato will be placed in the hands of the sheriff for collec- ME3.M LEINENWEBER, Clerk8cliool District No. 9. Upper Astoria, April 8th, 1895. Ti) IMPOTE MfrJm ',v" irr.eti' x5js evu fnAMHOOD S LABELS TEASPOKTATIOX LINES. Oregon Railway a Navigatit C03IIAXS". O CSA3TOIV ISIO DunnK the month of April. lss. Oeeal Steamexi will s.-iil from Portiai.d t ia-i eiancirco. and trcm i-an t-raiicisco to 1'ora land, as follows, leavlug Ar.e worth IocW l'ortiaMti. at Alumigtit. ami Sjvar StreeJ nar;. ;nui rniuviKO, ar iu a. ar. : From San FrancLsco. From Portland. . .Apri ai uoicuasc c iiurcson .........Mm StstAofCal ....T&ur J! Columbia Fn Oreron Tu t btatoofCal. ...Wed ColncilHs Snn N'llpAmn Mon ntalu of L'al. rn JiCosnmfcia -i -li'o'.nmhi: Orison Weil '.Sihtate of Cal ThurlJ ai.itI r. I ...1 ,.: .. .!. ."J uumaima .Man -tiureson ,TU ! Throash Tickets sold to all prJncipa' I cities In the United States. Canada iuh I j-.urnpe. RAIL DIVISION. on and nftei inl sic. is?.,. Pawei ger Trains will l.e Portland for EasteiJ points, ai i u i. .u., dallv, and arrive at .11., dairy. Pullman .Palace Cars ruacinjc betwrAn Pon land. and M. Panl, Jllr.n DlVt&IOX Ollddie Columbia). Boats leave Pnrt:r.nd for lae nt T :oo A 51. Leittei'iiri-I I land fur I. Mon I Tn.lAVe.IThu.lFii. I Sat tona and I lower Ce-I Inusbw.. ...'(. AMIh AM sA.Min Ail SAM AAijron. ur am; i; 7 AM' Corvtis..t ," A-Vi, Jb AMI I. Tv??ni.:;t:altl3-Jl8i!j' at 1:WPM V Ictorla teanlors do not rsa bundays. Leaves Astoria tor Portland at C a. m. dtitr ex cept Jtunaay, C. n. PRE.SCOTT, Mauager. J.J.i.YRNK, G.P.&T.A. .JOHN MUIR Tr.if. Mamurer. E.A.NOYES. Agent, Astoria. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA VIA Oregon & California R. R. Ami tronncetioii, Fare to Sfin Francisco $82; to Sacramento $30 DAILY', EXCEPT SUNDAV. F-VSTSinE DIVISION". Uelweert P02T1.AMJ and ASuLA.M)' MAIL TKAIK. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Poilland..7 :?o a. at f Ashland. 1:15 a.m. Ashland S:43 r. ai Portland 4:23 v. m. ALBANY EXPRESS TRAIN. LE-VA'E. ARRIVE. Portland 4 .-oo i. ar.'Lebanon 9 o v. at Lebanon i :15 A.at.lPortland... 10 :05 A. st rnlimau Talaco Sleeping Car leaves Port land Mondays and Thursdays. Returning leaves A.shland Tuesdays and Fridays. The Oregon and California Railroad Ferry makes connection with all Regular Trains on Eastsldo Division, from the foot of F St. WE3TSIDE DIVT3IOX. ISetween Portinml and Corvullls 3IAII. TRAIN IJEAVR. ARRIAT-:. Portland 9 :Oo A. af.!Coryalli-i 4 :30 ar. Corvullls 8 ia a. 3i.Portland.....3 0 v.m. EXTIlESS TltAIN" LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 5 :C0 r iiMcMInnvilla.8 :00 rn McMinnvilIeG:J5 AsilPortland 8 SJam Local ticket for sale, and baggage checked at Company's tip-town oftlce, comer Stark and Second strt-ets. , 'tickets for ale to all tho principal points in California, can only be procured and baggage checked, at the Company's office, Corner F and Front St a., Portland, Or. Freight will not bo received for shipment after 5 o'clock p.m. on either the Eastside or AVestside DIvLsIons. K. KOKHLliK. i: P.U00KR3. Manasar. O.F1P. At llwaee Steam lviiation Co. SUMMER SCHEDULE. FROM ASTORIA TO Ft. StevenFtrCanby and llwaco, Connecting by stages anft steamboats for Oysterville, Montesano and Olympia STEAMER $&& "GEN. MILES," W. P. AYniTCOME, MASTEK. AVlll leave Astoria dally (Sundnj'S excepted for Ft. Stevens. Ft. Canby and llwaco. at 8 A. M AVIth Oysterville Mnils and Express daily, aud Through Mails to points beyond, and Montesano, AY. T.t on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Fare to llwaco, $1.00 Passengers III save 25 cents by purchas ing tickets before going on board. llwaco Freight per Ton, - $2.00 -For Tickets. Towaxe or Charter ap ply at the office of the company, Gray'.s wharf, foot of Benton street. J. H. D. GRAY, Agent. Astoria to Tillamook. Steamer A. B FIELD. CAPTAIN JOHN GABRIELSON. Freight forwarded by O. R. & N. Co., marked "per A. I?. Field," will be forward ed. Freights to bo delivered at Hobson vllle, Tillamook Bay, where it will bo held at shippers' risk until charges are paid. From Tortland to Hobsonvllle, per ton, $3 From Astoria to Hobsonyille, " " C Passengers from Astoria...... 5 C. LEINENWEBER. STEAMER MOUNTAINEER, CAPT. E. J. MOODY, Astoria, Or., Catlilamet,-W.T., Westport, Or., and intermediate points. The Steamer Mountaineer will leave Asto ria dally, until further notice, from Hustler's wharf, foot of Main street, at half-past 2 o'clock P. M., as follows : Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, for CatHLaMET aud intermediate points on Wash. Ter. side will go to YVesrporr, same days. Tuesdays, Thursday and .Saturdays, for AVESTPORT and Intermediate point3 on the Oregon side will go to Cathlamet same davs. WlllLcaTO CATHLAMET, W.T., for As toria, Mondays, Wednesdays and Friday at serea o'clock A. H., touching at all way land lues on Wash. Ter. side, and return on same side. Will leaTe WESTPORT, for Astoria, Or. on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at ser ea o'clock A. 3L, touching at all way land ings on Oregon side, and return on same side. For Freight orPassage, apply on board, or to Mam street wharf. t