W4j!jWjp i'.wjij" i "j M-T15pr CTJ "J '" TM 1 ,- - " 0) VOL. XXIII, NO. 101. ASTOKIA, OREGOIY, TUESDAY APIUL 28, 1885. PRICE, FIYE CENTS m" : 9r: n'-" ' "V'" " ft B I I H B Bill B E S" i- "4yT-C H t -' V''T'I - a. '-.''i-i " 1K-?V G I I I I IX I I BUSINESS CARDS. YRN. A. It. rind J. A. FCL.TOS Physlelans and Surgeons. Will give proinot attention to all colls, fioni any part of the cltj or country. Office oer Allen's Store, corner Caas and Squomoua streets, Astoria, Oicgon. Telephone No. 41. D It. FKA.'K- PACiH. PhyMlrlRii ntitl Hurseou. Ullct. l'.oom C, o it 1). A. Mcintosh V stow. Oi'fick Hours : 9 to 11 .. m. ;-s to n i. m. Residence, opposite the.iohausen building ofo. a. ii:i:iri. oko. jou?n xor.ANi fc IOKKlS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. ill- lu Kinney. WocK. ppo-dte City Hall. Astoria. Oregon. W. Vl'I.TON. . C FULTON. ri'll'0. IJKOT5IEKS, ATTOUNKYS AT LAW. liooiii- 5 and C.Odd r-Vllowx KulldliiK. rosKi'ii a. Gii.r.. ATI CHINK Y AT LAW. Orrin..- on Ca.s tnvt, 1 door vtuth of Odd Fellows Building. r t. a. nowuiY, Attoj-ne niirt t'oniiNflior nl Iits.iv, OAlee on Chonnmus Street. .WoiLi. Oregon. G' KI.O K. PAKKKK. SURVEYOR OF Clatnop Couuty.and cityor.VNtorln Office: Cbenamua si reel, Y. M.C. A. I'all Room No. B. r W. LEICK, akghitkct and si?PKi:iXTi:NiKsr. Office : Room 9, Klnnej V P.nik Block, PHYSICIAN AND dUUGSOK Okfick Rooms l, 'J. and :. P Milan Budd ing. Kksiuknck On Ced.ir Street, buck nl St. Mary. Hospital. Y I. flJCKB. A. K. SHAW. HICKS &. sn ivt DENTISTS. Booms In Alien'-! Building, up thlrs. eoi utr Cas9 and Squeraoqua streets. AMorfa. Oregon. BANKING AND INSURANCE ! I. W. CASE, Broker, Banker, and Insur ance Agent, as 1 oki a, - i:e:o.. ofpice hoi' 1(8: From 9 o'clock A. M. until 3 o'clock P. M. Bozorth. & Johns, Seal Estate and Insurance Ape ate and Broken ASTOIUA. .... OreRon. We write policies In tho following well kn'fwn Fire Insurance Companies : PHtENTX OF HARTFORD. SCOTTISH UNIOX AXD VATIONWL OF EDIMSCKO. LION. OF LONDON HOME. OF NEW YORK. LONDON AND LANCASHIRE, OF LIVEK- POOL. PHCENlX. OF BROOKLYN. CONNECnCUT.OFJIARTFORD. OAKLAND HOME, OF OAKLAND, CALA. And alo represent the TTESTERX, of California, II A MUURQ-BREMEN. of Ger many, and AMERICAN STEAM BOIL ER lXSURAXCE CO. Real Estate Bought and Sold on CommlkMon. M. W. FECHHELMKR, H.-AY.COUnETl. -EDWARD HALL. - President Vice President Secretary THE OREGON Fire anil Marine taraiiee Co. Oh I'Ol'ILAND. OREGON'. Capital S'uiil l'p. ChhIi Assets Kvri'inl. !iK,ooo oao 2tO.O00.00 C. LKIXEXWEBER, ASTORIA, OREGON. A geill, JL.EATlA; TODERTAKEU. falu St. Astoria. Oi-eRon. Have Just Pitivltaoed a Klae, New Hearse. Private Boarding House. mHE UNDERSIGNED JiESl'ECTrULLY X announces that ilio Is prepared to fur nlsn Ladles or Gentlemen vltu Board onlv, or v. Itlr Board and Furnished Rooms at verv !asouable rates. No extra rharse for use of Parlor or Bath room, and even- effort tv 111 be made to make her guest" feel com fortable and at homo. Blatter Served from 5:39 to ti;39 P. .H. MR8.K. C, UO!,IM.. SE Cor. Main and Jefferson streets. Dissolution of Copartnership. TW-OTICE IS, HEREBY GIVEN THAT TOE i.1 eoparlner&hlp heretofore existing un der the Arm name and style of Thome? and knowtes Is this day dissolved by mutual agreeaient. 0. w. knowi.es, . C.T.1H0MES; Astoilj, Oregon, April 13th. lgsirllff A QUESTION ABOUT Browns Iron Bitters ANSWERED. Tho qnestloa has jwob&bly been aaied thoosiadf of tlalfe Uow can Brown's Iron Bitters cure erety thlngfw Well, it doesn't. Bet it does core my disaue for which a. rapntiblephrslciin would prescribe IKOl Phrsict&ns recognize Iron as the best restorstiTa extent known to the profession, and inquiry of any leading chemical firm will sabstant iite- the assertion that there are more preparations oX iron than of any other substance nsed in medicine This shows coa eludrelr that iron is acknowledged to bo the rawt Important factor in sneooaaf nl medical practice. It U, howerer. a remarkable fact, that prior to the diaov eryof BEOWN'isIUON UITTEIW no perfect ly sati&factorj iron combination, had ever ben f oond. BROWN'S IRON BinERSSKS&BS headache, or prodaco constipation all ot&er Iron medlclaes do. IIIIO YN'S IKON BITTEUS caros Indigestion, BIIIobbhcss, WeakacKs, Dyspepsia, 31alarln, CfclH and Forers, Tired Feeliair.OeBeral Deblllty.Paln In the Side, Back or LlmsIIcadacheandNonral. gia for all these aflmenU Iron is prescribed daUy BROWN'S IRON BIHERSslSfSSStr: mttlr0-lit08l?tcer thonmrii raedldnes. it ect slowly. TVhen taken by mm the first symptom cf penent u renewed energy. The muscles then become Hnner. the dkrwtion improres. the bowels are active In uomen t ho oCect b usaally mere rapid and marked. eyes begin at once to brighten; the skin clears ep: healthy color comes to the cheeks; nerronsnos "sPPe": functional derangements become roM lar. and if a nursing mother, abundant sustfliiiuire U supplied for the child. Komember Brawn's Irem Bitters is the ONIjY iron medicine that is iwt in yorious. Myt1ciat an.l Vruggitt rrecnzirwl t. The Genuine has Trade Mark and crcwl red lines oairrapper. TAKE NO OTKKU. SVELL, IIKITSHU A WOODARD. Whoi.ksai.k Aokxts, Portlai.d Oregon. dflSTITTfiiVi H " CELEBMTEO i W stomach 0Q JITTERS The finest tonic for nervous people Is Hostettert Stomach Bitten which Insures perfect dlcettion ami assimilation, :md the active performance of their functions by the Her and bowels. As the system acquires tone through the Inlluence of this benign medicine, the neives grow stronger and more tranquil, headache cease, and that nameless anxiety which N a iteculinrlty of the dyspeptic, fives way to cheerfulness To establish health on :t sure foundation, use the peerless ln IgOrant. For sale by all Druggists and Dealeis gener.illy. Men Think they know all about Mustang Lin iment. Few do. Not to know is nor to have. Many a Lady is beautiful, all but her skin ; and nobody has ever told her how easy it is to put beauty on the skin. Beauty on the skin is Magnolia Balm. Iloldeii's Auction Rooms f LMaDlMinl January l., is;;. E. C. 1I0LDEX, Real Eslato ami Geuernl Auctlonocr and Commission Merchant, Chenanins Street. - Astoria, Oregon. Auucllon sale or Sundries even Sattudnv. at 10 :30 a. v., at mv Auction I'onnis Will conduct Auction Sales of Real IMale, Cattle, and l'aimlng Sloek thereer de sired. Cafch Returns Promptly made after .Sales. Consignments respcclfullv solicited, Notarv Public for tho Stale of Oregon. Commissioner of Deeds for Wasliinciou Territorj-. Agent for Dail arxl Weekly Oriytiniau. THE LATEST STYLES WALL '"PAPER AT B. B. FRANKLIN'S. NEXT DOOR TO ASTORIAN OFFICE. A very large Slock from tvhlch to select. Window curtains made to order. EFMypatentTrIinmerto cut Wall Papei will bo lound convenient to my patrons. For Sale. STOCK AND FURNITDRE OF TH E OLD Corner saloon, inquire or J. W. STEARNS, Agt. Asfriaf Oregon, April Lst, 1SS5. THE OREGON PA CI Fit'. Workmen vaJuly Waiting for the Vjrs. Dae Thera. A little over a jenr ago, says the Mercury, the steamer Western Texas,' rechristeneil the Yaquinu, arrived from New York with a fall cargo of ' railroad material and subsequently, innde two or tliree trips to this eitv ' from Yaquina under the commaud of Capt. Plummer. She is a very handy liltle ship and evidently a desirable boat for vo ages to bar hnrbors. Pending the completion of the Ya 'quina road, however, the business was , ver dull and the steamer was laid up I at tho company's wharf and all her j employes discharged until trade should revive. The work "went Jiloug I as fast as the company's means would ' permit, and the ronto from Corvallis ito the steamship landing in the bay wn3 completed early in January, when it was supposed that the road would be opened for travel and regular trips jmado by the steamer between San j Francisco nnd tho bay. Specula j tors iu town lots at different J points along tho bay visited this I city and endeavored to dispose ! of town property, but met with com j paratively little encouragement. Up 'the-valley, however, they were more successful; but the growth of tho bay towns lias not been commensurate with such high hopes as were formed concerning the Yaquina harbor. A rumor found currency that Jay Gould was backing up the concern, and that Yaquina was to be thu ulti mate outpost of the Oregon Short Xiine and Union Pacific properties, but nothing has since occurred here to confirm the story. Iu the mean while tho Yaquina road has not even been able to carry on a local traffic and there has been no regular freight or passenger traffic over the track. No passenger cars have been put up on tho road, all the travel boing car ried on flat cars which have been re cently covered over with awnings of canvns. The management is inn board pf directors, of which T. Egfrton Hogg is president: "William 31." Hoajj lst vice president and general manager; ailisiash, Jndvico president and assistant general' manager; nnd H. V. Gates, superintendent. Tho road is laid with narrow-guage iron for six miles out of Corvallis, beyond which it is laid with iron suitable for broad-guag roads, but the entire road-bed suffered much from the severity of the past winter, -and will need considerable work to put it iu good condition for a general freight and passenger traffic. At present its operations are virtually suspended for want of funds to-pay the men. When the road was completed in Jan uary, the men were promised their pay by the lst of February. When that day came around they were told there was no money for them. The pay due them was only for days of actual work, all days being deducted when they were laid off by reason of the road being out of order. They then announced that tho heavy de mands of Chinese contractors had taken all their available money and that the employes would be paid about tho 15th of March; and when that day came around they were told thev would have to wait till the 15th of April. At last the 15th of April came and the train hands were offered what? Just ten dollars each, on account of nearly five months' wages due them. And it was for this they had refused to do any more work until paid. The company's obliga tions are not so heavy as those of many larger corporations, but when they are so much more than they are able to pay, the sum looks large indeed. It is said they owed the Portland firm of Kwoug Tai k Co. the sum of $90,000 at the time the road was finiahed, but have since paid them 840,000, leaving 350, 000 still unpaid and due to that moon eyed syndicate of barbarian bond holders. And as the road is not yet in the way of clearing over $20,000 per month over aud abovo fixed charges, tho outlook for the employes' getting their money is not a very bright one. Wo think it a shameful thing for any man to hire auother to do work of any sort, unless ho knows whence he is going to get. the money to pay him for it. These men should bo paid even if the Yaquina bay road has to be closed for tho next sis months; for they worked in good faith aud deserve to have their wages paid. Aud before auy company can hope to command the confidence of this or any other community, it should pay "those whoso labor con tributes to the success of their busi ness. It is not much to the credit of tho Yaquina town-boomers that they are bolstering up such a concern as this and puffing the town up ns a second Astoria, Xt&Br&t Sneak In Tonn. Malarial gases sneaked up through the pooily constructed drains and made baby very sick with malarial fever. Baby would have died but for timely use of Brown's Iron Bitters. There is nothing meaner in its way of coming nor worse in its effects, than this malaria from the under ground region. Mrs. McDonald, of New Haven, Conn., says, "For six years I suffered from the effects of malaria, but Brown's Iron Bitters cured me entirely." Try it when malaria steals is and undermines your constitution. It will give relief. Hanging on the ragged edge is now rendered tottering -on th&.slippery b-ririk? The Jxidgg ' ' " PEACE OP. WAR. Loxdon", April 20. The Obiercci says it lelieves Earl Granville, iu a swmnl rfisnatalt to Sh Potorshnrr' 1 reiterated the demand that a militar inquiry be held regarding the Penj deh battle, .n the spot whoro the bat tle was fought. London, April 27. The Morniny Post says dispatches are being ex- changed between London and the English embassy at Berlin on the Afghan question. BkbIjIX. April 2(1 A telegram from St. Petersburg reports that ru mors are current there that another conflict has occurred between the. littssians ami tne Afghans During the past month Russian authorities have sent lo.dooi raihtnry troops across the Caspian sea from . Baku. Of theso 0,000 landed at Chik-' islan, and 4,000 at Krasnorodsk. Two thousand additional men were sent from Turkestan to Men. Prior to the dispatch of theso reinforce-' ments thero were 8,000 men statiened: in tran"-Caspiau territorj'. Merv is the nearest point to Afghanistan where there is a large Uussiau force' stationed, the garrison now number-' ing 0,000. Vabxa, April 2G. - The Austrian . government has warned the porte that Austria will consider her treaties' with Turkey null nnd void if theporte allows beligerents to force thoDarda j nelles. ; Berlin', April 27. Tho National t Z it una mentions a rumor to tho of-i foot flint tlio f7.nr Iia; wriffon in "F.jn. 1 peror William that the chances for! peace have diminished. Several Ger- T . . , . . man papers have rumors that anotherTrans,ent and Permanent Guests. conflict has taken place in Afghanis J tan. ;j.nere is mncu puouc uncast- uess in tne aoseuce 01 inrtuer news from General KomnrolT. St. PirrausHURO, April2G. It is be lieved in well informed circles that the question of peace or war between England nnd llussia will be settled to-morrow. Paris, April 2G. J,c Paris says Germauy has offered to modiato be tween England and llussia, and that the offer has been accepted. WAR REGARDED IN'EVlT.UJl.E. Thu people of the old world ueem to havo settled down to the convic tion that war batween England and Russia is inevitable. Tttapres3,of continental Eurdne is Torao'tioallv uuanimons in the belief tr&fc'HfaEij&U fltct must come. And ovou tho En glish peace party ha8 abandonod tho hope that tho differences of tho two countries may be adjusted without a resort to arms. In financial circles there is abundant evidenco of tho general apprehension in tho depres sion of Bnssian and English secur ities. There is certainly nothing sur E rising in this ttnanimity of opinion. a tho face of the extraordinary preparations made by both Russia and England, it would be idle to longer doubt that tho shock must come. Nobody can for a moment be lieve that ltusMia would permit her official organs to declare that the Rus sian government will accept tho state ment of KomarofT concerning the re cent collision, rather than that of Sir Peter Lumsden, derived from Afghan sources, if the czar's government really desired peace. It must be quite evident that when a press as thoroughly tinder control ns that of Russia makes snch assertions, they must be accorded weight. Thoy have all the ear-marks of a desire to irri tate, and they are succeeding admi rably, it the tone of the British press and the extraordinary demand of Gladstone f or S55,000,000 for war pur poses, so promptly acceded to, may be regarded as signs of irritation. The practice of making formal declarations of war seems to havo become obsolete. Prance aud China havo been hammering awaj' at each other for nearly a year and neither country has seen fit to declare that unfriendly relations exist It is more than probable that Russia and England will commenco hostilities without taking tho trouble to warn each other, and it very likely that the fighting will be as hard as it an old fashioned declaration wero made in advance. Tho reailers of The A.sto nix need not bo surprised it tho uows of a battle is receivpd before a formal declaration of war'is made. Thero is 110 use waiting for the alow process of internal remedies when St. Jacobs Oil externally strikes to the rheumatic spot. England wants KomarofT to "come off.'' as the boys say. Sho thinks he is lioing. Boston Globe. Hrotl'K Emulsion of Pure Coil Live OH, with HypophoHpliItea. 7i lettfc Pulmonary Troubles. Dr. V. B. Strickland, New York, says: M find our Emulsion very beneficial after all acute pulmonary attacks In adults, and in children during and after such diseases." Ablush announces the departure as well as tho arrival of shame. Wnsued-Oat llalr. There is a sort of pallid, chalky com plexion which me novelists can n "washed-out coinnlexfon." It is ghastly enough, and no mistake, Washed-out. faded, discolored, or parti colored hair is almost as repulsive and melancholy. Parker's llalr "Balsam will restore your hair to Its original color, whatever It was: brown, auburn or black. Why wear moss on your head, when, you may easily have lively, shin ning ba!i fiMEopsoii m Af."3- 3 jy S-&1 1 - fc w'!3LJs'-a3 H-.TME GREAT -f&W Uf?llM&3 nMfBIl tfi.rsi nav. Wf-'ii-n d d-s s!i ja n "ii. kuik.m..u a.jufcjiixuu' a 'j j Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumaago. uicKacne. ricaaaciie. iccinacne. Sura Throat, urcHinfc jraln. 15nil, l.urn. ."cnli!, Prutt lits A.NU ALL OTIILi: IIODILY H1S 1U ICll-H. Ml ly DmsifiU " X-! evryniwca. "'UlyC-at.A Uriiw. Ilr .!jci la II 1-uukajc. TJIK C!l KI.i: A. "I OtiKU-U CO . ;,MtA.'HKlL:.K) UlltlnKliT. JJJ., rr.-j. X. fflAM HOTEL. MRS. l-VA WA1.I.MAX. - Proprietor. ASTORIA. GRECO--; i-'lrst C'Iiish tii Kiel".-. RcNftcci'. NEW HOUSE ' NEW FURNITURE. 2'ItiI nt vtitlt wivr Coiiiin ouifbri of i'i:ij for ilic comer .Hquemoiua and West Mh Str its iThe Telephone Saloon The. Finest Establishment of thu Kind in Astoria. Kspor'ally fltttst u for the Comfort and fon onlenco of those who enjoy a Social Gla-s. The Rest of WIuch and Liquor-;, The Choleenl Cigars. Everything New and First-Class. IJ. K.. JKFFKUY. IroxTr. II. SI. PARUCR, rrop'r. first Class in Every Respect Free C'ii::ch to (In House. Caiers jnfe Old Oastle, Yhpitii, and other brands of Coke Tin Plates, for sale in lots to suit purchasers, now in warehouse at Astoria; also Liverpool fine and coarse salt. For further particulars apply to Meyer, Wilsonft Co. Portland, Oregon. OfiDICB UfiBIOC raHJlCn mmt Colli! Transportation Company. Through Freight THE NEW lwinnrrwmf k t nvtts m mm m mv mm m m mm mm warf-.nff waagBaiin I CLLrflUliL Whlrh hai boon specially built for the comfort of pnsen;ari will l-a Wilson ft FLsher's Dock ever' Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. arriving at Portland at 1 P.M. Returning leact Portland every Tuesday and Thursday at 6 A. M. arriving at Astoria at 1 P. M. EfTy' additional Wp Mil be inado on ST. ?..5!5Jf nnay.3Iornincr. .. niH iw.. Wilson & Fishi Ship Chandlers, HEAVY AND SHELF Paints, Oils, and Varnish. LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. PROVISIONS miliTfeed AGENTS FOK Salem Tlouring Mills, Portland Boiler Mills, Capital Elour and FA5RBAKXS' SCALES. ASTORIA. OREGON. B. B. Franklin, MeTtata Hu GaMM later, SQUEMGQUA STREET, xi:xt T ASTORIAN" O nriLPivo. dyA!l work iIiiho in :t skillful manner on short notice at masonuble rates. ASTORIA IRON WORKS. IlKSTOX STUKKT, NKAK PAKKXK HOl'flE, ASTOP.IA. - OKECOX. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. LANMIABINM&INES BoilerWork, Steamboat Work and Cannery Work a spe cialty. Of nil Description! marto to Order st Short Notice. A. fa. Wass, President. J. G. Hcstleu, Secretary, I. W. Case, Treasurer. Johk Fo superintendent. IS. ARNDT & ffERUJUEN, . ASTOP.IA. - OREGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop BLACKSMITH AND ' t 'Boiler Shop All kinds of .ENGINE,.CANffEHY, AKD STEAMBOAT WORK Promptly attended to. Aipeclalty made of repairing CANARY DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. on Fast Time I STEAMEK Sunday of JKach IVeelr. leaving Portland Passengers bj this route connect.at Kalawa u. B. KCOTT, President MraB1?" m&SSM '. SZnm- 39hT?. H THE BEST IS THE Royal Brand Flour Manufactured by the OREGON MILLING COMPANY rs of Superior Quality, and is Endorsed by all who ue It. THE HOUSEKEEPER'S FAVORITE Of Superior UMng Quality. Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction. WYATT & THOMPSON Sole Agents tor Astoria. Paintine: anil Paper HaiiM. KALSOMINING ETC. Paint Shop In tear of premises foi m erly occupied by C. II. Stockton, oppo site tho Court IIoiisc. All orders promptly and satbfaotor! e.xecutctl. J. H. D. G-JRAI. Wholesdle and retail dealer in. GROCERIES, FLOUR, AND FEED Hay, Oats. Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME, SAND AND CEMENT. Oencin! Storaso and Wharfage on rea-on able terms, toot of Henton street, Aatorht. Oregon. WEI. EDGAR, Dealer lu Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes Meerschaum and Brier Pipes, GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY Revolvers and Cartridges. CORNER MAIN AND CHENAMXJS STS The Gem Saloon. The Popular Resort for Astorians. For the Finest of Wines and Liquors UotoTHE (5EM SALOON. ALEX. CAMPBELL, - - PROPRIETOR ASTORIA LIQUOR STORE, AUG. DANIELSON, - Proprietor. Robniltnnil Refitted Throughout The Best of tVIA'ES.IilQTIORS.AND CIGARS, For a Good Cigar, call for one of "Danielson's Best." Comer West 9th and WaterStreets, Astoria. n9-3m agnus C. Crosby uenler In HABOTiBE, IRON, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, STOVES, TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON, Plm AND Copper. Astoria Sail Loft. Best of Wort at Bottom Fipres J. HESS, The well-known Sallmakcr now occupies Thft Astoria Sail I-ofc. formerly occupied hy A. M.Johnson. Boat Sails a Specialty. ALL WORK WARRANTED Come and see me at Tho Astoria Sail Loit : nexttol'jthlan Building. Address P.O.Box 312. J. HESS. Floats! Floats! Floats! CANHBRYMEN who an In need of Floats. Copper Handles nnd Mallets should send their orders to B. TV. BLOOD. Clatskanle, Orecon. who has a quantity on hand which will be sold at reasonable rates. "SECURE THE SHADOW" Ere the substance fade, and when you visit Portland, make It a part of your business to call on w. n. towxe, at the San Fran cisco Gallery, S. W. corner EIrst and ilorrlsoa streets, and have your photograph taken In the highest style otthe art. i- .