en Itf gPaftjj gtetotflW. ASTORIA, OREGON: Ari!IL 21. lS-o FKIDAY RUSSIA AND HER POLICY. Perhaps no diplomatic war in mod ern times has been "watched with more anxiety and interest than that now in progress between England and Eus sia. Both powers havo immense streugth, and each would prove a worthy antagonist for the other. Each has under its control an im mense proportion o the world's area, and holds in it3 charge the destiny of hundreds of millions of the "world's population. Each has peculiar ad vantages to offset its disadvantages, so that in oaso of actual war they would stand on very nearly equal terms. Russia is poor, while England 13 rich; but if England is inexhausti ble in riches, Bus3ia is iuexhanslible in soldiers. If England has the most powerful navy In the world, Russia has few places to bo protected from attack by sea. If elements of Eng land's strength are found in every part of the world, Russia finds hers consolidated at home. If England has extended her couquests over the globe, Russia believes that she is one day to conquer the world. "With regard to this great northern power which is yearly becoming more prominent ami more important in the world's historv, it will at this time says the San Francisco Bulletin, be interesting to know what a distin guished Englishman has written. Concerning the character of the Rus sian people, Alison says: Formidable as the power of Russia i, from the bonudless extent of its territory, and the great and rapidly iucreasiug number of its subjects, it la still more ho from the military spirit and dopile disposition by which they are distinguished. The prevail ing passion of the nation is the love of conquest, and this 'ardent desire, which burns as fiercely in them as Democratic ambitiou doe3 in the free states of western Europe, is the un seen spring which ooth retains them submissive under the standards of their chief, and impels their accumu lating force in ceaseless advance all over adjoining states. The energies of the people, great as the territory they inhabit, are uever wasted in in ternal disputes; domestic grievances, how great soever, are overlooked in the thirst for foreign aggrandizement; In the conquest of the world the peo ple hope to find a compensation, and more than a compensation, for all the evils of their iuterual admiuistra tion. Every Russian is in spired with a conviction that his country is one day to conquer the world, and the unhersal belief in this result is one of the chief causes of the rapid strides which Russia of late years has niado towards its realiza tion. The rudest nomad of the steppes pants 'or the period when a second Timous is to open the. gates ofDer bend, and let 1 -oto upon southern Asia the long-peut-up forces of its northern wilds. In connection with these common beliefs in the future greatness of Rus sia, it is interesting to note Gibbon's statement that, centuries ago, the be lief was widespread that a statue was buried in Constantinople, bearing the prophecy that Russia would one day be mistress of that city. That the Turkish capital has not long sinco pussed under the control of the czar is owing neither to the feeblo ness of the Rissiau armies nor to the power of Turkey. In view of tho diplomatic contest now in progress between tho cabinet of tho queen and that of tho czar, tho following extract from Alison will be of interest, especially as the present state of affairs seems to show that the English historian has given us n sur prisingly correct idea of Russian pol pel icy: The policy of the Russian cabinet, from the earliest time that Muscovite power has stood forth an object of alarm to the surrounding nations, has been governed by ono ruling priuciple, which differs widely from that of any people who have hitherto made a great impression on human affairs. It is neither founded on the haughty maxim of the Romans, to spare the submissive and subdue the proud, nor the more politic system of the English, whether in Europe or Asia, to support the weak against the strong. It rests on a combination of physical strength with diplomatic address, of persoverauco in object with versatility in means, which was never beforo exhibited in the theater of the world. Its leiding character istic has been explained, perhaps with more candor than prudence, by the eloquent Russian hitorion, Kar omtin: "The object and the charac ter of our military policy has invaria bly beeu to seek to be at peace with everybody, and to make conquests icilhoul war; always keeping our selves on tbe defensive, placing no faith in tho friendship of those whose interests do not accord with our own, and to lose no opportunity of injur ing them without ostensibly breaking our treaties with them." The slight est survey of Russian history must be sufficient to show that this char acter is well-founded; and that, for midable as the military power of the state is, ii has prevailed in every age, rather from pacific encroachments than warlike subjugation. The Russians never originate a con test, but are always ready to carry it on. Passion never makes them an ticipate the period of action; success never relaxes the sinews of prepara tion. So forcible is their weight, when fairly aroused to exertion, that the powers with whom they aro en gaged in war, despairing of making any durable impression on such a colossus, are generally glad, even after victory, to purchase a respite from hostility by a concession of territory; aud, surprhing to say, Russia has reaped gro-tor advantages from her defeats than other nations from their victories. Never, since the god Terminus first receded with the Roman eagle in the provinces be yond tho Euphrates, has bo steady and uninterrupted advance been made by any empire towards universal do minion; and it is hard to say whether it has prevailed more by the ability of diplomatic address or the rigor of warlike achievement. From the reports which come to us it appears as though Russia were now striving by diplomacy to maintain tho advanced position she has taken, with out the cost of warlike achievement. That she has advanced her forces to stay, if her power is strong enough to maintain her position, is evident. That she would prefer to gain her end by peace rather than by war, is ap parent, not only from tho course which negotiations aro taking, but from what is known of her past his tory. But that she will relinquish without a struggle any advantage she has gained, can neither be inferred from her action in the matter of the Afghan frontier, nor from the char acter which so careful a historian as Alison has given of her policy. In fact, recent reports, which, however, have been denied by the English cabinet, make it appear that Russian diplomacy has a fair chance of suc ceeding in its object. Already En glish journals are complaining that too much has been ceded to Russia, and that Mr. Gladstone is about to treat with the czar on the latter's own terms. "Whether peace or war will be the result of the present ne gotiations, it is yet hard to say; but the indications are that Russia will maintain at least a portion of the ad vantage she has obtained, through diplomacy if possible; through war if necessary. At present there is in process a diplomatic contest of ab sorbing interest, and it remains to be seen whether the boast that the Rus sian armies have uever advanced without obtaining some advantage, will be refuted, or whether the fear of English journals that Mr. Glad stone will concede the most essential points in dispute will be justified. That Russia has entered into the con test to win, is evident. "Whether or not she will win depends upon the skill of Mr. Gladstone or upon the strength of her armies. In case of war, tho nice balance of strength and advantages will make the contest one of absorbing interest to the world. It has been said several times since the inauguration that Mr. Cleveland should call congress to meet and pass a river and harbor bill, which the last congress failed to pass. There seems to be no call forspecial anxiety on the score of the omissions of the late congress, but there may arise a contingency when an extra session wonld be desirable. If war is de clared between England and Russsa this country would have a commer cial opportunity such as is seldom presented to a nation. The most of the carrying trade is now entrusted to British bottoms, and these vessels, in tho event of war, would sail under a belligerent flag and be subject to the dangers of search, seizure and capture by the enemy. American ships, on the contrary, as belonging to a neutral nation, would suffer none of these risks or annoyances, and oould nearly monopolize the Atlantic commerce. In reply to inquiries from severa states concerning the taking of the semi-decennial census, the secretary of the interior has prepared a circu lar in which he quotes tho act of March 3, 1879, providing for tho tak ing of such census. Tho circular states that if the semi-decennial cen sus is made by the state authorities, beginning on tho first Monday in June and the result reported to the secretary of the interior by the 1st of September following, such states will be entitled, upon the requisition of the governors thereof, to a sum equal to DO per cent of tho amount which was paid to the United States super visors nnd enumerators employed within such Btates or territories in the taking of the last United States census. It will bo confined to such subjects as population, agriculture, . industry and mortality. m m Gen. Miles says that President Cleveland has the character that would make him a great success in the military line. There are plenty of Democrats hereabouts, says the St Albans Messenger, who are of the opinion that under his method of dis tributing supplies an army would per ish of starvation the first month of a campaign. A Maine editor thinks that the can didates will be, as last year, Blaine and Cleveland. A few weeks ago Barrios was pres ident of Guatemala, had a fortune of eighteen million dollars, and was possessed of every lacility for enjoying life. Now Barrio3 and his eldest 6on are dead, the rest of hi3 family driven into exile, and his large fortune dissi pated. Doubtless if a candid ex pression of opinion could be obtained from the lato "dictator," it would be to the effect that he should have let well enough alone. Pakama has had fonr presidents since the 1st of January. There is alwayo room at the top in the politics ot Central American states. A Portland friend of Mr. Blaine says that the latter is already hard at work for the nomination in 188S. CriiOAQO polled 85,000 votes in -the recent municipal election, against 41,000 in St. Louis. zzSEE THAT YOU GETz: "PORTLAND Olioioe Family FLOUR!! For Salt lu Lots to Suit. - WILSON A JK1&4TIKK. ASTOKIA. MIKSOX. CnCKCII JL CO. PORTLAND. Or. Or X .a. ID X 32 . GOTO Mrs. Malcolm's Millinery Parlors FOR SPRING AND SUMMER HATS. A hup- and wvll-selrcteil Mock ou hand. NKW (iOODS bolus secured every day. A complete line of Ladle -.' RKADY-M ADK rNDKRWKAK. with nrSces to suit tiie times. CHEAP CORSETS a specialty: alo a laiye -sortment of Ui" Itit Grade, of CORSETS. Children's SCXrO.NNKTS.Just leeehed. All the LATEST NOVELTIES, in SILK SCARFS. GOLD and SILVER LACKS nnd ORNAMENTS are kept at ShN. The Cheapest millinery House m AMoriti. No charge for UlmnihiK when material Is purchased at the establishment. 1885. INTEREST "Will be allowed On Time Deposits. Drafts on all the Leading Cities. Wm. T. Coleman &Co. S. P.I3IOICR, Manager Banking Department. Astoria, Oregon. to Rent. FINE BUSINESS OFFICE. CENTRAL ly located. Apply at this Ofuc. FiSBERMEN' OiTfrTi OIL SKINS, Gum Boots, Overalls, Shirts, Etc. AT Phil. A. Stokes, Next door to Fo-rd & St kea store, Is head quarters for Clothing at Bottom Figures. Even thing bought here cuarante-d to be Iu"t asieprecntert. No o'd stook; every thing fresh, and NEW G0U3 on everv steamer, uememu r the place. PHIL. A. STOItKV. es-A full line of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS for sale at Prices that Defy Competition. Ship Mount Washington WILL NOT BE SOLD, As previously advertised. TAYLOU. YOUNG & CO.. Portland. Oregon. Abstracts of Title. mHE UNDERSIGNED HAS COMPILED I a sn of Abstract Books from the records of ClatsoD Countv and Is now nrenared to furnlu complete and correct Abstracts of uue io any neat rotate in the County, at reasonable ratef . a R. THOMSON. Attorney at Law, Astoria, Oregon. Okkice, Hoora 5, over City Book Store. Net Found. OFF SKIPANON. APRIL lBrn, SIXTY fathoms net iu three pieces. eple LOW Apply to AprifSlst. ROBT. LOWE, Ft. Stevens. 1S5. For Sale. SINGLE UPRIGHT MARINE ENGINE and boilers, built by Delamater & Co.. New York. JM0 horse pewer: Steam Donkey Pumps ; Surface Coudemer ; inde pendent air.-circulating and feed pumps; tools, and connections complete. For price and particulars applv to FRANK WOOI.SKY, Cor. First and A sts., Portland. For Rent. THREE FINE ROOMS IN 1SC1LDING recently occuuied by J. Pllcer. Suitable for officii, etc. A only to CS.GUNDEItSON. Boarding House For Rent Cheap. A TWO-STORY BOARDING nOUSK mid basement, with accommodation Ir Ui boarders. Spring water up and down suiirs. rixiures ii required. Ajpl to L. G. HAAYEN. Upper Aotoria. iu-iw The Annual Meeting OF THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE AS toria Iron "Works will be held at the of fice of the secretary. Main street wharL on Thursday evening, April 30lhcl8S5. nt 7:00 o'clock, for the purpose of electing five di rect rs, and transacting such other business as may come before the meeting. By order of the pre.Mdent. J. C. HUSTLER, Scc'ty. House to Lef. CENTRALLY LOCATED. Apply to BOZORTHAJOHN3. WILL OPEN Stock of IN A FEW Dry To be Sdld.at Prices Lower than the -Lowest! Look out for Special Announcement ! Dealer at Wholeia Furniture, Bedding, Carpels, Matting, OH Clotii, Wall Paper; Window Shades, Mouldings, Etc. Astoria Furniture Co., !:i!er Furniture, Bedding, Wall Paper, Mirrors. PICTURES, MoulfliuE, Carpets, Matting, Picture Mies, Window Shades, etc. Cor. Chenamus and Hamilton Sts. BUY YOUR TICKETS via. the popular THINGVALLA LINE. The large, well appointed ami commodi ous steamers of this line are running DI RECT between Now York and Scandinavia Without calling at any intermediate, port, ceosequcutlr no Transfer of Pa&ftnger or Baggage No extra expenses Captains. Surgeons, Officers, Stewards and Crew are all Scandinavians. Passengers' ISHpfpige checked to destination a safeguard adopt ed by no nther steamship line. Drafts and Money Orders on Denmark, Sweden and Norway Issued at lowest rate. For further Infoiraatlon apply to BOZORTH & JOHNS, I " At"rla. Orenon. M. H. KIPP, PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER. Water Pipos a Specialty. A Full Stock of Material on Hand. Personal attention given all orders, and satisfaction guaranteed. Terms KeasouuJiIe. Shop and ofllrc on CS3 street, one door above Frank Fabre'd Restaurant, Astoria, Oregon. Executrix7 Notice. "JVJOTICE IS IIFREBY GIVEN THAT li having been appointed executrix of the last will and test intent of Conrad RocI ing. deceased, all persons havli.g claims against the estate of deceased should present the same properly verified to me at my rei dnce iu Astoria, Oregon, within b'x montlw from this date. PIIILIPPENA BOELLINO. Executrix. Astoria, Clatsop County. Ooegon.Marcb 2$ 1533. L.I. JOHNSON, DEALER IK t CIGABS AND TOBACCOS,! SMOKERS' ARTICLES. , I'laUiff CanK Cutlery. Stationers'.! Etc. A ' uue mock oi .iierscnaum ann urier npe-. Amber Goods, Etc. Two doors of cor. "Water and West-kh.Sts ASTOKIA. OREGON. SflilpeweTiy, Scarf Pies, Chains, Watches, Pianos and Organs of (lie Best niulic nt (he T.onrNt Prices. The finest stock of Jewelry In Astoria. E&r-All goods warranted as represented. GUSTAV HANSEN, JEWELER Executrix' Notice, HAVING BEEN APPOINTED EXECU triv of the last will and testament of M. M. Giltnan, deceased, all persons having claims against said estate are hereby re quired to present tho same properly verified to me at ray i sldence In Astoria, Clatsop county, Oregon. FLORA J. GILMAN. Executrix. Astoria, April 2nd, 1SS3. H-5t To Rent. THE FINE BUSINESS STORE FOKMEK ly occupied by J. Pllger. A desirable location. Apply to C.S.GUNDERSON. For Sale. STOCK AND FURNITURE OF THE OLD Corner Saloon. Inquire of J.W.STEAENS.Agt. Astoria, Oregon, April 1st, ISS5. AX IMMENSE DAYS. and Rt-tsil in in II. Dr UUISSON. Manager. The Seaside Bakery FRESH BREAD Delivered in any Part ot the City. FINE CAKES A SPECIALTY. Horae-Made Candy Made Daily: PVto T-3a Cnnnlia. Pine Pastry: A Kl:-t Class Establishment. lriw to Milt the times. F. B. ELBERS0N, Prop'r. "Flor de Madrid." .. OFFICE OP V. MAUTINEZ YCOK & CO , Kev West, Ma., eb.23. i&. Wo take pleasine in announcing to the Cigar Trade of the Northwest and California that we have this day ap pointed L. K. G. Smith of Portland, Or., odrsole Agent for the whole PaciGc coast, and kindly recommend him as such to our old and new patrons. We guarantee that. a3 heretofore, all Cigara from our factory are and will be made of the finest and choicest Havana Tobacco only and that we shall not fall to keep up our well established reputa tion on them. Verv respectfully, V. MARTINEZ YBOR & CO. In accepting the honor of represent ing above manufacturers, I do so with a thororfgh conviction and after a careful scrutiny that nothing in the Key West flavana line could be offered or pro duced superior to these world-renowned "FLOR do MADRID." Shall be pleased to fill all orders In trusted to us for any style or size, either direct from factory from our various de pots in California or the northwest. Responsible dealers in tho interior wishing the agency in their respective towns will receive a prompt hearing by addressing r.. k. i. smith. Stark and Front Sts. Portland. Depot for Astoria at L. K. G. SMITH'S Cigar Store, Chenamus Street. Theo. Buacker. Manager. Notice of Administratrix Sale. ftJOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT BY L virtue of an order made on the 7th day of April, 183. by the County Court of Clat sop County. State of Oregon, I will on the llth day of ilay, 1SS5, nt the Court house diKir of sold county, at the hour of two O'clock In the afternoon 'sell at public auc tion to the hluhest bidder for cash, subject to confirmation bvsald court, all the title and Interest of the estate of J. "V. Robb, deceased, in aud to the following described real estate situate In said county, to-nit : Lot No. 5 of block No. 121 ; le: No. 8 ot block No. ISO aud lot No. C of block No. 107, in the town of Astoria as l.ild out and re corded by John McCIure and extended by Cyrus Olney, and lot No. Oof block No. 53, of the town of Astoria as laid out and. re corded by John McCIure. J. 31. KUUU, Administratrix of the estate of J. W. Robb, deceased. Summons. IN TIIEC IKOUIT COURTOF TIIE STATE of OreRou, for Clatsop County : J. O. Bozorth and A. F. Johns, partners doing business under the firm name of Bo zorth & Johns, PlalntlfP.sre.F. P. Ilennessy Defendant. In tho name of tho State of Oregon, to the above named defendant: You are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint of the above named plaintiffs filed against you In the above entitled court and action, on or before the first day of the next terra of this court, to wit : the 18th day of May, 1835, and If you fall so to do the plain tiffs will take Judgment against you for the sum of Si.io5.co and costs and disbursements, and for the eaie under execution of certain personal property attached in this action consisting of carpenter's tools, hardware and building materials. This summons Is published bv virtue of an order made by the Hon. F. J". Taylor. Judge of said court at chambers, on the 1st dav of April, 18S3. FULTON BROS.. 15-ct Attorneys for rialntiffs. HAS RETURNED. Ji. LEATHERS HAS EETURNED and Is ready to turn oat some fine fish ing boats for the river. Shop on the beach between Kinney's and Elmore's canneries Goods &r it& y in wr srow ca THE FINEST Family Groceries. Provisions and Freshest Vegetables FRANK L. PARKER'S ALL AT Low Down Prices 1 ! 'Comer Benion and Chenamus Streets, Opposite Custom House Square. - qnuiwutimjMwiwu" iii..u B a & DFI Hay, Oats, a&tl Straw, Lime, BricX- Cement, M and Plaster Wood Delivered to Order. ftrsjla?, Teainla? and Express Business. - feaBf Fn ie533 a339LZ. ,-- 'SSifflP TEU :tpi.! t.. th Captain, or to THE NEW MODEL tings, etc., a specialty. FUIil. STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND. John A, IVIonfgomery, DRAI.KR Tin, Sheet Iron. anil Copper Ware. A General Assortment of HOUSEHOLD GOODS. , Agents for Magee Stoves and Eangces The Best In the market. Pmmblng poods of alljclnds oa hand. Job work done In a workmanlike manner. PLUMBING, GAS . FITTING, AND CANNERY WORK Attended to Promptly on Reasonable Terms. ChenamaH Street. Xext to L. Parker's Store. ASTORIA, - ORKOOK. iL OLSEN. J. G1JSTAF30N. - MARTIN OLSEN & CO. DEAIEE3 IX FURNITURE 2s BEDDING Corner Main and Hauexnoqna Streets. Astoria, Oregon. WINDOW SHADES AMD TRIMMHGi; WALL PAPER, ETC A Complete Stock. PEICES AS CHEAP AS QTJALITY WILL APFORD. A1X KIISDS OF FURNITURE REPAIRED AN VARNISHED. Change of Agency. We have appointed MR. O. F. MORTON Our Selling and Collecting AkcuI r.t Aitorla. All those n hiring to purclui-e a lltst-class ( SEWIXO MACHINE, or to make pay- j merits due as will pleaso call on Mr. Morton. Headquarters at B. S.WORSLEY'S Sale- room. The Singer Mfg Co.. S2 Morrison Street, Toi Hand, Or. ! Carnahan & Co. SUCCESSOKS TO I. W. CASE, , IMPORTBKS AND WHOLESALE ANI KKVAUi DBALEHS IX GENERAL MERCHAPISE Corner Chennmns and Cass streets. ASTORIA .... ollKGON $67,000,000 Capital! Liverpool and London and Globe. North British and Mercantile Of London and Edinburgh. Old Connecticut of Hartford, AXD COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA Fire Insurance Companies, Representing a Capital or $87,000 OOO. B. VAN DU3EN, Agent. GET - .iyikJmiJ i ii igaaaaiatt. 9 KR IV STEAMER 3 TL ASIA Pi Fbfii P. PaiherttVaster. For TOWING. FREIGHT orCHAK lll B. lAltk.Klt. RANGE CAN RE HAD IN fORlA ONLY' OF A- E, AGKNT l.l. AM) EXAMINE IT. Y WILL 1?K PLEASED. K. K. HAWES U also agent ft r tir And other first-claas 5t370s. Furnaco Work Steam Fit iy- A. JOHNSON. 'Harta ait Ship Chanfllery VAN DUSEN & CO.. DEALERS IS Hardware and Ship Chandlery Pure Oil, BrightYavnish, Binacle Oil, Cotton Canvas. Hemp Sail Twine, Cotton Sail Twine, Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails, Agricultural Implements Sewing Machines, Paints and Oils. Groceries, etc, HAVE YOU Anjiig to Sel? IN THE aiATTER OK Rags. Bottles, Old Metal, or Junk of Any Sort, FOABD & STOKES Will give you tho best price for it. Do You Want to Buy SHIP MATERIAL, From a Belaying Tin to a Hawser; from a Block to an Anchor. You Can Get what You Want at FOARD & STOKES. r Headqnarters at building, "east end of Water Street. jjjg;aqtigiJgfajfaJata'