. m $hc grdltj storan ASTORIA, OREGON: "VVEDNESDAV- APRIL 22, 1SS3 DIFFLUENT CONQUESTS. Again the uows from far-off western Asia presages war between two na tions that never yet met on au open battle ISelti- England and Russia. KuHsia'fe conquest bave ever been followed by repression and tardy de velopment. England's bave always been those of progress. Her policy has been colonial; that of Kussia one solely of aggrandizement. By way of contract it is worth while to note the difference that the different kinds of conquest pursued by England and the "United States have had on their respective policies. Both countries being inhabited prin cipally by people of the same racial instincts, delight in contest and vic tory, in the acquisitio i of new lands. But the blood-bought possessions of Britain are constant incentives to war, constaut and standing menaces of the peace of the world. "With us the converse is prec sely the case. The war of the rebellion is so dis tinctly sui generis that it is not re ferred to here any moro than in speak ing of the wars of England reference is had to Oromwellian civil war or the wars of the roses. In adding to its possessions, gathering in the ripe and luscious fruit that used to grow for the benefit of the Mexica ns, in add ing Texas and all the wide stretch of states and territories west to the Pa cific ocean, America has brought in no element of danger. On the con trary, the very homogeneity of the vast dominion of TJnclo Sam, with no powerful neighbor near, either on the east or west, except the two oceans, and with his hives of in dustry inlaud, far from the possible reach of foreign attack, the American can regard all the wars of all the world with an equanimity born of the certain knowledge that they need not disturb him, that they threaten none of his peace or property, but that they may make trade good for him, enrich him, and only hurt his possible enemies. Thus, here, there is a tendency to conservatism, while at tho same time there are memories of recent prowess that command re spectful consideration of other na tions. But as we have seen, tho British, a distinctly colonial eaipire, is always being tempted or driven into broils. War is a necessity of her existence; to knov that some other European nation could successfully contend with her on the ocean -uould be to be able to predict her doom. One of her poets gave voice to this sentiment when he wrote a grand national lyr ic. Said be: For Ea 'hind's sun would bet in bbarce, Ai.u d rk Lit r fate would be, Should e'er her vaunting foc-8 proclaim Tne eiupue of the sen. Pdlxnerstou knew it, and, by con vincing the world that he was ready to filit. m uulaiued a long period of pea;'. Bt ac iUbficbl knew it. and ma iw tt"et tie uMrutneui by wh cb 1m became the practical dicta tor of t lie peace of 7S, compelling evan the huuiity Bismnrck to bend to his wi!!. ViMt thd org juized na tion might do can only be conjec tured. Within the last few years the political power has entirely passed from the hands of tboso who once mo nopolized it. Except for matters of mere form and nomenclature, En gland to day is as completely demo cratic as this oountry. It will be a subject of deep interest to observe ho v tho now governors of tho ancient king lorn will guide matters after the election of the next parliament. Since the government has been or ganized there havo been only thirty four persons named in resolutions of thanks by congress. With three ex ceptions this honor has only been paid to officers for great gallantry in action during war. Tho three excep tions were those of Capt. Ingraham, Capt Ringgold and Capt Dahlgren. In tho first case Oapt iDgraham cleared his ship for action and res cued at the cannon's mouth an Ameri can citizen named Martin Koazta from illegal seizure and imprison ment on board the Austrian war-brig Hussar. Capt. Binggold was hon ored for his daring and skill in res cuing the crow of the steam transport Governor, wrecked in a galo on the 1st of November, 1861, having on board a battalion of United States marines, aud also for the search and rescuo of the battle-skip Vermont, which was disabled in a gale on the 26th of February, 1861, The third, Oapt D.ihlgren, was thanked for his improvements in gunnery. This hon or gives the recipient the right tn the floors of congress at any and all times. Infobmation has been received at Cairo th it the Arabs in possession of Berber have rebelled against El JMftbdi. UNCLE SAM ON DECK. TiiEtioicondoca panorama now be ing unrolled across the sea, with draws attention from other matters that merit cemment: "Were there no probabilities of war between England and Bussia, tho no tion of our own government in this eventful month of April, would claim world-wide attention. For Uncle Sam is on deck. One of the usual disturbances in tropical America resulted in the threatening by insurgents of Ameri can interests on the isthmus of Panama. "United States troops were promptly landed at As pin wall, the in surrection was suppressed, and the general authority of the United States made felt in that region. Though Great Britain has the Olay-ton-Bulwer treaty; thongh France is busy with he1 canal, yet no protest has been received from either France or England; one reason probably be ing that they have both their hands full just now; and that in any event they feel that what our government has done in the matter is the proper thing to do. The American eagl? soars and the scream of that proud bird has been heard in the jungles of Panama. But while the government in tak ing the action it did, has done noth ing but what every citizen will en dorse and approve, the fact must not be overlooked that what has been done at Aspinwall by the United States has been done in direct oppo sition to the Clayton-Bnlwer treaty, by which our government rashly bound itself to not assume any exclu sive jurisdiction. Tho only plea for extenuation can be that "necessity knowB no law,' and that prompt ac tion was necessary. And further it is evident that if oc casion arose to-morrow an 3 necessity required it, the United States would take and hold that whole region and would be backed by universal public opinion. In this connection it is in teresting to note that the administra tion in its prompt and commendable action in the Panama matter has ex actly followed the course outlined by Blaine when secretary of state. The French minister of the inte rior disposes annually of $100,000 of secret service money, and is not re quired to account for the disburse ment of a single franc. In theory, he is indeed responsible to the presi dent of the republic for the use he makes of the money, and he sends him in a report every year, which, however, is practically limited to the declaration that it was spent in the way in which it was meant to bo spent No details or vouchers accom pany Ihe report, which is thus the merest formality. The emperor exer cised a real control over this fund; but the existing constitution gives the president.no such power, and the minister is free to dispose of, at all events, one-half of it precisely as he chooses. A special ai;eut of tho czar of Bus sia lias been visiting San Francisco, and is now on his way to Alaska upon amission connected with tho relations between the Alaska commercial com pany and tho Rnssian fjovernment. It appears that in 1870 th& fur mo nopoly, not content with the posses sions held under contract with the United States, secured a twenty years lease of tho Behring and other islands from Bussia. A strong opposition party has sprung up in St Petersburg against renewing tho lease which grants the company tho right to kill 40,000 seals per annum, and the czar has appointed a commissioner to in vestigate the matter. Sentiment is being quietly worked up in favor of an extra session of tho legislature and it is hinted that if Gov. Moody thought it would bo a popular idea he would call a special session. It is questionable if a spe cial session wore called would ''the intelligent majority" h:ve sense enough to elect a senator without getting into a catfight over it as they did last February. Cleveland says of his cabinet: "I hopo to havo the same honor that Pres ident Pierce enjoyed at tho end of his term of office, that of retiring to pri vate life and parting company with seven gentlemen who through the entire ur years had helped to make the yoke of presidential life less of a burden to bear." G idb altar is thus mentioned in all Spanish official decuments: "Our moat loyal and noble city of Gibral tar, in the Oampo of Gibraltar, the city of Gibraltar being in the tempo rary occupation of the British." "It is said" that Villard is trying to fix up a transfer of the Oregon and California railroad to the Central Pacific company. Few towns in England under 20, 000 inhabitants can boast of a daily nswspaper. Is Great Britain 10,000 landlord, for doing nothing, roceive from tho soil moro than twice as much as the total wages paid to 800,000 laborers for working twelvo honra through the soven days in every week. Ak Englishman traveling in this oountry expresses surprise "at Ameri cans calling a wash hand jug a pitch er." It isn't near as surprising a3 to find an intelligent man calling a pitcher "a wash hand jng." KEW TO-DAY. Net Found. OFF SKIPNON APKIL 19TII. SIXTr fath ms net In three niece. Applv to It BT. LOWE. Ft. Stevens. AprJf It, 1S35. . -SEE THT YOU GET TEE "PORTLAND" Clioioe BLoller FLOUR!! For Sale iu L.o(m to Null. By AVILSOX &. Fisiir.it. ASTOKIA. sibso.v CHi;i:eu t o.. l'OKTLAXD. Or. Or Xi jSk. ID 1 3E3 JS . 00 TO Mrs. Malcolm's Millinery Parlors FOP. SPRING AND SUMMER HATS. A large and well-self-ctt-dtock on hr.nd. NEW GOODS being secured every day. Acomnletelli e of Ladles' HEADY-MADE UNDERVAKV with prices to suit the drata. cnEAlCOKdETSanecIaIty: alo CHEAP COIWETS alarjrc s:orticeirt of thi Ifebt lradi of COUsETH. Children's SUN I.O.nXKTS, Just received. AU the LATEST NOVELTIES. In SILK SPAKFS. GOi.D aud SIi.VEIt LACES nnd ORNAMENTS are kept at thli. Tho Choapost .Ifilliiiurj Ilonso n Aatoriu. No charge for trimming when material Is purcha-ea at the esUblWuHWCL Pure Ice, Delivered at Your Door. This Ice Is cut on Luke Coioilala nnd Is pure. All orders left at Post & Hansen's Astoria Soda Works will be proniptlv attended to. O. REED, Manager. L.I. JOHNSON, DEALER IX CIGABS AIO) TOBACCOS, SMOKERS' AUTICLES, rinjlng CanK Cutlery. Stationery.! Etc A fine stock of Merschaum and Brier Pipes Ainuer Ooods, Etc. Two doors of cor. "Water and Wesi-OthSts ASTOKIA, OREGON. For Sale. SINGLE UrltlGIIT MATtlNE ENGINE and boll en. built by Delaruater & Co., New York. i!lo horse pewer: Steam Ponkey Pitmpi ; Surf Ate Condmser ; Inde pendent air. circulating :md feed pumps: tools and connections complete. For price and particulars aplv to FRANK WOOLSEY, Cor. First nnd A sts.. Portland. For Rent. THREE FINE ROOMS IN BUILDING recently occupied by J. Pllcer. Suitable for office, etc. Annlv to C.S.GUNDERSON. Notice. rjj'OTIIE COLUMBIA ItlVElt FIMIER JL nun's Associativa In answer to :t communication rrceiri'd from Hon J. II. slater a rat cling I- heieby c.die at the cout i.ou-e n npi'nsinx, Ar 1 22. 1S3. at 7 -J30 r. si., on businc3 pcr talnitijr iu i lie flsb naps. A full atltuuhlice is requested. au .vtockton. i resident. Boarding House For Rent Cheap. A HVO-sT RY HOARDING HOtNE Za. anrt basimrnr, w th c-oninio.l:i:I(i t r ."0 Imarde .s. sprint; watr-r up aud down Mulr. Fixtures if icquired. Apply to L. G HAAVEN. 10-lw Upper Astoria. The Annual Meeting OF THE STOCKHOLDERS OF TIIF. AS. torU irnn'Worr swill be he d at ihr of fice of the secretary. Ma'n -treet wharf. n l hurday evenlnjr, A nl 30tn, 18S5. at 7 -JM oMock. tor the purpoM5-f elrctlng livedl r ct r. and trais.iciiii2u-h other bulne& as tna enme betnrn the meet ng. By order of tnu president. J. G. HUSTLER. Sec'ty. House to Let. CENTRALLY LOCATED. Apply to BOZORTH & JOHNS. For Rent. THE HALL OVhR D. L. BFCK & SON'S can be rented for Public gatherims. AppllcaUon may be made to thf executive committee of the AMoria Ladies ' Police Club. JIb BER .MAN. MKS l'RAEI.. Mks CHAPTERS. For Sale. STOCK AND FURNITURE OF THE OLD Comer saloon. Inquire of J. W.STEARNS. AKt. Astnria, Oregon. April 1st, 18S3. TO LET. LIBERTY HALL. Suitable for Sociables and Forties. TVrms 3Ioderatc. Apply to N. CLINTON. 'President. W. E. DEMENT & CO. ASTORIA. - - - OREGON Cany in Stock, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, TOILET and FAKGY ARTICLES. Prescriptions carefully Compounded WILL OPEN' f IN A FEW Dry To be Sold at Prices Lower than the Lowest ! Look qui for Special Announcement! CH AS. HEILBORN, Dealer at "Wholesale a:ut KetaU in Furniture, Bending, Carpels Malting, Oil Cloth., Wall Papor, Window Shades, Astoria Furniture Co.. Dralen Furniture, Bedding, PICTURES, lonln Carpets, Mil Picture Frames, Wow Shades, etc. Cor. Chenamus and Hamilton Sb. BUY YOUR TICKETS via tho popnlar THINGVALLA LINE. The large, well appointed and commodi ous steamers of this line are ninnm; DI RECT between New York and Scandinavia Without calling at any intermediate port, consequently jio Transfer of Iwcn7crs or Baggage. No extra exiense-s Captaias, Surgeons, Officers, Stewards and Crew arc all Scandinavians. Pavjenjrers' lUggae checked to destination a safeguard adopt ed by no other steamship line. -Drafts and Money Orders on Denmark. Sweden and Norway issued at lowest rates. For further Information apply tn BOZORTH & JOHNS. "Astoria. Oregon. M. R. KIPP, PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER. Wator Pipes a Speolaity. A Full Stock of Material on Hand. Personal attention given all ordprs. and satisfaction guaranteed. Terms JUctiaounlsIo. Shop and oClra on Cass street, one door above Frank Fabrc's Restaurant, Astoria, Oregon. Executrix' Notice. TVJOTICE H IIHtEBY GIVEN TTIAT Lf ha lug been appointed executrix of the last w i 1 ni.d test tun t or Conrad Boel lug. deceas d, all persons having claims agaliist tli estate nl deceased should present tho same properly wnfled to me at my refi ll lire in Astoria, Oregon, uthln hx mouths iroin tuts uaie. PHILIPPENA BOKLLINO. Executrix. Astoria, Clatsop County. Oregon, March 23, 16S5, FISHERMEN OUTFITS. OIL SKINS, Gum Boots, Overall?, Shirts, Etc. ?hii. a. stokes, at door to Foard & Stokes' store, U heart- AT Next door to Foard & Stokes' store, U heart- quarters tor Clothing at Bottom Figuros. Ever thing bought hero euarante'd to be tutasiepresented. No old stoci:; every thing freih. and NEW GoODS on every Steamer, ltcmomb -r the place. PHIL. A. stokes; C5-A full line Ot GENTS' FURNISHING GOOPSforsaleat Prices that Defy Competition. Job Printing, Best Quality: Lowest Prices, AT- The Astorian Job Office. Receipt Books, Bill Heads, Poster. CarJ?, Tags, Legal Blanks Circulars. Note aurt Letter Heads, Etc Neat. Qnlck and Cheap, at The Astorian Job Office. To Rent. A FINE BUSINESS OFFICE. CENTRAL ly located. Apply at this OfDce. HAS RETURNED. JP LEATHRR8 HAS BETUBNED and Is ready to turn out some fine fish ing boats for the river. Shop on the beach between Kinney's and Elmore's canneries. AN IMMENSE i DAYS. Mouldings, Etc. la Waii Paper, Mirrors, U. l)r UCJSSOX, .Manager. The Seaside Bakery FRESH BREAD Delivered in any Part ot the City. FINE CAKES A SPECIALTY. Home-Made Candy Made Daily: The Trade Supplied: Pine Pastry: A First Cla.v Establishment. Prices to suit the times. - F. B. ELBERS0N, Prop'r. "Flor de Madrid." timer, or V. Mautixez Ybou & Co , KEr WiaT, f la., freb.23, 1S35. J We take pleasure in announcing to the Ciear Trade of the Northwest and California that we have this dav ap pointed L. K. O. Smith of Portland, Or., our sole Agent lor tne wuoie t'acinc ccabt, and kindly recommend him us .such to our old and new patrons. We guarantee that, as heretofore, all Cigara from our factory are and will be made of the finest and choicest Havana Tobacco only and that we shall not fail to keep up our well established reputa tion on them. Very resivectfully, V. MARTINEZ YBOR & CO. In accepting the honor of represent ing above manufacturers; I do so with a thorough conviction and after a careful scrutiny that nothlnc in the Kev West ITavuna line could be offered or pro- aucu superior to lueseworm-renownea I "FLOR de MADRID." snail ue pieaseu to mi an orders in trusted to U3 for any style or size, either direct from factory from our various de pots iu California or tne northwest. iiednuiibiDie ueaiera in mu interior wishing the agency In their respective towna win receive a prompt hearing by addressing I,. K. . SMITH. Stark end Front Sts. Portland. Depot for 'Astoria at L. K.G. SMITH'S Cigar Store. Chenamus Street. Theo. Bkackkk. Manager. sol fold Jewelri WVAV . UUI,U"JJ Scarf Pins, Chata, latches, Pianos and Organs of ihe Best make at tho Lowest Prices. The finest stock of Jewelry In Astoria. yAU goods warranted as represented. GUSTAV- HANSEN, JEWELER. Ship Mount Washington WILL NOT BE SOLD, As previously advertised. . TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO., Portland. Orecon. Notice of Application. NOTICE 19 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undrsltned Intend to apply to thp common council of the cyof Astoria at Its pest regular meeting, for n license to sell ivlne.nuil t and spirituous liquors in less quan tities than one auarr. for a, neriod of nni i year. In Oie bnlldin situated oa lot 7, block j 55, In 3IcClure's Astoria. 51CCOKMICK KGKAVE3. Astoria, April lith. 1833. Abstracts of Title. fjlHE UNDERSIGNED HAS COMPILED t J a set of Abstract Books from the records of Clatsop County and Is now prepared to luraisu complete ana correct Abstracts of Title to any Real Estate in the County, at reasonable rates. C.B, THOMSON, Attorney at Law, Astoria. Oregon. Qfticp. Room C, over City Book Store. To Rent. THJE FINE BUSINESS 8T0EE rORMER , ly occupied by J. Pilger. A desirable location. Apply to C. 9. QUN33EBSON, cro? KSMJSE -THE FlNKbT- Family Groceries, Provisions and Freshest Vegetables AT- Corner Benton and Opposite Custom f?Ha FRANK L PARKER'S ALL AT . Low Down Prices ! t JUL Bs J?jBL3&6ajy&? itSAIER IX Hay, Oats, aid Straw, Lite, Brici, Cement, Sand ant Plaster Wood DelkcrcU'to Order. fEJl apr'.y i :ne Osptaui. or to THE NEW MODEL A 1'DUCi STOCK tM ! Mill IJIMWIll Jolin Ik -DR.VL7.H Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. A (Jcneral Assortment f HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Agents lor Magee Stoves and Eanges The Best in the market. Piumblng goods of all kinds oa hand. Job work done in a workmanlike manner. PLUMBING. GAS FITTING. AND CANNERY Attended to Promptly on Reasonable Terms. Cbenaimis Street, Xext to ii It, Pnxker's Store. ASTOHIA. - OREOT. M. OTSEN. j; ouTArsoN. MARTIN OLSEN & CO. DEALERS IS FUBlsTITTJRE S5 BEDDING Cornor 31ain and sjquemoqoa Streets. Astoria, Oregon. WIHDOW SHADES AND TRIMMHGS; WALL PAPER, ETC A Complete Stoclr. PKICES AS CHEAP AS aTTALITY WILL ATEOED. AIX KIJSDS OF FXTKJ5ITUIIE REPAIRIvD AJTD VAKWISHED. Change of Agenoy.1 Wc have appointed MR. O. F. WORTON Oiu Selling and Coliectlnj; Agent at Astoria. All those wishing to purchase a Crst-clais SEWINO MACHINE, or to raako pay ments due us will please call on Sir. Morton. Headquarters at B. S.WORSLE"5 Sales room. The Singer Mf g Co., S2 Horrlson Street, Portland, Or. Carnalian & Go. SUCCESSORS TO I. W. CASE, DlPOItTERS AND WHOLESALE AKD HKTAIL DEALERS IN GENERAL HEECHMB1SI r'omor Chenamu. and ASTORIA - - Cass streH. - OKKGON $67,000,000 Capital! Liverpool and London and Globe. North British and Mercantile Of London and Edinburgh. Old Connecticut of Hartford, AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA Fire Insurance Companies, Representing a Capital of $67,000 OOO. B. VAN DUSEN, Agent. . Chenamus Streets, House Square. l? '-WW '"W W'rriTCiWrTfiiFWB Drajlsff, Teaming aaJ Express Buslnes. STr.AIUEK PARKER Eben P. Pcuher.Master. For TOWING, FKEIOHT orCHAK H. 1$. PABKJRS. llANOK CAN BE HAD IN TORLV. ONLY OF AS- J A (IS. NT t'AI.I. AM) F.XA3iINK IT, V ;?lLL BE rLEASEI). i: S. HAWKS U ulo RKPlit ffr tir Ml patent CooMdj Stove And other first-class Stores. Farnaod Work. Steam Fit tisUs etc, a specialty ALWAYS ON HAND. ntgimeipy, J- WORK A. JOHNSON. lauHare anft SMj Clailery VAN UUStH & UU.. DEALERS C Hardware and Ship Chandlery Pure Oil, Bright Varnish, Binacle Oil, Cotton Canvas, Hemp Sail Twine, Cotton Sail Twine, Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails, Agricultural Implements Sewing: Machines, Faints and Oils. Groceries, etc. HAVE XOU Airflniff- to- Si? IX TUE MATTER OF Rags, Bottles, Old Metal, or Junk of Any Sort, 1A! & STOKES Will give you tka best price for It. Do You Want to Buy SHIP MTEEIAL, Frora a Belaying Fin to a Hawser: from a Block to an Anchor. You Can Get what.You Want at T0ARD& STOKES. J36 wate adquarters at buudln?, east end of ater Street.