The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, April 21, 1885, Image 3

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-paiht todim.
.AVi'II, 'l. Jj5
Monday excepted)
term of Subscription.
Served by CarrlPr, per week l jets.
Stnt lr Mall. per month...... .... uOcK
' " " one j ear . $:.
Pree of postage lo subicribers.
HsTAdtertUfcinc-hts Incited b the 3 ear at
the rate of $2 per squai e per month. Tran
ent adTeinsteg lllty ceau per square, esch
Notice To Aclrertlscrs.
The Astobi.o guarantees to its ad
veriisers the largest circulation of any
newspaper published on the Columbia
Oherrie3 on this morning's steamer.
The Roslyn Castle came down jester
day afternoon.
The county commissioner meet at
nine this morning.
There are SGC names attached to the
Clatsop road petition.
The State is due from San Francisco
this morning. The Oregon gce3 out this
L. Samuel is about to more his valuable
publication, the West Show, from i'nrt
Innd to Tacoma.
The Colorado state press uocintion
will swoop down upon us about the first
of August. Forewarned i3 forearmed.
The Seattle delinquent tar list filled
air colnms of the Post-Intelligencer. The
Tacoma delinquent list fills twelve col
umns of the Ledger.
The executive committee of the tour
nament met last evening and perfected
the programme for the coming content,
substantially as rlrendy announced.
The Chehalis Vitjctte corner to hand
printed entirely at homo and chocl; full
of news. It is one of the few newspapers
in this section that has made any money
and deserves its financial success!
"I have old Hawkins in jail,'" was the
announcement thut brought iifty men
following officer Ilucker Sunday who ex
pected to see the bilk, but were d isap
pointed. It was another Hawkins.
The thousand feet of hose puicliascd
for the Astoria lire department at 1.15
per foot, came to hand yesterday after
noon, was tested and pronounced satis
factory. The department is now well
supplied with hope.
The Oregon Board of Pilot Commis
sioners have as yet taken no definite ac
tion regarding the acceptance of any
model for the proposed pilot boat. Thoro
will probably be lour models for the in
spection of "the board at its nest meet
ing. The world-propheaiers aro on deck
again. Slay 19th, at." p. ai.t is the day
and the hour. Just twenty-nine days
left. The Dailt Asioeian, all the news,
at your door for fifteen cents a week.
Now is the accepted time, now is the dny
of subscription.
Those articles on "Sending Money
Away," have brought an avalanche of cor
respondence on the subject. The best
advice we can give is look over the ool
umns of The Astohian' and spend your
money with the men whose names'you
see there. You won't lose anything by it.
The Presbyterian social at Mrs. J. 1.
Wyatt's residence -this evening, gives
promise of being an occasion of pleas
urable remembrance to those who attend.
A notable part of the programme will be
the rendition of some finoiooal and in
btrumental music. A general invitation
ib extended.
In accordance with telegraphic iustrac-tionai-eceivcd
from headquarters at San
Francisco, the resident manager here of
the Sunset Tolephone Go. has removed the
instruments from the places of business of
the subscribers who declined to pav the
present tariff, which materially reduces
the efficiency and value of the service.
Astoria engine Co. No. 1 met last even
ing and elected C. J. Treuchard and L.
K. Selig delegates to the coming session
of the Oregon State Fireman's Associa
tion. ..ltescue Engine Co. No. 2 met and
elected Mr. Heed and Frank L. Parker
delegates from their company. There
will bs seventy delegates in the conven
tion, of which Astoria furnishes thirteen.
The Chehalis Vuleitc reports logging
wages this season in the valley .consider
ably lower than on any previous season
for years. The wages paid to hands this
year win be from 'JC to 75 per month,
against $40 to 110 last season. The de
oreas in the price of wages will more
than rnnko the difference in the piico of
logs, and allow the logger a small margin
of profit.
J,. Lum Smith, the editor and proprietor
of the Herald published at Philadelphia is
a terror to evil doers and a good friend to
tho newspaper men of the united States.
liis bmincss is to spot frauds and show
them up. He has saved this office many
a dollar and as a detective is worth a
million dollars a year to theipress of the
country. There is no let up to him and
when lit. points his riflo at a treed coon
the coon might a well come down.
While Chas. "Woods was in town last
week to answer to a charge preferred
against him by Otto Peters, some parties
broke into his scow. He had a spring
gun set which went off and blew a hole
in tho door, thus making matters easier
for thejthieves, who took several little
articles of value. Tho authorities went
to the scene of the theft on Sunday and
arrested Otto Peters, Geo. Head, and Jno.
Swansou, on suspicion. Pet3rsHiid Swan
3du will bo given a hearing in Justice
Qoodell'ricouit to-dny.
Sometime ago a fine headstone was
placed over the grave of a Chinaman in
the city cumetory, and on Sunday Sexton
Couley dfacoverod that it has been broken
to pieces by some ghouls who ought to be
nrosecuteu. neiner uninaman or unu
casian, tho spirit that actuates respect to
the dead is tho sirae, and common re
gard for poor humanity finds fitting em
blem in tablet and headstone. The city
sexton will pay fivo dollars to anyouo who
will furnish him information leading to
the arrest of tho pirly who did it. Ho
deserves to be laid by the heels in the
deepest dungeon in the bailiwick.
All young men wishing lo join the
dancing school to be organized will meet
this evening at the Ladies Coffee, Club
Cup unci Saucer Party.
Do not lorget the Apron Fair and Cup
and Saucer party ou Thursday eening.
next, April 23rd, at Liberty Hall, under
theJauspiccsottheLndleVUuild of fSrace
Protestant Episcopal church. There
will be a large variety of aprons offered
for sale including almost everything
from a small child's 'bib" to elaborate
fancy aprons for pallor use.
There TVill be refreshments, and with
the eatables there will be given to every
onepaylug, or for whom is paid, 'the
sum of fifty cents, a -cup and saucer.
We eyect a pleasant evening, and hope
to see a large crowd.
The salmon eeason has ubout begun;
more boats were out j eaterday than any
day since the 1st, nnd by the 23th it is
expected that 0 very cannery on tho river
will be running. The market is de
pressed and it is not plain just how the
canneries can even make expenses. Noth
ing but the closest economy, the most
careful management and n fair share of
good luck will enable any cannery on the
river to show a balance on the credit side
of the ledger next August. There is no
encouragement in the outlook and the
more one hears the darker appears the
prospect. The few scant sales that have
been made are at low, unsatisfactory fig
ures. wouia De pieas3nter to wilts
dijJerently concerning our leading indus
try, but such are the facts as 3t present
Market reports are the reverse of reas
suring. Seventeen shillings and seven
teen, sir are stateU to be current figures .
Assuming that seventeen shillings were
the ruling rate it is plain that the margin
between actual loss and the possible mak
ing of expenses is Tery slight. In this
connection a few figures aro in order.
At 49i, the ruling rate of exchange,
seventeen shillings a case means 81.10.
Thirly shillings a ton, freight, is $7,235.
At twenty-seven cases to the ton, the
freight would be 2G.S cents: five per cent.
commission means 20.5 cents more, so,
that leaving out of tho question any con
tingencies, the possibilities of reclame
tion, interest, or anything else that may
transpire, the seventeen shillings means
fcS.fttf n case, provided that the rate of
exchange remains at 49X- Should it be
4DJ6 this way, tho net returns fall still
Jower, and when tho Columbia canuer
gets his account sales, at the rate taken
as the basis of this calculation, he may
consider himself Inckv if his fish net
him $U.G0.
'the canneryman at these figures can
not see hia way cloar to go in very heavy,
especially with tho English market over
stocked and a probabihtr of being com
pelled to dribble out little COO case lots
in this country as the demand calls. This
is why cannervmon are slow nboal mak
ing a basis for the price of fish and why
a good many of thorn would rather lie
idlo than make contracts that they fear
may break thern worse than they are
TltE OF TWO rims.
In the curly pirt of 'Jt Henry I.rri-,
Jas. Glover and TI103. Crowley stolen
scow in Port land and a quantity of pro
visions and started down the Willamette, j
and out on tho Columbia, finally bring
ing up at the month of the Cowlitz.
They wero followed by the officer and
surprised, oach one striking out lor hini
sels. They met afterwards t thw head
waters of the Cowlitz and after wander
ing some time Harris was caught, tried
and sentenced to three years in the -ni-tentinry.
The other two were never
heard of till last week when the famous
cae of Peters vs. Woods coming up, "one
of the witnesses mentioned n certain
"Cockne' Tom' as being one of the se
lect coterio that graced the scow with
his genial presence.
Sheriff ltoss and Chief Loughry pricked
up their ears at this name and nfter some,
telegraphing concluded that Tom was
Aocordinnlv a -toss of officer went nn
on the Gen. Custer last Sunday, having
occasion to arrest soma others and armed
with a decnption of Crowley had little
trouble in identifying their man.
Yesterday he gave an account of him
self. Said when the officers chased him
he got across the Columbia nnd went to
Tillamook.then to Pacific county whore
no worea in joun wooa's mm at south
Bend; then to San Francisco where ha
met Glover. Glover had 100 and start
ed "for home:' Crowlev shimmed on s.
whaler, got $60 advance money nnd
5l'!nn,l.ll An.n (..: -. . ..
Woody Island where ;he tarried till the
fishing season. He will be taken to
Portland this morning.
On the Frztr.
wcn Co. aru building a new can
nery on the Fraser river a fow miles be
low New Westminster. Their present
cEnnery at New Westminster will be dis
mantled and the plant placed in tne new
works." The Delta cannery will be run
by Jas. Laidlaw, who will pack therein
tho Delta and Dominion brands. Mr.
Thomas iaidner will pack in the Welling
ton canneries. The liichmond cannery
on the North Aim will pack their usual
quantity. -)ir. ,ngusn wul pack m his
cannery near the mouth of the river and
if is said that Mr. Williams will manage
tho British Columbia cannerv. nearly op
poito New yVestmiuster, for'W. T. Cole
man A Co., of San Francisco. These are
the only establishments that will can
this Tear unless the anticipated "war
should clear the Kngliah market of the
salmon now on hand. Victoria Colonist.
Yesterday Chaplain Stubbs had two of
Jim Turk's loarding houie runners ar
rested for soliciting fin board a ship be
fore the time allowed by law. The men
plead guilty before Judge Deady and
were fiued 2j each, which they paid.
They then swore out warrants against
the chaplain for' the same offence, the end
of which has not been reached. Mer
cury, 19.
The Ilwaoo steam navigation company
have begun the construction of a new
hull to take the place of the old Gen.
Canby. Her machinery which is A 1, will
be placed in the new boat and will when
completed make a more commodious boat
than the old one. L, A. Loomis, who was
here a few days ngo, informs ns that if
there is business to justify, he will placo
either tho new boat or the Gen. Miles on
the route between the Harbor and Port
land, making two trips per month, run
ning at stated times, carrying freight and
passengers. Transportation accommoda
tions of this nature are just what we are
needing, and we trust that business suffi
ciently large to warrant tho compauy to
rnu the boat day 120 tonb per month at
least can be secured. It is estimated
that ns high as 700 tons of freight per
montu naie been brought in the naroor
for homo consumption, and it is reason
able to surpo that one-half of this
amount would come from Portland and
Astoria if facilities were afforded. Che
halis Vi'Jettc.
Attention Alerts!
Members of Alert H. and L. Company
Xo.l will meet at their truck room on
this Tuesday evening at" -CO o'clock, for
the purpose of a drill and the organiza
tion of a team to participate in the com
ing tounuincnt.
F. B. Elvcusox,
To Aecoiiunodatc His TPatrous.
Alex. Gilbert will keep his saloon
opetrday and night. Fishermen can get
a good lunch at any hour of the night.
The genuine French sardine constantly
on band.
About twenty years U!o, a,6 the Or
yoniant William L. Adams, now of Hood
Hirer, wa-t collector of cu3tums at Asto
ria, and a large huiu of money having :ic
cumulated in Ids hands he was ordered
by the secretary of the treasury to take
it to San Francisco and place it in the
United States depository there. He
placed about $ 20,000 in coin in his trunk
and the remainder of the money, which,
was in greenbacks, in hit pockets and
took pejissge on tho steamer fua San
Francisco, to carry out the order he hsd
received. On the trip down, while he
was at his dinner, one of the stewards
cut a hole in the bottom ot the trunk
and carried othe com in a loj bucket.
He was some jqme afterward arrested in
New Fork, a portion, soar 3?iVJ or so,
of the money recovered,md the thier"
convicted and punished. Mr. AJams,
according to general opinion, was sot o
blame in the matter. He had been or
dered to personally take the money to
San Francisco. It would have been ille
gal to send the money by expr&S3 or to
have put it into bills of exchange, if it
had been possible, or to have placed any
one else in charge of the money. An
effort was made to have congress" -mm u
bill for the relief of Mr. Adams to free
him from all obligations to the govern
ment in the mutter, and the effort hns
been renewed at various time during
the past eighteen years. The bill some
times passed one " and rfometimes
passed the other, but never succeeded in
lasting !oth houses at the ume ei?iou.
The matter vms almost forgotten even
by those iaot interested.
And now comes orders to L". S. District
Attorney Wattna to commence nnd press
a suit against Mr. Adainsibr the recovery
of the sum Jrt, which is aboat $12,fJ.
Under these instructions Mr. Watson will
begin snit in the Cnited States circuit
court against Mr. Adams and his bonds
men to recover the money. The bonds
men are P. W. Gillette of Portland, C. U
Parker, George Summers -and Cyras 01
ney of this city. The latter two are dead.
The mzt is brought to make a final dis
position of the mutter, but there is verv
slight chance of the government receiv
ing any benefit by it, as even if the par
ties were able to pay, it h doubtful if any
jury in the land would bring in a verdict
for the government.
The ex-collector is the father -of Judge
W. H. Adams of Portland, and Mrs. W. j
W. Parker and Bliss Amy Adam of lids !
There irtjiua to be u disposition on the
part of too many newspapers to build
themselves up by tearing down their
neighbors. Not content with represent
ing their own business in such manner as
they choose, they put in a good deal of
time in misrepresenting the business of
their contemporaries. This is sometimes
done openly in tho editorial columns,
but more frequently secretly through
canvassers and agents. A wide-awake
business man, whose patronage is solicit
ed by first decrying the circulation and
business of a supposed competitor of the
solicitor, is never at a loss to understand
that a man who will misrepresent the
business of hia neighbor can never be re
lied on to correctly state his own. Con
sequently there is not as much made by
these adopting this reprehensible policy
as they imagine: They may oxalt their
own business lo the extent of their
ability and the loftiest flights of imagina
tion. But when they turn to run down
the business of a competitor about which,
in the very nature of the case, they can
know but little, to use an exptessive
phrase, -thay give themselves dead
awav." and lose the rftsraet of .thn mer
chant or mauufacturet whoso confidence 1
Portland iNVirj, vy. I
()oniitdcrable inquiry has bsau made of
late says the .Yet, about the dimen
sions and time ot building of steamers
now plying on the Columbia river. The
followiug is a record of the most notable
beats: " f
Wide West and UvVtrt 11. Ttunnpsm
Length 215 feet, beam 39 feet, depth of
holdS feet; engine cylinders 2d inches
bore with 8 foot stroke. Both built in
Telephent: Length 17J feet, beam tii
feet, depth of hold 7 fest; engine cylin
ders 22 inches bore with S fooH stroke.
Built 1S54. .
Emma Harvard: Length 175 feet.
beam 23 feet, depth jof hold 7 feet: en-
gino cylinders 18 inches bore with 7 foot
stroke, limit 1S7I.
llarcest Queen: Length 2uO fast. Learn
C3 feel; depth of hflld G feet; engine
cylinders 'JO inches, bore with b foot
stroke. Built 1878.
Mountain Qtten: Length 170 feet,
beam S'J feet, depth of holdi7Cfeet; en
gine cylinders SO inches Lore with 7 foot
stroke. Built 1877. .
S.G.Iied: Length 173 feet, beam 22
feet, depth of hold 7 feet; engine cylin
ders 18 inches bore with 7 foot stroke.
Built 187S.
Bonita and barllnei length 152 feet,
beam 20 feet, depth of hold feet; engine
cylinders 1(J inchei bore with C foot
stroke. Bailt 1874- and "78 respectively.
ttucLleu's Arnica Salve.
'Yut: Bkst ?Ai.vk in the world lor
Cuts, Bruises, .Sor, Ulcers Salt Bjieum.
Fever .Sore. Tetter, Chapped llpnd5,
Chllblai if . Corns and nil iilla Ktup
tions and positively cure-. Flies or no
pay reqehed. It u xuaraqtml lo gire
perfect iatlsfaetion. or moue refundetl.
Friee 25 eents per ba;. For silf b W.
K, Demur.t & CX
Nyrnp ulFif-.
XutureN own true Laxatiie. Plej
ant to the palaje, ucoeptaLle tollhe.Stom
ach, harmless in its nature. painles in
its action. Cures habitual Constipation.
Bllloiuiies Indigtstion anil kindred
ills. Cleaiisei 'the syaleiu purltien the
b!oot. regulate lho Lirer and acts on
the Bowels Break.-, up Colds Chills
and Fet er, etc. strengthens the organs
ou which it act-. Better than bitter.
naiiM'Ou' Lier medicines. pULs, salts
and draughts Sample bottles free, aud
large !oUles lor ?ale by . E. IkMnent
&Co., Astoria.
Coek WaBtcil.
Apply at tliis'offfce.
Alariie assortment of Xeckwear re
ceived at Mcintosh's Furnishing .store.
One of the finest billiard tables on the
coa-t at Jeffs "Telephone.
Dot not make any second-class l'lc
ture. at his New Gallery, Xo. Gijf , on
the Roadway.
For Dinner Parties to order, ul hort
notice, go to Franlc Sabre's.
At Frank Fabre'A.
Board for 822.50 a month. The bast
la the city. Dinner from B to 7.
Counsellor Campbell it having a great
time with his case against Jim Turk for
over $,000, said to be due lm client
Smith for wagc-s a.s cook. During tho
week a supposed detective in the employ
of Turk called upon Campbell who wan
busily engaged signing checks or writing
an imaginary brief, and inquired the
whereabouts of Smith. Seeing "by Jhe
cut of the fellow'a jib" ho was an" ex-salt
in the employ of Turk, the wilj barri-ter
looked up from bisdi-ka moment and
ou where he s ou'll iicer tell a soulr"
replied the proctor" m adniirstiv again
bobbing ap trout his writing. "2eer,
boss. "Well then, he's tare. miles
south of the Grimes Houss on d.-tscp
boach. The detective ."Married out to
inform Ids employer, but as he was not
gone long before another of hU kidney
darkened the iawyer's uoor it is sale ib
aav that Tnrk didn't swullow the halt
audwasnt fuol enough Jo gooiL on anyj
such wild gooe chae. This next man
zippparcii i:j iuc ugitL oi;i-iiiuuiciai r.em,
and' said, "Now look Vre young fellar,
there's a wad of two 'uuderd dollar :u
this tere thing for you iE'von givu away
Smith and t-H ns vere ees 'idin'." What! '
Two hundred when Campbell was suing I
for $ ',000! No.wr, aud emissary No. 2 was
so mtornied. lho next actor upon tho
ticene was Turk's lawyer. Who reported to
tactica something similar to his predeces
sor, but prefaced his oaer of 200 for a
cessation of hostilities with the state
ment that Turk is insolvent aud that
everything in the shape of attachable
property 'u out of his hands, and that
even .uould Smith get a judgment he
would be beaten on the execution.
"That's all right,' replied tho police!
court chamniou of the widow nnd the !
orphan, the poor nnd the friendless, "but
my price in this caae is the sum &ued for. J
izvi a reasoname uiscount lor"
The lawyer departed and as the money
nasnot been tendered it in presumed
that some new job is being brewed for
the guileless Campbell. In tho mean
time Campbell keeps his client 11 close
prisoner and will vigilantly guard him
against monetary overtures or attempt,
at shanghaiing on the part of the enemy, :
being determined to have the corpvs uV- j
ncu on nnnu at tue any set lor trial.
IJWco.n'. Three Filu:r.
Tin ec fishermen went pany out toward
thi! north.
I Oat tow aid the north a- tin: iin wt-nt
: down.
J And they lattghrd with glee a they
naucn n-nii.
Tjiii Jeffs iJc-taurant ii the bet in
Aud ,Ji yv N the place to gonutl lino
1 ou are w to nave. luck Delon morn
ing. Tinea il-Jumueit mailing up ironi
at noon. 1
ll,. ..!!.. r- 11. -i ,...
jiu.iKi. .um t li.t iiiiiu iiit'irioii 01 nii;ui.
They vtid -Oh, if we were bj the Tele
phone saloon
We could get lunch and a drink ami be
all ripht.
For men will drink ami men will eat-
You can do both at the. Telephone and
that's a treat
And breakfast at the Chop House in the
Three grangers eame into the ton n one
says the.
The best dinner there ewrj dnj in
For.totl doea sow ami 4erT must leap.
Hegiwothebest meal, and has many
to keen.
Oct our cocktail at the Telephone In the
You Think thiU Jeii-
The Chop iToime
i-i.cao a meai tor uoiiiinir, and ui
much !'' tint he gives a better meal and
more r it than any place in town for
25 miK IJe buys by tho whole-ale .mil I
pa.vri e.t-sh. -That settle, it."
BoV and Children- -ml-, jtnt
ceived at Mcintosh nevs .tore.
Go to Wilson t Fiilier'-. i:d
rimethlug new in w indow stop-
1 It riot True'.
I'hne ran tie no argument a to thej
liialiiie-.esen'lal to a perfect remedy-
for the ills ari-nng irec: a disordered or!
101 me ii.t iiii-iij :iuu: n uiMirtieruii uri
inaetlveeonditioii 01 the l.lver, .Stomaeh'i
end J to we! s iwerjone will aitinit tlmt it ,
should be perfectly snl1 for old and 1
011ug ot imtli cees at an, and all-"
time-:: that It should br acceptub'e hr.:Ir
10 lhe t.K'e and the btonmeh; ii
should ner rail to .il prnnintl. and.
thoroughli.jet piinleasly, and It ho:iId 1
give clieiiitli to thoie organ-. It 1
weH know n that Sj nip ni Figs pjiSM--:1-'
es tiio-e qualitic-." in a pre-eminent!
decree. V. K. Uemeiil Jc o. art agnits i
for AUria. Hfioiu J
l'riiate euid nom at .lefl-s
loon - I he Telephone."
Bti otii- Lime f Crav :ic Fi.rthind
Don't pay 25 lo 50 centi for dinner
when you can get a better one :it lUc
Telephone for 15 ocnL-? n to "j.
All iie 'tit-tit medieiues udvertl.ed
in thi-; nam f. wcetfier with the ehoie.-t
tertu:it-i3,.md loilft nrliele-.. ete-.f-.iii!
p bjit:;'jl a: lheluet priee. at J. V.
conn a drug -totv, o;i.-.ue (Jv-iuVji
hctel. Alori:j
tir.n -x-IJ; .'"aekelt Bro.. A I ,iwnl
vdar'thinglei A full .M guaranteed.
Why v.i!l.nit enugn when Miiloh's
Cur- will ahe immetli.ite relief. I'riee
in eN : et- and Si. Sold by V. . De
ment. Will on .-urler with Dj-spepMa and
I.iier Complaiut? Shilpht vlializer is
"lutiaiiteeit to cure you. Sold by W. E.
Choic aceil Out.
For xle at J. n. D. Ora V.
Krexh Kastern and Show! u titer
Ksy Oyster.
("onstanLU on hand, rooked toaitv.stie
at Frank Fabrc's
licit I.nnrh, ut the: Telephone
From ll to 2 oery day.
A fine lunch with tlrink or cigar, 23
Xo-chnrge after two o'clock,
Feruteat Fitting: Boot
tit Shoe, go to P. J. Goodmans, on Che
namus Btreet, next door td I. ..Case.
All goods of the best make and guaran
teed quality. A full stock; new goods
constantly arriving, Custom work.
l hey came b the wa of XeeaniMini t v$sT n &03 9 A
orPel: - i yC9R?9 k& SiffJf
I'n the Choi, In dim- u.-'li ..,1 I rJUy'a . Sf . VmEt
J. J. Ban-lay if Engle Cliff is in the
Eev. Dr. Garner and wifo are off on a
Tiait to the Klaskanine.
I A. D. Wnss has returned from tbo Sea
side much improved in health.
C. C. Brower goes to St. Helens, where
he begins school to-morrow morning.
Capt. J. A. Brown was shaking hands
with his numerous friends yesterday.
Sheriff Iloss goes to Portland this
morning with Messrs. 1'eed nnd Crowley.
Mrs. Osgood nnd Mr. Wm. Humo are
among the incoming psengers on tho
('. H. n-prisenling 11. Yi. Polk
A Co., is in tho city with u view to get-
t:ug up 11 cit directory, lie wilt inter
view wereaant sna ou-'ine'?': men to
Mrs. Jus. Wright, of Sknraok.'wa, who
tured, and the attending surgeons say it
wjll require "vveral weeks to ir.sure're
coverv. Test Yonr BaMgg PoYrder To-Da7 S
Place - rn tp fMvn on it he- stora tntil
ratKj,lhcn reraoi r thf cwrsml i-rasl!. A cIhkh
I twill rot be repaired t j a.tcct cUt praieao of.
tu UnWjbtu lUt NEVER Bttn J..t'.QBfJ.
In an ;i;nhoiaproraiitartero;At.-iatar c
9kiuu ibi consumer's rUlablc lest,
3ia"kiii- Powder Co.,
Dr. Price's Special Flavoring Extract ;, tdcUiinitsand altera!
. Price's Lupulin Yeast Gems
r lisht, ll'altby UreaU.Thctesl Drv Hop
1 cjit iti t&u world.
! &
The oeat dry hop yeast In tlio world.
Bread rataed by thia yeast is light, white
ond wholaqonio liko otir grandrnother'g
I delicious. bread.
psi'ifi.j et 1.
Price Baking Powder Co.,
-! HinTr ol Br. Fnce's syjiiil 1&m&i Eitncu,
Chicago, til
St. Louis, Mo
1 .r s.r.e '. Ci itine.Mrru: i. Co..
Port'Rnd. Orc.'on
l have just received :ui
Gent's Furnishing
My lal'.orin: department i- filled with the
"choicest of
Cloths and Cassimeres.
StiltH to order from
I'antK ' "
HAH to m;.! 60
5 to 15,60
In fact lhe !o,o.t price are round at mv
store. Call and ce me.
Merchant Tailor aid Clothier.
That Hacking Cour-n can be st
quickly cured by Shlloh's Cure.. Wt
guarantee It. Sold by W. E Demeat.
nr mk- . 1 -i-3-' mf - .uk ''.-'
em. vm jl a
tfVyT7-l fctt"L -SAl
e:o- - Awraa . 'w
:'-iucf - naa a m sb -um
. -.-.,. . .. rt-- ; x - i Jli -&V CI - &
the &SvTJIr5 WP M rir jfriXO
ia 1 eao s s'Effla,
1 i'DDKI P OUk
r,;ornniu, ioou
ui 1
in f
I Jl.
We will make a grand display
of New and Fashionable Goods
Thursday, April 1 6th,
Jlnd following ay,
Inspection Invited,
The Leading Dry Goods and Clothing House
OX1 &S'Q,a&,
k 'rTfTrfWi rtTrVMTTtriiriMr
The New York
The Lead! ng Stationers
nrnw.iw r i
IJAllY lil';IK.
The Latest Notions
We defy any and all competition.
Fine Stationery,
Blank Books,
School Book;,
Music Books,
. Me
The Leading Olofhier and
New Goods!
Men's, Toiatlas' and Boys'
fi M V il Ml
Hats and Furnishing Goods.
-"- "-
T.. ,.r , J-a---.w..
eity Store
.iffi..iu . j , f
and Xews Dealers of Astoria.
igriM - T - tt.n - n - . - . - a.. ..
iii.-cii. i.ti:iin:vr4.
M tr.l AM CLOCK.
I51Itl OAd'A.
and Novelties, Etc.
Call, ev.imlne onr goods and be com inced.
Astoria Bakery
Columbia Candy Factory.
Ed. Jael.oii. j-eoju'ictoi-.
Candies. - 20Ctsperlb.
Dread. Iies and Cakes delivered every
; day.
5 Agents for Steck's
Little Giant, and
Kranlch and Bach's Pianos,
Taber, and Western
Cottage Organs.
New Styles!