The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, April 19, 1885, Image 3

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at 5Ug fjtoriafc.
Al .:th.. .y.
OUN(tav- ecep!pJ
rt'Hi.i-;n::t:s ani rnnwtierons,
; From every quarter curufc hiud words
; Mid tJub?tontinl encouragement. It is a
I satisfaction lyrsul th? mere mntter of
1 dollars to knew tiial our oiforia to get up
jn nwsiapei of which nnv Aetorian
might be proud, at o aided and forwarded.
. A comparison with TnE Asvouuv of three
' yean ago show what strides Lave been
Or, Hon f'mr
Oae Mfkt.
Xm fir
4SS sT!tKhi j made in improvement, nnd every nvail-
.... :iu.
Trm of Stib-rrlptlou.
St-ruM ! J'.UTif-r. ji(r . .
nt '.iv :.1II. m-i ir,"iil!
:-:! ................
r"re. hi t !:: :" itriipn.
iA'.Urt'iriif j-f-stl !. Jli-.i: al
tne rate of 2 ik?i .iiaro ier month. Tran
sient advertising Iltl eeuti pr square. evh j
" Aotice7r7A3LfcrtiMr.
J. "W. Cook returns to Clifton to-morrow.
The board of counts couin:s.ionerd
meets to-morrow.
I able dollar tn devoted to on
t viz: to make The Aktorun
:ib purpose"
onus a strong
friend in which every resident of western
Oregon and Washington can finda relia-
j ble guardian and advocate of hi interesta.
yr atir year rous on we una tne
oirelo of our readers growing wider. The
circulation of The Daily Astoruv this
corning U exactly two and a hilf ihatn
j vLat it was on Sept. f?th. 13Si. This
. riff stitement tells its own story and
1 jir Astoria guarantees v i.t .. jr.;.; preeminent!? the jMoplc'i 3psr
-rtLsers tbfe largest circulation id a.; :aaii ibt-reisno one but can llnd readv
newspaper published on the to.umbiaficcessto its co;Cmns to state his griev
ance or call for n redress of wht he
deems to be wrong.
Every newspaper man he his iJeal.
Oars is to furnish our readers with I he
news; tell them what is going on; iell it
m a few words as possible without leav
Capt. "7ass is at Grimes' at tho seM.le mg out any of the essentials and let
.a ?, ..nnn.n.i nnno;,in,i,w i.ntfn- I them draw their own conclusiens: to h
;nd is reported considerably better
Mrs. XT. "v7. Farker, who was seriously
ill last week, is reported convalescent.
The Heed goes to Clifton this morning
with 2,'JOD botes of tin for i. V. A V.
Viw regular monthly meeting of Iho
- siry of Grace chnrch will he held to
morrow evening at o'clock.
The annual mating of the florkhnld
ers of tho Astoria Iron "Si-fc will tke
place on tho SOlh last.
Capt Babbidge sailed on Urn Hen.
Wright yestreen to bravo tlu- dangers of
tho deep, lie will lurry at Yaqniua.
-Joe Surpreuant, who, with woven men
in seven tiays built 7(W feet of bridge over
".he ranging Necnnicum, is back in safety.
There will be a sociable under the aus
pices of the ladies of the l'rebieriau
church nt tho residence of Mr . D. K.
Wnrreu next Tuoftdy i-vening.
A large patty of roller rsl.aiein te.j.letl
the merits of the new floor a the skating
rink last evening, the general vordict Jib
ing that it w.ts a great improvement.
Alert II. .t L. 2o. 1, are having mu
tiuiolx repairs on their apj'irRtnK :t the
expsriencetl hundof G.A. iStins-n. Tho
truck will be out of .ssrvic :ii! Tiid-iy
Prael Uro.-'. arc on deck wifh a il--did
stock at tho Empire Store. Tlw
gentleman! v conduct of these young men
and their efforts to please have won them
hosts of friends who are iI vl io nolo
their prosperity.
One hundred and ten jyo lo-day
the Revolutionary var lxgin: the Con
oord farmers stood at the bridge nt Lex
ington and fired the shot hoaid rouud
the world. Theechoc-sof that shot are
still reverberating.
Mention was made in yesterday's issue
of a passenger from Astoria who died on
the Uolumlria as sho was crossing into
San Francisco last Monday. It has since
beon ascertained that tho carao of the
man was Ernest Ellich, formerly bar
keeper at the Colorado saloon.
Jas. Johnson, a natiTO of Sweden, aged
U3 years, died suddenly at his residenco
opposite the Columbia canning company
yesterday morning. Deceased had com
plained all winter of a pain in tho cardiac
region, and tho presumption ia that he
died of some form of heart disease. The
funeral will take place from his lato res
idenco at two this afternoon.
The services at" Graco church to-day
will be a ce'ebration of the Holy Com
munion at 7 A. M.; morning prayer with
sermon by the ltev. "W. E. Potwine of
Pendleton, at 11 a. m.; children's Sunday
school service at 4 p. m.; evening prayer
with sermon by the ltev. Mr. Potwine.
Theiito of confirmation will be adminis
tered at the evening service, by lit. ltev.
Bishop Morris.
Captain J. A. Brown, one of tho board
of pilot commissioners, says the Oregoni
anf yesterday reoe'ved models for two
pilot boats to bo used off the Columbia
river entrance. One is intended to bo 83
feet long, 20 feet beam and 11 feet depth
of hold, and about 75 tons burden. The
other is nearly of the same dimensions,
but slightly sharper. Tho cost of cither
boat will approximate 10,030. Captain
Brown will come down and submit the
models to the board tc-morrow.
Several sailor boarding house keepers
have tried recently to get even on nvnls
by bringing information to the United
States court officers of suoh rivals having
received "blood mouey" in violation of
the Dingley act. But, says tho Orcgoni
an, the efforts were fruitles;. For some
reason not easily explained the frnmers
of the act did not get at the root of the
vil at least tho evil as it exists in Port
land becauso the act provides only for
the punishment of the man who pays
blood money. Nothing is said nbont the
shark who receives it. Of course no one
is ooinp to lodcro a comnlaint against a
ship master, eo the traffic in sailors is
reliable and relied uoon for cecuracv and
truth and to treat every man a leingj
actuated with good intentions.
In thisTnc Astobias asks the eonSiu
ued aid and consistent support 'f every
fair minded man who expects to be here
nyear from no?" and who realises the
necessity for suc'i n exposiwit of public
vi:r jjsi risorKsr.
I was on a yisit to my bachelor frisu J,
Mr. rt'., ia Cowlitz oountv, W. T. George
Myers and Bill Larsen had come in the
afternoon as we intended to start early
next morning on a bear.hunt. We were
sitting at the end of the house talking
over our plans for the hunt, when soma
ona noticed a man and woman coming up
thet rail, nnd as thoy came closer we could
seethe man was carrying n baby. This
created considerable excitement, as a
woman was rarely seen as far up iho
Toutle as this, and a baby never before.
Bill suggested that it was possibly s
"ffSJJ? XffiV- ta e7 Pl d --.-Maeu
W. had just denied the accusation when nature lil.e attract Hke.
the party under discussion ceme up. i:. ;,',),. to i?cjjn:- pr.wlir.ii. if j-ot;
man mtrounceu hlmselt as .jouii rjini-jtr.
raons; said he was on hits way tuDsvei'
The of Worldly Sisero-.s
TlioughU are Things How to
Wesvr riea.4iaf Thought
I impression on you, though all tho while
cramming you with lies. If ho did not
1 1 or tho timo i eel agreeabiyno count not
mnso you ieoi so. xto unngs witn nun
for tho time tho desire, tho thought to
xaoko jron feel plcasanth'. Ho sets his
mind first to confidence," then to cheer-
J fulness, in order to mako you feel confi
i dent and cheerful. An honest man mav
on the contrary bring with him no confi
dent or cheorful thought no thought or
desire to mako himself agreeable to you
though ho is perfectly "on the souare"
as regards his intentions. So possibly ho
tans with you. it your intention or in-
Tho lav; governing mair:r.l siicp.'. m
life is r.s certain, used nnd immul&hh' as
lm rtf f?tfrn!inn firi.1 nravitntion. snd
is in efiecf a belonging of th- iSSBSr
!"...- r" ----j " --
Let two principle be hi-re stated, and
if po5ible.uecepted for thu moment with-
out argument or objectien: Kirst, thatj
tha thoughts proceeding frdin nr brains
are not myth5?, but- highly refined sub--
stantfs'. things rad reaiities; secondly.
majority will not, for a reason not at nil
mpumentsry to themselves.
Pbextice Muuiuih.
thought l- practical it iH .itimct
Winters, on urgent businesa, and his wife thejinict wi; n sch-mng and wrt;..f
must accompany him, bnt they would will attract :o
like to leave babv behind for the night, jf r,rijsij. Ql
co; :no
1 refined.
ii5i iiiiur;
atlrac.- ilut
;" Beab Ceees. April 17, 1835.
"We .novo a fine settlement hero and l
plenty of as fine agricultural land as
thcro is in tho northwest. There havo
b?en thirty-ono new settlers come in
here within the last eighteen mouths;
we have room for more; we have two
gooj-whool houses. Miss. Lottie Spear.
tic -JiJcui. ;
r a ,:( ie r.tlrfl'-; iht f f !......,.., ...:n nnl. ;n nnn. .,.l T:.... i
;- 7- . ' .. , 5 .i..'.v .im. ......- -r .....Hv. . ... - i iix. jvjicii-u, win :cutu il tcj .i.u zxir-c i
ir inerewasaiauyintueuou.. chnr.,:ltr of miud:a:.d iiit dwell a anai K:ia Mitchell ofthesame
w.caiainprewanoiauv. anuaiiii'u''ii . .. . '....:.,. fni. ...
i ueai in si.;iiiui.-jiiai uuu iul-.u, i v.i
he wasn't much of a hand with babj
yet hf would be happy to tnko oaro of i!
"for the night.especiafly a8 he would hae
plenty of assistant nurses. The arrange
ment" wsa soon made, Mr. Simmons and
wife were mi their way, and we all gath
ered around to take "a ivrep at tht fle-
phHnt. W. had it in his arms and fesmt-il jganfo attraction orrejiuNiou. it is ft-il by
i every menu tatntr.usueio-usaiuegreir. i.j ;liK)ut them, hotn taciturn uiaci;
i bundle of cloths and Uib very little b.ilr. laniith among a coanmuy of blacksmith",
I .... :.. 49.u nir rt-ntl -fl1lMjl ft ftlfi:.4 1 1 1 1 - ! .....1 t.Z- (liinnlila r-t1 fuiti 1 .!?! 1i T.l
llfl lit U& r4, v. w...wv imp. .- v Wlliu llir lilifulifci 1 1 1 1 r-4li I JA 1 1 11 in v.-
UtnilU TCJhtni 11 1.1 llio
Kniiros ftrJtT::
Thy nvi f aiiverliiag lnti reached a
degree of periecli n and is carriol on to
an extent fur bbvoml K:ivhi:tg known in
tinior. )wsi.
Tho artistic skiil and isigriv.:'-- and
ths iiteray ability Uisplaved ara in many
cases remarkuble; and although deception
is ofttai reunited to in rdor t- attract
aitcn':ou, still as lht deccptiou is of a
harml'H kind it iacon-jidored legitimate.
Bat tivsrn in tbw business it .-t'Cro' thero
shvut! be- a lint, drawn somewhere.
il i..ll right Mteugl: to rtart in read
ing i.i interact in,; tory about a man
riding into town on a fins looliug bursa
and wind np bv his gettitig bucked oil
aud every bono in his bodv htoken, only
to bs thoroughly put togetht-r .na maiio
as good us new'by tho best use of three
bottles of St. Jacobs Oil, but when the
unfortnuata condition and huuering of
a great and noted man like General
Grant is made use of for the puriKe of
bringing a quack notrnm. or pntent
medicine into notoriety, 1 think it is car
rying the thing too far. General Grant
is suffering from a disease- almost uni
versally considered incurable, but wheth
er cancer can or cannot bo cured is of
course a question for discussion and in
vestigation in the proper way. But to
assort that Grant's physicians are not do
ing all that medical science can do for
him, it seeois to mo is entirely uncalled
for aad out of place. These thoughts
are called forth from reading an article
in yesterdav's Oregonian headed '"'Gen
eral Grant." Is the old hero dying became
of medical intolerance?" Solicitude for
General Grant is universal, and thou
sands would be only too glad to render
him any assistance if it were possible,
and, of course, such a heading as the
above would naturally attract the atten
tion of evervono who reads tho paper, and
after reading about a column and finding
It onlvan advertisement of a patent med
icine not relevant or bearing on the case
at nil. and no succestions offered, noth
ing but vagUe insinuations that so and
so might be the case, one naturally throws
the paper down with disgust. It is a
matter of surprise to me that any person
would have the cheek to offer such an
article for publication or that a journal
liko the Oregonian would publish it un
der the existing circumstances.
It will hoon be so, if this kind of thing
continues, that a cautious man will begin
at the bottom of an article and read up
ward for fear of being swindled into
reading wme infernal patent medicine
Astoria, April 1C, 1S35.
Our correspondent is right aud every
word he sbj-s is the frozen truth, bur he
shouldn't blameathe Oregoniu.i particu
larly; the San Francisco, Chicago and St.
Louis papers published the same article.
Tho last papr we saw i! in was tbo S. F.
Chronicle. "They all do it."
l.Ml Jt CLIBK'S KlVUr.
me place will teach j
the other. The greatest drawback is tht !
. nf ii ram? in anr? Wa l;nrr ?iilt
ioolr.te you from the great mass of ..r: ... :.u.i r,fl.T0:, ' road from Srensen's!
l'ou need not speak but little openly
to prove this. All persons carry tho in
iluMice or jwwer of their prevailing char
acter of thousht with them, and r,5 re-
chances largely nro that they will not Knanna bv land before the first of No-
feel "at homo" with him. ivember fnlavfair). Tho country is set-
This law of sympathy or attraction thus Hod an a)ong this proposed road. If you i
our produce, and trade help us a lu
ges thero with hoth ieejt.
ffirninrs lioro Iinvn Minir irmi r.irxst.
attrnctsorroiwls. If you want to gam a aj jn. We have a Suuday school and
poiut with a person, you want first, above the Kev. John E. "Wood preaches to us
an i mugs, a-twc
i that persou-sl
A prejudice
Hpoilcd many
an ppnlicant
lor. Analyze your own sensations on fool just right yet. but hoiw the man with
first meeting strangers and yon must cc- hP lone narao will fly to the rescue soon.
knowledge more or lt ioree to this a- jjj.. a. B. Hills is expecting his two sons
w?rtion. Whyr ltcanhe you feel their i,onJO fnun California tins Bunimer.
thought before yoiihear it. 1 on have j Ouo Bear creek Bopublican has taken
an iutonor sense which '-takes stock" of a cienn bhave: don't know whether it is
the individu-d with lightning-like rapid- to si- n hL or thmnah lnnrtifipntion..
ttle thing. So it was jjiy, nnd at tho same rate of speed sums! J, Jf. Coffrey and Mrs. F.iddlo were
pin was found ttialjuj, for or aaiast him. AH hnve thw j running a raco for early potatees: (he
iucu . "mi- ..... -pruiN) iii inu'i 01 imi iiiiiti j
I llttlH dnrliUL'
cloths where he tuippo-?-u iw nns were,
and said it was u cunuiu' little rascal.
Bill thought it was the picture of its
mother, and would let it was a girl. A
look of doubt came into the baby's face,
aud I felt callednpon to fiay something,
so I suggested that it be fed. as it looked
huncrv. Then Oeomo took chHrge of it.
whilu W. prepared supper. Thou we gavo
it bread, iwtatoos, carrots, cabbage, bear
meat and coffee. It had scarcely finished
aupjer when a look of surprise cams int.
iih iflce. wnicn ohickit cosukku i uuuui.
then pain, and finally a large sect ion of
that country, foT the first time, was filled
witn tno war notes 01 a crying oauj . c
tried to mako it stop. We tossed it in the
air; we called it pet uamea, with varia
tions; sung baby song to il; ruitled
spoons in cups; beat tin cans and showed
i! nictures in a boek: but o no purpose.
Then George, who seemed to know :uos
about names, saia mere iuixul hm in
hnrtini? the noor little thing. So it was
uudressed, but no
scrawl ont of olace.
that colic was tho cause ot tne row; aim
W. hunted up a doctor book to see if he
could find anything that treated on colic.
He then got out a little medicine chest
and gave it somo stuff, and quiet was
soon restored. Wo were just beginning
to congratulate "W. on his skill, when
baby broke out in a fresh place and cried
worse than before. After, going thiough
all tho previous "performance wo decided
that it must be gotting a new tooth, as,
when we came fo compare notes, we had
all heard that babies wero unusually
cross about that timo. The doctor book
was again brought into uso, aud some
moro medicine given, and in a few min
utes it was fast asleep. "We laid it in bed,
turned down tho light, and W. and Bill
gently crept into tlio same bsd with it,
while George and I shared the one in the
other end of the room.
George had just begun to anore, and 1
was beginning to dream of killing lear
and deer, when the voice of our darling
awoke xis to the immediate present, and
Rirl the mieof rom tho bacon. A hasty
council of war was held and it was de
cided to place uaoy in a uinuni, uuu jjih
und "W. take corners and swing baby
back and forth as if it were a cradle,
l.niiumg jvj.ith across the township to tho j
i w,m.iir ... - . ""; . ,
linngsus Hiihm lva ixiiles 01 tuo John
Dnv road. Wo XnoO ivro rears s!"otoi
Kfct a little help f.on; f 'u comity to build .
J-neTiu lTtf TiT. z l"2. rTfv' itoff
in debt; it seomsas tho-th wo ars able I
to build tho Clatsop row. .sad bridge
We will make a grand display
ilof Mew and Fashionable Goods
low proieionan in synipauiy wan una, ; isevertheles3. If the count v will give us J
Set u poet or philosopher among tlit-1 ooe-triird. of the cost of Jlirtl witarpriso
rtaiue blacksmiths, and though he df wc v;illbringa wagon-lo-id of J. 1-. War-1
eairftt himself u a blacksmith, yet Iho j rnn's Bnrhank K&wilhif-i to Astoria from
Jloril Ifith
iy in cuiusuuiiiNi.iur.rc. every Sunday when tho weather and oth-
aaii"taiJo io you. ;..r circumstances will permit. Wo nil t
or thsliA at nrst sight has fecl very grateful to Tar. Asxobiax for !
a bargain and kept many tho interest it has taken in the forfeiture
from the tDSition KiUght nF thn Astorin lnml omnt bnt wn don't
j npin lump
And following Bay.
9 n
liow ti mako this la'vonulo impres
sion? Carry it with you. Carry "with
you the kind of thought that will make
It. That is. carry with you a bright,
cheerful, hopeful, confident set of
thoughts or frame of mind. Alo a real
live interest in tho business yon have in
hand or tho business you apply for.
Don't try to feign any of theso thoughts.
The interior sense of the person yon are
to meet will feel such false assumption
disagreeably, though in mind ho may not
know why or wherefore. He only knows
he feels disagreeably. That is bad for
you. In any event you've carried the
wrong kind of thought with yen, and
it has rubbed his fur the wrong wav.
Wild idea, isu'r it, that vour'
thoughts are tangible to others, either
irritating a3 cloak of bristles, or
soothing as ono of velvet. But never
mind arguing about this. Keep the idea :
in vour mind nnd see u the numbers ot
instances you will from time to time re-
nnll An not fnvnr thf- thporv.
As, for instance, the gloomy-faced,
sour-looking, despondent person whom
you cannot enduro to see enter your room, j
or the bright and cheerv one whose com- t
lug is a rv of sunshine. Which standi
fro-t- nipjKKl both; now they pro even.
Odd bucTio:..
Jistensive improvements havo btcn go
ing on in this section for the past year.
Near the mouth of Lewis .t Clark's
Mr. Jeffrey has done a good deal of dyk
ing; Henry Harrison has built a mile of
carried on to as great an extent as ever dyke, filled several sloughs oae being
in Portland, and tho law offers no rem- eigbfy-fiVf feel in width. D. Heckard
About a quarter of a mile from tho
Seaside houso and about sixteen miles
from Aslorir, there is a deposit of olam
shells which is probably the largest thing
of the kind in the United Stale3.
The shells cover an area of over four
acres and are piled in places to a depth
of ten feet. Tho amouut of shells is in
calculable. Over 1.000 loads havo been
hauled nway to mako roads, but that?
quantity ia naruiy uouceu in iuu uiluiuu
tion of tho immense heap. From time
to time relics of tho old clam-eating
tribes that mado that place their hoad
quarters, are found. A party that re
turned from thero yesterday, brought
back a clam-opener that ho picked up.
it is made from a whale's tooth, is about
eight inches long and is ground sharp
at tho end. There are somo sixteen inches
of soil on top of theso immense clam
beds on whicn grow fir trees some of
thom 400 years old.
To Aeoomiiiotlato Ills Patron.
aud Mrs. Johnson have hern dyking; XT.
E. Dement has bniit a new house and
bam, nnd made extensive repairs on his
dyke. "W. J. Ingalls he s built 180 rods dyko
find filled one slough 110'fcet wide with 25
feet depth at high water at a co-t of
more than si: hundred dollars.
Messra. Cole & Brower have l.-o been
dyking on their places With tho amount
of improvement during tho past year we
ought to get a tri-weckly or daily boat to
Wm. Aylinoro lost a fine cow last week
milk fever; D. J. Ingalls also lost one
too much clover. Mr. Aylmore has the
lumber on the spot for a new houso.
Vh meht was pretty cold, and before I the best ch'aneo of obtaining the situation!
theV got it to sleep I could hear murmur-j you have to offer? True, Mr. Gloomy j
ing's that I did not think "were blessingj J Face may prove the most eflioient. But
on baby. But "patience had its reward, j now to sp2ak of th& iirsl step only tor
for again all became still, but whether j success, and the step or "means which i
they had succeeded in putting it asleep. does bring success itt a' vast number of j
or smothering it, 1 could not say; and j instances.
xfe. 'iV&PMWi -4.
"?5& . MS K A
ii " " r
kAijiAg, fa
Alex. Gilbert will keep hl saloon
open day and night Fishermen can get
a good much -at any hour of the night.
The genuine French sardine constant Jy
on hand.
Cook Wuutcd.
Apply at this office.
A largo assortment of Neckwear re
ceived at Mcintosh's Furnishing atorc.
One of the finest billiard tables on tho
coast nt Jeff's Telephone."
Does not make any second-class l'ic
turerat his New Gallery, No. Gl, on
the Roadway.
For DInuerTartles io order, of short
flotiee, go to Frank Fabre's.
"Farmer" writes another letter from
Chadweil regarding tho question raised
in his former letter about sending money
away, and which has been given liberal dis
cussiou in these columns for the past two
weeks. He concludes bv aaving: ''Thero
ip no need of paying twenty cents n
pound for grass seed when ifcan be
bought for twelve cents; thero is no sense
in paying twenty cents n pound for
prunes when they can be bought in Port
land for eight cents; there is no sense in
paying forty cents n gallon for milk when
the farmer only gets fifteen cents; thero
is no need of sending to Europe or any
where else for coal when you can buy
good dry wood on tho banks of naviga
ble ctreama near home for L50 a cord."
Private card rooms at Jeffs new sa
loon "The Telephoned
Buy your Lime of flras nt Portland
Don't pay 25 to 50 cents for dlnuer
when vou can get a better one at the
Telephone for 15 cents from 11 to 2.
At Frault Fabre's.
Board forS-22JXrar month.-$t
in the city. Dinner from 0 to 7.
candor compels me to admit I did not
care much, wbicli. l gave a grunt oi sat
isfaction and pulled most ot the clothes
off George, who was again snoring for
all that was out. Baby had either been
in the habit of Jnvijing its papa out of
bed for a walk, or else it did not like the
at vie of snoring, for it was no sooner laid
in bed than it struck a higher note than
ever, and George and I Vere called to
look after its welfare. George took it in
his arms. I flung a blanket around him,
and feeling 1 had performed my part,
went back to -bed. I watched him for
some time as he paced the room, and
when baby'ri lungs got tired, wont to
sleep. How long 1 continued in this hap
py state I do not know, bdt I awoke verv
suddenlv, to find baby trying to gouge
my eyes" out with both it,s feet, liad it
been awako I would say it did it on pur
pose; as it was, I just placed them in tho
vicinity of George's noe and again
passed iuto the land of forget f nines.
When noxt i awoko it was daylight and
baby wan sleeping, but soon awoke, and
the next tluug in order was to dress it.
and it is a task I hope never to bo called
oa again to attempt. We dressed it
twice and even then hud soraathing left
that we could find no use for, and so left
them. Aboat eleven in the morning the
ladv and gentleman were Been coming,
and W., George and Bill took to t he
woods aad left me alone with our young
guest. The mother made a jump at it
and covered it with kisses, smiled when
she saw tho unused-articles of .dress, and
asked if babv was good. I replied that
it was a model baby. Giving it a few
mow kisses sho said: I told you so;
thanked mo for my trouble, Aad was gone.
As eoon as she disappeared tho boys
showed up, formud a bachelors' club aud
passed resolutions asking the president
of the United States to placa a heavy
tariff on babies. -J. A. W.
Astoria. April H5, 1&5.
"t'csiKa, JLacion, Grnnzs, ctCn2avay
Cix!ic-Crcsia8, IudtUnss, &c, ai deli
caifly and tte fralt from
i tilch ttisy era mode.
For Strength, anil rJ?rao Fruit
Flavor They Stand Atone,
Prlco Baking Powder Co.,
C'-.Jccgo, in. Sl Louis, Mo
Br.- ftiess Cream Baking Hds?
i; .-. Trice':: IxpulLi Yensi Gems,
i?rat 2ry Slop Yeast.
Vi t. Aia: ict Cii; vjcuaiY.
5 I?
Soma iMRjon wear robes of thought
enveloping them which striko yon like a
chill Irom a damp cellar- or a bfccTo from
the north sido of a gravcjnrd. The tex
tures of others' robes feels to you as a
whiff from the shambles. Bad clothing
for success.
Now comes tha question, how to culti
vate the agreeable stvle of thought; how
to make for vourself these invisible gar- j
ments pleasing or the reverse, to tnosa
about you?
The" world has gravelly set it down in
its books for ages that- in order to make
money one must save, scrimp and starve.
1 assert to the contrary. If you want to
make money, spend it, not recklessly, but
wisely and to an end and for a purjo.
Get ihe best of all you need tho very
best you can whether of food, of cloth
ing, 6f house, home, everything. If you
hesitate between the five and ten dollar
boots, decide In favor of the ten dollar
Iiair, presuming, of course, they are Ihe
Wh ? Because your food, jour chith
ing, your surroundings affect yonr thought
and mako it pleasing or the reverse, ac
cording to their quality. .Live in a tene
ment house, and live poorly, and you u-el
poor nnd abused in a financial sense, and
if it be necessary that j-ou have an inU r
vi&w with a banker for nuy purpose the
chuueus are ten to one that ho scents you
out. judges you accordingly, and reject-,
your application.
Thousands are kenl noor all their lms rtsucioui bronct.
j because they feel poor. They feel poor CRCCER3 SELL THEM.
uecauso xue uvo pooriy. xney carry fni?xnzo bv imc
The Leading Dry Goods and Clothing Htiuse
OF a.STH&..
"" ,j--- - .. ,-. - 1T f , mum
'-' wJMrrMlTiimrii.Mni.wii r .11. . .- -.- .- ,llll . ,- utml miaiaiMAMIll
The Leading Stationers and Xews Dealers of Astoria.
r.--f.-g-J--g . "m-T-g -tnj-J. f.-.r-Yjr-tv.. .. .t-r- .-J . -. .. -J. .
AUTJ8TS JJATKiil t2.H. q
TOILRT AUTICLEM, i E2 3 ULStril. lVSTmi:.T..
I n 3
JAJAfiK ;04ll J "
PAXfY uoons.
y : WlTfllllH iXS CLOtKH.
ei:er5 fParTS
.: : -.-.M-tf&aB
'& V
m t
t. v.- r Nx 'ft m v
?v .7W
The nest dry hop yoast in tho world.
Crentl rnteori by thio yea3t is llght.whlte
and whotesomo like our grandmother's
their signs oufside of them signs to be Price Baking Powder CO.,
i unibauuiiiii ...-
UnCer date of April 12fli, Wm. 31. lil
liotfc writos from Lancaster, Lo.s Augelos
county, Cal., to a friend of -his iu this
city. "I have at last settled in Califor
nia, in a lonely spot here that has been
forgotten for years, but they have fouud
by getting water upon it that it is pro
ductiveof nil kind of vegetation. It is
fifty miles from Los Angelei. in what
has been called 'the Antelope rlasert,' but
it ia not a dosert but a garden' of flowers.
Thero are four artesian wells here nt a
depth of 200 feeL",
The C. P. IL It. runs through the
middle of the valley; tho railroad owns
most of the land; there is somo school
and government land; I havo bought
Eome and homesteaaed igu acres, bend
some Astoria boys down here to help me
keep bachelor's hall. Send m"o Tire As
TosiAK'and give my regardVrelc
war. m. KT.uotr.
All the patent medicines advertised
in this, paper, together with the choicest
pcrfuinory, and toilet article?, etc can
be bought nt the lowest prices, at J. W.
Ckmn's drug store, opposite Ocldftn
betel, Astoria. -
Grav sells .Sackett Hros.'. Al sawed
JcadirsbjBgiea full M guaranteed,
seems to them enwnsivc.
How to make a commencement"; Bay
a dollar necktie instead of a twenty-five
cent cue. Uuild on that. The 'next
rtnturo will be easier. Say ouc or two
dollars moie a week, if you are unmar
ried, and lodge in a more respectable J
locality. ? you commence to rid your
self or the air of poverty and squalor,
which rtpels from you thos? whom $cu
uced to attract.
Look al tbu majority of men of Wall
street. Look at tho majority of tin.
bankers, the brokers, the hpeculator.-s
tho relatively few who mako money.
They eat well, dn.B3 well, live wo'.l. They
conform to this law. They have not
probably analyzed it. They might not
bo able to explain it, but iutaitiveb
they adopt it. Or if ever they wero
obliged to live at a ten cent restaurant
they left it as soon as possible.
They know that any kind of elicap
living cheapens their value and standing
in ike -eyes of that portion of the world
they deal with, though they might laugh
at tho idea that they cultivated and car
ried with them that character of thought
most necessary in oraer io maxe money,
or that their unspoken thought, condi
tion of mind or frame of mind was in
effect a substance a power which could
be felt by others.
Bemember, wears talking hero as to
the law of attraction and not of moral
ity, and that this law can be used by
scamps and villains as well as by honest
people, and probably is moro followed
by tho scamp3 than by the honest,
lour agreeable swindler feels agreeably
toward you while making bis favorable
Ciiting.Mkki.k & Co..
l'ort'and. Oregon
The Latest Notions and Novelties, Etc.
We defy any and all competition. Call, examine our goods and be convinced.
Astoiia Bakery
Sliavil awl Bathing Saloon.
Ladies' Hair Dresser and Wig Maker
All kinds of
Ladles' Hair cuttine anil Shampooing a i
specialty. All work done in the most art Is-j Candies. - - - 20Ctsperlb
iirmanueramiiauieiaieafcsijii-. . j'.re.u'. Pi- and Ca
Columbia Candy Factory.
KJ. .JarkNoii. I'rupnctor.
It. IJnPARK. JPron
Parker House, Main Stc, Astoria, Or
'akt delivered every
Fine Stationery,
Blank Book3,
School Books,
Music Books,
j Aents for Steck's
i Little Ciant, and
j Kranich and Bach's Pianos,
j Taber, and Western
Cottage Organs.
Throo Ir'islior.s.
Three fishermen went gaily oul toward
thu uorlh.
Out ttuvard the north as tin .situ went
Anil they laughed with glee a they
sailed forth.
Saving JelFs IJcstaurant is the best in
And .JiM'F's it the place lo go and line
Yon are sure to have, lueic before morn
ing. Three fishermen sailing up from the bar
at noon.
Htiugrj' and dry from their toil of night,
They said 'Oh, if we were bv the Tele-
We could get lunch and a drink and be
all right.
For men will drink and men will ear
You can do both at the Telephone and
that's a treat
Anil breakfast at the Chop House in the
Three grangers enme into the'town one
They came by the way of Necanicuni
To the Chop Ilonse to dine we'll go,
says thoy.
The best dinner thero evefv uay in the
For Jeff does sow and Jeff must reap,
lie gives the best meal, and has many
to keep.
Get your cocktail at the Telephone in the
Si2isiiiEixiiizis::san(saiizs:i3e:t:aaa3ss::anai3ai :s;sr a
auu J3Baa o.pvaaas
s ' S
The Leading Clothier and Hatter.
.' 1 Wi f- r -v-
New Goods!
New Styles
Men's, loULtLS, aad Boys'
1 1 1 n t iM
Hats and Fnrnisliiiig Goods.