The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, April 18, 1885, Image 3

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ill 1 nr"-r -'--
kc Jlnitg dorian.
(Mmttiay excejrted)
Term. or.Ssb"crJjt!fln.
Tvel b Currier, jkt wc k .
sM Ity MM. nei mouth ..
' oncye:r .
Fnv of jKNtas'1 nlMTllH'i.
. 1.VI.
-Sr-Artvoni-.ii!Mm! Hifil't ) r.rat
ttio rate of $2 or unr r iihUi. Tran
sient advertising llitj cents jer yfuaiv. nneh
IVotice To AlTcrli.sT-.
The Astoriax guarantees i i
vi'ilisers the largest circulation .f !
newspaper published on the Columbia
The AU:i arrived iii at ten o'clock last
'Eusaian baths" are uiu to be increas
ing in popularity.
Thero aro 155 legal votes m Upjksr As4o
toria. At the Juno election 1U0 vol
core cast in that precinct.
ilr. J. F. "Warren is busy taking th
census, and will interview tlmt part of
Use city hiug wjr of rs RJml next
At 10:30 this morning U. C. Ilo'.den
will have a general auction sale at lus
rooms. Xote thr lit of btrgshu of
fered. Miss Minnie IJr.Hiie lias Iku engaged
to teach tho pu'!K school at Gluey, the
term beginning n?xi M m i ir? Kb leaves
for thero this morning.
Tho Victoria Color ( hij , its one war
ship can whip any three Kussian men-of-war
Hlloat. Thai's all right? Yo ju-t
keep on thinking so. Stnne of these dars
we'll monnt a swivel p.un on tho Skvbricl:
and a pair of crrona.i-s on the Gm.
Wright and then beware!
It is reported that an Aslorlan died
on the steamer Columbia at i :it two
o'clock last Mondav looming. He is dc
ricribed as a man thirty years of age,
black moustache and a goatee; $190 in
old in his pocket, and a goM watch and
chain. Diligent inquuv failed to rovetri
his name.
On Mondav, tne f'tlj J:-t. li uvir
Lodge Ko.Xi, 1. O. O. F.,wiii eh bra;
the sixty-sixth anniversary of the found
ing of Odd Fellowship, by a social n
ception at their hall. Odd fellows wi-h
ing to invite a friend oi two can got tick !
ots of admission by applying t i'rael
Bros.' store.
The Seattle Daily i'l Itttrlttyewei i
has entered on its eighth 'iir. 1? i- an
enterprising newspaper, is edili! with
ability and is a credit to the city in which
it is published. It is a litiiv ahead of
Seattle but a neaf paper has to be .some
what in advance of actual requirement.
How the proprietors of the IJot-lntellt-yeneer
can run such a newspaper and
make a live of it has alwavs been sur
prise to us.
At a certain school recently the teacher,
in a general exercise, wrote tho word
"dozen" on the blackboard, and asked
the pupils to each write a sentence con
taining the word. She was somewhat
taken aback to find on one of the papers
t ho following unique sentence: "I dozen
know my lesson." If that boy lives he
will bo doing tho funny business in the
local columns of some newspaper in the
henco years.
Tho concert at th? M. 12. church last
evening was an artistic success. First on
the programme camo a chorus of ladies
with piano and concert accompaniment,
followed by a solo by H. G. Smith. A
reading by Mrs. Y. S. "Kinney preceded a
vocal duet bv Mrs. F. It. Stokes and Miss
Connolly, when Mrs. "W. S. Kinney fa
vored the audience with another rending,
after which camo the refreshments and
'good night."
A good many of us were aransed and in
terested at the minstrels tho other night
when Charley Iteed turned on his electric
diamond pin, and from his shirt front
camo tho gleam of a miniature electric
light. There are great possibilities in
that littlo light which seems like the
first faint gleam of a new star in tho
eastern horizon. It may be in a brief
timo we may have an electric lamp as
handy and portable as the present coal
oil lamp, and a groat deal more safe and
The attention of tho Canadian govern
ment having been called to the defence
less position of British Columbia in tho
event of war with llussia, tho secretary
of war hns ordered two ships from the
China seas to proceed to ictona for tue
rnt;m, nf IWti-1, P1nml.i fl.,,1 T?-il-
ish shipping m tne northern I'acinc. it .
is understood that tho Canadian govern
raent will also send a considerable quan
tity of artillery and ammunition to Vic
toria for tho use of tho land forces in tho
event of trouble.
A spscial to Tne AsToaus last night
hays that .Lord Duflorin, tuo governor
general of India, recommends that the
English government abandon Penjdeh to
tho Russians, and that tho war feeling is
cooling doxn. "What U tho matter with
the usually bravo Englishman? Ho has
backed squarely down m the Soudan,
ana now, stranger still, allows llussia to
slap his faoo and pull his nose
Russia's pardon for being in
Discretion is a grand thing, but
ice is humiliating to any nation, much j
more to tho nation "whasa march is on
tho mountain wv?, who.e home is on
tho deep."
An invitation to join in the formation
of a northwest coast press association
has been 6ent from Portland to every
newspaper ollicoin Oregon and Washing
ton. Uhe object of tho association is
stated to be, "to promote tho courtesies of
life and the amenities of journalibm
among ourselves as well as tho business
interests of tho press of tho northwest."
The courtesies and amenities certainly
stand in sad need of promotion, nnd the
business interests might also be helped
thereby. Tho idea is a good ono and de
serves "tho hearty co-operation of those
most interested in its successful adop
tion. From a privato letter received by a
Portland butcher, it is learned that
Messrs. Mayer & Co., throagu their
agents, have purchased 9,500 head of
beef cattle in thoTakima and Crab creek
counties, Washington Territory. The
price was $150,000, or an average of
about $1C per thousand. Tho sellers are
Ben Snipes, 3,500 head; S. R. .Geddis,
3,000: Breyman & ILockwood, 1.800; Wob
ster & Crockett, $00; Robert Dunn, 400.
The delivery of tho cattle at different
points along tho line. of the Northern Pa
cific will -begin May Cth. Meyer fc Co.
are negotiating with parties at The
Dalles for the purchase of a herd of
To Accommodate Ills Patrons.
Alex. Gilbert will hcep his saloon
open day nnd night Fishermen can get
a good lunch at any hour of the night.
Tne genuine French sardina constantly
on haad.
w kk o..i how.
A Tnlil In Jnsticr (iaa.UII
Court. I
wt Imt been dragging along beforo
Jatkv Good! fur th Inst four davs
whieh though trivial m itadf, has eon-
j ranted that Jtnh time in reaching a
i coiK-lu-in:t thai vvn iet is not deter
The question at isw n s5mll one C'has.
AYoods be bound over to keep tlie pwice?
To decide ihia mi;Mrt-.nt jj:nt 112 pages
of evidence ltavi !nm written, and tho
offorta uf three lawyers have been called
into requisition.
Otto i'eJerf". the prosecuting witness m
the case tells hi story as follews:
"1 live at Woody Inland, on boitrd
CiiH'i. Wood's scow, in tho Columbia riv
sr. two cr three miles below Clifton. I
i make complaint against him for tLreat-
emnc to kill me. 1 told uim sometime
ago I was not willing to do any of his
dirty work, and oil last Friday told him
I was going to leave: ho asked me to pay
nnn my oouru; t toiu mm i. wouui jus
i W0UU1 .S J
S(H)H as 1 COUld. 110 lOld niC t-J flKe
1 could, lie told me to take
nothing with me
f ti&VatI Iii.ti rlimi ! I
boys were present, to givo me n hand to
take things out of the boat; he felt in his
pocket for his pistol nnd said: "1 def v
any to tako anvthing out of
thisKcow.' llo then cot hold of his rifle
r hl n njo'rtl 11 nir nnilnt anil pvt,vt-t .
r V VrV -. 4i i al ..T J-T4 1. 1
him. fhen thaboja got excited and
shoved nio outside tho scow. I jtimil
in myskiif to get away. ChaR. WikkIs
came out with a double barreled shot
gun and aaid ril nxyo now.' J:i-it;is
no ieve eu ui fu ju me, a umu unmtu .
Ge. lteetl came out and told him to '
htop. At that he thought he was covered ,
from behind and ha looked around; then i
1 jumped into the water .and covered my-:
self behind the skiff to prevent the shot '
from sinking After 1 dnxtod buy
or sixty arJ. i innipsl intheKkilf and
vent awav."
"While i was HWimming behind the
skiff Wood- I'a'd 'I'll meet you .some day
and gi t even with you. you . I
think whenever he" gets a chance at me
on the t;de land he will shoot me. The
reaiMi of the difficulty between us is be
cause I toid him 1 wouldn't burn houses
down, a r poison jh ople, nor burn their
nets with acid."
"I've been liwng on the bcow with him
since Decemi?r, 1st, last. lue four ;
mouths btfor. that 1 was living on a from Oregon City. East Portland and
scow.ftn?d by Swanson i I teed; Woods j Dallas are yet to hear from positively,
was t.iea down on Prairie channel; he j This will make eleven teams lhat will en
kept iiiovmg aiound the river, selling ter in the contest, beside the three from
whisky. Since December 1st, I've been ' Astoria, which will drop in casually,
living on Woods' scow; so has Andrew Thero will be forty different runi in the
Johnson. Harvoy Johnson. Woods, his tournament. Theregular meeting of the
w;fe and two children. - We knit nets." association .attracts interest second only
"Tho moniiug of the row I had thti le . to that manifested in the tournament,
volvor belonging io Woods. In the excite- Every fireman of .any prominence in the
moid I took it along with me. I got the re-'state including tho old wheel horses in
vojvtr l"fore 1 started to tHlk with him. j tha Portland department have expressed
It was l'.ing on a shelf in tho. corner of . their intention to be present, and the oc
the room when I got it. It was loaded I casion wjll be of great interest and per
aud 1 put it in my coat pocket." J manent value. It is now thought that
Andrew Johnson then was examined ! between 2,000 and 3,000 visitors will bo
.ind cross examined nnd knocked around j with us during the tournament, and the
mentally till everyone was tired and the ' sittings of the Oregon State "Firemen's
airsmelled lndly, wuen tho conrt took ' Association. The executive committee
a recess for fumigation, when Clias. Keed are busy day and night doing all in their
went to the bat and after the thumb j power to make their part in the pro
crew had been put on him till he was ' gramme an assured success.
tortured sufficiently he was released and'
a fresh victim appeared in tho person of Portland Flouring Mill.
of Henry Johnson who told his story ,
amid considerable hilaritv on the back " ,. ... .
seats. After he got away "with a sigh of iu number of fanidi3 who are using
relief, George Cabot was led to the mis- , the flour manufactured by the Portland
ery seat, followed by Jno. Swaiison after . flouring xuilla is on the increase. The
which tho commonwealth brushed away n , . ,. . . ..
an unbidden tear and took a re-u. ' flomi J9. Pnonneed by those wlio use it
Mm. Lucv AVoods was called and test- ?s he be3t fth-e K;,:?? xt mbf
ficHl: "On the 2d or 3d of April mv bus- iXl earned thw reputat on, it H anal-
i....,.i ...- i.i:. ... i..iio. n.,141... -
MilULI ,l-3 4VIVUiilLl niJUII-l, . UUSJL UV &(I1J-
rod in my hand playing with it; I hit
him across the hand and he gave oa
slap and 1 went into ray bedroom and
began to cry. He went hunting and a
little while after Otto Peters came t
my door and said to me you"vo got a
very.niean brute of a husband; I would'nt
live with him; I would mnkc away with
him; 1 would shoot him, poison "him or
push him overboard.' He said ho loved
mo nnd put his arm around me and
tried to luss :no. 1 shoved
him out of tho room and locked
myself in. Then he begged me
from tho outside not to tell my husband.
Last Thursday 1 was cooking "dinner and
he came around again and that evening
I told ny husband and ho took him out
side ami told him logo. Ho went and
came back tho next duy with a crowd of
all in Peters said ho was going "to take
his twine and my husband's and mino i
that wewere knitting on and pulled out
mv husband's revolver from his pocket
and said. 1 defy you to prevent me from ,
i ikine any ot thi-t twine '
Then for the twentieth time was toldi
the story of tho battle of Woody. Island.
Ami if it Wfl llin lir'lit nt l'nmilMh nil I
trllinll liinfrnrl tliA nnn of Pnnrv h
sokmn gravity of the occasion could not
be greater.
Af tor four days wrestling with tho wit
nesses and tho production of some choico
family reading, as to tho sniut that each
side had covored tho other with, the caso
hnally closed, "without argument", Ia9t
from "ito moral malaria, which will bo '
about Monday, ho will rendGr a decision,
unjesii, iu the meantime tho bad blood .
existing between tae belligerents ooes not
lead to a fresh and graver charge.
Thomas Ward, Mark Dee and Prank .
and begs I Silva were brought up from Astoria yea-
the wavljterday by li. D. Curtis, United States
; coward- deputy marshal at that place. They are
accused of violating the marino laws of
the United btates by soliciting seamen
for n lodging house where rooms are let
lor nire, wunm tweniy-iour uours alter
a vessel had arrived in port. Tho offense
was committed on board the Tillit E.
Starbuch on tho 3d of April, for the" pur
pose of lining .1 amos Turk's sailor ho3
telrie at Astoria. One of tho defendants,
Ward, said it was a "surpriso party" to
him to bo arrested for such an offense.
On putting up 100 each they wero re-le-tfed.
Their cases will bo examined
this morning before Commissioner Lam
son. News 17.
Cook Wnutccl.
Anpl at this ofllcc.
A 1 wzo assortment of Neckwear re
ceived at Mcintosh's Furnishing store.
All the pateutmedlcmes advertised
Miii paper, together with the choicest
.'fyMiiTy, and toilet articles, efc-can
.. 'wijght at the lowest prices, at J. V.
'" im"" ding store, opposite. OeMrien
hrtel. Aatoria. t
One of the finest billiard tables on the
i-nast at Jeirs 'Telephone.r
Does not make any second-c!a3 Pic
tures" at his New Gallerj, No. .Ci.VC,on
the Roadway.
Croup, Whooping Couch and Bron
chitis immediately relieved by Shi loh's
euro, sold -by w. li. Dement.
Snir.on's CtitE aviII immediately
relieve Croup, Whooping Cough, and
Brojiehltis. bold by" V. E. Dement & Co
For DIunerPartles to order, at short
noticcfgotoJFranlt Fabry's.-' f
srF.ri.VL Hrrs.
,The following coniniunicatiou.s are
published for the benefit of the varioit-S
fire departments throughout the etato
! who intend to attend the forthcoming
! association and tournament at Astoria.
The steamer Telephone will carry passen
gers at the rato of 2-" each for the
round trip between Portland and Astoria,
tho hose carriages for $2.10, calling at the
O. &'C. li. K. landing for apparatus on
arrival of trains.
Office of tub O. K. fc K. Co.,
Pobt&xsd. Or., April 13.
Frank E.Hodgkin, JSsq., Secretary StuUs
Firemen's Association of Oregon, Sa-
loin Dear Sir: Your fBTor of the Dlh
inst. came dulv to hand. Will make
j round trip rates froin stations to Portland
j and return of sixty per cent. of round trip
fare, on account ot tne riremens-sso-ciation
of Oregon and the state tourna
ment to be held in Astoria on June 10th
and 11th. Toe: are awaTro our rates will
soon be reduced to four cents per mile,
and nt the above reduction rated will Ik;
I 1 i 11 - !.. -.,- 'IU.
r . Coin,,, in PnrtlnnH nnrt r.hlrn
,n K rr. f, A !,,.,, ti,-nttrill lu
-" -J . .- n
.83; from Lebauon,$4.45; from Corvallis
5J4.GO; from .Eugene, a.uj. l will auTi
you soon about tho rates on apparatus
they wish to take along. I think we can
J do about tho same as last year. Pleasn
'. .. ...'"
can issue tlie necessary instructions,
Yonwtrnly, E. P. Itooraw.
dmttal Passenger Agent,
Poim.XD, April !(.
F. E. Hougkiu,
Secretarv Firemen
A?30ciation: Ratw fonr contfi per mile
"l ?; t-,! a zorj rnr- mnmitrin h
f&IftAtS&Z0 tnP
tweftn 1orl,ad flnd AsSnfwcorr
r,.oXl-o i - v f..
Manager 0. 1.. & N. Co.
TUf t'omlna; Tonruurat.
Hen Woraley received a letter from
Frank Hodgkin of Salem, last evening,
in which he says. "Oar department will
make an effort to charter a steamer and
come down 1D0 strong, with band playing
and colors flying;" There will be four
companies here from Salem, three from
Albany, one from Eugene, one from
Lebanon, one from The Ualles, and two
teroi pnae 10 tne people 01 roruiiuu
j, . " -,, . . Af .
that a mill bearing the nama of our city
is winning golden opinions nt home and
abroad, for it is a well-known, fact that
the flour is making rapid headway in the
estimation of consumers in Europe. It
is one of those home industries that is
entitled to full recognition by our own
people. Sibsou, Church &. Co. are the
general egents, and Jhe flour is for sale
by the lending grocer. TrlegrUM April
Hm-!t!'iT. Ariiirn Salri.
Tlir 1!kt ai.vk in tho world fni
I'ttt-. Hnii"e-.Sort',s.Uleer-,.SaU Iljicuin,
Fever Soivs. Tetter, Chapped Hands,
I'hilhlalns. Corns, and all Skin Krup
tions, and positively curesi Pile?, or no
pay required. It i- giiaranteeil to glvo
ntTfi-ot satisfaction, or lnmier refumlt'd.
pn,l,,1cVn 1
"' ,,(Mm,,ls
ntrf per iox. r or sale by .
& Co.
.... , .. - ,,. f "w;. ; - d;,i,.
Ju J,a,e of i ru, of ' JSS ,f -s"'PO
i!mJefl:?:, $WM i?K!5H ,!!: a"l
Ir"-'. "- - .'"--""'
pieasam lUSlC, UUU RnWH .people
who have used it once never take any
thing else Unlike other remedies for
biliousness and constipation it never
loses its power to act. and it always
leavos the organs on which u acis .strong
er than before. Besides, one feels fresh
and bright
ight and realizes that it is at-
me's own true laxative.
Y. E.Dement
nre agents for Astoria, Oregon
Thieo Fishers.
Throe flohennen went gaily out toward
thn north.
' Out toward tho north ns the sun went
Alll they iauglied with s!
sailed f rth'
riving .Ji-iT.s Restaurant is
leo as they
, town
,..r Witt7a KiuTanranr ia run rucr lfi
i a ...i .in-'c ic ih ,.Unn m o-niwi lin-
You arc sure to have, luck before tnorn-
Three fishennen'salling up from the bar
at noon.
Hungry and dry from their toll of night,
They said "Oh, if we were by the Tele
phone saloon
We could get lunch and a drink and be
all right.
For men will drink and'men will eat
You can do both at tho Telephone- nnd
that's a treat
And breakfast at thn Chop House In the
Three grangers eanie Into the town one
day ;
They came by the way of Neeanleum
To the Chop Ilnnse to dine well go,
says they.
The best dinner there every day In the
For Jeff does sow and Jeff must reap.
He gWes the best meal, and has many
to keep.
Get 3"our cocktail at tho Telephone In the
Private card rooms at Jeffs nuw sa-
I loon The Telephone."
Gray sells Saekett Bros.' Al .sawed
cedar shingles A full M guaranteed.
Buy your I 'line of Gray "at Portland
Dontpay2. to 50 cents for dinner
when you can get a better one at the
Telephone for 15 cents from 11 to 2.
At FtrhU Fabre's.
Board for 3220 a month. -The 3best
InthacltT. Dinner from 5 to 7.
i --- '
Crant'i SfNlIiarnla tt thr Itrclnninc of the
St. J..OU1.S, Ajiril 12. There is printed
in this merning: Ohbe-Dcmncrut the
following letter written by General Grant
in l5til to his father-in-law in this city,
prefaced with the editorial assertion that
this letter has never before lwen made
public. It is a doctrine of rare views
expressed on the rebellicn and of special
interest just now that all eye are turned
toward the dying chieftain:
Galkxa. April ID. ll.
.fr. F. Dc,f Deau Sik: I have but
very little time to write, but as in these
exciting times wc are very anxious to
henr from you, and know" of no other
way but by'writin first to yon, I must
make time. Wo get but little news by
telegraph from St. Louis, bat from nil
other pml.s of the country we are hear
in. nil th.i iinm 'l'ln fimitc nr. fiiilm.!
nt "riling, bnm'ow is tlu time, p-iriirii-
larly 111 tho birdi-r ! ive states, tr men
to prove their love of conutry. I fciow
it is hard for southern men to apparent
ly work with the Kepuhilcan party, but
now ull party distinction should be lo-t
cirtlif ft OTirf it.v TTft rn Firf fan -
maintaining tho iiitenrUv of the Glorious
old stars and strip?, the ooMtitioiiantI,in,,kk,lk1tlnt,1w0 pJ ""n.
rMn limoii. Inn linn h 1Q rf linoii! inn t
tne presidents call in aucn a manner
that tho rebels may truly quake. I tell
you thero is no mistaking tho feelings of
the people. The government can call
into ueld not only t.,WJ troops, nut ten
,.-,r,.t- 4,0 r-.iwi ,f ; oiir.,,1,1 j.
necassary, und find tho meiuis of main -
tainin them, fo. It is alia mistake
about the northern pocket loing so sen-
sitive. In times like tho present, no peo-
ti!a am innro romlr to nWn thnir umi
time orof their abundant means.
means '
couceal from j
thoso troubles'
Jlin .initriwsni-j
No impartial man can
himself the fact that in all
thje southerners have been tho aggressors
and the administration has stood surely
on the defensive more on tho defensive
than sho would dared to have dono be
fore her consciousness of her strength
and the certainty of right prevailing in
n;n;!n;m. iinf f
tne end. 1 no news to-dav is that ir
the influence she will have on tho other
border slave states this is not much to
be resetted. Her position, or rather
that of eastern Virginia, has been more , uavf, rnn z0?5 ? " wuJcn re
reprehensible from the beginning than cte,nty' transpired in Atlanta. An old
. . r-m . . . . . .! . . - . fnnnn nvnala vnoil lata nvf ws- fal IrtTTfr?.
tuat or "iMVXo. Carolina, hbo sliould bo
made to bear a heavy portion of tho bur -
den of tho war for her guilt.
In all this I can but see the doom of
ainvorr i ha -nm-th .1 v.a ,, mf nr.i-
will it'want, to interfere with the institu-'
tion. but it wil refnse for nil timo to mv
that they will never be worth fighting for
overagain. I have just received u letter
fo?th theemost paSiVnUmentsHel
is for the old flag as long as there is. a
union of two states fighting under the
banner, nnd when they dissolve, ho will '
go it alone. This is not so well expressed
as he expresses it.
m Julia and the children are well and
join me in love to you all. I forgot to
mention that Fred has another heir, with
some novel name that I have forgotten.
Verv truly. U. S. Gpakt.
Women on JcriM.
Yesterday, at the sitting of the district
court, -was presented a display of tho
practical workings of woman suffrace.
calculated to make even its out husinstic
cdvecat s pau e and pozder deeply, 'i he
case on trial was the Kurr-Webber adul
tery iudictment. Upon the jury wert
thfee Indies. .As is customary when t rial-,
of this character are in progress, ih
court room was crowded with people who
love to mllihoueath their tongues a mor
sel of .scandal. All day long those ladies
were made the target of a hundred eyes. '
All day long tliey sst among strange men
listening'to testimony, the tilth of which
the power of pen cannot describe. All
day long they were forced to meet the
questioning gaze of brute?, of vile men
and bawds, when some choice bit of
filth was drawn all reeking from the (
pool of moral pestilence. All day long
their nuwill ing eyes wero forced to g.ize
upon a panorama of indecency such as
tho heart of a pure woman would crv out
against a passing change of pictures
rtucaas araouesi mniu wouiu never see,
would never think or even dream of.
Then camo tho jury room. All night
long these ladies wore forced to listen to
a rehearsal of tho dirty testimony, Even
as we write this morning tho jury is pass
ing to its brepkfast, still without a ver
dict. Satllc Chronicle, 11.
Business in new season's pack is not
very encouraging so far. Sales have been
mauo at us cis. io i, nuu now, wo near
of 95 cts. being named as a remarkably
good figure for somo brands on eastern
account. Nearly all tho canneries are
reported as going to pack, so unless there
is a real shortage in the run it is likely
Trn Tt-tll nrrniri hnrn n frill tiflnl Tvrii.rt
considering tho present unfortunate con- (
UlllOIl Ul COUUUilllJUIl muratii'i, lii IU uu
regretted. S. F. CorresiMndent, Ajtril 13.
As to the future prices that is governed
by competition at present, there is offered
Sacramento nt 1.0.75 1.10 and Columbia
river (good brands) at $1.101.20 deliv
ered here. .Yen? Orlmns Correspondent.
April 7.
A partv of 130 wood choppers from
Canada, Nora Scotia, Manitoba and u
few from Minnesota and Iowa, left yes
terday for Port Blakelx, Port Ludl jw and
other Paget sound lumbering points.
.They compose the greater part of tho 180
immigrants who arrived on Tuesday's
Northern Pacific trains. All havo prior
engagements and will go to work as soon
as they arrivo at their destination. They
were contracted "for in tho east by tho
Paget sound mill owners. .Vetw, 77,
Bo Yu ThiuU that Jeff" of
Tlie Chop House
Gives you a meal for nothing, and a
glass of somethlug to drink? uNot
much !" but he gives a better meal and
more of it than any place In town for
25 cents. He buys by the wholesale and
pays casn. "mat settles it. 7
Syrup ofFiRS.
.Nature's own true Laxative. Pleasa
ant to the palate, acceptable to the Stom
ach, harmless in Its nature, painless in
Its action. Cures hahltual Constipation.
Biliousness, Indigestion and kindred
ills. Cleanses the system, purifies the
blood, regulates the Liver and acts on
the Bowels. Breaks up Colds. Chills
and fever, etc. Strengthens the organs
on which it acts. Better than bitter,
nauseous Liver medicines, pills, so, Its
and draughts. Sample bottles free, and
large bottles for sale by NY. E. Dement
& Co., Astoria,
it protection un'esstho south shall return ' hkw""" u3 iu awuj;uwi '
soon to its allegiance. And then, too, , "tu tongue wero tho follewing: "I
this disturbance will give such an hnpe-' deman my soul into your keepin':" !
tus to theproduction of its staple, cotton,' "t ,eue, .'uu M .7, w
in other parts of the world that it can dH tacl- " Chnslxui anaf "doin
never recover the control of the market Annenees ob de Holy Spent" and "Let
again for that commoditv. This will re-, m.e ax d ordinance of what I ve said
duce the value of the negroes so much ?." f: -?.tc Orleans Correspondent
In Liberty county, Gn., a negro preach- j
er was conducting a series of revival
meetings, and one night had a dozen men
and women Iyiug prostrato beforo him.
According to the custom, he was Hitting
up all night with these couvcrl.s, preach
ing to the small band of spectators who
were helping him to sit it out. Finally
getting frantic nt tho way ono man held
out, ho cried: "De word ob God shall
break dat man down!" And, so saying,
ho seized the pulpit biblo and struck the
obstinate man on tho head with it, fell
ing him to tho floor, and thus .securing
another victim. I have Jheard omo ab
original preaching around on Magnolia
btreet at tho Fourth African Baptist
church here. Th6" orator was preaching
on the text ''Dis am do place ob a skull."
Ho began with an account of Cleopatra
and her asp, referring to tho latter as be
ing "not simply painiui, but inortlv.
. derin, fearful mortly." Then
lowed an account of tho goddess Ijenlah,
and tho civilization of Uabylon in the
days of Darius (accent on the first sylla
ble). He centinued: "Man is lost in
his own destiny. Some is lost by 'sua
sions, and some "by Imno'tations'. Yo'
1 know, my brederin, dat it says semewhat:
icu uuuxs ouumu """ u ."
By sealed houses is meant kalsomined
houses in dis connection. Do devil has J
jess twenty-tinr namos, man lias jess
seven evil habits, an God. satnn an' men
togedor makes up the Ilolv Trinit, ob
1 wuicu you otteii nceru. ue ilolv
1 nnit is taken from de chronology obde
antediluvian felicitudcs ob God, jJln.s-
trf e,d m his renovajions. De elements j
wnich we partake ob m de sacrament ob d?
J ijawd ssupper makesdo Zeini Lall Izzum '
t-SVIUl"-"13IU woujeciuruj uu u
'"nit; ?' at ht u b:i,ck l
d.cltex P13,tara ,do Plnco ?.b n
lf yOU don't bCHCVO lllS
I conjectural ob uis Holy
again to
a skull.
you don't believe 1i.1t tits worls a 5
makin progress jess look at do lates' '
lignrcs. o nave hfty hundred million
Greeks, twenty-two hundred million
Protestants, thirty hundred million Hin
durians. twenty hundred miUion Demc
crats " Out thoso statistics quite
crushed half a dozen white northerners
who were m tho church, and they arose
and bolted for tho door. Perhaps tho
worat distortion of Scripture which I
I :?!,, "--" -- ''"'"
' An H? TS." TemP!o ? ren m
i iwine." xnen no went on to speculate
lo iao quamy 01 iwiue impiieu in me
passage, giving his belief that thero was
bl9 tv7ne' and red, twine. aPd yelow
. iwxue, eie. xvuiuiiKiuueuriusiuft oi e.
aa" aAy l rt'"lllf-
. -
Tf)St TOllP BulOD POWfler T0"Day !
BraiklJ advertised bi absolute! 7 par
TlAco a can top down on a hot jto-ro until
rca'eO, then rwnoi c the cover and mell. A cbein
1 1 1. II 1 not be required to Ueicct tho presence ot
Ilra'Ufabim Kj NEVER fore qanttonrt.
In -j million ;rmeforaiuartcrof n.eent:- I
sl jw-1 ibecoft.-.utaer's reliable tcet.
Pl'lCC jlftlviu0"
T'rtviTni f'n
n - "". v
Dr. Price's Special Flavoring Extract-,
ae strongest. mo-tdlic!onsa:ut natural
Usror knofrn . and
.. Price's Lupulin Yeast Gems
Ujht.llcalthy Breail.TbeUcttDry Ho
i int in iqo worm.
J, till j
Tri .
f 3,..
i iRffSil
J lrfei
I - . ViCVil
Tne nest dry hop yeast In the world.
Bread raised by this yeast la light, white
and wholoBomo like our grandmother's
delicious bread.
Price Baking Powder Co.,
Burns oi Dr. Rice's special FtoTonnz Extract!,
Chicago, Ml. St. Louia, Mo
For a:e bv Ccttixo, JIeblk & Co.. Aent
fort and, Oregon
Hot T4uucli. nt the Tolopfanuo
From It to 2 every day.
A fine lunch with drink or cigar, 2."
No chargf- after two o'clock,
Frewh EnHtern and Sheulwater
Uny Oysters
Constantly on hand, cooked to any style
at Frank Fabrc's.
Choice Seed Oafs
For sale at J. H. D. Gray's.
ForaKcat Fitting Boot
Or Shoe, go to P. J. Goodmans, on Che
namus street, next door to I. W. Case.
All goods of the best make and guaran
teed quality. A full stock;, new goods
constantly arriving. Custom work.
Boys' nnd Children's suits just re
ceived nt Mcintosh's new store.
Go to Wilson & Fisher's and see
something new in window stops.
sf Uvpw i
. vsy
JjertfA r. aUX
t1 'i, Bra
I a J
arfjg. . viJt-wA
We will make a grand display
of New and Fashionable Goods
Thursday, April 16th
And following Bay.
hi $ Minion Invited.
The Leading Dry Goods and Clothing House
The New York Novelty Store
I The
Loading Stationers and News Dealers of Astoria.
KABY i$rcsc;iEs.
The Latest Notions
"We defy any and all competition.
Sliavil anfl. Bathing Saloon.
Ladies' Hair Dresser and Wig Maker
All kinds of
Ladles' Hair cutting and Shampooine a
specialty. All work done In the most artis
tic manner and In tho latest style.
I. DnPARK, Prop.
Tarkcr House, Main St., Astoria, Or
4L& P
Fino Stationery,
Blank Books,
School Books,
Music Books,
S I have removed my entire stock Into the 2
S 3
new store formerly occupied by K. Djxon, 2
S and opened with a large stock of new 5
goods for Spring and Summer s
i s
and Novelties, Etc.
Call, examine our poods and be convinced.
Astoria Bakery
Columbia Candy Factory.
Eil. .TnckNOD. Proprietor.
Candies. - - 20 Cts per lb
Dread, I'les and Cakes delivered every
Agents for Stock's
Littlo Giant, and
Kranich and Bach's Pianos,
Taker, and Western
Cottage Organs.