The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, April 16, 1885, Image 3

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?iu ihutoj stoviMU
THl'KSDAY... rlT.!."l.A"l,lUl. li.. IMS
(Monday excepted)
rimi.iiiKi:.s ani ij:oikietoii.s,
Terms orSnbscrlplIon.
Served by Carrier, per week 15cts.
Stnt bv Mall. pr monllu GOcts.
oho year ................. J7.09
Frot ol iKt:ii;e to iuhs'Tiln'is.
tAdvcrtiscaients inserted by the vearat
Uie rate of 62 per square per month. " Tran
sient advertblus Mty cents per square, each
XoUce To Advertisers.
Tun Astorian- guarantees to ii-ad-M'rtisers
the largest circulation of anv
newspaper published on the Columbia
The Mount Washington -will not be
said as previously advertised.
Dr. Baker returned yesterday from a
.short visit to the inland empire."
The Falslaff arrived at Queeuitown
on the 13th, 143 days from Astoria.
.Recent cable advices quote Columbia
salmon at 21s per case, an ndvanco of
one dollar in five weeks.
Tho Oregon is duo from San Francisco
this morning. Mayor liuinti is among
the incoming passengers.
Tho term of Bchool in upper Astoria
closes to-day. There will bo suitable ex
ercises, beginning at two v. M.
At eleven this morning, 1. C. ilolden
will sell a lino sloop scow and a Concord
buggy. Tho scow will bo nold at Gray's
The Archer finished discharging cargo
yestorday. Sho put off 11,8,VJ boxes tin
and 100 tons silt, and goe up stream
this morning.
There will bo skating at Ross' new
Opera House next Saturday evening, and
every evening noxt week. This wijl bo
an opportunity to try the new floor, which
is laid especially for skating.
Tho State, which sails to-day for San
Francisco, carries twenty-five horses,
shipped from Albany. A freight train
from Walla "Walla eastward recently car
ried twelve car loads of horsps to market
iu Chicago.
W. W. Baker, tho Portland editor and
butter sharp, is going to prosecute thoe
who sell oloomargarine. Good! He should
also go after those who sell rancid butter
milk und grc-aeo called, by courtesy,
'fresh butter."
About tho only effect, bo far, of the
supposed war between England and Rus
sia :s that we all have to pay more for
flour. But then there's the fun of read
ing the war news, which contradicts to
day wnat it said yesterday.
To-day's steamer brings a large con
signment of material to this office pur
chased from first hands and which will
be worked up at a price that renders it
unnecessary to sand your money away
for anything in the way of plain or fancy
job printing.
They tell of a man over near Ilwaco
who paid his son $'25 to quit going to
see a girl to whom he was engaged, and
within a week the old fellow had married
her himself and had sent to Frank Par
ker's for a largo supply of family grocer
ies where a full stock can always be
Last Tuesday night n man whoso name
could not be learned, fell from one of the
upper town coaches while coming down
to the city and broke his leg. He was
too drunk to seo whero he was going, and
no one is to blame for tho accident but
himself. He was conveyed to St. Mary's
hospital and surgical attendance pro
cured. A pleasant party assembled at the resi
dence of J. O. Bozorth and wife last Tues
day evening to celebrate their wooden
wedding. The presents wero numerous
and appropriate to the occasion and the
guests thoroughly enjoyed themselves.
It being the fourth anniversary of the
marriago of Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Elberson
they celebrated it by participating in the
party, thus dividing tho honors.
W. D. Pittinger, absconding nnd de
faulting ex-county treasurer of Washing
ton countv, was recentlv seen by a Mr.
Quick at Keananna, B. C., where he was
working at the carpenters' trade. He
thought of having soon to leave for new
fields, as his lino of business was rather
dull at that place. Quito a number of
persons would be pleased to have Pitt
inger show up once more on his old
stamping ground.
The Tacoma Ledger says: Judge Jas.
G. Swan, the Hawaiian consul, stationed
at Port Townsend, arrived in this city on
Saturday and was a guest at tho Tacoma
until last night, when he returned. He
came hero by invitation of Mr. W. 1).
Tyler, manager of the hotel, in the inter
est of a proposed lino of steamers to ply
between the Sandwich Islands, China
and Japan ports and Paget sound, con
necting at Tacoma with the Northern Pa
cific rpilroad.
A story is told of a very deaf Philadel
phian who called on Cleveland soon after
election. He had heard about tho influ
ence Mr. Gorman of Baltimore, had over
Mr. Cleveland, and ho called to warn him
against "that crowd." Ho went into do
tails to show him what a hard lot tho
Baltimoreans were, nnd appeared to
know them all intimately. Tho governor
listened with all his ears, occasionally
Telling '-Yes'." or "Xo!" into tho horn of
the visitor's ear-trnmpet, and nevor sug
gesting that ho had had about enough of
it. Presently Col. Lamont, who had been
sympathizing with his chief, had occasion
to leavo the room. As he passed iu tho
rear of the govornor his excellency still
seemed intent on tho old man's recital,
never taking his eyes from his face, but
as tho private secretary got directly bo
hind him ho heard his familiar voice say
in a wearisome aside: "Dan this is the
worst racket I over struck.' But the
visitor wftB innocent of all suspicion, and
Cleveland listened patiently until he
There will be an entertainment
sociable at the M. E. church on Friday,
evening, tho 17th iusL, when there will
be given a musical and literary enter
tainment under the auspices of the la
dles' aid society. Admission only 'Si
cents. After the entertainment refresh
mentscoffee and sandwiches, etc., will
be served for which no charge will lie
Te Accommodate Ills Patrons.
Alex. Gilbert will keep his saloon
open day and night. Fishermen can get
a good lunch at any hour of the night.
The genuine French satdtne constantly
on bund.
At Frank Fabro's.
Board for $22.50 a month. The best
In tho city. Dinner from 5 to 7.
Piano stools two dollars at Adler':
Does uot make any second-clas3 Pic
tures at his New Gallery. 2o. Gljf, on
the Koadway.
rooLixo OFT.
London, April l.". The war feeling is
less demouslrativf to-day; Russia has
got through furnishing explanations to
tho English government and is now in
turn asking England to explain what
English staff officers were doing in Af
ghan, it being a matter easily proved
that there were several English officers
at the battle on the Murghach.
Bad weather in Afghan is retarding
military operations. Consols are ad
vancing. Tho demand for wheat in
Liverpool is good, and prices close firm.
CmcAon, April 15. The exciting news
from .England ha3 sent wheat up with a
bound, and tho late dispatches indicat-"
ing that the war nay not take place cre
ated almot a panic here this morning.
It rallied, however, and the market closed
at almost the same quotations as the
NhW Yobk, April lf. Grant is cheerful
and talkative this evening, makes no
complaint of pain in his throat and ap
pears conoidorably better.
Tho man who wants a government of
fico must not put his trust in petitions.
The president 1ms no confidence in such
documents. Standard.
Of coursa a groat portion of th'ne who
arc arriving here now, have their minds
made up an to the locality they will go
to, but there are ninny also who have not.
These latter one, tho man .sent from
here can meet, and turn a part of them
at least, to Salem. Even if they do not
purchase farms or sot tie here but the
chances are they will if the committee in
this city use them right they will stay
for a few days and will bpond so much
money, nnd they will in the end leave
moro money in the city than your man
iu Portland takes out. Talk
Oar people must wake up to the im
portance of securing a part of tha immi
gration coming west. If we don't want
any immigrants, if we havo enough peo
pie, and of just the right kind, then we
should sit still like n fungus on a fir tree;
but if we do want immigration,
moro people and more capital,
then. wo. . must do something.
The world owes us nothing. Other sec
tions are doing something, and, if wo do
not follow Suit, other sections will reap
the benefit of their enterprise, and we
will get gloriously left. Statesman.
Prohibition of liquor shops is not prac
ticable, because there are so many who
want to drink and whose demand for
drink creates depots of supply. If Ore
gon now hod a prohibitory law saloons
in Portland would not be closed bv it.
They would sell as much us ever and be
free from tax. A military despotism
here, supported by the whole army of the
United States, could not close the saloons
of Portland. Men of judgment know
this, and because they do not want li
quors sold froo of tax they do not want a
so-called prohibitory law. Oregonian.
Improvements and inventions oouio so
fast in the business of salmon packing
that they have almost ceased to attract
attention, except when one sees a labor-
saving improvement he sometimes won-
ders why someone didn't think of it
before. Tho latest improvement is an
indirect one; it consists of two nau-u riv
ing machines and as boxes form an
important part of every cannery outfit
the new way may be considered an im
provement in the matter of packing a
The new machines aro at J. C. Trul- j
linger's box factory, adjoining tho West!
Shore Lumber mill. They are simple in j
thir poiiRtrneHon Jind nnerAtion. Affpr
the pieces that compose tho box are fit- j
ted they aro put on a horizontal iron 1
table and the stamp .of a treadle nails
the sides together, forming a complete
box. Last season .Hr. Trullinger em
ployed seventeen men turning out 3,200
boxes a day. This season he calculates
thut niuo men with the two machines
will do equally as Reed work, and in his
busiest season when everything is crowd
ed, the machines won't get their backs
up nnd demand higher wages. j
His OFF YKiit I
" i
A former candidate for a city ofiic'
was reading an alleged newspaper, which I
. i
derailing him furiously, but had changed
its tone. He smiled as he read a pleas
ant paragraph,and remarked sneeringly
io a menu Hiiiing near:
"Ha! the sheet is becoming quite com
plimentary.'" -Is ltr"
"It calls me a gentleman, now; but last i
year it called me a thief, a liar and a J
vju, you muaui uouce mai; tins is j
your off year, you know?
HoyV and Childron's suits jut re
ceived nt Mcintosh's new store.
Prof. Van Horn, whoso skill as a
piano tuner is a source of gratification
to those possessed of an instrument, is
at the Occident, whore orders mnv he
Go to Wilson & Fisher's and see
something new in window stops.
A largo assortment of ZSeckwear re-
celved at 3lclnt03h's Furnishing store.
All the patent medicines advertised
in this paper, together with the choicest
perfumery, and toilet articles, etc-can
he bought at the lowest prices, at J. W.
Conn's drug storw. opposite Oclden
hriel. Astoria.
Syrup of Fi;rs.
Nature's own true Laxative. Fleas
ant to the palate, acceptable to the Stom
ach, harmless in Its nature, painless in
its action. Cures habitual Constipation,
Biliousness, ludlgestiou and kindred
ills. Cleanses the system, purifies the
lilood, regulates the Liver and acts on
the Bowels. Breaks up Colds, Chills
and Fever, etc Strengthens the organs
on which it acts. Better than bitter,
nauseous Liver medicines, pills, salts
and draughts. Sample Dottles free, and
large bottles lor sale hy w. K. Dement
& Co., Astoria.
Croup, Whooping Cough and Bron
chitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's
Cure. Sold by W. K. Dement.
KrfHU Eastern and ttboalvvater
Bay Oyster
Constantly on hand, cooked to any style
at Frank Fabre's.
Choice Seed Oats
For sale at J. II. D. Gray's.
Tie Xtreartk of Eajtlia d KaitUUFa
clfle WaUr-.
The British fleet in Pacific waters con
sists of the following vessels on the Pa
cific statien: Constance, Bcrew steel and
iron corvette, of 14 guns, 2,830 tons;
Heroine, composite screw corvette, 8
guns, 1,420 tons; Pelican, composite
screw sloop, 8 guns, 1,130 tons; Liffey,
frigate store ship; Mutine. composite
screw sloop, 6 guns; Sappho, composite
screw sloop, 4 guns, 910 tons; Satellite,
composite screw corvette, 8 guns, 1.420
tons; Triumph, armor-plated screw ship,
14 tons, 6,640 tons. At the China station
there are the follewing: Agamemnon,
double-screw, armor-plo.ted turret ship,
C guns, 8,510 tons. Albatross, composite
screw sloop, 4 guns, ftWtohs; Andrcions, ,
double-screw, Iron armor-plated ship, 10 ,
gun3. 6,010 tons; Champion, steel screw .
corvette, 14 guns, 2,330 tons; Cleopatra,!
iron screw corvette, 14 guns, 2,880 tons; !
Cockchafer, screw gun-boat, 4 gun3, 465 j
tons; Curacoa, 'screw corvette, 14 guns, !
2.S3Q tons; Darling, screw sloop, 4 guns,
940 tons; Espoir, screw gun-boat, 4 gnnn.
465 tons; Firebrand, screw gun-boat, 4 !
guns, 455 tons; Linnet, double-acre w j
f:an-vessel, guns, 750 tons; Mer-j
in, screw gun-boat, 4 guns, 430
tons; Midge, double-screw gtui veasol I
4 guns, C63 tons; Pegasus, screw sloop
6 guns, 1,130 tons; Sapphire, screw cor-1
vette, 12 guns, 1,970 tens: Swift, double- J
screw gun-vessel, 5 guns, 756 tons; Victor i
Emanuel, reoeiving-ship, 2 guns, 5,157 i
tons; Vigilant, paddle-wheel dispatch-;
boat, 4 guns, 1,000 tens: Wanderer, screw
sioop,i: guns, vzo ions; .epnyr, screw gun
boat, 4 guns, 438 tons.
At the Australian station aro the follow
ing vessels: Dart, screw yacht, 2 guns,
470 tons; Diamond, screw corvette, 12
guns, 1,970 tons; Espiegle, screw sloop,
6 guns, 1,189 tons; Harrier, schooner;
Miranda, screw sloop, 6 guns, 1,130 tons;
Kelson, double-screw iron armor-plated
ship, 12 gun3,7,630 toar;Kaven, screw
gun-boat; Swingert screw gun-boat, 4
guns, 430 tons; undine, schooner.
The Russian fleet in the Pacific consists
of the Abrcck, 7 guns, 1,634 tons; Gor
nostal, gun-boat, G tons, 456 tons; Morge,
Nerpa and Sobol, gun-boats, 7 Runs each,
400 tons; Marin, frigate, .6,000 tons, 19
guns; Opritohulk, 1,400, 6 guns; Ras
boinik, 1,353 tons, 12 guns; Djigit (on the
way out) 1,400 tons, 12 guns.
Upon thi3 bald old earth of sin,
Which whirls from day to day,
There are many things to make us grin
And laugh our breath away,
But there's nothing rill a man invest
With mirth, And make him holler,
Like finding in a last year's vest
A last year's unspent dollar.
Buckleu's Arnica Salve.
Thk Best Salvk in tho world for
Cuts, Bruises, Sores.UIcers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains. Corns, and nil Skin Erup
tions, and positively cures Piles, or no
pay required. If Is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded.
Price 23 cents per box. For sale by W.
K. Dement & Co.
Do You Tliiolx that JelT" t"
The Chop House
Gives you a meal for nothing, und a
glass of somethiug to drink? aXot
much !" but he gives a better meal and
more of It than any place in town for
25 cents. He buys by the wholesale and
pay cash. 'That settles It."
Three Fithers.
MMiraa ihannan iront rro il t rftti t f rfci-ci !
iu.vuujuun.uuHftuinuuk wnmu
LllC IlOrlUt !
Out toward tho north as the IUI Went: -.,,., , ,-- , ,?
dow-ii . wrinkled. A fat woman at 4a is brighter
. , Hovv": i , t.. i .i 3 , x tu u it t ..a r
Aiid they laughed with glee as they and fresher than a Sally Bras3 at '23, fo,
. , S3ll,eifl"1; .,,., lheliasnotthatpIeasinrotandit3--shich
.7141 fC4tihC.-iaMiHUI I44G 1Cfc Jl
AiuUekf-s Is the place to goand line-!
You are sure to have luck before morn-
Tmee fishermen sailing up trom the bar
at noon.
Hungry and dry from their toil of night,
They said "Oh, if we were by the Tele
phone saloon
Ye could get lunch and a drink and be
all right.
For men will drink and men will eat
You can do both at the Telephone and
tliot'c o rroot
And breakfast at the Chop Hone Iu the
Three grangers ehnie into the town one
day j
They came by the way of Xecnuicuin
'r Chol' House to dine we'll go,
says they.
Tim best dinner thero every nay in the
For Jeff does sow and Jeff must reap.
He gives the best meal, and has muuy
to keen.
j Gel your cocktail at tho Telephone in the
A Happy Thought.
1 1 was a happy thought that led to the
production of a concentrated fruit ajr-
up, so narmiess in lis uaiurciuai it may
be given either to the mother or her
babe, relished alike by. both, und of
such wonderful efficacy that all who
take it feel brighter and happier. W.
E. Dement & Co. will furnish anyone
wishing Syrup of Figs atrial bottle free
of charge, or will sell 30 cent and one
dollar bottles.
5irirmi'c HifTiL' will iminkillutiilr
! rnllpvft nrntni. Wlmnnliif f'niicrli. unit
I Hronchitls. Sold by Y. E. Dement & Co
For DinnerPartles to order, al short
notice, go to Frauk Fabre's.
(iray sells bacxolt isros. Al sawed
cedar shingles A full II guaranteed.
Buy your Lima f Gray at Portland
Dontpay23 to 50 cents for dinner
when you can get a belter ono at the
Telephone for 13 eeuls from 11 to 2.
Porajfcat FUtln-r Bool
Jr Shoe, go to P. J. Goodmans, on Che
nainus street, next door to I. W. Case.
All goods of the best make and guaran
teed' quality. A full stock; now goods
constantly arriving. Custom work.
Are you made miserable by Indi
gestion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of
appetite, Yellow Skin ? Shiloh's Vital
iscer is a positive cure. For sale by W.
"L Dement.
Ilot Lunch, at the Telephone
From 11 to 2 every day.
A fine luneh with drink 6r cigar, '25
No charge after two o'clock,
Private card rooms at Jeffs new sa
loon "The Telephone."
One of the finest billiard rabies on the
coast at Jeffs 'Telephone.'
1 ! "
i .lacktii. Garfield. Madison. Linroln. J. Adani-.
'' 1S2. I 18S1. ISIS- 1SC3. 17:t;. j
11 j 24 . I 7 20 3
i I 1 :
.Irntor. ' JackMin. Cleveland. - -Monroe. Tavlor.
l0i. . 1K. ISA 1317.- 1KI!.
4 12 25 ! S 16
j ; !
Mew .Jefferson. , Van Uureu. GranrT' -Mouroe.
1S. 1. - '1S.. .s'-. '" 1S21-
17 5 13 21 9
I. . Adams.
We jive space to the ''Presidential magic square,' one of the most
unique and profitable puzzles that has over been presented to the
public. The idea of this presidential magic square is original with
Alfred Jones, of "Washington, Indiana, and occurred to him before
Lincoln's election in 1S00. Ho has waited about twenty-five years
for the elections subsequent to that time to complete the square, and
the inauguration of Cleveland has made this strange and instructive
square perfect. As will be scon by examining the square the name
of the first president of this great country is placed in the square be
low the center square, together with the year of his inauguration and
by rule all the other squares arc filled up. Now. who will be the first
one to fathom or decipher this rule? Tho curious feature of this
square is that if you add any column to the right or left, up or down,
or take the sum of the diagonals the result in every case is 9,185.
j And tho small numbers in the squares indicating the number of the
administration, when added in the same manner, gives a result in
even' caso of G5. Here is the presidential magic square. There is
much valuable information to be obtained from this presidential magic
; square, and as a matter of reference it will do to clip and pasto in
your scrap book. Young people just beginning the study of United
j States history should paste it in the back of their school history.
A Wi-Ale-l)tatrojrtr Which Vents Time and
r-tkerTfrs litaut).
While there is little beauty in obesity
there is a great deal in a limited amount
of fat, which, liko charity, covers a mul
titude of imperfections. Fat is a Yerit-
able godsend to homely women, for it
covers np the bones, rounds off the sharp
angles, and gives a solidity to the figure
that is at once attractive and command-
ing. A plump woman may require a b
glove, but her hand looks much smaller -- J7'" bo & raeaD3, of exciting the cir
?, .. . , , , , , Iculation at the surface and giving tone
than that of a lean woman which may be to the languid muscles. Live much in the
covered with a No. 5. Another advan- open air, but let the exercise be light; re
tage of fat, and a condition, too, of vital fran from excessive labor, moderate the
nuwiuna w uc. tti- uvuic? ucyci
UaU j-tlfl onl v-f-haif a! vifnsfl in wr.
iJUHJi lC filcJ utbutiu J C ir IC-
freshing to contemplate
Pat people may not live any lonr
than their skinny, bony neighbors, but
while they do live they are healthier, hap
pier and handsomer, if uot wittier und
wiser. By fat here is not meant that su
perabundance of animal tissue which
prevails amoug the butchers and beer
dealers of the city. In such instances fat
is only attended with high color, lazv
and indolent disposition, and sluggisu
emotions, but is the burden that two less
seem insufficient to support.
It is one thing to get fat but it is quite
another problem to remain in that bliss
ful condition and neither subside into
leanness nor run up into cor
pulency. Between the two evils it is
difficult to choose. Uuliko men. fat
women are almost always flabby, from
the fact that they can do little muscular
work and will no't exercise. On the other
hand, the fat woman who permits her
greatness to depart might as well Iturv
t herself, for, liko Lady Jane, little will bo
left of her the coming by and by. n hue
her fat lasted she was wrinkle proof, but
the moment her lymphatic temperament
j drops she becomes one big wrinkle, and
IMC loose, eiupiy an.ui limit;.- tiite ;i iiuieu
drapery from "temple to toe. Women
who study their glass intelligently are
aware of this and will risk their fortune
and their very lives to avoid Hny Hnch re
action, thero being only ono thing that a
cultured woman dreads more than wrin
kles und that is the small-pox. The
first thing that a woman of the world
does after tho
Somothing sweet
That follows youth with fiyiug feet
is in net fat, and, as in every
scheme at which she sets her wits, alio
In the process of llesh-building every
thing depend upon the food, which
must consist largely of carbonates, as,
for instance, mutton, wheat. rye.Tmtter.
corn, peps, rice, potatoes and milk. Eat
abundantly of fat meats, vegetables with
rich gravy and sauces, nnd sweet fruits,
drink all of the good milk vou can get
and scorn teu and coffee. It is quite a
well-known fact that with a life of ease
and plenty of alo ono am fatten up iu
three months' time. Where there is an
antipathy to such beverages, depend on
milk and cream, of which drink a gallon
a dpy, combining a quart of cream with
tho milk. Avoid acids of ail kinds, also
fiickles, spiced food, tablo sauces, mus
ards and liko condiments. For dessert
scorn all pastries, such as pie-crust, rolls
tarts, and tho indigestible dumpling,
Custards, patties, blanc mange, marma
lades, sago, rice, tapioca, and bread pud
dings will be found nutritious, likewise
raiBins, figs, candied fruits, apples,grapes,
all kinds of preserves and jellies, and
sugar in any shape. Cod-liver oil and
fresh-drawn blood are also incentives to
fat which should not bo overlooked, for
a glass of the former and a quart of
warm blood right from the slaughtered
cow before breakfast would cause Sarah
Bernhardt herself to puff out like a cotton-ball
in three weeks.
Let it be remembered that it is quality
rather than quantity that conducivo
to fat. Gormandizing is not only un
necessary but absolutely pernicious to
anybody desirous of being healthy. Tho
digestive organs must bo kept in a con
list when the stomach i3 overloaded
stant state oi acuvuy, wnicn cannot ex
j Drink abundantly, whether of broths;
14 -
soups, water or milk. Never use ice-water
at meals, as such a drink chills the sys
tem and arrests digestion. Batho freely
but avoid extremes of temperature since
cold water shocks and hot water weak
ens tho nerves. Always take a warm
bath before retiring; sleep enough and on
n soft bed, and look well to tho perfect
ventilation of tho room. If the weather
is cold, sponce the entire body with
' glycerine, almond or olive oil, and keep
j tho feet warm by the same process.
Hagellation is another good thing used
J VltotlitlS?.KS;
to make them plump for market. If this
ireatmens uoes not mcreaso tno uesn
- comenieu ana ii von ao not una vour-
coif nvrn"rnf1iTrr nlnnnr1rir-i Ilia oVmn-io, m1
nrenare to take von nlnPA pmona thna
PP-1 lJIe Joa ,Pia.ce ftmo"? "nose
who are lean and lank through the laws
in a little book on digestion Dio Lewis
"j, Jgitonce- Go to bed Jarlv St
uniate drink wator on riqintr before "rp-
update, drink water on rising, before re-
Test Yonr BaMpg Powder To-Bay !
Eran d- ftdTertisctl cs absolutely para
Pin co a, can top down on a hot ttoTo until
rmtiil.tbexi rvraoretbc cover anil xnell. Acheui
M ill not bo required to detect Uio preseoc of
lis Ilht"a!nt Uii NEVER Beta QsettfeaH.
Inam'UIonhmnc-forAqnarterof jicentarjr ,t
i.e. KixHl tbeconamer' reliable lot,
Price Eating Powder Co.,
Dr. Price's Special Flavoring Extracts,
The rtrongt, ino.t dclic lorn and natural
flavor fcnovru, out!
"7- Price's Lupulin Yeast Gems
I r Li;Ut, Health j- Bread. The EeitDrr Hop
Yeast la the world.
Light Healthy Bread.
igc7rt JAU j
AS! Ois.
The nest dry hop yeast In the world.
Bread raised by this yeast 13 llRht.whlts
and wholesome like our grandmother's
delic'oua bread.
Price Baking Powder Co.,
jfiiTn ol Dr. Pries'- special FteTQrinz Extracts,
Chicago, 111. St. Louis, Mo
Fox sale by CinTiKO.MEaLK & Co.. Agents
ruri'aaa, uregon
ia r'ss2'xf -ji?
:r u -i bi -k ar n k.
We will make a grand display
of New and Fashionable Goods
Thursday, April 16t
And. following Say,
The Leading Dry Goods and Clothing House
The New York
The Leading Stationers and News Dealers of Astoria.
The Latest Notions
We defy any and all competition.
Shaving; an! Batting Saloon.
Ladies' Hair Dresser and "Wig Maker
All kinds or
Ladies' Hair cuttinc and Shampooinz a
specialty. All work done in the mot artis
tic manner and In tno latest style.
li. DnPARK, Prop.
Tarker House, Main St., Astoria, Or
Fine Stationery,
Blank Books,
School Books,
Music Books,
5 g
I have removed my entire stock into tho s
g new store formerly occupied ivy-" Dixon, g
j S
3 and opened with a lartie .slock of new g
g goods for Spring and Summer g
n 2
D. A. MclNTO
Novelty Store
and Novelties, Etc.
Call, examine our goods and be convinced.
Astoria Bakery
Columbia Candy Factory.
Ed. Jackson, Proprietor.
Candies, - 20Ctaperlb.
I'.read. PU'v and Cakes delivered every
Agents for Stock's
Little Giant, and
Kranich and Bach's Pianos,
Tabor, and Western
Cottage Organs,
V II In a
Uii I