m Site gtottjj Jlstotfm ASTORIA, OREGON: TGESDAY APRIL 1L 1&5 SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE PORT OF ASTORIA. VESSELS IS THE HI run. O Mt Washington, Am Bp 'Joloma. Itoslin Castle SI Jfc K. Cox. Br fcp ban Luis, Kr blc Tiillf K. MarbaclcAmsp Archer Brbk Oban.li&y. Ur bk Elmo, Br bk Janet XJcXoIl, British Monarch Chninian, Hrsn Remonstrant. Itrbk Jane Srrett. lir blc Uaidee. lir bk Cassarnlra, HrWc Allahabad. Br bk Kitty. Br.bt VESSELS US THE WAY. f'rri Forelru IortH, for llie Columbia Klvcr Kreatah. lir bV Valparaiso Jan 3 Carnaron Castlp. Br sp 1303 Sidney City of Madrid. Br t p Buenos Ayrei Not IB Edward Percy. Cr bk Calla Feb IS HadtiKtn'uirc. Bcspl jflRlo Jan 21 InrercsV, llr bk 79S Cardiff March 5 Lcren. Br bk 775 Valparaiso Sept8 Mltle, Ger bk S.S Liverpool Msdara. Br bk970 1 hecfoo Orcrdatc. Br bk Callao March 2 Qairteta. Br bk fSb Valparaiso River 1-even Ur bk 773 Valparaiso Solvere. Nor bk CW Callao Jan 29 TIK T.lISIiK FOB ASTORIA. HIOH WATER. LOW "WATER. Flrt Second. I First. Second. In. m. I ju In. m. I h. m. X h. m. 1 27 1 Stt 2 2 -C7 SS3 4 18 6 1C C27 7 47 sta 2 03 2 47 3 32 4 2J 5 2j fi4l 7 50 fl uo i49 10 2 10 f.0 1 27 1155 OSS 1 0") 1 40 23C 3 20 4X1 f 43 era 7 52a 0 3 7 52p 02 821 04 8 SO 0C 933 0 9 10 23 12 11 23 - - 052 42 2 00 40 3 01 34 3 51 27 43J 2 0 5 11 12 550 0 C C 24 0 0 C 58 -0 4 7 32 -0 C 8 OJ -05 8M -02 !M3 0 2 10 48 -- 0 03 87 1 IS 35' 2 28 23 328 20 4 18 14 COS 08 r4G 03 C 19 00 G52 -0117 22p S31 9 12 9 4S 10 47 11 4G 0 50' 2 14 o V 4 13 4 58 5 3G 10 & 10 Zi 11 3 C 0 C4G 7 25 8 OS 8 5C 9 4J 0 22 0l 1 2-1 2i0 2 43 3 33 4 3r r,rti 73 8 40 10 02 11 01 11 SI B! 92 19 2 9 0 80 10 51 8 0 7 5 f. OS !C4 0 00 1 31 2 53 1 00 4 4S 5 37 C 18 0 57 17 2! 9 07 74 70 7 i81 9 51 10 34 11 11 11 4C 037 1 19 2 00;) 0 15 8 8 0 4&i 8 9 7 3 tor The hours between mid'iizlit and noon arc designated by a (a. m.). those between noon and midnight by p (r. jl). oh. QOm. o denotes midnight, oft. 00m. p denotes noon. Tlie height is reckoned Irom the level of average lower low waters to which the sound ings are given on the Coast Survey charts. Columbia River Exports. SHIPMENTS FOREIGN. S58837 bus. wheat $633,371 24.S3S bbls. Hour 13,252 Total, (19 cargoes) 731,023 FEBRUARY. C1C73. bus. wheat. .S475.230 3.o37 bbls. flour . lG2.tf)0 11.K90 usTjuiiinon oajjno 583 M lumber ... 59.873 Total (10 cargoes) 5747,143 MARCH. Wheat, S22573 bus. S2X.V20 Flour. 3.237 bWs 3G.9M) I Total, (C cargo) ATHIL. 3 To Liverpool per Kenton. Flour, 11,000 bbls S27C,S79 ?44,O00 AHtoria Itctnil aiarket. Flour per bbl S4.50 Wheat, per cental Sl.50 Oats. 4 SlO Bacon, sides per B, 141G cts. Shoulders, " 12)4 cts. Hams, " Is"i7 cts. Lard, " UoflGK Cts. Beef,818cLs. Mutton, 8 14 cts. 1'ork, 1015 cts. Veal, 1420 cLs. Butter, per roll 5070 cts. E.ccs, per dozen 1S25 ct. -Potatoes, per lb i ct Cheese, per fl 1C20 cts uornmcai, per u 4 cts. Oatmeal, " CfgaKcts. Beans, " 4(gG cts. Coffee, " 12K40cl. Tea, " 2590cts. Utce, " 79cts. SuRar, " GifflH'cLs. Syrup, per gallon 70c $. Jioney, per gallon Slifi. Salmon, per kit S4 HO Onions, per lb 4cts. Apples driett per fi S(Jjl2X cts. Peaches " l3icLs. Plums. " " 12K (81 ic rts.' Candles, per R 20 cts. Chickens, per dozen S5. Hay, per ton 1." S20. Hides, per D 5 y cts. Oils, per gallon, boiled linseed. 73c; raw linseed, 70c: coal oil. 40c; lardSl.25 Domestic Exports. The receipts ot certain articles of Or egon produce, at San Francisco, from January 1. 1S85, lo April 1st; 1885, in clusive, have been as follews: Flour, qr sks... w...... 105,100 Wheat. ctls................... 173,741 Oats, sks ...... .............. 22.417 Salmon. l)Uls.................... 500 hi bbls 102 CS 0,257 pkjis CO Apples. Kipe, bxs . 5,032 bbls 70 pkjrs ..... CO Dutter. pics'! ...... .......... 77 Potatoes. sks..... .:....... 117.510 Wool, bales ....'... 707 Hides. No .. 7,809 Tallow. pkRs -.. . 910 Beef, bbls 4 Hay, bales.............. ........ ...... Quicksilver, flasks . 10 Fruit. Dried, pkys.. - 131 Leather. ikg . 112 Hops. bales.......................... 74 Hams, pkes .. 10 Cheese, cs......................M.. c Flaxseed, sks. ........ 9.C43 Corn. ctls......... .. .... Canned Goods, cs . Lard, pkRS ..... ............ 4 Bacon, cs 25 Delinquent Tax. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE delinquent tax in School District No. 9, If not paid In ten days from date will be placed in the hands of the sheriff for collec tion. Mns. M. LEINENWEBEE, Clerk School District No. 9. UpperAstona, April 9th, 1SS5, SOCIETY MEETIXGS. Temple LrfKtee. No. 7 A. P. A. M. TJEGULAR COMMUNICATIONS IX first and third Tuesdays In each mnntli. at 7U nVlnrfr. l M.. at tho Hall in Aitoria. Members of the order in good standing are Invited to attend By order of the W.M. Bearer Lodge No. 35. L O. O. F. "DEGULAR MEETING EV- SX ery Thursday evening at5 SOVOll fa'SHfim." !! IIIM IUHfH ' room in Odd Fellowslfall, Asto- -"'-ria. Sojouniing members of the order in good standing, cordially invited to attend. By order N. G. Ocean Encampment, No. 13, 1. O. O.P. REGULAR MEEITNGS OF OCEAN EN Xt; cainpment No. 13. I. O. O. F., at the Lodge, in the Odd Fellows Building, at seven r. m., on the second and fourth Mondays of each month. Sojourning breth ren cordially Invited. By order C P. Seaside Lodge No. 12, A. O. TJ. W. REGULAR MEETINGS OF SEASIDE Lodge No. 12, A. O. U. W. will be held in their Hall over Carnahan & Co.'s on Thursday evening of each week, at 7 o'clock. Members of the order In good standing, and visiting Brothers are invited to attend. Li brary will be open fifteen minutes before and after each meeting. Bv order 31. W. C. BROWN, Rec. -" v"v,n. . -- v.,w 7i1a.i? Astoria Lodge No. 40, L O. G.l. Regu: day EGULAR MhETING EVERY MON- eveniUE at 7 :30 o'clock, in the Hall over Carnahan's stoic. Members of the Or der, In good standing, are invited to attend. By order W. C. T. American Legion of Honor. REGULAR 31EETING OF ASTORIA Council No. 995 is held on the first and third Tuesday of eacli month, at 7 o'clock p. M. By order of the Council Commander. R. V. MONTE1TII, Sec'ty. Occident Council No. 5. 0. C. P. MEETS EVERY FIRST AND THIRD Saturday evenings of each month, at 8 o'clock V. 31. Members of the order are respectfully requested to attend. By order. C. BROWN, Recorder. Cushlng Pest No. 14, G. A. R. REGULAR MEETINGS OF THIS TOST on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 7:30 i m. Visiting com rades cordially invited. By oi der 1. C. Cushlng Relief Corps No. 3, G. A. R. REGULAR MEETINGSONTHESECONI) and fourth Tuesdays of each month, at 2 r. m. By order 31ns. C. ROSS. Secretary. Pacific Lodge No. 17 , K. of P. REGULAR 3IEETINGS OF THIS Lodge every Friday evening, at 7:30 o'clock, in their Castle Hal!, Sojourning Knights cordiallv invited to attend. W. A. SHERMAN, K. of R. and S. Astoria Division No. One, Uniform Rank, EL of P. K EGULAR MEETING ON THE FIRST 'I hursday of each mouth, In their Ar inory Hall, in Fythian Castle. at 8 v. su Reg ular drills on the second, tliiid and fourth Thursday of each month, at such place as snau ue uMgnaiei oy me u mniauder. Sojourning Sir Knight cordially Invited to meetings and drills. SCOTT BOZORTH. Rocorder. Astoria Ladies' Cofl'oe Club. !EUHR MEETINGS'AT THE CLUB'S o rooms on the first and third Friday's of each month at 7 1. 31. 31US. B. S. WORSLEV, Tres. Common CounciL REGULAR 3IEETINGS. SECOND AND fourth Tuesday evenings of each month at SL o'clock. x-l'ersons desiring to have matters acted upon by the Council, at any regular meet ing must present the same to the Auditor and Clerk, on or before the Friday evening prior to the Tuesday on which the Council holds its regular meeting. .: TIIOS. S. JEWETT, Auditor and Clerk. Wholesale and KetaillDealer in MILL FEED. Glass and Plated Ware, TKOriCAL AND DOMESTIC FRUITS AND VEGEFABLES. Together with Wines, UquorsJobacco.Gigars W. S. DEHENT & CO. ASTORIA, - - - OKKRON Carry in Stock, RUGS, CHEMICALS, TOILET .and FANCY ARTICLES. Prescriptions carefully Compounded FOR SALE. One E. W. BLISS, Latest Improved H0YE SOLDERiNG MACHINE, With West's Crimper attached. ThU3!aelilue lit Xearlr Xetv Red In Sold for Want of I'sp. Address GEO. W. DUNBAlfS SONS. New Orleans La. Cannery for Sale. THE MANHATTAN CANNERY IS OFFERED FOR SALE. Price S4.4O0. Apply to Mns. L. FALANGOS. Clifton, Or. Astoria, Feb. 25th, 1S53. Noticeto Columbia and Willamette River Pilots. TN ACCORDAJtCE WITH IKSTttUC tions from Board of Filot Commissioners I herebv notify ali Columbia and Willamette RiverTilots now holding Branches from the old Board, to surrender the same to me within ten days from tills date, deposit bonds and make application to the present board for new" Branches. G. W. LO DNSBERR Y. Sec'ty Board Pilot Comm'rs State of Oregon. Astoria, April 3, 1833. POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. Ar.urvel of purltv, strength and wholescmenes. 3Iore oconomlcal than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sow in competition wuu tne mul titude ot low test short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in carw. Roy al Baking Pewdki: Co., los Wali-st. N. Y. MARKETS. WKATT & THOMPSON. DEALERS IN FRESH AND CURED MEATS, CHOICE GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Crockery and Glassware. jMlIU Feed, 32to, STAR MARKET. WHERRY & C0ELPANY, Fresh and Cured 31 eats, VegotalDles, FRUITS, BUTTER, and EGGS. OITOSITE OCCIDENT HOTEL, CHKA3I1IS Street. Astoria, c Washington Market. 31aln Street, Astoria, Orrsou. KKUG3IAX & CO. I'ilOPRIETOKS RESPECTFULLY lion of the mil CALL THE ATTEN ublic to tho fact tliat the above Market will always be supplied with a FULL VARIETY AND BEST QUALTTi of ' FRESH AMD CURED MEATS ! ! Which will be sold at lowest ratea, whole sale and retail. SSr.SpccIal attention given to supplying snips. J. A. WILSON. (Late of San Francisco.) PAINTER, PAPER HANGER, -AND- ID BCOB.A 0703E2. Has located in Astoria and sollciU a share ef the paironaue. All work strictly flrst class. Terms moderate. Order box at Van Duscn's. R. Lemon & Co. STEVEDORES and RIGGERS Portlaud and Asforin. Portland Ofilce No. is, N. Front street. almon Packers We are ptepan-d to print One lb Salmon Labels of superior quality, well varnished. At $1.40 per M. Correspondence solicited. U BANCROFT .V CO.. 721 Market Street. San Francisco. Thero Is No Need of My Adver tising The proof of the pudding is chewing the string. Geo. W. Sanborn, AgK. HINDS, KETCHUM & CO., ASTORIA, - - NEW YORK. BUY YOUR TICKETS via tho popular THINGVALLA LINE. The large, well appointed and commodi ous steamers of this line are running DI RECT between Now York and Scandinavia Without calling at any intermediate port, consequently no Tranrfcr of Passenger or Baggage. No extra expenses Captains, Surgeons, Officers, Stewards and Crew are all Scandinavians. Faisenuers' Baggage checked to destination a safeguard adopt ed by no other steamship line. Drafts and Money Orders on Denmark, Sweden and Norway Issued at lowest rates. For further lnf oi mation apply to BOZORTH & JOHNS, Astoria, Oregon. LABELS ENGLAND AND RUSSIA. Londok, April 12. The effect of Gendral KomarofFs detailed state ment, -which showed that the Afghans provoked the recent battle, has been weakened by reports received by fcho way of Austrian telegraph stations on the Eussian frontier that Penjdeh was occupied by Colonel AlikahanoiT on the 2d inst. General Komaroff states that he was obliged to occupy Penjdeh in order to stop the pillaging of the district by Turcomans, and that the Afghans "had threatened to resume offensive operations. The Eussian minister of war has sent a congratulatory message to General KomaroiT, and ha3 directed 'him to thank his troops in the name of tho czar, and announce to them that ail who took part in the battle will be rewarded, according to their rank. A telegram from St. Petersburg to Ihajndtpendencs Beige of Brussels which is apparently inspired by the Eussian government, discusses the probable altiludo of Turkey during the impending struggle. It Bays that England need not expect an alliance with Turkey, in view o the fact that England forced the present sultan to sign the Egyptian convention, which practically wrested from his control a million square miles of territory which was an integral part of the Turkish empire. It was said at the foreign office at London to-day that tho article in the Independence Beige was incorrect, both in its state ments of fact and in its inferences. The relations between England and Turkey were, the British foreign of fice people averred, mo3t cordial, and it was said thero was a probability of a closer alliance being formed within a few days. Sir Thomas Brassoy, one of tho junior lords of the admiralty, said to-day: "We are hero, as they are at tho war office, as ready for war a if war was actually declared. Wo can place a great British fleet in tho Bal tic within four davs. "Wo can stud the seas with cruisers within twenty four hours. We are ready. It is reported that Wolseley's pres ence in Cairo is for the pnrpose of enabling him quickly to assume personal direction of opera tions against Eussia, in the event of war. It is now generally believed that the evacuation of the Soudau has been decided upon by the British cabinet. Advices from Terpul stale that- tho news has been received hero that the Eussians are advancing along tho line of tho Murghab river in the di rection of Penjdeh. There is apptr ently no reason wey the Eussians shonld not soon be nnder the walls of Herat. The Bride and the TTeddln CaVe. A young lady about to be married wanted to startle the guests with an exhibition of her ability in house keeping and cookery. So she made the wedding cake. The day after the wedding, most of those who ate the cake were sick. Thousands go from year lo year, eating such indigestible things, and are consequently ill with dyspepsia nearly all the time. Mrs. Nancy Collier, Tuscaloosa, Ala., says, "jtfy niece has been relieved ot dys pepsia and lung troubles by using Brown's Iron Bitters." Experiments- prove that about 30 per cent, of mankind can be subject ed to mesmeric influences. Mr. Authur Bent, New York, who was cornetist to the Queen of Eng land, states he had an alarming swell ing of the knee. He used St. Jacobs Oil, and in a short time he was cured. The cost of each saloon to the city of Indianapolis last year was S153, and the license only $52. A Startling Discovery. Physicans are often startled by re markable discoveries. The fact that Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption and all Throat and Lung diseases is daily curing patients that they have given upto die, is startling them to vc- auzu inuir seiibe ot iiuiy, una examine into the merits of this wonderful dis covery; resulting in hundreds of our hest Phvsicians using it in their practice Trial Bottles free atW.E. Dement & Co.'s Drug Store. .Regular size.l.OO. A man loves his home because it is a refuge. He also loves it because there he is a great man; there he is governor, or at least he is lieutenant governor. And anyhow he is certain to be secretary' of the treasury. The world forgets us when we pass away, but the home love forgets our vices; exaggerates our virtues until they outnumber the stars in the heavens, and hands onr names down, as long as the estate holds out. 'I Don't Feel Like Work." It makes no difference what business you are engaged in : whether you are a preacher, a merchant, a mechanic, a lawyer or or a common laborer, you can't do your work well while you are half sick. Thousands try to, but all in vain. How much better to keep your organs in good order by taking Parker's Tonic when you feel " "a little out of sorts." Jt would be money in j-our pocket. One hour of good, rejoicing health is worth half a dozen hours full of languor and pain. YOl'SC 3IES I-ftEAI) THIS. The Voltaic Belt Co., of Marshall, Mich., offer to send their celebrated Elec-tuo-Voltaic Belt and other Electkic Ai'I'Ctaxces on trial for tliirtv days, to men (young or old) aflllcted with nervous debility, loss of vitality and manhood, and all kindred troubles. Also for rheumatism, neuralgia, paralysis, and many other dis eases. Complete restoration to health, vigor and manhood guaranteed. No risk is In curred as thirty days trial is allowed. Write them at once for illustrated pamphlet free A Xasal Injector free with each bottle of Shirbh's Catarrh Remedy Price 50 cents. Sold by V7.E. Dement lzer is a positive cure. For sale by W. t. uenienr. "llackmetack," a lasting and fra grant perfume. Price 25 and 50 cents. Sold by W. E. Dement Foi Dyspepsia andLiver Complaint, you have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizer. Itrever fails to cure. Sold by W: KJirfnent. taMNFORD'S AJLisini'fe irdJENlr ' NVIGORATOR Is just 7hat its nams implies ; e Purely Vegetable C pound, thai acts directly upoa the yer: "curing the many diseases o that im. portant organ, and ting the no. tnerous ailmsnts arise from its deranged or roj ction, such as MTtfnonci rrv s&dice, Bflionsnessj CoswenessVft ana, Sick-headache Rhei etc It is" therefore a 'it mrt - s-l w - inismUhAt iOJaave liooanealta :he Liver must he kept in order." DB. BANTOBD'S IIVEB IKYIGOBAT0B rnvfaorates theLiver, Eegulates the Bow sis, Strengthens the System, Purifies the Blcod . Assists Digestion, PreventsFcvera. Is a Household Xccd. An Invaluable Family Medicine for common complaints. DB. SAHTOBD'S IIVEB HT7IG0BATQB. An experience of Forty years, and Thou- lands cf 'Jcsiimoniais prove us jucru. FOR SALE ItT AM DEA.LER3 Et MEDICIXES For f"ll mfonnition Mnd your address for IOC &"9 Book on the 'Liver and Its diseases," t rt8srorj dcans st., mew toss crtK futicura Wffi0TWGVwS THE ONLY REMEDIES FOR THE SKIN AND BLOOD UNIVER SALLY COMMENCED. Wm. T. Totttn, G72 North Tenth Street, Philadelphia, reports that one ot ms custo mers stated to him incidentally that he was feeling so well and had gamed twenty-seven po.uiKHin the last vear, all of which he at tntmteil to a systematic course of thcCUTi- cuka Uisjolvent. which has proved tffeet- ual when all other remedies laiicu, SOJKK8 OX NECK. riins. itnulv. Soniervilie.Mass.. who refers to Dr. .1. J. Wood, druggist, of that city cer- on the neck wliicli had been treated by hos pital physicians without cure, ami wiucn yielded eompletelv to the CtTtcritA Uku- TSUYS. CintEX BY CUT! CUR A. My skin disease, which resisted several nomilnr remedies and other remedies ad vised by physicians, lias been-cured by your CL'ticuiia kkmkdies. iney surpasseu my moat sanguine expectations and rapidly ei fected a cure. J. C. ABENTKUE. VlXCENNES, IND. ILVOW its valui:. All of vour CtrrrcuitA Kkmediks give verv uood satlstaction. 'ine uuticuka i especially recommend for the diseases for which u is useu. l Know irom experience its value. Dit. H. J. PUATT. . Moxteli.0, Wis. CIJTICUitV ATIKOAD. Through a home-returned Norwegian, I have learned to know your Cuticura. which has in a Miort time cured me of an Ecz'ina that my physician's medic ne could not heal. OHi:. HKLTZEN, Br.nr.E.v. NouWAV. jrliennirorrcfnlrif;. THE l'OET POWERS. A feeling or gratitude impeLs me to ac knowledge the great merits ot your Cuti ci'KA.nndl cordially recommend it to the public as a verv valuable remedy. 11. N. rOWEKS, BRTDOErOKT, COXX. Forsalo everywhere. Price Ccticura. the great Skin Cure, 50c. Cuticuua Soap, an exquisite Skin Beautilier.25c CtrrirunA Kesolvext, the new Blood PuriQer, SI. Potter Irn;r anTj chemical Co., ISoston. rrrrmTCURA SOAF. an excmlsite Toil UUII let. Bath and Nursery Sanative SAN FORD'S RADICAL CURE FOR CATARRH A sinule dose of Nanford's Radical Cnre instantly relieves the most violent Sneezing or Head Colds, clears the Head as bv magic, stops watery discharges from the Nose and Eves, prevents Ringing Noises in tne iteaii. cures nervous iieauacuc, anu subdues Chills and Fevers. In Chrome. Ca tarrh it cleanses the nasal passage of foul mucus, restores the senses of smell, taste, and hearing when affected, frees the head, throat, and bronchial tubes of offensive matter, sweetens and purines the breath, stops tlie cough, and arrests the progress of Catarrh toward Consumption. One bottle Radical Cure, one box Catarrh al .-ol vent and Sanford's Inhaler, all in one package, of all druggists for $1.00. Ask for Sanford's Radical Cure. Potter OrHg and Cbemlcal Co., Boston. C0U-!Ns New Life for Shat tered Nerves. Painful xuuscics and weaken VVU l-VIV ed Organs, Col II ha Voltaic F.lertrlc I'Inster instantly af fects the nervous sys tem and banishes pain, nervousness and debil Fl PCTRIC Masters ity. A perfect Elec tro - Galvnalc Rat tcry cooiblacd with n highly niedlclnnl Plaster for 2.1c. All Druggists. THE LATEST STYLES WALL "PAPER AT B. B. FRANKLIN'S, NEXT DOOR TO ASTORIAN OFFICE. A very large Stock from which to select. Window curtains made to order. -My patent Trimmer to cut Wall Papei will be louuu convenient to my patrons. Pure Ice, Delivered at Your Door. This Ice Ls cut on Lake Cocollata and is pure. A . All orders left at Fost& Hansen's Astoria Soda Works will be promptly attended to. G.REED, Manager. LOEB & GO. JOBBERS IN WINES. LIQUOKS, AND GIGA K8. AOKNTS FOKTHK Best San Francfeco Houses nd Eastern Distilleries. Tumblers Decanters, and AH Kinds of Saloon Supplies. A11 goods sold at San Francisco Trices. MAIN STBEET, Opposite Parker House, Astoria, Oregon. -ASK FOR Union India Hubber Co.'s Ture Iara Gum CK4CK PEOOF RUBBER BOOTS. bkware of imitations ! Be sure the boots are stamped CRACK PROOF on the heels, and have the PURE gu.u sriiiaas on tne root ami nstep, which prevent their crackinir or breaking We arc now makinir them with RUBBER AND ASBESTOS Soles which will make them last more than twice as lone as auv Rubber boots made. FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS. ALL KINDS RUBBER BELTING. PACK LNG, HO."E. SPRINGS, CLOTHING. BOOTS AAD SHOES, Etc. GOODYEAR RUBBER CO. jh . risASB, Jr. I Agents, S. M. RUNYON. Sim Franewo Iisfayette Street Improvement. NOTICE is hcrohv given that the common council ofthecitvof Astoria, county of Clatsop, state of "Oregon, pro pose to onier tne improvement of La fayette street in said city of Astoria as laid out and improved by John 3lc Clure, from Astor street to the water front, by building wooden sewers on both sides of said street at the expense of the adjacent property; and unless a remonstrance signed by the owners of two-thirds of tlie property adjacent thereto, be filed with the auditor and clerk within ten days of the final pub lication of this notice, viz: 'Weduesdav, April 22nd, 1885. the common coune'il will order said improvement made. I'y order of the common council Attest: T. S. Jf.wf.tt. Auditor and Clerk. Astoria, March 29, 1883: "Washington Street Improvement. NOTICE is hereby given that the common council of the citv of Astoria. county of Clatsop, state of Oregon, pro pose to-order the improvement of Wash- uiKiuu aui-ei, lit saui city oi Astoria, from Jefferson street to the water front by building wooden sewers on both sides of said street, at the expense of the adjacent preperty: and unless a remonstrance signed by the owners of iw-iuirus oi ine property irontingoit said portion of said Street." be filed ivith the auditor and clerk within ten days oitheimal publication of this notice, viz: Wednesday, April 22nd, 188. the common council will order said im provement made.. By order of the common council. Attest: T.S.Jf.wett, Auditor and Clerk. Astoria, Oregon, March 29,18S5. THE HENLEY CLUB SKATE Nicklo Plated, Spring Steel Bottom and Steel Clamp. Tlie HENLEY CHALLENGE SKATE, Wooden Bottom and Leather Strap. The best and only practically scientific skates. Elegant In finish. Will turn a three foot circle and all the wheels rest square on the floor. Wheels with babbit metal boxes. The leading skates in all the prin cipal Rinks. Ulcycles and Tricycles. OSBORN & ALEXANDER. Sole Agents. Mechanics' Tools. Hardware and Machinery. 3 Market St., opp. Palace hotel. San FrancNco. Send for free catalogue and price list Executrix' Notice, HAVING BEEN APPOINTED KXECU tri.x of the last will and testament or M.M. Oilman, deceased, all -persons having claims against said estate are hereby re quired to present tlie same properly verified to me at my residence In Astoria, Clatsop countv, Oregon. FLORA J. OILMAN. Executrix. Astoria, April 2nd, 1SW. u-5t IMPOTENT MEN He they VoannorOIJ. Uavlnfflst thoaa at tributes of PERFECT MANHuOD May Itejaln Quickly Sexual Power -fV2NTX PROCHEATftE iSBiUFf, rnif Jam Ctcialf. BVTiinrsnop The Civiale Remedies. They cure try trare of I)EII.IT . M'Fir. JtATOKI.MIlHA. VAi:lCOCi;i.K uU eirrV ronn or Seminal loss ana wcafcnfj whether due toDntdful Folly. Abtuc. or Natural Kuilurf. Thittivatinrnt orirfnatnl hr 11(11 F. CIV I I.IU adopted In ifvery HOSl'lT'AI.ln FUA.NCFnnd uiKiualilledljr endorsed by tho Medical frofwsion. Is EAMLY Af'lI.li:il, lAlM.F3i. nn K. nnd above all LASTl.M; IN Il 1(K1 t.Tl FREE TO ALL t''HnreceJ,or6n'1 .1 j , AUJj. i postage stamps, ne niilsend free to any earnest inquirer, our Fplen did illutrated 61 page medical vrorL-.sfitingst mil tomof nil forms ot Sexual Disease, description of this treatment, prices, testimonials and new, paper endorsement?, ,Vc, Ac. We are also ase nt for the new and ccitaln to cure. Seir-Adlas-tliifr nnd Glove Fittlnc Cradle tompressor, for the thorough and radical cure, without surgery, of VARICOCELE Consultation with rail Med teal StafT, Flt.EE. Chn'ate Remedial Agencj, 160 Fullon SL N. Y. ?$S MANHOOD RESTORED The reason that Thoutandi eminol get cared of SEXIS.ll. WEARS ESS, .OSS OF J.t.V I100D, andtheresult 0 aluse.tiueate or excesses. u citing to a complication called PROSTATOK RUEA. DR. LlbRlG'S IXriGORATOR U the OS'LTcureforPROSTATORRIIEA. Price. 2.00 per package. 6 pactayes, g 10.00. Guide to Health and Sclf-Analytlscntfree. Address LIE BIG DISPES'SARYfor Disease oXeit. 1C0 Geary St., San Francisco. Cat. W rTr!jL , ?jPH- t- fl9R ?lraHlRHP' tiMZSimi JlWi"Alil4, jrpymry Vmryrm'S Xfmr TRANSPORTATION LINES. Oregon Railway & Navigation C03IFAXX. O GEAXDITXSI 0?i . During the month of April. 1S33. Ocean Steamers will sail from Portland to San trancisco. and from San Franmco :o Port land, as follows. leaing Ain.Morth Dock, avwV'o :it, MWlsIit. and Spear Street ., ...,u .. ..UH.101W. ,ti ju i. M. From San Francisco.! From Portland Anri Columbia..., .Sat 4 0 Anr State of Cil.....Thn ...Sun S ... Kn 10 ...Wed 13 ....Mon 3) ...Sat a ...Thnr 30 tir DiC 'J.Uoiumbia" It State of Cx yreson Ta Lolaaafcia . .... ..Sua t9;Oreson.. ..wcuiwi en -.'4 CoIaniia 0rexn Wed -JSiStateoflal Mir ZUy 1.UIU1UUI1 aion 4illncrnn T.. k iri,I5l1 '"efcets sold "to all principal Europe? UDttei1 Sta,es Canada and RAIL OiyiSJOH. On am! after Af-nl 5th, issr,, Passen- lM., dally ' ,y' and arrive at land.,aianst!pfeie, C uic tweea Pon- KIVEB DIYISIOX (Middle Columbia). Boats leave Tortland Tor Dalle at 7 :Ou AL Leave forf-i J j ... land for MoitlTa. I We.iTnu.l Frt. I St Aston unit lower .'o-j j j I lntabia....lhAM!h AM iAM SAM AM SAM Salua .... ,t .... i ' ; AM' I Corvalli:i..t !"": : AM lacomaana Seattle, daily at la EM ictor.a Meaciers do not run Sandaya. LtMyes Astoria for Poitldnd at 6 a. m. daiW r- cept Sunday. oi C. II. PKESCOTT, .10HN MUIR i t i.vi.v2:iaser Traf. Manager. .. l . fi. 1 . A. Agent. Astoria, OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA VIA Oregon & California R. R. And ConnectiouM, Fare to San Francisco $32; to Sacramento $30 DAILY, EXCEPT SUNDAY. KASTSIDF. DIVISION. IJelMi-cn rOKTLA.M and ASHTjAXD' 31AIL TltAiy.- LEAVIi. ARRIVE. roitland 7 0 a. m Ashland 4:13a.m. Ashland S:13 1. m Portland 45 v. m. ALBANY EXPRESS TRAIN. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland. 4 :00 t M.Lebanon 0 J0 1. at Lebanon......! :13 A.M.Portlaud... 10.:05 A. M IuIIman Palace Sleeping Car leaves Port laud Mondays and Thursdays. Returning leaves Ashland Tuesdays and Fridays. The Oregon and California Railroad Ferry makes connection with all Regular Trahi3 on Eastside Division, from the foot of F St. WF.STSIDE DIVISION. Kftwcen Portland and C'orvullls MAIL TRAIN LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland. 9 rfX) a. M.Corvallis 4 $o p. m. Corvallis 8 :30 a. M.iPottiand 3 0 r.M. EXntKSS TRAIN LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 5 :00 1 MMc3Iinnville8 :00 pji McMinnvilIej5:l3 AMjPortland 8 :30am Local tickets for sale, and baguage checked at Company's up-town otllce, corner Stark and Second streets. Tickets for sale to all the principal points in California, can only be procured and baggage checked, at tho Company's ofilce, Corner F and Front Sts., Portland, Or. Freight will not be received for shipment alter 5 o'clock r.M. on either the Eastside or Westside Divisions. it. KOEHL.ER. E. P.ROGERS, Manager. Q. F & P. Agt iliaca Steam Jfayiption Co. SUMMER SCHEDULE. FROM ASTORIA TO Ft. Stevens, Ft. Canby and Hwaco, Connecting by stages and steamboats for Oysterviile, Montesano and Oiympia STEAMER "GEN. MILES," W. P. WniTCOMn, Master. Will leave Astoria daily (Sundays excepted) for Ft. Stevens. Ft. Canby and Hwaco, at 8 A. M With Oysterviile Mails and Express daily, nnd Through Mails to points beyond, and Montesano, W. T., on Mondaya. "Wednesdays and F-tldaya. Fare to Hwaco, - - $1.00 Passengers will save 23 cenls by purchas ing tickets before going on board. Ilwaco Freight per Ton, - $2.00 Etf-For Tickets, Towage or Charter ap ply at the ofilce of tlie company, Gray's wharf. Toot of Benton street. J. II. D.GRAY, Agent. Astoria to Tillamook. Steamer A. B FIELD. CAPTAIN- JOHN GAERIELSON. Freight forwarded by O. R. & N. Co., marked "per A. B. Field," will be forward ed. Freights to be delivered at Hobson vllle. Tillamook Bay. where it will be held at shippers' risk until charges are paid. From Portland to Hobsonville, per ton, S3 From Astoria to Hobsonville, " o Passengers from Astoria.................... 5 C.LEINENWEBER. Street Improvement Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that the common council of the city of Astoria, county of Clatsop, state of Oregon, pro pose to order the improvement of Ben ton street in the city of Astoria as laid out and recorded by John McClure,from Seventh street to tho water front, by building wooden sewers on both sides of said street, at the expense of the owners of the adjacent property; and unless a remonstrance signed by the owners of two-thirds of the property adjacent thereto, be filed with the aud itor and clerk within ten days of the final publication of this notice, viz: Wednesday, April 22. 1885, the common council will order said improvement to be made. By order of the common council. Attest: T.S.Jewett, Auditor and Clerk. Astoria, ilarch 29, 1885. Executrix' Notice. JOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT .Ln having been appointed executrix of the hist will and testament of Conrad Boelling, deceased, all persons having claims against the estate of deceased should" present the same properly verified to me at my resi dence in Astoria, Oregon, within she months from this date. PHILIPrENA BOELLING, Executrix. Astoria, Clatsop County. Oregon, March 23, 1835.