(Z) Sfo guilt; gtstonan. ASTORIA, OREGON: SATURDAY AmiL 11. 18S5 THE LATEST NEWS. Sl'BCIAL TO THE ASTOMAS. LoxDOX, April 10. 1050 v. m. Tho war news is of n less exciting charac ter to-nigbt, and though there is no cessation in preparations, the idea that peace is possible is more preva lent than twenty-four hours ago. Gladstone savs that Russia has asked General KoraarofF, who was in command at Punjdeh, to explain his reasons for attacking the Afghans. The Russian press is very warlike in its tone and rejoices at the shape affairs have taken. Russian agents are in London trying to purchase fast vessels. Bismarck says that he is confident the Russians will bo able to explain the attack in a manner satisfactory to England. Marine iusurance rates have been raised. GRANT CONSIDERABLY BETTER. New York, April 10. 11 r. m. General Grant was considerably bet ter this afternoon and evening, and is now resting easy. Ho is bright and rational and experiences little diffi culty in taking food. The events now happening on the isthmus recall a like occurrence at Panama on the 13th day of April, 1855, referring to which Mr. Marcy, in a communication dated December 3, 1S56, addressed to the special en voy and minister plenipotentiary of the United Slates at Bogota, insisted that if the government of New Gra nada, now one of the united states of Colombia, had not the ability to keep order and afford security, she was bound to agree to any fair arrange nient to accomplish those objects. It was then that Mr. Marcy, secretary of stale, placed in the hands of the envoy mentioned a draft of a treaty to be submitted to Granada, which is as remarkable a state paper in this relation as exists in the archives of the department. The policy outlined by Mr. Marcy, and sought to be carried out by Mr. Seward, proposed conces sions and grants of territory and ter ritorial jurisdiction under the treaty stipulations from New Granada, un der which the United States assumed to maintain security to life and prop erty on the isthmus. The language which was used in making the state ment was significant This security is not for the exclusive benefit of the United Stales, but is essentially so to New Granada herself, to all other coutries and to the railroad company which has her guarantee for that se curity. The latest suggestion regarding Alaska comes from the wise men of the east who say that it should be made a penal colony. The argument from the Atlantic standpoint is that crimo is increasing; that prison life does not check the increase; there fore a new system should be tried. To us out here it looks as though some enterprising eastern firm want ed to get Alaska salmon canned by cheap convict labor. That's what it would amount to. The last legislature saw fit to cen sure Senator Dolph for introducing intothe U. S. senate n bill in relation to coal and timber laud. In a long letter to the secretary of state Sena tor Dolph demonstrates that his bill was a popular necessity and espec ially designed to frustrate the schemes of speculators. The rise in wheat occasioned by the probable European war means $L25 a ton more for every ion of wheat in Oregon and "Washington territory. The amount in California represents a gain of Sfi.000,000 in that state There are a good many in this section who would like some explana tion of the delay in furnishing offi cial information of the forfeiture of the Astoria land grant. New Yakima has an excellent or dinance in force, confining Chinese occupancy to one part of the city exclusively. It is a measure worthy of imitation. XtABISS. GOTO Mrs. .Malcolm's Millinery Parlors FOR SPR1NC AND SUMMER HATS. A large and well-selected slock on hand. NEW GOODS being secured every day. A complete Hue of Ladles' HEADY-MADE UXDKRwi'Ai:. with nrlccs to suit the time. CHEAP CORSETS a specialty: :tlo n large ssorttnent of the Best tirade of CORSETS. Children's SUNHONNETS, jnst received. All the LATEST NOVELTIES, Jn SILK SCARFS. GOS.D and SILVER LACES and ORNAMENTS arc kept at this. The Cheapest Millinery House m Astoria. No charge for trimming whem-material Is purcliased at the establishments NG; 188 I have just received an ELEGANT ASSORTMENT IN STYLE AND -OF- CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, Gent's Furnishing AND RUBBER GOODS. My tailoring department it filled with the ;cholcest or Cloths and Cassimeres. Suits to order from - Sift fn $8.1 oo PantN " - - 3 to 15.00 In fact the lowest prices are found at my store. Call and ee me. THE BOSS Merchant Tailor and Clothier. Delinquent Tax. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE delinquent tax in School DMrict No. 9. if not paid in ten davs from date will he placed in the hands of the sheriff for collec tion. Mns M. I.EINF.NWKBER, Clerk School District No. 9. Upper Astoria, April 9th. 1885. To Rent. milE FINE BUSINESS STORE FORMEIi JL ly occupied by J. l'ilger. A desirable location. Apply to C. S. GUNDERSON. For Rent. TWO-STORY BOARDING HOUSE. FUL ly equipped : known as the Point Ad ams mess houbi. Apply at Cannery or of GEORGE &ISAR&KU. House to Rent. TWINE ROOMS : GOOD LOCATION. IS Inquire of W.B.HEADIXOTON. Brick for Sale. AT THREE DOLLARS TER l,:.oo. Apply at this office. To Rent. A FINE BUSINESS OFFICE. CENTRAL IS' located. Apply at this Oftlce. Notice. NEITHER THE CAPTAIN NOR THE consignees of the British bark Archer will be reap noible for any debts contracted by the crew w Idle lying In mis porr. Wm CHAMBERS, Master. Astoria, April 7th, 1865. Elegant Rooms. SUNNY AND CONVENIENT. IN WM. Hume's building. Apply to SAMUEL KLMORE. For Sale. ONE HOUSE AND LOT IN ALDER brook. Price, eleven hundred (l.ioo) dollars. For further particulars enquire of MESSRS. VAN DUSEN & CO.. Upper Astoria. .For Rent. milE HALL OVER D. L. BECK & SON'S JL can be rented for Public gatherings. Application mav bo made to Mr. Geo. i. Wheeler. Secretary of the Astoria 1-adies' Coffee Club. Desirable Property for Sale. T WO LOTS. EACH 75x150. IN ADAIR'S l Astoria, opposite the Eagle Cannery. For terms, etc., apply to this office. For Sale. STOCK AND FUENITORE OF THE OLD Corner Saloon. Inquire of J. W. STEARNS, Agt. Astoria, Oregon. April 1st, 18S3. Notice of Administratrix Sale. TVtOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT BY 1 virtue of an order made by the County Court of Clatsop County. State of Oregon, on the 7th day of April, 1SS5. 1 will on the llth day of May, ltS5, at the Courthouse door in said county, at the hour of two o'clock In the afternoon of said dav sell at public auction to the highest binder for cash, subjf ct to confirmation by said court. lli lollowlng described real estate, to-wit : Lot numbered one (1) of block numbered 113, and the east ten feet of lot numbered two (2) of said block, all in the. town of As toria, as laid out and recorded by John M. Shlvely In said county. JANE FOSTER, Administratrix of the estate of Isaac Foster, deceased. Summons. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE of Oregon, for Clatsop County : J. O. Bozorth and A. F. Johns, partners doing business under the firm name of Bo zorth & Johns. Plalntlff'st. F. P. Honnessy Defendant. In the name of the State of Oregon, to l lie above named defendant: You are hereby required to appear and ansuvr the com plaint of the above named plaintiffs filed agalust you In ths above entitled court and action, on or before the first day of the next term of ihis court, to wit: the lSth day of May, 1885, and If you lall so to do the plain tiffs will take judgment against you for the sum of $1.105.00 and costs and disbursements, and for the sale under execution of certain personal property attached In this action consisting of carpenter's tools, hardware and building materials. This summons is published bv virtue of an order made by the Hon. F. J. Tavlor, Judge of said court at chambers, on the 1st dav of April, 1685. FULTON BROS.. 15-t Attorneys for Plaintiffs. QUALITY ifX MEN'S . 4j BOY'S WFm ROUTE'S I III l III i AND I if 1 I I ill JL 1 Children's WSSiW Clothing. M HATS, FISBEEMEFS OMITS. OIL SKINS, Gum Boots. Overalls. Shirts. Etc. AT Phil. A. Stokes, Net door to Foard & Stoke-.' mc, is head quarters for Clothing at Bottom Figures. Everything bought here euaraiitc'd to be lust as represented. No old Mock : every thing freih. and NEW GOODS cu-rv Steamer. Rememb-r the place. Plllt. A. STOKES. C3-A full line of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS for sale at Prices thnt Defy Comppiilinn. Beginning April 8th. 1885. Str. MOUKTA1NEER CAPT. E. J. MOODY. Astoria. Or.. Cathlamet, V. T.. WcMport, Or'and intermediate point. The Steamer 3foiinfainccr will leave Aetc- rla dally, uutll further notice, from Ilu-fcr's wharf, toot of Main street, at htlf-past o'clocl P. 31., as follows : Mondays. Wednesdays and Frldass. for CATHLAMET and intermediate jKwnts on wash, i er. sloe win go to estport. same days. ToesdcjK. Thursday ami Sjttiirdajs, for WESTPORT and Intermediate p. Int? on the Oregon side will go to Cathlamet same days. WlllLeftTC CATHLAMET, W.T.. for As toria. Jlondnjs, lYcdnesdajs anil Fridays at KeTenoVleckA.il., touching t all v. ay land Inss on Wah. Ter. side, and letuni oil same side. WlllLwncWnSTrOKT, for Anuria. Oi.. on Tuesdajs, Thursday and KaturdcjF al sev en o'clock A. 21., touching at all way land ing on Oregon side and return on sumo smV. For Freicht or l'Assag, apply i-n 'lOanl.or to Main street Whaif. We are prepared to p.l One lb Salmon Labels of -iipeiiorqualry. well .tniiln-d. At SI. 40 per M. CoriepHdPiire solicited. A. L. BANCROFT . CO.. 721 Miitket Stret-l. Sxh Frnnett.00. Thero Is Wo Need of JVJy Adver tising Sz The proof of the pudding Is rhewJng the string. .. Geo. W. Sanborn, Agt. HINDS, KETCHUM & CO., ASTORIA, - - - NKV.' YORK. Clatsop Mill Co. FURNISHES Lumber at Reduced Prices. Street Lumber - $8 50 Home Bills .... 9 qo No. 1 Flooring and Rustic - 19 00 Wo. 2 do do - 14 50 Lath - - - - 2 00 Theso are Cash Prices. GEBMANiA BEER HALL FROM TnE Norton Pacific Brewery Five Cents a Class. rsNo Inferior Ueer sold at this place. XV5I. BUCK, Proprietor. Cannery for Bale. THE MANHATTAN CANNERY IS OFFERED FOR SALE. Price S4 .-!(. Applvto JlIW.'L. FALANGOS. Clifton. Or. Abtuna, Fel. 25th, lSW. 1885. INTEREST Will he alhttu-d On Time Deposits. Drafts on all tho Lending tv.le. Wm. T. Coleman & Co. . EL.lIOIiE, Manager Ranking Department. Astoria, Oregon. Grade Holstein 3-Months-oId Bull Calves at SI 5. JOHN DOCZvAK. Cathlamet. W.T. For Rent. THREE FINE ROOMS IN RUILDIXG recently occupied hv .1. IMIger. Suitable for offices, etc. Apply to C. S. OUNDERSON. To Let. TniinvmHim ,wn iTwirnviainrn I? rooms fer housekeeping, over Heck & jjmu a Krueery siore. MRS. CAMPBELL. House to Rent. FNQUIREATTHIS OFFICE. U S fcav kS 133 Vs? rsfi Dealer at Wholesale Furnliure, Bedding, Carps!85 Mailing, Oil Cloth, 'Wall Paper, Window Shades, Mouldings, Etc. Astoria Furniture Co? Dealers in Furniture, Badtfing. Wail Paper, Mirrors, PICTURES, Moiliil, Carpets, lattii, Picture Eraioes, Wintow Shifts, etc. Cor. Clienamus aud Hamilton Sts. Is just commencing to get in good running order, it takes some time to mark down his EnGrmous Stock But he is now about through. His Prices Astonish Everybody! Call and sec for Yourself anal) e Convinced that this is so. L.I. JOHNSON, miALKR IN CIGAES AND TOBACCOS, SMOKERS' ART.TLES. riayhiB CanK Cutlery, Stationery.; Etc. A line .tocK of Merschaum and Rrier Pipes. Araher Goods, Etc. Two iloors of eor. Water ami Wot 9th St ASTORIA. OREOON. 8fft Scarf Pis, Chains, Watches, Ii:ii2(K anl Orgsixs ui lls- Bsl innUe at iiie r.orcst "Pvicrs. Tlse flneit slock of Jewelry in Astoria. ESAJl goads warnu.Uil as rejireenteil. GUSTAV HANSEN, JEWELER Administrator's Notice. TVTOTICE IS 1IEHEDY GIVEN THAT TUE 1A undersigned was on the 5th day ol Jan nsrv, t,Vt. Only appointed by the County Court of the State oi Oregon for the County of Cl.ttutp. adnilnLstrator of tliu estate of Haus Plennli'K. decea-ed" All persons hav Inn claims against said estate aie IiercDy nolilkd to present the same properly veri fied to me at mv oftlce at the I uion cannery, in Astoria. Oretjnn. within six months from this date PETER F. JOHNSON, Administrator. Dated, Atoua. Or.. January Stf. 1SS5. n-4t ! Notice io Columbia and Willamette River Pilots. TN ACCORDANCE WITH INSTKCC tions from Board of Pilot Commissioners I hereby notify all Columbia and Willamette River Pilots now holding Branches from the old Hoard, to surrender the .same to me within ten days from this date, deposit bonds and make application to the present bonnl for new Branches. (1. W. LOUNSRERRY. Sec'ty Board Pilot Comm'rs State of Oregon. Astoria. April 3. 1SV. Notice of Administratrix Sale. PJOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT BY 1 irtue of an order made on the 7th dav of April, l.sttf, by the Count v Court of Chit-I sop county. State of Orepon, I will on the llth day or May, SS, at the Court house; door of said county, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon sell at public auc- i tion to the highest bidder for cash, subieet . to confirmation by said court, nil the title and interest of the estate of J. W. Robb. deceased. In and to the following described leal osta'o situate In said county, to-wit : I)t No. u of block So. in ; le: No. 8 oi block No. 120 and lot No. G of block No. 1W, In the town of Astoria as 1-dd out and re corded by John McClure aud extended by Cyrus Olney, and lot No.fi of block No.5::, of the town of Astoria as laid out and re corned by John McClure. J.M ROBB. Administratrix or the estate of J. W. Robb, deceased. THE LATEST STYLES WALL "'PAPER AT B. B. FRANKLIN'S, NEXT DOOR TO ASTORIAN OFFICE. A very large Stock from which to select. Window curtains made to order. E5y"My patent Trimmer to cut Wall Panel will be found convenient to my patrons. FINE COWS. INTENDING PURCHASERS OF ONE OR more good family cows of flne breed and splendid milkers, should call on. oraddress K. OSBORN, - Sklpanon. B I GflH an I Ret.nl in U. Dv UUla&OX. Manager. niu-j;uujrvxrTawasM'j--ar-;,rv -v- . 4&!i Eg xnntM 3 :JG OCQdS FRESH BREAD Delivered in any Part ot the City. FIKE CAKES A SPECIALTY. Home-Made Candy Mado Daily: Tlie Trade Supplied: Pine FaBtiy : A Fii-.t Class Ettablithntent. Prices to Mitt the times. F. B. ELBERSON, Prop'r. "Elorde" Madrid? Oh KICK OK V. MAKTJXKZ YcOU Jfc CO , I Key West, fla., Feb.23,lSS3. j We lake plcasuro in announcing to the Ciuar Trade of the Xortinvest and California that we have this day ap pointed I,. K. G. Smith of Portland, Or., oursoic Agent for the whole 1'aeihc coast, and kindly recommend him as such to our old and new patrons. We guarantee that, as heretofore, all Cigars from our factory are and will ho made ojr the finest and choicest Havana Tobacco only and that we shall not fail to keep up our well established reputa tion on litem. Very respectfully, V. MARTINEZ YHOIt & CO. In accepting the honor of represent ing above manufacturers. I do so with a thorough conviction and af ter a cnrcrnl scrutiny that nothing in the Key West Havana line could be offered or pro duced superior to these world-renowned "FLOR de MADRID." Shall he pleased to fill all orders in trusted to us for any style or size, either direct from factory from our various de pots in California or the northwest. Responsible dealers in the interior uishingthe agency in their respective towns will receive a prompt hearing by addressing T K. . SIWiTSI. .Slark and Front Sls.rortland. Depot for Astoria at L. K. G. SMITJ I'S Cigar Store. Chcunmus Street. Thko. Brackrr. Manager. Cannerymen and Fishermen At tention! AM NOW PREPARED TO KCRNISH A board and lodging place for 100 fisher men. Separate building especially fitted for lUhermeii only, free from noise or disturb ance. .Most convenient, and tho only place of the kind in Ilwano. The best board jaiar nntced at reasonable rates. No Chinese cm ployed. Give us a call before contracting elsewhere. Call oraddress Wsr.B.TIAYDEN. Ilw.ico,W.T. t xii jkJLJr.ifj PLUMBER AND' GAS FITTER. Water Pipes a Specialty. A Full Stock of Material on Hand. Personal attention given all orders-, and satisfaction guaranteed. TorniH Itensonnble. Shop and ofllce on Cas street, one door above Frank Fabre's Restaurant, Astoria, Oregon. T. G. RAWLINGS, Wlioleside and Retail Dealer in Tropical, Domestic, Green and Dried NUTS, CANDIES, DRIED MEATS, ETC. Fine Cijcars and Tobacco. Next door to I. J. Arvold's, Squemoqua St. HAS RETURNED. Jr. LEATnnus iias returned and Is ready to turn out some flne fish ing boats for the river. Shop on the beach between Kinney's and Elmore' canneries. uil Ml Wl Kf.! - rrP THE FINEST :amily Groceries, Provisions and Freshest Vegetables I f T Corner Benton and Opposite Cusicnx :Krri ix Hay, Oats, anfl Straw. Lime.. Brick, Cenit, SaM ao i Plaster Woo J Delirefed to Order. I)ra)lpsr. IVaniiniran.l Kxprtis Rnslucti. :er i ' I Cit.Un. or to 171 THE En A FUIil. STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND. $ C? &s 23 oL -DR.U.KU Tin, Sheei Iron and Copper Ware. A General Assortment of HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Agenti for Magee Stovea and Ranges Tne Best In the market. PiuntDlnjj Rond3 of all kinds on hand. J: work dona In :i workmanlike manner PLUMBING, GAS FITTING. Attended to Promptly on Ctu'imniiiH Street, Ke-.xt tw M.OI.SEX. J. fll'STAFSON. A. JOnNSOV. MARTIN OLSEN 8c CO. DEALERS IN FURNITURE S BEDDING Coruci illaln anil fjuenioyua Streets. AHtorin, Orceon. WIKDOW SHADES AND TRIMMHGS; WALL PAPER, ETC A Coniii S(ocI. PRICES AS CHEAP AS QUALITY WILL AFEORD. AM. II3XRS OF F17IS51TCRK RKIMII&CD AND VAISKISHED. Change of Agency. We have appointed MR. O. F. NIORTOft Our Helllnj; and ColKM'tlnK Agent at Astern. All those wishing to purehn.se a first-clu-vs SEM'IXG 3TACHIXE, or to make pay ments due us will please call on Mr. Morton. Headquarters at B. P. WORSI.EY'R Sales room. The Singer Mf'g Co., 02 Morrison Street, Portland. Or. Carnaliaii & Co. SUCCKSSOIIS TO I. W. OASE, IMPORTKItS AND VHOLKsAI.y .M RSTAlfi DEALERS IN BIffiPiL Corner Chenaiiiiu and Caes stieeis. ASTORIA .... OREGON $67,000,000 Capital! Liverpool and London and Globe. North British and Hercantile Of London and Edinburgh. Old Connecticut of Hartford, AND COPdMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA Fire Insurance Companies, Representing a Capital of $67,000 OOO. B. VAN DUSEN. A?enU MERCHAMiiflYtls: tn sell? 55 15 v I n vai I Clienamus Streets. Mouse? Square. ssas S233Sb -rs-uniKR mm nun Eben P, Parker, Master. or TOWING, FREIGHT orCHAK- IX. is. 1MKKKR. a RANGE CAN P.E HAD IN AS TORIA ONLY OF AiJEN'l tUt. AND EXAMINE IT. V V"H.I. P.E PLEASED. f Si. :i v Wiis U also agen: U r t't Buck pteit Cilii M Amt other first-class 8;37e.s. Furiiaco Work. Stoam Fit fcfsti. etc, a specialty- ntgmery, !- AND CANNERY WORK Reasonable Terms. V It. I'avkcr'a Store. Hardware and SMb Chaniler? VAH DUSEN & GO, DKALEK3 IX Hardware and Ship Chandlery Pure Oil, Bright Yarnisli, Binacle Oil, Cotton Canvas. Hemp Sail Twine, Cotton Sail Twine, Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails, Agricultural Implements Sewing Machines. 3:iiuls niid Oils. Groceries, e.le. HAVE YOU IN TnE MATTER OF Rags, Bottles, Old Metal, or Junk of Any Sort, 111 & STOKES Will give you the best price for it. Do You Want to Buy SHIP MATERIAL, From a delaying Tin to a Hawser ; from a Block to an Anchor. You Can Get what You Want at T0ARD& STOKES. Headquarters at" building, east end of Water Street. MODEL