C3) fhc fhuhj gMiorau, ASTORIA, OREGON: wF.DxivsDAYninrmAi'niL . ISSUED EVERY MOItrJIKG. (Monday excepted) J. F. HA1.L.ORAN & COMPANY, I'UHI.ISIIKUS AND I'ltOI'lilXTOllS, ASTOIUAr.'lJUILDI.NG. - - CASS&TKP.Kl Tcrni'i of .Subscription. Scrvpil by Carrier, per week 15cU5. Snt by Mall. w month OOctn. " one year ................ $7.0Q Free of postage to stib,cnbir,. Advertisements inserted bv the 3 ear at the rate or $2 per square per mouth. Tran sient advertising filty ceuu per square, each nsertion. Notice To Advertiser. Tir AsToniAN guarantees to its ad vertisers the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia river. The county commissioners were in ses sion yesterday. That beautiful writing desk at Fisher's will be raffled at three o'clock this af ter noon. Business of all kinds is picking up and the active dollar is once more m lively circulation. Messrs. Baker nndStruble have bought the East Portland Vindicator, paying therefor 2,500. Don't forget the housawarming of the Astoria Ladies' Coffee club at their new hall this evening. The Allahabad goes up in tow of the E. N. poolx, and the Oban Hay in tow of the Alice to-day. There will bo an adjourned meeting of Astoria Engine No. No. 1, at their rooms this evening, at 7:30. Tho stockholders of the Columbia Canning Com piny will hold a meeting at ten o'clock this inorniug. Tho case of Hntih McCormack vs. F. D. Winton, before the supreme court, was reached last Monday and dismissed. Tho ladies of Cashing Belief Corps No. II will serve lunch at Liberty hall to-day from 12 to 2 o'clock for only tweuty-fivo cants. The Northern Pacific Canning Co. at East Portland, will give employment to seventy-five or a hundred prsons when they start up in May. The ownors of tho Allahabad must have counted her a slow sailer, for though she left Hong Kong for tho Columbia Nov. 17th, 1S84, her charter diJ not ex pire till March 15th,18S.", thus giving her nearly four months. Tho British bark Oban Iiay. 1058, Cook master, rG days from Valparaiso, arrived in yesterday. " When sho sailed Capta'n Peacock was in charge. Her present master is a former Astorian, having been here in tho old days "before de wah." TheN.Y. Fishing Gazette, March 23, says: "There have been very few Ore gon salmon in tho market during tho past two weeks, the probable cause being that salmon have not sold for enough this winter to pay tho freight on them. Talk about your fast time, when it comes to running from Portland, Capt. Erakins of the K. X. Cooke, doesn't take anybody's dust. He left Portland at twenty-five minutes past three yesterday afternoon and at twenty-four minutes past nine last night was at Astoria time, 5:59. Thtro is a strong probability of trouble -over- 4h-reeen& -grounding of the .ship Spartan down 'the sound. The master blames the tug Tacoma for this disaster to iiis ship, whilo the tug owners dis claim all responsibility. The Spartan is now at Port Townsend with pumps going at every watch. Sho is owned in New York. The Salem Statesman hears it rumored that the O. &, C. B. B. will, in a few days, commence running only one regular train each week from Portland to Ash land. The first of next month, when tho four-cenUa-milo law comes in force, it is stated that they will tako the cushions from the seats, and mpko their four-cent. , cars as near like cattle cars as possible, and also run n Pullman car on each train at regular old rates. Tho Xetcs learns that a largo piece of timber land of about CIO acres is on fire near Eagle Cliff. Several land owners are clearing their tracts of timber and numerous wood fires, arc blazing all along the Columbia. " At Brookfield a fierce fire is blazing and n quarter of a mile in the rear of the cannery at that point, and at Skamockawa the sawmill is similarly dangerously situated. No rain J has fallen for some week3 and every thing is quite dry. Next week, says the Portland Welcome, initiatory steps will be taken in this city for tho organization of an Oregon press club, the publishers of all the papers here having signified their willingneas to co-operate. Temporary officers will be elected and the journalists throughout the state will bo invited by tho pro tern, secretary to attend the first meeting, which will probably be held about the 30th of May next. The benefits to be de rived from such an organization are ap parent toalliiewspaper men. Beginning to-dav. the steamer Mountain eer, Capt. E. J. Moody, master, will run between here, Cathlamet, "Westport, and way landings. She will leave the Main street wharf every afternoon at half-past three, for "Washington territory points on Mondays, "Wednesdays and Fridays, and for Oregon landings to Westport on Tuesdavs, Thursdays and Saturdays. The Mountaineer has been thoroughly overhauled and is in Al condition. Ev ery attention will be paid to passengers and prompt delivery of freight guar anteed. See adv't. Now that vigilance is necessary to pro tect our property from fire the attention of the authorities is directed to various places through the city where large amounts of coal oil and inflammables are stored. "When tho fire started in the Husk saw mill in July, '83, every one re Mombers tho terror that was occasioned by tke contents of the old ware house that stood a few yards west of that cor ner, and with what dread it was learned, that k was nearly full of coal oil and other inflammable material. An ounco of prevention may savo a ton of disaster. On July 1st a nowpostal regulation will go into effect in Astoria and other cities of over 4,000 inhabitants. It will secure tho immediate delivery of letters in towns having no carrier-system; and will bo based on the salo of special ten cent stamps, the placing of which on a letter will secure its instant delivery in any part of the city, that is, any part within the carrier limits. A particular receptacle will unquestionably be pro Tided for such mail matter and just as soon, as a letter bearing the proper stamp m oepoBjtea 1a iiT n messenger win taxe it to its destination without a moment's delay. Messengers are provided for by the act, whose compensation is to be four-fifths of the face value of all such stamps delivered by them, except in the larger cities, where the business is ex pected to reach large proportions, and in saeh cases the messengers' salaries are sot to exceed $30 a month, the surplus goingta the government to assist in pay i other expenses incidental to the system. I mst r,Ti:ijrps ukcei'tio.v. At 80 last evening Cashing Post Cor net Band escorted Department Comman der Clinking and Cuihing Post No. 14, G. A. 11. to Liwjrty hall, discoursing sweet music along tho line of march which was HI by torches. Arriving at the httli an addros of welcome by Post Commander Moutoith was humorously responded to l3' Gen. Gaukius, and after farther iuterchnngo of conrtecic-H the grand march v.i-j played and dancing began. The "a ii? presented an animated ap poarauce, hung with flags undinottoes, festooned with flowersand brilliantly lighted and the changing form of the occupants as they mingled in the mazy denes to the merry music of the band which under the able leadership of Prof. uizingcr coninoutea so greatly 10 tne enjoyment of tho occasion. Besido the members of the Post and Cashing Re- jiei vorps no. , some nny coupies were present, all entering with a rest into the joyful spirit of the evening. In an adjoining room the commissarv department, under tho skilled m?ncgo ment of the ladies of Cashing Belief Corps, had resolved itself into a splendid banquet sumptuously served. The room was handsomely decorated, thej-egalia of the order being as prominent as the flags and mottoes in the dancing hall. A mag nificent flower piece presented to the band, occupied the post of honor at their table, and after full justice had been done tho viands and a combined attack made upon the array of pood things had been successfully maintained to the close, dancing was resumed, and not till the misty mormngstood tip toeon the eastern hill, did tho last of the company depart. The reception was one of tho most suc cessful and enjoyable parties ever given in the city. Three 31ca lronird. Sunday morning a party of lhr;e joung men and a boy started for a hunt in a fiat-bottomed skiff, from a ioiut a few miles below Fisher's landing, on the Co-! lunibia river. The place is about four .tart. Vancouver, n. m,y . n.onu v .v.i iuiu,u it ,)uin.-. son of P. Forbes, living near Vancouver; George King, N. Bade and J. Macdonnld. When well toward the middle of the river, three f the occupants stood up and began rocking tho boat for f nn in a reckless sort of way, when one of the men lost his footing end fell heavily on tho gunwale, causizing the craft. Three of the party, Forbes, King and Rado. floundered for a short time and sank. Macdonald clung to the skiff, shouted for help, and was rescued by a boat which put out from the shore. Al last accounts none of the bodies had been re covered. Should any of them be found the fact ought to be communicated to P. Forbes. Vancouver. The drowned men were stonecutters, and owned a bache lors retreat, to which they went when out of work. Oregonian, 7. DettU of an OM Astorian. Henry D. Green, a resident of this city a generation ago, died suddenly in New York city on the Gth inst. Ho carao to Astoria from Dutchess count j,N. Y. in 18Ti2 and went into the general' merchandise business with "W. L Leonard under the firm name of Leonard & Green. In l&Vi he moved to Portland where he became a prominent man. " He did business in the store occupied by tho Now York Noveltv store, and is well remembered by mauj' old Astorians. He was here a few weeks ago on his way to San Francisco and then looked tho picture of health. THK CREAM OF IT. t Now tho weather's growing warmer. There is not n single charmer But will make her lover take her out to eatreat, eat. Up to Fabre's ho will take her, And you bet your life he'll make her Eat two dislies of Ms cream to route the heat, heat, heat. At the request of many Frank Fab re j win uucji jus reeiuunuu miju ice cream parlors ojjen till 10 v. m. The man who writes, and writes in verse, Is seldom worth a. tinker's our.se. Tho man who plays the violin. Is always lazier than sin. The man who thinks he knows it all, Displays a mighty sight of gall. The man who thinks himself the besf , Ls he whom we should all detest . But he who pays the printer is The noblest Roinnii iu the "biz."' r.ost. Finder please leae at Gold-lockct. tin office. Krculi Kiistern and Stual water Kay Oyster C.onstnutlv on hand, cooked to auyyle at Frank Fabre's. CROW Does not make any second-class pic tures at his Nt'v nailery. No. filj.f. on the Roadway. At Fraiilt Fain". Board for $22.30 u month. The bc-d ' lit the city. Dinner from s to 7. -' .- FornlYcat Fitting Hoot Jr Shoe, go toP.J. Goodmans, on Che nniuus street, next door to I. W. Case All goods of the best make and guaran teed quality. A full stock; new goods constantly arriving. Custom work. I Hot Lmnch, at the Telephone Saloen. From 1 1 lo 2 everyday. ' A fina-luneh Willi drink or cigar. IK rents. No charge after two o'clock, Jeff. Everything now In fine stntioncrv at Grillin & Jlecd's. Don't pay 25 to 50 cents for dinner when you can get a better one at the Telephone- lor 15 cents from 11 to 2. Artists' material at Griffin & Heed's All goods-mirchased for cash and sold at reasonable rates at the Citv Book Store. Private card rooms at Jeffs new ;sn loon "The Telephone" One of the finest billiard tables on the coast at Jeffs "Telephone.' Flower pot brackets.,aml flower uols. tile latest styles, at John A. Montgom ery's. Fishing tackle at Grillin & Reed's. Boys' and Children's suits just re ceived ac jjcmtosas new store. Piano stools two dollars at Adler's. TOLD IX A LINE. A new ministry has been formed in France. General Wolsoley will assume aciivo command in the Soudan. In March 9,000,000 were lost by fire in (he United States and Canada. In the state election last Monday 3Iich igan went Democratic. In Ohio town elections show a Republican gain. Thirteen hundred U. S. troops and six batteries are on tho way to the isthmus of Panama to protect American interests. The London Times Pekin correspond ent says peace between Franco and China has been concluded on the basis of Mav 11, 1S84. General Grunt spends-most of his time iu listening to the reading of reports as to his condition'f rom the morning papers. The general opinion is that ho is growing weaker every day, although not suffering so much. Private dispatches received at Paris state that Chinese agents arc fomenting ti icuciuuu uuiub creuuu tiuiuomv m Cochin China, which has been almost de nuded of troops to re-enforco the army in Tonquin. In London tho sympathy with General Grant is active and widely extended. All dispatches regarding the condition of the Bufrerer are promptly posted at tho American exchanges and telegraphed to the clubs, where they are scanned with solicitude by Americans and Englishmen alike. Orders have be6n received by the In dian government from London to active ly continue preparations for war. not witkstanding the pacific assurance of Russia. This action has created a good impression in India. Tho enthusiasm among the British and nativo troops is very great. Judge Sawyer, of the United States circuit court, iu San Francisco, sent Sarah Althea to jail for twenty-four hours, for refusing to produce certain documents in the Sharon case. On leav ing the court-room Sarah said she would Hum the documents before she would give them up, and would k"ill Slnron when she got ou.t of jail. Tho Oceanic from China and Japan reports a great fire in Tokio on March KS'S S2ft massacred several nunurea Jtioinan wain olic converts, and that the vicoro3s of that and neighboring provinces have is sued orders to kill all Christians and for- eicners. on the pica that thov intend to ! revolt. ' Tho whole thing in a nut shell is this; - -- . Astoria, like other Oregon towns, before The Origin of Holler Skate. ' the opening of the Northern Pacific, was ' practically an isolated country, and it i vi of a. iwu-rti-rt-ii.'sy'VlSX'w!' S& has played such havoc with theater pat- prices and large profits were the watch ronage, it will be intresting to the stage J "word. Labor commanded high figures profession to know that it was out of tho and everything was a booming and very , ,, . . . it . ,. many, especially tho seller, would like to demand for stage effects that roller skat- keep up tho boom; when the purchaser, ing wns iyvented. A Mr. Kobbe writes with small wages or light returns for his to tho French press to say: "I am told I sa,e3 J.f he happens to be a rancher, has hv TTrr TTnrlr. tho sfnera tnntinrrnr nf M.n 1 Very little to DOOm With. Metropolitan opera house, that all who enjoy roller-skatingjare indebted for their sport to the famous composer. Jlever beer. "When his opera 'The Prophet' was produced in Paris it was almost decided at one time to cut out the skating scene in tho third act, as the manager saw no way of converting tho stage into a sheet of ice. In this crisis an ingenious stage hand came forward and suggested that ordinary skates might be placed on wheels. The Grand Orjera houso at Paris, therefore, was tho first roller-skating rink the world has known."" And Pon't Tou Forget It ! W hat is the use of having a paper in ii.a :,ih o n,..:r, .....,:.. t. the midst of a thriving community that , is afraid to open upon frauds, cranks and criminals. ItJ is not a newspaper's mis-' sion to lay baok and watch all kinds of corruption which maybe practiced in a community and say nothing abont them. " A good, moral, newsy, pure-toned news-' paper will always be supported in a . thrifty locality, and when boycotted for ! telling the truth, which they aim to do at j all times, means further prosperity for the bovcotted sheet. Xez Perce Xew. Syr:ii of Fis. j Nature's own true Laxative. Pleas ant to the palate, acceptable totlieiitoin ach, harmless in its nature, painless in iLs action. Cures habitual Constipation. ' Biliousness, Indigestion and kindred ! il!s. Cleanses the system, purifies the milE FINK BUSINESS STORK FOUMEU blO'Hl. regulates the Liver and acts on A ly occupied by J. Pllger. A desirable the Jewels. Umiks up Co!ds. Chills J lomtion. Apply to x-,ev and Fi'wr.etc. Mrcngtliciis tlip organs Uh.tjL:DhKJOJ. on which it acts. Belter than bitter, nauseous Liver medicines, pills, salts ami draughts. anipie Domes tree, anil huge bottles for sale by V. K. Dement & Co., Astoria. Success. The-sale of Syrup of Figs is simply Immense Everyone is taking It, and all admit that it is the best medicine ever used. Children cry for it on account of its pleasant taste, and grown people who have use! it once never take anj 111111?? i!sf Unlike other remedies fur biliousness and constipation It- never: loses lis power to act, and it always leaves the organ on which it acts strong er than before. Besides, one feels fresh and bright and realizes that it is Nat-1 ure sown true laxative. . L.Dement fc Co. aie agents for Astoria, Oregon. Choice Seed Oafs Fl,r saJe at J. II. D. Grav's. what: I Von Think that "JofT" of The Chop House Gives von a meal for nothing, and a glass of something to drink'. "Xet mucin oiu ne gives a ociier meat ami more of It than anv nlnce In town for 25 cents. He linys by the wholesale and pays cash. " i hat settles it. One more Behr Bros.' celebrated cylinder-top, grand, upright piano and one fine Chase organ are to be had at a great bargain at Adler's. These instruments .speak for themselves and tho price set on the same is within the roach of every body. Ogilvic's Popular Reading Xo. 1 to if, now to be had at Adler's remember 25 out only. Gray 5ells Sackett Bros.' Al sawed cedar -shingles A full M guaranteed. Buy your Lime of Gray at Portland prices. A largo assortment of Neckwear re ceived at Mcintosh's Furnishing store. Go to Wilson & Fisher's and see something new in window stops. For Dinner Parties to order, at short notice, go to Frank Fabre's. Will vou suffer with Dvsnensla and Liver Complaint? Shiloh's vitalizer isi guantnti'Cd to cure you. bold by v. E. Dement All the latest periodicals and publica tions received at Griffin & Reed's" as soon ns published. OMK REMARKS PROH CHADYVKLL. Cuadwell, Or., March 29, '83. Enrroa Astoeulx, I have noticed from time to time your efforts to uphold the business of your town, which in tho main is but just and proper as you draw your main support from the town and its business men. But this, like all other questions, has two sides and thus far you have presented tho case only on one side, and it is but just to the purchaser that you should give huiia hearing as well as the dealer. That thcro is no small amount of trade goes out of your town cannot be denied, but I think there is just sense for it. In my opinion tho purchaser would be only "too glad to givo the trade to Astoria dealers, provided they sold as cheep as the same article could be bought r!apchre. As sarrni'p. n pantleinan j sent to Chicago for a sewing machine and paid $20. He paid S9 freight; the macuine laid down in Astoria cost him $23; while a dealer in the same machines asks $53. He simply asks you $25,com mission for sending to Chicago for a sewing machine for you. How many men are there in Astoria who wish tn keep times good by taking money out of their own pockets? If you wish a suit of custom made clothing you interview your tailor; you are asked "$40 to $50 for a suit of clothe3 when it is a known fact that the same article can be had in other towns for nearly one-half the money. If you want a nice pair of French calf boots von have to pay eleven or twelve dollars when it is an actual fact that you can send east and get a pair laid down here at a saving of one-half tho amount; and there are many other things that you are obliged to buy in town because they are too heavy or cumbersome to have sent through the mail or by express, and you pay from ono to two hundred per cent more than you could purchase them for elsewhere. And whu there are some dealers in specialties that charge exorbitant prices and the purchaser is obliged to send his money out of town, it is but natural that distrust should prevail; and undoubtedly vome things are purchased elsowhero that could be bought as cheap in Astoria. A man has a right to invest his money where he thinks it will go tho farthest. And so long as the deal ers in Astoria continue to charge more than other towns just so long people will send their money elsewhere for their goods. , 1 faaJve, ? doubt that, there are ninny jwiiest dealers m Astoria if they would uiusu uy men metis u u inp eust turn through the cities whero their purchasers came from, they would be nblo and will ing to sell so as to retain n large amount of tho money that at present seeks nn in vestment elsewhere. Yours, Faumeb. Noticeto Columbia and Willamette River Pilots. IN ACCORDANCE WITH IN'STUCG I tirnis front Boxnhrf Pilot ConimLislojiers,I hereby notify all Columbia and "Willamette ltlver Pilots now liolillne Branches from the old ioaw. to surrender tne same to me within ten days from' this 'date, deposit i,0U(ls atid make application to tho present board for new llrauchcs. (;. W. LOITNSBKRRY. Sec'ty board Pilot Comiu'rs . State of Oregon, A,')r'a. April 3, lSi. Notice. : KfOTirK IS HEREBY GlVi!N THAT ll all prs-ms having city asfissment blanks in their possession must return the same to the City Assessor's oit:ce on or be fore the 10th day of April, ISS?. as no blanks will be recei ea after that date nor iadebt edneM allowed. CEO. I. WHEELER. City Assessor of Astoria, Or. Mareh 27th, 188.'. To Rent. For Rent. mwo-s Iv iiinliit( ' known as the Point Ad- j :uns niirM house. Apnlv at Cannery or of GEOItUK & BARKER. FINE COWS. INTENDING PURCHASERS OF ONE OK more good family cows of fine breed and splendid milkers, should call on. or address K. OSBURX. Sklpanon. House to Rent. "JVTINE ROOMS : GOOD LOCATION, ll Iiwmire of W. B. HEAOINUTON. Brick for Sale. AT THREE DOLLARS PER 1,000. Apply at this ofllce. To Rent. A FINE BUSINESS OFFICE. CENTRAL ly loctiod. Apply at this Office. To Let. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED rooms fr hoiuekeepin;. orer Beck& Son V grocery Mon. -MRS. CAMPBELL. House to Rent. rNfjiriRi: at this office. t For Sale. ONE HOUSE AND LOT IN ALDER brook. Price, eleven hundred (I, too) dollar?. For farther particulars enquire of MESSRS. VAN DUSEN & CO.. Upper Astoria. For Rent. mHE HALL OVER D. L. BFCK & SON'S A can be rented for Public gatherings. Application mav be mado to Mrs. Geo. 1. Wheeler, Secretary of the Astoria Ladles' Coffeo Club. For Sale. STOCK AND FURNITURE OF THE OLD Corner Saloon. Inquire of J. W. STEARNS, Agt. Astoria, Oregon. April 1st, 1883. T. G. RAWLINGS, Wholesale and Bet&Il Dealer In Tropical, Domestic, Green and Dried FH.TJITS. MJTS. CANDIES, DP.IED MEATS, ETC. Fine Cigars and Tobacco. Next door to I. J. Arvold's, Squemoqua St. NO POISON IN THE PASTRY IF .EXiRftGiTS .A "RTF! T7BTTP, Vanilla, Xenon, Ora&ffs, etc, fl&V6P Cafcec, Crcama, Fpddlsgs, &c, as dell catcly and satarally as tho XVnlt froea vi-Mcli tie? are made. For Strenstli and True Fruit Flavor They Stand Alone. PREPARES BY TKC Price Baking Powder Co., Chicago, IIP. St. Louis, Mo tuKZM or Dr. Prices Grcam Baking Powder AH3 Dr. Price's lupulln Yoast Gems, Ccit Dry Sop Teait. FOR SALE BY GROCERS. .' MAKF. BUT OSE QCAI.1TT. Light Healthy Bread. $m YEASIG1S. Tne oe9t dry hop yeast tn the world. Bread raised by this yeast la light.whlta and wholeaomo tike our grandmothers delicious oregd. GROCERS SELL THEM. PREPARED BY THC Price Baking Powder Co., ManTn or Dr. Prics's special FteTonaz Eitract3, Chicago, III. St. Louis, Mo For sale by Cititixg.Mkrle & Co., Agents Portland, Oregon PRING. 1885 ! I have just received an ELEGANT ASSOETMENT IN- STYLE AND QUALITY -OF MEN'S Gent's Furnishing ETJBBER GOODS. My tailoring department is filled with the choicest of . Cioths and Cassimeres. Suits to order from - SIR te 865 m Pants ' ' - - 5 to 15.M In fat-1 the lowest prices are found at my btore. Call and see me. M. D. KANT, THE BOSS Merchant Tailor ant Clothier. 1885. INTEREST Will be allowed On Time Deposits. Drafts on al the Leading Cities. Wm. T. Coleman &Co. 8. ELMOUE, Manager Banking Department, Astoria, Oregon. G. A. STINSON & CO., BLACKSMITHING, At Capt. Rogers old stand, corner of Casa ana uoun streets. Ship and Cannery -work. Horseshoeing. Wagons made and repaired. Good work gu&r&aieea. ef ' SSS t BOY'S YOUTH'S AND Children's Clothing. HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, 3 SHOES, Great Red IN This year brings a great reduction in the prices of kinds of MEN'? AND BOY'S CLOTHING, and the styles are superior, and the variety is greater than in all former rears. I am now showing a large stock of GENT'S SACK, FHOCK AND CUTAWAY SUITS in Imported and American goods, in beautiful designs, different shades and patterns, which are made up in style, fit and workmanship equal to any goods manufactured, as they are made by practical tailors for fine first class trade. Cent's Furnishing CSoods. In Gent's Furnishing Goods I am showing new styles in Fancy Colored Percale Dress Shirts and Underwear, Hosiery, Neck wear, etc. Straw and Fur Hats. A large stock of new styles in Straw, Soft and Stiff Fur Hats iust received from the Eastern market Boots and Snoes. 1. am closing out my stock of GENT'S HAND MADE ENGLISH "WALKING SHOES at $5 00 a pair. lam receiving new styles in Button, Gaiter, Lace, and Low Cut Shoes at prices unequaled. A fine assortment of Trunk?, Valises and Umbrellas constantly in stock. Dry Goods, FANCY GOODS, AND Ladies' CLOAKS, Etc., Etc. . j;.i a .r i ftp jfjigsg III Biillililli! '-& m M M W--A ll2jc-fKCrEa Bina arJ-iJWaTlinJ'i-- .r The Leading Dry Goods and Clothing House OF ASTORIA. Self-Sole Agent r Butterick's Patterns. G. H. COOPER, Pythian Building. WHAT? The New York THAT'S CITY BOOK STOR Fine Stationery, lank Books, School Books, Music Books, SHEET -MUSIC AND GRIFFIN REMOVAL B3niiuiixii!ituitii23u:iisaia3as:iiiz3ai:23nBiis 3 S 5 I have removed my entire stock into the S g new store formerly occupied by It. Dixon, s 5 and opened with a Iarce stock of new s I goods for Spring and Summer g S M s RlniiimiiBisiiiiiiaiiaiissiassuEiaiusaEiiisssaiasi D. A. MclNTOS UGTIOn direct. CLOTHING, FURMIM GOODS, HATS AND GAPS, Boots and Shoes. ' J&sioaria, Oregon? Novelty Stor WHAT! Agents for Stock's Little Giant, and Kranich and Bach's Pianos, Tabor, and Western Cottage Organs, MUSICAL .INSTRUMENTS. l C 4& &REED ',9iSF III I ?m Jl. .ji