r7 She storfan. ASTORIA, OREGON: FKIDAY -AritIL 3, 18S5 The Rhode Island senate lias passed a resolve to submit the ques tion of. woman suffrage to tbe voters ol tbe state. Hexby ViiiiiAiiD bag been stopping in Speyer, Germany, attending tbe dedication of a bospital and religious retreat founded by bim in bis days of great wealth. Gen. Gr.vnt bas not yet acknowl edged ibe receipt of liis commission as a general on tbe retired list, and bis name bas therefore not yet been placed upon tbe government pay roll. Tiie Pall Mall Gazette states tbat Russia's answer to England's propo sals of tbe Afgban frontier amounts to a cordial acceptance. And so blows away tbe threatening European war cloud. The receipts of the New Orleans ex hibition now reach about 6,000 per day. This is probably more than the cost of attendance and maintenance, so that it will pay to keep the exhibi tion open, though there is no hope now thai any part of the money loaned by the government can be re turned. The New York Surfs financial arti cle points out tbat Mr. Phelps, the new minister to England, was General Scbenck's counsel in the Emma mine affair, and that his appointment will beget distrust in the British investors' minds, as Englishmen have a mortal horror of everybody and everything connected with that swindling opera tion. Tbe whole amount of life insurance now in force in the United States is S2,000,000,000, a sum S100,000,000 greater than tbe net annual revenue of the United States government; five times larger than the total an nual sales of money postal orders, and nearly $1000,000,000 greater than the total combined capital invested in the iron, steel and lumber business in this country. Vebmont has started to solve the question of ignorant and incompetent juries under its new law with consid erable success. A law passed by the last legislature provided for the draw ing of special juries in important cases. It is first being applied in the trial of the case of ex-Gov. John JB. Page of Rutland. The jury drawn consists of leading citizens of the county outside of Eutland. A week ago serious labor troubles were threatened in England, many colliery proprietors having deter mined to enforce a reduction of 10 per cent in wages, declaring that such was absolutely necessary to enable them to keep- the pits open at present prices for coals. Forty-five thousand hands would be directly affected by such a reduction. The present pros pect of war with Russia is likely, how ever, to revolutionize the situation. A kew system of remedy is attract ing attention in San Francisco. It is styled "the faith cure," and is used by "the Holiness Band," led by a gentle man named "Rev. Geo. Newton." "Faith and oil" are the alleged agents in this new materia medica, and won derful cures are reported. The allop athists and homajpathists have ceased quarreling among themselves and unite in opposing the "faith and oil" pharmacy as a matter of self de fense. TnEMalidi's military resources in clude 15,500 Egyptian regulars, who were originally taken prisoners or de serted to tbe Malidi's camp. It is not known, even at English headquarters in the Soudan, how inany native war riors have joined Mohammed Ach med, but he possesses armaments for an almost unlimited number. Besides the arms and equipments" of Hicks and Baker Pasha's forces, which fell into the hands of the enemy, the lat ter has an enormous quantity of pro visions and ammunition, which the Egyptian government had stored in Sennar, Kordofan and Eachoda. An informal cabinet meeting wa$ held at "Washington last Wednesday night to consider the burning of As- pinwallby the insurrectionists, and to define the obligations of the United Stales in the premises. It was de cided that while the government has no responsibility for internal broils at Panama, the old treaty with Grana da guarantees free and uninterrupted transit across the isthmus. Secretary "Whitney, at the conclusion of the conference, telegraphed the consul at Panama for further par ticulars, and if present advices are confirmed, men and guns will be shipped immediatelyjto maintain free transit across the isthmus. Between theBussian and the Scan dinavian workman the contrast is complete, nothwithstanding tbe same ness of the climate tinder which they both live. "While the industries of Russia are in their infancy, those of the Scandinavian countries have left that stage far in the past Tbe indus tries of Scandinavia are almost en tirely confined to wood and iron. The Scandinavian workman is well cared for by bis employer. "Without receiv ing high pay, the mine.r, the wood worker and the weaver, both Swedish and Norwegian, enjoy a relative de gree of comfort through their cheap food markets, tbe alliance of family life with industrial labor and fanning, the universal diffusion of popular in struction, the spirit of associatipns and the multiplying of educational as well as of provident and charitable in stitutions, and finally and above all their habits of order, their honesty and their relations in general with their employers. ' The twentieth anniversary of the raising of the American flag over Fort Sumter will be celebrated by the Sumter club in Brooklyn at the the Academy of Music in that city, .April 14th. The club was organized at Port Sumter in 18G5, when a steam boat full of people went from Brook lyn to witness the ceremony of again hoisting the old flag. Among those who have already signified their in tention of being present are Rev. Henry "Ward Beecher, Commodore Chandler, General Gilmore, Admiral Worden and Commodore Schley. The following is an extract from a letter received from General Sher man: "1 take it lor granted tnat you hardly expect one of my age to come over 1,000 miles for any anniversary occasion whatsoever, and that-you will be perfectly satisfied to receive from mo this assurance of profound sat isfaction on learning that such men of national fame whose names head your sheet still cherish the memory and celebrate an event of equal, if not more importance than the decla ration of independence, because Sum ter is a monument of a fact tbat tbe United States could and did maintain their integrity, whereas the other was a string of words." NEW TO-DAY. Clatsop Mill Co. FURNISHES Lumber at Reduced Prices. Street Immber - - $8 50 Home Billa .... 9 00 No. 1 Flooring and Rustic - 19 00 No. 2 do do 14-50 Lath - - 2 00 These are Cash Prices. For Rent. THE HALL OVEIt D. L. BECK & SON'S can be rented for Public gatherings. Application may be made to Mrs. Geo. i Wheeler, Secretary of the Astoria Ladles' Coffee Club. Executrix' Notice, HAVING BEEN APPOINTED EXECU trix of the last will and testament of M. 1. Oilman, deceased, all persons having claims against said estate are hereby re quired to present the same properly verified to me at my residence In Astoria, Clatsop county, Oregon. FLORA J. OILMAN. Executrix. Astoria, April 2nd, 1885. 11 -5t For Sale. STOCK AND FURNITURE OF TIIE OLD Corner Saloon. Inquire of J. W. STEARNS, A gt. Astoria, Oregon. April 1st, 1685. Eggs, Easter Eggs. 150 Dozen Fresh Eggs, 150 18 CERTS A DOZEX, For Sale by E.C.HOLDEN. "Flor de Madrid." Office of V. Martinez Ybok & Co , i Kev "West, Fla., Fcb.ss. 1855. f We take pleasure in announcing to the Cigar Trade of the Northwest and California that we have this day ap pointed L. K. G. Smith of Portland, On, our sole Agent for the whole PacIGc coast, and kindly recommend him as sucn to our old and new patrons. We guarantee that, as heretofore, all Cigars from our factory are and will be made of the finest and choicest Havana Tobacco only and that we shall not fail to keep up our well established reputa tion on them. Very respectfully, V. MARTINEZ YBOR & CO. In accepting the honor of represent ing above manufacturers. I do so with a thorough conviction and after a careful scrutiny that nothing in the Kej' West Havana line could be offered or pro duced superior to these world-renowned "FLOR de MADRID." Shall be pleased to fill all orders in trusted to us for any sryle or size, either direct from factory from our various de pots in California or the northwest. Responsible dealers in the interior wishing the agency in their respective towns will receive a prompt hearing by addressing r k. g. s.niTn. Stark and Front Sts. Portland. Depot for Astoria at-L. K. G. SMITH'S Cigar Store, Chenamus Street Theo. Buacker, Manager. Grade Holstein 3-Months-Old Bull Calves at SI 5. JOHN DOCKAR, Cathlatnet."W.T. LIBERTY HALL. OHE NIGHT ONLY. Monday, April 6th, 1885. EXGAGKMKXT of CHAELEY REEFS MINSTRELS Direct from Standard Theater, San Frauchco. The "World of Momui Is ruled by as. A REVELATION To an Intellectual and Admiring People ! The Height of Refined 3IinstrcIy. 80 &m ' 30 Artists ! 30 A GREAT C03IEDIAXS 4 4 The Standard Qunrtette. -1 & The Cat. SImlrisal ItoyH. 4 XO The Standard OrchcMtra. IO S Female Impentonaiors. ii 4 Sons and. Danrc. 4 RESERVED SEATS. - - - SI 00 GALLER1, 50 Bos Sheet open at The New York Novelty More, muray, April 'J. Look out for the STREET PARADE. Monday, April C, I88. Spring Opening. The long looked for Spring Opening of Millinery at Mrs. Eaton & Cariisihnn's "Will take place Wednesday and Thursday, April 1st and 2d Their IMPORTED HATS and BONNETS are simply lovely and were selected person ally hi San Francisco, to supply the demand here. Children's School Bate and LadlcO Sum mer Bats a speclalt). All are Invited. 1885. INTEREST .Will be allowed On Time Deposits. Drafts on all the Leading Cities. Wm. T. Coleman & Co. H. -EL.310KK. Manager Banking Department, Astoria, Oregon. TO LET. LIBERTY HALL. Suitable for Sociables and Parties. Terms 3Iodcrae. Apply to N. CLINTON. President. T. G. RAWLINGS, "Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Tropical, Domestic, Green and Dried MITS. CANDIES, DRIED MEATS, ETC. Fiuo Cijrars anil Tobacco. Next door to I. J. Arvold's. Squemoqua St. Brick for Sale. AT THREE DOLLARS TER 1,000. Apply at this offlce. Mrs. Campbell Ls now prepared to Furnish First Class Rooms, NEW FURNITURE THROUGHOUT, WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD. Over Beck & Son's Grocery Store, Corner of Olney and Squemoqua St., np Stairs. To Rent. FINE BUSINESS OFFICE. CENTRAL IS' located. Apply at this Office. To Let. Tnnvmnpn Avn iivvnnYTsnpn JD rooms for housekeeping, over Beck & auu a grocery Mure. MRS. CAMPBELL House to Rent. FNQUIRE AT THIS OFFICE. Notice. milE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE COLUM- jb. oia uanninp uompany are nereoy noti fied that a meeting will he held at the com pany's offlce in the city of Astoria, on Wednesday, April the Stli, 1883. at 10 o'clock A. II. for the nurnose of elect Inf :i bo.inl of directors. Astoria, Ogn., March 2Sth, 18S5. House to Rent. N INE ROOMS : GOOD LOCATION. Inquire of W, B. HEADINGTON. TO CANNERY-MEN AND OTHERS. Wing Sang & Co. The undersigned are prepared to lurnish CHINESE LABOR For putting up Salmon, either by the day. moniu, or case; aiso. cm lurniMi rmnese Hoods of all descriptions. You can depend upon thU man, HIT CIIK. Atrcnt at Astoria. He refers to WASHINGTON PK'G CO., J. W. UKAKIIAICT. II. HEKRIOK. SAM. ARNDT, O. SOVEY. For Sale. BRAND NEW COLUMBIA R1VEK Fishing Boat. Apply to Jt. II. LEATHERS. A Elegant Rooms. SUNNY AND CONVENIENT. IN WM. Hume's building. Apply to SAMUEL ELMORE. For Sale. ONE HOUSE AND LOT IN ALDER brook. Price, eleven hundred (1,100) dollars. For further particulars enquire of MESSRS. VAN DUSEN' & rtn Upper Astoria. Desirable Properly for Sale. TWO LOTS, EACH 75x150, IN ADAIR'S Astoria, opposite the Eagle Cannery. For terms, etc, apply to this offlce. JjwF Artists! JffPP 30 arpets! Carpets! Carpets. We beg to call the attention of the public to our latest importation, direct from Eastern manufacturers, of the largest invoice of CAItPETS ever offered for sale in this city, comprising all grades, from the FINEST BODY BRUSSELS In the Newest Tints and Shades, To the lowest priced article In this line. AVe are determined to dispose of our stock of Carpets within the next four weeks, and to that end offer special Inducements, precluding me possioimj-oi ueins unneraoiu oy -IN Furniture and House Furnishing Line We can show you the very DEST GOODS at BOTTOM FIGURES, and shall be pleased to receive a can ior inspection wneiner you purcnase or not. OHAS. HEILBORN. New Establishment! FURNITURE, FURNISHING GOODS, Carpels, Matting, Pictures, Mirrors, PICTURE FRAMES MOULDINGS, ETC., ETC. At Greatly Seduced Prices, ASTORIA FURNITURE CO., Cor. Chenamus and Hamilton Sts. ADLER'S osmg Out S Is just commencing to get in good running order. It takes some time to mark down his Enormous Stock But he is now about through. His Prices Astonish Everybody! Call and see for Yourself and be Convinced that this is so. L. !. JOHNSON, DKA.T.KK IX CIGARS AND TOBACCOS, SMOKERS' ARTICLES, Playing Cards. Cutlery, Stationery. Etc A fine Mock of Merschaum ami lJrier Pipes, Amber Goods, Etc. Two doors of cor. Water and Wcst-Oth Sts ASTORIA, OREGON. il Hi Jewelry, Scarf Pins, Chains, f atcles, Pinuos mid Organs oi (lie Best mnltc at the "Lowest JPrlces. The finest stock of Jewelry In Astoria. Efi"-All goods warranted as represented. GUSTAV HANSEN, JEWELER BUY YOUR TICKETS via the popular THIKGVALLA LINE. The large, well appointed and commodl- ous steamers of tin its line arc arc ninnniK DI- RECT between New York and Scandinavia Without calling at any Intermediate port, consequently no Transfer of Passengers or Baggaue. No extra expenses Captains, Suryeons, Officers, Stewards and Crew are all Scandinavians, rassencers' Baggage checked to destination a safeguard adopt ed by no other steamship line. Drafts and Money Orders on Denmark, Sweden and Norway issued at lowest rates. For further lufoimation apply to IJOZORTTf & JOHNS, Astoria. Orcson. M. !R. KIPP, PLUMBER AHD GAS FITTER. Water Pipes a Specialty. A Full Stock of Material on Hand. Personal attention given all orders, and satisfaction guaranteed. Terms Reasonable. Shop and offlco on Cas3 street, one door above Frank Fabre's Restaurant, Astoria, Oregon. 0 any or our competitors. THE - H. Du 1JUISSOX, Manager. The Seaside Bakery FKESH BREAD Delivered in any Part ot the City. FINE CAKES A SPECIALTY. Home-Blade Candy Made Daily: The Trade Supplied: Fine Pastry: A First Class Establishment. Prices to suit the times. F. B. ELBERS0N, Prop'r. Cannerymen and Fishermen At tention! I AM NOW PREPARED TO FURNISH board and lodging place for 100 flsher mpii. Separate building especially fitted for fishermen only, free from noise or disturb ance. Alost convenient, and the only place of the kind In Ilwaco. The best board guar anteed at reasonable rates. No Chinese em ployed. Give as a call before contracting elsewhere. Call or address Wm.B.HAYDEN, Ilwaco, W. T. Notice of Application. NOTICE IS IIEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned intends to apply to the common council of the city of Astoria at Its next regular meeting, for a license to sell wine, malt and spirituous liquors In less quantities than one quart, for a period of one year from date In the building, corner Water and West 9th streets situated on Lot C, Rlock 133, Shlvely's Astoria. A. DAN1ELSON. Astoria. March 21st 1835. Pure Ice, Delivered at Your Door. This Ice is cut on Lake Cocollala and is pure. All orders left at Post & Hansen's Astoria Soda Works will be promptly attended to. G. REED, Manager. Astoria to Tillamook. Steamer A. B FIELD. CAPTAIN JOHN GABRIELSON. Freight forwarded by O. R. & N. Co., marked "per A. B. Field," will be forward ed. Freights to be delivered at Hobson ville, Tillamook Bay, where it will be held at shippers' risk until charges are paid. From Portland to Hobsonville, per ton, S3 From Astoria to Hobsonville, " ' 6 Passengers from Astoria............. 5 C. LEINENWEBER. w gh mmw -THE FINEST- Family Groceries, Provisions and Freshest Vegetables -AT- RANK L -ALL Low Down Prices ! ! Corner Benton and Chenamus Streets. Opposite Custom House Square. Hi 33m FJcLXfiifL3Ei.Efe DKAtCK Hay, Oats, and. Straw, Lime, Brisk, Cement, Sand anfl. Plaster T Wood Delhered to Order. Drnyin?, Teaming and Express Business. rER apply to the Captain, orto THE NEW MODEL IESn&CTtilJnB1 yin iKts! wlfc' icz i rsr - wumvmmmi A PXTLI. STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND. John A. Montgomery, DEALER iy Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. A General Assortment of HOUSEHOLD' GOODS. Agents for Magee Stoves and .Ranges The Best in the market. Pinmbing goods of all kinds on hand. Job work done ln-a workmanlike manner PLUMBING, GAS FITTING, AND CANNERY WORK Attended to Promptly on Reasonable Terms. Chenamns Street, Xext to C. Xu Parker's Store. ASTORIA. - OREGQSf. M.OLSEN. J. GUSTAFSOX. A. JOHNSON. MARTIN OLSEN & CO. DEALERS IN" FUKNTTTJRE S BEDDING Corner 3IalH and SauemoqHa Streets. Astoria, Oregoa. WIHDOW SHADES AND TaiMMHOS; WALL PAPER, ETC A Complete Stock. PRICES AS CHEAP AS QUALITY WILL APFOED. AIX KlftDS OF FUBHITUBE REPAIRED AITC VARNISHED. Change of Agency. We haTC appointed MR. O. F. MORTON Our Selling and Collecting Agent at Astoria. All those wishing to purchase a first-class SEWIXO MACHINE, or to make pay ments due us will please call on Mr. Morton. Headquarters at B. S. WORSLEY'S Sales room. The Singer Mfg Co., 92 Morrison Street, Portland, Or. Carnahan & Co. SUCCESSORS TO I. W. CASE, IMPORTERS AND W110LESALK AND RETAIL DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE Corner Chenamus and Cass streets. ASTORIA. ..-- OREGON $67,000,000 Capital! Liverpool and London and Globe. North British and Mercantile Ol London and Edinburgh. Old Connecticut of Hartford, COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA Fire Insurance Companies, Representing a Capital of $87,000 OOO. B. VAN DUSEN, Asent. PARKER1 AT - Hi 1. I. w IX STEAMER CLARA PARKER Eben P, Parker,Master. For TOWING, FREIGHT or CHAR H. C. PARKKlt. RANGE CAN BE HAD IN AS TORIA ONLY OF E. B. HAWE8, AGE.NT t'Al.h AND EXAMINE IT, Y Will be pleased. K. K. HAWES Is also agent f r ti But: patent CooiiDjr SiOfc And other first-class Si37es. Farnaoo Work. Steam Fit tings, etc. a specialty. - e,J Hardware anil Slip Ciailery VAN DUSEN & GO., DRAXEBS EC Hardware and Ship Chandlery Pure Oil, Bright Varnish, Binacle Oil, Cotton Canvas, Hemp Sail Twine, Cotton Sail Twine, Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails, Agricultural Implements Sewing Machines, Paiuls and Oils, Groceries, etc. HAVE YOU Anfllfito S IN THE MATTER OF Rags, Bottles, Old Metal, or Junk of Any Sort, FOAED & STOKES Will give you tho best price for it. Do You Want io Buy SHIP MATERIAL, From a Belaying Pin to a Hawser ; from a Block to an Anchor. You Can Get what You Want at FOARD & STOKES. . Headquarters at lmilding. east end of "Water Street. i