CO - Rc ga sftjfifim ASTORIA, OREGON: THURSDAY APRIL 2. 1SS3 SHIPvPiNG'fN'tELUGEN'CE PORT OF ASTORIA. VESSELS IX THE RIVER. Janet McNeil. Hnttt.Vi.Monarch ( bipman. Brsp Kenton HrbV. ItomenstrniiU Brblc .lace iitrett. Hr bk Haidoo, JJr bk MtWashington, Am sp Col oni a. Roslin Castle 21-A i. Cox. Ursa ban Luis, Hr bk VESSELS OA TRE WAY. From Forclcu I'ortft, for Ue Columbia Diver Archer. Br ML 7(3 Liverpool Hcemah. Hr bk Valparaiso Jan 21 lieeebholtn, Br 1)V7G3 AntifOKMlaJcaJl Carnaron Castle, Br By 1S0J Sidney City of Madrid Or p Hneoos Ayrcs Nov ID Casand-a, Brbk.711 Valparaiso Elma. Br bk Valparaiso Jan SO -.-! Li Kdwa'd Percy. Br bk 862 Oallao Haddingtonshire, Br sp 1 J50 Rio Jan 21 Kitty. Br bk Valparaiso Jan 21 l.obo. Br, bk, 899 Carwal LcrcD, Br bk 775 Valparaiso Sept S Moltkc. Gcr 1A Si3 Lirarpoofj-: "& J iuauura, ur iik a.u i uceioo Uban IUj-. Hrbk Va paraiso Qutilola Br bk tOh Valparaiso Rivor Levon Ur bk 773 Valparaiso SoKeic. Xur !-k COi Callao Jan 29 From American Port. TiHie 1.. Marback. Am up" 1931 New York Nor H TIXU: TABLE FOR ASTORTA. APRIL. 1IIOH WATER. J LOW WATER. 11m Second. First. Second. h. H. :. wi. h. m. h. m. IC 1 fiS pjl 2M J8S 21 A s ... 31 3C 40 i i 13 t 00 !4) 10 23 10 59 11 27 11 .V. 0 2.5 1 (I". 13 7 47 10 o2 10 B 11 3 12- 10 10 11 12 14 0 22 or.i lt 2 CiO 2 43 33 4 35 C 51 7 2 8 40 IC 20 1 1 4') 1) 2 2 .W '2 3 21 1 0 4 31 8 o r 4 I 8 0 C51- 7 1) 8 Ob 23 27 32 35 08 08 09 10 11 12 15 19 23 72 9 07 74 0 31 7b'l0 34 70,11 14 25 10 02 11 (Jl 11 1 hi 11 4G tt 37 1 18 -ij O 15 SR; TO 0 4ld 8 9 2 00; The hours between midnight and noon are. aesignaieu uy a (a. si.), tuose between noun and midnight bv p (p. sl). 07i. 00m a denotes midnight, oft. 00m. p denotes noon. Thelielghl Is rccKoned from the level of n erage low or low waters to which the sound ings are given on the Coast Survev charts. 'Columbia River Exports. onirainjfTs foreign. JAM'AItY. st8 837.1ms. wheat .-.&... 24.633 bbh. Hour ,.,$038,371 .. 93,252 TQtaUCl 9 cargoes) . $731,023 f . J'FURlTARr. C1C735 bus. Mheat 3.o37 bbls. Hour IL.K9013 snhnon.......... ' WJS M lumber . ...:. Total (10 cargoes) SIARCII. AYheat. 32278 bus.... Flour, 9.237 bbh Total, (c cargoes) $475,230 152.090 59.950 59.873 $747,143 $229fi29 30,950 S27C.879 Antoria Retail 31 arkct. Wii1?at, per'ccntal 31.35 OaU, " SlJiO Bacon, sides per lb, 141G cts. JShouldera, ' 12 cts. Hams, " lfii8 cts. Lard, " 1416fcts. Beef, 9 18 cts. Mutton, 1015 cts. I'ork.VgiGcth. Veai;i420cte.v JJuttiir, per roll 5070cls. Ers, per dozen 18(25 cts. Potatoes, per lb 1 ct Cheese, per Jb 1C20 cts - uornmcai, pecjib 4 cts. Oatmeal , B8J1S, Coffee, Tea; -Kice, naniZfia f 4O0icisS " 79cts. biiRar, " Gy9Vrct3. oj'rup, per gallon 70Cj3 si. Honey, per-frallon Sliu. Salmon, per kitS4JK) Onions, per lb 3$Hcts. Apples dried, per lb.wgi2J4 cts. Peaches ' 'UQtWcfsi Plums, " " 121GcU?. Candles, per lb 20 cts. Chickens, per dozen $. Hay, per ton 151 320. Hides, per lb 5 9 cts. Oils, per jwllon, boiled linseed, 73c; raw linseed, 70e; coal oil. 40c; Iard5l.23 E. Lemon & Co. TEED0RES andRlGGEBS brtlaiulaml Astoria. Portland O.Tlce Noj ic, X, Front street JfA.'WILSOlf. (Late of San Francisco.) PA1HTER, "PAPER HAHGER, AKD- DEOORATOR Has located in Astoria and solicits a share efthe natronasc. All woik strictly flrst olass. Tenns moderate. Order box at Van Dusen's. Itst Mid Beet. -TensteaY$-?Spkal. Spang. New adjustment. Us4 ky largest is0 SdJonclBKilarito w 416 Market St,, San Francisco. 2 U 2-37 3 32 i -r fi 41 70 7Ka 03 7 f)2p 71 831 02 8 2.1 (.5 3 12 04 8. VI C0D4S 07 935 "io 10-17 0 9 10 23 ri 4 11 4C 1 2 II 29 . 5C-- --0 52' 110 0l 4 2 2 00 (iC 2 14 4 0 3 01 71 .122 34 3 51 77 4 13 27 433 81 4 58 20 5 11 84 53C 12 550 8 0 0 03 0 C JH 24 78C4C 0 0 C 58 7C 7 25 -04 732 7 2 S-03 -06 8 03 6 7 8 5C -05 8 51 04 9 43 -02 S43 CI 10 51 02 10 48 . Co - - -- Q'OS C 41 0 OC 8 7 1 18 70 1 34 35 2 28 75 255 29 3 2S 80 10D 20 4 18 83 4 4S 14 5 03 8 7 5 37 08 5 40 79 C IS 03 C 19 7 (5 C 57 0 0 0 52 71 7 35a -Oil 7 22p 0 ASTORIAK JIRECTOKY. State Officers: United States Senators J; g; g1 Kepresentatie in Congress M-C. 'George Go enior. z. F. sloody Bccrttarv-of state iU.1P. Sft-hart !Assisiant.aecretarj-. FfiKSHMsklu State Treasurer. .is&l.ferech" Assistant Treasurer 2A7K Tlleele Supt Public Instruction....iEB;3rcElroy State Printer... ...:."W. IKByars Clerk School Jnd Board ."E, P. McCornac Sup't Insane Asj Jam ..Dr. JL Carpenter SufTt PenKcntlary. JL Geo. Oolbns (W. P. I-ord Supreme Judges .J J. B. "Waldo W.W.TIiaer District JuncES : First District L. B, "JVcbster Second , District L. .ijtobert Bean Third Districts :.i,i.E P. Boise Fourth District, ... feeneca Smith Firth Dlstrlcr F.'J, Taylor Sixth Dlstrlct... .-aLrL Olmstead Clatscp County Officers: Judge..... . G. A McGulre Cleric. ...."C. J.Trenchard Vf. G. Rbss j D, K. "Warren "jJno. Uobson J. F. Warren lsaac Bergman G. F. Parker J. E. Hlgk'lns J.:CBoss -Sheriff.. .., Commissioners ... Assessor ,.M ..... Trcasurer...5r.MV Survej or . . School Sup't ....... Coroner. . ....... Astoria City Officers: Mflvnr T W TTuma .AudUoKiiua cVeJtk Z"ZZZ X. S. Jewett 3Treaserer.r-....,r: J. G. Hastier Assessor. . Geo. P. Wheeler Street Superintendent.. Thos. 1ogan Chief of Police. Clark I.oughrey Pollco Judge C. II. Stockton Sexton -... M. Conley COUNCILMEX : (C. 1L Cooper First "Ward A. A. Cleveland I Isaac Bergman ( nms.Daly. Second Ward....-.- C. J.Tienchard ' 'tehas. GratKo, SOCIETY MEETINGS. J Temple Liodere, No. 7A,P.A,M. REGULAR COMMUNICATIONS flrbt and third Tuesdajs In eachVi mouth, at 754 o'clock, v. si., at theV Halt in Astoria. Member;, or the order in good standing are invited to attend.. By order of the W.M. Bea7er Lodge No. 35. L O. O. P. OEGULAlt MEETING EV Xti ery Thursday evening ut seven o'clock, at the Lodge Toom in Odd Fellows Hall. Asto ria, Sojourning members of tiio order htl good st-audlng, cordially invited toaitei d. -3 'By order . -c - N. G. J Ocean Encampment, No. 13, 1. O. O. J. EEGCLAJLJIKEllNGSOF OCEAN EN campmeut No. 13. I. O. O. F., at the Jxdge, in the Odd Fellows Building, at seven r. 31., on the second and fourth. Mbnda-; of each muutbj Sdjorniirgbrctli ren cordially Invited. "" -t,r ,IM Xy order C'P. Seaside Lodfire No. X2.A.. O. TJ, V EEGUJA. MEETINGS OF SEASIDE Lodge Ko. 12, A. O. U. "W. will be held tn llieir Hill over Caruahau & Co.'s on Thursday evening of cadi week, at 7 o'clock. Members Of the order in good standing, and Islttng Brothers are Invited to attend. Li brary will be open fifteen minutes before and after each meeting. By order M. "W. .C. BBO V2f , Kec Astqria LoOge Hov40.L O.G.I. t OEGULAlt MEETING EVERY MON Xk. daytsvenlng at 7 :30 o'clock, in the Hhll over Carnahan's sUire. Members of the )r-v der, in good standing, are Invited to attend. By order , , W.C.TI American Legion of Honor. REGULAR MEETING OF ASTORIA Council No 995 Is held on the first and third Tuesday of each month, at 7 o'clock ?. M. By order of the Council Commander. , It. V.MONTE1TH, Sec'ty. Occia&nt.OouictL'No. 5. OTCfI MEETS EVERY FIRST AND THIRD Saturday evenings of-each monthriit 8 o'clock P. M. Members of the order are respectfullv, requested to attend. r TJyorder. J 'jniV r . f " " d,BROS'ii,'RecOTder, Cushlng: Post No. 14. G. A, B, REGULAR AIKKTiNGa.OF THIS' POST on the second and fourth Tuesdajs of each month at 7 -.30 a, m. Visiting com rades cordially lnv Ited. Bv order P.C. - dishing Relief Corps No. 3, Ci. A. B. REGULAR MEETINGSONTHESECOND .and .fourth lucsdav sol each jnonth, at - I . JM Xm LSdge every Friday evening, at 7:30 o'clock, in their Castle Hall, Sojourning Knights cordially Invited to attend. i'W.A.SH-ERMAN, . JL of R, and S. Astoria Division No-One, Uniform Rank, K. of P. REGULAR MEETING ON TOE FIRST Thursday of each month, in their A r moti Hall,inJ!)thlanCa.stlp.ataj..M. Beg ular drills on the .socoiuL third, .and- fourth Thursday of eachtoioath. at sucaflaceSas- snaii oe (lesignatea oy xne uommanaer. ejotrrnlnfrrTtgntftSrdraliriritUed ttfifeetirgSHMdflifttr3: 1 st a a it . FoorT BoaoRTJi. ' Astoria ioiHilOoiree'clsWl REGULAR MEETINGS AT THE CLUB'S 'roonfrmfrtrfr;ertvIKrrorf tlie first and third. Friday s-of reach- month at Mrs. Ik S.,WORSLE V, Pres. ' ' .' ... Common. Coubcil -ti.. ' REGULAR MKETINGS. SECOND AND rfourtb JncfidaitiYenJDgs oTjeachmoiah at 7J4 o'clock. . . B-persons desiring tb'naye matters acted upon-by the Council. at any regular meet ing must present tlm same io the Auditor and Clerk, oft or before!tfe Fiday evening prior to the luesdayjosa which the Council holds its regular laoetiue. xTB0S. 8, JEWETT, Auditor and Clerk. , New San Francisco House. WingiSttiife 0 A U .'JMVTEHg, ? RetiiDi Wiiofesa'i 3 mm n- Chineio'? Mere indfs; The finest quality of Silk Goods, Dry Goods, China "Ware, Chinese Nov el ties. Rlct, Opium, Nut Oil, Tea, Preserved Ginger, Sandal wood-:OU,l-To9th Powder. Blank Books, Brushes, Broonfs, Nuts, Peppermint; Headache Cure, Etc., Etc. A Large Stock At Very Lew Prices. SIT QUE Ls agent for Chinese Commis sion Merchants and will take all orders and promptly fill them. Employment Office. r All kinds oL. .Labor! furnished : reliable Cannery Hands furnished piece work or by tho day. Satisfaction promised In every case. h . .jl itii-t Notice. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT city nsseswen. alt i persons ha in meir posse must reiuwi fthe City As: r's on cee: aotn uay oi , 18S5. as no celved afti t date nor lowed. '. WHE& r oi ASMnar March 27th, is Bj ordor Mrs. C. ROSS. it I PAcmffLodfirelNo?17.K?a. TTTBRDLAl 3jrFETTff:R "SftSwl TUTS wat - K t HNbSl O-LJM ill IfeM AseSo It POWDER Absolutely Pure. This ponder never varies. A marvel of purity; slrength apd w)i0le?joraenes. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and annot be sold In competition with tlie mul titude" ot low test short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in can, o ALBAXiXa 1'owdkrCo., 100 Wall-5t. N. Y. THE Hamiltonian TroUTng Stallion, TSTIE.L"MAKE fllE ENSUlSll SEAbON JrTrrom tho ut of Aurli until the 1st (or Jqlyat the farm of the undfnlgned on Clalsop Plains, on the following terms: Mnsie feCHfice. yii: tuc aejtsun, y?oj lHurBrr, S-5. . J.'ATKICIAN Is a dark bav with black ppmats,13l4 bauds jilgb 1 Ls of a geutle. trac- tjiUJetuspositiou, ata wa pure-gaifu trot Ytct He was bred Ji "vV'm. Corbett. at Oak Qrove Breeding Fnrni, San Mateo. Cal. The pedigree furnished by Mr. Corbett at time oi-rvurchase has been mislaid, but from the Avnencin Stud Book, and other rellablu sources, I havethe Jo!lov big : iVatrfm ic irciA li 41 it- flrnrb- knn tit tnhurtou by Itj-Bdj K llanultt rriah ; rlam. IttUeJAIta : urauil-duiu-bt Bcllmbiit.a thor- ouglibrcd-CallfontLi'v great ire afracers AlMJ4Ktter-. Among-tli latter, fmrii Bcll morrrdams .ire Nellie Pcriben. V5tc. and Ui T21uMrSbeDii.ird.7-jrL f -OAGrove-wajan untrained boie, and went to Australia neiom navuiic Dut-jmie PlK)r!3J,lO' "J estab ishlng- s record. Hii dam is a f till sister to Venture. v ho lias a record of 2 :27f Aithurtou, although nev 'er"prepared Tor racing, ha$ shown ttinile in 23v Al four years old lie was bred to flue, inaes, and of the produce are Arab, 2 gois. and Joe Arthurton. 2rJ3?. ArthurtonS first dam, Imogene by Seely's American Siarr: second dam by Abdalla.; third dam by Imp. Bell founder; fourth dam by Royalist, sou of Commander, bv imp. Messenger t fifth dam oj iiarawue,jiy imp. aiessenger. ltdk!sinaiMltouiait bj Mambrino,5on of fmpr Messenger t HamniOnian besides being the sire of Dexter, 2:l7j, Nettle, 2 :I84, Orange Girl, 2 go and Jav Gould, 2 ;2l, has to liis credit three others tint have troIte&Ju.2;30. atid-better. llewasalso the grand-sire of Maud S., 2flli Jay Eve Sec, 2:10, and St. Julian. Hniniltonlntfs first dam was the Chas. Kent marj bv imp. Bcll totinde; second ilam. One Eye by JJlshop's UjnrtlfcHria; son of Mtssengen -Thus it wfllbeseen that Patrician has two direct cros'-esof Bellfonnder and four of Messen ger, the two great fountain heads of trotting blood la-America. He has -bad- but little harlhjgTbut In the opinion of an expert- wuwu u(uiici,iio uunu uuriiwiitiauic uc greeof speed, and staving Qualities, and wuii nroner irainim; inrouirn uie : the season wouldbeable to make a iirileln 210. Mftnp fl-nm n ilit.iiirr will l rphn.l nt Sklpanon aud will bepasturedt a reason able rate. All care will be taken to, prevent acci dents, but I w ill be responsible for none. .jLl JOSI KM WEST. Clatsop, April 1st. 1885. Summons. IN THE CIHCOITCOURTOKI HE STATE of Oregon forathe count v of Clatsop. Laura Colllnsjdalntlu. vs. Thomas Col-Hns.-defendant. J sultln equity for divorce. To tho auove tjauteU" defendant. Thoma Cellins: K' In the name of tinslate of Oregon jou are hereby reoulred to apiif arand answer pbiln tnrs'complalnt tiled xgaln't v on In the jbov e entitled suit, on or before the lSth da of May ires, that being tlie first day of tho next regular term of salu c6urt to be begun aud held In said, county ats the cpurt house In AttSriS.TJie'Jon. Andyiuarp notified that If you Lill to answer saliltomplaint as herein .squired the plaintiff vyllLapplr tathe court termitf'relief demanded in tbe complaint, to vv it : For a decree qf sifd court dissolv ing tiie bonds of matrimony now existing between plaintiff and defendant and for Judgment against plaintiff for ,coits of this suit. - This RUmmnficJ-Tillr.irfirt tn hf nuliltOioil InnhelVKEKLVTMSTORiAX for-sIf5consecu- uve an orfleEmade bv Hon. F. J. Tavlor, Judge ofald court, on the 20th day of March, 1883, ' x .' - i NOLAD k. DORRIS, -.. . . Plaintiff's Attornejs. Salmon Packers We are prepared to print One-lb Salmon Labels or superior quality, well varnished. At S1.40 per M. nr? -"? i st-e" Correspondence solicited. w - A. 1 BANCROFT &. CO.. C,'K,(t 72L Market street. " San Francisco. TheVe Is No NeerJ of My Adver tising Tlie proof of the pudding is chewing the - 'Strin?; Gco.rW.TSa,rnI)rorn, Act : " H'lNDSkETCHUM & CO., ASTORIA,, - - NEW YORK. G. ASTINS0N & CO., , i 'rBL'AGKSMITWNG, At Capt. Rogers old. stand, corner of Cass and Court Streets. . . Ship and Cannery work. Horseshoeing. Wagons made, and repaired. Good work guaranteed. HAS RETURNED. . "J?. IiEATHens-HAS RETURNED JnglstofoTth8Tlver. Shop on the beach between Klnney'aBdEUnoroU canneries. LIBELS. BRITISH E)nGRATI0". In seventy years, from 1815 io 1SS the total number of persons who have left this countrv for the purpose of settling abroad, is lOTJS- QE tlm wiuuci i,vna,ivu iuuuu u uuiuu iu uv Fnitcd States. 1,802,629 in British North America, 1,-1S3,1S7 in Austra lasia, and tbe destination of the rest is not stated. Tlie larsre number mentioned includes persons of all na tionalities. Since 1SD3 the national ity has in almost all tho cases been registered. In thirty-two years the number of emigrants of British and Irish origin is given as o,64S,09G, of whom about two-thirds 8,730,454. have gone to the United States, 751, 366 to British North America. 1,111, 522 to Australasia. That is, the United States have taken 66 per cent of all our emigrants, Australasia 20, British North America 10, and other places 4 per cent. Of course, these fercentages, vary iu various years, 'or example, from I860 to 1871 the percentage to the United States -was never less than 77, and in one year 1867 rose as high as 80. Again the pecentnge ot Australasia was, in 1862, double its normal amount, and stood at 40. Prom this point it sank con tinuously till it reached its lowest in 1871, and it was not till 1874 that it reached the normal leel. Xondon Time?. The Washington Star ot March 16th says: A large and distinguished looking gentleman, with long, flow ing white liair, walked into the b'ar-ber-shop at "Willard's tenday, .and jocosely asked: "Do you shave Mugwumps. here?' He was answered in the affirmative and shown to a seat It was the Rev. Henry "Ward .Boecher, who had just come fro'm a visit to the president and tho 'secre tary of tho treasury, and seemed, in a very happy mood. How He Got a Position. "I npplietl for a posirion in a banking house in Wnll street six months ago, and although 1 jirovcd my compeMenev, they would not take me. 1 had Ticen down on my luck and looked old and shabby. An idea struck me I got up a new growth of hair with Parker Hair Bilsain, raised a decent suit of cIothe, appiio.i again, and they look me in a minute." So wiitesa clerk Willi $2,000 salary. Tlie moral i- plain. ParKer Hail Balsam gives a person a new fac.4 A Work or Art. One of the neatest nndmo-t elaborately finished Writing Desks ever een o:l this coa-t can be seen on exhibition in tho win dow of the cigar store, m-xt to Fostera Ex- i linno mi VV.itr trf in tliw kkv llin desk was made by Mr. C. Constantine of iiiiscu ami cexui-niy reuecw great creutt on tbe klll, taste and workmanship of the manufacturer, a he desk Is about fifty-two inches high by twofeerlnwldthand Umade out of various woods such a oak-, ash, but ternut, walnut and white holly'; they were llr-t saw ed out in pieces and so cut in beauti ful designs as to resemble hue bracket work. The top or cover of the iojk1s Inlaid with cardinal and blue velvet. At tlie back on either side or a square Tecess are two 'hand somely "carved apartments with folding doors. In the desk pnrt are a number of pigeon holesJor papers, envelopes, etc., this is surmounted wltlibeautliul bracket work, and on the top of each side Is a w hite door, handsomely carved ; tiriderneath Ls a semi circle, also carved in rich designs, inlaid with gilt work.. The sides are Inlaid. -with crimson velvet. the bracket work being. laid over it in different kinds of rich woods, tjie whole being surmounted with gold mould ings. A brief description or this wonderful invention comejs no idea of -Its elegance and flnlMi, one mast see'it tn appreciate It. Tlie desk will be raffled off and persons de siroas of procuring a handsome and useful ornament for the home office should not lose the opportunity to take a chance. Mr. Constantine can be found at the store any time to show those desirous of seeing the desk. The raflle vv ill lake place at 3 o'clock April llth. YOOXG 3IE.V!-itr.AI TILLS. Tun Voltaic Bki.t Co, of Marshall. Mich., offer to send their celebrated Eli- c-tro-Voltaic Belt and other Electric APi'LiACEs on trial for thirty daysr to men (voting or old) afillcted with nervous debility, loss of v it ility and manhood,-and all kindred troubh s. Also for rheumatism, neuralgia, paraljsls. and many other dis eases. Complete restoration lo health, vigor aud manhood guarnntf ed. No risk is in curred as thlrtj davs trial Ls allowed. Write them at once for illustrated pamphlet tree Sliiloh'sn Catarrli Jiemedy a posi tive cure for Catarrh, Diptheria and Cauker Mouth, i-old by W. E. Dement. MARKETS. WYATT & THOMPSON. DEALERS IN FRESH AND CURED MEATS, CHOICE GBOCEItlES, PROVISIONS, Crockery and Glassware. R11 "F"oc5l, OETtc, STAR MARKET. WHERRY & COMPANY, Fresh and Cured Meats, Vegetables, FRUITS, BUTTER, and EGGS. OPPOSITE OCCIDENT, HOTEL, C I"'A3IUS Street. Astoria, Oc Washington Market. Slala Street, Asiorla, Orcgos. BEItG MAX & CO. PilOPRIETOXlS EKSPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTEN 1 Hon of the public to the fact that the abovo Market w ill always be supplied with a FULL VARIETY AND BEST QUALITY FRESH AND CURED MEATS I ! Which will be sold at lowest rates, whole sale and retail. E9TSpecIal 'attention given to supplying iDfiiipfORO'S NV1G0AATOR -is josc wJaatits nam&.imphe3 ; a Purely Vegetable " Compound,. Jhai acts v&ectly'onlWr: edHii the army desctvjrirtnb'ln'af nn portaat orga- and pJeMting nerous aUmintSattyapsd from its deranged ojrferpJcirairBiicIi as iJyspepsi;J&di?T5iitalsliess Tri n -fr.l? Ti h 'aT, o etcr. Ms" tHerdbre 2 To laye dpoiHcnIt!i tbjeXiverimisfc'be kepfcin order' DB, SAKxOSlTS XIYEB-ISYIGOBAltm Davljioratea theUiveT. Regulates thcBovr els, Strengthens th& System, JBuriues-lhc Blood .Assists Digestion, Prevents Fevers. Is a Household" Need. ' An Invaluable Family MedlcfncTorcdmnlon complaints. D3. BAHTOED'3 LIVER nmeOSATOB. An experience pf Forty -ytar3t and TIiou. ocn'Mcf Tcstimomau prove us.. Merit.. - IrOU S T.E UT AIT. UEArJ3Or 3feDICKE3 Tor fill information fend "TOBraddrwa for 101 6eoBook on tbe "liver and iU dinncs," U . asroED 2 dcab- st.," sw xocs en Wffi$Z$WGVES THE ONLY REMEDIES FOR THE SKIN 'AND RLQ0L -UNIVERSALLY COMMENDED. Wm. T. Totfen, 0t2 2orth TentH"Stieet, lTiilatleInhi.1. rcnorts tttat- one bf hls-cnsto- mers -t.itel to htm incidentally thatjie WiLi fecuiuc s(. vv eu and jnailimeti t w en tj -sev en pounds iu tho-last vear,- all of which lie- at tniMitcri to a sstematlc tourV et the Cuti clmia Kksolvknt, whtch has proved effect ual when all ptherremeines laded. SOKESS C' ECI. 'Chxs. Brady. refer-, to Dr. J..r. Wood, druggist, of that citycer tlllesto awcuidcrful cuceof nJnpinir wes on thftiieek which had been-treated by,hos pital plijsicraus ithput cure, juul which yielded completely to th trrKci: Rfm kiiiks. - CritKZ3 B.V CUTlCritA My sklii disease, which TeMstetl several popular reiuedies and Other lemedtes Jd vieil b phj-sirians.Joab eneured J sour QyTlCiat-MiK-MHrnK-Sv 1hyyMlrp.isai 4 uiy mostanguiuo rvnei tadons and mpTdlv ef fected a cure. , J. C. AKr.NTnilE. V r E ntm, I xn. - - JJL.VOW ITS VALWK "All of vdnr?-nirficvnX 'UiiiMkbitiic-glv'e virv-Kood-satfifncllon. Tlitf GLrricxnta. I uei iallt. recommend, Jar tlie dweasIor wblph -It is j)sed, CI, know-froni experience. iisvaiue. , jjilu.jj-kaj.1..; ,"IONTEtrfo,,VH. i.- - . - C'l'TICUK si ABROAD -Thniticlra home returned" Norwecian. J have learned to know our CUTirrnAJ wuieii iiasiua snort mn eurei me oi an rp'iiu tlLtt my plu Lilian's medic n tonld not heal. ' - v' CHI!. HKLTZEN. BFltot.v.NOHWAY. ltefiiroirfu-inic TIITI POI-rFiOIVERS. A feeling- of gratitude impels" me fd ac knowledge tho great merits o! jour CjTri n. itA, and I cmdiallv recommend It to the "public as-a v erv valil'tble Tcmedy. II. N. POWERS, BlunOEI'OKTrCoMr. For salo everv where, rnce Cdtjclka. tlie great Skin Cure, COe. CuriqL ka S0ur, an etrpilsltebkin Beaut ifler. 25c. CxmcL'RA Kksolvknt, the new Blood Purifier, 1. I'otfer Iros antt Chemical Co., ItOHtOU. -f TirW TCCRA SOAP. atvcJcnniLsito-Toll J U XJl let. Bath and .Junserj Sauative SAN FORD'S RADICAL CURE FOR CATARRH A inglo dose of Sanford's Jtadlcnl Cure Instantly relieves- the most violent Sneezing or Head Colds, clears the Head as by magic, stops watery discharges from the NOseaudEjes, prevents Ringing Noises in the Head, cures Nervous Headache, and subdues Chills' and Fevers. In Chronic Ca tarrh it cleanses the nasal passages of fold mucus, restores the senses of .smell, taste, and hearing when affected, frees tho head, throat, and bronchial lubes of offensive matter, sweetens and purifies the breath, stop-, the cough, and arrests the progress of Catarrh toward Consumption, - One bottle .Radical Core, one box Catnnh. al.-olvent and Sanford's Inhaler, all in one package, ot all druggists for 1.00. Ask for Saxfoud's R voicvl Cujik. Totter Oiig and Chemical Co., Jtostoa. f ! tKl. New lire, JOr Shat-,Ol-iIN,'tcd. JSexxesL Painful u vo ltaic AS1-;VSv: w tU LALK1LL-. 4.U1IIM m TAitalr-Elc-trlc PJavtci;rTnstantlv af fects tiie'nervOustSj's tem and banishes pain, Auerfeet Kfec ri.p-ftTHifi 'MSTE tro - i.aivaaic Bat tery combined vrilb a kishly mcdiclaal I'laMex for25e. All Diugglsts. GERMANIA BEER HALL 3ErlXI5Q351 TTFTIlJbiJbi. FROM THE m Northern Pacific Brewery Five Cents a Class. No inferior User sold att lib place. vp3i. sock.' " iTopriBtor; Boat .'Building. THEolEST STOCK-AND WORKMANSHJP IfnJAltANTEED.' ! Boats of Every Description Built - ShopoYer.Aradt&Fjchen?.; , U. IH. JTEATHERsf g ri n . ii Rheinat iitiraia LOBB & GO JOBBERS LN WINES. LIQUOKS, AND CIGAKS. AUENTS FOR THE Best1 StfrrT ran Cisco Houses and , "Easterh'.DistlUleries. t 1 TumbtarsrSoshnd-' All K.frfefspc?feofrAuorjIfe Alli(JrfjrandsiO' fehces. LOpposJifcrParker Housed AsSBrtaJ-tJfegpp'.- , ?zh?lS&mrr.oc TMoii ItfdiS BfibbVf .Qof ; f. :liIHFel1S&?,i'IDi5, z J ZilUTHIrrtXW l!fhwrp jf-Jo.!- -622 RUBBERcBODTS. z.i rr - .- xf.lrA,RE.of;i3iriATiosst n-3 Be suniitfiri Soots re:iartWd"'Olbf i!K(KJt''0thenffilsaBdilvtt--tJie-PCKEj trwju snuxux ou?.tuerf,oo3.and; instep, which prevenc their cracking ton bTPalciri: AVa nr nnw mnlrlncp Ihim n llli T7lTDlVP AND ATTOS riolex-vTlilc;i- lllniake - , -FORSALiJ BY. ALL DEALERS. " r ALLJaaRlBBER QELTIKO, 1'A.CKt . LNITHOSE. SPRINGS, CLOTlflNV - J50DTSAJ.D SHOES, Etc, "- COOp-jnEAR RUBBER.CCF 'K.'H.-PKASK..Jr. I Agents, r" -S-M.RUNYON, f San FruhcBeo, .T-t- Lafavette Street ImDrovement.' - NOTICE is Jiereby given .thlhal uviuiuuii uuimuu ui me ciiy oi .Astoria, county of Clatsop, state of Ore'gen.Tio .poso to order the improvement of I.a- iayeue street in santcityof ABtoria as laid out ami improved bv Jbhtf fc- Clure, trout Astor street to the water front, b- building wooden sewers' on both sides of"said streetat tlie- evpense bf tho adjacentpropertyr Snd "irriiess a remonstrance signed bV-the owners of two-tlnrds of tlie property adjacent uiereio, Denieu witn tne- auditor and clerk, within ten davs of tho final Tiub- Jtcationjof thisnotiec. vix: Wednesday. April 22ndiS83ilie common- eomtqiL wni oniersain improvemenfmauo ly order of the- common council Attest: T.S-Jewett, Auditor and Clerk Astoria, March 2& 188?. "Washington Street Improvement NOTICE is hereby given that tlie common council of the citv of Astoria. county tiXJlatsop, stateotOreKonpro pose toorder thejmproementof Wash ington street In said city of Astoria,. trojn-jeuerson street. to tne water front by building vooden -sewers, on" both sides of siid street, at f he""e$pense qf tlje atljaeent property -nnrrnirrJess a rcmoristranee sigmd-by'thc ontjrof twtnthirds bf tfi nropertj rrontinoh said portion of said street, be-fuM-wtth. tneaucuiornnu cieri; vitiiin-teu.4lav;s, V?7r V(lrifulj-',-AriItirl lanrH.ol common council' W-anlensind-in'- jirovenienujuaue.- . -r ,--." THE WtEY CL1JS SfATt NlCkle. Plated, UpHng Steel "Bottom and Steel Clamp. ,-r -jr - The HENLBY-GrTAUL-ENCrE SKATE, Wooden Bottom and- leather5 Straps. The best and. only practically scientific skates. Elpgant In-flnlshr WRUumji three foot circle and all tlie wheels, rest square on the floor. Wheels" with "babbit metal boxes. The leading skates In all the prin cipal Kinks; Kloelcs aI Tricycles. OSBORN ALEXANDER. Sole A gents. Mechauicc'IEooIs.IIardware-andvMachlneri-. 24 Market bt.,opp. Palace hotel. "Seid for Jre"e catalogue and price list TJii-rtaton ihtilThatUatntenihtutt ftl rttvJ i SEitlXAls WJZSKXF.SS, LOSS OF Jf.lX .JIOODand theratilt qfataue, dUzwer erittul jt VKtng to comp1trvtionsUcI PR03TATOR JIUEA DR. HE DIG'S. IXrtaQRATQR. is the QXLl'cHreforPROSTATORRIlF... Price , S2JW ptrjiacluge. C paelaget. S10.C&. Guide la ueaur.ana ait-.-ifiaiusisenijree. aartni.u.-' RIG DrSPEXliARTSofVitfdfetilep. C0 CealV'St , ShU Frhittuto. Cal. B thy YoonjtorOld, oawnjLbsttfloia - aterftmSevof . iPTOtfiiffliiSoa i. "!" TP"SJ. J3e:I3EJ6,3poSC, SexuaPPcWer ?mmm km, Prof Jfan'tScudt. :.B.THEr5EQg Jhe Gmateemedies. MAohiiiiii'A-'-iAi,1Fi!S;M!-!;,!;.'-fi'i form ot Mrtntiioa' Tnd vSjbfSf Stl.wVfS to Youthrai FoUy. Abuse, n uV Faflur This treatment orisrlnated br PROF. "V IALe! FREE TO-ALL. r0" gp of 6 did lllostnited M pur taeUttisinglsmi. tomjpr all rormsrjvexual PUeiw. description of this treatment nnces. testimonial. n,i ?-? I Clire. Sir A rllnsHrw-..- .rl xfj TT..TT VARICOCELE CoialUpawlil foUHedlcalStaT, FREE. CiyiaIftBeraeuTjjjc7f 1(50 FttffcmSL, N.y, Notice of Application. vtoti,ce:is Hebebv given thatthe i-l undersigned, will apply to the coaunon council of the city of Astoria1, at Its next repr ularjmeetlngfor a'ilcense to sell wine, malt and .spirltuoasillquors in - less quantities than one quartfor a jierlod.-of Tone year from ApriL13tlL-lS85ln-the-Parker House saloon situated on -Lot 5, Biockt oVMcCIurel? - ' - - 'Wit'3! rrrvr' Wm:aixe Astoria, March 2lst, 1835. 2 "d 6, 1- v.; ',vyAudTtocana Clerk-' - A-TUoYrfi; OKediigvTarcti W,1SkL 1 ' . .W ..L- -I WW V i , ;j zi cdiHucczoq t t:r iJL-Lz j TT 7rlilyiiiJPr I 'MANH00DlTpr R EST0RED Oregon Railway & Navigation COaTPAlYY. OCEAN OIVISIOA Durmg the month of March. 1SS5. Ocean bteamers will sail from Portland to ban trancisco,and from San Francisco to Port land, as-follows, leaving Ainsworth Dock, Mrt,5rn,!' nL Midnight, and Speai Street WHiarf. San Francisco, at io A. si. ; Front San Francisco. From Portland. Mchl Mch Queen or Paotho Ta 10'Uregon trr 6 Oregon San 13 Columbia Wed II oHrabtj ... ."Fii a)lQneen of Pacific Mon 1G Stale of tvl ....Wed i Orecon Sat 21 Oregon Mon 30Colmnbia. Thur 26 , . t April5tateofi:at....Ta 31 Colnmbis bat 4 Apr 'Oresaa Son S Thropsh TIeketji ioUl tu aiyiuicipal cities in-the Unttedfates'; '(fJLdJ. and Europe ; , . Vj-V ..." RAIL DIVfSION.V Oa-atul-ftif-JjeltsafcisStV Passen- f,ornWaVSffir-0r Eem PullmsuIW?taijrriCZJaWa")cJbeEBen Port land. nd,SijpAnI. r, i e. ,fc . Boats-leave PortlandwforDsnattr 7 .00 - " ,-7-jj s .. r e: cj FiLi.u. ?,.r.fnr;fTfT -iSfl Iorbloifl TjwdThuErf: . . : -T - TrrfrTj-. Sat. .(toria andi 1 lojrec 1,. Jr ltlm.i If: 1 l li. uaytoa. Ur JT AM CorTui;?.tl555 r .,. 1 ,t . .71.: L V ic:oria Meaincii VtaToofrcln banitars. . Laie AstortiffePi?la5dIit'ivKi daily ex CBpttiandajyr -. 7 . I 'K. A. KOYIaSWAgjrttTfetpriA. ipVERLAND TO 'eAtlffi'RNIA VIA -,.i Orego n & California R. R. ."-. Anil Connectlous, t r (0 Saa Franc Ico $32 to SacrameatQ $S0 DAfLY, EXCEPT SUNDAY. KASTSIDK DIVISION". Betweea PORTLA. aad ASHliAM)' LEA'E- ARRIVE, Poitland....7 Q A. MlAshland. ,. 45 A. ar. Ashland 8:45 P.Ml'ortland.. 4- ai. ALBANY EXPRE83 TRAIN. - " t, Q ' ARRIVE. Portland 4 d p. ai.EebanonJ..9 :2o p. ar Lebanon :45 a. at. I Portland . 10 .05JL ai rullman Palace Sleeping Car leaves port land Mondajff and Thursdavs. Returhlng lav cs Ashland Tuesdays ami Fridays.' The Oregori andalirorniantailroadEerry malte connection with all Regular Trains on Eastslde Division, from the foot of a St. WESTSlOEmVISIOrV Between Portlftnd and Corvitllls SIATL TI1AIX LEAVE. ARRIVE. S?,d ft :0Ojv' aLlCorTallis.a. pp, m. Corvallbr 8 J50 K. MPortIandL-3 EPIU3 TRAD?" o ,LBAVE- ABRIVE. cMJnnvilie5:t5 AMlPortland 8:30(Air fAxziu ncKeu ior sate, ana baggage checked at Company's up-towa office, comer Stark and Second strt-etE. 'I ickets for sale to all tiro principal points jWKaleo tlia Comwanv's office. yarneciEz&tfd front 8ts.t 'Portland, Or. fefghtMH:n6tbeT6elTed forshirment arflVestsldo -Divisions. ' c - ; n.. is.UEtii.KK, E P.BQQEBS:. ,wrv f yA1, PAgt faCpf-1fplffjo. Ft.-5tevensrrfc Canby-and-JlrVkco, j. - cConneiuigaiyagej.aifrfbOBt3"7orT ystecvillefMonte'saqaBiYdOiwipia s cc? i-2JTEAMER.'-G .v:oU. :0TXjttiwttiZ&?'rii t'g: KIM MIBIHH V " - iu,'JMJUu W. P. Wh iTcoat n, 3lASTBlLr foT-porrStfeventVFbrtUaiiby,and Hwaco at a a. .-n., wurr uysiemttemaijs- nna express unny, au lurougn mans to- points oeyonu and,to Montesano, W. T-tri-weekly. - Fare to Hwaco, $1.00 v Passengers will save 25 cents by puichas- ujgucNe.ueiorc going on ooaru. v llwaco Freight Jier Ton, - $2,00 fFor Tickets. Tbwatre or Charier an- ply at the office of the company, Gray's wharf, foot of Kentonr street. ). n..V.KiOLX., Agent. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. NOTICE is hereby given iliat bids wilt be received, at the office-of the nn- dqrsigned, auditor and clerJcof the-city ot Astoria, until one o'clock -Ts.-or.on Pridajv April 33S85, Xorr ther improve ment qfjhe crossings of JeiEersonqand Jiafaette streets and Jefferson and unshingtoa streets as jprovidedby-or-dinance2Q,56. . Said" improvement "shall , consist of grading to the full width to the" proper grade, and by planking to a width of twenty feet In the center thereof with nqw and sound 0r. plank, three inches in thickness. Bids must state theijirjte for each crossinc and must be accom- "wltlv ?i bond, In Jthe sum aftfive jnirjrlrert the effectrthalrirthe (ontract be awarttecuo such, xnuar that he will "within fortyeJght hbnrs.tifter notice" ot; snch award, enteririto ton tractrtlierefor with good ami3iif2dent surety, ior, tne lanuiuj. periormance aiulpji DFAiY , BERrnrAN.? r 'riVays'" C CitaGratke. ' Street "Improvement Notice. 'NOTICE -Jsr hereby given that the common council of the" city of Astoria, oi Ben tous.treeti injtheeity of Astoria .as laid out and recorded My John McGlure-,fcom Seventh, street -to the water lrontby building wooden sewers jon "both -sides of said streets at tthe expense of the ovypej-sjof he adjacent property j- and unless a rempnstraneQ IgnediJ)yhe owners of two-thirds of; the-'property adjaqent thereto,;bo filed jvitlijlie-aptl-Horapd clQrk within ten days of; the final puDlicatiqn of .this, noticq, viz: 7ednesdayfApril22,l885, iho common Council wjul oraqr said improvement to be made. - -. "By order of the common council. Attest: .T-S.-JbwetTj rr . -Auditor and Qlerk Astoria, 5larch 29 1885. - Notice. NOW W.ALL HEN, THAT EMMA . Nelson, wife of N. Nelsotr. has left his bed and board ivlthuut'causuand I will not be responsible for say debts she may con tract. , . j -- si' - -. A. NELSON, Dated this 23th day of March, A. D. 1335, hX3fbAM!sAM 6 AM ,7am; UAM f.-;..M- js-js ' - 1 rraeQt"any bitf?'!sTherebyj:eser!,'edc', s ' Kt- rrrrlPT-flrt fm rrrmrnnn totttimI. .HJdmromee' xvA Trros; Streets?tanfrubHcL : u J. c