m rfmaettmsMttinMMMat ?hc 5aitv gtetotm ASTORIA, OREGON: THURSDAY , ...APRIL 2.18 ISSUED EVERY MORNING. (Monday excepted) J. V. HAL.LORAN & COMPANY. rUlU.ISHKIt.S AK1 I'KOI'KIKTOHS, ASTORIA IT UUII.DINO. - - CASS STRKEl Terms orSubKcrlptlon. Served by C.irrier, per week 15cts. Sfijt by Mail, per month uOcts. " " one year . ...S7.00 Free of postage to subscribers. fS""Advertlsements inserted by the year at the rate of S2 per square per month. Tran sient advertising fltty cents per square, each 42itlon. Notice To Advertisers. The Astobian guarantees to its ad vertisers the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia river. Begins to look a little dry. The annual hunt for houses has begun. Easter eggs eighteen cents a dozen at Holden's. Jeff's spring poet turned loose yester day. The News takes time by the fetlock in a suggestion as to how Portland shall spend the 4th of July. W. H. Gray returned from a San Fran cisco visit yesterday and goes to his Klas kanine farm this morning. The price of lumber advanced in San Francisco during March, to 14 por M for rough, and $30 par SI for surfaced. C. B. Thomson, -who has recently fin ished an abstract of Clatsop county rec ords, has removed his law office to room i, over City Book store. Collectors and men who handle money say that times are easier and money plen ties That will certainly be news to a many of us who yearn for ihe unattain able. A few more boats were out yesterday than wore out the day before, but noth ing like activity will prevail before the April full moon which will be on tho 23th inst. By cvcrv cannery lies a heap of scrap tin, glittering in tho sunlight on top, a rusty red below. Were this stuff at Swansea it would be worth six dollars a ton. Here it is worthless. Capt. John "Wood came over in tho Hunter from Shoalwater bay yesterday. The Hunter has been used last month in catching some fine codfish about a xnilo outside tho faraway buoy at that place. Mrs. E. C. Holden is prepared to fur nish ladies and gentlemen with the com forts of a home at her private board ing house eligibly situated and easy of access to and from the business portion of the city. One hundred and thirty-seven men went to Kant's store yesterday to see "the man with four arms," that worthy having stationed a man at his door with two fire arms, which, according to his ( figuring mado four. Judging from the piles of freight for Astoria on yesterday morning's steamer it is evident that the business men of the city aro of tho opinion that we are to have a busy season. Astoria is one of tho best of San Francisco's northern customers. The sale of reserved seats for the min strel entertainment next Monday evening at Liberty hall indicates that there will be a crowded house. The management desiro it stated that each, reserved seat will be a chair, and that no benche? will ba in the reserved seat portion of the house. The box sheet is now open at tke New York Novelty store. Tho presence of a good many promi nent in the salmon business, for tho past two weeks has as yet resulted in nothing definite as to future arrangements. Some of the embarrassed canneries would run if they had tho money; more will run anyhow. Several thousand cases are reported contracted for at prices as much below as above one dollar. Though Clatsop dwellers depend most ly oh boats, it happens that now and then a ride in a four-wheeled vehicle is a necessity. For this reason a stylish turn out, such as B. B. Franklin imported yes terday, fills the bill. True it is a hearse, and something that no one cares partic ularly about; but it is a good one and an ornament to any undertaking establish ment. The story is told of an eastern lady who visited in this "vicinity not long ago, and who in coming around Tongue point caught sight of the buoy depot. "Well," said she, "I've heard a good deal about the size of vegetables -in Oregon; more than I believed, but I declare if those Oregon pumpkins don't beat anything I ever did see." The "Oregon pumpkins" that she saw were two yellow nun buoys on the dock. Holt Bros, bought the mill and build ing known as the Howe planing mill yes terday afternoon. In future it will be known as tho Astoria planing mill. The new proprietors are men of considerable experience and practical knowledge; they will be joined by two more brothers who are on tho way from Iowa, where they have had charge of extensive planing mills and sash lactones, and about the 15th of the month they expect to begin active operations. In the meantimejthe mill and machinery will be thoroughly overhauled and put in good shape for bus iates. A man from over yonder says that he can tell the state of the tides from the appearance of his cat's eyes. When the tide is at low ebb her eyes contract and become more oval. When the tide is on tho flood her eyes expand and elongate. This theory easily explains what cats are mado for. They are mado to serve as tide indicators. There was a time when some person of weak intellect started the story that cats were invented to catch rats and mice. But when we recall the fact that over a billion rat and mouse traps aro annually manufactured in this countrv while only ten million of kittenB aro born in tho same period, then the whole story at onco explodes. An analysis of the tin, obtained from old cans, was recently made that is of interest to dealers in canned goods. There are parties in New York who pur chase at $1 per wagon load all the old tin cans they can get. After being soaked in water in order to remove the labels, thoy aro placed in revorberatory furnace and exposed to a low temperature, yet sufficient to remove the tin and solder from the cans. The iron plates are then rolled flat and sold to umbrella and trunk manufacturers. One week's smelting amounted to 21 tons. An analy sis made from this failed to show even n trace of lead. This certainly is conclu sive evidence that, bo far as that metal is oonoornad, consumers of canned goods have no cause to fear the formation of tho salts of lead in food preserved in tin. A girl wishing a situation to do housework, may apply at this office. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry will be eacrifled this week at Adler's. They will be warranted in the bargain, THE WRKCK OF THK SILTA I)K (J RACE. The wreck of the Silca tie Grace by buoy N. 4, is fast disappearing. "In the days of old. the days of gold, the days of '49,' there came n man named Gray with that vessel, up from California; it was sometime in July or August, and he beat up the river a3 far as ho could get and ransacked tho country for lumber, buying every foot he could find at from 12 to $15 per M. He bought as far as Salem and had the lumber hauled to the vessel; then warped and worked her down, loading at every place possible till he had nigh on to a million feet aboard. His heart was glad with high hopes of great fortune, for lumber was selling at $330 a thousand in San Francisco, and the cargo or the aura at Grace was worth to nlm 3T0,000 in San Francisco harbor. Day and night ho worked, and one pleasant afternoon in September, '49, he got the vessel round Tongue point, when, stand ing too far to the south of the channel, she ran on assert of forked rock and no amount of effort could get her forward or back. Gray was almost frantic Every dav's delay made it all the more probable that some kind of a saw mill would be rigged up in the harbor of Yerba Buena, now San Francisco, and the golden visions of selling a million feet of lunber at $350 a thousand last disappeared as he found the unfortunate Sttra rf Grace, fast on that'fatal rock. Three days after there came an Ameri can ship from the Sandwich Islands which had sailed from Boston with car go for that place and was now under or ders to return via the Columbia with what freight could bo there procured. To the captain went Gray and offered him $10,000 as a. gift to himself and $75 a thousand t load the lumber from the wreck of the Silva dr Grace and carry it to San Francisco. The captain refused and Gray offered him $15,000, $20,000, $25,000, but to no avail, the captain re maining obdurate and declaring that were he to lose his vessel in the attempt he could never look tho owners in the face af ter disobeying their orders. In those days vessels in the Columbia J were like angels' visits few and far be- tween that season a brig and a little later a schooner put in here and took a part of Gray's cargo to San Francisco; the rest staid here till it was no longar profitable to move it. and the Silca He Grace which was built of live oak and as sound as a dollar, was cut down to her bulwarks, the stubby edges showing tip black and grim even now after a lapas of thirty-six years as tho tide ebbs its lowest to the west. OCEAX SPRAY. The IdaJio sailed for Alaska yester day. The Elmo, lost n good charter by not arriving from Valparaiso yesterdpy. The Oregon came in over a smootk bar at an early hour yesterday morning; the State sailed in the afternoon. Tho Beechdale henoo to Falmouth, the Dunvcgan, the C. S. Bement, Golden Gats and County ofilarioneth arrived out last Tuesday. The clipper ship El CavUan, engaged in trade between Philadelphia and San Francisco, was recently sold at the for mer place for $50,000. Tho steamer Beaver, which was launch ed in 1835, and which was the first steam Teasel over seen on the Pacific, was re cently pronounced perfectly safe by the inspector at Victoria. Four miles outsido of Humboldt bay on March 21st, tho steamer City of Ches ter fished up a buoy, which had broken adrift from its position inside the bar, and brought it to San Francisco. Tho American registry papers of the bark Julia Foard have been received at Port Blakelev, and the vessel is now load ing for San Francisco. She was former ly the foreign-bark Augusta, which, after Soing ashore, was rebuilt and placed un er tbfiAmerican flag. Captain Bergman is m'&sHr. Hall Brothers, ship builders, have been awarded by .the United States govern ment the contract to construct a govern ment cutter to take the place of the Ktch ard Rush. The new vessel will have the engines of the Richard Rush and will be a first-class craft. She will be 161 feet long on deck'. 2C feet beam and 14 feet depth of hold, and will be built at the Hall Brothers yard, at Port Blakeley. The -demand for salmon has been fairly good, and, in view of the lack of inquiry for some time past, is considered highly satisfactory, es there is evidently some approach to the previous rate of con sumption. Grocers rtport a good retail trade, but not withstanding this fact, none of them appear to be laying in stocks. Prices are without change Lin erpool Corr. London Grocer. A meeting of Sacramento river salmon canners was held last Taesday, in the of fice of A. Lusk & Co., for the purpose of fixing on a price to bo paid for fish, in the coming season, which should bo fair to the fishermen, and allow a profit to the packers. Messrs. Johnson, Pardini, Bradford. Gibbs, Beck, Ehrman and Dean were present and participated in iub lmuruim uibcussiou wxueu. ensued. In the view of tho meeting, thirty-five cents on the river and forty cents in San Francisco was considered an equitable price, and a -compact by which packers shall bind themselves to make no advance on these figures .is to be circulated among them for signatures. Those of the Sac ramento river canners who will pack in the coming season are now anxiously waiting the commencement of tho run. Fish are not very plentiful; the markets not having been nab! surjolied dnrincr the past week, but is is said that a very light run will afford all needed material. CaL Grocer and Canner, March 27. The war clouds arc disappearing, but the ladies are just beginmug to appro- on every artiole in his store. You will nover buy silverware as cueap again as iuuer is sewing it now. Now neltlnor intprprtincr AHIri: closing out sale. An enormous reduc tion on everything. Boys' and Children's suits just re ceived at Mcintosh's new store. Choice Seed Oats For sale at J. H. D. Gray's. . One more Behr Bros. celebrated cylinder-top, grand, upright piano and one fine Chase organ are to be nad at a great bargain at Adler's. These Instruments speak for themselves and the price set on the same is within the reach of every body. Private card rooms at Jeff's new sa loon "The .Telephone." One of the finest billiard tables on the coast at Jeffs "Telephone." Flower pot brackets, and flower pots, the.latest styles, at John A. Montgomery's, THK AFGHAX DIFFICULTY Aetlre Prepirttleas far V7r The Keellns la Eagl&ad. London, April 1. From Monday night, when the opposition in the house of commons greeted the refusal of Lord Edmund Fitzmaurics to answer Sir Hen ry Drutamond Wolfs Afghan question with the loudest and fiercest shouts of anger which St. Stephens .has heard for a generation, on throagh to this day, tho war preparations have been marked by a steady accumulation of ovidenco that a conflict with Russia is probable. The calling out of the reserves, which was tho directest possible offici&L testimony to the gravity of the situation, surprised no one, for every Englishman was already convinced that the country was in for war. .Everybody is convinced that it was a matter of only a few weeks, and no body seems particularly sorry either. The truth of th matter is, that the En glish feel pretty generally that so long as a grapple with Russia is inevitable some time, it had better come now than later, sinee- it will be easier to keep the bear out of Herat than it would be to dislodge him when he once gats in. The decided actions of the government during the last few days, both here and in India, are particularly satisfactory to this con dition of the public mind, as tending to make it impossible for either side to back out. No doubt these truculent steps are born of a desire to frighten Russia and to impress the ameer of Afghanistan even more than a" wish to be ready if tho worst comes to the worst, because un readiness ib the fundamental rule of all English official action, but each step really renders a peaceful solution mora and more improbable, and is correspond ingly popular. There is, moreover, great eagerness here, if war must come, to get at Russia before the ice breaks up in tho B<io and liberate the big merchant nest now lying in various portions, it is with this end in view that all the en ergies of the admiralty are now focused on the work of equipping a fleet ready for sailing by the middle of next week, as the belief is general that -Russia is de laying matters now simply for the pur pose of getting her Baltio shipping safely on its way to the Pacific For the time being, work is suspended on the vessels now under construction and efforts are confined to coaling, stocking and man ning ships for commission. It is finely characteristic of the Eng lish temper, anent the war, that while all their papers have been howling during the last six months about the wretched condition of the English- navy, they now unite in telling what wonders the Bamc navy can do in case of war. No doubt the navy ought to bo much better than it is, but its real weakness is in tho largo number of worthless commanders hold ing positions by means of family favorit ism. If it surmounts this danger there need be no fear that in other respects it will not distinguish itself, for the condi tion and morale of tho men aro fine and the armament at least as good ps Russia's is. There is a disposition here, and from the first it has seemed to be an especially ugly sign, to make this war go just as far towards eternally smashing Russia as possible, and if pluck and skill can get at Odessa, Biga and other big places, the English temper is not to leave one stone in them on top ot another. There is certain to be an earnest attempt on the part of the English to make the navy a grand feature in the fight, but the Eng lish weakness in .torpedo boats, tho pre ciso point wherein Russia is stronger than any other power, makes the result of such an attempt doubtful. , , TrABSAtlastle Tricks. New Yobs, April 1. Canned goods are more largely talked, of this week than anything else. Packers here assert that English receivers have been deteoted in placing new labels on the stocks of salm onjthere. There are several -brands, and it is declared that-the cans of the poorest are carefully examined from the outside. If the can seems to be full tho old label is taken off and a new one is put on rep resenting tho goods to be of the best brand. Canned meats have been in re quest, as it has .been found that orders from Great Britain would be to large as to withdraw all the surplus supply from this country. Retailers and jobbers have hastened to stock up the Colambia river salmon that has been sent overland in large quantities, as well as all other kinds of California and Oregon goods, as, ow ing to the demoralization of freight rates, it would seem most likely that they could be moved here cheaper than late in the seasqn. "I Don't Feel Like Work." It makes no difference wliat business yon are engaged in : whether you are a Jireacher, a merchant, a mechanic, a awyeror or a common laborer, you can't do your work well while you are half sick. Thousands try to, but all in vain. How much better to keep your organs In good order by taking Parker's Tonic when j'ou feel "a little out of sorts.' It would be money in your pocket One hour of good, rejoicing health Is worth half a dozen hours full of languor and pain. Tkrc'e Fishers, Three fishermen .went gaily-out toward the north, Out toward the north as ihe sun went down. And they laughed with glee as they sailed forth, Saying Jeff's Restaurant is the best in town. And Jeff's is tho place to go and Hue You are sure to have luck before morn ing. Tares fishermen sailing up from the bar at noon. Hungry and dry from their toll of night, They said "Oh,if we were by the Tele phone saloon We could get lunch and a drink and be all right For men will drink aud men will eat You can do both at the Telepheno and that's a treat Ami breakfast at the Chop House in the morning. Three grangers came into the town one day; They came by the way of Necanicum creek To the Chop Honse to dine we'll go, says they. The best dinner there every aay in the wees. For Jeff does sow and Jeff must reap. He gives the best meal, and has many to keep. Get your cocktail at the Telephone in the morning. AH the patent medicines advertised ln.this paper, together"with the choicest perfumery, and toilet articles, etc-can be bought at the lowest prices, at J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite OcMden betel, Astoria. For Dinner Parties to order, at short notice, go to Frank Fabre's. SEALS OK SALMOX! A nice question is going to be submit ted before long to the people of this city and this state. In the last report of the board of fish commissioners it was stated that tho pack of salmon for tho yeof 1SS4 fell short of the pack oi 1883 by at least 50 per cent. It is known that the fall run of salmon in the Sacramento last year was the lightest ever known within the memory of the oldest fisherman. One of the chief causes of tho decline is stated by tho commissionors to bo tho consump tion of salmon by seals, which follow the fish from the Golden Gate to Rio Vista. An old salmon fisherman, who has fol lowed the business all bis life, has ob served the habits of the seals, and says that they are most destructive to fish; that they seldom take more than one bite out of a salmon, and thus kill several fish in a day for their daily allowance of thirty pounds" of food. He estimates that one' third of the fish which enters the Golden Gate are killed by seals; and, he adds, that the destructionof this valuable food fish in this manner is going on as rapidly in the Columbia as in the Sacramento river. The fact raises the question, Which is best worth preserving, the seals or tho salmon? It is a matter of faith with all good San Franciscans that the seals of the seal rocks must and shall be preserved. Wo regard them as tho old Egyptians re garded the bull Apis. And there is good reason for the sentiment. Nowhere in the civilized world is there in the vicinity of a great city so unique a sight as the seal rocks covered with scores of mon strous phoco, tumbling around in the surf, lowing and wrestling with each other for good positions to watch the spectators at the Cliff house. It is the one rare thing which San Francisco has got and other cities haven't got, and can't get. That the seal rocks are of pecuniary value to the city; that they attract visit ors and induce them to remain longer than they otherwise might do, is not to be denied. Are they worth moro than the salmon? If wo can't hava both, which shall we keep? Which is our near est, which our dearest, seals or salmon? Last year it was reckoned that 000,000 salmon wero takon in the Sacramento. This catch represents a large sum of money. It feeds numbers of people and affords employment to a large number in the canneries. Can we afford to allow this resource to bo cut off for tho sako of preserving a remarkable natural curios ity? It is p question for people to think over. Sooner or later they will have to decide it one wav or the other. S. F. Chronicle, SO. Sereral Els. Donqola, March 31. The rival of El Mahdi is named El Makki and tho num ber of bis adherents is increasing. He has occupied'El Obeid. Tho followers of El Mahdi are alarmed. The joke on the gentle plumber Now silently steals away; And the jest on the new sp.ing bonnet Will linger along till May; And through the loug hot summer Like the curse of a fearful dream, Will float the ancient chestnut Of the girl that likes ico cream; And the joke of tho boy and the apples Through the autumn winds srill sound; But tho joke on the wretched ico-man Lastcth the whole year round. Piano stools two dollars at Adler's. Hugh Conwav's Called Back. Dark Days, Circumstantial Evidence, In One Short Year, The Missing Will, and his twelve other celebrated books in paper torm at Auier s to-day. For u Xcat Fitting flout Jr Shoe, go to P. .1. Goodmans, on Che namtis street, next door to I. W. Ca.e. AH goods of the best niaki and guaran teed quality. A full stock; new good.-, constantly arriving. Custom work. At Frank Falrc. Board for 3220 a month. The best in the city. Dinner from 5 to 7. Gray sells Sackett Bros.' Al sawed cedar .shingles A full M guaranteed. Buy your Lime of (J ray at Portland prices. Don't pay 25 to 50 cents for dinner when you can get a better, one at the Telephone for 15 cents from 11 to 2. The Best Evidence Of the merits of a remedy is the effect on the .system, so there can be no doubt that the California Fig Syrup Company is pursuing the wisest plan possible to make known the wonderful efficacy of Syrup of Flgforall the ills arising from an inactive condition of the Liver, Kid neys. Stomach and Bowels, in giving away sample bottles free of charge. Ask our enterprising druggists W. E. De ment & Co. for a free sample bottle, or you can buy large bottles for fifty cents or one dollar CROW Does not make any second-class Pic tures at his New Gallery, No. filK, on Ihe Roadway. Sleepless Nights made miserable by that terrible cough. Slulolfs Cure is the remedy for you. Sold bj' W. E. De ment & Co. Syrup of FiTM. Nature's own true Laxative. Pleas ant to the palate, acceptable to the Stom ach, harmless in its nature, painless in its action. Cures habitual Constipation, Biliousness, Indigestion and kindred His. Cleanses the system, purifies the blood, regulates the Liver and acts on tho Bowels. Breaks up Colds, Chills aud Fever, etc. Strengthens the orpins on which it acts. Better than bitter, nauseous Liver medicines, pills, salts and draughts. Sample bottles free, and large bottles for sale by W. E. Dement & Co., Astoria, Freak Eastern and JShoalvvater Bay Oyster Constantly on hand, cooked to any style at Frank Fabre's. Ogilvie's Popular Reading No. 1 to 17, now to be had at Adler's remember 25 ents only. Catarrh cured, health and sweet breath secured by Shiloh's Catarrh Rem edy. Price 50 cents, Masai Injector free. For sale by W. E. Dement. Will you suffer with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint"? Shiloh's v Italizer is guaranteed, to cure you. Sold by W. E. lenient. Shiloh's Vltallzer is what you need for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Diz ziness and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle. Sold by W. E. Dement. That Hacking Coueh can be so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee It. Sold by W. K. Dement Test Your BaMng Powfler To-Day ! Brands adrcriifod s absolutely para coxg3?vr-pr .uazaxoivx. THE TEST: riaeo a ess top dcrcrn on a hot ctoro entll -rated, then remove the corer and smell. A chem 1. 1 vrill noc bo required to detect Vu presesc ot Ammonia. DOES K0T COXTAEt AMMONIA. : UkI-UsUm His NEVER Bca QscUm4. tnaKi.llionhomesforaqa&rteroraceatarv it l-tlooU the consumer's reliable test, TKE TEST OF THE OVEH. Price Baking Powder Co., Dr. Price's Special Flavoring "Extracts, The strongest, most delicious and natural uaror saown.ana i3r. Prlca's Lupulin thyBread.l Yeast Gims 1 or Light, Healthy Bread.The Best Dry Hop xcasi in toe world. FOR SALE BY GROCERS, CH1CACO. - ST. LOUIS. Healthy Bread. YEASI GIMS. Trie peat dry hop yeast In the world. Bread rateed by this yeaat Is llght.whlte andwholoaomo like our grandmother's delicious bread. CROCERS SELL THEM. PREPARED BY THC Price Baking Powder Co., laaTrs of Dr. Price's svsclai FmTonnz Extracts, Chicago, III. St. Louis, Mo For sale by CtnTjjfG.llKRLE & Co., Agents Portland, Oregon PRING, 1885 ! I have Just received an ELEGANT ASSORTMENT -in- ST YLE AND aTIALITY -OF MEN'S BOY'S YOUTH'S AND Children's Clothing. HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, Gent's Furnishing RUBBER GOODS. My tailoring department Is filled with the .choicest of Cloths and Cassimeres. Halts to order from - 818 to 865 M Pants ' " - - 5, to 15,99 In fact the lowest prices are found at ray store. Call and see me. M. D. KANT, THE BOSS Merchant Tailor ant Clothier. Social Reception By Cushing Post No. 14, G. A. K. and Cush- ing Eelief Corps No. 3. : Being first appearance of Cushing Post Cornet Band, AT .LIBERTY HAUL, Tuesday ETenin, April 7th, 1885. Tickets $1 OO To he procured at Now York Novelty store and Joe Thomas' Store, also of the memhers. Hot Xamcli, at tlto Telephone Saloou From 11 to 2 every day. A fine lunch with drink or cigar, 23 cents. No charge after two o'clock, Jeff. Go to "Wilson & Fisher's and see something new in window stops. A large assortment of Neckwear re ceived at Mcintosh's Furnishing store. LIGHT Great Reduction IN CLOTHING ! This year brings a great reduction in the prices of kinds of MEN'? AND BOY'S CLOTHING, and the styles are superior, and the variety is -greater than in all former ears. I am now showing a. large stock of GENT'S SACK, FROCK AND CUTA'WAY SUITS in Imported and American goods, in beautiful designs, different shades and patterns, which are made up in style, fit and workmanship equal to any goods manufactured, as theV are made by practical tailors for fine first class trade. Cent's Furnishing1 Goods. In Gent's Furnishing Goods I am showing new styles in Fancy Colored Percale Dress Shirts and Underwear, Hosiery, Neck wear, etc. Straps? and Fur Xa.ts. A large stock of new styles in Straw, Soft and Stiff Fur Hats just received from the Eastern market direct. Boots and Shoes. I am closing out my stock of GENT'S HAND MADE ENGLISH WALKING SHOES at 5.00 a pair. I am receiving new styles in Button, Gaiter, Lace, and Low Cut Shoes at prices unequaled. A fine assortment of Trunks, Valises and Umbrellas constantly in stock. Dry Goods, FANCY GOODS, AND Ladies' CLOAKS, Etc., Etc. The Leading Dry Goods and Clothing House OT .&STOBX&. SJSgSoJe Agent for Butterick's Patterns., Pythian Suilding. Cannery for Sale. THE MANHATTAN CANNERY IS OFFEBED FOR SALE. Price S4.409. Apply to MKfl. L. FALANGOS. Clifton, Or. Astoria, Feb. 25th, 1335. CITY BOOK STORE Fine Stationery, Blank Books, School Books, Music Books, SHEET MUSIC AND GRIFFIN PARKER HOUSE Me Mil Bathing Saloon. Ladies' HairDresserandWigMaker All kinds of HAIR VtORK -MADE TO ORDEK Ladies' Hair cutting and Shampooing a specialty. -All work done In the most artis tic manner and In the latest style. Ii. DbPARE, Prep. Farkcr House, Main St., Astoria, Or REMOVAL!! FiMiiiHiiiiiuimiiiuiiiimiiiiuiiMiiiiiiiB I have removed my entire stock into the 5 S now store formerly occupied by R. Dixon, s S and opened with a large stock of new H goods for Spring tauMiimiHHiiMiiziiiiiimiiiiiiifaiisiiiiiiiiiiii D. ft. MclNTOS CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS, HATS AND CAPf, Boots and Shoes. C. H. COOPER. JLstoria, Oregon. Astoria Bakery AND Columbia Candy Factory. T.a. Jarkhon. Proprietor. Candles, - 20Ctsperlb. Bread, Pies and Cakes delivered even day. Agents for Stock's Little Giant, and Kranlch and Bach's Pianos, Taker, and Western Cottage Organs, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. & REED. FOR SALE. One E. W. BLISS, Latest Improved HOWE SOLDERiNG MACHINE, With West's Crimper attached. TfaU Machine Is Jfearly Xeir aad h Sold for Want of Use. Address GEO. W. DUNBAR'S SONS, New Orleans. La. and Summer III