C?J She gnity toratu ASTORIA, OREGON: THURSDAY. -ATEIL 2. 18S5 Bismarck celebrated his seventieth birthday 3'esterday. At present Ireland appears to be the quietest part of the British do- The daily bulletins regarding Grant's health resemble the -voluminous dispatches that a nation read in the summer of 1881 regarding the dying Garfield. Fkance means business at last The new French ministry are going to push the Chinese war with vigor and will be content with nothing short of dictating peace in Pekin. Cleveland has reappointed Pear son postmaster at New York. Pear son is a Bepublican who did all he could to beat Blaine. Now he gets his reward. The editor of the San.Leandrot Cal., Reporter, who was recently fined S5 by a justice of the peace for con tempt, offered to pay the fine by can celing an old bill of $7.50, which his honor owed the editor. 110,000 is now due in Egypt for salaries, against which the treasury possesses 10,000. A complete finan cial collapse is, however, regarded by both the official and non-official world as preferable to the signature of the Anglo-French compact, imply ing an international guarantee. Ik soveral South American coun tries it is customary to have those attending the funeral of any promi nent citizen sign a testimonial to the worth of the deceased, or pass a series of resolutions setting forth his merits and distinguished traits. These tributes are placed in the cof fin. RnroRTEns and detectives find about 1,500 socialists in Pittsburg and vicinity, of whom not one in a hundred is a real workingman, or has an honest means of livelihood. They are all foreigners and have come to this country to get somebody else to support them. Among them were two incendiary women speakers. The whole line jof the Central Pa cific and its branches north of Goshen have been leased for ninety-nine years to the Southern Pacific railroad com pany, tbe lease taking effect on the 1st, at a minimum rental of Sl,200,000 per annum, and so much more as the surplus earnings may justify up to S3.000.000. The transfer includes the Central Pacific leased roads in Oali forma. A kew way of selling beef is to be tried in Boston as soon as the first shipment of the meat from Chicago reaches the city. He who bids high est will have the cut he likes best. It remains to be seen how fr this method will check the operations of the middle men, who now work the retail food markets to their own ad vantage. The ninth volume of the tenth cen sus report, just issued, shows that the forest product of this country for the census year amounted to $700, 000,000 in valne; while the wheat harvest, valuing the product oven at SI a bushel, amounted to only $150, 000,000; and our iron and steel pro duction is less than $300,000,000. All our coal, soft and hard, for the year, was valued at $100,000,000, -while our wood, burned for domestic purposes alone was estimated to be worth more than three times that sum. The American Almanac for 1885, which is edited by Ainsworth B. Spofford. the librarian of congress, is out. It computes the popular vole at the recent presidential election as follews: Cleveland, 4,911,017; Blaine, 4.848,334; St John, 151,809; Butler, 133,825; scattering and blank, 11,362; total popular vote, 10,048,061, or 79.9 per cent of the voters indicated by the census of 18S0. Plurality for Cleveland, 62.GS3. To arrive at this result the fusion vote in Iowa and Nebraska is counted for Cleveland, and in Michigan only 753 greenback votes are givci to Butler. In Mis souri all the fusion vote is counted for Blaine, and in West Virginia But ler is only credited with 805 votes. In arguing against the icfea of a new state constitution the Oregonian says: "A constitution should be like a mighty and spreading tree. If a limb be unsound or out of just pro portion, lop it off, but do not to cure a defect fell the giant oak and plant an acorn in its place. Prune it, de velop it, bring it to perfection. Our constitution provides amply and spe cifically for its ora development. It provides for a united legislative and popular judgment upon every change as it is proposed, that each variation from the original plan shall be viewed unconnected with other measures and upon its own merits. In this limitation lies safety from precipitous, passionate and ill-considered change." Fbom every direction comes the sound of conflict In Canada, Cen tral America, Africa, China, Trance Russia, England, military action pre vails. The United States is in pros perous peace and can feed and clothe any little half-dozen foreign nations who want to pay for first-class goods. The condition of affairs in the food less counties of "West Virginia is growing desperate. The frozen streams and terrible roads render it absolutely impossible to render aid with any speed. Still the people of the state are earnestly at work, and will furnish abundant relief as soon as the people can be reached. Mountain fanners have no seed or money with which to buy it In many instances the whole bill of fare consists of parched corn and sorghum molasses. In "Wirt county it has been foundnecessary to issue rations of corn meaL The Park ersburg Daily Journal recites in stances of terrible suffering and sick ness, and says that a traveler counted in one brief day's journey thirty head of dead cattle. The curious fact has come to light that both Grant and Sherman are re tired ''upon the rank and full pay" of generals, the latter draws 15,000 a year, while the former iB entitled to but $13,500. The trouble is that no body thought to insert in the Grant retirement bill the words "and allow ances," by which Gen. Sherman gets $125 a month as commutation of quarters. But however much the omission is to be regretted, the chances are, unhappily, that it will make little difference to the stricken warrior now. Possibly he will never draw any part of the salary the coun try would so gladly pay him for years to come; he has not yet accepted the retirement, which in this instance takes the form of an appointment NEW TODAY. Holden's Auction Rooms Established January 1st, 1877. E.'c.HOLDEN, Real Estate and General Auctioneer and Commission Merchant, Chenamus Street. - Astoria, Oregon. Auuctlon sale of Sundries ever' Saturday, at 10 0 a. M., at mv Auction Rooms. Will conduct Auction Sales of Real Estate, Cattle, and Farming Stock wherever de sired. Cash Retnmi Promptly zaado after Sales. Consignments respectfully solicited, Notary Public for the Mate of Oregon. Commissioner of Deeds for Washington Territory. Agent for Dally and Weekly Oregmian. Private Boarding House. TUB UNDERSIGNED RESPECTFULLY announ es thnt she Is prepared to fur nish Ladies or Gentlemen with Board only. or with Board and Furnished Rooms at very reasouauie raies. no extra onarge xoruse of Parlor or Bath room, and etery effort w 111 be made to make her guests feel com fortable and at home. Dinner Served from 5:38 to C;39 r. M. MRS. E. C, HOLDKK, SE Cor. Main and Jefferson streets. Abstracts of Title. riIIE UNDERSIGNED HAS COMPILED 1 a set of Abstract Books from the records of Clatsop County and Is now prepared to furnNh complete and correct Abstracts of Title to any Real Estate in the County, at reasonable rates. C.R. THOMSON,. Attorney at Law, Astoria, Oregon. Office, Room 5, over City Rook Store. For Sale. STOCK AND FURNITURE OF THE OLD Corner Saloon. Inquire of J. W.STEARNS, A gt. Astoria, Oregon. April 1st, 18S5. Eggs, Easter Eggs. 150 Dozen Fresh Eggs, 150 18 CENTS A DOZEN, For Sale by E. C. HOLDEN. "Flor de Madrid." i Office of V. Maktixkz Ybor & Co , i Kkv West, fix, Feb.23.l8S5. J We take pleasure in announcing to the Cigar Trade of the Northwest and California that -we have this day ap pointed L. K. G. Smith of Portland, (Jr., our sole Acent for the whole Pacific coast, and Kindly recommend him as such to our old and new patrons. We guarantee that, as Heretofore, all Cigars from our factory are and will be made of the finest and choicest Havana Tobacco only and that we shall not fall to keep up our well established reputa tion on them. Very respectfully. V. MARTINEZ i'BOR & CO. In accepting the honor of represent ing above manufacturers, I do so "with a thorough conviction and after a careful scrutiny that nothing in the Key West Havana line could be offered or pro duced superior to these world-renowned "FLOR de MADRID." Shall be pleased to fill all orders in trusted to us for any style or size, either direct from factory from our various de pots in California or the northwest. Responsible dealers in the interior wishing the agency in their respective towns will receive a prompt hearing by addressing x.. k. g. smTir. Stark, and Front Sts. Portland. Depot for Astoria at L. K. G. SMITH'S Cigar Store. Chenamus Street Theo. BitACKEit, Manager. Grade Holstein 3-Months-Old Bull Calves at $15. JOHN DOCKAK, Cathlamet, W. T. LIBERTY HALL. ONE NIGHT ONLY. Monday, April 6th, 1885. -KXQAGHMKXT OF- CHAM BEEFS MUSTSTEELS ! Direct from Standard Theat-r, San Frauclsco. The World of Momm Is ruled by us. A REVELATION" To an Intellectual and Admiring People ! The Height of Refined 3Iinstrcby. 30 mM 30 4 GREAT COXBDIA.V8 4 X The Mtaad&rd Onnrtette. 4 4 The Cal. MRdrical Boys. 4 lO The Standard. Orchestra. 10 2 female Impersonators. 4 Hobs and Uaace. 4 RESERVED SEATS. - - SI 00 GALLERY, CO Bos Sheet open at The New York Novelty Store, Thursday, April 2. Look out for the STREET TARADE. Monday, April 6, 1683. Spring Opening. The long looked for Spring Opening of Millinery at Mrs. Eaton & Carnahan's Will take place "Wednesday and Thursday, April 1st and 2d Their IMPORTED HATS and BONNETS are simply lovely and were selected person ally In ban Francisco, to supply the demand here. Children's School Hats saer Ilsti a specialty. All are Invited. and Ladle' Sum 1885. INTEREST "Will be allowed On Time Deposits. Drafts on all the Leading Cities. Wm. T. Coleman &Co. 8. J2I3iOKE. . Manager Banking Department, Astoria, Oregon. TO LET. LIBERTY HALL. Suitable for Sociables and Parties. Terms Moderate. Apply to N. CLINTON. President. T. G. RAWLINGS. Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Tropical, Domestic, Green and Dried PB.UITS. MUTS. CANDIES, DRIED 3IEATS, ETC. Fine Cigars and Tobacco. Next door to I. J. Arvold's. Squemnqua St, Brick for Sale. AT TnREE DOLLARS PER 1.0CO. Apply at this oQlce. Mrs. Campbell Ls now prepared to Furnish First Class Rooms, NEW FURNITURE THROUGHOUT, WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD. Over Beck & Son's Grocery Store, Corner of Olnej xnd Squemoqua St., up Stairs. To Rent. FINE BUSINESS OFFICE. CENTRAL ly located. Apply at this Offlce. For Sale. A BRAND NEW" COLUMBIA RIVER Fishing Boat. Apply to it. M. LEATHERS. To Let. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED rooms for housekeeping, over Beck& sou's grocery store. MRS. CAMPBELL. For Sale. T. HE HOWE PLANING MILL NOW running -and In snlendld condition Is offered for sale. A splendid business open ing. Apply to Wm. HOWE on the prem ises. House to Rent. TNQUTREATTHIS OFFICE. ROOMS AND HALL TO LET. Pythian Land and Building Ass'cn. LAEGE. FINE ROOMS WITH WATER and gas en suit or single. In Tythlan Buildlnjr. Also Pythian Hall, the finest and best lighted hall in the citv ; suitable for Lodge, Sociables. Parties or Lectures: Ternts mod erate. Apply to E.A.NOYJS, Secretary. Notice. mHE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE COLUM- X bla Canning Company are hereby noti fied that a meeting will be held at the com pany's onice m mo city or Astoria, on Wednesday. Anrll the 8th. 1885. at 10 o'clock A.M. fortho purpose of electing a board of directors. Astoria, Ogn., March 2Sth, 1SS5. House to Rent. TINE ROOMS : GOOD LOCATION. i Inquire of W. B. HEADINGTON. TO CANNERY-MEN AND OTHERS. Wing Sang & Co. The undersigned are prepared to iurnlsh CHINESE LABOR For putting up Salmon, either by the day, month, or case ; also, cm furnish Chinese Hoods of all descriptions. You can dopend upon this man, 8 IT QUE. Agent at Astoria. He refers to WASHINGTON PK'G CO.. J. W. QEARHART, H. HERRICK, SAM. ARNDT, O. SOVEY. Artists! Jjjw Artists ! arpets! Carpets! Carpets. We beg to call the attention of the public to our latest importation, direct from Eastern manufacturers, of the largest invoice of CARPETS eypr offered for sale in this city, comprising all grades, from the FINEST BODY BRUSSELS in the Newest Tints and Shades, To the lowest priced article in this line. "We are determined to dispose of our stock of Carpets within the next four weeks, and to that end offer special Inducements, precluding the possibility of Being Undersold by any ofonr Competitors. IN THE Furniture and House Furnishing Line We can show yon the very BEST GOODS at BOTTOM FIGURES, tnd hall be pleased to receive a call for inspection whether you purchase or nut. OHAS. HEILBORN. New Establishment! !W FEIO FURNITURE, FURNISHING GOODS, Carpets, Matting, PICTURE FRAMES MOULDINGS, ETC., ETC. At Greatly Reduced Prices, ASTORIA FURNITURE CO., Cor. Chenamus and Hamilton Sts. ADLER'S Closing Out Sale Is just commencing to get-in good running order. It takes some time to mark down his Enormous Stock But he is now about through. His Prices Astonish Everybody! Call and see for Yourself and be Convinced that this is so. L.L JOHNSON, DKALHB IX CIGAES AND TOBACCOS, SMOKERS' ARTICLES, Playing Cards. Cutlery, Stationery, Etc. A fine stock of Merscliaum and Brier Pipes, Amber Goods, Etc. Two doors of cor. "Water and West-9th Sts ASTOKIA, OREGON. Sol Bolfl Jewelry, Scarf Pins, (Mas, Watches, Pianos and Organs or tlio Best make at UioX.owc.st Prices. the finest stock of Jewelry In Astoria. "All goods warranted as represented. GUSTAV HANSEN, JEWELER BUY YOUR TICKETS via tho popular THINGVALLA LINE. The large, well appointed and commodi ous steamers of this line are running DI RECT between New York and Scandinavia Without calling at any intermediate port, consequently no Transfer of Passengers or Baggage. No extra expenses. Captains, Surgoons, Officers, Stewards and Crew are all Scandinavians. Passengers' Baggage checked to destination a safeguard adopt ed by no other steamship line. Drafts and Money Orders on Denmark, Sweden and Norway Issued at lowest rates. For further information apply to BOZORTH & JOHNS, Astoria. Oregon. M. R. KIPP, PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER. Water Pipes a Specialty. A Full Stock of Material on Hand. Personal attention given all orders, and satisfaction guaranteed. Terms Seasonable. Shop and offlce on Cats street, one door above Frank Fabre's Restaurant, Astoria, Oregon, Pictures, Mirrors, II. DuBUISSOX. Manager. The Seaside Bakery FRESH BREAD Delivered in any Part ot the City. FINE CAKES A SPECIALTY. Home-Made Candy Made Daily: The Trade Supplied: Fine Pastry: A First Class Establishment. Prices to suit the times. F. B. ELBERS0N, Prop'r. Cannerymen and Fishermen At tention! I AH NOW PREPARED TO FURNISH board and lodging place for 100 fisher men. Separate building especially fitted for fishermen only, free from noise or disturb ance. Most convenient, and the only place of the kind In Ilwaco. The best board guar anteed at reasonable rates. No Chinese em ployed. Give us a call before contracting elsewhere. Call or address Wtt.B.HAYDEN, Ilwaco, W.T. Notice of Application. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned intends to apply to the common council of the city of Astoria at Its next regular meeting, for a license to sell nine, malt and spirituous liquors in less quantities than ono quart, for a period of one year from date In the building, corner Water and West 9th streets situated on .Lot C, Block 135, Shlvely's Astoria. A. DAN1ELSON. Astoria, March 21st 1885. .Pure Ice, Delivered at Your Door. This Ice is cut on Lake Cocollala andis pure. AH orders left at Post & Hansen's Astoria Soda Works will be promptly attended to. G.KEED. Manager. Astoria to Tillamook. Steamer A. B FIELD. CAPTAIN JOHN GABRIELSON. Freight forwarded by O. K. & N. Co., marked "per JL, B. Field," will be forward ed. .Freights to be delivered at Hobson vllle, Tillamook Bay, where It will be held at shippers' risk until charges are paid. From Portland to Hobsonrllle, pec ton, 58 From Astoria to Hobsonvllle, " " c Passengers from Astoria...................... 5 C. LEINENWEBER. -wmw gah1 -THE FINEST- Family Groceries, Provisions and Freshest Vegetables -AT- FRANK L. ALL Low Down Corner Benton and Opposite Custom Hit B FjeLjXjE3X1Li DEALER Hay, Oats, ail Straw, Lime.. Brict, Cement, Sand and Plaster Wood Dallrered to Order. DrajrlA?, Teaming and Express Batlaess. IER apply to the Captain, or to THE NEW MODEL -PHQBEHHgY 7PSji A FTJLL STOCK John JL. IKEonigomery, DKAIXR iy Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. A General Assortment uf HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Agents for Magee Stoves and Ranges The Best lathe market. Piumblng goods ot all kinds on hand. Job work done in a workmanlike manner PLUMBING. GAS FITTING. AND CANNERY Attended to Promptly on Reasonable Terms. CbeaajHHS Street, Next teC L Parker's Store. ASVOdXlL. - OREGON. M. OLSEN. J. GUSTAFSON. MARTIN OLSEN &, CO. DEALERS IN" FURNITURE Ss BEDDING Corner Mala aad. SqHemeqaa Streets. Astoria, Oregon. WINDOW SHADES AND TRIMMNGS; WALL PAPER, ETC A Complete Stock. PEICES AS CHEAP AS QUALITY WILL ATFORD. AIX KINDS OF FTTBraTUKE REPAIRED AND VARNISHED. Change of Agency. We have appointed MR. O. F. MORTON .Our Selling and Collecting Agent at Astoria. All those wishing to purchase a first-class SEWIXG MACHINE, or to make pay ments due us will please call on Mr. Morton. Headquarters at B. S.WORSLEY'S Sales room. The Singer Mfg Co., 02 Morrison Street, Portland, Or. Camalian & Go. SUCCESSORS TO I. W. CASE, . IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS ES' GENERAL MERCHANDISE Corner Chenamus and Caas streets. ASTORIA .... OREGON $67,000,000 Capital! Liverpool and London and Globe. Iforth British and Mercantile Of London and Edinburgh. Old Connecticut of Hartford, AXO COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA Fire Insurance Companies, Representing a Capital of $87,000 OOO. B.YANDUSKN. Agent. PAKKlR 5 AT Chenamus Streets. House Square. IX STEA3IEB (ILARA PARKER Eben P. Parher,Uaster. For TOWING, FREIGHT orCUAK- 11. B. PARKa RANGE CAN BE HAD IN AS TORIA ONLY OF Eb Mm BAWB&s AGEKT CALL AND EXAMINE IT, Y WILL BE PLEASED. E. U. HA WES ls also agent ft r tti Ml latent Qntiif M And other first-class Si07es. Prices Furnaoa Work. Steam Fit tiaCs. etc., a specialty. ALWAYS ON HAND. - k ' ' p WORK A. JOHNSON. Hardware ail SMp CMlerj VAN DUSEN & CO., DEALEBS IK Hardware and Ship Chandlery Pure Oil, Bright Varnish, Binacle Oil, Cotton Canvas, Hemp Sail Twine, Cotton Sail Twine, Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails, Agricultural Implements Sewing Machines, Paiats and Oils, Groceries, etc. HAVE YOU Anylinff to IN THE MATTER OF Rags, Bottles, Old Metal, or Junk of Any Sort, FOABD & STOKES Will give you the best price for It. Do You Want to Buy SHIP MATERIAL, From a Belaying Pin to a Hawser ; from a Block to an Anchor. You Can Get what You Want at P0AED& STOKES. He&dquartera at building, east end of Water Street. el