f) y VOL. XXIH, XO. 78. ASTORIA, OREGON, WEDNESDAY APRIL I, 1885. PRICE, FIVE CENTS - -v-5o--- A : BUSINESS CAltDS. TV- A. L. &ul S. A. Fi'LTOV. Pliyslciaxmand Surgeon. "Will clve prompt attcniwn io all calls, 1 loieany part of Hie cit i country, i Office mer Allen' More, corner Cas audj vmernaqua sireeis, AMoria, win;"" Telephone No. 41. JK.FItAX'K IAK. Physician and Surgeon. ' OIHce, Cor. Main and Clienamu street-. -VYlCT. Houns : 9 to 1 1 A. si. ; - to 5 v. M. Residence, opposite the .Johansui building I . A. DOKUI", OKO. XOLASn XOT.AA'D fc DOBRIS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. ,'Jfilce in K(nne'8 Block, opposite City Mill, Astoria. Orepm. ". w. vuvroy. :. C kultos. 1'KTF.TOa ISROTIZnttS. .ATTOHSTKV.S AT LAW. Rooms Sand fl.Odd Fellom Budding. t. Q. -. now r.v.v. .t. a. oir.i ZSOllT.BY t ixi Attorney! a:id Counsellors at Law, Office on Chei:ainii3 Street. Astoria. Oregon. tp '. IKthUKS, JJOTAKV JMJBLIC, AVCTIOJihER, COMMISSION ANI IN htJRANCE AGES'!. piF.IiO V. PAKKKJt. SURVEYOR OF Clatsop Caunty.nnd City of Astoria Office: Cheuemu"! st! cot. Y. M. 0. A. ball Roam No. S. iTt XV. Lr.ICK. ARCHITECT AND SUTERINrBXDKKT. Office : Room s, KJnnejS Brick Block, TAY TUTTLIl iJ. IK ' PHYSICIAN AND KCKGK03 Offick Rooms 1, 2, and 3 Pythian Build ing. Rksidkxok On Cedar Street, back of St. Marj 's Hospital. V 1 UICKS. A.jK. BITAW. picks &, sziaw, pknttbts. Rooms in Allen's Building, up stair, cor ner Cass aud Squemoqua streets. Astoria Oregon . BANKING AND INSURANCE I. W. CASE, Broker, Banker, and Insur ance Agent, ASTORIA, - OREGON. OFFICE HOURS : From 9 o'clock A. M. until 3 o'ejock P. M. Bozorth. & Johns, Be&l Estate and Insurance Agent and BroVers ASTORIA. ... - Oregon. We write policies In the following well known Fire Insurance Companies ; PHCENIX OF HARTFORD. SCOTTISH UNION AND NATIONAL OF EDIMU'RG. LION. OF LONDON HOME. OF NEW YORK. 1A)ND0N AND LANCASHIRE, OF LIVER POOL. rnasNix. of Brooklyn. CONNECTICUT. OF HARTFORD. OAKLAND HOME. OF OAKLAND, CALA. And also represent the WESTERS', of California, HAMUUR0-11REMEN. of Ger many, and AMERICAN STEAK BOIL ER INSURANCE CO. Real Estate Bought and Sold on Commission. M.W.FECIIHEIMER, II. W.COHBETr. -KDWAKD HALL. - President Vice President Secietarv THE OSEGOJJf Fire aid Marine tames Co. OF PORTLAND, OREGON. Capital INtld Up. Cash Asset Kxrccd. S2S0.0M) W 80,0J,00 C. LEINENWEBER, . Agent, ASTORIA, OREGON. rJBAIHftG UNDERTAKER, jliain St. Astoria, Orcgoti. THE LATEST STYLES WALL "'PAPER AT B. B. FRANKLIN'S, NEXT DOOR TO ASTORIA! OFFICE. A yery large Stock from which to select. Window curtains made to order. FSfMy patent Trimmer to cut Wall Panoi will be lound convenient to my patrons. For Sale. ONE HOUSE AND LOT IN ALDER brook. Price, eleen hundred (1,100) dollars. For further particulars enquire of MESSRS. VAN DUSKN & CO., Upper Astoria. BROWm Bill I rJJJCvM iS -THE 2 BSTCTTnUir' : Ukavi I iUlll - This medicine, combining Iron with pure vegetable tonics, ouickly and completely Cures Djupcpsla, Indirection, Wraunrhu. Inipnrcniood,."lInlarIa, Chilli and Fccr, and ricurniRm. it is an unfailing remedy foi Diseases ofthe Kidneys nnd Liver. It is invaluable for Diseases peculiar to Women, and all who lead sedentary lives. It docs not injnre the teeth, causcheadache or produce constipation othT Iron medtanc do. Itenrichesand purifies the blood, stimulates the appetite, aids the assimilation of food, re lieves Heartburn nnd Belching, and strength em the muscles and nerves. Tor Intermittent Fevers, Lassitude, Lack of Energy, Ac, it has no equal. Sti- The genuine has abo c trade mark nna rosed red lines on wrapper. Take no other aa-Lijbr biuwa iiiesiul ro., n altiboue, s& REDINGT05, WOODARU & CO., ToHland.'.Or HOLESALB AGKNTP. TUTTS PILLS TORPID BOWELS, DSSORDERSD LIVER, v and MALARIA. - From these sources arise three-fourths oftho diseases oftho human race. These lngjtxverslou to cxei-tiouof liody or mind, Eructation of food, Jrrltabll ltyoftctupcr,IiOWfiplrlU,Afcellng ofUaTlnneKlcctedsnmeduty-Dlx-xIncHBriijttcrlugatthcIIeart,I)ota before tho eyes, liiplily colored UrIiie,COA'STlPATlOA,anddcmand tho use of aremedy that oct8 directly on the Liver, AsaLirermcdlcincTUTX'S III1S have no cquaL Th'eir action oa tho Kidneys and Skin la also prompt; removing aU impurities through tbeso three " scavengers or the system," producing appetite, sound digestion, regular stools, a clear skin and a vig orossbody. TOUT'S FllXScauso no nausea oi griping: nor interfere Tritli daily work ana are a perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALAFHA. SoIdjrcrrwhere25 Office 4Murrar&t.N Y. GbatHaie obWhisiceus chanxed in- Btantly to a Gloss v Rlack by asinglo application of this Pvb. Sold by Prog ?ists,or sent by express on receipt pfsu Office, 44 Murrnv Street, Now Y'ork. rn?S K4OTAXi OF VZZIZh SlJSlPra 2WU kSANFORD'S NVIGORATOR j.s 3 ass wnat its name implies ; Purely Vegetable" Compound, thai acts directly upoa the" rj curing the many diseases ii o that mil portant organ, and ting the nu arise from its ctionsuch as dice, Biliousness) , Sick-Tiearlache. etc. It is therefore s tfoliave (soodHealtJj must beliepfcin oifier." DB. SAKFOBD'S IIVEB INYIGOEATOH InviKorates the Liver, Kcgulates the Bow sis, Strengthens the System, Purifies the Blood , Assists Digestion, Prevents Fevers. Is c Household .Need. An Invaluable Family Medicine for common complaints. EL EAKFOBD'B IIVES HT71G0BAT0S. An experience of Forty years, and Thou, lands cf Testimonials prove its Merit. FOR 6 U.C BT AXXt 35EAXXBS IK 3IEDICISES For fidl information tend yonr address for 1(X .-mBook ou ihe "Liver and its dleasce," U t wsfoep S rnAi.a sr., sew toes cna; ii, . v iiiicn Wholesale and RetailDealer in MILL FEED. Glass and Plated Ware, TROPICAL AND DOMESTIC FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Together with Wines, t!quors,7obacco,Cigar$ HAS RETURNED. J P. XEATKEHS HAS RETURNED and is ready to turn out some fine, fish ing boats for the river. Shop on the beach betwesa Kinney's and Elmore's canneries. X? uye iciqenn. merous ailments tnsq deranged or tarpirta DyspepsiSi rfyi uosireness nKxiana U WMVX..tUUMlV anisnMiAi'r :hejLive2 GENERAL (.'RANTS CONDITION. 1 2ieo Yobk, March 3L 1 a. m. At 'll:15-SenatorJ. B. Chaffee left the al had just been put to bed, nnd that as compared to his condition twenty four hours ago the general was better. When asked if the physicians con sidered the patient out -ol danger, Chaffee replied he could not say that such was the case, but that the pres ent condition was more favorable. At 11 io 3 Dr Douglas and Colonel Grant left the house for the night, it being considered necessary for only Dr. bhrady to remain. Dr. Douglas said the general had just retired nnd was very comfortable. Little mor phine had been given to induce sleep. The general has been improviug all day np to the present and the better ment had continued all evening. He had been chatty and bright, convers ing with the family and physicians. His pulse and temperature are very nearly normal. He had slept five hours within twenty-four. At midnight the vestibule doors were locked and within the next hour all lights were extinguished, except one in the library and one on the top floor. 2:15 a. ir. At 1,45 an effort was made to get a bulletin concerning the condition of General Grant but re porters were unable to gain admission to the house, and no one inside would come out As the house remained dark as stated in an earlier dispatch, it is not thought a change has taken place in tho condition of the gen eaal. 4 a. m. An associated press report er has just seen Dr. Shrady, in charge of General Grant to-night, and learned the following facts: At mid night Dr. Shrady made applications to Gen. Grant's throat, and nn ano dyne was administered to Dr. Doug las, who then left for his home, and Dr. Shrady remained. Soon after midnight Gen, Grant slept quietly in his bed from that time until 1:90 when he arose and sat in his easy chair, and there slept peacefully for a time. His breathing wag easy and he did not complain of any disagreeable feel ing in his throat. At this hour (4 a il) all is quiet about General Grant's house, a solitary gleam of light being seen in the library. No one ha3 en tered since Dr. Douglas left the house. New Yobk, March 31. The Trib une says General Grant has expressed himself as being entirely in his phy sicians' hands, and said he would do whatever was suggested by them. Nothing whatever is kept from him in regard to his condition, and he was informed qt its seriousness and prob able termination. He received the statemontsjhat there was an indica tion of a speedy end wfthgnt aghauge ofe xpressiou, but did not sax nu7 thing about his feelings. He had known for some time that the disease was sure to kill, and has been ready at any time to go. Dr. Douglas said: "The general has no appetite, but he eats when food is brought to him. Tho feature of to-day is his great weakness. He is growing weaker and weaker. I do not know whether he fears a recur rence of the spasms in the throat or not He has not said anything about it, Th'a was one of the change inci dent to tho progress of the disease." Minister Bomero said to-night: "As soon as the disease reaches an artery it will create hemorrhage, and as he is so weak that he cannot ex pectorate blood out it will choke him to death. He cannot endure another attack like Saturday night The family fear the worst and keep near his bedside, although as much ont of sight as possible. There is great swelling on the side of liis face. An Outrage at Ap!nwall. Panama (via Galveston), March 30. Star and Herald bulletins pub lished to-day say the steamer Colon was seized to-day at Aspinwail by revolutionists, who demanded the do livery of shipments of arms on board for tho revolution. The agents re fused to deliver. Connor, local super intendent of tho Pacific Mail Com pany, wiis first arrested, and later the captain apd thepuraer of the steamer were placed under arrest on board. Subsequently Captain Dowell of the Pacific Mail Company, Mr. "Wright, United States consul, and . the lieu tenant of the American man-cf-war Galena, were arrested and marched off to thequartel, They were released at 0 o'clock, on condition that the arms should bo delivered, and deliv ery is now going on. American and England war ships did nothing to protect foreign interests, because the revolutionary ohief declared he would resist their interference by force. Americans are indignant at the insults to their nag and outrage to their per sons and property. Troops 'go from here to-night to attack the revolu tionists, who, however, are in strong force, and with the arms from the G'ofo;! will probably bo able to con trol events in their own way aud to their own interests. Excited Thousands All ovpr the land are going into ec stasy over ur. lung's jsew Discovery for Consumption. Their unlooked for recovery by the timely use of this great life Saving remedy, causes them to go nearly wild in its praise. It is guar anteed to positively cure Severe Coughs. Colds, Asthma, Hav Fever, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Lioss or, voice, or any aiiec tlon of the Throat and Lunes. Trial bottles free at TV. E. Dement fc Co.'s i .urug hi ore. .Large 6ize 51.00. WILLAl'A RIVER. The "Willapa river heads iu Lewis coanty, witbm a few miles of Che halis river Its course is generally westerly, although very crooked. Its entire length i about seventy-five miles. There ara fine bottom lands the entire length, varying from one half to two miles in width, covered generally with timber and brush, al though there are several large and fine praines. Tho soil is of great depth aud fertility, producing very larg crops of cereals and root3 corn not doing well on account of cool nights. The country slopes gradually away from each side of tho river to high ridges, all covered with heavy growths of fir, spruco and cedar of an extra qnality There are large tracts of government and railroad laud yet to be had. There are a great many small streams tributary to the "Willa pa. The largest, South fork, has the same general characteristics, as in fact do all the smaller streams, as the main river. The river is at present navigable for the bay steamers for about twenty miles, but with a small amount of work could bo made navi gable for several mile3 further. Ves sels of the deepest draught go as far as boutu Bend twelve miles from the mouth, the most important point It consists of a large saw mill with a capacity of G0.000 feet daily. There is a good school and about 200 inhabitants. Nino miles further east is "Willapa city, formerly called Woodard's Landing. It is practic ally at the head of navigation. It consists of two stores, warehouse, two hotels and saloons, blacksmith shop, school, and about 100 inhabit ants. It is a growing- place, and is bound to be a good town in tho near future, as it is at tho outlet of the river. There are several large set tlements at different points for about 50 miles, but no business centers. Every settlement has a school. Log- giug is the principal industry, al though farming is carried on to a larger extent than at any other point in the county. The camps and mill make a fine market for all tho prod ucts raised in tho valley, "When the country is more thickly settled aud some of the smaller streams opened up there will be more of an iucontivo and more help to open up tho ooin municatious to different portions of tno valley, and to other streams. which are naturally tributary to the wniapa. xiie cmei oustacie at pres ent is to get a market for small grains. Transportation is so high that it can not be raised with profit There is a line opening here for a grist mill, as there is none in the county. All flour used is brought from Califor nia and Oregon. There is also a lino location for a shingle mill, as the spruce and cedar here are of an extra quality and there is a large local market to be supplied. - Pact he Journal. Londox, March 30. A Paris dis patch to the Exchange telegraph com pany states that war with China will be officially declared to-day, 50,000 re inforcements will bo forwarded and the array ordered to march on Pekiu. It is expected that Admiral Courbet will bombard Canton. Figaro states the French killed nnd wounded at the fight at Laugson was 1,200. So.mo papers favor impeaching the ministry. St. Petersburg, March 30. Gen. De Schweinitz has informed Degiers that Gerrnany desires peaee, and would not refuse to mediate between England and Russia, if requested to do so. It is reported tho czar recent ly told Gen. De Schweinitz that he had the best hopos for a peacefnl set tlement Sax Fuxcisco, March 30. Couut Olarovsky, Bussian consul at this city, states that two Bus3iau cruiser have left the Mediterranean for this port Their object in coming to this coa3t is to do as much damage as pcusibie to the English merchant uarine and the British possessions, in case war Between me two countries is ueciareu. XlndTnls. A Plantation Philosopher says, "poverty of pody is bad, but poverty of mind is worse." Yes, good friend, hut plpaso to remember that if tho blood in the body is impoverished, tho mind is affected by it and made poor also. "When you enrich your blood and tone up j'our system with Brown's Iron Bitters you strengthen your mind and quicken your intellect. Mind this. Dr. J. B, Morgan, Dolphin, Mo., says. "I have found that Brown's Iron Bittors gives general satisfaction as a restorative.' Loxdox, March 30. It is reported to-day in newspaper circles that pros pects for a peaceful solution of the Russo-Afghan question have greatly improved in the past twelve honrs. ! ... Statistics show an appalling death rate from narcotio medio ices. Not a trace of opiate or narcotic in Bed Star Cough Cure. Suakeit, March 30. A messenger from Osman Dig-ma, bearing a flag of truce, has arrived here, asking for terms of peace. An answer must he sent to-morow. 8cottA Emulsion of Pure CodXAver OH, with. Uypophosphltcft. In Scrofulous and Consumptive Cases. Dr. C. C. LocKWoop,Xew York says: I have frequently prescribed Scott's Emulsion and regard it as a val uable preparation in scrofulous and consumptive cases, palatable and effica cious." - . Red Star TRADE y MARK, 2 Absolutrllm' Absohtlrlii Free from. Opiates, Umctics and X'oisons. A PROMPT, SAFE, SURE CURE For Conch, Soro Throat, noanencu, Cold, laflnensa, BronchUlf, Asthma, Cronp, Whoop. Ins Congh, Qnlnij", Palnn In Chut, wl otter rlacs of tha Throat ni Lung. 'ilea 50 cents a bottle. Sold by Drarelsts and promptly pel it for tAem icill recelce two bottles, xrpre-u charge paitL, by tending one dollar io Sole Owner and HinoEictarers, lUIUmorr, arj Uad, C. S. 1. GERMANIA HOTEL. MRS.EVAWALLMAX. - Proprietor. ASTORLi, OREGON. First Clowk. In Everj- Respect. NEW HOUSE, NEW FURNITURE. Fitted up with every Conrcn-iem-e fop llic Comfort of Transient and Permanent Guests. Corner Squenioqua and West 6th Streets. The Telephone Saloon The Finest Establishment of the Kind in Astoria. Especially fitted up for tbe Comfort and v n:iveiueiice oi juose vrno enjoy a Social Gla a. The Best of Wines aud Liquors, The Choicest Char3. Everything New and First-Class. U. E.. JEFrfCISY. Prop. Afi&Efi HOUd If. 15. PARKER, Prop'r. First Class in Every Respect. Fr't Concli to the House. Old Castle, Yapitti, and other brands of Coke Tin Plates, for sale in lots to suit purchasers, now in warehouse at Astoria or to arrive per Josea, or .drcier, also Liverpool fine nnd coarse salt. For further particulars apply to ew, Portland, Oregon, Gaiers' Siipes. iron (Co Coliili TransDortatbm Comply. FOR PORTLAND! Through. Freight on 'East Time! THE NEW TELEPHONE QMWHBHm Which has been specially built for the comfort of passengers will leave Wilson Si Fisher's Dock every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. arriving at Portland at 1 P.M. Returning leaves Portland every Tuesday and Thursday at 6 A. M. arriving at Astoria at 1 P. M. lAn additional trip will be made on at O O'clock Sunday Hernias. iui ouujju puns. Wilson & Fisher! Ship Chandlers, HEAVY AND SHELF Paints, Oils, and Varnish. LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. PROVISIONS AND MILL PEED AGENTS FOlt Salem Flouring Mills, Portland Eoller Mills, Capital Hour and FAIRBANKS' SCALES. ASTORIA, OREGON. B. B. Franklin, SQUEMOQUA STREET, XKXT TO THE ASTOUIAX BUILDING. O SSTAIl work done In a skillful manner on short notice at reasonable rates. ASTORIA IRON WORKS. Berrrox Stuket, Near Pakksu Uousk, ASTORIA. - OREGON. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. LAPJaii MARIE ENGINES BoilerWork, Steamboat Work and Cannery Work a spe cialty. Of ult Descriptions made to Order at Short Xotirc. A. D. Wass, Tresldeut. J. O. Hustler, Secretary, I. W. Cask, Treasurer. John Fox.Superintendent. S. ARNDT & EEROHEN, ASTORIA. - OREGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop SHOP &m AND tJ' VSfS Boiler Shop All kinds of ENGINE, CANNERY, A2TO STEAMBOAT WOEE Promptly attended to. A specialty made of repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. STEAMER Sunday of Back IVeeK, leaving Portland Passengers b this route connect at Kalama u. u.oiAfH rresiaent. Wertater ai CaMiet Iter, g9gr iMM' awsg-aMv-g 'ZSmZmlQS THE BEST IS THE o2a::E2j&.:E:2S3n' z Royal Brand Flour Manufactured by the OREGON MILLING COMPANY Ts of Superior Quality, and is Endorsed by all who use it. THE HOUSEKEEPER'S FAVORITE Of Superior Rising Quality. Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction. WYATT & THOMPSON Sole Agents lor Astoria. Paintino; anfl Papr Hanpt KALSOMINING ETC. Paint Shop in rear of premises form erly occupied by C. H. Stockton, oppo site the Court House. All orders promptly and satisfactorly executed. J. &. D. GliAY. Wnolesale nd retail dca:er hi. GROCERIES, FLOUR, AND FEED Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME, SAND AND CEMENT. General Storage and Wharfage on reason able terms. Foot of Benton street, Astoria. Oregon. WM. EDGAR, Dealer In Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes Meerschaum and Btier Pipes, GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY Revolvers nnd Cartridges. CORNER MAIN AN!) CHENAMCS SIS The IT! V: in VUlUUIil The Popular Resort for Astorians. For the Finest of Wines and Liquors fo to THE GEM SALOON. ALEX. CAMPBELL. - - PROPRIETOR ASTORIA LIQUOR STORE, AUG. DANIELSON, - - Proprietor. Rebuilt and .Refitted Throughout The Best of WIXKS. IilQUOBS, AND CIGAK3. For a Good Cigar, call for one of "Danielson's Best." Corner West 9th and WaterStrf-ets, Astoria. u9-flm Magnus C. Crosby Dealer in HAM ARE, ISOH, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, STOVES, TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON, TObO. AND OOI33P2T- Astoria Sail Loft. Best of Mat Bottom Fipres J HESS, The well-known Sailmaker now occupie? The Astoria Sail Loft, formerly occupied by A. M. Johnson. Boat Sails a Specialty. ALL WORK WARRANTED Come and see me at The Astoria Sail Loft : next to Pythian Building. Address P. O. Box 312. J. IIESS. Floats! Floats! Floats! CANNBRYMEN who are in need of Floats. Copper Handles nnd Mallets should send their orders to B. IF. BLOOI. CLitskanie. Oregon, who has a qu nlity on hand which will be sold at reasonable rates. "SECURE THE SHADOW Ere the substance fade, and when you visit Portland, make It a part of your business to caU on W. H. Towjte, at the San Fran cisco Gallery, S. W. corner First and Morrison streets, and have your photograph taken In the highest style orthe art.