The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, March 28, 1885, Image 3

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SATURDAY.. .MAi:CH 2S. 1835
(Monday excepted)
Terms of SuWrlption.
Served by Carrier, per week
ent by Mall, per month
" one year
Free of postage to subscribers.
Brln". to Look
in the Enjrlish
-Advertisements inserted by tlie year at
ttie rate of S2 per square per month. Tran
sient advertising fifty cents per square, each
Xotlcc To Adrertisers.
TnE Astobian guarantees to its ad
vertisers the largest circulation of any
newspaper published on the Columbia
Note M. D. Kant's new adv't.
City assessment blanks aro returnable
by April 10th.
President Cleveland is a member of
the Knights of Pythias.
E.C.Holden will have a furniture sale
at his rooms at 1030 this morning; some
clothing will also bo sold.
A London cablegram received in this
ci ty yesterday, says: " Wheat steady and
advancing; indefinite war rumors."
Considerable depression is reported in
the logging camps m this vicinity. The
mill at "Westport shuts down on the 1st.
The Salem Statesman, one of the most
newsy of our exchanges, celebrates its
eighteenth birthday by donning a becom
ing unw suit.
Some fine salmon havo come ashore
this month. One splendid specimen
weighing .r2 pounds was on the. 6treet
yesterda3 morning.
The O. R. fc X. Co. will close up tho
business of the construction department
next Monday. They are not in tho build
ing business now to any groat extent.
A great many of the citizens of Port
land are purchasing homes on the install
ment plan, regarding it more business
like than paying their money out for
Tho A. B. Field will start on her regu
lar Tillamook route next week. She has
been thoroughly overhauled and will bo
an inestimable convenience to travelers
and business men.
There is a prospect of the Fleetwood
making daily trip3 between here and
Westport this season should times justify
i At present the outlook for thaMrade
iS not very promising.
A street rumor yesterday morning to
the effect that war had been declared be
tween Unglaud and Russia occasioned
some stir. A private dispatch from Port
land states that there's 'nothing in it."
S. Thall, advance agent for Charley
Reed's minstrels, is in the city. That
standard company will be at Liberty hall
on tho Cth of April. They ure button
bustere, ereryono of 'em, and will have
a good reception here.
It iflfllmr? enrf. n? fnmilTni. voo(aw1itt
morning to see the Stale of California
steaming up to her dock. She made
good time coming up, and at eleven
o'clock Thursday morning was within 180
miles of tho Columbia.
R. L. Livermore, late proprietor of the
Gray's Harbor News, is m the city. Ho
has sold his paper, which will be con
solidated with the Montesano Videlle, as
there is not business enough for two
newspapers in that section at present.
J. A. "Wilson, painter, paper hanger and
decorator, is now prepared to attend to
all orders. It will pay to give him a trial :
he guarantees satisfaction. Order box
at van Dusen's store.
M. C. Hutchings is the latest in the
list of Astoria inventors. He has re
ceived letters patent on a process of test
ing sealed cans by tho use of compressed
air which appears to be a big improve
ment on the present slow and sometimes
defective system.
Carlos Mann, formerly pursor on the
Fleetwood will, on the 1st, relieve F. T.
Jordan who was temporarily employed
till such time as Mr. Mann could arrive,
and will, in future, have charge of the
Columbia Transportation Company's
interests at Astoria.
A "W. Berry of this city, received a dis
patch from New York city yesterdny, an
nouncing the arrival of the Wm. II. Star
buck, hence to New York 133 days. The
Starbuck left here November 12, 18S4,
with 29,G59 cases salmon, and 3G0 M lum
ber, the first Columbia river shipment of
lumber to New York.
Taxes are now due all over the stale
and all Over thn itntn runnlu in nulfinn
into debt as fast as they can, for you
know if you are in debt you don't have
to pay any taxes. There is a moral to
this, but whether it is to get into debt or
do away with the ridiculous law is left to
the reader's judgment.
Tho Walla Walla Watchman is respon
sible for this bit of "sarkasm:" On the
Portland train the other evening a lady
remarked "that an accident might -overtake
the train." "That may bo proba
ble," remarked a sarcastic passenger,
"madam, if there is an accident in the
country looking for us, but if by any
mischance it has gotten ahead there is
no danger of overtaking it."
Mrs. Dnniway thinks that women ought
to be employed to overseo tho works at
the Cascades and push them to comple
tion. She says that "Wromen are born
economists of the nation. They are so
accustomed to making one dollar do the
work of a. dozen that the munificent ap
propriations which men fritter away in
such places would bo to them ample for
the completion of such contracts."
There's something in the idea. It may
be that we shall yet havo to depend on
tho ladies to build the Clatsop road and
the Astoria street railway.
The United States inspector of steam
vessels in Portlond has received instruc
tions from Washington, forbdding him
from issuing original licenses to pilots
of steam vessels except on tho official
certificate of the surgeon of the marina
hospital service that the applicant is free
from the defect known as color-blindness.
If the applicant is color blind he
may be allowed at the discretion of the
inspector to run on vessels, in daytime
only. By the order also the roasters of
vessels are required to exclude from the
pilot-houses of their steamers all persons
not connected with the navigation of the
vessel unless by Bpecial permission of
the inspector, and then no one can be
allowed inside tho pilot-house who would
interfere with the duties of the pilot in
anywav. In case of violation of the
the conditions of the permit it will be
Loxnox, March'27th, 730, v. m. Tho
city is in a whirl of excitement. Great
preparations are being made at Aldcrshot
for the reception of the army reserve
lorces ana militia, over 190,000 in num
ber, which havo been called out bv the
queen's message. Quarters are now
ready at Chatham for a large number.
The greatest.activity prevails in the ord
nance department in hastening tho
armament of vessels ordered for imme
diate service, and extra hands are em
ployed. All available quarters at Chel
sea have been made ready for occupation
It is reported that the naval reserves will
be immediately called out. Tho govern
ment has given orders for 100,000 new
uniforms, and has already contracted for
so muchwar material that a public
declaration of war is hourly looked for.
Woolea Xills Burned.
Dayton, "W. T., March 27th. The Day
ton woolen mills were destroyed by fire
at nine o'clock this morning, caused by
The loss is $30,000.
The Beemah will load flour for Liver
pool. The Columbia sailed yesterday morning
for San Francisco
The flagship Hartford will arrive at
Vallejo the latter part of May. liear-
Arlmirnl J. TT. T7ranTir Vina naV-or? tn hn
rolieved, and it is understood that his
sucocssor will be Eear-Admiral E. Y. Mc
Cauley. Thfi irnnhlft in f h onoinwihi' r?mnrl
nient of the steamer State of California
has been averted by the retention of the
third engineer. As an offset, tho services
of ono oiler, one water-tender and one
fireman have been dispensed with.
Tho American bark Coloma has beeu
chartered from Hong Kong to Portland,
and will leave on the 10th of next month.
The AldenBessc has been chartered for
the Columbia river with an option for
Puget sound and will sail on the 20th of
April. Both will bring rice and Chinese
general mercnancuse.
The State arrived in yesterday after a
prolonged absence from the Columbia.
She has been considerably changed in her
interior accommodations and has now
larger and more comfortable rooms every
where. The house aft on the upper deck
has been extended well forward, giving
anumber of additional rooms. The en-
fTinpa Imvft lwpn thnrnnrrlilir nvorlinnlml n
new wheel put on, and, "with the new
steal boilers, it is pttwcIpiT thnt ahn nnll
develop increased speed. She came in
yesterday with her usual celerity.
On thn 5lKt inafc.. t.lin crliruinor Atitiae
7Cifmtcnn fmm nri VrnniiTcum $
s-ontaneaas --ta th. oardiB SSggJJ, Sfffi tESTS St
room. The loss is 30.000. I t?;t- Vnnt Mnc i .i.
Washington. March 24. Patriots who
wish to be postmasters, a goodly number
of whom still linger here, feel sure that
something must be done for them, or for
others in similar positions to themselves,
this week. Tho commissions of Postmas
ter Pearson at New York and the post
master at Indianapolis expire to-morrow.
and the appointment of their successors
is cxpectea 10 oegm a great overturning,
which is to end only trhpn ihn r& onn rvhn
aro now in are tnrnwl nnfc nnrl nintk.
53,000, to bo chosen somehow from the
i,uuu,uuuwno are now out, are called in.
An Illinois member said to-night that
fUtilCS tlClL- X1L1A1 UAAM Ltl IflUT nnTlllPITIf a
for every office in Iris district, each ono of
nuuui -uuu urcu bu luuubinoos in procur
ing indorsements that, apparently, every
voter had signed somebody's petition.
Somo of tho petitions aro curiosities in
their way. One has been received from
a woman in central Illinois, who asks to
be annotated nostmnstnr in r1ru nt hr
husband.the incumbent, who is a Itepub-
"w"i muuu uu uitiua vj oo a j-emocrat.
Her husband has joined in her request
and vouches for tho trnth of her dnimo
A postmaster in southern Indiana has
written to Kepresentativo Stockslager
asking if he cannot resign and havo his
wifa nnnoinf P(V na cha io Tlsmmi.. a
always had been, while he is a Eepubli-
cap una cannot consistently ask to be re
tained. A man in Holmnn's 1isfrwt hoc
written that oreat Ktnff-smnn tlmf im tma
purchased a drug store in his village and
hu &uuu urai ujuru ior it man it
is worth in expectation of retaining the
postoffice in it, with himself as postmas
ter, in place of tho old proprietor. He
closes his letter with an urgent appeal,
saying he must have" the appointment, or
the trade will break him. In one case, in
Nebraska, a father and son are applicants
for tho same office, and their applications
are filled in, not only with the indorse
ments of themselves, but with disserta-
huui. on me nnniness oi eacn other.
Slater Feeli Sort.
Bivcr, kept too close to tho north reef.
In trying to avoid it she lost her steeraaa
way and became unmanageable and
headed for the south reef. The crew let
go the bow anchor, when tho schooner
swung round, dragging her anchor, and
drifted stern foremost on to tho reef. A
later dispatch says the schooner is break
ing up and will bo a total loss. She was
valued at 12,000, and was insured for
The British ship Kirkwood, previously
reported abandoned on the English coast
on February 23d, encountered a heavy
gale from west-southwest on February
21st, in which tho ship was thrown on her
beam ends. Thn mizzMi-ninsf. ve.ta int
away and carried the mainmast with it.
On tho 23d thfi Rarrnwinnv: hnvn in cnrrlif
and although tho gale was still raging tho
mosierjauncuea nis meooac ana uy tno
liberal use of oil on tho troubled waters
sneceeded in rescuing every ono from tho
ship. The sea was inakiugn complete
breach oyer the ship at tho Time and tho
rescue was exceeding perilous to the res-ouers.
Livcai'ooi.. March, 1S35.
The salmon market presents the same
wearying aspect. Dealers are simply
buying to supply their most urgent ne
cessities, and these havo not been of an
important nature. Holders maintain a
firm attitude, and offers of Cd per case
under late quotations havo been refused
' u"-o"u piikcia,uuu juiuiuin oper
ators decline to advance their limits
Correspondence n? the Ln.ulon f.-ocers'
A rather better feeling exists in tho
salmon market owing to a steady con
sumptive demand, and as it is well known
that nrices are bfilow thn tvzt. nf n-irt-inrr
there is considerable speculative inriuirv,
and advanced rates may bo looked for
very soon. The next ship, now due; will
its arrival will hardly have any effect
upon ine existing situation, lne quota
tions are Colnmhis ri--Prl5W?'Ja rmfe'rio
rivers 16 1S. Correspondence of the
London. March, l.5.
A belter feeling prevails in the salmon
market, and sonic considerable sales have
been made during the week. The Gro
cers' Guzcllr.
Partly in connection with the require
ments pertaining to tho season of Lent,
and also because nothing of moment has
been done in the article for a long time
past, a better feeling has arisen this week
for preserved salmon, which has been in
quired for in larger quantities than of
late, and sales havo been made withome
facility at or near the market rates.
These, of course, remain extremely low,
ranPIIlP from 17a Tior pnsn fnr Mn nn-n-
moncst, whether in machine or hand
filled tins, un to 22 and 5- f-1 f.-ir thn
primest brands, and there aro willing sell
ers on these terms. 2'he Grocer.
no poison
- jiwrrm-iniiiii'i i i. i
A General European War
Probable !
The Chicago Grocer publishes the fol
lowing as a recent letter from Uncle Jake
Armsby: We are glad to see that tho
canned goods committee of tho New York
Mercantile Exchange have at last sat
down on this senseless crusado that has
been going on in the east against canned
goods, with an array of facts that wo
think the opponents of canned goods will
find it hard to controvert. It would seem
as though every cheap doctor in New
York and Brosklyn, that had a patient
afllited with any thing from the itch to
wv. inw uuuia;y uau ixuiueuiUL&IY mid
tho cause of it to the slow noisoninrr nf
A olon 1.01 ksnn fol-nn I... t. I CflnnPtl fTOOf?3. 'I'hft Tflnl mill.-nf tl.n w.
great mutual marine insurance organiza- ' coanat seems to be that these attacks
WUUO VA WD IlUilU Ul ijUI.IUU, WU1CI1 ..j, ... j uw smoo UICU VIUU tilU
mnv nmvn nf thn nfmnef. imnnrtinoa SCO a fortune ahead of thpm if fltov nn
"Tanllln, Xctnon, Orange, etc., fiavop
Cakes, Creams, Inddlne, etc.. as dcll
cately and natarally as iha frail from
which they aro iaade.
Tor Strenjjtli and True 3Pmit
Flavor Tliey Stand Alone.
Price Baking Powdop Co.,
Chicago, lit. St. Louis, Mo.
Dr. Prices Cream Baking Powder
Dr. Price's Impulm Yeast Gems,
Best Dry Hop Yeast.
Light Healthy Bread,
WsSi iSmJ. bEillSi
reign uov
aking a Great Oe
mon and ail of
land for Canned Sa
ir FroduGts of the
The boat dry hop yea9t in tho world.
may prove of tho utmost importance in
jeuru uj iuo luiuro ui sienm snipping,
and of the course of insurance. The
Tyno and "Wear steamship insurance as
sociation has passed a resolution which
is to the effect that a minimum number
see a fortune ahead of them if they can
only down canned goods. It won't do,
gentlemen. The tin can has come to
stay, it is as much of a national institution
as a country school-marm, and it is far
uiuio iiicuuus (u Lim nmenran itpnrr
is iu ine euect mat a minimum numoer rr" I'ltwwua m mu American near
of men Bhall be assigned to each vessel, ' pn t"at Greatest of all our antiquities
linri'nn rnniinl tr tha civa n.l f.n of l. I the mother-in-1nW. Fmm flin nnrtli nnl.
the mother-in-lnw. From tht north rvni
to the south, in the holy lands or the des
erts of Africa, wherever tho foot of a
white man has trod, tho tin can, fearing
assignee, io ner ana agreed upon at tne l""u,",cl ""u,luulcu uj " pern, nas
commencement of tho policy, the vessel me boldlv to the front, has held tho
shall "bo deemed nnseawortby, and no irtwhen desertod by nil other defenders
insurance shall be paid in tho event of " was never Known to snow its back
Iorh. TrhArn cnoh Irwa chnll hnvn lmnn ,1J I to atlV enetOV. It hnS bnt onft pnpmr
rectly attributable to undermanning." tuat Wft3 ever known to vanquish it, and
On February 23th Kobert Thomnson tlint 'remorseless foe, the can open-
Sons launched from their Southwick !?,?-" "l?Pui1,U0!Tn, "s. US "&?."
--- .w.. w.. ... jlsuip uub 1. Hill
havinrr regard to thn ritc. nml f.vna nf tha
ship, and to the trade in which hue is em
ployed. If an insured vessel be sent to
Hea with n smaller nnmlipr flmn tlint. en
assigned to her and agreed upon at the
Himmi(wn(int nf fhn tviIiot tha vazoal '
Bread raised by this yeapt i3 light. white
and wholesome like our grandmother's
delicious bread.
Price Baking Powder Co..
KanTis of Br. Prics's spgaaLFteYonnz Eirracts.
Chicago, III. St. Louis, Mo.
For sale by CnTi.vo.MERLE & Co.. Agents
j iiitir.uu, uregon
w'S iiaiiUi i yuu
Latest designs in cards and station
ery nt Adler's.
Ilave you seen Carl Adler's bargain
counters ? They are all tho gb.
For Dinner Parties to order, at short
notice, go to Frank Fabre's.
One of the finest billiard tables on the
coast at Jeff's "Telephone."
Surveyor-General "Willey of California
was the first to congratulate Sparks this
afternoon on hia 'appointment as com
missioner of the general land office.
They had adjoining rooms in the same
hotel and hava had frnnA-nf rOmta nn
their chances. Sparks had aotuallT
given up his fight and would have left
hero to-day if no nomination had been
made. He had a smaller hncl-inrr than
any of the other candidates and carried
on n fitill Imnf onfirnlr T.nmn.'n i.:
tion to Willey was that he is not a law
yer, fcr-senator Slater feels his defeat
sorely. He had tho name of every Dem
ocratic senator" on his application, and
yet did not get the position. Lamar,
who sat alongside of him for kit Tnro ;n
the senate, wanted to appoint Slater, but
couianor. xoin oiater and Willey say
that they will not applv for any other
offiftfi. Tt 1 onirl fVinf- Snutl-o' nn.:-
mont is intended to have some kind of
bearing on tbo Illinois senatorship,
though how it is to affect that is not
known. Washington Dispatclu
Affairs on the Sacramento are about
as at last renort. Thnca -ahn nnii nnv
havo now completed preparations for the
cuiaiugbeasonu worr, out nsnmg will
not bo fairly under way for fully two
weeks. The city casneries have arranged
to make a large pack. Cal. Grocer and
Stocks in the London market have
been considerably over-estimated, andjin
advance on salmon is expected shortly.
The reported loss of the Kirkwood and
her 52,000 cases of salmon has already
had perceptible effect on the market.
Two years ago lobsters were in the same
condition in the London market as salm
on is to-day. Then they sold for 163, but
now thev cannot ba bonrrht fnr ineo th-n
26s per case. CaU Grocer and Canner.
Already complaints are being made by
the fishermen abont km linn a Kninr nn
usually plentiful in the bay. This being
me case so early in tne season it is not a
very bright outlook for the fishermen.
The sea lions not nnlv Aatrtw t hn fiah
while they are in the net, but they also
uamage ana mutuaie tne net to such an
extent that constant repairing is required
or else a new net nnrahAsad metinn .
hundred dollars. Plenty of flounders
and other small fish have been caught,
but the salmon are reported scarce. Val
lejo Chronicle.
ahinhnilrlinrr vnrn1. Snnr?orlnm1 tha Jfi
ria, an iron sailing bark, built to the or
der of Messrs. Peter Iredalo &, Son, of
Liverpool, and of the following dimen
sions, viz: Length 240 feet, breadth 33
feet, and 21 feet 9 inches depth of hold.
She has been constructed under Lloyd's
special survey for tho highest class, and
under the personal superintendence of
Captain Penny. The vessel has raised
quarter-deck and monkey forecastle,
large iron deck-hoose amidships with ac
commodations for crew, the apprentices
being placed in lore part or quarter-deck,
cabin aft for captain nnd otficers, spare
berths, and all the latest improvements
never, never, while there is a drop of
blood in its veins, or a cap on its head or
a drop of solder on its bottom, hand
down its flag to a glass jar.
liurlileuV Arnicn Salvo.
The Bkst .Sai.vk In thn world for
Cuts. BruiM's.Sores.Ulcers.Salt Hheum,
Fi'ver .Sou's TettiT, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Erup
tions, and positively curas Piles, or no
pay mint red. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or monev refunded.
-, . - - - v--' ;- i ni-: j i-em.t ner uu. r or sail l)V .
have been introduced on board, and the E. Dement & Co.
I have just received an
FfiralVcat Fitting Bool
Or Shoe, go to P.J. Goodmans, on Che
nanuis street noxfc finnr to T w rn
All goods of the best make and guaran
teed qualitj'. A full stock; now goods
constantly arriving. Custom work.
Does not makfi anv KPn-ond-oTacd 'Pic
tures at his New Gallery, No. 61J, on
the Roadway.
At Frank Fabre's.
Board for S2220 a month. Th lipct.
In tho city. Dinner from 5 to 7.
Bovs' and Children's riiHq iiist. m.
celved at Mcintosh's new store.
Grav sells Sackfltt nrna Al aaxrt
cedar shingles A full M guaranteed.
Srrir.on's Onrn? will mmpritafaiv
relieve Croup, Whooping Cough, and
Bronchitis. Sold by W. E. Dement & Co
BUY VOur Lime of Grav at Portland
fittings throughout are of the best Btyle.
She will ba employed in the Pacific
Preparations are being made in San j
jjrancisoo ior tno cianartnra of thn wi.
fish fleet of 1885. "Within the next two
weeks five vessels will sail for tho Chou
magin islands, in tho neighborhood of
which the principal cod fishing grounds
ara aitnatpd. Thn Dnshinn Wnr will u
the first to sail: The entire fleet general
ly consists of about fifteen vessels, but as
iuo caicn ior too lass season was exceed
ingly poor, it is expected that this sea
son's outfit will compriso but nine
schooners and barkentine3. The various
firms havo different places, known only
to themselves, to which they send their
vessels, and the greatest care is taken to
keep the good fishing spots a secret for
their own benefit. On evory voyago each
vessel locates tho best fishing grounds.
In some years tho fish are abundant in
one place, and being migratory, are
scarce in tha next year. Tho fleet re
mains in Alaskan waters from two
months and a half to three months, vis
iting all tho islands along the southern
shore of Alaska. Tho men Ieavo tho
schooners in small boats and fiBh with
lines from 4 in the morning till 4 in the
afternoon, tbo greatest catch being in the
afternoon. The greatest obstacle to cod
fishing is the dense, cold fogs that durinc
the season hang over the islands. Last
year one of the men got lost in the fog,
and for eleven days was compelled to live
on seagulls' eggs, and was at last found
in a starving condition.
Ckoice Seed Oafs
For sale at J. H. D. Gray's.
Do YfM Think (hat Jefr of
The Chop House
Gives 3'ou a meal for nothing, and a
glass of something to drink? uXot
much !" hut lie gives a better meal and
more of it than any place in town for
25 cents. He buys by the wholesale and
pays cash. "That settles it."
IIo( tutch, at flic Telephone
From 11 to 2 every day.
A fine lunch with drink or cigar. 25
No charge after two o'clock,
The newest styles in hats and gen
tlemen's wear ot nil kinds are now on
exhibition at D. A. Mcintosh's mer
chant tailoring establishment. One
"might as well be out or the world as
out of the fashion.' and in fashion,
style and quality, Mcintosh leads the
trade. Ask to see some of the new
A Happy Thought.
It was a happy thought that led to the
production of a concentrated fruit syr
up, so harmless in its nature that it may
be given either to the mother or her
babe, relished nHk hv hnfh nnrl nf
such wonderful efficacy that all who
laauincci unuilLCl uiIU Happier. IV.
E. Dement & Co. will furnish anj-one
WishinfrSvran nf Vitfc n trlol linttln fmn
of charge, or will sefi 50 cent and one
uoiiar pomes.
The nlace to hllV is whom fho l.rr
stock gives variety to choose from.
uan Adiers urystairalacehas in it the
finest collection in Astoria.
A sulendld niann. trnnmntpinl fnr cin
at lowest figures at Adler's.
Novelties in fancy goods and spring
attractions at Adler's.
Flower pot brackets, and flower pots,
the latest styles, at John A. Montgom
ery's. A large assortment of Neckwear re
ceived at MjiLntoshsFunIshing store.
Fine Summer suits at Mcintosh's.
GO tO Wilson .?' "Richor'o nr,A ox
something new in window stops.
Private card rooms at: .TofPe no ...-
loon "The Telephone.5
Croun. Whnnnlntr nnnnh o..l uMn.
chltis immediately relieved by Shlloh's
uure. som Dy w. .e. Dement.
All the patent medicines advertised
in this paper, together with the choicest
perfumery, and toilet articles, etc-can
be bought al Use lowest prices, at J. W.
wmiis urui; siore. opposite uciaen
betel. Astoria.
Don't pay 25 to 50 cents for dinner
when you can get a better! one at the
Telephone for 15 cents from 11 to 2.
Easter Cards.
A. few jof the most unique designs
were receive", ai Auicrs iroin eastern
manufacturers. They are only a sam
ple lot and will be sold cheap.
! I lil lio i
ill I AXI
IE I LL Children's
N Clothing.
jf HATS,
Wr-n CAPS,
iff Vrj BOOTS,
The latest dispatches indicate a genera! war in the near future,
in Russia, India, Egypt, China, and nil other parts of Europe, compli
cating England, Russia, France, Germany, Austria, China and other
monarchies, which effect on the products of the United States, will
advance them greatly in price, especially canned salmon and all other
meats. Fresh meats cannot he transported and kept in the desert
and arid countries.
"With the advance of salmon, fishermen of the Columbia river will
be greatly benefitted, especially if they purchase their G-um JJoots,
Oil Clothing, Shirts etc., at C. If. Cooper's, who is selling the best
brands in the market as low as is often charge'd for inferior e;oods.
He carries the irenuine Boston Boor, mado with Hi nntont- ctonn.
adjustable strap, improved knee patch, and has equaled or excelled
o,, a"1" uuun iiiauuunjimeu, wiuuu uiso comes in pure gum. Mr.
Cooper also carries one of the best brands of Cape Ann Oil Coats,
Pants, Aprons, Sleeves, etc. The best brand he carries are absolutely
waterproof and very durable, having a waterproof coating that will
not become sticky or peel off; the buttons are metallic and securely
fastened by an ingenious wire fastening.
Fishermen before purchasing such goods, Llamas (blanket over
shirts), underwear, clothing, and all other kinds of men's goods should
see Coopers and get prices before purchasing, as these goods are
first-class and chenDer than in all fnrmnr vnnrs. flnnnnr ola hoc i,
genuine Grain Leather Waterproof long legged fishing boots at his
V -"" -..-, iiaiu.m, vsii-guu.
Cannery for Sale.
Price S4.4O0. Applv to
MimL. falangos.
, , , Clifton, Or.
. Astoria, Feb. 25th, 1SS5.
Astoria Bakery,
Columbia Candy Factory.
Ed. Jackson, Proprietor.
Candles, - 20Ctsperlb.
Bread, Ties and Cakes delivered every
day. J
Fine Stationery,
Blank Books,
School. Books,
Music Books,
Agents for Stock's
Littlo Giant, and
Kranich and Bach's Pianos,
Taber, and Western
Cottage Organs,
Gent's Furnishing
My tailoring department h filled with the
cnoicesi oi
Cloths and Cassimeres.
Suits to order fmm -'S18toSG3eo
Pants " " - - 5 to 15,69
Iu fact the lowest prices are found at my
aiorv. v;hii anu see me.
Frcith i:otern and Shonlwater
Bay Oynlprrt
Constantly on hand, cooked to anv style
at Frank Fabre's.
Syrup oflTigs.
Nature's own true Laxative. Pleas
ant to the palate, acceptable totheStom
ach, harmless in its nature, painless in
its action. Cures habitual Constipation,
Biliousness, Indigestion and kindred
ills. Cleanses the system, purifies the
blood, reculates tho Livor nml nr nn
the Bowels. Breaks un Colds. Chills
and Fever. Ptp Strpnrf hone tha nnmnc
on which it acts. Better than bitter,
nauseous Liver inmlipini nillc cnlto
and draughts. Sample bottles fre'e, and
iarc uouies ior saie Dy w. Ji. JJement
fc Co., Astoria.
Arp villi Tnnilp niicnmhlf liv Imli.
gesUon, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of
appetite, Yellow Skin ? Shiloh's Vital-
izer is a positive cure. For sale by w.
X. Dement.
,llackmetack.w a lastum and fni-
imint nerfnmp. Trirn '25 nnil rjl pput
Sold by W. E. Dement.
For D vsneDsia andLiver Cmnnln inf.
you have a printed euarautee on every
bottle of Shlloh's Vitallzer. It never
falls to cure. Sold by W. E. Dement.
Merchant Tailor ana Clothier.
Important Notice!
Oregon Improvement Co.
Great Rediciioiii Price ef Coal.
On and after December 1st until fmther
notice the price at the bunkers will he as
follows for
Clean Domestic per ton, 2240 lbs...... ST.00
iteruuaieain q ng
S;recnmss " "qo
On hand a constant supply, at market
rates, of first-class
E. A. NOTES. Agent.
f -""
- ?
Shavii anfl Bathing Saloon.
Ladles' EairDressor and "Wig Maker
All kinds of
Ladles Hair cutting and Shampooing a
specialty. All work done in the most artis
tic manner and In the latest style.
It. DnPAnK. Prop.
rarker House, Main St., Astoria, Or
One E. W. BLISS, Latest Improved
"With West's Crimper attached.
Thin Machine is Nearly Sew antl U Sold for
"Want of Use.
New Orleans, La. ,
House to Rent.
inquire oi w, b. IIEADINGTON.
Brick for Sale.
i -
S I have removed my entire stock into the i
S 3
s new store formerly occupied by JR. Dixon,
m , g
5 and opened with a large stock of new -
2 goods for Spring and Summer
3 , "
H m
Apply at this office.
D. A