'" JyVXtr&F f) VOL. XXIII, NO. 75. BUSINESS CARDS. I'VR'. A. 1.. uiul J. A. fflll.TOX. Iliy.slciaus and Surgeon. Will ghe promi.t attention to all calls, 'mm any pan of tne city 01 country. Onloe over Allen's Store, corner Ca and jupinoqua streets, Afeturia, Oregon. Telephone No. 41. Physician nud Surgeon. OMcc, Cor. Main and Chenaniu strreH, I rFiCE Houks :-D to 11 a. m. ;-2 to 5 r. m. Residence, opposite theJohanseu building .M. A. nOUUIS. GKO. OLAM SOXAKD & DORIS IS, ATTORNEYS AT f.AW. Office In Kinney' Hlork. ppo.te City Hall, Astoria, Oregon. V. YT. FULTON'. i. c VUVTOX. FULTOK VEtOTZIERS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Rooms 5 and C.odd Fellows Building. i. q. .v. r.ov. i.v.v. J. A. GILT. BOWIMJY & GII.I,, AttonieyM and Comixi-Hom it lian", Office on Clieiiamns Stieet. Asloria. Oregon. 1 IIOI.DK.V, NOTARY PUBLIC, AlVTIONEhR. COMMISSION A': IN SURANCE AC. EXT. rKJiO K. PAItKNK. SURVEYOR OF tlsJoi Connty.arul City of Antoria Offlc : -Chenamus street. Y. M. 0. A. hall Hoia ? u. e. 0. V. L, EI Civ, ARCHITECT AND SUPERINTENDENT. Office : Room , Klnncj 's Brick Block, TAY TUTTiill. .11. S. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Offick Room 1, 2, and 3. lj thlati Build mg. REsiunxcK On Cedar Street, back ol St. Mary's Hospital. F P. UI0K8. A.jK SHAW. nicKs & shaw, DENTISTS. Rooms lu Allen's Building, up stairs, cor ner Cass and Squemoqua streets. Astoria Oregon. BANKING AND INSURANCE ! I. W. CASE, Broker, Banker, and Insur ance Agent, ASTORIA, - OK EG OT. OFFICE nOURS : From 9 o'clock A. 11. until 3 o'clock P. M. Bozorth. & Johns, Ileal Estate and Insurance Agents aci Brokers ASTORIA, - Oregon. We write policies In the following well known Fire insurauce Companies : PHCENIX OF HARTFORD. SCOTTISH UNION" AND NATIONAL OF EDINBURG. LION. OF LONDON, HOME. OF NEW YORK. LONDON AND LANCASHIRE, OF LIVER POOL. PHCENIX. OF BROOKLYN. CONNECTICUT, OF HARTFORD. OAKLAND HOME, OF OAKLAND, CALA. And also represent the WESTERN, of California, HAMBURG-BRE3EN,oWct-many, and AMERICAN STEAK BOIL ER INSURANCE CO. Real Estate Boaght and Sold oa Commission. T. O. ROSS, KKADIAG UNDERTAKER. Main St. AMoriu. Oregon. THE LATEST STYLES WALL 'PAPER AT B. S. FRANKLIN'S, NEXT DOOR TO ASTORIAN OFFICE. A very large Stoek from which to select. Window curtains made to order. HT"My patent Trimmer to cut Wall Papei will be lound convenient to my patrons. Boat Building. THE BEST STOCK AND WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED. Boats of Every Description Built. Shop orcr Aiudt & Ferchen'i. ?C. 31. E 4T1TERS. VISITORS TO PORTLAND Should uot forget to call at Towne'sSan Francisco Callery, "where maybe seen photographs of all the leading men and women of Oregon and Washington Territory. Skillful operators always in attendance, and the most minute attention paid to pictures of children. Don't forget the location. 8. "FT. renter First and HonissH streets, Hp stairs. No trouble to show specimens to visitors. Street railroads pass the door every ten minutes, &sd this u the nearest gallery to the Ave principal hotels. TrarTTiTFBifc imr inn tlutnklFvnSiJEfZf iDi! i fcTHF ? -THE ST TONIC. 3 This medicine, combining Iron with puco vegetable tonics, quickly and completely Cures Dyspepsia. Indlgoatlea. WeakneHM, 1 tnpnro Blood. Dlalarla, Chills aadFevern, and NcurnlRln. It is an unfailing remedy for Diseases of tho Kidneys and Liver. It is invalusbio for Diseases peculiar to "Women, and all who lead sedentary lives. It docs not Injure the tceth.cause headache,or produce constipation other Iron medicinct do. It enriches and purifies the blood, stimulates the appetite, aids the assimilation of food, re lieves Heartburn and Belching, and strength ens the muscles and nerves. For Intermittent Fevers, Lassitude, Lack of Energy, fcc.. It has no equal. 3- The cenuinc has above trade mark nnu rossed red lines on w rapper. Take no other fcdctiljbj BROWS CHEJJICiL CO, B1LTIX0RE, Htt REDI5GT0X, WOODARD A CO., rortland.tOr Wholesale Agktts. IfflRS The Fittest Hubjects For fever and ague, and remittents, aro the debilitated, bilious and nervous. To such persoLS, Hostetter's Stomach Bitters affords adequate protection by increasing vital stamina and the resistant power of the con stitution, and by checking Irregularities of the liver, stomach and bowels. Moreover, it eradicati'3 malarial complaints of an ob stinate type, and stands alone unequaled among our national remedies. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally. MANFORD INVIGORATOR Is just vhat its jiama implies j s Purely Vegctablft"(5orapoand, thai lets directly TipoatHicarirj the many diseases iiddermQ that lea, port&nt organ, and pMitingtha xo merons ailmants tqarisa firom if tirm, .sack ai cct liiorisnes Sicb-he&dscha It lSrthereforo J CfoliaYS (aoodHealtS Kept in order.' DE. SANTOBD'S JJVZR IXYIG0BAT02. Inricoratea tho Liver, Regulates the Bow els, Strengthens tho System, Purifies the Blood , Assists Digestion, Prevents Fevers. la a Household Need. An Invaluable Family Medicine for common complaints. D3. BAHPOED'S LIVES IKVIGOBATOS. An experience of Forty years, and Tliau lands cf Testimonials prove its Merit. FOIl SALE HT ALL DEALERS ET MEDICINES For f nil information send your address for 1CX 5-ro Book on tho ' Liver and Its dlscee," U SBsronD 2 shake t., sew ToaE cn J. A. WILSON. (Lato of San Francisco.) PAIHTEB, PAPER HAHQER, AND- Has located in Astoria and solicits a share ef the patronage. All work strictly first olass. Terms moderate. Order box at Van Dusen,.. Mrs. Campbell Is now prepared to Furnish First Class Rooms, NEW FURNITURE THROUGHOUT. WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD. Over Beck & Son's Grocery Store, Ceraer ef 01b ej and Sqcesaoqna St., ap Stain. - - CJ " BE ifOSTETrCllV P CELEBRATED 8A deranged or TOTjpiqac jjyspepsiA dJ?QiC" U3sorenes5ivKuaxia7 Rhea&mrete. ylAMl :h& TS&SiT', nnrst he ASTORIA, OREGON, SATURDAY CLEVELAND'S "WORKING HOIKS. The news that "the governor," as he will ever be called here, sayd an Albany correspondent of the New York Sun, has ordered breakfast at S o'clock at tho white kouse, suggests to his friends and those of Colonel Lamont a good story about Cleve land's first days in Albany. He gave Colonel Lamont a list of his appoint ments to be published iu tho Argitt, and the first name on the list was that of Daniel S. Lamont. The astuto colouol wa3 thou a newspaper man, accustomed to turning night into day. "What time will you be at the Capi tol to-morrow?'' he inquired of the governor. "Ob, about 830 o'clock" Mr. Cleve land replied. The colonel's eyes were distended. Never, perhaps, had a governor begun his work at such an early hour. He told Mrs. Lamont what the new order of things was to be, and managed to reach his desk at the capitol at a few minutes before 8 o'clock. Ho had just taken his seat, after having hung hi3 hat and coat up, when the govern or came in, half an hour earlier than the time he had appointed. After that the colonel felt himself taking part in a race to be the earliest at work, and seldom or never was he dis tanced by tho governor. Unlike most men of his build, Pres ident Cleveland requires very little sleep. The stories are plenty here of visitors to the executivo mansion who have staid up until 1 o'clock or 2 o clock in tho morning with the gov ernor, nnd then at 6 o'clock have been awakened from a half-completed rest by sounds of heavy footsteps and of whistling, to peep out of their rooms and see the governor before his looking-glass shaving himself and whis tling as cheerily as a school boy. Once shaved and fully dressed, the governor would then let himself quiet ly out by tho front door and stride away beyond tho city's outskirts for his daily constitutional, in the com pany of tho rattling milk carts and belated truck farmers on their way to the city market In a smal circle of intimates ho was known as "the break o'-day governor." Four or five hours' sleep and three light and entirely plain meals a day fill out the programme requisite with him for good health and buoyant spirits, and in pursuing the course he has begun in. Washington he will be following his natural bent. He will miss the walk to and from the capitol six times a day, to whioh ho has been accustomed, and he may miss it so greatly as to make a new departure in Washington. In former times, before Lincoln was president, the chief mag istrate had the entire white house to himself and his household, and his work and that of his secretary were performed in rooms set apart for the purpose in the capitoL President Cleveland may return to that practice, not only because it will afford him exercise, and, more important still, enable him to use the white house as a resting-place and a retreat, but also because, under tho present arrange ment, there is not sufficient room for an ordinary household there. When President Arthur desired to entertain friends he was obliged to send them to a hotel at night, and i is tinder stood, and is probably true, that not all the servants could be accommo dated under the white house roof. In Mr. Lincoln's time the great apart ment into whioh callers were ushered and the smaller one now used by the private secretary were taken from the household, either to free the president from daily and frequent exposure to hostile persons in the streets, or for some reason that is probably non existent now. BESTORED TO REASON BY A GUN SHOT "WOUND. WayxbiiT, March, 15. Two months ago Cyrus M Yan Winkle, a well known farmer of Bradford county, Penn., became deranged. His condi tion was such that he had to be watched constantly. He kept a re volver and a gun in tho house. The former was hidden and the load drawn from the gun, the family fear ing that he might shoot himself. All tho ammunition in tho house was also hidden. One night last week his wife was watching with him while he slept At about two o'clock in the morning he awoke suddenly. "Hush! hush!" he said in a whis per. "There is some one trying to get in." His wife stepped into an adjoining room to get a lamp, and before she could return with it she heard the re port of a gun in the sleeping room, She ran back to her husband and found him lying, on the bed. The charge had entered his mouth, car rying away the entire right side of his face. When Mrs. Van Winkle ap peared with tho light her husband raised his head and in a rational man ner, asked her what the-matter was. A doctor was called, and it was found that the farmer's mind was entirely restored. Two months were a blank. His wound will not necessarily prove fatal. The mystery is how and when he procured the gun and loaded it He must have had it hidden under his bed. He kept a large sum of money in the house, and during lm derange ment he thought efforts were being made to rob him. It is believed that he shot himself accidentally while at tempting to defend himself against imaginary bnrglars. JY. Y. Sun. A tfasal Injector free with each bottle of Sblloh's Catarrh .Remedy Price SO cents. Sold by W.E. Dement j FACTS AND XEW. I There are no female pojivic's in, the Dakota penii&ntiary. : It cost about $15,000 to inaugural ' the new administration. Not only negroes, but whiti.-. at tne south, enrrv a ramm's loot ror a charm. The French have more aupenion bridges than any other nation on the globe. A Kentucky belle glories iu a head of hair which is five feet ten inches long. Several New London dudes have sacrificed their mustaches to pay elec tion wagers. During the reign of King .Tames I not one Englishman in a thonsand wore stockings. In Porto Eico an outlay of $2 will clothe an entire family of six pet sons for a year. The length of telephone wire now in operation in this country; is said to bo rapidly approaching 10,000 miles. Cats ears become very brittle and aro easily broken off when the ther mometer is fifty-eight degrees below zero. The life of a locomotive is reckoned at twenty-five years, and to keop up the supply j.lb'J should be con structed annually. A Hopkinbville, Kj, belle who had two lovers, eloped with one, and be comiug disgusted with him, sent for and married the other. The place where the gunboats lay when bombarding Ticksburg is now a huge sand bank, the course of the river having considerably changed. There are over 50 penitentiaries and 2,400 jails in the United States. They contain 50,000 criminals, and their estimated cost i3 S500,000,000. Many instances are cited bv a statistician in the endeavor to prove that nearly the majority of men who who live to a great ohj age are those who suffered unnsnal hardships as soldiers or sailors. Tho nnstor of the PrMlivforirin church in Palmyra, Mo., draws his check for hi salary once a month in advance, tho arrangement being such that the amount ischarged to the deacons. When Miltou and Shakespeare wrote only five or six millions of peo ple spoke the liughsh language. The number has now increased to 100, 000,000, over one-half of whom live in the United States. The state of Arkansas derives $25, 000 annually from its penitentiary by leasing the labor of eighty convicts to cigar manufacturers, aud handing over 2S0 others to farmers, the con sideration being $3.75 per month aud all expenses. Alpharetta is a young Georgia city, but it is remarkable in some respects. Its population is at present 200 and of them five are lawyers and two physicians. There are nlso two churches. If New lork were as well supplied with professional men she would have 30,000 lawyers and 12,000 doctors. Gold and silver medals, bronze crosses and marksmen s pins are is sued by the war department as re wards for successful marksmanship in the United States army, and Brigadier-General S. T. Benet, chief of orunance, says in ins unnuai report for 1883-84 that this has been a pow erful and healthy stimulus to the steady improvement of the army in skillful marksmanship. Out iu Xeaia, Ohio,thereisab:ight lawyer. There is a score of them in fact, but this bright particular legal star is Henry Warrington. I call him Henry Warriugton because that is not his name. His real name ap pears on the play-bills of "youth." Well the Second Adveutists came to Xenia one time and the preacher did a power of street preaching. One day lawyer Warrington stopped to him just at a time whou he was want ed in court, and a bailiff came to the window to call him. Tho preacher was just shrieking: "And who will be damned)r Who will be damned?" Boared out the stentorian tones of the bailiff over tho way: "Henry War rington! Henry Warrington!" And Henry only said he would bo, it he was. Only he didn t say it just that way.. Ji. liurdelte. The Whiskey Ilasioess. Please do not confound any of the whiskey bitters which topers take and drunkards delight in, with that altogether different article "Brown's Iron Bitters." No toper wants Brown's Iron Bitters, for there is nothing in it to satisfy the craving of his debased appetite. This great iron medicine gives strength and new life, not a mere unwholesome stimu lus. Sheriff Pouder of Washington County, Tenn., writes that after using two botyles of it ho was cured of dyspepsia. No "whiskey bitters" could achieve such a result It is reported that parties are de stroying small oysters by the thou sand of baskets at the Neema flats in Shoalwater bay, by culling near shore ana aumpmg tne cuiiings over wnere they are sure to die. Mr. B. Hoffman, 72 Park avenue, Baltimore. Maryland, says: "My child, four years old, suffered two weeks with an alarming cough, Less than a bottle of lied btar Couch Cure cured her entirely. I consider it a safe, sure, most valuable child's. medicine." 3IARCI1 28, 1885. 1 bTsM sS lirn Sur TRADE M MARK, f T. ti7f47a Free front Ontatev nnteitrj mitt l'nAii. A PROMPT, SAFE, SURE CURE Tor CoucUs, Soro Throat, Xloarccncu. CoUs, InQuenza, Bronchi Us, Asthxsa, Croup, Wlicoo Ins Coucb, Qnlnsr, Pain la Cheat, aj otter affections crtha Throat and J.uncs. IMce 50 cents a bottle. Sold by DrnigrfsU and. Dealers. JtarfiM unable to induce tSeir dealer to promptly pet it for them Kill recaze two botiles, .- eti charget paid, by lending one dollar to THE CHARLES 1. TOGILKIt COaPAST, Sola Owsen and Uuu&ctaren, HalUnorr, Xirjlaad, C. S. Jt. BBIi HOTEL. MRS. LVAWALLMAN, - Proprietor. ASTORIA, OREGON. First Class iu Every Kc.spr.ot. NEW HOUSE, NEW FURNITURE. FifeI up -witli every Conven ience Tor tlie Comfort of Transient and Permanent Guests. Corner Squcmoijua and West Cth Streets. The Telephone Saioon The Finest Establishment of the Kind in Astoria. Especially flttetl up for the Comfort and Convenience 01 those who enjoy a Social Ola s. Tlie Best of Wines and Liquors, The Choicest Clears. Everything New and First-Class. IS. IMJEFFKRY. Prop'r. II. It. PAKKER, Propr. First Class in Every Respect. Free Coach to the House. Cannery Snplies. Old Castle, Yspitti, and other brands of Coke Tin Plates, for sale in lots to suit purchasers, now in warehouse at Astoria or to.arrive per Josea, or Arc7ior, also Liverpool fine and coarse salt. For further, particulars apply to Portland, Oregon. Colin Through Freight TflE SEW trw-' f ti7f47a QsHbs&nr PARKER HOUSE Hover, Wilson & Go -TELEPHOHE- Which han been specially built for the comfort of passengers will leave "Wilson & Fisher's Dock every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. arriving at Portland at 1 P.M. Returning leaves Portland every Tuesday and Thursday at 6 A. M. arriving at Astoria at 1 P. M. EAn additional trip will be made on Sunday of Bach Weete, leaving Portland at 9 O'clook BuBday Mernlusr. Passengers bj tills route connect at Kalama for Sound ports. u. B. SCOTT, President Wilson & Fisher! Ship Chandlers, HEAVY AND SHELF HAEDWAES Paints, Oils and Varnish. LOGGERS1 SUPPLIES. PROVISIONS AND MILL FEED AGENTS EOli Salem Homing Mills, Portland Roller Mills, Capital Tlour and FAIRBANKS' SCALES. ASTORIA. OREGON. B. B. Franklin, SiSaass IMeMer ami Cabinet later, SQUEMOQUA STREET, NEXT TO TIIK STOItIAN BUILDIXO. A11 work done in a .skillful manner on short notice at reasonable rates. - ASTORIA IRON WORKS. Benton Stkket, Neak Takkeu House, ASTORIA. - OREGON. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND .BOILER MAKERS. LANDjana MAMMIES BoilerWork, Steamboat Work and Cannery Work a spe cialty. Oral I Descriptions made to Crtler at Short Notice. A. D. Wass, President. J. G. HusTi.ER,Secretary, I. W. Case, Treasurer. Johk Fox.Suporlntendent. S. AKNDT & FERCHEN, ASTORIA. - OREGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop BLACKSMITH shop4 Boiler Shop All kinds of ENGIHE, CANNERY, AlfD STEAMBOAT WORK Promptly attended to. A specialty made of repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. on Fast Time! STEAMER SL ilK ysseawp5 AND MQEH&KijF Transprtation Cony. PRICE, FIVE CENTS THE BEST I3TIIE OEC1R A j.PEg'g? Z Royal Brand Flour Manufactured by the OREGON HILLING COMPANY Is of Superior Quality, and Is Endorsed by all who use It. THE HOUSEKEEPER'S FAVORITE Of Superior Rising Quality. Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction. WYATT & THOMPSON Sole Ascuts for Astoria. Faintina: an! Paper Eaiipi. KALSOMINING ETC. ch:as. oxjsnsusr Paint Shop iu rear of premises form erly occupied by C. JI. Stockton, oppo site the Court House. All orders promptly and satisfnotorly executetl. J. K. D. OKAY. Wholesale and retail dealer m. GROCERIES, FLOOR, AND FEED Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME, SAND AND CEMENT. General Storage and "Wharfage on reason able terms. Foot of Benton stieet, Astoria. Oregon. VJUL, EDGAR, Dealer In Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes Meerschaum and Brier Pipes, GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY Revolvers and Cartridges. CORNER aiAIX AND CHENAMUS SI'S. The Gem Saioon. The Popular Resort for Astorians. For tho Finest of Wines and Liquors Go to THE GEM SALOOX. ALEX. CAMPBELL, - - PROPRIETOR ASTORIA LIQUOR STORE, AUG. DANIELSON, - - Proprietor. Rebuilt nnd .Refitted. Throughout. The Best of WiafKS.I,10.UOKS,A3rD CIGAItS, For a Good Cigar, call for one of "Danielson's Best." Corner "West 9th and "WaterStreets, Astoria. na-6m Magnus C. Crosby Dealer in MM ARE, IRON, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, STOVES, TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON, "I?l3a. AND Oojpea?- Astoria Sail Loft. Best of orfc at Bottom Fipres J. HESS, The well-known Sallmaker now occupies The Astoria Sail Loft, formerly occupied by A.M. Johnson. Boat Sails a Specialty. ALL "WORK "WARRANTED Come and see me at Tlie Astoria Sail Loft : next to Pythian Building. Address P. O. Box 312. j. hess. Floats! Floats! Floats! CANNERYMEN viho are in nepd of Floats, Copper Handles and Mallets should, send their orders to B. W. BLOOD. Clatskanle, Oregon, who has a quantity on liand which will be sold at reasonable n.tes. "SECURE THE SHADOW' Ere the substance fade, and when you visit Portland, make It a part of your business to call on "W. H. Towke. at the San Fran cisco Gallery, S. W. corner First and Morrison streets, and have your photograph taken In the highest style oPthe art. . -