1 V0L.XX11I, NO. 09. ASTORIA, OREGON, SATURDAY 31 ARCH 21, 1883. PRICE, FIVE CENTS; BUSINESS CARDS. TR. A. Ii. anil .1. A. FVL.TOX. Physicians and Surgeon. Will give prornot utlrnlio:i to all ilK .on any pan of thp city or country. ifllw o er A:Ion Store, comer CaiS anil t uemoqua streets. .Wirl;i. Oregon. FelPihuii(.o.41. ' I) It. FHAXK 1'AttE. N lhyirtnn nnd Hurceou. iille-. Car. Main and Chenaimw treet-j. H tick Hoi : 3 to 11 ,. M.-tO'o km. !lclilisre. op.Nli( the.lohaubeii btilldtKK iir ,. OKi;i.s. .fo. NOiNl .Of.4A'I Si DORISES. ATTOliKS AT LAW. onli-e lit KInne's r.UH-v. iilt City Hull. Astoria. Oregon. W. FIM.TOX. 1. t 111.1 ON. FUJ.TOX BitOTIIERS. ATTOKNKY.S AT LAW. Rooms 5 and C. Odd Fellow liulldui. .. Q. a. iiowi.UY. .1. A. r.n.T- BOWI.KY i!L CI1.I.. Attiirtirj'H unil Coniiillor i.t Law, Office on ClienamtiN Stieel. AMuw. Oion. i? :. hoi7iT:., NOTARY 1-lMlLK'. At'CnONKh!:. COMMISSION AM' IN SUKANCHAC F.X'l . Q.KI.O F. PAICKKK. SURVEYOR OF Clatsop County, ami City of Antitrla Office: Chciianui'isticet, Y. M. C. A. ball KoomXo.8. 0. " LKICXi. AKCIirrfiGT AND SUPEUINTKNDKXT. Offipk: Room i, K Iiuu Uriel. IJIoi k, TAY TUTTliK. 31. "l. PHYSICIAN AND SUKKKON Ofkick lltKnn- l. 2. juul l'uhiun IStuld lff. Kksidkncf.-Oii Odni Stierl. back ol St. MarN Hospital. K I. llti'KS. A.,K. SH IW. . HICKS fc SSI lWf DKNTISTS. Rooms In Allen's Building, up srnlt. cir uer Ca.N and Snuemon.ua slieets. Astoria Oregon. BANKING AND INSURANCE ! I. W. CASE, Broker, Banker, and Insur ance Agent, ASTORIA. - OREfiOX. OFFICE HOUltS : Front 3 o'clock A. M. until n o'clock 1. M. Bozorth. & Johns, Rel Estate and Inherence Agents and BroVen ASTOKIA, Oregon. We write policies In the following well known Fire Insurance Companies : 1-H02XIX OF IIAKTFOItn. SCOTTISH UNION AND NATIONAL OF EDrNKUllG. , I.IOX, OF LONDON HOME. OF NEW "iOKK. IjONDON AND I.ANCASHIKE, OF LIVER POOL. FHCENlX, OF BROOKLYN. CONNECTICUT, OF HAKTFOKD. OAKLAND HOME, OF OAKLAND, CALA. And also represent the WESTERX, of and AMERICAX STEAM JJ01L SR JXSURAXCE CO. KealEsUte Bought and Sold on Commission. 3". O. ROSS. LFwVrI OfDEKTlKER. XrIu St. Astorin. Oregon. THE LATEST STYLES WALL," PA PER AT B. B. FRANKLIN'S, NEXT DOOR TO ASTORIAN OFFICE. A very large Stock from w hlch to select. Window curtains made to order. BPMy patent Trimmer to cut Wall Papet will be lound convenient to my patrons. Boat Building. TOE BEST STOCK AND WORKMANSHIP guaranteed; Beats of Every Description Built. Shop m cr Ai ndt & Fcrehen's. . XI. LEATHERS. VISITORS TO PORTLAND Should not forget to call at Towno'sSan Francisco Callery, where may be seen pboteeraphs of all the leading men and oroen ofregonand Washington Territory. Skillful operators always In attendance, and IfcOaostmtettte attention paid to pictures of children. Don't forget the location. 8. W. eorwr First ad Merrlssn itreeU, op stairs. No trouble to show specimens to visitors. Street railroads pass the door every ten aainutes, &qd this is the nearest gallery to the five principal hotels. RJl5fgj iyi I -THE 5 BESTTOHSE. ? Thte medicine, combining Iron with pure vegetable tonics, quickly and completely Cures I)yftpeptI&, JadlffestleB. WeaKectus Impure- Blood, .1IaIaria,CUIllii and Fever, and Nenralgia. It is an untallin? remedy for Diseases of the Khlaeys and Liver. It is Invaluable for Diseases peculiar lo "Women, and all who lead sedentary lives. It docs not Injure the teeth, cause headache.or produce constipation o.'Aer Iron medicinct do. It enriches and purifies the blood, stimulates the appetite, aids the assimilation of food, re lieves Heartburn and Belching, and strength ens the muscles and nenes. For Intermittent Fevers, Lassitude, Lack of Energy, Ac., It has no equal. .f2-" The Pennine has above trade mark and rossed- red lines on w raper. Take no other x&rfhj,j imOHH UtEXIfAL ., BALTIMORE, MB. REDLMJTO.Y, WOODABD &. CO., Portland.Or WH0T.K3AUC AOKXTF. lf?ERS Tho Flttent Subjects For fe er and ague, and remittents, are the debilitated, bilious and nervous. To such persons. Hosteller's Stomach Bitters affords adequate protection by increasing vital stamina aid the re.sh.tant power of the con stitution, and by cheekily irregularities of the liver, stomach and bowcLs. Moreover, It eradicates malarial complaints of an ob stinate type, and stands alone itneqtialed among our national remedies. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally. kS AN FORD'S INVIGORATOF X just what its name implies ; s Purely Vegetable 'Compound, thai acts directly upon, the" r; cunnfl the many diseases 3 o that un portant organ, and tingthenaf meroiis ailmi anse from Us ction, Each u Bnioasness ., Sidc-headacho, It is 'therefore. tfolave doodHealti rmust be kept in oren" DB. BABTOBD'B IIVEE IN7IG0BAT0S. InviKorates the Liver, Bogulatcs the Bow els, Strengthens the System, Purifies the Blood. Assists Digestion, Prevents Fevers. Is a Household leed. An Invaluable Family Medicine for common complaints. D3. SAHPOED'S IIVEB INYIGOBATOE. An experience of Forty years, and Thou, landa cf fy&timoniala prove its Merit. FOR SALE BY AM, DEALERS IK MEDICINES For fall information cnd your addrew for 101 tgo Book on the ' Liver and Its dlocascs," tt rH.ssronD 4 duass st., new yokk cn A. V. Allen, Wholesale and RetallJDealer In MILL FEED. Glass and Plated Ware, TKOPICAL AND DOMESTIC PRINTS AND VEGETABLES. Together with Wines, Liquors,Tobacco,Cigars EUi 5 Ui "" tp- H " CELEBRATED If A Lave nciaenrr fevh Mils txuu deranged orwrpitHi Dyspepsia Jaundice, CosxWenes5VMLlaria tlhea&nretc. TutSTrotha1 :heLrve DE LESSEPS ON THK SOrDAX. A Land Which the French Ensuieer Say ! Caasnt fc Cosanered. Paris, March 20. 3f. De Lesseps in Jthe; course of an interview re-j lated by the Matin, says, '! have re peatedly warned the English that to send au expedition to the Soudan was to Bend suldiers to certain death. I cannot repeat the conversations that x nave neia witn very mgn personages on this subject. The Soudan cannot be conquered, indeed, any more than Egypt; and present events are but a direct and necessary consequence of tho bombardment of Alexandria and the occupation of Egypt. I am very glad that I, to the best of my humble ability, induced the French govern ment not to join England. I then said to the ministers: 'I will under take to defend the canaL' " After stating as a reason why the Egyptians, though very pacific, can never be subjugated, that a fellah woman never has a child by a Euro pean, M. de Lesseps said: "As for ancient Nubia, or Ethiopia, it in a country in which, as if in a sen, whole armies of conquerors have been engulfed. Cambyses Iqf 1 100,000 men on the deserts, and he was only too glad to return home with a handful of followers. The son of 3fehemet Ali was burnt iu his camp with his array. To attempt to conquer the Soudan by force is a dream. It is quite possible to give laws to and to govern these intelligent, heroically brave races. 'In order to reach Khartoum, what ever the route taken, ono must cross deserts in which there is absolutely no water. An army, whether going or returning, will always be au easy prey to the war-like populations of Nubia. These can turn on the enemy as many as 100,000 fighting men, for whom death is only a secondary considera tion, and who would be scoffed at by tho women if they returned to their villages without having avenged the deaths of their companions. The longer the struggle is continued against the Soudan tho more difficult will be the effecting of a settlement. Two years ago it would have been easy to negotiate; now it is difficult, the animosity of these fanatical soldiers having been aroused." M. de Lesseps then described his visit to Khartoum in 1857 with Said Pasha, who had an escort of sixty seven Albanians thirty-seven of whom died in the desert. In the Korosko desert the springs were so few that in a ten day's march the caravan of M. de -Lesseps had to part company with Said Pasha's, and re joined it only every third or fourth day. At Berber, Said, struck by the way in which the country had been ravaged by his brother's expedition and the one sent to avenge him, was for turning back; but M. de Lesseps urged him to go on. At Shendy 100,000 men, delegates from every village, showed themselves enthusi astically grateful when the viceroy liberated the slaves, and abolished or reduced the taxes, baid gave them leave to fling the guns of an old fort into the Nile, whispering to M. de Lesseps that they were quite unser viceable, and ordered 100 lashes to be given to a man who had refused to liberate a female slave. After ex tolling the Assinian tribe, and de scribing haid'a short fit of frenzy at Khartoum, where he became enraged at owing his warm reception to the counsels of a r renchman, AL de Les sep3 said: ""When Gordon set out for the Sou dan ho took with him the decrees of Said Pasha. It was with the great est difficulty that they could be found at Cairo. At length, in a book seller's shop, a book was obtained in which I had published them iu French. They were translated into Arabic, and Uordon went to Khar toum to apply them. Unfortunately, he is not a Mohammedan and this be ing the case, it was difficult for him to-struggle against the influence of the Mahdi. The Mahdi, moreover, must be an Arab, and not a Soudan ese; and he is, I am convinced, in communication with Arabi, and all the defenders of Egyptian independ ence. The great mistake was to send soldiers to the Soudan and not to ne gotiate with these populations." "Gordon is a man of great ability. lie would have found his way out of his difficulties more readily by per suasion than by force. It will sur prise me much to find that he is dead; it would surprise mo less should he turn Mussulman and acquire great influence over the Mahdi. As regards a new expedition to avenge iordon, itvonld be dangerous, if not impossi ble. ve have now reached the bad season .andolseley has announced mat no is going to canton uis troops. This is the best thing that can be done." Iiargeit Orpaa 1b the World. The largest organ ever constructed was recently finished at Lndwigsburg. It is for the Cathedral church at Riga. It contains 7600 pipes and 124 stops, a. ionr-norse engine supplies it with wind. The largest organ in the body is the liver, which in a man of average size weighs about seven pounds. When this organ gets out of order there is trouble. "When Brown's Iron Bitters is taken the trouble subsides. Mr. W. H. Need bam. of uentreville Iowa, says, "Brown's Iron-Bitters has relived me of severe kidney and liver disecsd and of great .weakness." Buy it at any drug: store. I3IPOKTANT IiAXD DECISION. The following is a brief statement of an important land ra pre viously referred t , together with an abstract of the deci'Io-i of the supreme court upon it. . A decision was nteo renderp 1 b the court to-day in the cage of the Kansas Pacific Railway company, plaintiff in error, against Lewis Uun mever. in error to the snnreme eonrt of Kansas. The sum involved iu the suit is only S300.000, but it raises questions which are said to be ot im portance as covering controverted titles to many thousand acres of val-, uable laud. The controversy relates. to the title to a small piece of land embraced within the limits of thei grant to the Union Pacific railroad company and itsbrauch'es. One Mill er made a homestead entrv on this laud ' Julv 25, I860, and it is admitted that mis entry was vnnu it me lauii was, public land subject to such entry. The grant to the railroad com-, pany conveyed to it all certain alternate sections of land (in-! nlfrslfnr 4lta niota n rwnf PrtTfaiv ? VAUUAWJ LUC ltt.l J 1-4 CUUbltTUlO not sold, reserved, or other wise disposed ot by the United States, and to which a pre-emption or home stead claim may not have attached at the time the line of said roau is defi nitely fixed." The question raised by J the language of the grant between Miller and company is whether tho homestead claim of the former at tached at the time the line of railroad was definitely fixed. The court helds: First, that under this grant, as under many other grants containing the same word or words to the same pur port, the act which fixes tho time of definito location in the act of filing a ! map or plot ot this line in the office of tho commissioner of the general land office; second, that the language iu the excepting clause of the grant is not modified or repealed by sec. 4 of the amendatory act of 1854; third. that the designation of tho general route of the road and the filing of the map thereof in the general land office lnly, 11. 1HW, did not withdraw the laiid from homestead entry under the statutes by virtue of which the rompauy claims it: fourth, that the line of the detinue location of the company's road was first filed with the commissioner ot the general laud" office Sept. 21, 1SGG; fifth, that the homestead claim of Miller hail attached prior to that time; and sixth, that when Miller subsequently aban doned his entry the land did not re vert to the railroad company as if originally granted to it, but remained part "of the public domain. The jnug meut of the supreme court of Kansas is affirmed. How 3Inth the Baby VYI;h. "Mrs. Thompson, that is a fine child, a splendid baby indeed, bnt it's nothing to the one our Sallie had three months ago. Law me, our Sal's baby weighed no les3 than four teen pounds; the editors, published it in all the papers free. Au eight pound or a ten pound baby nowadays is nowhar. Our Sal looks sich a scrawny little thing, too; it was some pumpKins ior iier to uuve aucu u uig baby." "Now, Sarah, in my opinion it's all wrong and out of place to pub lish the weight of a new born babe. It might be all very well to care about the weight of a pig, to know how much pork ye might expect, as it is only valued for its weight; but not so in a hnmau being. It's a hor rid custom, that, and should be stopped. Krott'.H KmulHlnn oftnre i'oit Lhcr Oil, with Hypephosnltlte. In Incltricnt uonxummlon mviiis to possess remedial powers of jireat efticary. It heals tin irritation of the thraot and lung-. Makes pure blood and build up anil fortifies the sstfin against further inroads by disease. Work on the Northern Pacific Cas cade branch is progressing rapidly. Over 500 men are working in the can- you near Ellensburg, and the nnmber is being increased steadily each week. The heaviest part of the work will be finihsed by the last of .March or early in April. M.W.FWHHKI.MKI:. ii. w.coititinr. - EDWAltl) II ALU - PrexiuVnt Vice Preside lit Scretarj THE OREGON . Fire anil Marine taraoce Co, ok rni:Ti.ANi). ohkcsox. Capital Paid Up, - Si40.Gd9.oau Cauli Atheist Kxroeil. KO,ooe.ee C. LE1.WWEBEK, - Atjeiit, ASTORIA, OKKdOX. 1885. INTEREST Will be allowed On Time Deposits. Draft's on all the Leading Cities. Wm. T. Coleman & Co. H. KLXOItE, Manager Ranking Department. Astoria, Oregon. Red Star TRADE Y7 MARK. Abtolutrl'f l'reefrom Opiates, Umrtics ami l'oisons. A PROMPT, SAFE, SURE CURE For Couchs, 8oro Throat, Uoarcaca, Colii-s Iniiucnza, BronrhlU. Athzna,Cronp, YTZioos- lajt Couch, Qalnsjr, Paln In CbcAt, aai oth:nr ff1loaj of tha Throat aal Lua. I'uca 50 cents a bottle. SoM by Dmslsta anil IK-aiers. Parties vnabls to induce their dealer to t'.amplly get it for ther.i ir7 rAn fri boUUh Kru-eti cAorj7 pafa, by teml.ng ore dollar it lx. niiKLLS . iweij:i: carA.ir, bole Owner, ml Mir.omrtarr.-, lUIIIasiv. XarjUad, V.S.X. iBiliffl. M KS. I- VA WA I.l.M A - Proprietor. ASTOIIIA. OKKCOX. First ('hiss in Kvrj" llcs-peof. NEW HOUSE. NEW FURNITURE. I'illi'd up v. if li mtj- Coimsi iciicr lor tin- roiitlort ol Transient and Permanent Guests. Corner 4-iufin.ti.i and We-a Cth Slnet-. The Telephone Saloon TJii Finest Establishment of the Kind in Astoria. l.-lKvmlly llt:r,l iii lor the Comfort ami ' CoiiwititMid' of :Iiom who Jo a ' Sofial Jla . " ' The BiM of Whips anil Liquors,) The Choicest C fears. i Everything New and First-Class. K. ITGFrKIiy. Iroir. PARKER HOUSE. i II. It. PAKKKR. Pri'r. first Ciass in Every Respect. Free Conch to flu House. ' Sites. Old Castle, Yspitti, and other brand of Coke Tin Plates, for 1 sale" in Iota to suit purchasers, ' now in warehouse at Astoria or t to arrive per Josef a, or A rcher, also LiverK)ol Hue and coarse salt. For fuither particnlars apply to MijBrJMtCo., Portland, Oregon. Caiers Coitili Transportation uompany. FOR PORTLAND! .Through Freight THE XKW TELEPHONE enHBMaaaKBli Which has been sppcially built for the comfort of passengers will leavi Wilson & Fisher's Dock every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. arriving at Portland at 1 P.M. Retnrninjr. leaves Portland every Tuesday and Thursday at 6 A. M.i arriving at Astoria at 1 P. M. tSAn additional trlD will be made on Snndav of F.arb. WeeK. leaving Portland at O'clock Mftunay Morn Ins iur oumm port. Wilson & Fisher1 Ship Chandlers,! HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE Paints, Oils, and Varnish. LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. PROVISIONS mxliTfeed AGENTS FOR Salein Tlouring Mills, Portland Boiler Mills, .Capital Flour and FAIRBANKS' SCALES. ASTORIA. OREGON. Maker aai Cabinet Maker; SQUEMOQUA STREET, NEXT TO THE ASTOItlAX KriMUXO. 3rAll work done in a skillful manner on tliort notice at reasonable rate. ASTORIA IRON WORKS. Bkxtoj.- Stkket, Near Pakkek Housk. A3T0KJA. - OKEOOX. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND - BOILER MAKERS.' LAPiMMASfflE ENGINES Boiler Work, Steamboat Work and Cannery Work a spe cially. Of all Descriptions Bade to Order at Short Not Ire. A. D. Wass, President. J. O. Hcstlkk, Secretary, I. W. Case, Treasurer. joun Fox,Superintendent. S. ARNDT & FEROHEN, ASTORIA. - OREGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop B1JVCKSMITH shop! m USvSl Boiler Shop AU kinds ol ENGINE, GANNEBY, AXD STEAMBOAT WORK Promptly attended to, A specialty made of repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. on Fast Time! STEAMER PassMier - i b thLs route connect at Kalaroa 11. ts.nuwi i, rrtMiieui B. B. Franklin, d&mm&t' 'jllBIKvf r rjMnHMeSTcy THE BEST IS THE Drnfol Dranri Cinni jHUJOS UIGI.U I iUUl , i-. . , OREGON MILLING COMPANY Ih of Superior Quality, and Ls Endorsed Dy au 1 who use It. THE HOUSEKEEPER'S FAVORITE Of Superior RUing Quality. Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction. WYATT & THOMPSON Sole Agents ler Astsria. Painting; anil Paper Haipi. KALSOMINING ETC. CHAS. OXjSXSK Paint Shop in rear of premises form erly occupied by C. II. Stockton, oppo site the JL'ourt House. ."1, v All orders promptly and satisfactory executed. - V J. E. D. GrRAii. Waole&Ue aud retail dealer iu. GROCERIES, FLOUR, AND FEED Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc.-. LIME, SAND AND CEMENT. Oeneial Storage aud Wharfage on reason able terms. Foot ot Bentou street, Astorln, Oregon. WM. EDGAR, ': " , Dealer In Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarcttit Meerschaum anst Brier Pipwr egfllHIlE EMBUS CUTLERY Revolvers and Cartridge. COKXEK MAIN' AND CHENAMU3 Tt. The Gem Saloon. The Popular Resort for Asterians. Forihe Finest of Wines and Liquors Go to TUE GE3I SAI-OON". ALEX. CAMFBELL, - - PBOPBIETOK ASTORIA LIQUOR STORE, AUG. DAMELSON, - Proprietor. Reballtaad Kefltted Tkreassaat. The Best of WINKM.IiiqiJOKg.AXD CIO A 88. For a Good Clsar, call for one of ' "Danielson's Best." Comer West 9th and WaterStreets, Astoria. n9-6m Magnus C. GrosSy Dealer In HARARE, M SXESL; Iron Pipe and Fitting,' STOVES, TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON, a?ixa. and Copper. Astoria Sail Loft, Best of Wort at Bottom Fipres J. HESS, The well-known Sallmaker now occupies The Astoria Hall Loft, formerly occupied by A.M. Johnson. Boat Sails a Specialty. ALL WORK WARRANTED " , Come and see me at The Astoria Sail Loft : next to Pythian Building. Address P.O.Box 312. J. HESS. Floats! Floats! Floats! CANNBRYMBN' who are In need of Floats. Copper Handles and Mallets should send their orders to B. W. BLOOD. Clutskauie. Oregon, who has a qu ntlty on hand which will be sold at reasonable rates. "SECURE THE SHADOW Ere the substance fade, and when you visit Portland, make it a part of your business to call on W. H. Towra, at the San Fran Cjsco Callery, S. W. comer First and Morrison streets, and have your photograph taken In the highest style ofthe art.