The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, March 20, 1885, Image 3

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?he Jtntljj IJtftoratt,
MAKCH 20. 1SS3
. (Monday excepted)
Terms ofSulcrlptlon.
Served lv Carrier, jjcr week.........
Srtit by Mall. jkt inoittli
" ' one year .............,
Free or postage to subscribers.
"aSr"Adve.rtlsemenli inserted b the year at
the rate of $2 per square per month. Tran
sient advertising fifty cent- per square1, each
1'otlce To Advertisers.
The Astop.ian guarantee to Its adf
vertiser.s the largest circulation ol any
newspaper published on the Columbia
A large following of mourners attended
the funeral or the late J. H. Parker yes
terday afternoon.
. C. Holden -will sell the fixtures and
furniture .of the Bay View restaurant at
two o'clock thia. afternoon.
Gill and Clinton vesterday finished
driving 175 piles for'P. J. McGowan's
warehouse at Hungry harbor.
Xj officiel notification of tho forfeiture
of the Astoria land grant has as yet been
received by Registrar L. T. liarin.
The Telephone dock was kept clear of
Chinamen yesterday, greatly to the. relief
of many who have long borne with the
Hr. and "Ir.s. Gilln, a lady and gentle
man of undoubted reputation, left for
San Francisco on the last steamer. Their
loss 13 our gain.
The remains of Andrew Van Dusen,
who was drowned oft" the Tom Morris last
June, were identified by a coroner's jury
vesterday morning, anil taken to Kuappn
for interment.
J. F. Warren, county essesxr, has re
ceived from the office of secretary of
state, blanks for thp census returns of
'S3. Mr. Warren will start in on the 1st
of April to take the census of Clatsop
There will be a raffle of. one horse-, one
pony, one saddle, one bridle, and one
martingale, at Coach Clinton's about
April 1st; one hundred chances, two dol
lars a chance. Somebody will gel :2r0
worth for two dollars.
The suit of tho A. l'.Hotaliug company
against lieu Holladay terminated in
Portland on "Wednesday, by a judgment
for plaintiff in the sum of 481.GO, with
interest, etc. The suit was bronght for
wines, liquors, etc., furnished.
Spring begins at setting-up time this
morning; the sun enters the sign of Aries
and swings northward; Neptune is in con
junction with the moon; the vernal
equinox comes skipping along, and all
sorts of Httle celestial games begin.
A letter from Dr. Cabaniss of this city,
who wont to "Washington to see about the
position of inspector of Indian agencies,
speaks hopefully concerning the appoint
ment. The position Dr. Cabaniss seeks
is the one now occupied by ex-Gov. V.
A. Newell of "Washington territory.
At five o'clock yesterday morning the
British bark JStaghound 'lying loaded iu
the stream, dragged her anchor and got
foul of the bark Sail Luis iust below,
splintering her jib boom and doing about
$150 worth of damage. The master left
Jl15 with Vioe-Consul Cherry, and an
order on the owners for any more neces
sary and the Staghound went to sea in
tho afternoon.
Grant Bearuh, a native of Saginaw,
Mich., age twenty-two, died at Nanaimo,
on the 10th, of small-pox. Two more
oases cpses have broken out at Railway
Camp No. 10, two miles from Nanaimo.
One of the patients admits having trav
eled in a car of the Oregon Short Line in
company with a small-pox patient pre
vious to his arrival at the railway camp.
This is the only positive cause to Which
the appearance of the disease can be
The Xationul Live Slecl: Journal de
clares, aft a scientific fact, that good meat
must, as a first requisite, be very Tat
"excessively fat," as the ieop!e would
say. Nearly every experienced house
holder has come to' this same opinion.
The meat may be beautifully mottled,
and yet be very tough; it was old and
wbb suddenly fattened. Therefore, while
all fat meat is not sweet and tender, yet
there is no sweet and tender iueat to' be
found on the butcher's block which is
not very fat. Pay a little extra for this
fat; it is a good investment A "flunk
steak," properly dressed and scarified
with the butcher's knife, makes a fine
broil, and though of inferior flavor, will
nine times out of ten, prove a great card
on a family dinner table.
Joseph Drake, the colored man who
aided in the murder of old man Schwartz
last summer, is to be hanged at Salem
this afternoon. A strong appeal has
been made to the governor for a com
mutation of the death sentence to life
imprisonment. The petition is signed by
most of the trial jury, and by the su
preme judges. The niurder of Schwartz
was one of the most cold-blooded and
unprovoked that is in the history of crime
in Oregon. The old man was umbushed
at night, when he little thought of death.
The aim of the assassins was unerring
and the victim was killed instantly. One
of rthe murderers, Henry, turned states
evidence and is now iu the pententiary
for lile. Drake was tried by a jury m the
circuit court and condemned to death.
The supreme court reviewed the case-and
confirmed the judgment of the circuit
On Wednesday afternoon Its,, by in
vitation of Mrs. Martin, an address was
delivered by Bev. Dr. Eobsrts in the
public schools in District No. One, to all
the pupils and teachers that could be
gathered into one rocm on the question
of elocution or, as he preferred to call it,
Hove to say things." No report of the
address has bo3n received beyond the
fact that it was heard with -attention by
a crowded roomful of as bright pupils as
can anywhere be found. Think this
is a move in the right direction; a gener
ation of better readers and speakers
than the present ought to be raised up
most assuredly, and it can be done.
Many, perhaps most, of the teachers in
the public schools are awake to the ques
tion, but it is one of marked difficulty!
and they are always glad to have their
eflorta seconded and endorsed by men
, whose experience in vocal matters is well
understood by the community.
Fltilicriucn Attention.
There will be a meeting of Columbia
river fishermen at the court house at
seven o'clock. Saturday evening, the
A. Schurixo.
Go to Wilson & Fisher's and see
somethiug new in window slope.
faster Cards.
A. few of the most unique designs
were received at Adler'a from eastern
manufacturers. Thev .are only a sam
ple lot and will be sold cheap.
Hoso Keno, Maroh 18. The cost of the
war to China so far has been $90,000,000.
"Washington. March 18. Many sena
tors think the extra session o the senate
will adjourn this week.
PtTKUsut'itan, March 18. A heavy snow
storm occurred throughout Virginia and
North Carolina last ilight. From six to
ten inches fell.
Suakim, 3larch 17. General Grahum
recently wrote a letter to O-nnaii Digma,
warning him that further resistance to
the British advance was foolhardy.
IxniiNwoLis, March 18. At a meeting
this afternoon it was decided to build a
union depot to accommodate the roads
that conitt here, at a cost.of $1,000,000.
Calcutta, March 18. It is known here
that Earl Dufferiu is able to place "JO.OOO
Anglo-Indian troops on the Afghan front
ier promptly, nnd he is disposed to do so
on the sk'ghtest pretext.
"Lis Veoas, N. M., March 13. Besieged
ofiicialaat Springer were bronght here
for safety by the troops to-day. The
Rogers partv took their four dead friends
to Raton. The town is quieting down.
London, March 18. It is slated that
the German expedition to the Congo
country and the lake region of western
Africa is a failure, and that the coloniza
tion scheme has been indefinitely aban
doned. Scakim, March 18. A general advauce
toward Tam'ai has been made since Fri
day. Spies continue to report thut the
Amarai tribe of Arabs will desert El
Mahdi and join the British at the first
favorable opportunity.
Halifax, March 18. The Herald an
nounces the death of Mrs. Anne Decoste.
She was born in 1775. She was ill only
ten days, and retained all her faculties to
the last. She leaves three sons, five
daughters, ninety grandchildren and 140
Bkblin. MaichlS. Two hundred and
seventeen miners were imprisoned by an
explosion of fire-damp in a colliery at
Camp Hausen, nearSaarbruck,in Rhain
ish Prussia, this morning, and at the
latest hour this afternoon, but seventeen
had been rescued. It is feared most of
the others are suffocated.
St. Loris, March 1?. The grievance
committee of -the brotherhood of. loco
motive engineers of the Gould system
finished the session to-night. They havo
prepared a demand, and will present it
to Vice-President Hoxie to-morrow.
Should their negotiations fail, it will pre
cipitate a strike of f.0,000 engineers.
Berlin, March 18. Ninety-two bodies
have thus far been taken from the miuo
near Camp Hansen, where tho explosion
occurred to-daj The explosion de
stroyed the air shafting, thus making the
survival of any of tho miners impossible.
The bodies were all found near the main
shaft. The remainder of tho bodies are
in the less accessible parts of the mine.
"Washington, March 18. Fashionable
society circles had scarcely recovered
from their surprise at Cleveland's plebiun
habits of breakfasting at 8 o'clock and
working in his shirt sleeves, when it re
ceives a still worse shock. The invita
tions to the official reception of last
night were printed on ordinary note pa
per with a type writer. Fashionable so
ciety is terribly cut up about it.
"Washington. March 18. Mr. Randall
states that the clause appropriating
500,000 for the armament of the new
steel cruisera does not .appear in the bill.
The house objected to the item when it
came over from the senate, but receded,
and the clause was supposed to be safe.
Its disappearance from the bill was pure
ly a clerical orror. It will causo a delay
o'f seven or eight months in fitting out
the armament of the cruisers.
Philadelvhia, March 18. William M.
Singerly's Holstein heifer Constance S.
beat the world on Jttonuay as a two-year-old,
giving eighty-bno pounds of milk in
ono day. Constance r. nail tier nrat
calf on" February 18th. -Constance S.
was calved on May 17, 1832. She is by
Crown Prince third (No. u25) out of im
ported Katherin (No. 510). Crown Prince
third was by Crown Prince, full brother
to the famous cow Echo, which died a
few days ago. Echo had given 23,775
pounds of milk m a year.
Lkbanon, Pa., .March 18. The opposi
tion to Hungarians, Polandcrs and other
European cheap labor has been intensi
fied bva discoverv just made on the
Blue Mountains. A number of these
foreigners, running short of provisions,
killed and ate several large watch-dogs.
Many of the finest dogs belonging to the
farmers along the foot of the mountains
have disappeared, and a party who re
cently visited tho deserted camp of the
foreign laborers found the bare bones of
no less than a dozen dogs iu the vicinity
of the huts occupied by the choppers.
Eau Claiee, Wis., March 18. The
lumbermen of 'this pail of the state are
admonished by thawy weather that it is
about time to break camp and make
preparations for the log drive. The
rivers, lakes and tributaries are frozen to
an unusual depth, and it will be some
time before they are clear of ice. The
soft condition of the roads, however, will
effectually put an end to work, and that
done in the future will be done to disad
vantage. The mills are nearly ready for
a large season's cut , and unless run to
full capacity the sawing season will be a
long one. The log market of late shows
a shght?advance, -and dealers iu lumber
are confident that prices have reached
the bottom.
Wash-kotos. March 18. Anthony
Janus, son of Professor Janus, of Co
lumbia university, of tins city, died sud
denly last Tuesday at his father's resi
dence, from heart trouble superinduced
by excessive cigarette smoking. The de
ceased was about twenty-five years of age
and was employed as a clerk in the patent
office. Since Christmas he has been fail
ing, and toward tho last it was found ne
cessary to can into consuiiaiion iwo emi
nent physicians. Examination showed
that young Janus had been in the habit
of inhaling cigarette smoke for several
years, although repeatedly warned against
the danger from such practice. The pri
mary cause of death was aortic regurgita
tion increased by the iuhnlement of the
cigarette smoke, which depressed the
SStilil4'ii?s Arnica Salr.
Tit:: 1)i:st in the world for
Cuts, Irutse.Sores,Ulcers,SaIt Rheum,
Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Erup
tions, and positively cures Piles, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded.
Price 23 cents per box. For sale by W.
K. Dement & Co.
Ladie sun hats and children's school
hats cheaper at Mr. Eaton & Carnahan'.s
than you can buy at a dry goods store.
Docs not make any second-class Pic
tures atlfis New Gallery, Xo. filtf.on.
the Roadway.
Gray sells Sackett Broa.' Al sawed
cedar shingles A full 31 guaranteed.
Can't stop lnustbesold.shall be sold.
Be sold, what: Everything in Adler's
store at cost.
.1 .tote for $178 Creeps l'p to $12,101
George D. Cobb, S. M. Cobb and D.
Lindermau gave their promissory note to
A. A. Webber in 1877 for 178.75. due and
owing him. The note was to bear inter
est at the rate of 5 per cent n month, pay
able in advance, with the express agree
ment that upon a failure to pay the in
terest it should be added to and become
a part of the principal and bear interest.
On June 28, 1881, Webber entered suit in
the justices' court against the notemak
ers and at that time the sum total due
amounted to 1038. Webber did not is
sue n summons until the year allowed by
law for the issuing of a summons after
the filing of a complaint had nearly ex
pired, and he then held back the papers
and did not serve them on the defendants
until last month, at which time his claim
against them had amounted to 12.104.
Messrs. Messick and Maxwell appeared
before Justice Wood yesterday in the
special interestjof the defendant Linder
man and asked that the suit against him
should be distressed on several grounds.
The principal objections raised were that
the amount sued for exceeded the juris
diction of the court, and also that the de
lay in serving the summons had been un
necessary. The matter was argued at
length and Justice Wood dismissed the
suit against Lindermnn, principally lie
cause the amount involved exceeded the
jurisdiction of his court. He held that
as the case now stands the suit is for
12,104. as the terms of the note express
ly provided that in the event of a failure
to pay the interest, it should become a
Eart 6f the principal and bear interest,
e also held that if a plaintiff was en
titled to delay the serving of a summons
as long as he pleased, the only statute of
limitations that would run against him
would be his own concience. -?. .
Chronicle, 11.
D. K. Warren and wife to l'atrick
O'Hnrra, 17 ".2 acres of th'e T. Fuller do
nation land claim: ,"17.
J. F. Bender and wife to P. it. Lin
guist, 17 acres R:i:iey donation land
claim: 740.
Jas. W. Welchaud wife toD. H. Welch,
lotsl and 12. blk 147; 9 and 10, blk ?J; 4,
5 nnd (', blk 1T1; undivided half of middle
portion of lots 5 and C, blk 134, north of
Water stieM; undiuJed one-fifth lot 1,
blk 135, nortu 80 feet, lot 12, blk 113; un
divided one-fourth blk 111: undivided
one-fourth of west half of blk 145; lot 10
in blk 2.; blks 70 and 51: 10,000.
Eric LilBtrom to Jno. Wyland, one
third interest in tho SW 4 of SE1 fcc. 5,
end NW'., of NE , secS, T. 7, N. R. J),
W., 80 acres; 250.
A. B. Coo to D.
interest in J. G.
claim: 150.
H. Welch, one-tenth
(;es donation land
Jno. Williamson and wife to J. C. I
Trullinger, -10.3 acres
tide lands on
on ,
Young's river; 230.
Jno. Williamson and wife to Mrs. B.
Grant, 4-L3 acres tide lands on Young's
River: 175.
Allesed KrAuil la Vruit Tret.
It is alleged that A. A. Stewart ha3 been
victimizing unsuspecting parties who de
sire to purchase California fruit trees,
dipt. Flavel is among the victims. The
captain orderedabill of choice trces,which
cost 2G0, and were to come from Fox's
nursery, near San Jose, California.
Stewart went to Luelling's Nursery, at
Milwaukie, near this city, and purchased
the cheapest trees he could buy, consist
ing of cherry, pear, apple, etc., paying
for the whole lot about C0. Then he
put on fancy labels, christening the poor
stock with the names of the choice varie
ties contracted for, and delivered them to
Capt. Flavel's agent. The best of the
joke is that Capt. Flavel ib not yet aware
that he has been victimized. ' It is a
cruel jolo to victimize a man iu this way,
as a fruit grower would not discover the
fraud until the trees had been planted
for several years. Porlluiid Xjnrs.
A parlor match in the ("ominous lay
As innocent as a lamb it play;
A bulb-like head on a piece of pine,
It lay on the floor and it made no sign.
Till a six-foot man with a lordly tread
.raised by and stepped ou the match s
A fizz! n bang! and ihe man of might
Collapsed as lie shrieked out "Dynamite!'
And the men of laws, ah, where, were
Go, ask of the street and the alley-way,
They bad fled in fear from the the house
of stone
And left the stub of the. match alone.
Co'ruioiis Disjtatfh.
- 'i s ill you cGURti when Slitlotfs
Cuif wfll irlve immediate relief. Price
iu i-ts 50 its ami SI. SoM by V. K. De
ment. ShilolfM Catarrh Iteuiedy a (osi
tive elite foi Catarrh. Diptlieriu and
(.'anker Mouth. Sold by . K. IVinent.
Frenu Kastern and Shoulwnter
llay O.VHtcrfl
("onstantlv on hand, cooked to any style
at Frank I'abre's.
Is It ot True?
There can be no argument as to the
qualities fsnlial to a perfect remedy
for the ills arising from a disordered or
inactive condition of the-Liver, Stomach
and Bowel. Everyone will admit that it
should be perfectly safe for old and
young of tnth sexes, at any and all
times: that it should be acceptable both
to the taste and the stomach; that-it
should never fail to act promptly and
thoroughly, yet painlcsily, and it should
give Strength to those organs. It is now
well known that Syrup of Figs possess
es those qualities" in a pre-eminent
degree. W.E. Dement Sz Co. aie agents
for Astoria. Orc.gon.
Adler is always up to the times, even
to hard times. He is now busy fixing
up five aud ten cent counters on which
will be found many useful articles.
They will be ready for inspection Sat
urday afternoon.
Don't pay 25 to 50 cents for dinner
when you eau get a better one at the
Telephone for 15 cents from 11 to 2.
Private card rooms pt .left's new sa
loon The Telephone.
That Hacking Cough can be so
quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We
guaranteo it. Sold by W. E. Dement.
Buy ydar Lime of Gray at Portland
One of the finest billiard tables on the
coast at Jell's "Telephone."
At Frank Fal-re's.
Board for S230 a month. Tlfe best
In the city. Dinner ftom 5 to 7.
Delirered Before the Lime-Kiln Clnb.
"Feller mortals,1' said the lecturer, as
he gulped down a glass of water and
cautiously looked at the three shirt but
tons iu the bottom of the glass, "dis hu
man natur' pf onrs am a strange muddle.
Wo kin feel de sentiment of hate,
love, indifference, sentiment, admira
shuu, fear, reverence an disgust in one
short day. We attuin de highest emi
nence, an' we sink to thtv lowest" slums.
We reverence one man :m hate another.
We feel hilarious one hour an' shed tears
of sorrow the next. Stranger dan all de
winds dal blow more valuable dun any
weather furnished by natur" bold an
fearlessweak an' vaseillatiu human
natur' can be praised an" condemned in
de same "href."
"If we studied de natur of man as
clusly as we Jo dat of a boss we would
not tread on his co'us so often. Man am
as pliable as 'lasses if yon take him right.
If you take him wrong he am as brittle
as glass an' as hard as slun. Dat am a
matter we seldom stop to consider. We
take fiim as pleases us not to please him.
Our ideah is dat he uius put up wid our
style not to bring us to his. 1 has seen
dozens of men who war bo'n all right split
bv contact wid the world.Noliodv took'em
jist right, and dey wonldn't stndy to take
odder men ngut.
"Some men kin be bossed some has to
be coaxed. Some are nnterally mulish
some plastic Some kin be Teached frew
deir weaknesses some frew deir strength.
A modest man an' a proud, vain man
must' be handled on teetotally different
principles. We make enemies and meet
wid needless rebuffs an' refusals bekase
we fail to consider dese troofs. If our
boss has a habit of bitin" we lay awake
nights to devise some remedy fur it. If
our naybur am a nateral kicker we ridi
cule his grievances an' burlesque his
tribulashnns. If our hoss am too high
strung to take de whip we are keerful to
keep de lash away from him. If our nay
bur am too proud-spirited to horror our
wheelbarrer an1 lend ns his washboa'd we
declar' him beneath our notis an' wah
our hands of de hullfamly.,,
It am de easiest thing in de world to
maldc a friend. Fast, locate your man.
Second, size him up. If he am a vain,
proud man, praise his personal appear
ance, his home his wife, cbiU'eu an'
speeches. No man am so poo' au' lowly
that his words of praise won't soun sweet
to an egotist."
'If he am a cross, surly, out-o'-sorts
chap, fecliu' sartiu in his bwn mind dat
de world wasn't built on correct princi
ples, doau' try to orgy wid him to con
vince him dat dis airth am all O. K.
from cellar to garret. On de contrary
side in wid him. Growl at de world,
abuse mankind an' tell him how sorry
von am dat he wasn't on ban' to manage
thimKinhont200y'ars B. C. It will bs
like doin up a sore toe in H greased
"When vou meet a man who am sort o'
sneakin trew life on de quiet nebber
heard of outsid of his own neighborhood
modest, unassumin, an' only wautin'
to be let aione, xeeu mm on guui-urop.
Tell him you have heard his namo men
shuned as candidate fur Alderman.
Ask him what y'ar it was when
he run fur de Lcgislacher. Inquar
when his next book of pooms am to be
published. Ax him if he ant de Smith
who invented de comet. He will cringe
and wince, but he will go home an'
think it obr an' be your fr cad fur hfo."
'Dar' am cranks to bo humored. Dar
am eccentrics to be praised. Dar am
circlin' 'round us day by day a dhain of
men an women who doan' know beans
from broomsticks, but who mus' bo com .
plimented on deir exquisite tastes an
high order of intelleck.
Aflde time allotted to me has 'bout
expired, let me say to you in closin' dis
discourse, dat de man who makes ene
mies am no reader of human natur'. It
am jist U3 easy to make ten good friends
as one enemy. Auuso no mini s ponyiics.
Slur no man's religion. Hold no argy
ments wid a men who has been soured
by misfortunes. As fur women treat all
alike by praisin' all. Hetumin you my
capacious thanks fur de emblematical
indifference you have exhibited through
out the delivery of this celebrated ifc
tnre, 1 draw myself to a close.'
sale at .1.11. l.("ra.
Syruj oi Fii.
Nature's own true Laxatie. Pleas
ant to the palate. acceptable totlu'Stom
aeh, burmlfss iu Its nature, painless in
ils notion. Cures habitual Constipation.
!'tliotisnes.s, ludigc.-dioii and kindred
ills. Cleanse the system, purities the
blood. regulate. the l,ier and nelson
the Rowels. Rreaks up Colds. Chill',
ami Fever, etc. Strengthens the organs
on which it arts. Hetter than bitter,
nauseous Liver medicine, pill, salts
and draught-.. Sample Dottle, free, ami
largr hollies for sale by V. I". Dement
it Co., Astoria.
All tin patent medicines ailveitised
iu lh" paper, together with thevhoicest
periumery. and toilet aitiele., etc can
(e bought at theloe.-t price, at .1. V.
Conn's drug More, opposite (e,ideii
betel. Atorin.
For Dinner Parties to order, at short
notice, go t Frank Fabre'-s.
Hot F.uitrli. at the TVIe.iIiiiie
From 11 to every day.
A fine lunch with drink or cigar, 2".
Xo charge after two o'clock,
Tor a Neat Fitting Bool
Jr Shoe, go to P. .1. Goodmans, on Che
humus Mieet. next door to I. V. (',.
All goods of the bet make and guaran
teed qualilj. A full stuck: new good.
constantly "arriving. Custom work.
I) You Think that "Jeff of
The Chop House
Gives you a meal for nothing, and a
glass of something to drink';' vXot
much T' but he gives a hetter meal and
more of it than any place iu town for
25 cents. He buys by the wholesale and
pays cash. ''That settles it.'
Teachers' Examination.
iuatlon of applicants for certificate to
teach in the public schools or Clatsop coun
ty will be held at my oftlce In the court
house on the 2Cth aud 2Tth hist., beginning
at nine A. 31., oa tlicKth.
Comity Superintendent Public Instruction.
Astcnia. March 17, 18S5.
Notice to Taxpayers.
taxes draws to a close All property
ou which taxes arc delinquent March 31st
lssr. will be levied on acconlJngto law.
Sheriff and ex-ofilclo
Tax Collector.
The Thine Most Truly Kepreseatatire ofthe
(.rest American filrl.
The proof of a boy's mechanical skill
is usually what he can do with a jack
knife: the proof of a. woman's is what
she can do with a hairpin.
Few women tako naturally to ordinary
tools. They use hammers in a gingerly
and ridiculous manner, or they pound
their lingers with them: they put blunt
poiuted nails along instead of across the
grain.and then wonder whv it splits: they
ue screw-drivers principally to pry open
boxes, nnd they think wire-pincers were
made to crack nuts with. But they know
how to manage a hairpin.
"A lady," said an observant gentleman
the other day. ''always opens a letter
better than a man. A man tears off ihe
corner, and then pulls the envelope more
or less to pieces in geting at the con
tents, but a lady draws a hairpin, inserts
ono prong at a corner, and rips open the
edge as neatly, easily and quickly as if
the tool were made for the purpose."
"With this same "tool she can, and
frequently does, button her glove and
occasionally her boots. She cuts the
magazines with it. She pricks mem
oranda when caught without a pencil.
She twists it into clasps for broken jew
elr. She use- it to suspend plaques.
She emplin it to draw corla, and also
to snuff caudles. She inserts it in win
dows to keep them from rattling, aud
uses it to brace back shades that incline
to tumble down. She succeeds, with its
help, in turning the hasps of windows
from the outside when obliged by an ac
cidental locking-out to burglarize her
own house. She anus herself with it
when traveling to keep disagreeable
neighbors at a respect fnl distance. She
tiles receipts upon it. She pin.s up no
tices to the milkman. She even bends it
roughly into the form of her initial, and
hangs "it in the keyhole of her intimate
friend by way of a card when she has
forgotten her card-case and the family
are out."
The fan has long been regarded as the
object most suggestive of the Spanish
women. Ladies of other countries are
famed for their especially graceful or
skillful U3e of other dainty family femi
nine rrticles. But if wo were asked to
select the thing most truly representa
tive of tho Great American Girl, we
would name without hesitation the neat,
the ingenious, tho inexhaustible, the
Magic Hairpin!
I, iiiiii mnTT
Test Yonr Baffle Powier To-Day ! ?
Brands Ailrertisctl as absolutel j pars
riacp .a can tcp down on a l-o storn nntll
atri!,t hen remove tho cover nnd mooII. A rlicm
I t will not bo repaired to detect tlio pretenco of
M. Htdt-irsbM-. Us NEVER Uerz llirnlKnp-!forAquartorof acvutur t
1.- sibod ine consumer) reliable test,
Price Baking Powder '.'o..
r. Price's Special Fb'oring Extract--,
1. Ltron;;erwtdck-lo!i."rul natural
Hat or fcRovcn.anil
.-.t Price's Lupuiin Yeast Gems
.r Llcht, llfulthy hrestl.Tliolicttliry Ho?
I'r.iist In Itiu world.
Ijsbt Healthy Biee,
iX3iV3r e'
The pest dry hop yeast in the uorld.
Bread raised by thin yeast is llght.whlte
and wholesome like our grandmother''
delicious brend.
Price Baking Powder Co.,
EaaTis ol Br. Price's special Flwannz Extracts.
Chicago, ill. St. Louis, Mot
For sa'e lv ( i Co.. AKent-
!'!it!:'.ml, Oregon
Grand Clearance Saie!
.1. Slnui-.. of tlie Xew York Xovelly
Stori is now in San Francisco for thepur-
ose oi ji'iMinanyseiceiui;: unit uityiug a
arse ami varied" u-witincnt of kimhIs: in
cniiseiiiL'iiee thereof, wo offer
For the 2Te2st
Special harsa.ns in eery department; we
have materially reduced the prices on all
classes of yooils, and "the public" will find
It to their advantage to call, examine anil
price our varied stock. cnnsiMiiu; in part of
Clock. Plated Vare,
Pictures and Frames.
Albums, Itaby Can-lasts,
Cutlery. Bird Cage-:, Plnjing Cards.'
Accordeon;, Violins, Ilanjos, Guitars.
Stationery, Holler States, Toys, Etc.
All we ask of the public 13 that they call and
we will guarantee to at once prove the truth
of our assertions and satisfy them. Remem
ber that tliH Is a bona Dds clearance sale
and will hold good for twenty da onl.
New York Novelty Store,
Opposite Parker House,
if : V-"-:- 2: VI K-m.
red rw -I
Twenty Days
Three Rooms to Rent
Good for eftlce: or dwelling purposes.
Apply to C. S. GUNDEHSON.
or TliAEL BIt'OS.
- OF
cloaks,! --rfrnp
irr d a -o rj j sMiMmSnL
fancy . w r & i mm siiipp
GOODS. S.flJfe
Ginghams, Foulards, Sateens, Seersuckers,
Shirtings, Zephyrs, lawns. Prints.
e are Mow Showing the Choicest
Kmm- brought to A-toria at exowlinjly LOW TRICES.
Wo hav receht.l per express-, direct from New York importers over 11.000 yards
of Cain'mi Knibrouleries of the latest designs from "VJ to ."0
per cent, under former prices.
Hand FViade Trochon Laces from 10 to 50 Cents per Yard.
T3a.e heading
OF i.STK2.S.,
tl K
y i
Cannery for Sale.
is oiTC!:i"i kei: sai.f.
Pl'il'f ."Sr.-tOO Applv to
At.i 1:1, S-l). 2."tli, ls-O.
Fine Stationery,
Blank Books,
School Books,
Music Books,
SiaViHt ail! MMl SalOOll. !
Ladies' HairDriTandWi5Maker'
All kind, of
Indies' Hair cutting and Shampooing '
succialtv. All work done in the most artis-,
tic manner and In the latest style.
Ti. IuPARK. I?roi. ,
1'arKer T'otw, Main St., Astoria , Or
A-Xte?A. S IB 1W nsr HI rS IS CI vMK TV m fl UP liu a&lUt&jO
y! 1 1 Buwn S 1 UnC W
od m: i : eccn
vaw s BKiaa u a a q ssr ibhh mm m
nran rmrTtTi 11 n in r L" -1" ----i---'- mn-ry. !- ilmhjjm
c "J
3 1 will remove my entire stock into the z
2 2
g new store formerly ocetiniedby II. Dixon, 2
" m
S and will open with a lare stock of new 5
g ttooil. for Spring and Summer on s
M "
m m
ff L U 11 L y U ri 1 9
March 13 ?85
Boots and Shoes,
Astoria Bakery
ciumbia Candy Factory.
I'd. Ineksoit, Proprietor.
Candies. - 20Ctaperlb.
"'read. VU"i ami Cake, delivered every
j Agents for Stock's
J Little Giant, and
Kranich and Bach's Pianos,
1 Taber, and Western
Cottage Organs,
One E.W. BUSS, Latest Improved
With West's Crimper attached.
TJ.i( )jftf j,-nP ;, arly Jiew anil is Sold fnr
Want or Use.
New Orleans, La.
3D. &u Mo!2tfTS23,