(V Sfcc S IMiotfmt. ASTORIA, OREGON: SATURDAY.. .-. .MARCH 14. 1855 SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE PORT OP ASTOllIA. vishskls is Tim river. -o- Tamjt MoN'oH. Kucfaeund, Iirbk T. I!. Hratvn Amsp HrttMt Monarch Chipraan. lit hp Kenton. Ur bk MtV.Vihjncton, Ain xp Coloraa. Cumbrian. Br bk Monmouthshire, Br bl llsi.ra. Ur bk .lorpfa. Corbk 11 i 1". Cor, Ur sp 7ZSSKL3 OS m E VTA. J'roia I'orfiu PortK. for ihe Columbia Hirer AHattabad. Br bk 1143 Hone Kong Arobor. Rr bk 7M Liverpool Beemaii. 15r bk Valparaiso Jan 22 Uoechhelra. Or bk7CS Antlfojrasta Jan 11 Oarnaven Cattle, Dr sy 1303 Sldnoj Uitr of Madrid Ursp Koonos 1 jrca Not IB Hire. Iir bk Valparaiso Jan S3 . Eiiilerer. Br sp Valparaiso Edward Peror. Ur bk Sfc2 Oallao HadJiactontbiro. BropldC Rio Jan SI Uaidee, Br bk 7SH Liverpool Oct 4 Kitty, tlrldw Valparaiso Jan ; Lobe. Kr. bk, SS9 Carried LevB, BrbfcTTSValparSVw Sept 3 Vet'le. Ger bk SJ8 Lireriioel Msdura, Br bk 970 (Uccfoo Olmn Raj-. Br bk Va par&lso Quillet. Br k tfib Valparaiso River Lc"wn. Br bk 773 Valparaiso RcKewtraat. Hr bk 10:5 Callao Jan 51 Sen Lui, Cr bk 5V1 Ca lao Jan 79 From American I'ortK. TiWe i:. Marltack. Ara p 1631 New York Nov 13 TIXI T.IRLB FOlt ASTOltU. ninn WATER. LOW WATER. Fwt, Sdetwd. 1 FliM. Second. dfitiE m E u S u SI p l p 5 I P 151 h 15 f. m. l.. m. k. jh. 1 .5" A. in 1 1 lfiii(S-3j o 47r!T f. r.:' 1M 7 lSj-0f. llll( 7! - - --.ISO J8 fi.V O'l is, o zt :-,u si 7 ft c or. y-2 c 2: 02 in a 4 ; u rtf) .s-o n 40 1 r, 0 no o-5 17 1 07 n- 1 10 IT'S. 7 12 1'0 T 22 07 IS 1 82 S-S 1 ffi 7.sl7-l.'i 0-." 7 52 12 IU 1 8 2S4 JT'-H S 23 01 8 23 VC ad 2 t 0 .-. 21 CG 9 03 01 9 01 2'1 21 3 i fl'O 4 2-1 iri 10 00 0-2 it IS US 2 S fit! K-7 . 12 SGllOla 0 3 10 44 .V2 J 4 4S b'4 7 13 S'l 0 H 07 11 57 .0.-7 2! 5 67 S S3s .V7 - - -'-1 11 OC 23 7 22 ITS' ! 41 C?t I 27! 71 3 01 OS The hours between mldulnt and noon are dastgnitled by a (a. ?.t.), tliose between noon and lHidnisiit by j (v. m.). (ih. O0i denotes nudnlKlit, o. wm. y denotes noon. The Height Is reckoned from the level of average lower low waters to which the sound ings are given on tlip Coast Survey charts. Columbia River Exports. 8IPIKTS FOREIGN. .1XSVXIIW SASS3," bus. wlioat -.......... 21.65S bbls. Hour , Total, (19 cargoes) .. FEBRUARY. 01C 73" bus. wheat....- n.oj7 bbls. flour ll90 ts. silinon. ....... ...... ... ,..SC38,37l .... 1)3,2.52 $731,G23 ,.51750 - 152.090 5950 WJS M lumber 59.873 Total (1C cargoes) $747,143 'Aslori-i Ketail Market. Flour per bbl S'-'W Wheat, per cental S1.35 Oats, S1J50 Uacon. sides per lb, 141C cts. Shoulders, " 12K cts. Hams, " l."il8cts. Lard. - 141CJ cts. Beef, D 18 cts. Glutton. 1015 cts. J'ork, 12K10 cts. Veal, 1420 cts. Butler, per roll G75cts. Egcs, per dozen 1902; els. Potatoes, per lb 1 ct Cheese, per lb ic20 cts uornmeni, per R 4 eta. Oatmeal. " GfiKcts. Beans, " -1(36 cts. Coffee, " 12K40ct.s. Tea, " 25D0cts. llice, " 79cts. Syrup, per j-allon 7tc 1. iioney, per jauont.1.2.1. .Salmon, ier lcitS4iiO Unions, per lb 3((i4cts. Apples tlried per lb .y(gl2r cts. Peaches " " 13 all cts. Plums, " l2Kleis. Candles, ier lb 20 cts. Chickens, per do7cn S. ' Hay, per ton 13 S20. Hides, per lb 5 (" 9 cts. Oils, por gallon, boiled linseed. 75c; raw linseed, 70e; coal oil. 40c; lard S 1.25 Domestic Exports. The rcw-ipts of certain articles of Or egon roducc. at San Francisco, from .lauuary 1. iss to March 4th, 188.1, In ulusivc have been as follews: Flour, qr sks 5C.C02 YMieitt, cUs S9.730 Oats, ks i2.fS9 Salmon. )W 2S0 M bbl G2 CS 5.207 pks . 24 Apijs. Klte. biit 2.182 bbk 70 1JP - CO Ilutter. ! CO Potatoes. ks BI.003 Wool, bks ..... 318 Hides. No . ...... 4.917 TuMrtw. pkits 814 Heff, bids Hay. hub; Qiiltiksilwr. llaks 10 Fruit, Dried, pkgs 101 1oalher. j)kj;s .. ........ 45 Hops, bab-s..... .. . 70 Hhjils. pkgs. Glieeso. es .... c llax Seed, sks ... C.97S Corn. etls Canned Gud. e ... ...... Ij.nl, ikgs ..... .... Hacon. as.. 25 Three Rooms to Rent IN BUILDING OVER PRAEL'S STORE. Good for offices or dwelling purposes. Apply t C.S. GUNDERSON. or PRAEL BROS. ROOMS AND HALL TO LET. Pythian Land and Building Ass'cn. LARGE, FINE ROOMS WITH WATER and e,as at suit or single, in Pythian Bulldln-." Also Pythian Hall, the finest and best lighted hall in the citv ; suitable for Lodges, Sociables. Parties or Lectures. Terms mod erate. Apply to E. A. NOTES, Secretary. ASTORIAIV' DIRECTORY. State Officers: United States Senators f g; $$ Representative In Congress M.C. George Governor. Z. F.Moody Governor's Secretary Chas. D. Moores Secretary of State R. P. Eath&rt Assistant Secretary. F E. Hodgkln State Treasurer . Ed. lllrsch Assistant Treasurer A. F. Wheeler Sup't Public Instruction E. B. McElroy State Printer. .....JW. ir. Byars Clerk Scliool Laud Board E, r. McCornac Sup't Insane Asylum.. ...Dr. II. Carpenter Sup't Penitentiary. Geo. Collins (W. F. Lord Supreme Judges -ij. B. Waldo ( W.W. Thayer District JUDons : First District L. It. "Webster Second District . Robert Bean Third District R. F. Boise Fourth District Seneca Smith .tilth District F. J. Taylor Stan District M. L Olmsiead Clatscp County Officers: Judge C. A McGuIre Clerk ... .. c. J. Trenchard Sheriff Commissioners , Assessor .. Treasurer. ..... Surveyor .., School Sup't Coroner .. .XV. G. Ros J D. K. Warren lIIIU. JIOUMMI J. F. Warren .liaac Bergman G. F. F.irkcr J. K. Hlgcins I C. P. Astoria City Officers- Mavor .... .. .1. W. Hume Auditor and Uierk T. S. Jcwett Treasurer ........... ..J. G. Hurler Assessor. .. Gpji. I. heeJer Street HuM.-rlutcudeiti Tho. Logan Chief of l'ollce .Claik lousthrey Folice Judge C. H. Stockton bexton M.rwii. y COVXCllMKS (('. ' ' ootor A. A.n'VrJ:ttld I Isaac U'r:tiian I Tlias. lca!v. C. J. Tion.'liard ( Chas. Gnttk-. First Ward- Second Ward. ... Oregon Railway & Navigation COMPAXY. OCKAS IVIMIO During the month of March. IriK't. Oct-nu Steamers will sail from I'oitiand to an Francisco, and from San Frauriseo 10 Port land, as follows. Waving Ainsworth Dock, Portland, at Midnight, and Spear Street Wharf, San Francisco, at 10 A. i. : From San Francisco.! From Portland. Mclil Mcb Oolumbla Thur S Qaeen of 1'acific hun 1 Queen of 1'acific Tu 10 Oregon Krr ( Oregon Sun IS Columbia Wed 11 Oolumkia l'rl 20J(Jucen of 1'aculc Moa tf. State of Cal Wed SSjOreson Kat SI Orecon Mon 3JI Columbia Ttiur "C Aprlstateof Cal ....Tu SI Columbia.. . . .Sat 41 Apr ureon miu . Through TIckctH sold to all pnuciiuil cities in ihe United Statra, C.iuadu and Euroim. HAIL DIVISION. On and after March $th, isjO, I'asien. ger Train"" will leave Ponland lor Fisteni points, at 1 :30 I. 1I.. daily. Pullman Palace Cars running betwena I'orl land. and St. Paul, niVLU IIIVISIUX ('Ilddle fuliiiiibln). Boats leave Portland for D.Hh- Jit 7 :CO A M. ALSO Leave Pon-I i I I I land for JMonl Tu. I We.lThu.1 Frt. I Sat Axtoria and I I I I lower Co-I " lumbU....I6AM bAM BAM 16 AM i AM 6 AM Dayton. Or. J7 Ail UM 7AMJ SSai-i.::ll'AMi ! jo am; ; Tacomaand Seattle, daily at 1:W PM victoria bteamers do tiot run bundajs. LeareB Astoria for Portland at Ka. in dail ex cept Sunday. c.h. PitEscorr. JOHN MriK. Manager. Trains Manager. K. A. NO YES, Agent Astoria. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA VIA Oregon & California R. R. And Connection, Fare to San Francisco 832 ; to Sacramento 30 DAILY, EXCEPT SUNDAY. KAST3IDE DIVLSIOX. Uctvtecn PORTLAND and ASHLAND' MAIL TRAIX. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland. 7 -30 A. Ml Ashland 4:45 a. m. Ashland . 8:45 r.Ml'ortIaud 4:25 v. m. ALBANY EXPRES8 TRAIN. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 4 M p. m. Lebanon 9 o r. m Lebanon 4 :15 a. m. I Portland... 10 :05 A. M Tnliman Palace Sleeping Car leaves Port- laud Mondays and Thursdays. Returning leaves Ashland Tuesdays and Fridajs. The Oregon and California Railroad Ferry makes connection with all Regular Trains oh Kastside Division, from the loot of F St. "WESTSIDE DIVISION. Iletiveen Portluud and C'orvttlllh MAII. TRAIN LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 9 -00 A. M.Con'alli 4 -so v. m. Coivallis 8 -30 a. M.Portland 3 ?M p.m. EXPRESS TRAIN LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 5 :00 P M IMcMInuvllle, 8 AC p st McMlnuville-5:45 A Ml Portland 8 -30 a m Local tickets for sale, and baggage checked at Company's up-town ofllce, comer Stark and Second strr ets. Tlcketa for sale to all the principal points in (3alifonda, cau only be procured and baggage checked, at the Company's ofllce. Corner F and Front Sts., Portland, Or. Freight will not be received for shipment after & o'clock p. m. on cither the Eastslde or Westslde Divisions. U. KOKHLbR. E. P. ROGERS, Manager. U.F4P. Ant liwaco Steam Navigation Go.'s WINrER SCHEDULE. Astoria to Fort Stevens, Fort Canby, and liwaco. Connecting by stages and boats lor Oyslerville. Montesano and Olympia , J5f. Until further notice the Hwaco ZZ Steam Navigation Co.'.s steamer G-en. IVIlo3, Will leave Astoria on Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 7 A. U. (.Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays being Oystervllle and Montesano mail days.) ron Ft.Stevens, Ft. Canby and Hwaco ox Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays The steamer will leave Astoria at 9 a.mm as formerly, not being confined strictly to schedule time. On Thursday A SECOND TRIP will be made, leaving As toria three hours after arriving fnm liwaco. Fare to Fort Canby and liwaco, Si 00 STTickets can be bought at the oltlee for 75 cts. E-riwaco freight, by the ton, in lots of one ton or over, $2 per ton, tSTFor Tickets, Towage or Charter ap ply at the ofllce of Uie company, Gray's wharf, foot of Benton streeL J. II. D. GRAY, Agent. HAS RETURNED. J P. liEATIIKRS HAS RETURNED and Is ready to turn out some fine ash ing boats for the river. Shop on the beach between Kinney's aud Elmore's canneries. kSANFORD' NViGORATOR x msr. wnax lis name miuuca , a Purely getaWe" Compound, ih . acts cureciiy -apon mei er , v-uiuj theinanvdiseasesiscideMo tiat im. portant organ, and rjfejtiting the nu merous ailmints tKSyarisa irom its deranged or rbrpJaUction, sncli as Dyspepsi Jndicey Bflionsnes CosenessVelaria, Sick-lieadache RheuAiaMTetc. It .is therefore s 3Tiisngr To lare Good Healri ;hs, Liver must be kept in order." US. SANTOED'B IIVEB IirTIQOEATOR. ruvi?orate3 the Liver, I?eulates the Bow sh. Strengthens tho System, Purifies the Blood . Assists Digestion, Prevents Fc vc rs. Is a Household Kecd. An Invaluable Ftmilr'M'pflieinG for common complaints. ni gajreoim'S llvXE IirVIQOBATOll. An experience of Forty yean, and Thou lands cf Testimonials prove its Jfcnt. FOR SALE RT ALL DEALERS IXMEDICrXTji For f rll mformition tend your address for .Jf ?. nnok on the - Liver and IU di-aea. 7U SiSrOHO 24 DCAKE 6T., SKW 10EK COT HOC1KTY 31EET1XWM. Temple lod.ge. Wo. 7A.KA.M. KEGULAlt C'OMMUNICATIO.NS S flrM and thlnl Tin-sdays In each XX month, at TJi o'clock. V. M.. at theVN Hall In Astoria. Members or the older in irood Manditii are united to altfiul. Ry order of the W..M. Bea ,er Iod-re No. 35. 1. 0. 0. V. R KGL'LAP. MKETING E - : .. Ttiti.' (n kAi'Atkfit.P . T vj JS rii Thursday evenliit at JKfesiRxi. srven o'cloeK. at mi 'n""!v'JKX?- room In Odd Fallows Hall. Am- " ria. Sojoiirnin;: members of thr order hi uood tanilinir. e.inliall inviled loaltei'il. I!v order :. Ocean Encampment, No. 13, 1. O. O.F. REGULAR MEETINGS OF OCEAN EN campment Ni. IS. 1. O.O. !., at the Lodge, in the Odd Fellows Building, at seven p. i., 011 tin fiu anu mumi, Mondays of each mouth. Sojountins breth ren cordially lnv lied. Bv order C' P. Seaside Loage No. 12, A.O. TJ. W. REGULAR MEETINGS OF SEASIDE Lodge No. 12, A. O. U. W. Will be held in their Hall over Carnahan & C'o.'s on Thursday evening of each week, at 7 o'clock. Members of the onler in good standing, and visiting Brothers are invited to attend. Li brary will be open fifteen minutes before and after each meeting. By order M. W. C. BROWN, Rec. Astoria L,odffe No. 40J-L0. Q .1 . REGULAR MEETING EVERY MON day evening at 7 -So o'clock, in the Hall over Cania ban's sdore. Members of tho Or der, In good standing, are invited to attend. By order W. C. T. American Legion of Honor. REGULAR MEETING OF ASTORIA Council No. 995' is held on the first and thlnl Tuesdav of each tnontlr, at 7 o'clock p. 31. Bv order of tho Council Commander. It. V. MONTE1TH, Scc'ty. Occident Council NoTfTo. C. F. MEETS EVERY FIRST AND THIRD Saturday evenings of eacli month, at 8 o'clock P. M. Members of tho onler arc respectfully requested to attend. Bv order. a BROWN, Recorder. Cushlng Post No. 14. G. A. R. REGULAR MEETINGS OF THIS POST on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 7i?0 p. m. Visiting com rades cordially invited. By older r.c CuBhingr Relief Corps No. 3. O. A. R. REGULAR MEETINGSONTHESECOND and fourth Tuesdays of each month, at 2 P. 51. By older Mbi. C. ROSS. Secrrtary. Pacific Lodge No. 17. K. of P. REGULAR MEETINGS OF THIS Lodge every Frldav evening, at 7 -30 o'clock, in their Castle Ilall, Sojourning Knights cordially Invited to attend. W. A. SHERMAN, K. of It and S. Astoria Division No. One, Uniform Rank, K. of P. REGULAR MEETING ON THE FIRST Thursday of each mouth, in their Ar mory nan, in rytnian uasne.at 8 p. m. Reg ular drills on the second, third and fourth Thursday of each month, at such place as shall be designated by the Commander. Sojourning Sir Knight cordially Invited to meetings and drills. SCOTT BOZORTn. Recorder. Astoria Ladles Cotfee Club." REGULAR MEETINGS AT TnK CLUB'S . rooms adloinlnir LUiertv Hall on the first and third Fridays of each month at p. at. MRS. IL S. WORSLEY, Pres. Common Council. REGULAR MEETINGS. SECOND AND fourth Tuesday evenings of each month at 7J4 o'clock. 3"Tersonsuesningto have matters acted upon by tho Council, a( any regular meet ing must present the same to the Auditor and Clerk, on or before the Friday t-vcuiiu! prior to the Tuesday on which the Council holds Its regular meeting. THOS. S. JEWETT, Auditor and Clerk. The rntiou Shot Tho iun.it i. 8EXIXAL nEAKXE.SS. Jt'S.S Of Ml IlOOl,ahilthr remit erf altisf.dirfav' Artscetiti, it ouintj to a cimplicati.tn called i'itOS TA Toli mica. tr.. ut.uiO'.H jsriaonATon u the OXL Yr art far I'llOS TA TOlillUEA. I' ruf. UK) per jtacla-je. C paetwjrs. git) l3. tlaidr to Health ami Self-Aualytt ttutfree. AJ.treu I.I 11 Hh: UtSl'KSSXll )'4.r lhrau" -". it) Vmrjt .SI . .s.m, rf i-rt. I'a'. -ASK FOR Union India Rubber Co.'s Pure Pam Cum CRACK PROOF RUBBER BOOTS. BKW'ARK OK IMITATIONS Be sure the boots are stamped CRACK PROOF on the heels, and have the PURE QUM SPRINGS on the foot and instep, which prevent their cracking or breaking. We are now making them with RUDDER AXD ASBESTOS Soles which will make them last more than twice as long as any Rubber boots made. FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS. ALL KINDS RUBBER BELTING. PACK ING, HOK, SPRINGS, CLOTHING. BOOTS AND SHOES, Etc. CO,tPTA RUBBER CO. lLH.PKASE.Jr. I Agents, S.M.RUNYON, f San Francisco. MAMHOODv?' gp RESTORED I Wlion I wa3 a boy, says 3Ir. Geo. ' C. Stone, manager of tho Vermillion iron mines, to a representative ot The Miller, and that was forty years ago I became a clerk in a hardware store. There wasn't a knife, a pin, a lock, a door knob, a.binge, for sale of j American make. Everything came. from England. The pins were mado I of two pieces, ono littlo bit of wire ! being wound aronnd the head of the pin. It often slipped off and became : an unmitigated nuisance. The solid- headed pin of to-day is an Americau j institution, and it took a Yankee to ' make the machino that not only, makes it, but aticka it into the paper j it is sold on. The fcevs in those davs ; TfrELi?Z weighing a pound conldnt carry there or more. !ou them in vour pocket. All locks were of bolts and springs. J 'llie tumbler lock was unknown. These little keys "we have no-radars - ! and they are an Americau device ! show hoxr much progress has been made in tho use oi iron. All screws used to be imported, and the giralet pointed screw of to-day, whicb bores its own hole, was an American inno vation. The" only c-xcuso that Europeans give fdr invading the countries of Asia and Africa is that they establish a higher civilization wherever they go. There are probably people in Soudan and China who do not care for any more experience with this higher civilization. The French fleet is represented as killing tho crews of trading jnnks and inhumanly treating prisoners. The China Muil says that captives taken from these trading junks are taken to Keelung, where they are kept -without food or drink nntil they arc unflt for work, -when they are killed. Probably this is an exaggeration, but there is little doubt that Christian warfare is .about as barbarous as the warfare of barba rians. In SouJan the English burn the villagtis of the natives, and then wonder that the natives oppose their coming. A ('rent Discovery Thai is daily bringing j lo ihe home? ot thousands by sa ing many of their dear ones from an early grave. Truly is Ur. King's New Discover for Consumption. Coughs. Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, I lav Fever. Loss of Voice. T iokling in the Throat. Pain in Side and Chest, or any disease of the Throat and Lungs, a positive ctin. Trial Bot tles free at Y. E. Dement & Coe.'s Drug Stori. Large size $1.00. YOl'XG 3IE.!-i:EA! THIN. The Voltaic Belt Co.. of Marshall, Mich., offer to send their cehdirated Ei.r.'- tko-Voltaic Belt and other Elkctric Appliances on trial for thirty dav.s, to men (young or old) aftltcted with nervous debility, lox of vitality and manhood, and all kindred troubles. Also tor rheumatism, neuralgia, paralysis, and many other dis eases. Complete restoration to health, vigor and manhood guarantted. No risk Is in curred as thirty days trial N allowed. Write them at once for illustrated pamphlet liee T. G. RAWLINGS. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Tropical. Domestic, Green and Dried NUTS. CANDIES, DRIED MEATS, ETC. Fine Cigars nml Tobacco. Next door to I. J. Arvold's. SqucrnotutaSt. BUILDERS AND CARPENTERS lATJEKIAf.. SASH, DOORS AND MOULDING. First-Class Work at Prices to Suit the Times. PLANS AND ESTIMATES FURNISHED. C. H. Bain & Co.'s Steam rianlng Mill and Sash Factory. Boat Utiildln'r a Specially. Job Printing. Best Quality: Lowest Prices, -AT-- Tho Astm-inn Job Oilice. Receipt Roo'ivS, Bill Heads, Posters. Cards, Tags, Legal Blanks. Circulars, Note and Letter Heads, Etc. 0'0'fc DE,li23L"tdLELS. Neat, Qnick and Cheap, at The Astorlan Job Office. GERMANIA BEER HALL - AND BOTTLED BEER DEPOT, Cheiiaicus Street, Astoria. The Best of Laaer 5 Cts. a Glass. Orders for the Celebrated Northern Pacific Brewery Beer I .eft at this place will be promptly ht tended to itJ-No cheap San Francisco Beer sold at tins plce. W.M. BOCK. Proprietor. G. A. STINS0N & CO., BLACKSMITHING, At Capt. Rogers old stand, corner of Cass and Court Streets. Ship and Cannery work. Horseshoeing. Wagons made and repaired. Good work guaranteed. Assignee's Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned has been appointed assign ee of the estate of D. Hart, an insolvent debtor. All creditors of said estate are no tified to present their claims against said es tate, under oath, to me, w lthln threo months at the offlce of F. D. winton. In the city of Astotia, Clatsop county, Oregon. ISAAC BERGMAN, Assignee. Dec.27lh, 1S34. I 2-futuwfjcJs,. I A W RQYALSE:T? 1 I gjjgH5gggga 11 POWDER i Absolutely Pure. This iJi'r 11 .r v.r! Am-irvl of puritv, -.: '.::i :.l".Ui i.s-. Vi.ie .ron.i.-.' .1 i!r'i l.r rii.in Klin'-.. ! i -anno. .- !,. .tif t'l.i'i: wit the i..r, tttu.lt- "t h. lvi .b.irt wd!b'. uhiin or phosphnt- jnnvdfrs. .VM o'tfa int,n-'. Kw. -alBkin; PowiiKit Co., icr jh -t. N . MARKETS. WYATT & THOMPSON. DEALERS IN FRESH AND CURED MEATS, CHOICE GROCERIES, PROVISIONS. Crockery ;uiil Glassware. STAR MARKET1. WHERRY & COMPANY, Fresh and Cured Meats, FRUITS, BUTTER, and EGGS. OPPOSITE HCf'IDENT HOTEL. (IXi:'A31I' Street. A.ntoiia, Os Washington Market. 31ain firri. Astoria, Orrun. Ur.Ki.MIAX & t'O. Ii:0 TRIKTOKM "LESPECTFl'LLV CALL THE ATTEN J-t tiou of the public to the fact that the above Market will alvva j be supplied v ith a Fl'LL VARIETY AND P.EST Ql'ALlTV FRESH AND CURED MEATS ! ! Which will bo sold at lowest nttes, whole sale and retail. 3rSK-'lal attention given to supplying ships. LOEB & CO. JOHHERS IN WINES. s IQUOKS, J AND CIGARS. AGENTS FOR THE Best San Francisco Houses and Eastern Distilleries. Tumblers Decanters, and All Kinds of Saloon Supplies. S3J"-All good3 sold at San Francisco Prices. MAIN STREET, Opposite Parker Donse, Astoria, Oregon. Proposals fur Fresh Boermid Alulton. Hendcpuiter Dept. of the Columbia,") Ofllce oi the Chief Commissary. 5- VaneouverBks.. W.T.. Fcb'y21.i333. J SEALED PROPOSALS IN TRIPLICATE, subtecttothe usual conditions, will be received at this ofllce and at the offices of the Acting Commissaries of Subsistence at the following named jiosts, (tor tha fresh btef and mutton needed at those nosts only.) until 12 o'clock noon on Wednesday, March 25 "$33. at which time and places they will be oiiened in the presence of bidders, for furnishing and delivery of fresh beef and mutton during the year commenclnc July, 1st. 1SS3. Boise Bks.. I. T Foi t Canby. V7. T., Fort Cutur d'Alene. I. T . Fort Klamath. 0n.. VFort Spokane. W. T.. Fort Townsend, W. r.. Vancouver uks. v. i., anu ion vtaua Walla. W.T. Proposals w ill also be received at the same time and date for supplying Fort Colvlllo, W. T.. and Fort Lap wal. I.T., at this ofllce and arihe offices of the A. C. S Fort Spo kane. W.T., and Fort Walla Walla, W, T., respectively. The Government reserves the right to re ject any or all bids. Bidders will understand that contracts made under litis advertisement, and pro posals made In response thereto, shall not be eonstrued to Involve the United States In any obligation for payment In excess of the appropriation granted by Congress for the purpose. Blank proposals and printed circulars, stating the kind of beef and mutton re quired, and giving full instructions as to the manner of biddimr. conditions to be ob served by bidders, and terms ot contract ami payment, win ne lunusneu on applica tion to this ofllce, or to the A. C. S, at the several posts. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked "Proposals for Fresh Beef, (or Mut ton.) at Fort ," and addressed to the undersigned or to the "Acting- Comnus sary of Subsistence" at tho several posts. C. A. WOODRUFF, Captain & C. 8.. U. S, A.. Chief C. S. D. C. Notice to Delinquent Taxpayers. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I will levy on the property of the delin quent, list oi ixH, it tne taxes are not pain immediately. C. W. LOUGHERY. Chief of Police. Astoria, Feb. 9, 1S35, BAEBOUK'S 31 i jR.3B.2s: xsse: i3E:sr. yrv-n:' ESitf ses g vgzzzissi m$&,) THKV RECKn'ED THE For FLAX THREADS at the London Fisheries Exhibition 1883. llIIIIMIlllilMl And have bt-en awarded H1CHER PRIZES at the various INTEENATIONAL EXPOSITIONS Than the goods of any other IN HIE WORLD. Quality ean Always b Depended m One of the Mills of the Barbour Flax Spinning Co., Paterson, New Jersey. HENRY DOYLE & CO., 5 1 7 and 5 1 9 Market Street, - - San Francisco, Agents for Pacific Coast. Seine Twines, Rope and Netting Constantly on Hand. Proposals Tor Military Snppliei. HKAUQL'ARTKnS DEPARTMENT OF 1 THE COLUMIHA, Office of chief QiAirrERii vstf.u. ! Van'cou vfr Bakkacks, W. T February 23. 1?8."- i SEALED PROPOSALS. IN TRIPLICATE, subject to the usual conditions, w III be received at this office or at the ofllce of the U. S. Quartermasters at the following named posts, until 12 o'clock, noon, on Mon day. March 30, 1883, at which places and time they willbe opened. In presence of bid ders, for the furnishing and delivery of military supplies duriug the fiscal vear com mencing .Inly 1,16SR. and ending June W). ISsG, as follows : Wood, Charcoal. Oats, Barlev, Bran, Hay, and Straw, or Hay In lieu of Straw, or such of said supplies as may be required at : Portland, Oregon, Boise Barracks. I.T.; Fort Townsend, W. T. ; Fort Cceur d'Alene, I.T. ; Fort Spokane, W. T. ; Fort Canby. W. T. ; Fort WaPa Walla. W. T. : ancouver Depot. W. T.; Forth Klamath. Oreaon : Fort Colvllie. . T. The Government reserves the right to reject any op all proposals. Preference will be given to articles of domestic production, and to articles of domestic production pro duced on the Pacific Coast, conditions of price and quality being equal, to the extent of the coasumption required by the public service there. Blank proposals and ptlnted circulars, giving full particulars as to the. manner of ulddlng. etc., will be furnished on application to this office or the Quarter masters at ine- various posts nameu. En velopes containing proposals shoull be. marked :" Proposals for at ." and addressed to the undersigned, or the re spective Post Quartermasters. A. S. KIMBALL. Major and Quartermaster, II. S. A., Chief Quartermaster. Administrator's Notice. N OTICE IS nF.RERY GIVEN THAT THE j. unuersignea was on me am nay oi Jan uary, ISM. duly appointed by tho County Court ot the State of Oregon for the County of Clatsop, administrator of the estate of Haas Plenning. deceased All persons hav ing claims against said estate aie hereby notified to present the same properly veri fied to me at my ofllce at the union cannery, in Astoria, Oregon, within six months from this date. PETER Fy JOHNSON, Administrator. Dated, Astoria, Or., January 29, 1SS5. 5-lt Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT pursuant to a unanimous vote of the stockholders of the Fishermen's Packing Co., the directors of said company, did on the 17th day of Jan. l83.i, execute and Tile supplementary articles of incorporation, whereby suclt company is authorized to purchase and hold, sell and convey real es tate. By order Board of Directors, H. E. NELSON, dw Secretary. Threads Lsztm titRa is, Proposals for Transportation. Headquarters Department of the Columbia. 4 Office of Chief Quartermaster, Vancouver Barracks. W. T.. February SS, S8Tt. J SEALED PROPOSALS. IN TRIPLICATE, subject to the usual conditions, will be received at thLs office until 12 o'clock, noon, on Mouday, March CO, 1885, at which time and place they will be opened In the pres ence of bidders, for the transportation t military supplies on the following described routes during year commencing July i, 1885, and ending June 30, 18SC : AVason Transportation. Route No. 1. Spokane Falls. "W. T to Fort Spokane. W.T. Route No. 2. Ashland, Oregon, to Fort Klamath. Oregon. Route No. 3.Kuna, I. T. to Bolae Bar racks, I.T. Steamer Traasportatlea, Route No. 4.-For transportation of U. S. Military supplies between Astoria and Fort Stevens, Oregon, and Fort Canby, W.T. The Government reserves the right to re ject any or all proposals. Blank proposals, romi of contract, and printed circulars, giv ing full Information as to themancerot bid ding, terms of contract and payment, will be fumLshed on application to this office. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked : "Proposals for Transportation on Route No. ," and addressed to tha nn derslgned. A. S.KIMBALL, Major and Quartermaster u. S. A. cniei waanermasxer. Final Settlement Notice of Admin istrator. IN THECOUNTV COURT OFTHE STATE of Oregon for the county of Clatsop, la the matter ot the estate ot Hazen A. Parker, de ceased : To ail persons Interested in said estate : You are hereby notified that W. "W. Parker, administrator ot said estate, has tiled in said court his final account as such administrator, and that said court has ap pointed the cth day of April, 1385, at the court house in said county, at the hour of one o'clock r. M., as the time and place for hearing objections to said llnal account and the settlement thereof, at which time and place all persons interested are notified to attend. W.W.TARKER, Administrator of the Estate of Hazen A. Parker, deceased. Astoria, Or. February 13, 1885. td Notice of Dissolution. THE PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE Ex isting between the uudershrned, under the firm name of Wheeler & KIpp is this day dissolved by mutual consent. E. A. Wheeler will pay all liabilities of the firm and is alone authorized to collect the bills due the same. E.A.WHEELER, M.R.KIPP. ACitnB-Q . H. F. PRAKL, Witness :- R F PBAEL;