r 0). ASTORIA, OREGON FRIDAY 3IARCIT 13, 1885 PRICE, FIYE CENTS VOL. XXH1, NO. 62. ' ---. ?"SW nr? BUSINESS CARDS. IV". A. Li. and .1. A. Fl'LTo Physicians and Surj-vn. Will clve promut :iu-n-i all :rom am jait of lit- t u nr i.;i:i!i Ofllce over Allen's Store, corner On Smiexnoqua streets, AMoria, Otegon. Telephone No. Al. D &. FA AX K tA" Pliyslclim tout Kurjjeon. Office, Cor. Main aiul Chriiairni tiret-. OFFICE Horns :- 9 to 11 a. M. : -2 to ." r. Residence, opposite theJohanvn building :(! . DOURIS. OKO. XfH NO XOTJin & OOICIBIN. a iTn i:rs Ai m. Olflce In KlnttejV l;l Hall, Astoila, Oreg.Mi. k. llp.tlllt t 1 VT. FULTON. i. . kcito.v. FI'I.TO UtSoTSiKKS. A rrlKNK. V LAW. Rooms .'i and C.Odd Fellows I'uiMlnjt'. JTfJ. . JiOMI t:. .". A.OIl.l- BOWI.RV A UII.1, ttorny uud Couumi-llor t.t l.uw. Ofllce on (Mieii'iiiiusStifi-I. Actinia. Oi.i:ii. E. " HOlVlK.r NnTAKY !'U 1! Ml'. AUlllt.SHti;. COMMISSION ANI IN SURANCK AC KM. p F.I.O V P I It K Kit. SURVEYOR OF Clatsop C'ouuty.and Oily of Atinrla Dlttpe: ChenamusMieei. Room No. S. Y. M. C. A. liill C. W. I.KICH. Ai:ciUTF.rr and .si-fekixti:nif.nt. Ofkiok : Room 0. K iH!t' i:iiK r.liH-k. TAY TUTTL. 31 I. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Okkick Hooins 1, 2. and 3. Pythian lluild- ln. Kksidkxck On Cedar Stieet. back of St. Mary'.s Hospital. r. hicks. A. V- SHAW. HICKS & SII IAV. DKXT1S1S. UoomsinAllen's Building, up stairs, cor uer Cass and Sqnemoqua streets. Astotia Oregon. BAHKIHQ AND INSURANCE ! I. W. CASE, Broker, Banker, and Insur ance Agent, ASTORIA, - OREO OS. OFFICE HOFJtS : From 9 o'clock A. M. until 3 o'clock P. M. Bozorth & Johns, Real KbUte ami Insurance Agents and UroVerg ASTORIA, ... - OrORon. We write jxilicies in the following well s lnsunuice Conipanie- : known Fire PHCENIX OF nARTl'ORI). .SCOTTISH UNION A'I NATIONAL OF EDI N BURG. LION, OF LONDON. HOME. OF NEW ORK. LONDON AND 1.ANCASH1KK.OF LH'EH- IK)OL PHCENIX, OF UltOOKLYN. tJONNECTICL'T, OF HARTFORD. OAKLAND HOME. OF OAKLAND, GALA. And also, represent the rKSTEHX. of uamornia. jia ji uu uu-uukm t:n, t uer many, and AMERICAN STEAM IIOIL ER l&'SVRAXCE CO. Beal Estate Bought and .Sold on 4'otniulhdon. a, o. i.minixt; ROSS. rxii:itT.iKKis. .llain St. Astoria. Oregon. THE LATEST STYLES WALL" PA PER AT B. B. FRANKLIN'S, NEXT DOOR TO ASTORIAN OFFICE. A very large Stock from w hlch to select. Window curtains made to order. GfrMy patent Trimmer to cut Wall Paper will be found convenient to my patrons. Boat Building. THE BEST STOCK AND WORKMANSHIP (HAUANTEsp). Boats of Every Description Built. Shop over Aindt & FerehenX R. 31. I.F.ITHERS. VISITORS TO PORTLAND Should not forget to call at Towne'sSan Francisco Gallery, where may he seen photographs of nil the leading men and women of Greyon and Washington Territory. Skillful operators always in attendance, and the most minute atteution paid to pictures of children. Don't fonret the location. S. IV. terser First and Morrison &lreetR, up stairs. No trouble to show specimens to it Lsltors. Street railroads pass the door everv ten minutes, and this fs the nearest f-allerv to the Ave principal hotels. DDfkWirs m,m 1 S rt , THE I 7QNIC. ; Tills meJkI'i combining Iron with para vcetnble toiiks, nuirtly and complctfly Cnriw I).pepvla, Indigestion, Veuknr., Impure HloodM11 uluriu,t'linu and FeTf, uud Neuralgia. It Is an tiniailin? remeily for Disease of the Kidneys uud J.lvrr. It Is. invaluable fur Diseases peculiar to IVomon, and all who lead sedentary lives. ltdoesnot injure the teeth, cause headarhe.or I.rodnce consultation oth-r Iron medicinft do. It enriches and purifies the blood, stimulate the apjK?tlte.aIdi the assimilation of food, re lieves Heartburn and lJekhlng. and strengthen- the muscles and nerves. For Intermittent Fevers. LasHudP, Lace o' Energvd.c.. It has no equal. 4B" The genuine has abote tiade mart ai : i.ssed red lines on w rspjer. 'fake no other sJrutl.7 ItUOttMlltBIIALrO., BtL-!ia0UE,JU. ItHiINUTOX, W0ni)AIt! A (O.. I'artland. Or nobK.S i r AC! M . TUTTS ammmamsmmmsumamtm LiLiv TORPID BOWELS, DISORDERED LIVER, and MALARIA. From thesesources arise thrcB-fourtha oftho diseases ofthc human race. These symptoms indicate their existence: Loss of Appetite, Bowels costive, Nick Headache, fullness after eat Iuk, aversion to exertion of body or mind, Eructation of food, Irrltabll Hy of temper, lioxr spirits, Afcclin?; before the eyes, highly colored UrIiie,COXSTlPATIOA,nnddcmand theusoofareinedytnataexsdlrcctlyon the Liver. As nLivcr inedicineTDTT'S PII1X.S have no equal. Their action on Hie Kidneys anil Skin is also prompt; tttmoTlng all impurities through theso three scavenpera of the Hystem," producing appetite, sound digestion, 1 effular stoold, a clear skin nnd a vi orousbody. TIJTX'S lJXIS cause no nausea 01 griping nor interfero Willi dally work and are a perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. old;ererywhere25o. Office 44 Murray SUX Y. TUTTS HAIR DYE. GuATHAntORWiiiSKcns changed In. stantly to a Glosst Black' by a singlo application of this l)n:. Sold by Drug !?Jsts.or sentby express on receipt of $U Offloe, 44 3Iurrav Street, Kew York. rurro uaotaxi or tiszruL eszps rsis. A, V. Allen, Wholesale and RelaillDealer in Provisions, MILL FEED. Glass and Plated Ware, TKOPICAI. AND DOMESTIC FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. "lnelliOl with Wines, Ljq'jorsJobaccoXigars W. RDEMEHT & CO. ASTOKIA, - - OliF.(J()N' Curry In Stuck, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, TOILET and FA?!GY ARTICLES. Prvi'nptioHM cni(fiiliv Conipouniled M. R. KIPP, PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER. Water Pipes a Specialty. A Full Stock of Material on Hand. IVisnunl attention given all osdeis. and satisfaction guaranteed. TerniH IteuMUiiuMe Shop and ollice 011 On-- strret. one door above Frank I'.nhre's i:i:uumtit. Astoria, Oicgou. BUY YOUR TICKETS la the popular THINGVALLA LINE. 'I he large, well appointed and commodi ous steamers of this line ate nmuiug DI HECT between New York and Scandinavia Without calling at any intermediate port, consequently io Transfer of Pastngcrur RaggtiQt. No extra expenses Captains, edhy no other steamship liue. Drafts and Money Orders on Denmark, Sweden and Norway issued at lowest rates. For further Information apply to ROZORTII & JOHNS, Astoria, Oregon. r M-li-N - and lJ CS&r'X rrtw o ,. ImiplEi U1 K-3 m BEST FOREIGN DISPATCHES, War Between England anil Probable. Ru Now London. March 11. Financial cir des are excited over ofncial reiort - received tuts afternoon connrnim the report published in the! tint.', tlnsttioll of ihp :ujs-;ou town of Victoria, morning to the effect .that Bussianjwherp the Germans are alleetl to troops have advanced sttll further into , to have hauled down tho British Ha-. Afghan territory. The Russmu gov-. i?n.riand f urther agrees not to inter- ernment admits such movement has taken maee. out asserts 11 was ouiy intended for the purpose of seeking a more suitable position iu case of war with Afghanistan. It is generally be lieved that both Afghans and Rus sians are hurrying forward and a col lision is imminent. British consols have fallen eleven-sixteenths of 1 per cent, and Russia securities 2 per c?nt in consequence of the ahove news. Prices on all the continental bourses have fallen, in sympathy with the London stock exchange. The princi pal declines are among Russian aud Egyptian seourities. War rumors produced an excite ment on the stock exchange which amounted duriug the afternoon to a state of semi-panic. Rumors of war with Russia, and ex pectation of large'delireries of stock at the conclusion of the settlement to-morrow, together with a general disinclination to buy stocks of any sort under present circumstances, completely demoralized the market to day. .Exceptional cases were Amen can and Cauadian railway securities Prices have fallen heavily on all sides (Consols show a decline of ?a to 11-1G since vesterday evening. Russian se curities are 13' lower, Egyptian se curities 16 lower, and other coun tries a fraction lower. Chilian and Brazilian stocks receded respectively 3L; and 2, owing to rumors of politi cal troubles in those countries. The nonic abated somewhat after the close of the market, owing to the statement that Childers, chancellor of the exchequer, annnounced in the commons that no news of a Russian advance in Afghanistan had. been re ceived by the government, and that he did not believe an advauce had been made. Dealings continued long after the official close. Many orders to sell were received from Ber lin and Frankfort It is reported that linancial agents of the Russian minister of foreign affairs have made overtures to the- Rothschilds and Barings to join the German bankers the Menuelsshons in placing a new Russian loan. These proposal5;, it is said, were refused. London, March 11.- A dispatch from Kushau says: It is reported that the Russian government has or dered two regiments from Elizabeth pol to Askabab. Russia is making active preparations to complete the Kizilarvat and Askabab railway. Four thousand Russian troops were re ported at Tiflis a fortnight ago for Askabab. Measures are being taken lo in crease tho number of reserves of the native army. The Indian govern ment will probobly recommend a per manent force of 15,000 English and 3,000 native soldiers for the English garrisons. Officials at the Russian embassy deny that afly preparations for war are being made by Russia on the Afghan frontier. There is only the usual number of troops in southern Turkestau, nnd no movement is being made toward sending reinforcement there. London, March 11. -Childers, chancellor of tho exchequer, staled in the house of commons this evening that tho government is uninformed of anv further advance of. Russians or Afghanistnns, nor did he believe such advance would be made. Nkw York, March 11. "I look for ward to lively business in Columbia river salmon this season," said Fish Commissioner Blackford this morn ing to a reporter, "'principally on ac count of competition between the Union aud Northern Pacifio railroads and also because of the low freight rate3 prevailing. The first consign ment of chinook salmon came in yes terday. They sell at fifteen cents wholesale and twenty-five to thirty cents retail, and are delicious in qual ity. "We propose, at the April trout display, to make a special exhibit of every variety of salmou and trout of thePacific coast. Gentlemen in "Wash ington territory and Oregon have promised to send us a number of fine specimens. t'otuplIcAtfJ Troublr. Sometimes they are brought o 1 sud denly by accident or crushing disas ter.Generally they steal on without no tice, the result of anxiety, over-work, hard study and close devotion to business. Lifo loses its sparkle and ever act becomes a burden. To remedy such a state of affairs, use Brown's Iron Bitters. Dr. L. F. Mnndy, Owenton, Ky., says, "I found Brown's Iron Bitters one of the best tonics, and have prescriled it fre quently." A New Yakima saloon man adver vertises in the papers au "excellent assortment of bacchanalian goods." ScotfrtF.HiulMion ef Pare Ceil Liver OH, with IlyBephesphiteH. A Most Nutritious Food and Medi cine. Dr. Lixdsay Johxsox, of Car tersville. Geo savs: T take trreat nleas- ure in saying your Emulsion lias proved itself iu my hands a most efficient rem edv. in the various wasting conditions calling for such nutriment." The Term of Occupation. IJeultn, larch 11.- The result of Count Herbert Bismarck' special mission to England, relative to Uer nian intcrpsls in west Africa, i re- of.i.l j r.llitt2. lvtitrlnml fT.:- .i.. f nAr.,ni. i,-.Jiini of tlu Cameroon?! country, with the excep fere with nnv nctiou Germany take Kt- in the country from the south bank of the Rio Del Key. a small river; emptying into the Biafra, some dis tance north of Cameroous, to the Gaboon, which euters the sea ne .r the equator. Germany, on the other hand recognizes the supremacy of England over the country lying be tween the north bank of the Rio Del Rey and Lagos. This covers thp ba sin of the lower Niger. Dcblix, March 11. Paruell has is sued a manifesto advising the munici palities of Ireland to observe a re spectful neutrality regarding the ap proaching visit of the Prince of Wales. London, March 11. The Teleyrapli states that the English government rejects the offer of the United States to negotiate a convention with the British West Indies. II0N0 Keno, March 11. The French, after five days' fighting, car ried the Chinese positions uround lveluug. Jjorty I'renchmen were! Kiiieu nun nj wouuueu. "I DoH't Feel Like Work." It makes no difference what lmsim you are etigage'l in : whether you are a preacher, a merchant, a mechanic, a lawyer or or a common laborer, you eant do our work well while jou are hair sick. Thousands try to. but all in vain. How much better to keep vottr orjjans in good order by taking Parker's Tonic when you feel .t little out of sorts." It would he money iu your ocket. One hour of good, rejoicing health is worth half a doen hottr full of languor and pain. Secretary Bayard has taken steps for the formal withdrawal of all treaties pending in the senate This will leave tho senate with nothing to do but to pas3 upon nominations, and the prevailing impression now is that' the seasiou -will not last more than two weeEs longer. f'wcKIcir.s Arnica Solve. The IIi:t Sai.ve in Hie world for Cut.-. rrui-es,Sores,U!eers,iSaU Kheuin. Fever Ntires. Tetter, Chapped H;imR Chilblain.-. Corns, and all Skin Erup tions nnd positively cures Pile-, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give f't-rf et s.ti-faction. or money refunded, 'rice 'Si cents per box. For alc by W. E. Dement & Co. Forl.uue Back, Side or Uiu-a use cihilolt's Porous Piaster, Prion 2Ti cents. For sale by W. E. Dement. A Nasal Injector free with each bottle of .Shiloli'.s Catarrh Remedy Price .".0 ceut.s. Sold by W. li. Dement "HacKnielack. a las-ting nnd fra grant lHjrfume, Price 2.". and .V cents. Sold by V. E. Dement. Sol Mi Jewelry, Scarf Plus, Chains, Watches, I-i:uio and Organs oi the IScst innltc al llic Lowest Irlees. I'lir finest stock o'f .lewelry ii Astoria. J"r-A!l ikh!- warranted as represented GUSTAV HANSEN, JEWELER. GERMANIA BEER HALL -AND BOTTLED BEER DEPOT, ftiei.auiu Street, Astoila. The Best of Lager 5 Cts. a Glass. Orders for tile Celebrated Northern Pacific Brewery Beer Led it tuU dace will he jtromptly auenueu 10 eirN'o cheajt San FrancL-co Bfer sold al this jiltn:. Wii. liOPK. Proprietor. LOVELI. Roller Skates. Latest and Best, tension hy Sjiiral SjirluK- New adJiLstnieiit. Psed by taigest ttlnks. Send for circular to B.T. AI.I.K"f. AM Market St., San Francleo. Mrs. Campbell Is now prepared to Furnish First Class Rooms, NEW FURNITURE THROUGHOUT. WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD. Over Beck & Son's Grocery Store, Corner of Olnej sad S-iunaoqus St., np Stairs. i 5) M?liOH !hipil3&&i oiJTiT i 1 fJiaS liSM for j&jnsr CUltES Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumnago. Backache, Headache. Toothache, Sort) Throat, htvclllaz. jralas UrultM, Uuru. ctM. Kru-1 111U-. AV AU.OTI1LU UODILY VMM AMI ACHES. a It 1 tru!iti lat DtT.tr errT.fn. Flit Oia! UliU. Ilr.liti la 1 1 1 .ojurM. T1IK ClIAKLKS A. VOUKLEI CO.. (i u-tttt u A. UJ t lUUt CCU) BolllBorr. a X, C.H.A. I MRS. E AWA-LLjLVN, - Proprietor. ASTORIA. OREGON llr.l L'ltts In Kverr Respect. NEW HOUSE. NEW FURNITURE. rni.i 11 1 with PK-vy Coirvpit L'omiari ol" ieuoe For llu Transient and Permanent Guests. Comer Siueinnqu.i aud Wet Cth Street's. The Telephone Saloon Tho Finest Establishment of the Kind in Astoria. Especially fitted up for the Comfort Convenience of thine who enjov a Social Ola . aud The Best of Wines nnd Liquors. The Choicest Cigar. Everything New and First-Class. R. L.JEFFKRY. Iropr. RKER HOUSE. II. 15. "PARKER. Pro-iV. first Class ii Every Respect. I're-o Conch to the. House. v iu Old Castle, Yspitti, and other brands, of Coke Tin Plates, for sale iu Iota to suit purchasers, now in wnreliouse at Astoria or to arrive per Josef a, or ArcJier, also Liverpool flue and conrae salt. For further particulars apply to r. f Portland, Oregon. GEB1IA TEL f-QTmrwr Sum UullllDIij Meye rdantCo Coluiia TransBortation Company. FOR PORTLAND Fast Time TUF. NF.W TELEPHONE Whleh ha h?en specially built for the comfort of pas.pnjers w 111 leave Wilson & Fisher's Dock every Monday, Wedne'sday and Friday at 6 A.M. arriving at Portland at 1 P.M. Returning leaves Portland every Tuesday and Thursday at 6 A. M. arriving at Astoria at 1 P. M. -Au additional trip wilt be made on Ht-udsy or Each W'eefc. leaving Portland p.t t O'clock. Sunday aiernlsa:. Pauenrers b this route coouect at Kalama for Sound ports. Wilson & Fish Ship Chandlers, HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE Paints, Oils, and . Varnish. LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. PROVISIONS mill'feed AGENTS-FOlt Salem Flouring Mills, Portland Roller Milb. Capital Flour and FAIRBANKS' SCALES. ASTORIA. OREGON. B. B. Franklin, MuMer ana CatM Mate SQUEKIOQUA STREET, NEXT to THE ASTOKIAX Iiril.DIXO. o "5J"AH work done in a skillful manner on short notice at reasonable rates. ASTORIA IRON WORKS. Bkntox Stueet, Neaii Pakkek nousK, ASTORIA. - OP.ECON. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. LANDiaflu ffiAEINE ENGINES BoilerWork, Steamboat Work and Cannery Work a spe cialty. o j&. js-iriJiJra-s , Of nil Descriptions made to Order at Short Xotice. A. D. WASS, President. -J. G. Hostler, Secretary, I. W. CXse, Treasurer. John Fox.Superintendent. S. AENDT & FERGHEN, ASTORIA. - OREGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop 2 BI.ACKSMITH srop4 Boiler All kinds of ENGINE, CANNERY, AXD STEAMBOAT W0EK Promptly attended to. A specialty made of repairing CANNERY, DIES, FOOT OF fV FAYETTE STREET. Fast Time STEAMER U. B.SCOTT, President -'Vi. tB&p&r E- wBgkm- frttmJ&tt Shop Mff? THE BEST IS THE Royal Brand Flour Manufaotured by the OREGON MILLING COMPANY Is or Superior Quality, and is Endorsed by all who use It. : THE HOUSEKEEPER'S FAVORITE OCSuperior RLsing Quality. Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction. WYATT & THOMPSON Hole Aseufs Tor Astoria. Paintinc anil-Paper Eaipi. KALS0M1NING ETC. " Paint Shop in rear of premises form erly occupied by C. 11. Stockton, oppo site the Court House. All orders promptly and sntWaetorly executed. J. H. D. GKAY. Wholesale and retail dealer In. GROCERIES, FLOUR, AND FEED Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME. SAND AND CEMENT. Oeneial Storage and "Wharfage on reason able terms. Foot or Itenton street,Astoria. Oregon. .. WJJI. EDGAR, Dealer in Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes Meerschaum and Brier Pipes, GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY Revolvers and Cartridges. CORNER MAIN ANI CHENAMUS STS. The Gem Saloon. The Popular Resort for Astorians. For the Finest of Wines and Liquors Go to THE GEJI SALOON. ALEX. CAMPBELL. - - PROPRIETOR ASTORIA LIQUOR STORE, AUG. DANIELSON, - Proprietor. Rebuilt uud Itefltted ThroHshent. The Best or WINES. LIQUORS, AND CIGAK8. For a Good Cigar, call for one or "Danielson's Best." Corner West 9th and Water Streets, Astoria. n9-6m Magnus C. Crosby Dealer In HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, STOVES, TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON, arjJLEL and Copper. Astoria Sail Loft. Best of Work at Bottom Fianres J. HESS, The well-known Sallniaker now occupies The Astoria Sail I.ort. formerly occupied by A. M. Johnson. Boat Sails a Specialty. ALL WORK WARRANTED Come and see me at The Astoria Sail Loft r next to Pythian Building; Address P.O. Box 312. J. HESS. Floats! Floats! Floats! CANNERYMEII who are in need of Floats. Copper Handles and Mallets should send their orders to b. w. m.ooi. Clatskanie, Oregou. who has a quantity on hand which will be sold at reasonable rates. 'SECURE THE SHADOW Ere the substance fade, and when you Ylsit Portland, make it a part of your business to call on W. H. Towxe, at the San Fran cisco Gallery, S. W. corner First and Morrison streets, and have your photograph taken In the highest style, ofthe art.