The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, March 12, 1885, Image 3

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.... MAKC1I r 1S
(Monday excepted;
AbTonuf huh.d:.u. - - cass.stkkki
Terms oTSubscriiit ton.
Served ly Carrier, per e3; l'icls.
Sent by Mall. per inoiith .. (Jticts.
" one year ... . 7.00
Free of postage to Milwcn tiers.
"Advertisements inserted bv the year at
the rale of $2 per square per month. Tnn
ttent.advertlslng fifty cents per square, each
Notice To AdTertisn..
The Astoriax guarantee to it., ad
vertisers the largest circulation of anv
newspaper published on the Columbia
The Telephone comes down nert Sun
John West has been nppointed a notary
Asparagus and green peas on the in
coming steamer.
The Columbia is advertised to sail for
San Francisco to-day.
A fast forming shoal is reported santh
mid west of Sand island.
A new postoffico has been established
r.l Melbourne, Chehalis county, W. T.
The schedule timo on the daily mail
route from Astoria to Ovsterville is forty
one hours.
The person thai poMe.l note No.
002050 on the 11th. Un $1. is wanted at
the postoflice.
Governor Moody Las tti;xii:ttrd JiOval
H. Stearns as the additional circuit judge
provided for :n the fourth judicial dis
trict. The hadies Aid Society will give a -o-ciable
at the houv i)f" Mrs. Elmore
this evening, fee cream and cake
will be swerved, and a general invitation is
Kosi Jtn;. new theater is aHsaiuiug
imposing dimensions. It will be a sub
stantial building with greatly improved
seating capacity. The dullness in theatri
cal biz, as well as in everything else, gives
them plent v time to arrange it to the best
"Brick" I'omeiov, of La Orusso fame,
sends a postal card announcing that he
is goinq to run a red hot democratic pa
lter in Washington city. He will "make
things warm for the boys,"' and Major
Hunter, of the celebrated "l'lack Horse
Cavalry,'" will help him.
On next Saturday J". ('. Hidden will
have a furniture auction sale :it his
rooms; on Monday, the III: It ins!., he will
sell some valuable real estate at sheriffs
sale; on Fridav, the '20th, he will sell .some
desirable goods at the Hay lew restau
rant See advertisements.
Two of the government scows recently
contracted for use on the bar will be
ready for paint ing by the first of next
week, and ready for luuuching by the last
of the same week. They will cany their
loads all on deck, which is supixtrted by
tive partitions running parallel with the
At an early hour yesterday morning, M.
Conley was putting out the" street lamps,
and at the corner of Sixth and Cedar laid
down his ladder and lantern to go up the
street to put out the lamp near Captain
Johnson's. On his return he found that
the lantern was gone. He savs he knows
who it was, and the man had better bring
it baok or leave it where he can get it, or
else there will be trouble.
In selecting an item from The Asto
kux concerning tho tricks of Liverpool
splmon dealers, the Oregonian heads it,
'One way of selling bad salmon," which
conveys a wrong impression. The salmon
is all good; it "s solely a matter of injus
tice to the co-operative canneries whose
gniiaon is culled and relabeled with a
brand that no longer exists, but which
used to command a fancy price in tho
English market.
The three sailors. "Win. Henderson
Jas.Stran and Wm. Dnncnusou, who had
tho row on the Chipiiirci a few days ago,
and who went to jail in default of &ST
fine and costs, will pay their fine to-day
and be released. The other three were
arrested on a charge of resisting an of
ficer, were bound over in the sum of 10
each, and the captain, mato and carpen
ter held as witnesses to appear before the
grand jury. As the next grand jury would
not be convened before May, the cap
tain finds it ploasanter erarv way to pav
the S120 and get the crew together
LrsI week, says the AViw of the 11th,
an attempt was made to blackmail J. 35.
Kellogg by a letter stating that his actions
were known, and unless he paid hush
money his proceedings would be pub
lished. By means of n dummy check,
one of the blackmailers was decoyed
to the Occidental hotel and finally he
went to the Metropolitan Saings bank,
where he presented the check, which was
for $20, for payment. The cashier, in
order to gain time, made him indorse the
check, which ho did, ltoldly writing the
name of James Riley aerbsi the back.
Then the cashier said" it would be neces
sary for him to bo identified, and Mr.
Riley went out, but must hae ''smelt a
mouse' for ho did not return until last
evening, when he again made a demand
for tho money. The cashier at once ar
rested him and was hurrying him toward
the station. Riley begged and declared
that he was only a tool in the hands of
others. On promise of being allowed to
go free he made a clean breast of the
whole affair. He stated that the letter
sent to Mr. Kellogg had been written by
nn ex-journalist who is much given to in
toxicants, and that he (RilP3r had been
pulling the chestnuts out of the fire for
tho man who put up the job3. Riley was
allowed to go on this showing. The dis-
tnct attorney will investigate tho matter
and arrests will be made short ly. The
above was tho substance of the story as
related by Mr. Kellogg, the man whom
the ruffians attempted to blackmail.
Brick Store for ESful.
The commodious Brick Store now
occupied by Adlei's Book Store, for
rent. Apply to W. S. Ki.vney.
For a "Vent Fitting IJoot
.)r Shoe, go to P.. I. Goodmans, on ("he
tiaums street, next door to I. W.
All goods of the best make and guaran
teed quality. A full stock; new goods
constantly arriving. Custom work.
For Dinner Parties to order, at shoil
notice, go to Frank Fahre'n.
One or the finest billiard tables on lhe
coast at Jeff's "Telephone.'
Don't pay 23 to 50 cents for dinner
when you can get a better one at ihe
Telephone for 15 cents from 11 to 2.
The fourth iuuimI tournament of the
Oregon state firemen association will be
held in this city on the 10th of next June,
ud it is the intention of the Astoria fire
dopsi tmenl to umke the occasion one of
ploasure to hII who participate. At the
last meetings of the several companies
couiniitt.".-; won appointed to take the
matter in hand; these committees met in
joint sesiiou yesterday afternoon, and
after some preliminary discussion the
question was raise'd as to the
legal htandiug of the committees
regarding their methods of appoint
ment. It was finally decided to
disband and have a meeting of the board
of foremen who should appoint the com
mittees. Accordingly the board offoremen, the
chief engineer and the secretary of the
board ot fire delegates met at the rooms
of Alert H. and L. No. 1, last evening.
Chief Engineer Charters called the
meeting to order and after stating the
purpose for which the meeting was called,
it was moved and carried that the fore
man" of each company name a committee
of three, to constitute a committee of
nine, who would have full charge of all
matters regarding the part that the fire
department should take ina the coming
tournament. F. L. Parker," foreman of
Rescue No. '2, named W. J. B.irrv. i. S.
Worseley, J. W. Hare; G. P. Wheeler,
foreman Astoria No. 1, named C J.
Treuchard, G. C. Fulton, W. G. Ross; F.
R. Elberson, foreman Alert H. and L. No.
1, named J. E. Thomas. A. K. Shaw, M.
D. Kant.
It was decided that the above members
be notified of their appointment .and that
they be requested to meet at Alert H.nnd
L. rooms st 75U) on Friday evening the
14th itist. The meeting then adjourned
ir;MTOK 31 ''.LIU'S J OKI.
VAiusur:, Murcli W. Section r of
the organic act providing a civil govern
ment for Alaska, ordains that the gov
ernor of Alaska shall, from time to time,
inquire iuto the operations of the AI:ska
fur and seal company, ami shall annual
ly report to congn ss the lesulf of such
inquiries,"' etc.
As there is no such company in, or do
ing business in Alaska, of which Senator
John 1". Miller, late president and now
stockholder of the Alaska commercial
company, whs fully coguijiut when the
Alaska bill was being considered, and on
its na.-sige through the senate last
spriug, the joke of sending the govoruor
of Alaska in search of a company that
does not exist, is ludicrously apparent.
lue Alaska lull of the last session of
congress was rep-trteJ by Senator Harri
son, of Indiana" from which sUtte John
F. Miiler migrated to California, and
where he has acouired u fortune in the
Alaska commercial company), and he.
too, must have grimly smiled over his
old friend's joke.
lhe company whose oiteratious the
other unsuspectidg and utijokable l"ni
ted States senators intended should be
annually investigated by the governor of
Alaska is the Alaska commercial com
pany of San Francisco, familiarly known
as the Fur Seal ring, with its offices in
that city, and its paid agents iu this city
to watch and see that the operations of
congress do not interfere with their em
ployer's lease from the treasury depart
ment, worth about 1,000,00-3 profit iter
annum, and which Judge J. S. Black and
the Hon. Matt Carpenter, in written
opinions, pronounced unconstitutional
and illegal, the corporate and business
name of th company that congress
wants annually inquired into is the Al
aska commercial company, and not the
Alaska fur and seal company, and hence
stockholder Senator John F. Miller's
joke at the expense of his trusting
brother senators and of the prospecting
governor of Alaska in fearch of an "f.i
The steamship Queen of the Paeific is
due from San Francisco this n.orning,
with the following itassengers:
D S Beck
Hon W Jiair Hill
W D Webster
W G Richardson
H Hewitt
J Young
J E Gentry
Charles Stewart
Mrs. Strong
James M Coleman
W A Goghanoiir
J J Donbey
S S Smith
J Alexander
A Duncan
G V Gray
J Hume
Mrs Gentry
Thos M Strong
Mrs J B "Wyatt
W E Waters
M C Smith
Master John Kelly
Ivan Humasou
S L Kline3
Geo Conn
A Earl
G W Hume
Miss Riggs
Mrs H Kelly
Mrs F Dekum
EJ Humasou
C Timmius
O W White
C H MenssdorfMr
D Morgan
Mrs Riggs
W H Potter wf A str
Mrs T L Intcli
Miss Ida Dean
W P Kottemau A wf R J McCormick
W Lieben
II Harromel
Samuel Creger
N J Johansen
Richard Quale
L Johnson
Mrs H C Wilson
Miss Alice Hodes
Mis3 Ella Mavdrs
C H Kimball
J G Jiawrence t vrf
Mrs L E Smiley-
Miss Annie McCain Mrs S B Talbot
B fpham J L Sherwood
E II Jefferson Leu Kan
George Hmg Pon Yi Ming
E M I'udorwood&wf Mrs Stout
D P Neihart A wf J C Hampton
J l xiuraplou, Jr
Bertha Dernham
M Lewis
H Lee, wf A' child
M Glatigny A. wf
C B Graves
L L Spring
C M Jones
M Carter
G W Brown
J R Roberts it dan
J H Garregan
E D Cohen
H Dernham
Miss J Grav
J McPhee
J S Spear, wf &. '2 ch
.1 M Neffend
A Vauberg
G U Allison
J S Jones
W D .Walker
M Feaster
Jos Morrison
Wilson Stout
TM Ellsworth, wf Jfc - chd
And 70 filer-rage.
Etiichlcii's Arnica Snlve.
'I'm: 1Jkt in the world for
Cuts, UniiNps.Sorcs.UliN'rs.lSaH Hhciim,
Fever Sores, Teller, Chapped Hands.
Chilhli'.tiis. Corns, and all Skin Krup
tions, and positively euros Piles, or no
pay icqnim". It is'jjuaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded.
l'ricc 'S cents per box
For stile b V.
K? Dement & Co.
A Hnppy Thought.
It va- a haupy thought that led to the
production of a concentrated fruit sjr
up, .so harmless iu its nature thai it may
be given either to the mother or her
babe, rclMicd alike by both, and of
such wonderful eflicaey that all who
lake it feel brighter anil happier. V.
K. Dement & Co. will furnish anyone
wishing Syrup of Fisrs atrial bottle free
of charge.'or will sell ."0 cent and one
dollar hollies.
Does not make any second-clarts l'ic
tures at his ew Gallery, Nn. Cl, on
the. Koadway.
Sr. PETEKfnrKO, March 10 Ovor -200
Nihilists haTo been arrest el hero wil bin
tho past few days.
Kingston, Ont., March 10. A promi
nent military officer has received a letter
infonning him that there wore 03 Fe
nians at Buffalo drilling with a view to
making a raid on Canada.
New Yobk, March 10. Reports that
President Arthur is worn out aud in ill
health, are entirely without foundation.
He is looking and feeling perfectly well,
and his accustomed serenity does not de
sert him.
St. Louis, March 10. Governor Mar
maduke has called on the malitia to go to
Sedalia, in Missouri, to a'd in suppressing
any trouble likely to arise thero to-day out
of the railroad strike. About ir0 officers
and men left here this morning.
KonTi, March 10. Natives arriving
here to-day report El ilabdi is leaving
Khartoum, as he fears to "be assassinated
by his many enemies, who are-sjealons of
his successes, and may take this mode of
doing away with their rival.
Dallas, Tex, March 10. The railroad
strike here is growing. All the trackmen
struck this afternoon and' not a wheel is
moving except the passenger trains.
Hundreds of cars of perishable goods are
side-tracked. Pablic sympathy is with
the strikers.
Saukim, M irch 10. Native Indian regi
ments have arrived and express contempt
for El Mahdi, and say no Mohammedan
believes iu him. They segm to bo greatly
elated over tho prospects of a Russian
war, nndsay tho Indian regiments will
be trebled in strength.
London, March 10. The Indian gov
ernment has notified tho war office that
in tho event of a war with Russia that
India will ask for 15.000 men from Eng
land. There is a marked display of de
votion to England among the "Moham
medans, and the native press is uniform
ly loyal.
London, March 10. The Times claims
to have information that the Russians
have pushed still further into Afghanis
tan, and that a collision is imminent.
Tho ameer informs Lord Dufferin that he
is prepared to resist the invaders, but re
quests that England fortify Herat.
Washington. March 10. Late this
afternoon Lamont notified Morton, Bol
way and Duke, White house clerks, aud
Judd, the telegraph operator, that their
services would bo dispensed with. These
vacancies will not be filled, Lamont con
sidering them entirely unnecessary. These
ire the first removals sines Cleveland's
Nka- Youit, March 10. General Grant
was given a stimulant last night in
place of an anodyne. This change of
treatment had a soothing effect, and tho
patient passed the night comfortably.
This morning he arose refreshed. He
made no complaint in regard to his throat
trouble, aud was able to partake of con
siderable nourishment.
Sec Fbancisco, March 10. -Jose Cova.
acting counsel of Guatemala in this city,
to the consolidation of the five Central
American republics, news of which was
telegraphed yesterday, said: ''It is un
questioned that the controlling influence
that rendered thisuuion of republics pos
sible was a universal desire for the speedy
completion of the Nicaraguau canal. It
is considered probable that the capital of
the new republic will be Guatemala, the
present capital of Guatemala and head
quarters of President Barrios.'"
San FitASCiseo, March 10. Tho strik
ing sailors of the coasters continue their
coercive measures to prevent coasting
vessels from obtaining crews at the pres
ent rate of wages. Two hundred and
fifty strikers boarded the schooner -1-fred,
which was ready to go to sea. The
strikers stated they would permit the
vessel to go on its voyage if the captain
would pay them s3." per month. The
captain refused, saying hu would give
$30. Thereupon the strikers induced the
men to leave tho ve3Ul. rue strikers
prevented the ship IUcIrn-d III. aecuring
a crew unless increased wages were paid.
Londov, Mxrch 10. The Pall 3la!l
Gazeffr says it is believed the news re
ceived last eveuiug to the effect that the
Russians had advanced their outposts iu
Zulpkar pass further south, instead of
withdrawing north, as requested by Eng
land is correct. There can be no doubt
great fears are entertained of a collis
sion between Russian and Afghan troops,
as this last advance has placed the op
posing outposts face to face, and taken
tho Russians much nearer Afghan terri
tory. There is no indication, says the
Gazelle, that tho Russians have gone be
yond what they consider the Afghan
boundary line.
W'Ancc-QTON, March 10. A3 tho new
cabinet is now made up, one-half of tho
members will hae to be introduced to
the other half, from the want of any pre
vious acquaintance. The president
never knew personally but two of the ad
visers he has chosen until after his nom
ination at Chicago. It cannot be
charged, therefore, that any peculiar
partiality resulting from association de
termined these selections. They were
evidently made for publio and political
reasons alone. General disappointment
is felt that Mr. Thurman should have
been cast aside after his long and valu
able services to the party, and in view of
his standing before the country. He
would have g'ven character to and in
spired confidence in the ahministration
from the outset, as Governor Marcy did
when he accepted the department of
state under Mr. Pierce. Mr. Lincoln
adopted the policy rt putting his fore
most rivals in the cabinet, who shed
lustre on the administration.
Hot F.micit, at the TVlt-pliom
From II to 2 overy day.
A fine lunch with drink or cigar. "."
No charge affer two o'clock,
Gray sells Sackett Bros.' JM sawed
cedar shingles A full M guaranteed in
each bunch.
At fmuU FabreN.
Hoard for $22-r0 a month. The
iu the city. Dinner from o to 7.
Syrup of Figs.
Nature's own true Laxative. lMeas.
ant to the palate, acceptable totheStom
acli, harmless in its nature, painless in
its action. Cures habitual Constipation.
Biliousness, Indigestion and kindred
ills. Cleanses the system, purifies lhe
blood, regulates the Liver and acts on
the Dowels. Hreaks up Colds, Chills
aud Fever, etc. Strengthens the organs
on which it acts. Better than bitter,
nauseous Liver medicines, pills, salts
and draughts. Sample bottles free, and
large bottles for sale by . K. Dement
& Co., Astoria.
Private card xooius at .Iefl"s new sa
loon "The Telephone."'
Buy your Lime of raj- at Portland
Are you made miserable bv Indi
gestion, Constipation, Dizziness, "Loss of
appetite. Yellow Skin ? Shlloh's Yital
uer is a positive cure. For sale by V.
.. Dement.
t:-('inininnil 4q1 Son EI "Uhli'x Kt;h!.
!!aal .Man.
El Mahdi commands experienced Er
peau aid iu his insurrection against the
Egyptian government, iu the parson of a
versatile aud adventurous spirit whoss
favorite clement is the atmoshere of re
volution and bloody strife.
This interesting adventurer is known
as Olivier Pain. He is of mixed French
and Spanish blood, ami was born in
Paris about forty-three year.- ago. After
receding a thorough education at one of
the high schools of the French capital,
while still a youth he employed his con
siderable abilities with the pen against
the gpvernment of Napoleon III. He
married in 1555 or the year after. His
children are believed to be still living.
Whether or not his wife is living is not
The terrib.e reverses of the frali
crmy in 1ST0, and the collipsc of the em
pire" in consequence, wa? succeeded in
Paris by i government which succumbed
to the commune. This brought Pain,
who had been nn agitator for years, into
great prominence as a leader. When, in
the spring of 1871, the forces of M.mliul
MacMahon forced their way into th re
bellious capital, Pain fought in the ranks
of the commune. Previously to the
short-lived supremacy of the communists
he had taken part in the war against
Prussia, as a journalist anil soldier.
He survived the horrors which accom
panied the suppression of the revolution
lie had assisted to bring about but was
taken prisoner and sentenced with
Rochefort, Louise Michel and other no
torious parsons to the penal colony at
NewCaledonia. This was in 137:. He
escaped to Australia in the early part of
187. with Rochefort and four others.
The fugitives then made their way to
this continent, landing in San Francis
co. He and Rochefort crossed the Uni
ted States together, and iu the spring of
187.1 sailed from New York to England.
While residing in London, immediately
subsequent to this time, tho friends en
gaged in journalism for a period. Then
they made their way to Geneva, where
Ufnlramlgeuni was edited for circula
tion in Paris.
Then next heard of M. Pain wa.s act
ing as Osman Pasha's private secretary
at the siega of Plevna, in tho war of
1877-78, between Turkey and Russia, and
which proved so disastrous to the Mo
hamraedau jtower. He wrote the answer
returned io the Russian commander by
Osman Pasha, when tho surrender o'f
PIevnaewas demanded by the besieging
force. His influence over the illustrious
Turkish oflicer who defended the city,
was as remarkable as that he now
wields in the tent of Mahdi. It began
when he was acting as newspaper cor-
responueni luere, nnu resniieu wuu ms
being permitted to remain with the
Turkish army after all other foreign
j journalists had been excluded from it.
aim men in uis acceptance oi a private
secretaryship, as before stated.
Whon Plevna fell after a vain attempt
j at escaite. Pain was offered by the Rus-
.r . .t.- t. t. -u i.. ri ...-
sians io me rreucu r.mnasay. xie
recognized as nn ex-convict", and
j French government consequently
fused him its protection. His
siaiis io iuk I'lfUfu i-.tuuoMY. xie ni
and the
nrolectiou. His ex-
j periences as a prisoner of war in Russia
'seemed to have stimulated rather than
I to havo quenched his urdfiit love for
'adventure. When liberated he went to
! Paris, from whence he embraced the first
opiiortunity of once more engaging in
feats of broil and battle. This was the
'. insurrection led by HI Mahdi, whom Iu
determined to reach if possible. After he
' had gained the bordors of the desert his
j escort abandoned him. Pushing on alone
ho was nearly killed by wnudering
Arabs and thrown iuto prison at Emeh.
I After three days he escaped from the
J Anglo-Egypt iau officials, aud once more
sot out to accomplish his intention.
" With two Bedouins as companions, he
! crossed the desert in thirty days, was nr-
rested at f he Mahdi's outpost, and onco
j more underwent imprisonment for a few
, days. He succeeded in satisfying the MaL
jdias to his friendliness, and was there
I after treated with tho greatest considera
I tiou. Whether or not he will escape tho
I skill of British marksmen iu coming en
jgagements with the troops of Egypt's
' ally nud virtual master, is a matter which
' nrobably troubles him less than it does
j his friends.
Grand Clearance Sale!
.1. litmus, of the Nsw Voik Nuvrlty
Store, will leave for San Francis o on the
Jjth of .At u ch for the purpose of personally
select hu: ami uuvlnj; a large and varied
asoitmetit ofcoiuU; in consequence there-
!. we v.i.l ofter
For the XTeact
Twenty Da;
Special bargains in every department ; we
have materially reduced the prices on all
classes of goods, and "'the public" will find
it to their advantage to call, examine and
price our varied stock, consisting in part of
florlo, PUtrJ Warp,
Picture am! Franie,
Albumi, liabjr ('orrUxK,
fuller), IllrJ IWn, Play Id? fAnli,
ArrorJeons. VIoIIm, Banjos, (JulUr,
Stationery, KoIItr Slatw, Tcj. Klc.
t II ..'A il t l.n M.1.17 , 1ii ln-.m" ..ill nml
ill WVT 4l3f Ul 111" (JIIU1I1. I. Klltib IIIVJ Wll 4III
we will guarantee to at once nroe the truth
of our avtcrtionsand satisfy them. lJeraem-
ucr ui:u him is a noun Hue ciruniuci' sao
and will hold good for twenty dajs onl.
New York Novelty Store,
Opposite Parker House.
Io You Think Hint "Jen
Tho Chop House
(lives you a meal for nothing, aud a
glass of something to drink V "Not
much!" but he gives a better meal and
more or it than any place iu town for
2T cents. He buys by the wholesale and
pays eah. ''That .jetties it.'
Fresh KaMern and Slionl water
Hay Oystcr-i
QontantIv on hand, cooked to any sly p
at Frank Fabre's.
All the patent medicines advertised
iu this paper, together wilh the choicest
perfumery, ami toilet articles, etc can
he bought at the lowest prices, at. I. V.
Conn's drug store, opiwwili Ociden
betel, Astoria.
Sini.oH's Cciti: will imuiediulely
rclieve Croup, Whooping Cough, and
Bronchitis. Sold bv v. E. Dement & Co
Three Rooms to Rent
L Gwod tor oniee or dwelling purposes
"" mi an ilimi i,.ii anci
Vanilla, Jctnon, Orange, etc., flavor
ralici, Creams, Faddtnffs, 3to, ns deli
catefy astl natarally astao fruit from
which Cicy are made.
For Strcntli and True Fruit
Flavor They Stand Alone.
Price Baking Powder Co.,
Chicago, III. St. Louis, Mo.
UAem of
Dr. Prices Cream Baking Powder
Br. Price's lupulin Y.ast Gems,
Kcit Iry Mop Yeast.
Light Healthy Bread,
The oest dry hop yea9t In the world.
Bread ralood by this yoa9t is llBht,whlta
and wholesome liko our grandmother's
delicious bread.
paCPlftSO BT If.!
Price Baking Powder Co.,
KaaTrs Gi Dr. Plica's special Yhmm Eitracis,
Chicago. III. St. Louis, Mo.
For"ue1i f tiTiNR.MKKi.E&Cn.. Agents
l'ortland. Oregon
ITS ! !
M. I. lC'iiit lias jat received a large invoice
uftlu hest a:al
Meu'.s. Youth' and ISmMiats in all ic new
and leading spring shapes and colors, and
in order to inert the requirements of the
times has made the following reductions :
55.00 Hats reduced lo - $4.00
4 50 " - 3.50
4.00 - ' - 3.00
3.50 :; - 2.75
3.00 ;i - 2.50
2.50 ' - 1.75
1 50 ' i- - 1.00
Also, a liiit- assattuteiit of CAPS at greatly
rdncul prices.
Mercliant Tailor awl Clothier.
. 1885.
Will he allowed
On Time Deposits.
nraftt on all the I-eadmg Cities.
Wm. T. Coleman & Co.
Manager Banking Department,
Astoria, Oregon.
Elegant Rooms.
Hume's hulldiug.
Notice to Taxpayers.
JL taxes draws to a close. Alt property
on which taxes are delinquent March Slst
ISM. will be. levied on according to law.
Wit. o. ROSS.
Sheriff and ex-offlclo
Tax Collector.
j exbag,ts
vy u mmw "O
and lZdllilreMs
FANCY ffll'fflMRH'
Ginghams, Foulards, Sateens, Seersuckers,
Shirtings, Zephyrs, Lawns, Prints,
On Monde
And following (lay,
Kver hrotmrt to Alf.ria at
We have received per express, direct from New York importers over 11,000 yards
of Cambric rlmbroiderie-. of the latest designs from ."" to o0
per cent, under former price.
Hand Made Trochon Laces "from 10 to 50 Cents per Yard.
Cannery for Sale.
Pl..a 1 iU Atitilrtn
Clifton. Or.
Astoria, Feb. 2.5th, 1S8T.
Fine Stationery,
Blank Books,
School Books,
Music Books,
Shaving: and Bathing Saloon.
Ladies' HairDreeTand WigMaker ! HOWE SOLDERING MACHINE,"
All kinds of , With West's Crimper attached.
HAIR WOKK MADE TO ORDER j TUN JIachtne Is Nearly XeiT and N Sold for
Ladles' Hair cutting and Shampooing a Want of Use
specialty. All work done in the most artis
tic manner and In the latest style. j Address
Parker House, Main St., Astoria , Or New Orleans, La.
Keeps constantly on hand
In Business Suits and Dress Suits.
Also the largest stock and the ncuett patterns In
French and American Cassimeres, "Worsteds, Cloths,
Scotch and English Tweeds.
Which will he made up to order in the very latent styles and at the lowc ! prices.
HATS in all the Latest and Standard Shapes.
A complete line of
G-enis' Furnishing floods.
. A. McXXTTOSS:, .
The Leading; Clothier, Hatter and Gents' Fnrnisher.
Boots and Shoes.
the choicest selection of
exceedingly LOW PRICES.
:ries and laces
Astoria Bakery
C0umbia Candy Factory.
Ed. .TncliHon, Proprietor.
Kread. Pics and Cakes delivered every
Agents for Steck's
Little Giant, and
Kranich and Bach's Pianos,
Taber, and Western
Cottage Organs,
One E. W. BLISS, Latest Improyed
a full stock of the best made
Oil K'THRf m