w Site gaUji stwum. ASTOKIA, OREGON: TUESDAY.. .. MARCH 10. 1KSJ SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE PORT OF ASTORIA. VESSEL IX TEE RIVER. Janet McNeil. Stacheund, llrbk .1. IS, llrown Am 15rkit.li Monarch Oblpman. Hrp Kttr.tMi, llrW. MtW'ahbincion, Asa p Coloraa. t'umbrian. llrlilv Monmoutbfliirr, 1'rbV Itanca. ISr bk .loeta. Gcrbk M Jt K. Cor. Ur sp VESSELS CIA THE V.A 1 . t"riiv lorelzru 1'orls, for ILt C'oluttililn Itlvcr AMakahsd. Br bi. 1143 lions Kone Archor. Br blcTW Liverpool lice inih. Br bk Valparaiso Jan S3 lleocbhohn. Brbk"62 Autifojrastaan 11 Oainavon Castle. Br t.j 138 Sidney Uity of Madn J Br p lluenes Ayre- Xr H Blina. Br bk Valparaiso Jan 3il Kxplarer. Br s? Valparaiso lid ward Percy. Br bk 6W Oallao Haddingtonshire. Brfip liSO Bio Jan J4 Haidee, Br bk 75S Liverpool Oct 4 Kitty. Brbk Valparaiso Jan 21 Lobe. Br. bk. S9 Carnral l.cren. Or lV"7i Valparaiso Sjits Moltke. Ger bk S3 Livorpool Madura. BrbkflTOCliecfoo Oban Bay. Br bk Va paramo Qulllota BrbktSS ValparaihO River Leven Br bk 773 Valparaiso Remonstrant Br bk 101' Calls o Jan it San Luii, Br bk SSI fa lao Jan 2 X-'rinu American Iorts. Titlie K. Marback. Am sp 1S31 New York Nor 13 tiim: takYjK fes: astoria. 1IIOH WATFU. LOW WATER. First second. Fiiat. Second. ;: 5. H .j H if S .m a p s: P a 1 P sh s I hi hi hi h -o- o-o OS 12 VH 2T 3-2 3-o 12 (Tfl 05 0-3 0'1 0-1 0-2 05 The hours between imd-tUiit and noon are designated by a ia. M.). those between noon Hiid luidnight by 7 (i si.). 0. O0n a denotes inidnight, oi. Mm. v denotes noon. The lieilit is reckoned from the Mel of average lmerlowvattTh to which the sound ings are gi en on the Coast Sin ev charts. Columbia River Exports. aniPJiEKTS roKKioN. ianuai:. S53K57 hits, wheat 24.S3S hbls. Hour Total. (10 cargoes I'KIiltUAm. 01C.73lms. wheat a.oG7 1)bls. floui 11.8y0es. salmon 50i M lumber Total vIC cargoes .$033,371 . ftJ.2j. .S731.C23 ..S175.230 15..90 5150 ... 53.873 ..S747.113 id Gull Jewel Scarf Pins, Cfeiis, f atclies; Pianos ami Ors.i;m ol" tlu Bost iiinlii' at Hi i' Iowost Prices. The finest stock of Jewelry in Astoiia. fAll goods warranted as represented GUSTAV HANSEN, JEWELER. Astoria Bakery AND Columbia Candy Factory. Ed. Jaelison, ErrirJctor. Candies. - - - Bread. Pies and Cakes day. 20 Cts per lb. delivered ecry GERfVIANIA BEER HALL - AXD BOTTLED BEER DEPOT, riienainus Street, JWona "" " The Best of Lager 5 Cts. a Glass. 4-, Orders forthe Celebrated Nortlien Pacific Brewery Beer I-oft at this place will be piomptly dttended to tus'Xu cheap San Francisco Beer sold at this piac Wm. BOCK. Pioprictor. Notice of Application. TVTOT1CE IS HEREBY GIVEN TIIATTHE IA undeisigni d, will apply to the common council of the city of Astorl.r. at Its next reg ular meeting for n lcenseto sell u ine. malt and spirituous liquors in less quantities than one quast, for a period of one j ear, in the building fronting on Hem'ock street and situated on lot Xo. 8. block No. 3, iu Sliive Iv's llrst additon to Astoria. JCHARLF-S LUXDERG. G. A. STINSON & CO., BLACKSHITHIN6. At Capt. Kogcis old stand, comer of CaB and Court blreets. Ship and Caiiuerj' work. Horseshoeing. WacoiM made, and repaired. Good worK uuaran'.eed. Three Rooms to Rent Ff BUILTJING OVER PRAEL'S STORE. Good for unices or dwelling purposes. Ar-Plv to C S GUXDEKSOX. orPILAELBEOS. i i oc s-.i o 4;i;s7 c T&i p-i. 7 ispt i i as -c i X R'j 7 SS 10 7 M 2 07 I) 2 17 KO 8 30 07 8 2li 2 ss 8b :: o- -: ji oo o 7 s a fi 10 S'fc 3 A' C, 7 ! Ifl 0 8 9 .RJ l. K 43 iR 4 41 CO 10 .'17 P0 10 OS 7 422 8M r 51 34 11 Xia 12 10 SI ft & W 71 7 29 4-8 0 42f 1 3 11 5C 9 fi 02 ;5 8 if 32 - - -- 1 58 10 7 OR 7-2 58 5 7 1 18a 4 2 3 05 11 S 20 7-2 10 48 C2 2 47 42 4 00 12 2i 7-3 1127 6-7 3 5T. 3'9 4 47 19 10 21 7M 11 frp ;-2 4 18 34 5 21 14 1109 7S - -- 5 30 2 8 5 5.1 ID 0 23 7-0 11 SIR T9 C 03 22 C2! lC 0 48 s-0 0 30pSO G 40 PS C 50 ry ASTORIA DIRECTORY. State Officers: 4.1. H. Slater United States Senators...... -.T..N.I)olph Representative in Congiess M. C. George Governor. . ...... . Z. Z. F.Moody Governors Secretary Secretary or State Assistant Secretary . State Treasurer ... Assistant Treasurer Sup't Public Instruction... State Printer Cleik School Land Board., Sup't Insane Asvlunu.. ..... Sup't J'enitentiary... Supreme Judge Chas. 15. Moorcs IL l. Farhart F K.Hi-dgklu id.Hirsch . a. F. Wheeler E. It. McHlroy W. H. Byars ..X, P. McComac Dr. H. Carpenter Geo. Collins (V. P. Lord ..J A. P.. Waldo W. 'W.Thayer District Jl-igk.s : First District L. R. Webster Second District Robert Bean Third District R. P. Boise Fourth District Seneca Smith Fifth District F. J. Taylor Sixth District 31. L Olmstead Clatscp County Officers: Judfe.. ..C. A McGuire Clerk Sheriff Commissioners., Assessor Treasurer....... Sun eyor.. School Sup'r..... Coroner ...C. J. Trenchard W. G. Ross 1 1. K. Warren "J J no. llobMin J. F. Warren laac Bergman G. F. Parker A. P.. Hlguins l.'.C. Ku- Astoria City OfEcers: Mavor J W. llit'i'e Auditor and Clerk T. S. Jev.ett Treasurer J. G. Hurler Assessor... ........ Gio. P. Winkler Street Superintendent Thus. Ijignn Chief ot Police ...Clark I onghiey Police Judge C. H. Stockton Sexton M.('onl-v covsniAiri (C 1'. sier -A. A. !oe-Uid ( Isaiic P.-n:uiaii (Tlias.l)eal. AC. J.Tieiichard I Chas. (Jratke, First Want Second Ward. Oregon Railway & Navigation coiipaxy. ooi:axdivkh Durlnc the month of March, 18Ki. Ocean Steamers will sail from Portland to San Francisco, and from San Francisco to Port land, as follows. leaving Ainsworlli Dock. Portland, at Midnight, and Spear Street Wharf. San Francisco, at 10 A. si. : From San Franclsco.l From Portland. Mob Itrli Columbia Thar SlQuoen of Pacific hun 1 Queen of I'noiOc Ta lujoreeon J-rr fi Oregon . . ...hun 15(Jolumbi Wed 11 Columbia Kii '0 J Queen ot Pacific Moti If. State of Cal Wed MjOrecon hat 21 Oregon Mon 3i)iColumbia Thur "C Apribtateof Cil Tu 31 Columbia. .Sat 4 1 Ajir Oregon.. .. Sun ' Through TIrltrtH sold to all jiriuciiial cities in the Inlted States. Canada and Europe. RAIL DIVISION. On and after Xo ember 2Jnl. last, I'assen gerTrains Mill leae Poitland for E:tsteni points, at 3:30 I .11.. dailj. Pullinan Palace Cars raumnn ltubeu Vor laud. and t. Paul, KIYE'.tC DI1ISIO.V (SXtddlc -.Sujnt.l.n. Boats leav? Poitland for Hnlle . 7:0 A M. ALSO : Lea(!l'ori- ill I I land for I Mon 1 Tu. I We.1 1 tm.l Prt. I S u A-storia audi I I 1 I I lower Co- I ! luint)ia....lPAMl AMIhAMlfi AMUAMlhAM Dajton. Or.JTAMj '.TAM,1 7 A... . coSr.llMj jcAitj . Tacomaaud Seattle, daily at IWI'51 Victoria bteamara do not ruu run:la). Leaves Astoria for Portland at Ca. tu litil ex cept Sunday, i h. iKK.si:orr. .10I1XMUH. ManaKri. Traffic Manager. K. A. NOKS, Ayoiit Ast.in i. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA VIA Oregon & California R. R Aud Connection, lure to San FrauthcoS82; toSairautulnSIO DAILY, EXCEIT SUNDAY. KASTSinn iiivisiox. Between I'OItTLt.M) and ASIIliAM) MAIL TKAI. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Poitland 7:30 A. Jtl Ashland 1:45 a.m. Ashland 8:45 p. at Portland 4:25 1. i. ALBANY EXPRE88 TRAIN. LEAVE. AiatlVE. Portland 4 :00 f. M.1Ix;banoii. o trn v. ai l.ebaiioii....4 :45 A. i.Portiand... 10 :U". a. ai Pullman Palace Sleeping Car leaves Port land Mondays and Thursdajs. Returning leaes Ashland Tuesdays and Fridays. The Oregon and California Railroad Feirv makes connection with all Regular Train's on Eastide Division, from the loot of FSi. WESTSIDE DIVISION. Between Portland and Crnllih aiAir, train LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland .9 -00 a. ai.Corvalli- 4 -jso r. si. Corvallls 8 :S0 a. ai.Portlaud 3 :2t i. ai. EXPRI"S3 TltAIX LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 5 :00 1 aiMcMiuuille.8 :W iai McMinuville-5:45 AailPortlaud s -so a ai Local tickets lor. sale, and bagcage checked at Company's up-town oitlee, corner Stark and Second streets. Tickets for .sale to all the principal points iu California, can only be procured and baggage checked, at the Company's oaice. Corner F and Front Sts., Portland, Or. Treight w 111 not be received for shipment after 5 o'clock im. on either the Easislde or Westslde Dh isions. R. KOKHLKR, K P.ROGERS. Manager. O. K A P.Airt Hwaco Steam Navigation Go.'s WINTER SCHEDULE. Astoria to Fort Stevens, Fort Canby, and Ilivaco. Connecting by stages aud boats for Oysterviiie. Montesano and Olympia - ,5ffk Until further notice the Ilwaco SMmim Steam Navigation Co.'s steamer G-en. JMl.&s9 Will leave Astoria on Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 7 A. M. (Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays being Oysterv ille and Montesano mall days.) FOR Ft.Stevens, Ft. Canby and Ilwaco ON Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays The steamer will leave Astoria at o a. at., as formerly, not being confined strictly to schedule time. On Thursday A SECOXD TRIP will be made, leaving As toria three hours after arriviiig tti m Ilwaco Fare to Fort Canby and Ilwaco, ?1 00 "Tickets can he bought at ih, ofllcc for 75 cts. 2"Thvaco freight, by the too, in lots or one ton or over, $2 per ton, S3yFor Tickets, Towage or Charter ap ply at the office of the com pan. Gray's wharf, font of Benton street. .1.11. D.GRAY. Agent. House to Rent. NINE ROOMS: Inquire of GOOD LOCATION. Y7, B. HEADINGTON. INVISeMTOR Is lost -what its name implies ; Purely Vegetable "Ccrpound, thai, acts directly upon tne -Layer : cuihuj the many diseases inciderMo that im. portant organ, and pjtewnting the na merous aiimants tKt) arise from iU deranged or toraiJac!ion, such as Dyspepsi Jidice, Biliousness Losityenes! .Malaria, Sick-headachs. etc. It is therefore s "ToTiaTe doodHealtL :he. Liver musfc he kept in order." D2. SAITTOSB'S IIVZR IN7IG0SAT0E uvijorales the Liver, Regulates the Bow zU, Strengthens the System, Purifies the Blood . Assists DIpcslion, Prevents Fevers. Is a Household Teed. An Invaluable family Medicine for common complaints. EL SAOTOSD'S II7XR HTVIG0IL1T0I1. An experience cf Forty yean, and Thon lands cf Testimonials prote its Merit. FOIt S.VM3 BY XIX. DEAI.KR3 TN MnDICXXM For full infonaion Mml yonr nildrc for lOi t-csBook oa the -Liver and iia dica.-cs. Ji esrono 24. i;ase ar., xr.w iork ciiz; hocikty 3ir.irrixs. Templo Lcdgo, No. 7A.F.A. M. RFC. U LA U COM M IMC ATIOXS Hrst and 1'ilrd Tuesdays lu each Ttinnlli nt 7i tlVlOPk. V- U. at tllP Hall in AMoiia. Memliers of the outer iu good standim: are United to attend.. Uv order of the W. M. Bea.-er Lodge No. 35. 1. 0. 0. F. KT.ULAii Mi:irnx: kv . 5-1 It1 erj' Thursday eenlng JTiS&k seven o'chk-k. :ti me i-wg'.vS2jjp?- room in Odd Fellows liaii, amo- - ria. Sojourning members f tht fiderln gocd standing, ennlially invited toaitei-d. Hy order N.5. Ocean Encaniprneu TN-13, 1. O. O.P. OF.OULAltMKF.lINtJSOF OTKAX EX IX campnipnt Xo. IX r. O. O. F., at the IHlge, in the Odd Fellows lluiiding, at seven i: at., on the icond y.ud fourth Mondavs or c acti month. Sujournlne bieth ren coriltall inlted. Bv order t'" P. Seaside Lodge Ho. lis. A. O. U. V. KEC.ULAR MEETIXflS OF SE.VSIDE Lodge Xo. 12, A. O. U. W. will be held In the.t Hall mr C'aruahnn & Co.'s on 1 hursday evening of each week, at 7 o'clock. Members of the order In good standing, and lsiting Brothers are United to nitenu. Li brary will be oten llfteen minutes before and alter iai.li meeting. By order M. W. C. BROWN, Ree. Astoria ljoage jo.40. I. O. G.l . REGUJ.AR MhETIXC EVERY MON dav ev riling at 7 .30 o'clock, in the Hall over Carnahan's store. Members of the Or der. In pood standing, are inv Ited to attend. B order W. V. T. AmortcarTLeiriorT of ilonor. vE(:riAit MEimxo of astoria JLV Connf il Xo ftiV Is held on the first and third Tuesday f.f each mouth, at 7 o'clock i i. By order of the -.'ounci! Coinmander. R. . MOXTE1TI1. Sec'ty. OccIdexTt CoTisfcll No. 5. 0. C. P. MEETS EVERY FIRST AND THIRD Saturdav evenings of each mitnili, at 8 o'clock P. Af. Member of Hit c.rdri are iespectftill requesteil lo aiteiid. B m'der. C. BROW X. Reenidrr. Cuslitn-r PoItw"o.74rc7A il. Ri:;UlJVR MEKTfXflS OF TIMS POST on the srcond and fourth TueJtts of each mnnlh al 7-.0 i. ai. Visiting com rades eordiullv smiled. Bv urder P.C. Cushinfr Relief dorps No. 3, G. A. It. REOULAR MF.ETIXCS OX TH ESECOXD and fourth Tuesdays of each month, at 2 p. ai. B ord r Mi:s. C. ROSS. Secretary. Pacific Lodge No. 17, K. or P. REGULAR MEETINGS OF THIS 1-odge every Friday evening, at 7 -co o'clock, in their Castle Hull, Sojourning Knights cordially invited to attend. W. A. SHERMAN, K. or R. and S, Astoria Division No. One, Uniform Rank, K. or P. REGULAR MEETING ON THE FIRST 1 hursday of each mouth, in their Ar mory Hall, in Pythian Castle.at 8 1 ai. Reg ular drills on the second, 'third and fourth Thursday of each month, at such place as shall be designated by the Crmmaiider. Sojourning Sir Kirghts cordially invited to meetings and drills. SCOTT BOZORTH. Recorder. Astoria Ladies' Coffeo Club. REGULAR MEETINGS ATTHE CLUB'S rooms adjoining Liberty Hall on the first and third Fridu. s of each 'month at 7 J". Ai. Mils. B. S. WORSLEY, Pres. Common CounciL REGULAR MEETINGS. SECOND AND fourth Tuesday evenings of each mouth at 714 o'clock. si3"Persons desiring to have matters acted upon by the Council, at anv regular meet ing must present the same' to the Auditor and Clerk, on or befoie the Friday ev eninc prior to the Tuesday on which the Council holds its regular meetiug. THOS.S..TEWETT. Auditor and Cleik. 2-. MA11H00D " HEST0RE0 Tlie rwip-u' fun ri. ti l -ttt, t ' SEHIXM. lt.-lA'.A ss. z..sr ot .1 1 lIOOD,ahJtktriltfftbis J ti.sf-t it (urinj to a c.yui)J.r.uti-n fal'ol I'llO.S T I niiEA. mi. LiEitirrs ixvwuratui: the O:. I. Vcnreffr I'llliS TA TORRUHA. Pi ,rt. i. li jit partagr, C jtaelages. 1 W. Umdr I llrallh ami Srtf-Anttlittstttt tr t. A .. IV iti-i ..':; vsAi:vr-ri'tv'i n . i j i.v. 9 .s. v ." -.- 1. 1 .: -ASK FOR Union India Hubuer Co.'q I'ure Para Gnm ORA.CK PKOOF RUBBER BOOTS. KKWAlir. OF IMITATION'S! Be sure the hoots are stamped CLICJT PHOOP on the heels, and have the PU11E OUAI SPItlXOS on tho foot and instep, which proven', their cracking or breakimr We are now making them with IlUllBEn AXD ASBESTOS Soles which will make them last more than twice a long as auv Rubber boots made. FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS. ALL KINDS RUBBER BELTING, PACK ING. HOSE. SPRINGS. CIATHING. BOOTS AND SHOES. Etc. GOODYEAR RUBBER CO. K. H. PEASE. .Ir. I Agents, S.M.RUNYON, I San Francbco. SS uneaTiairsmr TmsrmthAt' kMWS-M'ilfcK. "jr 'yy rv. ,iA"s' V , L. I As the sundry civil appropriation! bill passed the senate, the following j increases were made: For comple tion ot the dry dock at 3fnre island, $360,000, iusteadof 8170,000 as passed . by the house; 73,000 is friven iustead , 5 of SO0.O00 for a licht station at uorth- west Seal rock. A new item was in serted as follews: For the establish-; ment of a tog signal ca Angel island. , San Francisco bay, Onl., S45,000. The appropriation for n fog signal at De-' struction islaud, "W. T.. is increased to S40,000 from S23,000. One hundred thonsand dollars is inser'cHl to buy a site and erect a public buildii'g a Sacramente: S5,000 is given for fixiug up the building known as the "clnb-' house," at Sitka, Alaska, as a tempc rary jail; $3,000 to construct n frame or lep: court-house and jail at Jnneau City; 31,500 to construct a building for n conrt-roni at Sitha; S"00 for n conrt-Iioite r.t Wrnnjrc!, and Sl,00-1 for n conrt -house asul jail at Oona laska, Alaska. The appropriation of S."0,000 to orect a penitentiary for rtnu ami $25,000 io erect a peniten-l tiary for IMontann were both struck out of the bill. ! dpi. WhitehilL or Eilbo-i. W. T.. while shingling, the other Jay, put his ilrav.'iti'r-lriiifo ilnwn mi flispnt ami went to ui soiaethiii'; elf e. ami wup:i tie reiumeti ne sas nown on tne knifo. whiph nit : wnntiil ten inolips I long ami two inches Jeep. Dr. .T. S. Lewis was called to tlress the wound, and nut two stitches in it. bnt later the stitches were broken, and the' man, at last accounts, was in a criti cal condition. Cha?. StctTenV body has been re leased from it3 shallow grave on the banks of the Molalla by the hifjh water, and has floated down the river in its coffin, probably to the sen. A reat Disco1; cry That is daily bringing j'oy !i the homes ot thousands by sa ing many of tlieir deai ones from an early gravt. Truly is Dr. King's Xevv Discovery for Consumption, Coughs. Colds. Asthma, Hroui-hitis, Hay Fever. Loss; of Voice, Tickling m the riiroat. Tain in Side and Chest, or any disease of the Tlnont and Lungs. a positive euro. Trial Dot tles free at V. E. DeniPiil A Coe.. Drug More. Large size 1.00. Snakes arc so numerous and kjw- onous in southern Australia that remedies for the cure cr snake bites are always in great demand. All in the Line of X.itmv. There is nothing in the line ot magic or myster. about that wonderful and popular medicine, I'arker's Tonic. It is simply tho best and moil -a-ientltlc ! combination possible of the essential principles of thoc vegetable curatives which act powerfully and directly on the stomach, liver. ksdnes and blood. Hut then neither is. nor will he. any successful imitation of it. It is all tin time curing tho'e who had despaired of ever gelling well. Foi niit-vjf. om wife and children. YOUXti JlRM-KX.lt) 'i'.'tl.. Tnx Voi.Tio p.niT , of MhTsh.t:;. Mich., oiTer to send their c Mebnitiit i.i.n tho-Voi.taio Bki.t and other Kti'iTitii' AM'tiAKOKs on trial lor ihiit iia. to men (voting or old) atllioteil with uervtius 'tetullty. lo-sof vltillty und manhood, and all kindred troubh-s. Al for ihriuniitlsin. nei'nilgin, paralysis, ami manv other dU e:Lss. Complete restoration n healih. v :K'i aud manhood guatttntied. No risk is i:i eiirrr.1 as thirty davs trial is tdio;rd. Wist Ui.-iii .:! t.nee for lihist.al.'d pautphli t tier Croup, Whooping Coui-h and l!nn chitis iniinedlately leliewil ! Miilo!r Uuie. .Sold by V. K. D.-meiit. "llacknietaek." a hating and fra grant perfume, l'nee il and M cents. Sold by W. FL Deiiu-nl. For lame Daek, .Side or Ciiei u-e iihiloh's 1'orous l'la.tr. lnc- IL". wnty. For sale by W. VL 1 lenient. , A Xasal Injeeior free with each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy l'riee 7A cents. Sold by V. 1". Dement T. G. Who!e-.de and Retail Dealer in Tropica!. Domestic, Green and Dried .NUTS. CANDIES, DRIED MEATS, ETC. Fine Cijcur.s ai:I XoIjsicco. Next door lo I. J. Arvold's. SiiUrmoo.ua St. Cannery for Sale, THE MANHATTAN CANHERY IS OFFEitED FOR SALE. Price SI.IOO Apply to .MK-.'L FAI.ANGDS. Clifton. Or. Astoria, Feb. Sit h, lSs.",, Kollcr Skates. Iiatest and Best. Tension by Spiral Spring. New adjustment. Used by largest Rinks, snd for circular to is. t. tr.r.KX. ItG Market St.. San FrancLco. For Sale. mVO HUNDRED AND FORTY ACRES X on Gray's River : tine timber and bottom laud : three miles from steamboat landing. Flftv acres Improved : stables, outhouse, etc. fruit. A splendid chance for a man with a little monev. Apply to FERDINAND HANSFL on the premises. Notice. mms IS TO NOTIFY ALL WHO.M IT X may concern that Lam Hen Bow, who has been In the employ of Kong Wing Pawnbroker Miop, w no longer employed nj the firm and has no authority to transact any btislne.u. or n.iv or receive any money for said ICcng Wing Co. KONG -WING CO. Notice of Dissolution. fTHIE PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE EX JL Hllng between the undersigned, under the linn name or Wheeler & Kipp Is thLs day dissolved by mutual consent K. A. Wheeler will pay all liabilities or the firm and K alone authorised to collect the bills due tho same. E.A. WHEELER. M. It. KIPP. u-iiA .HI. F. PRAEL. Witness', u.I,,.p,AKIj. HAS RETURNED. Y 1. LBATHKRS HAS RETURNED J . and is ready to turn out some line fish ing boats for the river. Shop on the beach between Kinney's and Elmore's cannerios. Absolutely Pure. Tlrs ! it r v.r rv ,Wo.".t i tit iruiii "! ii- ..! iti v ,;, lu' : . - s;wr; -i-iii'. :!u:i ir c:iniot . s titude ! phosp'nt p iViUt-. SrA'l .',. (' Ct:;.-.. ho. ! Baksni. Powukb .'!.. If" ".'li st. X . MAKKETS. iWYATT & THGfiPSON. is:alersin FRESH AND CURED MEATS. CHOICE aiiOCESIES, PROVISIONS. Crockery iuu Glassware. JM:ill Feod.Stc, STAR MARKET. VKSRRY & COBIPAIMY, Fresh and Cured liieafs, FRUITS, BUTTEH. and EGGS. oppi-sirK in riiv r H(ii.i.. C'SIS:?. j:i S Msrt--t. Antorln, e Washington Market. Mr.iiiM-rt. Islurta, Oii'snu. i;:ki ixa '. -uo;'i:iKToits t rspKtrrF i i.ia call ti i k rihN- t . n.in or the public to the laet tht the alM.-.e Market wilt atvvavs be supplied v.itti a Kt'l.l. VAJtliriV AXD HhSTWAMfY fhSSl-. AD CURED WEATS 1 ! Vi'tiiih will Ik- s.d.1 nt lovvesl rates, vvhole sitieuHd reiMil. KStMi'l atlrntloii sjlven to supplying ships. LOKB & (JO. .lOl'.KHKS IN WINES, AM) GIGA R8. AGSNTS FOR THE Best San Francisco Houses and Eastern Distilleries. Tumblers Decanters, and All Kinds of Saloon Supplies. SfA'.' goods sold at San Frannsco Prices. MAIN STREET. Opioslte Parker flouse, Astoria, Oregon. Proposal'" rur Fresh lieiTuml jliilloii. llendiiiiasteis Dept. of Hie Columbia,") Office of the Chief Commissary. aucouver r.Ks.. vv . T teu'y ui, iss.i. j SEALED PROPOSALS IN TRIPLICATE, subject "to ihtf usual conditions, will be received at thl ortlee and at the offices of the Acting Commissaries of Subsistence at the following named posts, (lor the fresh href and mutton needed at those posts only.) until li o'clock nooir on Wednesday. March i"., lSjs"., at vv Inch lime and places they will be oiiened in the presence of bidders, for furnLslilniraud delivery of fresh beef and mutton during Mie vear commencing .Inly, 1st, Its.". Boise Bks.. I. r.. Fort Canbv. W.T., Foit Cu-nr d'Alene, 1. T, Fort Klamath. Ogn., Fort Spokane, W. T . Fort Tounsend, W. r., Vancouver Bks. w. T.. and Fort Walla Walla. W.T. Proposals will also be received at the same tune and date for siiprdv ing Fort Colvllle, W.T.. and Fort litmus. I.T.. at this otllce and at the offices of the A. C. S.. Fort Spo kane. W.T.. and ForT W.dla Walla. W. T respectivelv. 'the Goverunient reserves the nht to re ject any or a I bids. , Bidders will 4inderstaml that eontraes made itmler this advertisement, and pro posals made in response thereto, shall not he construed to involve the United States in any obligation for pa ment fn excess of the appropriation granted by Congress for the purpose. Blank proposals aud printed circulars, stating the kiud of beef and mutton re quired, ami giving full instructions as to the manner of bidding, conditions to be ob served by bidders, and terms or contract and paj ment. will be furnished on applica tion to this ollke, or to the A. C. S, at the sev eral posts. Env elopes containing proposals should be marked "Proposals for Fresh Beef, (or Mut ton.) at Fort ," and addressed to the undersigned or to the "Acting Commls sai of Subsistence" at the sev end posts. C. A. WOODRUFF, Captain &G.S.. U.S. A.. Clilef C. S. D. C. Notice to Delinquent Taxpayers. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I will levy on the property of the delin quent list of lsgt, if the taxes are not paid immediately. C.W.LOUGHERY. Chief or Pollcp. Astoria. Feb. 0,1335. BARBOUR'S H 23 a "p I 1 Sii tiol 11! I il dllo THEY RECEIVED THE OlXjilEr CS-OXj33 3CS33Dja.X-i For FLAX THREADS at the London Fisheries Exhibition 1883. And have been awarded HICHER PRIZES nt the various INTERNATIOlirAL EXPOSITIONS Than the goods of any other IN "IJIF. WORLD. Quality &m Always h Depended n One of the Mills of th Il.u hour Fla Sp'inning Co., Paterson, New .Jersey. HENRY DOYLE.& CO., 517 anil 519 Market Street, - - San Francisco, Ageiils lor Pad lie Coast. Seine Twines, Rope and Netting Constantly on Hand. Proposals ror .Military. Snpplics. ( IlK.VDQl'AnTEItsDr.l'AUTMKNTOr THK COLOIIIIA, I I Ori-'icn of Chief Quai:tfi:iiasti:k, . ' Vantoi vki: BAitnACKS, W. T.. , i Febmarv 2S. i$S5. i I SE.VLED PROPOSALS. IN TRIPLICATE." subject to the usual conditions, will be received at this office or at the oilheof the U.S. Quartermasters at the following- named posts, until 12 o'clock, noon, on Mon day. March .U). lbS5, at w liich places and tunc they vv ill be opened, iu presence or b:d- ders, for the furnishing and delivery ofl military .supplies during the lineal jear com mencing July l, 18S.". and ending June SP, tS.sc. as follews: Wood, Charcoal. Oats, Barley. Bran, Hay. and Straw, or Hay in lieu of Straw, or such of said supplies as may be required at : Portland, Oregon, Boise Barracks-. I. T. ; Fort Towusend, W. T. ; Fort Cirurd'Alene, I.T. : Fort Spokane, W. T. ; Fort Canby, W. T. ; Fort WaFa Walla, W. T. ; Vancouver Depot, W. T.; Forth Klamath, Oregon ; Fort Colville, AV. T. The Government reserves the right to reject any or all proposals. Preference will be given to articles of domestic production, and to articles of domestic production pro duced on the Pacific Coast, conditions ot price and quality being equal, to the eteut of the consumption .required by the public service there. Blank proposals and pi luted circular, giving full particulars as to the manner of hidding, etc.. will be furnished on application to tins otllce or the Quarter masters at the various posts named. En velopes containing proposals slioul I be marKed :' Proposals for at ." and addressed to the undersigned, or the re spective Post Quartermasters. A.S.KIMBALL. Major and Quartermaster. U. S. A.. Chief Quartennaster. Notice of Application. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TIIATTHE undersigned intends to apply to the common council ot the city of Astoria at Its ne.t regular meeting, for a license to sell wine, malt and spirituous liquors in li-ss quantities than one quart, in the building situated on Lot No. i. Block No. 1C. on Con cotnly street. In the cltyfof Astoria ai laid out and recorded by John McClure. Astoria. Marcli 3, 1SS5. GABRIEL KARWON'EN. Administrator's Notice. TVTOTICE IS nEBEBY GIVEN THAI' THE -L undersigned was on the 5th day ot Jan uary, I8S5. duly appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clatsop, administrator of the estate of Hans riennlng. deceased- AH persons bar ing claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same properly .erf lled to me at my office at the Union cannery, in Astoria. Oregon, within six months fiom this date. PETER F. JOHNSON. Administrator. Dated, Astoria, Or., January 2, 1S&5. 5-4t Proposals for Transportation. IlKADQL ARTFJIS DEPAr.TMKNT OF ") TIlE.COLU3ir.IA, I Office of Chief Qcakterjiaster, j- VAXCOL'VKU Bauracks, "NV. T.. i February 28. 18S5. I SEALED PROPOSALS. IN TK1 PLICATE, subject to the usual conditions, will be received at this office until 12 o'clock, noon, on Monday, March .TO, 18S3, at which, time and place they will be opened In the pres ence of bidders, for the transportation of military supplies on the following described routes during year commencing July 1, 1885, aud ending June SO, 18SC : "vVnsoii Transportation. Route Xo. 1. Spokane Falls, "W. T to Fort Spokane. W. T. Route No. 2. Ashland, Oregon, to Fort Klamath, Oregon. Route No. 3. Kuna, T. T. to Boise Bar racks, I. T. Steamer TraasportatloH. Route No. 4. For transportation of U. S. Military supplies between Astoria and Fort Stevens. Oregon, and Fort Canby. W.T. The Government reserves tho right to re ject any or all proposals. Blank, proposals, form or contract, and printed circulars, giv ing full information as to the manner of bid ding, terms of contract and payment, will be furnished on application to this office. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked : "Proposals for Transportation on Route No. ," and addressed to the un dersigned. A.S.KDIBALL, Major and Quartennaster U. S. A. Chief Quartermaster. Notice of Application. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersicned will anDlv to the Common Council, of the City of Astoria, at its next resular meeting for a license to sell wine. malt and spirituous liquors, in less quanti ties than one quart, for a period of one year in the building fronting on Concomly street, and situated on Lot No. 5, Block ho. 7, in theolty of Astoria as laid out and recorded by John McClure. ALEX. GRANT. Astoria, February 26th. 1885. Final Settlement Notice of .Admin istrator. IN THECOUNTY COURT OFTHE STATE or Oregon for the county of Clatsop, In the matter of the estate of Hazen A. Parker, de ceased : To all persons Interested In said estate : You are hereby notified that "W. W. Parker, administrator of said estate, has filed In said court his final account as such administrator, and tliat said court has ap pointed the Cth day or April, 1835, at the conrt house In said county, at the hour of one o'clock p. ar., as the tfme and place for hearing objections to said final account and the settlement thereof, at which time and place all persons Interested are notified to aM,nd- W.W.PARKER. Administrator or the Estate of Hazen A. Parker, deceased. Astoria, Or. Februarr 13, 1SE5. tl