O) She gaUg storimu ASTOKIA, OREGON: TUESDAY ,..?! A ltd! 10. 1SS5 ACROSS THE ATLANTIC. Tie predatory eperai: . .n the valiey of the Nile ..ttract uiu.rrsalat teatiou. Ybcu England subdued Arabi Be she but put off the day of reckoning. A greater than be has appeared, and simultaneously -with the repulse of the English in the Sou dan, comes news from the Eussicn frontier pointing to a possibility that the title of "Empress of India" given to Victoria at the instance of D'ls raeli, may soon be an empty one. 'Tis four years since D'Israeli died, but his policy is to-day most popular in England. Ilis was the imperial policy; Sir Stafford Northcote puts it in three words- "conquer and stay." Gladstone's is the policy of John Bright. peace;" but the old man of Ha warden is compelled for expedi ency's sake to epigrammatically term it "rescue and retire." ThosewalchworJs constitute the dis tinguishing shibboleths of tholtwo great English parties -the Conserva tives and the Liberals. Thobulk of the Conservative party would bold the colonies if possible, and pursue an imperial jwlicy: "conquer and slay." while the greater portion of the Lib eral party would let the colonies go; "rescue and retire,'' and hold Eng land's pre-eminence by free trade and competition The time secias near at hand when England must definitely decide as to the imperial policy generally, whether it will pursue or abandon it. It seems almost an axiom that if Eng land abandons her imperial policy she will sink to the position of such third rate Eniopean powers as ITol .land or Spain. For abandonment would seem to have no weight except that of moral example; to let go in the Mediterranean; to withdraw from the Congo; to iclinquish Turkey; to yield India to KuBsia; to close the present warfare in the Soudan. But that is not the worst. Lost control in any of these places means lost trade. Wherever France, Russia, or Germany plant -olonies, there spring up French, Russian or German trade. Manufacturies, commerce and in dustry ourich the parent country. It may bo shown by a hundred examples that the imperial idea in England does not rest on pride alone, but on the instinct for trade. Trade follows the flag; the lines of commerce are co-extensive with the limits "of empire. One example will do India. Since 1842 the total rev enue from India hns been to England 1,875,000.000; in the meantime Tndia haa cost England 2,235,000,000. But though the profit seems to be on the) wrong side of the nation's ledger, England's hold on India is essential to maintain her vast Oriontal net work of trade, the carrying trade, the cotton trade, the iron trade, the manufacturing trade. All that trade depends on English prestige; to lose India means to lose her grip on the Orient So with Egypt, Africa and the valley of the Euphrates. Further, it may be instanced that England is overcrowded; sho has well on to 3S.Ot)0,090 people. India offers to the young, the adventureous oppor tunities for a career, civil, military or commercial. One of England's chief wants to-day is a chance to give careers to tens of thousands of well born willing young men, who have no opportunity in the crowded mother country. They must go away to live. Cut of India, take away Eng land's imperial policy and at once disappears the every hope of multi tudes who would cumber the already thickly occupied ground. Hence, the imperial policy is, to England, a necessity, and whether it be Gladstone or some one else, the Englisb government, however costly, must, m self-defense, continue the policy that has made England the mother country for so large a part of tue gioue. TIM GOLD JN THIS TREASURY. Now aud then there is a spora dic outcry regarding "the people's money in the treasury." This outcry is usually made by men in newspaper offices Democratic and otherwise who hasten to demonstrate their ig norance of the facts in the case by a little Ecieed about the terrible action of the government in "hoarding up gold." Even now, with a Democratic al ministration, some of the faithful, either through ignorance or long custom, keep up the silly tirade about the "people's money.' A statement of the simplest facts in public finance shows that the United Slates has certain obligations which must bo met unless it repudi ate its debt as some of the southern states have done and to meet these obligations it is necessary to have coin in the United States treasury to redeem its rates and national obliga tions when presented. More than six years ago the "United States re sumed the payment of gold. At that date, because of that announcement, greenbacks became at par. There is nothing about a greenback that should keep it worth 100 cents any more now than during the years be fore 1879. except the knowledge that there is enougb gold in the treasury to pay about one-third of the out standing amount were the notes pre sented at the national treasury. Should the gold in the United States treasury run below a certain amount greenbacks would be at a discount, a ran would be precipitated on the treasury, and a general panic would unsettle every business man in the country. "Beyond the payment of interest on the publio debt in gold there is no other need for gold in the treasury. Last October the Demo cratic organs found it convenient to use the argument about "the people's money1' in an attempt to influence votes. During a political campaign a lie well stuck to is as good as the truth. Some knew better, but thought it "was a good enough Mor gan till after the election." But now that everything sought for h accom plished it does seem slightly funny to see our Democratic friends still talk ing about Hbo people's money." when they know in their souls that the credit of the government depends upon the sufficiency of gold in the national vaults to keep off a possible panic. It i3 stated that the total receipts from all sources of internal revenue taxation for the year ending June 30th last were 121,590,039, as compared with $144,553,344. for the preceding year. For the current fiscal year it is estimated that the collections will amount to SI 15,000,000. The largest collection in any one district last year was made iu the fifth Illinois district, which yielded 813,030,355, and the smallest in the second North Carolina district, which only yielded $1,192. The total cost of collection was $5,100,450, or a little less than four and one-fifth per cent of the amount collected. During the year 1,045 violations of the internal rev enue laws were reported by treasury agents, and 902 persons were arrested for engaging in illicit distillation. Nearly 19,000,000 bushels of grain were used during the year in the pro duction of spirits. The total revenue taxes collected from tobacco amounted to $26,0G2,3G9. The esti mates of expenditures for the post office department for the next fiscal year are $56,099,169, or an increase of over $7,000,000 over the appropria tions for tho present year, and an ex cess of nearly $5,000,000 over the es timated revenues of the department. A portion of tho increase of cost of the service is, however, said to be ap parent only. The liquor dealers of Savannah, Ga., are preparing to "boycot," a large number of men who continually drink to excess, thus injuring them selves and not benefiting tho saloons. When the list is fully made out every saloon-keeper will forfeit $50 if he over sells to a man on the list. Statisticians show that the wheat trade of California and Oregon with Europe give employment annually to more than 400 sailing vessels going round Cape Horn. The average passage for each vessel is about 16, 000 miles in an average time of a little over four months. NEW TO-DAY. To Rent. A riXK BUSINESS, OFFICK.CENTKAI. ly lociied. Apply at this OOice. Desirable Property for Sale, rnwo lots, each tsxiso, in adaiiVs JL Astoria, opposite the Eajrlc Cannery. For terms, eic., apply to this olllce. For Sale. NEW MILCH COW-THKEE-OUARTEIt Jersey. Gives 8 quarts at a milking now. Will give 10 later in the season. Apply to SAM'L ELMORE. le Friday, March 20th, 2 P. M. I am Instructed to Sell Without Reserve, at the BAY VIEW RESTAURANT. All the Fixtures and Furniture, consisting in part of Counter, Oflioe Desk,; Show Cases, Dining-room Chairs, Beataurant Tables. Silver plated Casters and Table "Ware, Ta ble Linen, Crockery and Glass Ware, Kitchen Range and Furniture, one Fine Bed Lounge, and lot Parlor Chairs, Gas Fixtures and everything belonging to the well known Jtestan rant Also, a stock of assoi ted Groceries. E. C. IIOLDEW Auctioneer. al Aiicni Sa spec Salmon Packers We are prepaiel o print One lb Salmon Labels of uperior quality, well varnished. At 81.40 per'M. Correspondence solicited. A. L. BANCROFT & CO.. 721 Market Street. San "Francisco. There is No Neod of rVJy Adver tising The proof of the pudding Is chewing the string. Geo. Y. Sanborn, Agt. HINDS, KETCHUM & CO., ASTORIA, - - - NEW YORK. Job Printing. Best Quality: Lowest Prices, -AT The Astoria n .lob Office. Ittvc-ipt lion!;.. Kill Heads. 1im.. lmK Tag. Legal I!iauk. CircaliiN. Not. and Letter Ileitis, Etc. 3ro"fc 3?3jLx3L-friTigf. Neat. Quick and Cheap, at The Astorlan Job Office. mportant Notice! Oregon Improvement Co. GratEfitatioaiuPi'iceol'Coal. On-nnd after IViviuKt In! until further notice the price at the bunker will le txt fohows for SKITTLE CO.ll.. LABELS ("lean Domestic per ton. 2.'t)lhs $7.UJ Average Steam il.Od Screenings 4.00 On hand a contant np;l. at market rates, of first-class CUMBERLAND. E.A. XOYC3. Atpnt. 1885. INTEREST Will be allowed On Time Deposits. Drafts on all the Lending Cities. Wm. T. Coleman & Co. s. r.ioioitrc. Manager Banking Dupnrtincnt. Astoria, Oregon. BUILDERS AND CARPENTERS aiATERIAC SASH. DOORS AND MOULDING. First-Class Work nt Prices to Suit the Tillies. I'LAKS AND ESTIMATES Fl'KXISIIEI). 0. H. Bain & Co.'s Steam Planing Mill and Sash Factory. Boat BuUiliii;? a Specially. Notice of Application. TVTOTICE IS IIEKERY GIVEN THAT THE 1 iindixincd intends to apply to the common counril of the city of Astoria at its ne regular meeting, tor a license to sell wlne.malt and spirituous Honors in losnirm. titles than one nuart, for a period ol one ear. in the bulldinc .situated on Conooiul. street at Its intersection uith the Union- town roadway, in the city of Astoria as laid out and recorded bv John MeClure. .lOHXEBl KSOX. Astoria. March 3, 18S3. Notice. milE ASSESSMENT BOLL FOB THE JL year IKS! is now In my hand forcollee tion. All who are delinquent on .said roll will save .sheriff's costs bv calling at invui. flee in Cathlatnet and settling the same, or sending ny regisierca letter. S. F. ALBERT. Sheriff of Vnhklakum.Co., V.T. Dated at Cathlamet. Jan. 13th, l&.r. Assignee Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT TOE firm of J. E. Thomas has assigned all their Dronerty to the uwlerdcnisl for the benefit of their creditors and all person? having claims against said cststo must pre sent the same dulyierilled to tun assignee at bus omce in Astoria. Oregon, within Hirer months from this date. November 0th. isst r. r. hicks. Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT pursuant to a unanimous vote of the stockholders of the Fishermen's racking kak. iiieuirrruirs n sjuu company, urn on Ml ITMl .1-1. f Tqn iCal nvjrtiil.1 .i,t m. ..v ..... ....j w. iuit it., -a",hii.- .lull 11117 supplementary articles of incorporation, iiiwiiuj .m i-iiiiij.i:i ! .tin nut .ru in purchase and hold, sell and convev real es tate. Bv older Board of Direetois, II. K. NELSON, dw Secretarj. TO CANNERY-MEN AND OTHERS. Wing Sang & Co. The undersigned are prepared to lurnish CHINESE LABOR For putting up Salmon, either by the day. minim, ui u, duu, viii iiimiMi iiinese Gok1s of all descriptioas. Yon can depend upon this man, SIT O.UR. Agent at Astoria. He refers to WASHINGTON I'K'G CO.. J.W.GEARHART, H. HERRIOK. SAM. ARNDT, O. SOVEY. Wo beg to call the attention or tin public to our latest importation, direct from Eaieni manufacturers, of the largest invoice of CAIU'ETSeu'r offered for sale in this city, comprising all grade-, from the FINEST BODY BRUSSELS In the Newest Tints and Shades, To the lowest priced article in this line V nro drtpruuiif-d to dupose of our stock of Carj-LJ within the next four week, and to that end offer speewl Inducements, precluding thf possibility of Uelnr Undersold, Iiy tny of tm 't:iiietltor?. IN THF- Furniture and House Furnishing Line We can show ou the ervBEST (iOODS at BOTTOM FIGl'IMX nd ltull te pleased to receive a call for inspection whether jou purchase or iiut. CHAS. HBILBOBN. Hour Cotahlic a& ct? SBJlSLrtlJS 0 isrKw wmKmmMi niniiBT r arnRts tfws Jdwaw, ""Q1 IA Q tsi a is mmr np p rt ras m rrnrs PICTURE FRAMES MOT'LMXHS, ETC., ETC. At Greatly Seduced Prices, ASTORIA FTkXITURE CO.. CVr. riictiainus ami Huini'fon sis. ll i IUM.ssoN, Manager. i.rn n-nmuT ' - " - - - Fixtures for Sale I The OSIil Adler's Crystal Palace ! rosltiwly every article m Unit it itjtl)!Mtiitfiil wi.itieM , Store for Bent ! Fixtures for Sale ! L. I. JOHNSON' DF.vi.rn iv cigahs and tobaccos, smokers' akt.ci.es. pi.iiiir canK cutwy. stationery, r.te. a flne.stooic of Merehuum and I5rlerPie. Amber Goods, Ete. Two door? of cor. Water and WeM lth St-; ASTORIA, OREGON. Assessment Notice. rim:noARDOF directors of the JL Garibaldi racking Co.. lew an assess ment of $30 per-share uikui the capital Stock, pajaule in nluetv (JO) days from date. CHAS. WIPKSTROM. President. Astoria. Feb. II. 15. New San Francisco House. Wing Sang & Co., IMPORTERS, Wholesale and Retail Dealers 1N- Chinosc Merchandise. The finest quality of Silk Goods, Hrj Giods,Chin.iare.Chine? Novelties. Rice, c.iiitii. Nut ull. Tea, Preserved Glner. S11nd.1l woml Od. Tooth Powder. Blank Rooks, Brushes. Brooms. Nuts, lV.ennlut. Headache Cure, lite., lite. A J-arse Stock At Vcrj Lou Prices. Sir QlTn is asentfor Chinese Coinnu slon Merchants and v. ill nice all orders and Iiromptly fill them. Fni)Iojiitcni OlHce. All kinds of Labor funushcil : reli.iijle Cannery Hau-ls funiMiml piece work or by the day. Satisfaction pmmised hi every c:lo. !& THE HENLEY CLUB SKATE Vickie. Tlated, SpruiR Steel Bottom and Steel Clamp. The HENLEY CHALLENGC SKATE. Wooden Bottom and leather Straps. Tlie best and only practically .scientific vkates. Elcpant in finish. Will turn a three font circle and all the wheels rest square on the ttoor. Wheels v.lth babbit metal boxes. The leading skates in all the prin cipal Rinks, ltirjcles ami Tricycle. OSRORN fc ALEXANDER. Sole Agents. Mechanic' Tools. Hardware and Jfachlnery. R23 Market St., opp. Palace hotel. San Francisco. Send for free catalogue and price list Elegant Rooms. SUNNY AND CONVENIENT. IN WM. Hume's bnlldinc Apply to SA3IUEL ELMORE, ets J II ill gM siari? atB ww, .. . . . w- 1. a- . . 1. Store for Beat ! Grand d! 15 e r M. E. KIP?, PLUMBER AND CAS FITTER. Water Pipes a Specialty. ! A Full Stock of Materia! on Hand. ' Pergonal attention given all orders, and satisfaction Kicintuteed. Terms ItoaHuinitite. Shop ami office on Ca street, one door above Frank Fahre's Restaurant. Astoria, Grefjon. The Seaside Bakery FRESH BREAD Delivered in any Part ot the City. CHEISTMAS CAKES: Homs-Mado Candy Made Daily: The Trade Supplied: Pine Pastry: A First Cl.iss rtablishnieut. PiUvs to suit the times. F. B. ELBERS0N, PropV. Notice of Reduction. I u ill novvsfil (Jhoice Cooking- Extracts. At the following Reduced Prices ZZ-ci'nt sii 50 SI Iff centH :t.i 75 These evtracts ate put up with Ereat care, and guaranteed equal toanv in the market If not as represented jilease return an-1 Rut ymirmoHev lefiuided. .J.W.ITOX.V. NOTICE To Cannerymen and Fishermen. V7KTAKK PLEASl'RF. IN ANNOUNC T T inp to the tnide that we have secured the services of Ma. A. M. JOHNSON, so lng and favonibly Known in the SaIL MaKING trade 111 Astoria. Hereafter Mr. Johnson will have sole supervision of our Sail Loft aud will Rive his personal attend ance t a the manufacture of Boat Sails for the Columbia River trade. W. C. NOON & CO., Cor. P. and Front Sts. Portland, Or. ROOMS AND HALL TO LET. Pythian Land and Building Ass'cn. LARGE. FINE ROOMS WITH WATER and cas en suit or single. In Pvthlan Bmldinp. Also Pythian Hall, thf finest and best lighted hall in the city ; suitable for Lodges, Sociables, Parties or Lectures. Terms mod erate. Apply to E, A. NOTES. Secretary, t B 9 tie roif -TI1K FINEST- Family Groceries, Provisions and Freshest Vegetables AT- Corner Benton and Opposite Custom MWWMat uvw FRANK L PARKER'S ALL AT Xflow Down Prices t ! Hay; flats, and Straw, Lime, BrM, Cement, Sauil and Plaster Wood Delivered to Order. bravlotr. Teamlnsr and Psprffts BosIums. ; - TER ipp'iv to t'.i Captain, or to THE NEW MODEL RfejTJwiC',!;irf9M MIBfM B- & BAWB9, A FUIi STOCK Jolin Ml. Monigomeryi - UKALKK 1 Tin, Sheet iron and Copper Ware. A General Asortiiifciit t.( HOUSEHOLD GOODS. AgouM for Magee Stoves aud Knngcs The Rest tu the market. Piumbiu ooiLi of all kinds 0.1 hand. ob work done In a workmanlike manner PLUMBING, GAS FITTING. AND CANNERY WORK Attended to Promptly on Reasonable Terms. cncnnnius Street, IVext to C I. Par&er'a Store. ASTORIA. - ' - - OREQOW. M.OI.SRN. J. OUSTAFSON. A. JOHNSON. MARTIN OLSEN So CO. DEALERS IX FURNITURE SB BEDDING Corner Slain nntl Squemoqua Streets. Astoria. Oregon. WINDOW SHADES AND TRIMMNGS; WALL PAPER, ETC A Complete Stork. PRICES AS CHEAP AS ftTJALITY WILL APFORB. AIX KISDS OF FITR.ITCKE KF.PA1IIF.I AID VAKKISHEI). Change of Agency. We have appointed MR. O. F. MORTON OuriVHin: anil Collecting ARcnt at Atotia. All those wishtni; to purchase a first-class SEiriXO MACHINE, or to make pay ments due us will please call on Jlr. Morton. Headquarters at B. S. AVORSLEV'S Sales room. The Singer Mf g Co.. .e Morrison Street. Portlamt. Or. Carnahan & Co. SITCESSORBTO I. "W. CASE, IMPORTEI1S AND WHOLESALE AND UKTAn. DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE ''uruer ChPiiamus and Cass street. ASTORIA ..-- OREGON $67,000,000 Capital ! Liverpool and London and Globe. Worth British and Mercantile or London and Edinburgh. Old Connecticut of Hartford, AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA Fire Insurance Companies, Representing a Capital or 567,000 OOO. E.VANDU3KN,i?ent. Chenaimis Streets, House Square. 11 KOWJ4JHfHM WCggj n: ix vTlli.lIEK CLARA PARKER tben P. Pather.Master. r A l-r f For TOWING, FREIGHT or OtiAK 11. n. 1'AltM.Klt. RANGE. CAN BE HAD IN As wr: TORTi nvr.v rvp CALL AND EXAMINE IT. V WILL RE PLEASED. K. It. HAWKS is also agent tir t Ml patent Mm M And other lirst-cla33 SJ07es. Furnace Work. Steam Fit tings, oto.. a specialty. ALWAYS ON HAND. FOR Finest Groceries, -no to FOAED & STOKES. A FULL LINE OF HARDWARE ANT) Ship Chandlery. A NEW SLIP .litst Finished In Rear 0! Store. Hardware anil Slip Chandlery VAN DUSEH & GO.. DEALERS IN Hardware and Ship Chandlery Pnre Oil, Bright Varnish, Binacle Oil, Cotton Canvas, Hemp Sail Twine, Cotton Sail Twine, Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails, Agricultural Implements Sewing: Machines, Paints and Oils, Groceries, etc.