ny VOL. XXIII, XO. r,s. ASTORIA, OREGON, SUNDAV MAllCl! 8, 1885. PRICE, FIVE CENTS BUSINESS CARDS. 1"Vtt. A. 1. and J. A. FlI.TN lIiyMcinn;niul Surui'iuio. Will vf prniiutt ntl'ii'iii . al ulU.I I tm am t,tit ut l ii- ::! .ir .t iti , Uillee o or Allen's Store, o.irner Ca-.- and vsuetnoqua streets. AM'inu. n-r:.n. Telephone No. 41. I) e.PKAXK ia;f. Physician nud !uriaini. Oltlce. Cor. Main ami Clu'iuunu- Mii'l-. r'FirK Horns : 9Uiia..m; 2oZr.M. itetldence. opposite tlie.lohaiitei! tmlldiu ilHi . IlOItlUS. .M M ..s.axx & mut:is. ATTOKr- A I I.VW. Oltlce ill hlimejN l:;.... .. "at Hall, Astoria, Oit;i.ii. . w. Fur.TO.s. :. - ri" ' rurron mtortz i:i:s. attoi:nks at law. Koom !i and C. .ia l-Vllow-. Ituilillti .1. Q. v. i:0l.u. .1. a.:ii.i nowi.n v t f-n.i.. Attunieyn uud l'oiiiirllii at s.aw. OrtUv tn Chcnaimi-. Mi . AMmln. On-gnn. O r."iioi.i)FA. MiTARY ITBI.H', Al Cllil.NKhr:, t'OMMIrvSlON N1 1N SUUANVK ACKM. KI.O ' PIKItKK. j SURVEYOR OF Clatsop Couuty.ainl Clly iifAMnrtt! Office: ClienjiniiNMii'ft. Y. M. A. Jul Kooni N'o.S. fl V. I. KICK. AUriHTITT ANI Sl'l-KIMNIKNIUI.-CT. Oh kick: lNioinO. lviniw- l'.Hrk l.lm-l, TA.Y tCTTl.K, JI. I. PHYSICIAN AND SUKGKO Okkick ltortii l.i :tinl :. I'iliiaii liiulii- iuS. Kksiden4'k On CVUar Slioet. 1iU'1 ol St. Map's Hopital. K I. HICKri. A. K. -Ol V. HICKS & SII1AV. PHNTIS'IS. Rooms In AllenV BulMliife'. up stais-. cor ner CaM and 5queinoqua atrt-'t. AatoiLi Oregon. BANKING AND INSURANCE! E. W. CASE, Broker, Banker, and Insur ance Agent, AKTOIHA, - OKF.fi 3f. OrFICK HOI RS : Kiom i) oVIock A. M. until :: o'clock P. M. Bozorth & Johns, Kel Estate ami lusurnnce I vents anil Hroltr-, ASTORIA. .... Oregon. We write policies In the follow lm; tI1 known Fiie insurance Conipaiiie f nCENIX OF HARTFORH. SCOTTISH UNION AND NATIONAL OF EDIMJURO. LION.OF LONDON HOME. OF NEW ORK. LONDON AND LANCASHIRE. OF LI EK- P001 t'HUiNlX, OF RROOKLYN. COSNECTICUT. OF HARTFORD. OAKLAND HOME. OF OAKLAND, CALA. And also iepic-cnt the WESTRRX, of and AMERTCAK STEAM BOIL ER Insurance ro. BenlKstnte UougLl&iid Sold oa Cotiiuilnnlou. jr. o. ross, I.KlDIAfi r.lDKftT.lIlflSC. Muju St. Astoria. Oregoii. THE LATEST STYLES vvall'Vapeu AT B. B. FRANKLIN'S, NEXT DOOR TO ASTORIA N OFFICE. A tery laigeStoek from which to select. Window curtains made to ordpr. l2T"My patent Trimmer to cut Wall 1'aper wilt be touud convenient to my pations. Boat Building. THE BEST STOCK AND WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED. Boats of Every Description Built. Shop over Aindt & FcrrtienV. K. ai.TRlTHERS. VISITORS TO PORTLAND Should not forset to call at Towne's San Francisco Gallery, where may be seen photographs of all the leading men and women of Oieijonand Washington Territory. Skillful operators always in attendance, and the most minute attention paid to pictures of children. Don't forget the location. S. ,Y. earner lint and Morrison streets, up stairs. No trouble to show specimens to lsltors. Street railroads pass the door every ten minutes, and this Is the nearest galler) to the five principal hotels. i &mKDKii$&hiJ BHffiHIVS'7-!2KMSi -TilE BEST TONIC. This medicine, comblnln? Iron with pure vegetable tonics, quietly and completely Cure UNpenln, IndlseMtion, Wraknrvi, Impure Ulaod,.'Yla!ariu,CliiIUuDdFer!, uud NeurulRlii. It is an unliiilinz remely foi Diseases of the KlilneyN and I.lver. It is Invaluable lor Diseases peculiar to Women, and all who lead feedentary lite. It does not injure the teeth, cause headache.or produce constfpat Ion otfi'r Iron tnediriur do. It enriches and purifies the blood, stimulates the appetite, aids the assimilation of food, re bel es Heartburn and Uelchinjj. and strength ens the muscles and nerves. For Intermittent Fevers. Lassitude, Lack oi Dicigy. ic, it has no equal. 5- The cenulzie has ule trade niari a:m t.rted red lines on w rapjer. Tate no other -U4r "u, l.j UKOU.N UltiJK AL CO, UlLTiaUUL, IK ItKDINCTON, W00IIA1SD S ( 0.. I'orllBbd, Or W H01.ESAI.K A:i T-. TUTTS PILLS TORPID BOWELS, DISORDERED LIVER, r and MALARIA. From these sources arise tureo-fouribs of the diseases of the human race. These symptoms indicate their existence: Ios of Appetite. Iloireli costive, Nick Headache, fullness nfler eat Uig, aversion to exertion of lxidy or mind, Kructatlonoffood, Irritabil ity orteniper,r,oir spirits, A feeling of liavlnc; neglected sonieduty,l)Iz xlnesSjFlntterlnK at the Heart, Iot hefore the eyes, liiphly colored rrIne,CONSTlPATlOX,anddcniand theuseofurcmedythatactsdiroctlvon the Liver. AsaLlvcrmedicincTUXT'S PII.I.S have no equal. Theiractionoa the Kidneys and fckln is also prompt; removing all impurities through these three scavenger of the yatra,' producintr nppetito, sound digestion, rc'Kulnr .stools, a clear skin and a vig orous body. TCTT'SPIIdLS cause no nausea 01 griping nor interfero vrilh daily work and arc a perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. fcold,everrwhere25s. 01hce44MurmySt.N Y. TUTTS HAIR DYE. GkatHaik or Whiskers changed In stantly to a GLossr Ruck by a singlo application of this DTK. Sold by Drug !?Jste,or8entbyexpresdonrecolptofSl. Onloe, 41 Murray Street, New York. nnro imotal cr usEnn, sssrem rzxc Did you Sup- pose Mustang Liniment only good for horses? It is for inflamma tion of all flesh. A Clear Skin is only a part of beauty; due it is a part, livery lady may have it ; at least, what looks .like it. Magnolia Balm both freshens and beautifies. v hoIvule aud Retalllhtvdrr In Groceries, PrQviBfons, MILL FKE1). Glass and Plated Ware, TROl'ICAI. AND IKlMI-sTIC FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Toij.'ther with Wines, Liajors.Tobacco, Cigars W. E. DEMENT & CO. URUQGISTS. ASTORIA, - - - OKKCOX Carrj In toc'.c. DRUGS, CHEMICALS, TOILET and FANGY ARTICLES l'risr:riiJIotxs ranTiiUj' Compounded li:l 1 - A GREAT WORM) DRAMA, .sessions. These nations seeui all of a 'sudden to have penetrated the secret The condition' of affairs on ihe'f British power. They have seen eastern Afghan frontier appears to Rtcat expansion and no revolsttmi:. beverv serioup. England is boiiiul Naturally enonsn they alinbnte Iwth lv ireatv to protect that line agaisi-t ' these refills to the coI.iuzatiuit of the Russians. Bnt. accord inj? to the r.lsi.le territory , whrch allcnls at .statements made Tnewlav afternoon 0:100 au outlet for the unruly and in the commons, the Russians have, turbulent an.l a chance for tho3e !ts nirmlv violntfl if TIip nntnnst.4 of tanced in the race at home to recov- iio?r -Trmv nro fi.ivnnoinrr nl f .iL-iikt: possession of the passes. The Rus- .. MM M. 1- MMMW.Mn ...... ......n - sian government declares that they will make no attack unless they are fired upon. 'lhat declaration is about equivalent to that of the road aenf, whosajs that he will not in jure anyone if the treasure-box is quietly passed down. The English representative at Cabul, Sir Peter Lumsden, has advised the Afghans to exercise the Christian virtue of forbiiranc. It looks as if peace be tween Russia and England depended upon the self-command of the fierce mountaineers, subject to the ameer of Cabul. It seeinn to be admitted that a voliey from an overhanging cliff in those steep defiles is all that is necessary to provoke an order to march from the Russians, audthat march can have hut one meaning -war in India. It is a part of the subject that the Afglians do not love the British over well. They have frequently been at war with them. Once they massa cred a small army aud only a single man escaped to tell the tale in the nearest British cautonmeut. Afghan istan has long been a sort of buffer to keep the English and Russians from running foul of each other. If it should be pushed aside aud the rival nations should at length meet face to face, a struggle is at hand which will shake the earth. The de nouement may be postponed for some time yet. But the outlines of a world drama are certainly beginning to un fold themselves. The English have made a failure of it in Egypt Au invasion under taken in behalf of a few British bond holders has kindled a Moslem relig ious war. Tliere are two hundred mi lions of these fierce fanatics in the world. Forty millions are located in India. These latter constitute the dangerous element in that vast de pendency. They are wholly different from the effeminate Hindu. They were the artificers of the rebellion against English authority over twen ty years ago. The3e ianalica are not ignorant of the fact that the Mahdi is having his own way in the Soudau lhat Gordon and Khartoum have fallen, and that even Wolseley, who once fixed the date on which he should dine in the coveted city, is himself sore pressed. It does cer tainly appear to be more than a co incidence that just at this juncture the Russian outposts should appear on the Afghan frontier, declaring that they will not open hostilities, unless fired upon, but advancing all the same in the direction of Herat. Tliere are other movements in other parts of the world which appears to dove-tail with the proceedings of the Russians. France is indulging in a sort of informal scrimmage with China. Neither side has yet declared war. There is in fact, nothing going on except a concentration of 1 rencu troops and Fench ironclads in Chi nese waters. The movements or tue French so far have been almost in explicable. They are not those of the first military nation in Europe. If the purpose were really to humble China, a sudden dash would have been made on Peking. Tliere it would have been easy enough to dictate terms of peace. But instead of that, the French have merely engaged in a bombardment now aud then. The war they are carrying on with the Chinese is just the sort of a war that can never be brought to nn end. It has long been quite evident that France does not want the difliculty settled. In all the negotutions that have taken place, there has been an evident purpose on her part to com plicate rather than straighten out matters. If inquiry shoald be made as to what has lieen affected by the French in'China so far, we shonld say, noth ine but the straining in the relations betweeu that country and England. The refusal 01 tne .crnisu autnoruies at Hongkong to allow theFrench war vessel to refit; and the subsequent ac tion of the French iu declaring rice contraband of war, have created a f nc tion out of which any complication that may be desired can be evolved. It is not possible to define clearly what part France is to play in the comine struggle. But there seem to be positive relations between that nation and Russia. The almost sim ultaneous appearance of the two na tions in the Orient could hardlv have been the result of accident Is France to supplant England in China, as Russia is to supplant her in India, or is there to be a Enropeau compensa tion for the first-named? These are questions, however, which only those who are pulling invisible strings in Europe can answer. The outside world have to leave to time the solu tion of these enigmas. But with Russians in India and the French in Chino, the whole story is not told. The Germans are rudely jostling England in Africa. They have also seized islands and territo ries in the South Pacific, upon which the hearts of the Australian Colonies were set We do not see that there is any fantastic speculative weaving in the assumption that there is a set I purpose on the part of three power- fnl nations not only to check the fur (ther'grbwth of the British Empire, 1 but to deprive it of some of its pos- er themselves. But as new lands arc yeiiiuy wu nc auaiui; 111 iui.i mum, me .1: t i. ,, ::. 11.. .....i 1 11. ,. continental nations cannot uiiitat British policy without trenching mort or less on British acquisition?. IL'STICK TO GRANT. VoHiin wliinli tlii linnst1 of lenre- sentatives has done at the session just closed reflects more credit upon it than the passage of the bill retiring Gaueral Grant with full pay of the, general of the army. This ackuowl-' edgement of the services of tne man who broke the back of the rebellion at Vicksbnrg and followed up this great victory with the campaigns which ended at Appomattox shows that the Democratic house can rise above mere party feeling and take a broad view of what national honor demands. The men, like Rosecrans, who went out of their way to dispar age Grant's achievements as a soldier; and to impute dishonorable ucts to him in his financial troubles, have dug their own political graves. Their slanders have been referred to the true cause- -jealousy 61 a successful soldier, who always showed himself superior to any petty envy or malice. The relief which comes to Grant in his old age may be o littlo material benefit to him, as he stands in the shadow of death, but the nation's rec ognition of his services -tardy though it may be -will cheer his last days and take the sting from suffering, brought upon him by the incompe tence of those in whom he trusted. The action of the Democratic house reveals the cheering fact that parti sanship does not always rule in our national councils and that republics are not always ungrateful. -DEATH OF AD3URAL PKKIU.K. Rear Admiral George Heury Preble, ! I United States navy, died last Monday at his home in Brookliue, Mass. j tj1p He was born in Portland, Me., Feb ruary 5.1. 181G. On October 10. 1833. Iia onf oroil tlin nivvna n Tniilsliinman ! Ul. V,UIW.V. ..... ..,, ..V-t.J..Ut...1 serving 1:1 tue Mediterranean ana West Indies and in the Florida war. He became a lieutenant in 1818, while serving as execntive officer on the Petrel in the war with Mexico. From 1S19 to 18T1 he was attached to the coast survey, and in 18Ti was with the expedition to destroy the pirates iu the Chinese seas. During the c ivil war ho was actively engaged in the Gulf region, being with Farragut at New Orleans in 18G2, when he was commissioned a commander; he also commaded the naval brigade at the battle of Honey Hill. In 1867 ho was commissioned captain and in 1871 commodore. On September 30, 1876, he was made rear-admiral, and was in command of the Southern Pacific squadron in 1877-78. He was retired as rear-admiral on February 2.5, 1878. Iron Yitmi Alchohol. In doctoring sick people with alco holic mixtures, the first mischief is that the fiety stuff burns its way through inflamed, delicate tissues which ought to be soothed and strengthened. Then the most sensi tive part gives away, lnngs, brain, or stomach, as the case maybe. WLafc the weak and debilitated need is Brown's Iron Bitters. Iron for en riching the blood; tonics for the general strentheniug of the svstem. Mr. Thos. G. Daniels, AVadley, Ga., says, ' 1 have used Brown's Iron Bit ters, and advise all dyspeptic, nervous, low-spirited persons to do the same." The lord mavor of London has is sued an appeal to the public for funds with which to relieve distress among unemployed working people. Hrotl'M KuiuIhIou of Pure Cod lit ver Oil. with HypophouphUeH. A 31W Xiitritiowi Food and Medi cine. Dr. Lindsay Johxsox, of Car tersville. Geo., says: 4L take great pleas ure in saj iiigyour Emulsion has proved ielf in fn hands a most enlcient rem edy, in the various wasting- conditions eailing for uph nutriment. A gargle of strong black tea, used night and morning is now fashionable iu Londou as a preventive of sore throat. Hon. W. B. Hoke, Judge of the .lef fersou Connty, Kentucky Court, says: "My family have used St. Jacobs Oil with signal success. It gave us en tire satisfaction. "We always have a bottle in the house.' The Sultan of Turkey ha3 bought in London, "a Vicycle for the use of the ladies of the harem." TORt' Look Like a Wreck. "When a man is sointr down hill everybody is ready to Rive him a kick.' les, inaLis so. 11 issau, uui natural. Whv. nianv a man and woman, seekinc employment, would have got it if their hair hadn't been so thin and gray, One bottle of Parker's Hair Balsam is then the best investment. It stops falling hair, promotes new growth and restores color. Clean, highly perfumed, not a dye. A great improvement over any similar preparation, and sold at the low- price or we. IPI Oil kiEdf THE GREAT &&? CURES Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lua'uago. Backache, Headacha. Toothache, Soru Tltroat. Swelllue. prnln, UruUe. liui-iK. 3IJ1.I. frM-t UltiH, avd ill ouita luiuar fii.s ad .irati. -Jt tf Drs;;Uti 11J D;len efrriir. FUtOaNa Urt-J. D.r1.33 U It lA31AZU T1IK C'UAJtLKS A. VOOKI.KK CO (iKtmuibl.) iHlkTm CM 1 UilUman, Ad., L. S. X. GE1AIIA HOTEL. MI'.S. 1-VA WALLMAX. - Proprietor. ASTORIA. ORKC.OX. I'ir.l Class in "Kvery Renpoot. NEW HOUSE. NEW FURNITURE. ritt4Ml up willi every Conven ience ir the Com fori ol Transient and Permanent Guests. Connr SqneiiiiMU 1 and VrV-t Cth StrreK The Telephone Saloon The Finest Establishment of the Kind in Astoria. lvtei:illy titled un for Hip Comfort and Coin fiiiiMKV of lioe ho enjoy :t Social (5 la . Best of Wines anil Liquors, The Cholrest Clears. Everything New and First-Class. IS. L. JEFFRIE Y. Prop's. PARKER HOUSE. II. B. IMltKKIt. Prop's. first Class in Every Respect. Freo Cout-li lo I he House, Old Castle, Yspitti, and other brands of Coke Tin Plates, for sale in lots to suit purchasers, now in warehouse at Astoria or to arrive per Jo-tefa', or Arrher, also Liverpool fine and coarse snlt. For further particulars apply to Meyer, Wilson & Co., Portland, Oregon. s . -Vr - I'-.wJ-W' I "' . &aM SB Caierjiiiies. Goliiiia tejortatioii Company. FOE PORTLAND ! Fast Time. THE -NEW TELEPHONE Whlrh has been specially built for the comfort of paisen-iers will leav? Wlton & Fisher's Dock every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. arriving at Portland at 1 P.M. I'etumlug leaves Portland every Tuesday and Thursday at 6 A. M. arriving at Astoria at 1 P. M. 2eyAn additional trlpwIU be made on Sunday orKaoli Wcelc. leaving Portland 'at t O'eleolc Huartay Mernlas. Paen-zen h this route connect at Kalsroa for Sound port . U.B.STOTT.Prpsldeiit 'Wilson & Fisher snip unanoiers, HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE Paints, Oils, and Varnish. LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. PROArISIONS millTfeed AGENTS FOK Salem Flouring Mills, Portland Roller Mills, Capital Plonr and FAIRBANKS' SCALES. ASTORIA. OREGON. B. B. Franklin, m Mertate anil Cabinet Mer, SQUEMOQUA STREET, XKXT TO T1IK YSTOKIAX r.UII.PIXO. 0 grAIl work done in a .skillful tnunnrr on short notice ut r;iicn:tblc rates. ASTORIA IRON WORKS. Benton Stkket, Near Paukkr Housf, A8T0KIA. - OREGON. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. LANDIand MARIME ENGINES BoilerWork, Steamboat Work and Cannery Work a spe cialty. O-LS-0L?X3STCS-S , Ofall Descriptions made to Order at Short ZVotlce. A. U. Wass, President. J. G. HosTLEit.Secretary, I. V. Case, Treasurer. Jonx Fox.Superintcndent. 3. ARNDT & FEROflEN, ASTORIA. - OREGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop BLACKSMITH SHOP Boiler Shop All kinds of ENGINE, CANNERY, Axn STEAMBOAT WORK Promptly attended to, A specialty made of repairing CANNERY DIPS, FOOT OK I.A FAYETTE STREET. Fast Time STEAMER !- JrfggiiilHieSByhECsSo SSm JBBWBWfEssiiSasssssssrae ypTt KL -" isssssssssMssssBsspW Wn THE BEST IS THE Royal Brand Flour Manufactured by the OREGON MILLING COMPANY Is of Superior Quality, and is Endorsed by all who use It. THEHOUSEKEEPEB'S FAVORITE Of Superior Rising Quality. Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction. WYATT & THOMPSON Sole Aseutg for Asterin. Palatini -ani Paper Hapt KALS0M1NING ETC. OHET A St, OXjSDE32 Paint Shop in rear of premises form erly occupied by C. II. Stockton, oppo site the Court House. All orik'i.H promptly ami satKfaotnriy executtd. J. a. D. GKAY. c Wiiolesala and retail dealer .. GROCERIES, FLOUR, AND FEED Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME, SAND AND CEMENT. General torne and Wharfage on reason able terms. Foot of Benton street, Astoria, Oregon. WM. EDGAR, Dealer In Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes Meerschaum and Brier Pipes, GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY Revolvers and Cartridges. COKNEIi MAIN AM) CHEXAMUS STS. The Gem Saloon. The Popular Resort for Astorians. For the Finest of Wines and Liquors o to THE OHM SALOON. ALEX. CAMPBELL. - - 1T.OPIUET0K ASTOEIA LIQUOR STORE, AUO. OAXIKLSON, Proprietor. Rebuilt and Jtefltted Tlirouxliom. The Best of WIXEM. lilOJUOR!, AX1) CIOAKS. For a Good Cisar, call for one of "Danielson's Best." Comer West 9th and WatorStreeti, Astoria". n9-Gm Magnus C. Crosby Dealer In HARDWARE, IROH, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings STOVES, TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON, -3?3Jta. AND Copper. Astoria Sail Loft. Best of Wori at Bottom Fisnres J. HESS, The well-known Sailtnaker now ocmpltr The Astoria Sail 1-oft, formerly occupied by A.M.Jobnson. ' Boat Sails a Specialty. ALL WORK WARRANTED Come and see me at The Astoria Sail Loft : nexttoPjthian tlmldiug. Address P. O.Boc .112. J. II ESS. Floats! Floats! Floats! CAUNERYMEN who are in ned ol Floats. Copper Handles and Mallets should send their orders to B. TF. BI.OOI. Clatskanle. Oieeon.who has a quantity on hand -which will be sold at reasonable rates. 'SECURE THE SHADOW' Ere the substance fade, and when you visit Portlautl, make It a part of your business to call on W. H. Towxe, at the San Fran cisco Gallery, S. W. corner First and Morrison streets, and have your photograph taken In the highest style nftlie art.