(') VOL. XXII I, NO. 35. ASTORIA, OttEGOX, THURSDAY MARCH 5, I8S5. PRICE, FIVE CENTS BUSINESS CARDS. TV- A. JL. ar.d J. A. FUL.T Physicians and Snrcrnn. Will 'lve prompt attention :o all onlls. liom:mj iditolthe e.tj mi ivu.it r Office o or Allen's btore, corner Cass and Stsucmoqua streets, Astoria, Oiesun. Telephone No. 41. f 'R. F It A X K IA K. Pliywleliiii ninl Xurceo". Ofllce, Cor. Main ami Chennniu-. trc-ei-. 5kkickH(ui:-: lo 11 .. m. ;--Jto "ii.m. Residence, opposite the.!ohanen lunlilm,? (,-ni. . iii:i:t. (.ki. oi.Mi J AOf.ARZ ifc DOItlSiS. attorn i:s at law. OMce in Klmiej's' l!W. ppilte City Hall, Astoria. Oregon. P. W. FULTON. lJ.CKUI.TOJf. FITITOA BROTHERS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Koutm 5 and C.OJJ Fellows BulldluK. J. Q. A. 110W I.BV. J. A. OII.l BOWI.BY & GILL, Attorneys nml Counsellors ut Law, Ofure on Clienanius Stff et. Astona. Oienoti. Tjl O. ISOL.DKX, NOTARY PUBLIC, At'l'TlONHhU, 1 0M.M1S.S10.N AND I.N 8URANCE AGENT. pKI.O Y. 1MS1KKS. SURVFYOR OF CtatMop County, unit Viiy r Axtortu Office r-Chenanms;ti est. Y. M.i:. A. lull Room No. . c. V. 1.1. ECU.. ARCHITECT AND SU PERI X TEN' UFA' 1. Ot-Ktoi: : Room 9, Mi.iiesV, Hihk 111 or)., rATYXJTTI.R. 31. J. PHYSICIAN AND SUKOKOX i)rt ick Ramus 1,2, ami 3 1'j tiii.ui Rti'ld- In'. Rksidkmcr-Oii Cedar Stlrrt, lt..l: 'i JU Mary's Hospital.. 1- V. UlTKrt. a. i: SHAW. I1ICKS & SUWV. DENTISTS. Room In Allen's Building, tip st-ih. c.r nr Cass and Squemoqua stirets. Astoria iregou. BANKING AND INSURANCE ! I. W. CASE, Broker, Banker, and Insur ance Agent, ASTORIA, - OKECSOX. OFFICE HOUUS : From 9 o'clock A. M. until 3 o'clock 1. M. Bozorth & Johns, UmI Ettute and Imuranec ApentK anil lirokers ASTORIA, ... - Oregon. We write policies in the following woll Wuown Fire Insurance Companies : PHCBNIX OF HARTFORD. SCOTTISH UNION' AND NATIONAL OF EDINIIURG. I.ION, OF LONDON HOME. OF NEW YORK. LONDON AND LANCASHIRE, OF LIVER POOL PH02NJX, OF BROOKLYN. CONNECTICUT, OF HARTFORD. OAKLAND HOME, OF OAKLAND, GALA,. And also represent the WESTERN, of California. HAMBURG-BREMEN, of Ger many, and AMERICAN STEAM IiOlL ERlNSURANCE CO. BmI KUte Bought and Sold on Commission. J. O. ROSS. LEADING rXDERTAKER, Ztfulu St. Astorlu. Oregon. THE LATEST STYLES WALL "PAPER AT B. B. FRANKLIN'S, NEXT DOOR TO ASTORIAN OFFICE. A very large Stock from -w hlch to selret. Window curtains made to order. PMy patent Trimmer to cut Wall Tapei will be lound convenient to my patrons. Boat Building. TOE BEST STOCK AND WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED. Boats of Every Description Built. Shop over Amdt & Fcrchen's. K. M. LE ITIIKISS. VISITORS TO PORTLAND Siiould not forget to call at Towno's San Francisco Gallery, where may be !en photographs of all the leading men and women of Oregou and Washington Territory. Skillful operators always In attendance, and the most minute attention paid to picture. of children. Don't forget the location, K. W. terser Writ and Morrison streets, npi.tlr. No trouble to show specimens to visitors. Street railroads pass the door evrv teu mutes, and this Is the nearest gaflen- ta the five principal hotels. THE ; gESTTQNIC. This medicine, combining Iron with pure vegt-tftble tonics, quicVly and completely Cured Djtpeiwtn, IndlscHtlon, Wraunrs, IiupuroUloodt3IiUarlB,ChlllHandFeTerf, and NcurulRln. It is an unfailing remedy for Diseases of the Kidney and I.Her. It is invaluable for Diseases peculiar to Women, aud all v ho lead tedentary li es. Itdoes not injure the teeth, cause hcadachcor produce constipation otht Iron medkinr dn. It enriches and purifies the blood, stimulates the appetite, aids the assimilation of food, re lieves Heartburn and Belching, and strength ens the muscles and nerves. Tor Intermittent Fevers. Lassitude, LacV of Energy, ic, it has no equal. to- The genuine has alo e trade mark nnu rossed red lines on WTapjer. Take no other tlr i.l j bf IIUOW.N IHLJliriL 10 BlLTlXOUt, 1BL UEniUTOX, WOODAKD A CO., Portland, Or V UOI.RSAU: AOKNT. fclfTErtS 'flie KIitet Snbjects Forfcterand ague, and remittents, are the debilitated, bilious and nervous. To such persons. Hostetter's Momach Bitters affonls adequate protection by Increasing ital stamina and the resistant power of the con stitution, aud by checking Irregularities of the liver, stomach and bowels. Moreover, It eradicates malarial complaints of an ob stinate tjpe. and stands alone unequaled among our national remedies. For sale by a1 1 Druggists ami Dealers generally. . V. Wholesale and Rctall'Dcaler ij Provisions, MILL FEED. Glass and Plated Ware, TROPICAL AND DOMESTIC FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Together with Wines, UquorsfTobacco,Cigars G. A. STINSON & CO.. BLACKSMITHING. At Capt. Rogers old stand, Coruv of tis and Court streets. Ship and Cauuery work. Horseshoeing. Wagons made and repaired. Good work guaranteed. Insurance Office OF Geo. P. Wheeler & Co. Repiesenting the following first -ehiss For eign and Home companies : Royal Norwich Union and Lancashire, assets. CG.ooo,oOO South British and National, " 20t0jf).ooo Flremans Fund. liOO.OOO Union, Fire and Marine ' 1.000.000 State, (dwellings only) - 100.000 Aud the old -and reliable Travelers Life and Accident Insurance Co. of Hartford, Conn. Deposited lit Oregon, ?400,iW) for the secutlty of Policy holders.. Personal Attention ghen to all business, and Sfttlhfaeiion (luiranterd in eery in stance. OFKirK In llume'.s New Building, Asto ria, Oregon. W. E. 3SMENT & CO. ASTORIA, - - - OKKCOX Carry In Stork, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, TOILET and FANCY ARTICLES. Preemptions carefully Compounded, tUl 1 io F CLEBRATD 1 A Men. ('A)IPAIGN MA US. How They Keep Their Hand in by Ail" vi!n Women to Go Jnrn tlie Ponlrry Basinet. " ho can tell how long ago it vras that the agricultural, political and religious press began to advise worn- j en to go into the poultry business?; This advice conies in bunclic. like asparagus. For a long Jiuic there will be none in the market, and then suddenly some editor will bre.tk out in raphsodies over- a lone widov? w1iq has kept seven hens through a hard winter on a pint of corn, sold SS15 worth of eggs, paid off a mortgage on her little cottage, and sent her eldest through college. This story will have the run of the press for a season, and be printed from Dan to Beersheba, and from Maine to California. Then some other venerable liar, nistiug away in an off political year, will reel off one or two articles about keeping hens, and the enormous proGt. We do not deny that money can be made out of poultry, but it requires the strong est mental balance, and the most vig orous constitution to stand it, and it is a business peculiarly unfitted for women. "Who has not seen a woman trying to chase a hen out of the flower-bed or garden, aud who can deny that all womanly grace. all loveliness and all sweetness of temper disappears in the struggle, and how terrible ara the passions aroused iu the war of words when the poultry breaks into the sanctity of tho neighbor's yard, and the neigh bor comes to the back fence to hurl forth his indignation iu gusts of rug ged eloquence. Strong men have grown gray in an instant on seeiug a thoroughbred hon come Hying over the fence followed by a string of broken bricks and old tomaio cans and profanity longer than her pedi gree, and realizing tho terrible ordeal to be gone through with when the enraged neighbor got his second wind and came over the fence him self. Oh, no! the poultry busiiiPss is no place for woman. Still about once in three months the press breaks out in a chorus of praise of this nefarious and soul-dest roving traflie. TIIP. NEW WEST IN THE INDPSTRIAL EXPOSITION. The older states of the Union, aud particularly such states as Pennsyl vania and New York, are not making much of a figure at the world's fair in New Orleans. In fact, from Dela ware north to Mtine, these states have not taken any great interest in the exposition. The great state of New York makes a poor show, there being little to illustrate the vast re sources of that wealthy and populous state. The interest of the exposition has turned largely on the contribu tions of the western states, Mexico, Central and South America. The sectional feeling has not quite died out. New Orleans is a long way off. It has a commercial importance, but very little manufacturing prominence. Beyond cotton and sugar itcocld not contribute anything of importance to the exposition. The northern states might Lave done vastly more than they have for this exposition. Just now the most important fact is that the new western states have kept the exposition from becoming a failure. California, Colorado, Ore gon, the territories, and all the West ern states have laid down at the exposition the choicest specimens of natural resourcas and developed wealth. They have saved the exposi tion and more. Those states have less sectional fceliug thau either the extreme southern or extreme north ern states. It may be premature to say that a sectional feeling has had a controlling influence in keeping back exhibits from such states as New York and Pennsylvania. Yet one connot quite ignore the fact that these states, by the indifference shown, assert in a negative sort of a way that this is not their affair that it is a southern demonstration which really does not much concern them. New lork, for instance, ought to have led off in the number and va riety of the articles exhibited. Penn sylvania ought to have gone quite beyond ner nuge lumps of coal and specimens of steel. A Governorship for a Vote. On joint ballot the Illinois legisla ture is a tie, and one of tho Demo crats is E. M. Haines, father of J. C. Haines, Esck, of Seattle, the law part ner of Hon H. G. Struve, and who is a trafficking politician at the "inde pendent" sort, whose vote is very precious to the Democratic party. Morrison is the Democratic candidate for senator, aud Haines ts refusiug to vote for hira. Now comes au moment that possesses interest for "Washing ton territory-. A SpringCeld dispatch says: "The other day Morrison met Haines and said to him: 'Yon have a son in "Washington territory. He ought to be its governor. I cau fix that for you if I am elected.' 'That will not do,' replied Hniuca. 'Carter Harrison made that promise a month ago.' " It will be well for our Democratic brethren in Washington territory who want the office of gov ernor (and their name is legion) to take notice that they are one and all likely to be traded out of it by eastern politicians. Observing this may breat tne torce or tneir coming dis appointment. Suiloh's Catarrh Remedy a nosi tlve cure for Catarrh, DIptheria and Canker ilouth. Sold by W.. Dement, THE POUT Y-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Washington. Mnrch 4. During i the two sessions of the forty-eighth I congress there have been introduced in the house 82CG bills and 313 joint resolutions. The following named measures of general importance have been enacted into laws: Bills to es tablish a bureau ow labor; to estab-; lish a bureau of animal industry; to prevent the spread of pleuro-pneumo- n:a aud other contagious diseases among domestic animals; to repeal, ti.A i .- ..ii. -i. r -lorn. i i::i " IUC IU3 4, UilkU IIUI Ul -IOv-, IU 1IUJ1L IW three years the time in wnich prose cutions may be beguu against persons for violation of internal revenue laws; to establish a burea-t of navigation in the treasury department; to grant letter carriers at free delivery offices fifteen days leave of absence, with pay, in a year; to provide a retired list for soldiers and marines who have served continuously for thirty years or upward; to reduce the rate of postage on newspapers aud other periodicals of the second class, when not sent by others than the publisher or news agent, to 1 cent for each four ounces; to remove certain burdens from the American merchant ma rine (the Dingley shipping bill); to provide civil government for Alaska; to prevent and punish counterfeiting in the United States of bonds or other securities of foreign governments; toJfc extend the duration of the court of n commissioners of Alabama claims; to make all public roads and high ways post roads; to make it felony for any person to falsely personate an officer or employe of the United States acting under authority of the United States; to remove the charge of desertion from soldiers of the late war who. after having served faith fnlly until the close of tho war, left their commands without leave: to pro vide for the location oT n branelj, home for disabled volunteer soldiers of the Mexican war and the war of 1812, whose disabilities were not in curred in service against tho United Stated; to reorganize the corps of judge advocate of the army; to de clare forfeited certain lands granted to am in the construction of a rail road and telegraph line from Portland to Astoria; to reorganize the inspector general department of the army; to provide for ascertainment of claims of American citizens for sro'.iations committed by the Prenc'jprior to July 31, 1801, "by-'ref erring them "to a court of claims. COWBOYS' FRFAK. When the N. P. overlund train. which arrived here yesterday, reached Little Missouri, the other side of Helena, on Friday, it was stopped by cowboys, who were bent on haviujr some fnn as thev called it. The cow boys were on a spree, and after flag ging the train took possession of it with drawn pistols. They compelled the passengers, including ladies, lo dance aud stand on their heads, which command was speedily com plied with to the bestot the individ ual ability of the passengers. The conductor in chargo of the train, hovever, refused to mar his dignity by attempting to dance when he didn't know how, and the cowboys shot all arouud his feet to makehi"m try. But he was defiant and refused, taking desperate chances as to the consequence. One or two balls were sent through his feet, badly wound ing them. The train and depot were riddled with bullets, but no other damage was done other than to the conductor. No attempt was made to rob the passengers. Bobbery was not the purpose of the attack appar ently. The cowboys, after their little diversion, allowed the train to pro ceed. Thty number over a hundred, and it would be a hard matter to at tempt to arrest any of them. It would be extremely hazardous for any officer with a fee in sight to un dertake to servo a warrant. The cowboys are starling out on the road up and want to have a good time to commence with. Standard, .?. Vour Cod Wife, Sir. The best treasure a mau can pos sess is a good wife. He who has such a treasure ought to do his very beot to keep her in perfect health. Invalid ladies are sometimes irreat sufferers. Worry and overwork per form marvels of mischief for most American women. Brown's Iron Bitters works wonders of renovation for the pale, the languid, and the de bilitated. Mrs. Lulu Weston. 191 Market street, Indianapolis, says, "I used Brown's Tron Bitters for gen eral debility and weakness, and am entirely cured.'' There is now en route to this sound, a vessel which will load with spars, square timber and lumber for Norway. This will be the first cargo ever shipped to that country from this region. It must appear from this that the Norwegian forests, with timber similar to our own, and for which she was famous even in tho works of Milton, are beiug stripped and denuded, and thus a new market has been opened for our bountiful supply here. -2'acoma ledger. Mrott'rtRinulKlou ofPare Cod Liver Oll,ivifh Hypophoaplilti'si. Its Use in Lung Ti-oulrtes. Dr. Hi ram Cadoketto, of .Jacksonville, Fla., says: "1 have for the last ten months prescribed your Emulsion, to patients suffering from lung troubles, and they seem to be greatly benefited by Its use. ' DpTAR TRADE Xtifl MARK. &$ e$? 2h?? i-gj -1 Jf AhiohiMii Z'fccfrvm Opiates, JJmetici and J'oisons. i PROMPT, SAFE, SURE CURE IVr Couchs. Sore Throoi. Jloarecacu, Cold, luOuenzs, BranehUb, Asthma, Croap, VTuoop- inj Conch, Quinsy, Pain In Ghent, taJotlur ffo:tt of Ui. Throat aj Lnnir. lMce 30 cents a bottle. Sold by DrosslsU and lhntcrs. JtrtU unable to induce thtir dnlr tn tnmpUy net it for them vcill receice tico boitltH, tj-rtM cnarget paui, oy sending one dollar to ?HE C1URLES X. YOOKLER lOXPA.NT, Sola Owaerj nJ Minnrictarrn, Uilllmorr. I-trjUa.!, C.S. X. IT. MRS. EVA WALLMAN, - Proprietor. ASTORIA. OREGON. Firs! Class iu Krery Kcspect. NEW HOUSE. NEW FURNITURE. S'ilit'd u l irilli Mry Conrrii C)iu(ort of ifiiiM lor tli Transient and Permanent Guests. ConuT Siiuemo.iu:i and West cth Strrets. he Telephone Saloon The Finest Establishment of the Kind in Astoria. Ilsjiccially lUteJ up for Uir Comfort and Convenience of :lioie who enjoy :i Social f!Ia . The llesl f Wines uml Liquor, . The ChoicesUCigrai'. Everything New and First-Class. SS. L.JEITEKY. Prop'r. HOUSE. J. II. IMISKKR. Prop'r. First Class in Every Respect. I'rcM Coitrli lo Uic House. CaierOilies. Old Castle, Yspitti, and other brands of Coke Tin Plates, for sale in lots to suit purchasers, now in warehouse at Astoria or to arrive per Josea, or Archer, also Liverpool fine and coarse salt. For further particulars apply to 1 r, Portland, Oregon. T-rW fgaifMi HiBniB ygMsn ib unr Sg AluohiMuB MM HOTEL Hep BonlCo ColumMa Transportation Goipe FOR PORTLAND ! Fast Time THE NEW TELEPHON rz'?-uvr-itaa Which h.u been specially Built for the comfort of passengers will leave Wilson & Fisher's Dock eery Monday. Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. arriving at Portland at 1 P.M. Returning leaves Portland every Tuesday and Thursday at 6 A. M. arriving at Astoria at 1 P. M. tST-An additional trip will be made on Sunday of Kacli U'eeK. leaving Portland fit J) O'clock Sunday ."tloriiluj?. Passengers nj this route connect at Kalama tor Sound ports. U. B. SCdTT, President Wilson& Fisher Ship Chandlers, HEAVY AND SHELF HAEDWA&E Paints, Oils, and Varnish. LOGGERS1 SUPPLIES. PKOYISIONS milxTfeed AGENTS FOtt Salem Flouring Mills, Portland Holier Mills, Capital Elour and FAIRBANKS' SCALES. ASTORIA. OREGON. B. B. Franklin, m MeiMer anfl CaMM lata, SQUEMOQUA STREET, Xr.XT TO THK ASTOUIAX KUILIUN'O. dyAH work done in a skillful manner on stiott notice at reaMinable rates. ASTQRIA IRON WORKS. BKvro:; Stukkt, Nkak Pakkku Housk, ASTORIA. - OREGON. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. LANDMINE EMES BoilerWork, Steamboat Work and Cannery Work a spe cialty. OSSPJljKTG-S , Ofall DeHcriptions made to Oriler at Short Notice. A. D. Wass, President. .1. G. Hcstlkr, Secretary, I. W. Cask, Treasurer. Joux Fo superintendent. S. ARNDT & JPERCHEN, ASTORIA. - OREGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop BLACKSMITH Ptv-Ix BHOFWlk MZ AND vfsttSHailu tv -,:m::wxzx. Boiler Shop "gS All kinds of ENGINE, CANNERY, AND STEAMBOAT WORK Promptly attended to, A specialty made of repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. Fast Time ST EA ME II vyittzim fr-szsss THE BEST IS' THE Q1BITR 3E:E2aS'3? 2 Royal Brand Flour Manufactured by the OREGON MILLING COMPANY Is or Superior Quality, and U Endorsed by all who use It. THE HOUSEKEEPER'S FAVORITE Of Superior Kising Quality. Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction. WYATT & THOMPSON Sole A gen ta lor Astoria. Painttni anfl Paper Ian. KALSOMINING ETC. oeeas. oxs:E22sr Paint Shop in rear of premises form erly occupied by C. H. Stockton, oppo site, the Court House. All orders promptly and satufactorly executed. J. H. D. a&jLY. Wholesale aud ret.tfl dealer tu. GROCERIES, FLOUR, AND FEED Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME, SAND AND CEMENT. General Storage and Wharfage ou reason able iernw. Foot of Renton street, Astoria. Oregon. WM. EDGAR, Dealer iu Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes Meerschaum and Brier Pipes, GENUINE ENGLISH GUTLEBY Revolvers and Cartridges. corxer ar.vrN and chexamus sts. The Gem Saloon. The Popular Resort for Astorians. Tor the Finest of Wines and Liquors Go to THE OEM SALOON. ALEX. CAMPBELL, - - PROPRIETOR ASTOEIA LIQUOR STORE, AUG. DAXIELSON, Proprietor. UclmUt and Itefltted. Thronskout. The Best of lYINKM.iaQUOIW.AXD CIGARN. For a Good Cigar, call for one of "Danielson's Best." Comer Wet 9th and Water Streets, Astoria. u9-0ui Magnus C. Crosby Dealer in SARD! ARE, ISDN, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, STOVES, TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON, F71-n and Copper. Astoria Sail Loft. Best of fori at Bottom Fipres J. HESS, The well-known Sailmaker now occupies Tho Astoria Sail Loft, formerly occupied ly A. M.Johnson. Boat Sails a Specialty. ALL WORK WARRANTED Come and see me at The Astoria Sail Loft : next to Pythian Building. Address P. O. Bo 312. J. HESS. Floats! Floats! Floats! CANNBRYMTJN who art in need of Floats, Copper Handles ami Mallota should send their orders to B. IV. BLOOI. Clatskanie, Oregon, who has a quantity on hand which will be sold at reasonable rate. "SECURE THE SHADOW Ere the substauco fade, and when you visit Portland, make It a part of your business to call on w. IT. Towxk, at the San Fran cisco Gallery, 3. W. comer First and Morrteou streets, and have youc photograph taken in the hfgliest style of the art.