(V MQtatfgiiBiiflftgaaMaWBaH OBMateaatedMi ssneaMsaMSES MB She gattj $otftt. ASTORIA, OREGON: WEDVESDAY. -...MARCH 4. 1ES3 SHIPPING iNLLIGENCE FORT OP ASTORIA. ZAILED. Montgomery Cast'c. !lr l.irpool March J Qnecn of tho PaoiSc. a. S T Miirch 2 M E. ''ex, Ur e? rha'iiperico March S i .-, A 77;; lilVKR ASTORIAW DIRECTORY. State Officers: United States Senators $ Doph Representative In Congress-.M. C. George Governor. ...... Z. F. Moody Governor's Secretary- Cbas. B. Monres Secretary of State R- I. Earhart Assistant secretary. ....t e. noagKin btate Tieasurcr ....... Assistant Treasurer.......... Sup't Public Instruction., State rriuter. Clerk School Land Board Sup't Insane Asylum- bup't Penitentiary... Supremo Judges -., .Ed.HIrsch ... A. F. Wheeler E. B. McKlroy W. 11. Byars E. P. McComac Dr. II. Carpenter Geo. Collins (W. P. Lord -I J. B. Waldo ( W. W.Thayer District .ToncES : First District I.. It. V.'elistcr Jatiot McN'olI. M.jheH&d. Hrbk ,1eb Kick lbww Hrbfc J. It Hrown nj so Kratish A'.ncich rM ni'. -r Kt'Dtea. I!r bk Mi'.Vafeintor.. Am sp UBinV.jn, tr Wc ftio-rooulljshirc, Ur bk ian Brni Jorvto. Ucrbk 1 i-s...i.l ttlWI AHaboiud Krbll.ttH cItoric Aictecr Br bL7l irerj-o 1 KeoraOi. Krhl V ip-iai.!D 23 lieccbKo'ui, l!r k '2 AntiforastaJan it Cnmavnn ti-itl . 130d Sidney Oily of Mudrtd 'r : Bfmon yres Xot 10 Elma. Ur ik V Ip ,ium Jan 20 Explnror. Br t-p Valparaiso Haddi-tRtonhhirc. Br sal SO Rio Jin 21 lUidec, Ur tik 7'- I.lvorj.ool Oct 1 Kitty. Or bk Valpara no Jan SI Lobo. Br. bt, M Carnral Leren, Brbk773 VaiparaUo Sept 3 Mo'Ue, Oer bit B a Urcppoi Medora, IIrbk970( boefoo Oban Bay, Br bk Va paraiso Quiltota Br bfcfcOd Valparaiso Kiror I.ovon Br bk 773 Valparaiso From American Ports. TIHIp L. Marbcck. Am? 3331 Kcw York Xor IB TIDK TAIHiE FOB ASTOIITA. Second District Thin! District F nrtli District..., Fifth District Sixth District . Rotiert Bean It P. Boise en'ca SmI li F..I Taylor il IkSANFORD' IMMI!i!fij!TfiP INVIIaUiiAiUEi A Hog Exploded. Ciatscp County OEcers: Judge G . McGuIre Clerk- xherifT. Commissioners., Assessor ........... TrciKurer...... Survej or ..... School Sup'i Coroner. Astoria City Officers: Mavor . ... J. W. Hutne Auditor anit Cierk .T. S. Jowett Treasurer J. G. llus'lcr assessor.... ............... Gen. P. Wheeler Street Superintendent Thos. U-pan Chief or Police Clark I oughtey Police Judge C. H. Htocktoa Sexton M. Cotdey COUNCILMRX : (C. IT. foot-or First Ward A. A. r'ievelin.1 ( Isaac Bergman C Tliivj. Den.lv. .G. J.Ticncbard (Chas. Gnttke. 1 iosc wnat its name- liap.o ; z Purely Vegetable Ccapound, that acts directly upon the wer ; curing l oimstctd ihenianydiseascsincidedyiotliatim. . pcrtant organ, ana preventing tne nn UitiULLi ciUUii.lii-1 l"y wuw uuu u-f deranged orn2!G-action, such cs Dyspepsia. Jsr.cice, Biliousness CosfeenessVftplaria, Sick-Lcadache, RheupaOTetc. It is therefore 5 rruisdu3ulBf To "have Good Health :he Liver must "be kept in order." DB. SAUPORB'S II7ZB IK7IG0BAT0E rnvJsoratcs the Liver, Rc-ulalcs the Bow els, Strengthens tho Svstcm, rurifics the Blooil . xissists Digestion, Prevents Fevers. 3 a Household Xeed. An Invaluable Family Medicine for common complain' 3. DZL BAHPORD'S UVZS CT7IG0RAT0IL T. Treitchard V.'. G. Boss 1 1). K. Warren 1.I:io. Jlobson J. V. V.'.irren Isaac Berzn'a'. (;. F. PaiS.er J. K. Ilistlns .).;C. IUi-c Second Ward , UIGH WATKH. I.OW 'K'ATKH. First Second. FlrsL SecondT 2 IH 2 2 IS 2 S S!f Ut St Vi h. tn. - h. tn. js. h. m. .v h. tn. .v - j !. , , 1 OCa 8-3 0 47p.6-7 C tta P4i 7 18p 1 38 S-C 1 ' S-.i 7 33 1 0 7 50 2 07 89 2 17 80 8 20 07 8 i'C 2 8S 8'8 3 02 7T 9 00 0 7 8 59 3 10 8-8 S 49 C 7 0 4C 0 8 i) 32 3 43 8C 4 41 CO 10 37 10 10 OS 4 22 83 5M 5'4 11 Xkt 12 10 51 X OC 7-9 7 20 4-9 0 Yip 1 3 11 5C The hours between innlikntaiid noon are doignsted hy a (a. si.), those between noon and midnight hy p (v. ai.). Oh. 00m a denotes midnight, 0t. Wm. v denotes noon. Tlie helglit is reckoned from tho level of average lower low waters to w hlch thesound ings are given on the Coast Survey charts. Columbia River Exports. anirMENTS rouKiGX. JANUAUY. fte 837 bus. wlieat . 2I,t38 bbls. flour Total, (19 cargoes). FEBRUARY. 01073' bus. W't'aL.... 3 .167 hbK flour 1190 s. siUmou ... SC; XI .umber. M. Total (IC cargoes) ...SC3S.371 .. 10,252 Oregon Raihvay & NavigatJor COMPANY. During tho month of February IBn"). Ocean Steamers will sail from Portland to bau Francisco, and from San Francisco to Port land, as follows, leaving AiusworUi Dock. Portland, at Midnight, and Spear Street Wharf, San Francisco, at 10 A. M. : From Portlaud. 1 From San Fr&ncLsco. Feb Feb Orecon Wed 41 Colombia .Tn 3 Oolnmbia Mon 9 Qneen of Pacific Snn 8 Ocean of Pacific Sat Il'Urecon.. Fn K UreRon Thur 19 Columbia Wed IS Columbia Ta 2t;Queen ot Pacific Mon tt McblOreson Sat 2 Qoecn of Pacific buti 1 Mcb 'Columbia .Tbur i Throueh TIcketM sold to all principal cities in the United States. Canada aul Europa. RAIL DIVISION. On and after November 23rd. isM, raswu gerTrains will leave Poitland for Kasteni points, at 5:30 I 31.. dally. Pallmnn l'Altce Cars ruaclajt lwtwoeti Por land. and SL I'anl, CIVEK DIVISION' Olh'.cIIc Culutubta). Boats leave Portland for D;Ule wj 7 KK) A M. also : Leave"Port- 1" " " Sand for IMonl Tiu IWe. Thu.l Fn. I Sat Anemrfence cf Foriu WW, and Thou Astoria and) I lower Co-I I lnmbia....lfiAM AM uaxton. Or. AM; oaiem . Corvall .iw.:l !fiAM!- KAMlSAM AM 16 AMI sAMlbAJI ;am ...S731.C23 ...5475,230 . 152.IC0 .. SUSi.'.O .... 59.873 ..$747.113 Astoria. Kcrail 3Inrket Flour per 1)1)1 c4J0 Wlieat, pel cental Sl.35 Oats. 4 SlJiO Baciin. sides per !b. 14(316 cts. Shoulders, 12 cts. Hams, " l.v.18 cts. Lnrd, " yelGK' cts. Beef, D18 cts. Mutton. 1015 cts. Pork, 12K16 ctb. Teal, 1420 cts. Butter, per 1 oil G07S cte. Epcs, per dozen 1925 cts. rlatoes, per lb 1 ct Cheese, per lb 1620 cts Cornmcal, per lb 4 cts. Oatmeal, " Gfi cis. Beans, 4ti ctb. Coffee, " 1240cth. Tea, " 25iK)cts. Uice, " 7t)cts. Sujjar, " 69cs. Syrup, per llm 7oc i $1. lfoiiey, per gallon Sl.23. ."sair.ion, )er Kit 54.50 Unions, per lb 24cts. Applet dried per Tb f 12K cts. Peaches " 13 (& 50 cts. Plums. u " l2KlGcts. Candl. per lb 20 cts. Chick n.s, per dozen $r. Hay, per ton 1.1 g S20. Hides, per lb 5 ii cts. Oils, per gallon, boiled linseed, 70c; raw linseed. 70e; coal oil. 40s; lartl5t.25 Tacomaand Seattle, daily at Imu I'M Viotona bteatnura do not run Sandaja. Leaves Aatoria for Portland at E a. ta. daily 01 oept Sunday, ' C. n. PBKSCOTT, JOnN MUIB. Manas. Traffic Manager, E. A. NO YES, Agent Astorl i. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA VIA Oregon & California R. R AbU CoHnectlouH, Fare to San FrascUco &S2 ; to Saera.nier.to $36 DAILY, EXCEPT SUNDAY. EASTS1DE DIVIRIOX. Ifetvreea POKTLAAD and AtiULAXD KAIL TRAIK. ULSML ARRIVE. Portland 7 -JO a. Ml Ashland 4:45 a. . Ashland .. 8:45 r. si Portland 4:25 r. m. ALBANY EXPRE83 TRAIN. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland.. 4 0 r.-M.JIebanon 9 Sor.Jt Lebanon i H5 A. M.iPortland 10 X a. m I'ullman Palace Sleeping Oar leaves Port land Mondajs and Thursdays. i:eturniug loaves Ashland Tuesdays and Fridays. The Oregon and California Railroad Ferry makes connection with all Regular Trains on Eastslue Division, from the loot of F St. Notice to D.iinqucnt Taxpayers. -RjOTICn lb HEREBY GIVEN THAT I i will lew on the property of the delin quent list of ls$4, if the taxes arc not paid immediately. C Astoria, Feb. 0, 18S3. W.LOUGnERY. Chief of Police. TVKSTSIDE DIVISIOK. Between .Portlitad and CtrvalU. MAIL TKAJK LEAVE. AltRIVE. Portland 9 K A. M-iCorralll- 4 :30 v. u. Coivallls 8 :30 A. 21.1 Portland 3 A) p.m. EXPRESS TRAIN LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 5 :00 r MlMcMinnville 8 0 r ji McMinuvIlle5:45 ASiiPortland 8 a m Local tickets for sale, and baggage checked at Company's up-town ofllce, comer Stark and Second str ets. llckets for tale to all the principal points in California, can only bo procured and baggage checked, at the Company's ofllce, Corner Fnd Front StB., Portland, Or. Freight w PI not be received for shipment after 5 o'clock p. si. on either the Eastside or Westslde Dhlslobs. K. KOKULER, E. P. ROGERS. Manacer. O. F A P. Act lands of Testimonials protc its Merit. FOR SALE BY ALT. DEALERS TN MEDICINES For fall information fcend your auurc3a ior jw fr-a Bock on the - Liver and Its dlocestfS.'Mt v.warouD 2X uuane bt., sjw toks cm? NOCir.TY21EKT5XGH. Temple LoclEO, No. 7 A. P. A. LI. REGULAR GOMMUNICATIOhS ft first and third Tuesdays in each XX month, at 7J o'clock, p. si., at the'V Hall in A-stoiix Members of the order in good standing are Invited to attend.. By order of the . J. Bearer Iiodffo No. 35. 1. 0. 0. F. REOULAR MEETING EV-MSgn ery nutrsday evening atgSSS seven o'clock, nt the Ixigo -.-J?gg mnm In flilil I VlloW5 Hall. AStO- " riii 4ot(imln? iaenibeis of the order In good standing, cordially Invited to t.i to id. Bv order N. tJ. Ocean Encampment, 2o. 13, 1. Q.O.F. REGULAR MEETINGS OF OCEAN F.N ciinpment No. IS. I. O. O. F.. at the Lodge, in the Odd Fellows Building, at covpti h. sr. . ..n tjie second and fourth Mondays of each monlSi. Sojourning breth len cordially Invited. By order L 1 . Seaside Lodge No7l2TAro. TJ. W. KEGTJL.VR MEETINGS OF SEASIDE Lodge No. 12, A. O. U. W. will be held in their Hall oer Carnahan A: Co.'s on Thursday cvenlug of each week, at 7 o'clock. Members of the order In good standing, and visiting Brothers are invited to attend. Li brary will bo open fifteen minutes berore and after each meeting. By order M. W. C. BROWN, Rec. Astoria lioctge Mo. 40. L O. G.I. REGULAR MEETING EVERY MON day evening at 7 :8o o'clock, in the Hall over Carnahan 's store. Members of the Or der, in good standing, are invite d to attend. By order W.C.T. American Legion or Honor. REGULAR MEETING OF ASTORIA Council No 933' is held on the first and third Tuesday of each month, at 7 o'clock p. m. By order of the Council Commander. R. V. MOMtiiii, seciy. OccIdonFCouncll NoT5. 0. C. F. MEETS EVERY FIRST AND THIRD Mondav evenings of each month, at 8 o'clock P. M. Members of the order are respectfully requested to attend. By order. a BROWN, Recorder. Cushlng Post No. 14, G. A It. REGULAR MEETINGS OF THIS TOST on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 7 :30 p. si. Visiting com rades cordially invited. By order P. C Cushing Relief" CorpB No. 3, G. A. R. REGULAR MEETINGS ON THESECOND and fourth Tuesdays of each month, at 2 r. si. By order 2Iits. C. ROSS. Secretary. Pacific Lodge No. 17, K. of P. REGULAR MEETINGS OF THIS lxdge every Friday evening, at 7:30 o'clock, in their Castle Hall. Sojourning Knights cordially Invited to iten . W. A. SHERMAN. K. of R. and S, Astoria Division No. One, Uniform Rank, K. of P. REGULAR MEETING ON THE FIRST Thursday of each month, in their Ar mory Hall, In Pythian Castle. at 8 p. m. Reg ular drills on the second, third and fourth Thursday of ehch mouth, at such place as shall be designated by the d rrn rsner. Sojourning Sir Kn!ght cordially invited to meetings and drills. SCOTT BOZO.iTH. Recorder. Talk about dynamite, I can tell von a true story of what nitro-glycerino once did in our state. It was out near Prairie du Chieu, where they were hlastinj; on the Chicago, Mil waukee and St Paul road. The con tractor had several kegs of that stuff in an underground place. Ono day a workman left tho place open; by-and-by a hog camo along, found a keg open, and, as glycerine is a3 sweet al most as honey, the animal filled him self. IIo came out by-and-by and soon wandered into a stable which contained about forty horses belong" ing to tho contractor. Tho hog got fooling around amourr the horsed h.n.i legs, when one of them drew oil a :d gave Mr. llog a good ouc. xbe concussion started tho business, and not a vestige wa3 ever discovered of the hog or of a single horse or the Etable. And whero the stable once stood there wan a hole in the earth fifty feet deep and 200 feet in circum ference. Fact, gentleman. ?r.di$cu Dfinoi .-at. Afte an actress had appeared in two act3 of 'East Lynne,' at Mobile, the manager of the theater told her that he could pay only $100 of the $200 agreed upon. She went direct ly to the railroad station to catch an outgoing train, leaving a note to say that, so far as she was concerned, tho audience would nevor know tho fate of tho erring Isabel. Supi-sisc a prayer on a formal oc casion is read from a printed slip, and a typographical orror complete ly ruins the proper sense, will Provi dence receive the petition as read or ns originally written? Tho students in a theological seminary argued for hours about this, aud the final vote was a tie. PiLES! P:LES! PILES! A SURE CURE FOT.VI) AT LAST! HO ONE NEED SUFFER. A sure cure for Blind, Bleeding1 Itching and Ulcerated Pile1; has been discovered by Dr. "Williams (an Indi an Beraedy,) called Dr. "William's In dian Pile Ointment. A single box has cured the worst chronic cases of 2.1 or 30 years standing. No one need suffer live minutes after applying this wonderful soothing medicine. Lotions instruments and electuaries do more harm than good. "William's Indian Pile Ointment absorbs the tumors, allays the intense itching, (particular ly at night after getting warm in bed,) acts as a poultice, gives instant relief, and is prepared only for Piles, itching of the private parte, and for nothing else. Bead what the Hon. J. L Coffinber- ry of Cleveland says about Dr. "Wil liam's Indian Pile Ointment: I have used scores of Pile Cures, and it af fords me pleasure to say that I have never found anything which gave such immediate and permanent relief as Dr. "William's Indian Ointment. Hon. Judge "W. P. Coon?, Maysville, Ky., says "I have suffered for years with itching piles, and have used many remedies. I have used Dr. "Wil liam's Indian Pile Ointment and been cured while every other remedy has failed." For sale by all druggists and mailed on receipt of price, $1.00. FBAZTER MEDICINE CO., Proprie tors, Cleveland, O. J. "W. Conn, Agt., Astoria, Oregon. BASBOUB'S teiSii II 1 o II IIhA 1 II 1 OuUd i: J . ........ -ijifrsm p:iri..s ,.! r -vn. M,.tt 4i2L-t0i .at';t h-i : t ; :.orii:. l Iht- t.-s - SjK 5tPsxCii' kV ' iSHBiBiC'TfcS??" iibiih..t- ti uiitrt. -S'ohf n tin i.i i-ihj. Hoy- Ny5So.ailKllBR.sr-r Ci5feC!,!,i ."-s-rsi.ji-jSMWPafcCLV U!.t:;.A. fowl.-:: Co.. ie: W.-st. N. '. . aJftSfeiHI MAKKPT-s v3s VT . J10J,SE FOUKCEO.- I7S4-.n JT J&jj FRESH Af4D CURED MEATS. ggf CHOICE CrROCEHIES, PROVISIONS, Crockery unci Glassware. HTAFx MARKEi:. WIISRRY & C0EIPANY, THEY RECEIVED THE For FIAX THREADS at the London Fisheries Exhibition 1883. Aud have been awarded HIGHER PRIZES nt the various XNTEBHATIOETAL EXPOSITIONS Pivsli and Cured floats, FRUITS, SUTTER, and EGGS. OPPOSITE OCCIDENT HOllIU CHK3irs Slreet, Asttirln, C$ nston Market jlnltt l:cel, Istnrln, OirgoB. kk;:.'3iax a co. 2oi,itrF.Tns Shtloh's Cough ana Consumption Cure is sold hy us on guarantee. It cures consumption. io!d by W. E. Dement. Shiioh's Catarrh Remedy :i posi tive cure for Catarrh, Diptfierlt and Canker Mouth. fckld by W. E. Dement. VlII you sillier with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint V Shiioh's V italizer is guaranteed to cure you. SoJd by W. E. Dement. Shiioh's Vitallzer is wlmt you need for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Diz zinufas and all symptoms ot Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle. Soid by W. E. Dement. Sleepless Nights made miserable by that terrible cough. Shiioh's Cure is the remedy for you'. Sold by W. K. De ment & Co. Astoria Ladles' Coflco Club. REGCLR MEETINGS AT THE CLUB'S rooms adjoining Liberty Hall on the first and thitd Friday s of each month st 7 P.M. Mns. B. S. WORSLEY, Pres. Notice. THE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR THE jearibSl is now in my hands for collec tion. All who are delinquent on said roll will save sheriff's cots hy calling at my of lice in Caihlamei and selling the same, or sending bvTeglMtied letter. S. F. ALBERT. Shcmf or Wahkiakum Co., W.T. Dated a' Catbftimer. Jan. 13th, 18t5. B at Found. ON THE 23th. 4 MILES ABOVE TONGUE Point, a skill, IS feet long, light eray, one rowlock, no ours. Ixiscr apply to John A mot. at the Union Cannery. C1IXE For Sale. NINE-ROOMED DWELLING- T7 JL house with two lots, come Main and Seventh streets. For further particulars apply at The Astoiuxn ofllce. Assignee Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE firm of J. E. Thomas has assigned all their nronerty to the undersigned for the benefit of their creditors and all persons having claims against said estate must pre sent the same duly verified to the assignee at his office In Astoria. Oregon, within three months from this date. November Cth. 1881. F. P. HICKS. For Sale. TWO HUNDRED AND FORTY ACRES on Giay's River : flue timber and bottom land : three miles from steamboat landing. Fifty acres improved : stables, outhouses, etc.. fruit. A splendid chance for a man with a little monev. Apply to FERDINAND HANSEL on the premises. iiwaco Steam Navigation Go.'s WIN rER SCHEDULE. Astoria to Fort Stevens, Fort Canby, and Iiwaco. Connecting by stages and boats for Oystervilie, Montesano and Olympia , "!??- Until further notice the nwaco SfeUgjlafa Steam Navigation Co.'s steamer CS-OZ3L. BrXJ.Oi3, Will leave Astoria on Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 7 A. H. (Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays being Oystervilie and Montesano mail days.) FOB Ft.Stevens, Ft. Canby and Iiwaco ON Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays The steamer will leave Astoria at 9 a.ji., as formerly, not being confined strictly to schedule time. Ob Thnrsday A SECOND TRIP w ill bo made, leading As toria three hours after arriving fn in I Unco Fare to Fort Canby and nwaco......Sl 00 "Tickets can be bought at the office for 75 cts. tajrllwaoo freight, by the ton. in lots of one ton or over, 2 per ton, SFFor Tickets, Towage or Charter ap ply at tho office of the company, Gray's wharf, foot of Beuton street. J. IL D. GRAY, Agent. Common Council. REGULAR MEETINGS. SECOND AND fourth Tuesday evenings of each month at7K o'clock. carPersons desiring to have matters acted upon by the Council, at any regular meet ing must present the same to the Auditor and Clerk, on or before the Friday evening prior to the Tuosday on which the Conned holds its regular meeting. THOS.S.JEWETT. Auditor and Clerk. wmirtA xy Wliv will you cotter, when Shiioh's Cure will cive"iiii;netii.iU relief. Price luct.s'aict.sjamlcl. fc-.id by W. E. De ment. Catarrh cured, heailh and sweet breath secured by Shiioh's Catarrh Rem edy. Pr!:c 50 cents. Masa! InjveN.r free. For sale by W. E. Dement iJESPECTFULLV CALL THE AlTEN eA thin of the uub'ic to the fact that the above M.irkct will always be supplied with a FULL VARIETY AM) BEST QUALITY P8E3K MiQ CUHED MEATS I ! Which will be sold at lowest rates, whole sale and retail. Cg"-Speclal attention given to supplying snips. LOEB & GO. JOBBERS IN WINES, LIQUORS, ?s:ke:a.o Than the goods of any other IN 111 EWORLD. QuuHif oun Alvays bB Depended AND OIGrABS. AGENTS FOR THE Best San Francisco Houses and Eastern Distilleries. Tumblers Decanters, and All Kinds of Saloon Supplies. 3r-Ad good mui nt sm Francisco Prices. MAIN STREET, Opposite Pxrker Jlouso, Astoria, Oregon. Notice of Application. ftJOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Lt undersigned will apply to the Common Council, of the City of Astoria, at its nest regular meeting fr a license t .'ell wine, malt aud spirituous liquors, in less quanti ties than one quart, for a period of one year In the building fronting on Co comly street, and situated on Lot No. S, Block No. 7, in theclt of Astoria as laid out and recorded byJoluiMcClure. ALEX. GRANT. Astoria. February lStli. 1SS5. r5SS.- One of the Mills of the Barbour Flax Spinning Co., Patcrson, New Jersey. HENRY DOYLE & CO., 5 1 7 and 5 1 9 Market Street, - - San Francisco, Agents Tor Pad lie Coast. Seine Twines, Rope and Netting Constantly on Hand. MANHOOD Fifir S&x ACi3WfXii ""Js ???' nternocn HAS RETURNED. J P. LEATHERS HAS RETURNED and Is ready to turn out some fine fish ing boats for the river. Shop on the beaeh between Kinney' ad Klmore'scannerlfti. The reaion ihit' Thoauii,d(iait.ol ytt tin. i J SEMJXAL n:.lK.ESS. LOS.1 UF Ul BOOD,audthtrutiUofaln$e.duattoreJKttu:: u otctny to a cowpUcolton called fJiOSTA TOR RUE A. bH. LIEU1CS IXilGORATOH u tU OXWeureorPROSTA TORMIEA. Vre. F2.W ptr paclagt. G packages. 513 09. Omde la UtullSaudStlf-Analttttttitfrte. .IJ.vc LIE til (1 IUSPEXSAR '' bituMitof Mm. 410 Gears &.. .. j-artAcv. til. -ASK FOR- TJnion India Bubrjer Cos Pure Para Gum CRACK PROOF RUBBER BOOTS. BKWAKK OK IMITATIONS ! Be sure the boots are stamped CllACK PROOF on the heels, and have tho PURE GUM SPRINGS on the foot and Instep, which prevent their cracking or breakine We are now making them with RUBBER AXD ASBESTOS Soles which will make them last more than twice as long as any Rubber boots made. FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS. ALL KINDS RUBBER BELTING. PACK ING, HO"E. SPRINGS, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, Etc. GOODYEAR RUBBER CO. lt.H.PEASE.Jr.1 Agents, S.M. RUNYON, f San Francisco. Administrator's Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned was on the th day of Jan uary, lsS5. duly appointed bv the County Court of the State ot Oregon for tle Countv of Clatsop, administrator of the estate of Hans Plenuiug. deceased' All persons hav ing claims against said estate nie hereby notified to present the same properly verf tled to me at my ofllce at the l-nlon cannery. In Ator!a. Oregon, w Ithin six months from this date. PETER F. JOHNSON. Administrator. Dated, Astoria, Or., January 23, 1R".. 5-lt Assessment Notice. milE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE JL Garabaldi PacklugCo., levy an assess ment or 530 per share upon the capital Stock, payable in ninety (90) days from date. CHAS. WICKSTROM, President, Astoria. Fob. ll.l S. PAKKER HOUSE Shavinrj ai Batting Saloon. Ladies' Hair Dresser and 'Wig Maker All kinds of HAIR WORK MADE TO ORDER Ladies' Hair cntting and Shampooing a specialtv. All work done In the most artis tic manner and In the latest style. L. DuPAItK, Prop. Parker House, Main St., Astoria, Or. Proposals fur Fresh Ucerand Jlnlion. Headqtiatters Dept. of the Columbia,") Office of the Chief Commissary. - Vancouver Bks.. W. T.. Feb'y 21. ISM. J SEALED PKOPOSA'LS IN TRIPLICATE. CD subject tn the usual conditions, will be received at this office and at lite offices of the Acting Commissaries of Subsistence at the following named posts, (tor the fresh beef and mutton needed at those posts only.) until VI o'clock noon on Wednesday, .March U5, 1S.;, at w hich time and places they will beoenedin the presence of bidders, for furnishing and delivery of fresh beef and mutton during the year commencing July, 1st. 1335. BoLse Bks.. I. T., Fort Caubv. W. T., Fort Ca-ur d'Alene, I. T, Fort Klamath. Ogn., Fort Spokane, W. T.. FortTownsend, W. r., Vancouver Bks. W. T.. and Fort Walla "Walla. W.T. Proposals will also bo received at the same time and date for supplying Fort Colvllle. W. T.. and Fort Lauwal. I. T nt this office and at the offices ot the A. C. S., Fort Spo kane. W. T.. and Fort Walla Walla, W. T respectively. The Government reserves the right to re ject any or ai btds. Bidders will understand that enntrac's made under this advertisement, and pro- Cosals made In response thereto, shall not t construed to involve the United States In any obligation for payment in excess of the appropriation granted by Congress for the purpose. Blank proposals and printed circulars, stating the kiud of beef and mutton re quired, aud giving full instructions as to the manner or bidding, conditions to be ob served by bidders, and terms or contract and pajment. will be furnished on applica tion to tills office, or to the A. C. S, at the several posts. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked "Proposals for Fresh Beef, (or Mut ton,) at Fort ." and addressed to the undersigned or to the "Acting Commls- sarv oi Mioststencc" at me several posis. C. A. WOODRUFF, Captain & C. S.. U. S, A.. Chief C.S.D.C. Of radical changes v Inch I sliail make, I am compelled to My entire slf.. l ot Furnishing Goods, Hats, Clothing, Blankets, etc, Coeds at Cost! COOSS .T TOTJH OW2T PStXCSSI Drop in and C me. Uncle Sam's Corner. GERMANIA BEER HALL! T. G. RAWLINGS, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In -AND BOTTLED BEER DEPOT, TropicaI,Domestic,6ren and Dried iil U -L"J-". Chenamus Street, Astoria. The Best of Lager 5 Cts. a Glass. Orders for tlie Celebrated lortkeni Pacific Brewery Beer Ixft at this place will be promptly attended to a-No cheap San Francisco Beer sold at tills place. Wji. BOCK, Proprietor. Assignee's Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned has been appointed the as signee nt the estate of Banzer & Johnson, and all persons having claims against said firm are hereby notified to present the same duly certified to the undersigned, at his of fice, in Astoria, Oregon, within three months from this date, Dec. 27th, 1SS4. J. H. D. GRAY. FOR SALE. One E. W. BLISS, Latest Improved HOWE SOLDERiNG MACHINE, With West's Crimper attached. This Machine Is Nearly 5err and Is Sold for Want of Use. Address GEO. W. DUNBAR'S SONS, New Orleant, La. NUTS. CANDIES, DRIED MEATS, ETC. Fiuo Clears and Tobacco. Next door to I. J. Arvold's, Squemoqua St. Notice of Dissolution. Mil I E PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE EX X isting between the undersigned, under the Ann name of Wheeler & KIpp Is this day dissolved hy mutual consent, E. A. Wheeler will pay all liabilities of the firm and Ls alone authorized to collect the bULs due the same. E.A. WHEELER. M.R.KIPP. Witness : J R F pKAEL. Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ' pursuant to a unanimous vote of the stockholders of the Fishermen's Packing Co.. the directors of said company, did on the 17th day of Jan. 1885, execute and file supplementary articles of incorporation, whereby such company ls authorized to purchase aud hold, sell and conTey real es tate. By order Board of Directors, H.E.NEL80N, dw Secretary.