w Sluf gatttf dorian. ASTORIA, OREGON: WEDNESDAY. ... JIAKCH J, 1S85 A DEMOCRATIC ADMINISTRATION. Ox tbo 4th of Ztfarcli, 18G1, llio Re publican party assumed administra tive control of the Union; the first four years of its existenco -were con sumed in a civil war; the twenty suc ceeding years have been years of peace, of plenty, of material progress. To-day the Democratic party as sumes administrative control of the affairs of the country. In any other country than ours such acquisition of power would bo a tremendous event, an occasion of momentous im portance, in which national life was imperiled; with us it will be simply a notable event; something to bo noticed in the newspapers and talked of as any other item of news. It is on such occasions that the grand simplicity of our form of government is isost apparent. A company of well dresed gentlemen will appear at noon on the portico of tho "White house, and to tho president-elect the chief justice will administer the oath of office, whereupon tho new presi dent will occupy about fifteen min utes in reading his inaugural and that is all. The great complex busi ness interests of 50,000,000 people will go on just tho oame and in writing of the president tho name of Cleveland will be written instead of Arthur. As a plain, matter-of-fact business proposition it may bo said that the new president has not been "called," or "raised up"' to sigualize or specify any historical emergency or political era. There is no great crusade to be led; lucre is no demand for protec lion against danger; there is no great issue awaiting settlement or solution. And it is just us well that this is the case. Of Mr. Cleveland it mav be said that there is nothing to bhow that ho had ever dreamed of being president up tho lime when he was nominated for the office. Ke docs not pride him self upon his ability, and does not, in fact, accept ths idea that ability ib a point of any particular consequence in politics. 'It was my luck that made mo sheriff," he said at a critical period o! tho recent campaign, "my luck that made mo governor, and it will be just my luck to be made presi dent" This is as high a view as he has ever been known to tako of him self, or of the conditions that should f properly attend success. His philos ophy in this relation, as far as he has ever expressed it, is simply that of a man who expects the cards to 'run" in a certain way, and who relies upon fortune to give him tho stakes. One searches his biography in vain for any sign of coming potency or any hint of discipline for great future responsi bilities. He has never been a stu dent; his experience in public life has been of a limited and routine charac ter only; and he has no acquaintance even with tho leading pnblic men of the time. The soher truth is that in all our history no man has ever bo fore been chosen president with so little to recommend him. Instead of coming to the front as a national ruler at a period when there is a necessity for a man of su perior force, -it is his "luck" to at tain such a position at a time when, happily, there is little for him to do and little call for extraordinary tal ent and energy. The fact is at once both his advantage and the consola tion of the country. If any gravo danger threatened us, or any unusual and profound issues were awaiting solution, there would be a general feeling that tho accession of such a man to tho presidency could result only in confusion and disaster. But as it is, he has but to let well cnou gh alone, and, unless somo unforseen and serious test shall intervene, he need have no trouble about getting through safely and acceptably; and the people arc willing to believe of him that his intentions are good, and that his very want of shining quali ties will lead him to be cautious and conservative. That is tho fact in the case. Nobody has any wish to dis parage him. or to embarrass him. He is to be tho president of the whole country, and the whole country is desirous, on its own account, that uis administration shall be a success, without regard to partisan differences and prejudices; but tho hope that it will so result is based not upon tho theory that his duties are to bo im portant and his opportunities large and splendid, but upon the conviction that where there is really nothingbut ordinary work to do an ordinary man need not fail to do it satisfactorily. "Wines Lloyd's register was estab Jished in its present form, fifty years ago, the largest vessel on its books was the George IV, of 1,318 tons bur den. Now there are 195 vessels of over 3,000 tons, one of them, the City of Home, being more than six times &s large as the George IV. A rut,! statement of what has been done by tho Panama Canal Company is given in an eastern oxchange. Tho most conspicuous fact is the disparity between tho outlay required to com plete the canal and the money in tho hands of the company. It is within bounds to estimate "that 700,000,000 trancs are necessary in addition to tho 730,000,000 already secured, in or der to complete tho excavation .and pay tho current interest charges. Tho conclusion is that at the present rate okconstruction it will be impossible fo finish tho canal for years beyond tho time fixed for its completion. Tho problem of providing against the freshets of the Chagrea river is ono of the most difficult with which tho company has to deal. Tho present plan is to construct an immense dam costing 100,000,000 francs. Tho chances seem very much against tho completion of tho canal in the life time of Do Lesseps. m The bill before congress to amend the Dingley shipping act amends the tenth section and makes it possible for an improvident sailor to ask an al lotment noto with his creditors. In all leading ports of the Unitod States if a sailor applies at a boarding-house for food and shelter, ho will not bo re ceived if this bill is not passed, mak ing arrangements by which he can liquidate his indebtedness, but in fu ture can obtain what ho desires by giving the boarding-house keeper his note of allotment, which is an agree ment to pay after a certain amount of wages is earned, and he is limited in the amount to one month's pay for board and clothing. Tho bill passed the house. The following is a description of one Utah town, but will apply to many Of them: "Everything is Mormon. Tho biggest shop is tho co-operative store; the biggest place of worship tho tabernaole; the biggest man the president of the stake. Everybody that meets 'brothers,' or 'sisters' each other in the streets, and after night fall tho only man abroad is tho police force, who, as a rule, retires very early himself, as his neighbors complain that his pacing the sidewalks disturbs their rest. Even the dogs are too well regulated to go about howling at moons." As Arizona editor having got his rival in jail for assault and battery thus gloats over him: "Our quondam contemporary is lying as usual this time in jail. "We understand that the saloon keepers are moving heaven and earth to get him out, as their business has fallen off considerable since ho has been cooped. "When he gets out what a thirst ho will have." NEW TO-DAY. Proposals for illlitary Supplies. Headquarters DEPARraiotT of THK COI.f31IMA, OrriCK ordiiKF QuAitTntisASTnit, , Vascocvek Rarkacks, W. T.. J February 28. 18S3. j SEALED PROPOSALS. IN yTHl PLICATE, subject to the usual conditions, will be recei en at llus office or at the ofllceoMhe lr. S. Quartermasters at tho follow in; named posts, until 12 o'clock, noon, on Mon day. March so. 1883. at which places and time they will be opened, in presence of bid den, for the furnishing and tleliery of military supplies during the fiscal j ear com mencing July l, 1SS5. and ending June SO, 16S6, as follews: Wood, Charcoal. Oats, IS.irley. Bran, Hay, and Straw, or Hay in lieu of Straw, or such of said supplies a may be required aj : Portland, Oregon. RoUii Barrack. I. T, ; Fort Townsend, W. T. ; Fort Curnr d'Alene, I.T. ; Fort Spokane, W. T.; Fort Canby, W. T.; Foit Wal a Walla, W. T. ; Vancouver Depot, W. T. ; Fortn Klamath, Oregon; Fort CoHIIIo, W. T. Tho Government reserves the right to reject any or all proposals. Preference will he given to articles of domestic production, and to articles of domestic production pro duced on the Pacific Coast, conditions of price and quality being equal, to the extent of the consumption required by the public service there. Blank proposals and printed circulars, giving full particulars as to the manner of biddinc, etc. will be furnished on application to this office or the Quarter masters at the various posts named. En velopes containing proposals should be mar-ed : "Proposal for at ." and addressed to the undersigned, or the re spective Post Quartermasters. A. 8. KIMBALL. "Major and Quartermaster, U. S. A., Chief Quartermaster. Proposals for Transportation. headquarters department of 1 thk Columbia. Ofi-ice of CniEK Quartermaster, Vaxcouveh Barrack. "W. T.. i February 28. 1R&5. I SEALED PROPOSAL. IN TRIPLICATE, subject to the usual conditions, will be received at this office until 12 o'clock, noon, oa Monday. March 30, 18S5, at which time and place they will be opened In the pres ence of bidders, for the transportation of military supplies on the following described routes during year commencing July l, 18S5, and endlug June 30. 1S8G : Wasroti TrmiHportation. Route No. 1. Spokane Falls, W. T to Fort .Spokane. W. T. lloute No. 2. Ashland, Oregon, to Fort Klamath. Oregon Route No. 3. Kuna, I..T. to BMic Bar raciw, I. T. Steamer Transportation. Route No. 4. For transportation of U. S. Military supplie between Astonaaud Fort fttevens. Oiegon, and Fort Canby. W.T The Gove umeut rese ves the right to re ject any r all proposals. Blank proposals, form nf coutmc:, aud printed circulars, giv ing full lutonnation as to the manner of bid ding, terms of contract and payment, will be furnished on application to this office. Kuvelopes containing proposals should be marked : "Proposals for Transportation on lloute No. ," aud addressed to tha uu derslgned. A.S.KIMBU.L, Major and Quartermaster u. S. A. Chief Quartermaster. Notice of Application. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned Intends to apply to the common council of the city of Astoria at its next regular meeting, for a license to sell winejnalt and spirituous Hquurs in leis qu in titles than one quart, for a period ot one year. In the building situated on ConcomK street at its itersectlou with the Union town roadway, in the city of Astoria as laid out and recorded by John McClure. , JOHN ERIKSON. Astoria, March 3, 1&3. Notice of Application. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned intends to apply to tho common council of the city of Astoria at its next regular meeting, for a license to sell wine, malt and spirituous liquors in lss quantities than ono quart. In the building situated on Lot No. 1. Block No l&tiaCon comly street, in the cjty'of Astoria as laid out and recorded by John McClure. Astoria, March 3. 1RS5. GABRIEL KARWONEN. Assignee's Sale. AT PUBLIC AUCTION OX Saturday, March 7th. '85. AT2P M. The Store and Fixtures or J. E. Thomas Drug Store WILL P.E SOLD AS A WHOLE. Sale Po-dthe: There will be no dino- sltlon of Slock or Fixtures except as a whole. F. P. HICKS. Assignee. important Notice! Oregon Improvement Co. GreatRetnctioiiPricBofCo3l. On and after December 1st until further notice the orlee at thn hunknrq will ha n follows for NKiTTJ.K COAT.. Clean Domestic per ton, 2240 lbs... Verage steam .... STceruug-j ' " " .... S7.on .. C.oa ... 4.00 On hand a constant supply, at market rates, of first-class CUMBERLAND. K. A. NOYES. Agent. For Sale. Tho Beautiful and Favorably Located BAY VIEW RESTAURANT IsfnrsaloHta rnrgain. on recount of the proprietor's desire to go east to ioo her par ents Inquire at tho restaurant or at this ofilce. Elegant Rooms. SUNNY AND CONVENIENT. IN W.M. Hume's bulldlug. Apply to SAMUEL ELMORE. House to Rent. N IXE ROOMS : GOOD LOCATION. inquire of W, B. HEADINOTON. Notice. ftTElTHER THE CAPTAIN NOR THE UN L dersigned consignees of the Herman bark Juscfa will be responsible for any debts contracted by tho crew, while in this port, MEYER, WILSON & CO., Astoria, February 23, 18S5. A BARGAIN. A LADY DECLINING HOUSEKEEPING Jla. offers her Furniture at private sale. Inquire at this offlt. THE HENLEY CLUB SKATE Nlcklc riated, Spriug Steel Bottom and Steel Clamp. The HENLEY CHALLENGE SKATE, Wooden Bottom aud leather St rajs. The best aud only "practically scientific skates. Elegant in finish. Will turn a three foot circle and all the wheels rest square on the. floor. Wheels with babbit metal boxes. The leading skates, in all the prin cipal Rinks. Bicjclcs and Trlcjr!cn. OSBORX & ALEXANDER. Sole Agents. Mechanics' Tools. Hardware and Machlnerv. G23 Market St., opp. Palace hotel." San Francisco. Send for free catalogue and price lit 1885. INTEREST Will bo allowed On Time Deposits. Drafts ou all the Leading Cities. Wm. T. Coleman & Co. S. ELMO It E, Manager Banking Department. Astoria, Oregon. BUILDERS AND CARPENTERS MATERIAL. SASH, DOORS AND MOULDING. First-Class Work at Trices to Suit the Times. PLANS AND ESTIMATES FURNISHED. 0. H. Bain & Cos Steam Planfng Mill and Sash Factory. Boat Builtllii a Specially. LOVEIX Roller Skates. Latest and Best. Tension by Spiral SnrhiiT. New ariliistmpnt. TTwut .,. !.,".. Rinks. Send for circular to , E.T. ALF.ILT. 4t6 Market St.. Saa Francisco. Floats! Floats! Floats! CANNERYMEN who are. In need of Plnata. f?nnnor Uinl.. ... u.it.t. should scud their orders to B. W. BLOOD. Clatskanie. Oregon, who has a quantity on hand which will be sold at reasonable rate?. r sy) Vnvnni Pni-n ucugjui mm We btlo cul! tho .-.tltsitiutt ot" tl f public l our latent iiutorla:ini!,iHrect from Kasteru manufacturers, of the largest invoice of CAIil'I2Ti -vr offered. for sale in this city, comjirising all gr?.iUs from the- FINEST BODY BRUSSELS In the Newest Tints and Shades, To the lowest priced article in thk line V.V are iletenmiied to dispone of our Mock of Carpets within the next four weeks, and to that end offer .special inducements, pre hiding the possibility of Iletnu: Fmler-old I3 &ny ot'ou.- 'uiup'tisorn. IN Tiin Furniture and House Furnishing Line We can show you tho vcryKEST !OODS at UOTTOM FHU'KK". .ml Nh.tll be pleaded to receive a call for inspection whether jou purch:,e ormt. CHAB. HBILBORN. If W FBIiOlill alfing, PICTURE FRAMES MOULDINGS. ETC., ETC. At Greatly Heduced Prices, ASTORIA FURNITURE CO., Cor. Clienamui and Hamilton Sis. aszscasBsa Futures for Sale I The Closing Adler's Crystal Palace ! Positively every article In thai v:-.t iMablhhmeiU mil be "sold jl.1? OOSG? ! Store for Sent EVERYTHING lough! am From a Boltle or u Pound of lines to a Hawser or a fehin's Anchor, at FOARD & STOKES Ship Supply Depot, In lleadin-iton:? Building, west of the O. K. & X. Dock. Cable. Blocks, Tackle, Ships' Stores Junk of All Kinds. Whatever in that line you want can be had at Foaid & .SIokcs'iMiip .Supply Depot. Salmon Packers We are prepaid! to print One lb Salmon Labels oi jKrior qnallty, well arnihetl, At 81.40 per M. Coneapondenee ?ollcttciI. A. L. BANCROFT & CO.. 721 Market Street. San Francisco Notice. THIS IS TO NOTIFY ALL WHOM IT may concern that Lam Hen Bow, who has been in tho employ of Koni; Wing I'awnbioker Shop, Is no louder employed by the firm and has no authority to transact nnybmlnes. orpayor rccelvo any money for said Kong Wing Co. KONG WIXO CO. WOW IS THE TIME TO Send for Your Friends. BOZORTH & JOHNS, FOR A LIMITED TIME. WILL ISSUE PitKPA I D CU.N" RDTICKCTN From HAMBlTKO MANHEIM, KOTTER DV.M, AN'IWERP. II VRE, GOTHEX KIT G. (ilKISTIANSAM), MaLMO. CHItlsriANA. BERGEN, STAVANGER. THKOXDHJEM, and COPENHAGEN To Astoria for S58.0O From Liverpool to Antoria, for S55 00 L.I. JOHNSON, DEALm IX" CIGABS AND TOBACCOS, SMOKERS' ARTICLES. Playing Card. Cutlery, Stationery. Etc A line stock of Merschaum and Brier Ti pes. Amber Goods, Etc. Two doors of cor. Water and West-9th Sts. ASTORIA, OREGON. Sold; 3 3qi5eS tfWrfSfc jfii 4M Pictures, Mirrors, II. Dt: HribSOX, Manager. Store for Seat ! Qi - and -AT - - Fixtures for Sale M. E. KIPP, PLUMBER AHD G4S FITTER. VVator Pipes a Specialty. A Full Stock of Material on Hand. Personal attention given ;lj ordeis. aud sati-fmtion guaranteed. Terms Iteusouulile. Shop and ofilce on Ca&s Mrect. one door above Frank Fabre's Restaurant, Astoria, Oregon. The Seaside Bakery FRESH BREAD Delivered in any Part ot the City. CHRISTMAS CAKES: Home-Made Candy Made Daily: The Trade Supplied: Tine Pastry: A Fi:.st Class Establishment. Prices to iiut the times. F. B. ELBERS0N, Prop'r. Notice of Reduction. I will now sell Choice Cooking Extracts. At the following Reduced Prices : nmh. w GOODS, ii s dpiG & i ! 23-cent h1j: - 15 rents 50 - 33 " 81 " 75 These extracts are put up with great eare, and guaranteed equal to any In the market If not as represented please return and get your money refunded. J. IV. coxx. NOTICE To Cannerymen and Fishermen. WETAKE PLEASURE IN ANNOUNC Ti ing to the traite that wo have secured the services of Mn, A. M. JOHNSON, so Ing and favorably known In the S.vIL MAKING trade lu Astoria. Hereafter Mr. Johnson will have sole supervision of our Sail Loft and will give his personal attend ance to the manufacture of Boat Sails for the Columbia River trade. W.CNOON&CO., Cor. B and Front St3. Portland, Or. ROOMS AND HALL TO LET. Pythian Land and Building Ass'cn. T AKGE. FINE ROOMS WITH WATER J-i and gas en suit or single. In Pythian Building. ,Also, ,r,!ian. nal, tho finest and best lighted hall in the city ; suitable for Lodges, Sociables. Parties or Lectures. Terms mod erate. Apply to E. A. -NOYES, Secretary. TO M.W &EEV THK KIXE.NT Family Groceries, Provisions and Freshest Vegetables FHfiNK L PARKER'S ALL AT Xsw Down Prices Corner Benton and Opposite Custom rjfrMw'Mjn mjg2rsmwm 1KU Hay, Oats, and Straw, Lime, Eric!, Cement, SaiA anil Plaster Wood Delivered to Order. Drajlov. Teaming and Exprtw Btulneis, r - sljl- - - - j -L--'vr3W"',; i-&-r-Jt-f'-1 1 iKZwggJJtoV - . -T-T, fjrgSfjS jjsrBrr-AgCSggpS TEU .rily to the Captain, or to THE NEW MODEL gcprsggys --. cjr-,?- ... .&5sST2CT-2r??5 kCnKS WWW) I liBf h ' I ' 'I A FTJXI. STOCK. oJol&n JL SMontgomery, Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Wan-. A General Assortment oi HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Agents for Magee Stoves and Ranges The Beit iu the market. Piumbtng koous of all kinds oa haiul. .'oh work doue lu a workmanlike msnnei PLUMBING, GAS FITTING. AD CANNERY WORK Attended to Promptly on Reasonable Terms. 'hciiniutui Street. Xext to C L. Parker's Store. XI. OLSKX. .1. OUST MARTIN OLSEN 8c CO. DEALERS IX FURNITURE 52 BEDDING Corner 3Ialn anil Squenioqna Streets. Awtorla, Oresoa. WIHDOW SHADES AND TRIMMHGd; WALL PAPER, ETC A Complete Stock. PEICES AS CHEAP AS QUALITY "WILL AFFORD. AM, KISDS OF FURS1TURE IEPAIREI AWI TARNISHEI. Change of Agency. We have appointed MR. O. F. MORTON Our Selling and Collecting Agent at Astoria. All those wbhing to purchase a tint-class SEWING MACHINE, or to make pay ments due us will please call ou Mr. Morton. Headquarters at B. S. WOBSLEY'S Sales room. The Singer Mf'g Co., 92 Morrison Street, Portland, Or. Carnahan & Co. SUCCESSOHS TO I. W. CASE, IMPOItTERH AND WUOLE3ALK AND RKTAIL DEALERS-IN BENERAL MERCHANDISE Corner Chenamus and Caaa streets. ASTORIA OREGON $67,000,000 Capital! d - Liverpool and London and Globe. North British and Mercantile Of London and Edinburgh. Old Connecticut of Hartford, AXD COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA Fire Insurance Companies, Representing a Capital or $67,000 OOO. B. VAN DD8EN, Aent. !! Chenamus Streets. House Square. Ki: IX VTK.MIEK iLAIU PARSER Ebsn P. Parker.Masier. For TOWING. FREIGHT orl'UAIS II. II. PARKKU. Sa RANGE CAN BE HAD IN AH- Tt TOP.IA ONLY OF . BAWBB, AQEAT CALL AND EXAMINE IT. Y -WILL BK PLEASED. K. U. UAWES is also agent ht ta- Butt patent Cooling Sioft And other first-class Sl37ea. Fnrnaoe 'Work. Steas Fit ting, oto., a specialty. ALWAYS ON HAND. ftiLnm mmmmpmmmmmm w ass Ar SOX. a. jonxsox. FOR Finest Groceries, GO TO FOABD & STOKES. A FULL LINE OF HARDWARE AND Ship Chandlery, A NEW SLIP Just Finished lu Rear of Store. Hardware and Slip CWery VAN DUSEH & CO., .. DEALKBSIX Hardware and Ship Chandlery Pure Oil, Bright Varnish, Biuacle Oil, Cotton Canvas, Hemp Sail Twine, Cotton Sail Twine, Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails, Agricultural Implements Sewing Machines, Paints and Oils, Groceries, etc,