0) VOlTxXlH1 IvOU?" " " ASTOIroi iuAKCII i, 1885, PRICE, FIVE CENTS . - 1 : , ""':"" :" 1. . : " zir BUSINESS CARDS. TK- A. X,. ami J. A. FfI.TiA t!ij ticiant anil Surufoiit. Wtf.1 tiro prompt atu-n in a!l rtilN. Ofllve m er Allen's store, corner fit :id j!n'ino(ju:i street. A-trl.i. Onoit. telephone No. 41. D !Lru.l.ti A!ii CTSce. Cor. Mnin :u.l CWnainui -ii-:-. tirriOR l!t.i:s : U to u . m .- 2 io. . v. l:idniie opjxis'.to thp.iistiNMi Hiihlnig IhO. A. I::tlIS. ". 1"'l "-' ATIOKNKYS AT LAW uillce In Klni.N i:i.h-i . ij.4 -He ot Hull. Astoria. ()resii. '. w. KOI.TO.N. : " ." FUI.Toa ilKO'l'SIKKS. attoknby.n at law. Rooms 3 and 6. Odd Fellow Building. .l'."c. A. HOW LltY. . A. OI1.U BOVI.BY & JII.I Attorneys end Counsellor M Law. OOlce on Cbonamu Stiet'I. Ashula. Oregon. pc."noLiK. NOTARY PUBLIC, At'CIIUNEhU. COMMISSION AN' IN SUKAJICKjM; KN1 . p KLU F. PAKKK& SURVEYOR OF ClatMsp County, und 'It uT Atorlo Office : Cbenamus street. Y. M. ('. A. hH Room No. 8. XV. I.KICK. AUt'IIITKCT AND SlM'KIMNrKN'DK.'CT. Ofkick : KiH'in 9, K innej l'ritl. Klock, YATYt-llTTIiK, 3i. . PHYSICIAN AND dUUKEON OKMCK KotMns 1,2, Mid .! Iy tlti.it. Uu.!d Kksidkncr On Cedur Stnet. bad. ol ht. Mnty'a Hosplt.il. K I'. H10KH. A. K. SHAW. HICKS &SIIVf DKNTISIS. Itoonis lu Aliens Biilldiiifr. up stall's, coi ner Cass 8Jid iiu,ueinoqiu slrcets. Al(iria Oregon. BAHKIHG AND INSURANCE ! i. W. CASE, Broker, Banker, and Insur ance Agent, ASTORIA, - OKEOtMT. OPFICK HOURS : From 9 o'elock A. M. until 3 o'clork 1. M. Bozorth. & Jolms, IU1 EUte aud Innnrance Atrents and Brnlers ASTOKIA, --- - Oregon. Ye write policies m the following well- kuown Ftro insurance Comp.inles : FH03NIX OF HARTFORD. SCOTTISH UNION AND NATIONAL OF EDI .N BURG. LION, OF LONDON HOME. OF NEW YORK. LONDON AND LANCASHIRE. OF LIVER POOL FHOiNlX. OF BROOKLYN. SONNECTirUT, OF HARTFORD. AKLAND HOME. OF OAKLAND, CALA. And also represent the "WESTEUX. of California. II A MBUllG-BllEMEX. of Oer luanr, and AMERICAN STEAM BOIL ER INSURANCE CO. Krai Estate Bought and Sold on Comui!xi.lon. J-. O. E.OSS. LEADING' I'XDKIKTAKKK, 5P&, 3Iaiu SI. Astoria. Oregon. THE LATEST STYLES WALL' PAPER AT B. B. FRANKLIN'S, NEXT DOORTO ASTORIAN OFFICE. A very large Stock from which to select. Window eurtalns made to order. tST-Sly patent Trimmer to cut Wall Fapet wtll be iound convenient to my patrons. Boat Building. THE BEST STOCK AND WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED. Btats of Every Description Buiit. Shop over Arndt & Fercheu'.s. K. M. LElTnEKS. VISITORS TO PORTLAND Should not forget to call at Towne'sSan Francisco Gallery, there may be seen photographs of all the leading men and women ofOrecon and Washlngtou Territory. Skillful operators always in attendance.and the most mlnuto attention paid to pictures of children. Don't forget the location. K. IT. erxr First aad Memien streets, upstairs. No trouble to show specimeus to isitors. street railroads pass the door every ten wlBUtes, &Bd this is the nearest gallery lo Uk& five pnnelpal hotels. ir-fflVl'J ptu'-tjC 1 gROWs gyp -THE 5 BESTTGNIS. - This medicine, combining Iron with p:re vegetable tonic, quickly and completely CnrcH DyKpepsln, IndIectlon( WrauneNHt I tupuro Illoodt .lIulurIa,C'UUI and Ttz jts, unit Neurnlnrln. It is an unuiihne rcmcd-fo: Diseases o.'tbe Kldnoyn nnil l.Irer. It is invaluable Tor Diseases peculiar to Women, and all w ho lead sedentary H e-.. It docs not Injure tle teeth, cause lieadachc.or proiluce constiiatlon othrr Iron mediant fo. It enriches and purities the blood, stimulates the appetite, aids the asimilation of food, re lieves Heartburn and lielthing, and strength ens the muscles and nerves. For Intermittent Fevers, Lassitude, Lack, of Energy, Lc, it has no equal. ,e2-"The Konuine has abote trade marl: aurt roved red lints on w rapper. Tale no other JrMljl7 UIIOM.N IHLEUaL ttX, BlLTISOUL, XEk HKII1X2T0X, UODAUU & 10., Portland, Or Wiier.KSAu: AOF.NTi". TUTT'S PILLS TORPID BOWELS, DISORDERED LIVER, r and MALARIA. From theso sources arise threo-fourtha oftho diseases of tho human race. These symptoms indicate their existence: I..OM of Appetite. Itoirels costive, hick Hcadaclie, fullness after eut ine,arersiou to oxerjionof body or xulnd, Eructation of food, Irritabil ity of temper, Xtotvsplrlt, A feeling ofnavlnKne;Icctedaoincduty,lIz zlne8B,FlutterlngatthcirearttIots before the eyes, lilplily colored Urine.COXSTlPATIOA'.ana demand the use ofurcmody that actsdlrectlyon theLIvor. AsaLivermedlcineTUTT'S 1'IIiI.S havo no equal. Theiractionon tho Kidnej's and Skin Is also prompt; removing all impurities through theso three " scavenger of the sstem," produclnjr appetite, sound digestion, regular stooli. a clear skin and a vig orous body. TCTT'JS PAXILS cause no nausea ot griping nor Interfere "with dnlly work and arc a perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. boIdCTerrrherc253. Olhce4iaiumySt.N Y. TUTTS HAIR DYE. GRATllArn ouWhiskeks changed In stantly to a GLossr Black: by a singlo application of this Dte. Sold by Drug rieta.or sent by express on receipt of SL Ofllco. 44 Murrav Stroet, New York. 7TT"0 ACTAL 0? tZZHHi ESCtU FSIS. A. V. Wholesale and RetailSDealer in MILL FEED. Glass and Plated Ware, TItOFICAL AND DOMESTIC FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Tgc thcr W Vvines, LiquorsJobaccoXigars G. A. STINSON & CO.. BLACKSftllTHING, At Capt. Koerti old stand, comer r (Us and Court streets. Shlj aud CsJtnery work. Horseshiniliie. Wagons made and repaired, flood voik guaranteed. Insurance Office OF Geo. P. Wheeler & Co. Representing the follow lug flrst-clavs For eign aud Home companies : Rojal Nonieh-Unlon and Incashlre. asseis. SK ooii.OOO South Biitlsh and National. " tM.OoO.Ooo Flremans Fund. " 100,000 Union, Fire and Mat ine l.Ouo.Ooo State, (dwellingsonlj) - iuo,ooo And the old and reliable Travelers IJfe and Accident Insurance Co. of Hartford. Conn. Deposited in Oregon, $400,(Xx) for the security of Policy holders. Personal Attention given to all business, and Satisfaction Guaranteed in eery in stance. OFTirK In Hume's New Building. Asto ria, Oregon. W. E. DEMENT & CO. DRUGGISTS. ASTORIA, OIlERON Carry in Stock, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, TOILET and FANCY ARTICLES Prescriptions carefully Compounded u d --" oru X0RTHWE3TKKX fkoxtiki:. Tiih mh a.'.. iffl.IPS SlIT iff il Ann V E,ifani' TUHjJMiOT Alaska has not been u very proiitu- liln nnrtlmca IiTif ?f !mj !"n l!if tunity to show their goodwill liy helpiiijr the British Colnmbinns to keep order among the coaaJ Indians on thair northern Ijoundary. Tho territories of the two count rie.-' are bo dovetailed that rectification of the line is needful, because prijneriJ to justice are obliged to be taken :iross places l.erf escape would biean freedim tmier internationaj las. Atceriean capital is largely invested in the British coal inities of Vancou ver Island, and the American market at Snn Francisco is supplied with coal at tho samo rates as those paid by our own navy vessels and railway lines. Cross over the forest-filled valleys of the Cascade range, the cat tle pastures near the OKanagan and the Columbia as it roars through the gorges o tho Ilocky mountains, and we come to the province of Alberta, rich in coal and ranches. Here the old Iudiau depredator has almost disappeared, but there remain the white ruffian, whisky smuggler and horse stealer, representing the crimi nal classes, aud these gentlemen ply their vocation along the whole prai rie frontier until we arrive at Mani toba. An agreement between our governments is needed to make these disturbers of the public peace amen able to law and extraditable. The frontier once crossed gives them pro tection for their persons. But in the abseuco of needed laws ee how the amitvofitj representatives provide tl, "J"""1" between Kowevalt and a remedy. Although it may not bolClaMiil. po3sib'o to give a man over to justice ! unless the offense be murder, proper ty stolen is almost invariablv recov-1 ered. The Canadian mounted police hnd that their true pommdps nnd i friends aro tho United States provost ! marshals and the United States armr officers in the forts along the line, Co-operation, where it can be given in detecting crime and punishing criminals, is given, and lam sure! that tho American authorities would' be the first lo bear witness to thel skill, and zeal displaved bv the' mounted police, who, in the rivalry j of restoring projierty, may be allowed! the head score in the number of cases where complaints have been met by J successful tracking and restitution' of stolen callle or horses. t - ..,. DYXA3HTK at the east. . AVi.r.t wHl.TnsfitB Snl.wnli ,.f Vmv York, Herr Most at Baltimore, a dy- from he aitwl Sta.es. Ihe same namite congress in session at Pitta-Illreat was made in October, Ihil, burg and three Irish dvnamite clubs ! vben t-ightoeu Cmnamen were at Chicago, our friends in the east1l?el ova mob in Los Angeles for seem likely to have plentv of excite-, riliii uotl killing a special consla ment Schwab is a fellow who is. V1 but the threat wa nver carried ; always ready for a brush with tho po- inl execution, lice, and his head and their clubs arc """ old acquaintances. Ho runs a lager! XroXt'- I'muiHion or I'nrc rod Mver beer saloon and afler every fight the ". Vlia "3 ioinoMpiiiie. hall rings with "Zwei lager." Most! ItsTuchi Luwj Ti ouhlcs.Dr. lli is a crank of the French revolution-! ItAM Cahokctto, of J.icksonville, FJa., ary type, who goes about advising sas: ? ' ave 10V i - l . mRm"s J.t!:.i, i.;n 0mu," w prascribf (1 your Lmulsum, to patients everybody to kill somebody. Hu iufTt-ring rnnn lung troubles, atVl tliev doesn t proposo to tako a hand m the .s,.,.in to iv "ruatir bjiiuntcil liv its iiso game himself. He is a little like the ! editor of the Little Ped jlington Ga zette, who "told tho czar of Russia and told him for tho last time." Tho Irish dynamiters of Chicago are the only chaps who seem to have an im mediate objective point They pro pose to move on Canada and blow up some Canadian vessels. How the' blowingup of Canadian vessels on ! the lakes or the destruction of Cana- dian canals is going to help the cause of Ireland, is not distinctly apparent, but we suppose the dyuam itors understand what they aro about. i The chances are thnt tho reports rt rlvtifirmtA nnil socialist Tnnvptnont.. which wo are so constantly receiving frnmniA pist urn ernirtrprntnd Wp rrom me east are i exaggeratea. e shall not believe, without very clear . evidence, that any substantial nnm - ber of American workmen have un-j uertaKen to violate uieir own laws. i It must be remembered that one man can make n great deal of noise, and be listened to patiently withont.being iu any degree a representative ot the community in which he lives, or hav ing any following worth counting. To read the dispatches from New York it would seem that Schwab is the leader of an army, whereas the police of one precinct could probably take care of him and all his hench men without trouble. So at Chicago. Let the lively chaps who talk of blow ing up Canadian vessels interfere with Chicago's trade and it will take all the militia of Cook county to protect them from being run into the lake. There is an old adage which these would-be red revolutionists had best remember: Wake not the sleep ing lion! S. F. Chronicle. A Itun una Drugstore. Never was such a rush made for any Drug Store as Is now at V. K. Dement & Co's for a Trial Bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Coughs and Colds. All persons aftected with Asthma, Bronchitis Hoarseness Severe Coughs, or any affection of the Throat and Lungs, can get a Trial Bot tle of this great remedy free, by cull ing at abo e Drug Store. Itegluar size $1.00. YOIJXG 3IEXI-BEAD THIS. The Voltaic Kelt Co., of Marshall, Mich., offer to send their celebrated Elec-tko-Voltaic Belt and other Electbic AviLiANCEs on trial for thirty days, to men (young or old) afflicted ith nervoas dehihty, loss of vitality and manhood, and all kindred troubles. Also for rheumatism, ncumlcia. naraHsls. and ninnv other iIIh- eae. Complete restoration to health, Ipor ana mannooa guaranuen. no nsK i in curred as thirty days trial is allowed. 'Write them at once for illustrated pamphlet free I Dispatcher ,on of ivns- 1jOSIon, Alarcii i. from Asrsab Bey. received n.ion. sLit.'S that the garrison sa.a, wno nave nren ue.-miuig uiy place for a year, recentiv uiideatirtie, bat were repulsed by the rebels with I a loss or twenty-eight .nijer and1 G32 privates. ' . Marquis Hartington hns:inunuitpI -that the government liaarecciv.nl olsi : cial advicca coniirming the report that auolher Fortie against El ATahdi had been niad-j lv lie garrison of Kat- c sala. resulting in lite defeat ofthe gjirrison and the los of twenty-eight officers and 032 men. Official ndvfcea state that the sortie by the garrison at Kasala occurred the 2d of February. According lo adice f rom 7Iasowah the irarrison at Ka'sala i rcducetl to an effective force of GO') men. The' town is closely besieged and ihe gar- rison is short of ammunition. The, Egyptian troops arc discontented.! The government at Cairo has abau-J doncd all hope of relieving the town.' A dispatch has been received by the government from "Wolseley, asking extension past the cataracts of the X RS!1W?.l. - nml W..U ley has ordered General Brackenbnry i lo return to Korti forthwith, aud not j proceed on his march to Abu Kamed. j The inudir of Dongola suspects the vakeel of Dngiei of neglecting toj pursue and attack the rebels. Zorab Bev is organizing a native ! force for the purpose of dispersing II rath. Wraith ami Ua;tplnc. Are more intimalely connected with a souud stomach and good con-, iUou or the blood than most people Ti T imj f! suppose. Thin blood means weak- 'iflS Icl6un0ri6oal00n "ess, lauguor and misery. A dys r peptic stomach means all the hor- rrs you can think of. Brown's Iron Enters means enriched blood, good-,.,, . , 1?, . ,. . , ,. digest ion. healthy appetite, bweet 1 110 i! HK'St l!SinulISIllllcnt 01 sleep and vigorous strength. Mr' . ,,. , . . Henry Ilallam, South 17th street,; the Kind 111 Astoria. St. Louis, says, "Bromi'slrtm Bitters ,. r . . . rnnifnrt nnil relieved me of dyspepsia, purified my! 'SKK. "i tKewfnnjoy a and blood, and gave mo an appetite." i Social Cla s. Thousands of others lestiry iu the .. n. .., . ,.iiAiiii same way. 1!"' ,'l'-st r f- I Liquors, - , The Choicest Clgnn. 'IC Chinese government intends' making tho expulsion ot Chinese Everything Nev and.Firsl-Class. from Eureka, Cal.,'nn inteniational matter, and will claim indemuiry. Texas is paying 890,000 a year in pensions to GOO survivors of Sam ilUll i - Houston's command in the war of 1835 7. New applications are corein m all the time, iourleen were ceived in one day recently, and the legislature is trvincr to reneal the law on tho ptoiuhI ilmt one-hnlf nr twn- thirds ot tho clain:s now being paid are fraudulent. Aches and pains ere all cured read ily by the outward application of St. .Jacobs Oil. All hi tl.e Line ofXatuiv. 1 h"", Is nothmp in the line or niagie or mjsti'ry aiKiut that wombrful and lxipular medicine. Tarkor's Tonic. It s Vnplv the hest ami most .veiwitifie tfoiubinailii posMhle of the eeiitial principles of those vegetable curatives which aci lioweriiiuy mm uireciiyon 'be stoniaeli, bver. kidney, ai and blood But there neither is nor will he. anv stieressfu! imitation of it. It b all the time curing those who had despaired of ever getting well. For yourself. our wife ami children. ft Scarf Pins, Chains, Watches, PIiiuoh and Ot-gaiis ot tlir Rest uinltc at the Lowest Prices. The finest stock of Jewelry in Astoria. S3?r"All goods warranted as represented GUSTAV HANSEN, JEWELER. Astoria Bakery AXD Columbia Candy Factory. Kd. Jackson, t'r prietor. Caudiea, : - - 20Ctsperlb. I'.read, Pieand Cakes deliend eery day. Cannery for Sale. THE MANHATTAN CANNERY IS OFFERED FOR SALE. I'rlcc !t,4O0. Apply to MR. L. FALANGOS. Clifton. Or. Astoria, Feb. 25th, !Si5. Jewe I v ii &a tvs s2 23!a nay yiLil&2' s? aT, U X tv ",',caH jft 11L.3 JJEW.. CURES Rheumalism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago. Cjckachc. Headache. Toothache, hci-3 Throat, TcllnI'. ipra!n UrutiM, ir.n ill on:r:: louii.y r.n ad iciies. vl 1.iukI-: sal Dml-n -rT're. FiayCeuM Ut'U-. I'rjru a, la ! I I-.n4.-. TlIK CIIAKLS A. VOUKI.KU CO Co. wiuA.I OOCia CU.) UIUjBdrr, 20., U.S. A. :i8EIfflA HOTEL. - WAIXM.V.V. Proprietor. y irHi VSTORIA. OKKCON. Class iu Krory Kespecl. NEW HOUSE, NEW FURNITURE. riUoii hj wltli vrvry Coinru- mure Kir Hip Cuml'orl of 'Transient and Permanent Guests. c.,rcr s.iueni.tnui and wv.st c:h str.et IS. E..JRFFKRY. Prep'r. II. XI. IMRKF.Il. Iropr. First Class ii Every Respect. IVoo Coaelt t ihe House. CaiBis Sillies Old Castle, l'spitti, and other brands of Coko Tin Plates, for sale iu lots to suit purchasers, now in warehouse at Astoria or to arrive per Josef a, or Archer, also Liverpool tine and coarse salt. For further particulars apply to Meyer, Wilson & Co.; Portland, Oregon. f Alii Mt$f?? n-v tji-'-r-'i -i-."-v: r. yrm mm IST3!. Coluiia Transportation Company. FOR PORTLAND! Fast Time T HEN' FAN'. TELEPHON Which has heen specially built for the comfort of passengers will leave Wilson & Fisher's Dock every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. arriving at Portland at 1 P.M. Returning leaves Portland every Tuesday and Thursday at 6 A. M. arriving at Astoria at 1 P. M. fSffAu additional trio will be made on Knuday or Each WecK, leaving Portland at O O'rloclt Snnrfny Jlnrnlnjr. PAVMngert hj this route connect at Kalawa for Sound porta. n C3 U K- IH II E 3H IB D Bfc. D r" v Ship Chandlers, HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE Paints, Oils, and Varnish. LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. PROVISIONS .MILLFEED AGENTS FOR Salem Plonring- Mills, Portland Eoller Mills. Capital Plour and FAIRBANKS' SCALES. ASTORIA. OREGON. B. B. Franklin, TOeiMer and CaMM Mater, SQUEMOQUA STREET, XKVT TO TlIK .VSTOKIAX r.UII.IUXG. rAlI work done in a skillful manner on short notice at reasonable rates. ASTORIA IRON WORKS. urjtox Street. JCkak Pakkeh IIobSK, ASTORIA. - OKEG0N. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. LANM MARIE ENGINES BoilerWork, Steamboat Work and Cannery Work a spe cialty. Of all Description! made to Order at Short Notice. A. D. Wass, rresident. J. G. Hustlkk, Secretary, I. W. Cask, Treasurer. Jonx Fox.Suporintendent. S. ARNDT & FEROHEN, ASTOKIA. - OREGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop - - BLACKSMITH ann v& ,,m Boiler Shop All kinds of ENGINE, CANNERY, V AXD STEAMBOAT W0EK Promptly attended to, A specialty made of repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOT OK IjA FAYETTE STUEET. Fast Time STEAMER U.n.srOTT, President &OPtt!&;U mMWr mmsmi ?-:mmm- -m ftnr-t ISTnE loyal Brand Flour Manufactured by the i OREGON MILLING COMPANY Is of Superior Quality, and is Endorsed hi all who use it. THE HOUSEKEEPER'S FAVORITE Of Superior KLing Quality. Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction. WYATT & THOMPSON Sole Asexit lor Astoria. Painting; and Paper Henpt KALSOFrilNING ETC. Paint Shop in rear of premises form erly occttpictl 05 C. H. Stockton, oppo sttc the Court House. All onleis prontptly and satisfactory executed. J. a. D. GKAY. Wtioles.tle and retail dealer in. GROCERIES, FLOUR, AND FEED Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME, SAND AND CEMENT. Geneial Storage and Wharfaso on reason able terms. Foot of .Benton street, Astoria. Oregon. WM. EDGAR, Dealer in Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes Meerschaum and Brier Pipes, GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY Revolvers and Cartridges. CORXER MAIN ATSI CITENAMUS STS. The Gem Saloon. The Popular Resort for Astorians. For the Finest of Wines and Liquors Go to THE GEM SALOOX. ALEX. CAMPBELL. - - PROPRIETOR ASTORIA LIQUOR STORE, AUG. DAXIELSOX, - Proprietor. Rebuilt and .Refitted. ThrttigheBt. The Best of 5 WISES. X.iquOB4, AND CIGARS. For a Good Cigar, call for one of "Danielson's Best." Comer West 9th and Water Streets, Astoria. n9-6m Magnus C. Crosby Dealer in HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, STOVES, TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON, TIxl AND Copper. Astoria Sail Loft. Best of ort at Bottom Fipres J. HESS, The well-known Salimaker now occupies The Astoria Sail Loft, formerly occupied by A. M. Johnson. Boat Sails a Specialty. ALL WORK WARRANTED Come and see me at The Astoria Sail Lott : next to Pythian Building. Address P. O. Box 312. J. HESS. CUHARD STEAMSHIP LINE. WE BEG LEAVE TO ANNOUNCE A great reduction in rates over the above well known line. Parties desirlni: to goto Europe, or wlshtnc to send for friends in the old country will find it to tin ir advan tage to purchase tickets over tht- Cnnard line. Tickets issued by us good from any part of Europe to Astoria. BOZORTH & JOHNS, Agents. "SECURE THE SHADOW Ere the substance fade, and when you visit Portland, make it a part of your business to eall on W. H. Towxk, at the San Fran cisco Gallery, S. w. corner Tlrst aud Morrison streets, and have your photograph taken in the highest style of the art.