(V She 3a IMtotfRtt. ASTORIA, OREGON: THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 13. 18S5 SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE PORT OF ASTORIA. ItJiAD) FUR S"kA. Soreroicn Hr sp ("'openhmcon Feb 9 Ceo S Momer. Am 11, Queens-town, Feb 10 KinourdmslMre HrbV Qaeentown heb IB VRSt.Ls IX Tilt. ItlVKR Jam MeN'l. MlWushincton, Am ep htcWHnd. KrlA. Colomn JnImi N'ifi.4 lir bk Cumbrian. Rr lk J. It Hmwn Aibi Mnnmoulbtbire, Brbfc lktMi Mi Mctcb Kinetune r k OMMBa, Mr &p Muiitsomery C&stlc, Br J rM" tVr'ijt. Xrl. loi'V t utitmSln Ifii'rr AtfaMml Hr till IS It's? Kanc Arkr Ik U Ti S l iFr I Um-a ItrM Guo.aeew July'90 IImMm m. Br I T.S A' tifecastJaa II Cva Catl. Kr i. 1JIM Mdnry Cltr f y. 4n4 f r -: ue es yre" Nor 18 Eftrfaill irhli KnU May 21 ExpltMer Jlrt-p V.tpirataa HadBifcfntbire llrs-. 1 ktRio Jan 24 IUida, lir hi. ?S Liron el Oct 4 Jeota (.erbkT Lrert)ol Oct 2 Kmm Kr I ft 15 Pisactia Dec 28 Leiuo, lir bk 775 Valparaiso SoptS MeHAe, Ger hit S'H Liverpool Madura, Br bV 970 Dieefoo Ulwn Hay, lir bl. Va paraiso Hirer Lcvon ISr bk 775 Valparaiso From American PortH. TiHIe E. Marback. Am p 1931 New York Nor 13 TIiK TAJiliK FOB AJsTOKIA. FKIIIU'ARV. 1IIOII WATER. I LOW WATER. ! IlrsL Second. I First. Second. H H r H SHS . in. .. n. in. J h. m. ,. h. m. 1 2 lSaJS-SI 1 -12plS-7 7 Kal 47 8 22p-P0 9l 7 40 7510 3G 5.7 1 82 4.0 3 .r.U I 0.5 9 10 1 52 4.0 3 51) I 8 10 4.2 4 42 4 18 4.1 5 25 5 10 3.9 0 01 5 5'i 3.5 C 30 C 28 3.1 C 58 7 02 2 (J 7 21 7 21 2.0 7 41 8 09 1.5 8 12 S 42 1.1 8 SO 9 28 0.8 9 2o 10 19 0.7 10 07 11 21 0.7 10,8 - - .- 0 30 0 01 33 2 00 1 2J St.t. 3 20 2 Bl 3 C 4 25 4 07 8.3 5 18 5 11 2.7 C, 02 C Olff 2.0 C 43p 8 fil 11 2J) G.l 0.0 -0.3 11 12 IMS 0 11 0 45 io nso'7 -05 1 Bl'll 21a 79 7-2 0 OOp 7.9 -05 11 1 12 1 95 1 hi 2 09 2 33 3 03 3 41 422 5 IX fi 1" 7 i S4S M 53 11 00 01 -0.4 16 1C 0 37 -0.1 I n 1 55 2 30 3 28 4 27 T 42 7 15 8 53 10 10 11 00 11 b2p II .Vrrt 0.1 04 09 1.4 2.0 2.7 0.7 05 0.0 17 IS 19 20 21 24 -0C -10 1.1 -1.0 'Hit Hours Lei ween mid t.ni and noon are designated h a (a. 31.), iliose between noon and lHHlmplii 1 p i 31 ). 0 OOm a denotes iiiiiiniht. (A ou. denotet noon. Tln liuiglit jsn-ekoiii-d from the leel of awnwUiwerlou atentouliifh tliesound-HMf- r- alv'ii on the roast Mme charts. Columbia River Exports. 8HTPMENTS FOREIGN. JANU KV. '85. 2 r (jMeattAotTH pci Clan Fcruuxon. "Wheat. 45.CT7 Ihi?, S32.887 5 To Qcnbm per Ann MiWcrnL WlHMt. W.WI 1S S32,973 G 7w Vwh per Annie M. Law. Xwl 0I.7M 'u 9 To (juemkt'noti jicr C'ihcfd. Wh nt S0.7W b ts 10-T llii-b'l per liankdalc. 40,100 S42.991 Whwil 72.IR8 !u; ., 10 To Qecni4iwn per OiihcUa $53,030 Wheat, 50,23"t bits n.. ..S37.000 10 To ardtff per Martha Fisher. Wheat, 43510 bits bn. . ?31,CO0 14 To QuecHntoim per Ualia. Wheat, 28,05 bus $21,019 15-To To U. K. per Craig Mullen. Wheat. 41.577 bus $32 035 15 To Cork per Lizzie Bell. Wheat, 80,2i2 b is $10,891 10 To Cork per Olloch. Wheat, 42.018 bus $30,919 28 To Qutmlown per Citadel. WliKt, 71.161 bus . $50,118 20 To Copenhagen per Wcilcrn Belle. Wheat. 5C,"08 Z $11,263 20 To QuuxLslnwn per Vamna. Wheat. 03. .us $51.2SG 23- To QuccnotowH j er Barracuta Whoat Ss9 bus ,.;2G.321 2A T Qh nattMcu per Valpuraimi. Wheat, ft.l 17 I u- ..! .$9,C8l 2C To QttcentOtm-n per McNcar. Wlieas, 6,917 1ms . 29 To Qnecntlo,OH ptr Chllena. Fior, 12JW1 W!s 30 To Cork per Sorace. Flr, 12,53! blrts ..$47,903 .$30,013 ..$51,239 KBBKUARV. 4 ToQueonstmohpor Yarra Yarra. Wheat, G8.772 bus .$49,079 C To London per Perthshire. Flour. 2 72 bbls $18,172 Whtat, 12.833 bus .. 9.6C7 Salmon, 11,899 es 59,950 Total ... . .$87,789 7 To Corft per Flora. Wheat, 51,918 ...$38,917 7 To Quccnuloim per Lucayas. Flour, 8.015 bbls : $2G,OO0 9 To Copenhagen per Sovereign. Wheat, 65.918 bus $1G,493 10 'To Qucenntmrn, per Geo. S. Homer Wheat, 61.573 bus ..J. S48.430 10 To Quccnstown, per Renfrewshire. Wheat, 53534 bus ....... $38,323 10 To Qncensloicn, per C. S. IJulbert. Wheat. 51,819 bus ... $41,116 IO7-T0 Liverpool, per Yozcmitc. Flour. 13,212 bbls Z. . $52,900 12 To Qitcenstowjijicr Martalmn. Wheat, 33,GS7bus $29,015 12 To Corf; per Dovenbu. Wheat, 40,474 bus .$34,856 12 To QiiceWotrn per fTm. D. Seed Wheat. 40.192 bus ... Z. $289G 18 To Quccnstoim per Kincardineshire. Wheat, 72,439 bus $54,322 ROOMS AND HALL TO LET. Pythian Land and Building -Ass'cn. LARGE. FINE ROOMS WITH WATER ami ipis c?t suit or single, in IMhian Buildins. Also r.thian Hall, the finest and best lighted hall In the cit v ; suitable for Lodges, Sociables. FarUeS or Lect ures. Term's mod erate. Apply to E. A. 2f OYES, Secietarj. r X BARGAIN. A LADY DEOUNING HOUSEKEEPING offers her Furniture at private sale. Inquire at this office. ASTOBIAN IBECTOBY. State Officers United States Senators J J. H. Slater 1J N.Dolph Representative in Congress JL C. George ijovernor.. . . z. F.Moody Goicraor's Secretary. Chas. B. Moores SecreLiry of State R. P. Earhart Assistant Secretary. F E. Hodgkin State Treasurer . Ed. liirsch Assistant Treasurer A. F. AYliecler nupt i-uDiic instruction E. B. McKlroy State Printer. W. 1L Byars Clerk School Land Board E, P. McCornac Sup't Insane Asylunu. ., ,Dr. II. Carppntir oupT renueniiarj' Supreme .Tudges.. f (Jeo. Colhn- W. P. Lord J. B. Waldo W. W.Thayer District Judges First Dlstrinl ,.L. R. Webster Second Hlsrict Thinl District F iirth District Fifth District Sixth District Robert Bean R P. B"lse en'ca Sml h F.J Talor ...M L Olmstead Clatscp County Officers: Judge . C A McGuire Clerk C J. Trenchant Sheriff- . .W. a. Ross Commissioners br Asses-or J. F. Warrrn Tieasurer..... ......lia:ic Bengman Siirvfcor....-...............-.-.c;. F. Paikcr cliool Sup't. J. E. Hlgsins Coroner. . J. C. Ross Astoria City Officers: Mavor ...J. W. IlU'ne Auditor and Oierk Treasurer. .. ssessor.. .-... M. Street Superintendent Chief of Police Police Judge .... Sexton...................... ... T. S. Jewel t f. G. HuMler Gm. P. Wheeler .: Thos. Upnn .Clark louglnpy C. U. Mi'ckton M. Conky covxciimzs : (C. If. Coorer First Ward 1 A. A. Cleveland I Isaac Bergman ( Tlins. De.Uy. Second Ward ..... C. .I.Tieneliard I Cbas. Gratke. Oregon Railway & Navigation coarPAXY. OCKA.V DIVISION' EDunng the month of February 1885. Ocean steamers will sail from Portland to San Francisco, and from San Francisco to Port land, as follows, leaving Alusuorth Dock, Portland, at Midnight, and Spear Street Wharf, San Francisco, at 10 A. m. : From Portland. t From San FrancNco. Feb Feb Oregon "Wed 4 Colombia Tu 3 Columbia Mon 9 Qneen of Pacific Sun S Queen of Pacific bat H'Orecon Fri 13 Oreson Tlmr 19 Columbia Wed 18 Columbia Tu 24,' Queen ol Pacific Mon 13 MchlOrecon bat 2 Queen of Pacific Sun 1 Mch 'Columbia .Tbur 5 Thronsrh TIcketH sold to all principal cities lu the United States, Canada and Europe. RAIL DIVISION. On and after November 23rJ. 884, Passen ger Trains will leac Portland for Eastern poiuts,at5:30 I. 31., daily. Pullman i'alace Can runninc between Port land, and St. Paul, Itntlt IIYIIO. Oltddlc Columbia). Boats leave Portland for Dalle t 7 :00 A 1. auso : LeinePort- T 7 T " land for I Mon I Tu. We.lTliu. Fn. I S.U &.otona and I I I lower Co-1 I I lumbia....l6AM C AM RAM Dajton. Ur.iiAM ',7AM GAM 6 AM AM 5iSlis::HAi IG AMI Tacomaand beattle. daily at lao I'M Victoria btamerc do not run Sundays. Loaves Astoria for Portland at 6 a. in. daily ex cept Sunday, C. H. PRESCOTT, JOHN MUIR. Manager. Traffio Manager, E. A. NO YES, Agent Astoria. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA VIA Oregon & California R. R And Connections, Fare to San Francifcco$S2; to Sacramento $30 DAILY, EXCEPT SUNDAY. KA8TSIDE DIVISION'. Itetwecn I'OUTLA.M and ASIILA.VW WAIL TltAUr. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 7 ?0A-MiAblniifl j-iSA.nt. Ashlau'd 8:45 1'. 31 1 Portland 4:25 r.31. ALBANY EXPRES8 TRAIN. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Fortland 4 aTO p. M.;Lcbanou 9 0 v. at Lebanon..,.! rl5 A. M.IPortlaud. 10 :05 a. ji land Mondays and Thursdays. Returning leaves Ashland Tuesdays and Fridajs. TI11. Or!'iin ntiH f'alifrinih. Iill-.i-i1 VT..- makes connection with all -Regular Trains on jisuiue uiwsion, irom tue loot 01 K St. WESTSIDE DIVISION". lietween l'urtlnuU and Curttiin SI AIL TKAIX LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 0 aTO a. SL.Corvalll 4 i3Q p. 31. CoiTalhs 8 :30 A.3i.J Portland 3 :20 p.m. EXPREbS TRAIN LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 5 :00 P 31 Mc3liiiu tile 8 :00 P 31 ;IeMimiville5:45 a MiPortlaud 8 A 31 Local tickets lor sale, and bagage checked at Companx 'sup-town office, comer stark and Second sti els. licketb for bale to all the principal points iir California, can only be procured and baggage checked, at the Company's office. Corner f and Front Sts., fortland, Ur. Freight will not be received for shipment after 5 o'clock p. m. ou either the Eastiide or Westside Divisions. H. KOHHLLR, E P.ROGKItS, Manager. O. F 4 P. Ast llwaco Steam Navigation Go.'s WINTER SCHEDULE. Astoria to Fort Stevens, Fort Canby, and llwaco. Connecting by stages and boats lor Oysterville, Montesano and Olympia TTtn """ iJ" "'" ,""" - .'".""-"-" TTn tl fti4)iA vntlnk 1ia T1mA M okctuu avK&tiuu vu. aicumec G-en. 3WIU.OS, Will leave" Astoria on Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays ' at 7 A.M. (Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays being Oysterville and Montesano mall days.) FOR Ft.Stevens, Ft. Canby and llwaco OK Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays The steamer will leave Astoria at 9 a.m., as formerly, not being confined strictly to schedule time. Oh Tharsday A SECOND TRIP will be made, leav ing As toria three hours after arriving fnm llwaco Fare to Fqrt Canby and Hwaco, $l 00 GTTickets can be bought at the office for 75CIS. t2&"-IIwaco freiclit, by the ton. Jn lots of one ton or over, $2 per ton, JyFor Tickets, Towage or Charter ap ply at the office of the company, Gray's wharf, foot of Benton street. J. If. D. GRAY, Agent. Notice. A NY ORDERS LEFTWITHC.H.STICK oL els. in my absence wlU bo promptly at tended to. Bills due me are also left In his hands for collection, until further notice. A. M. JOHNSON. Artoria, Jan. asth, is. SOCIETY 3IEETIXGS. Temple Lodge, No. 7A.F.A.M. REGULAR COMMUNICATIONS 2 first and third Tuesdays in eachXiC month, at 7 J o'clock, p. M., at the' " Hall in Astoria. Members of the order in good standing are Invited to attend.. By order of the W. M. Bearer Lodge No. 35. L O. O. P. REGULAR MEETING EV- wtStt, ery Thursday evening atj3g seven o'clock, at the J-odgeijSSa room in Odd Fellows Hall, Asto- ria. Sojourning members of the order in good standing, cordially invited to aitenl. By order N. G. Ocean Encampment, No. 13, 1. O. O. P. REGULARMhElINGSOF OCEAN EN campment No. IS. I. O. O. F., at the Lodge, in the O-ld Fellow. Bulldinif. a' seven P. 31., 011 the second and fourth Mondays of cacn month. Sojourning breth ren conliallv invited. By order " C P. Seaside Lodge No. 12, A. O. U. W RKGULAR MEETINS OF SEASIDE Iodg.-No. 12,A.. U. W will be held in he r Hall oer Camahaii 5. C.'s on I liursday e eidnu of imcIi we k, at 7 o'clock. Miinbers .if tiie order in good standing, and visiting Brothers are invited tu attend l.i brarv will be ojk'H fifteen iiiiimtt's txfor and 'after each mec'ing. Bv .nlt r M. W. C. BROWN. Ret Astoria Lodge No. 40. L O. G .1 . OEGULAR MI.ETING EVhKY MON- Ife .1.. ........In.. ... - .en ..'..l..l- r,. tl, Hull overCaniahans stm e. Members of the Or der. 111 gmrti standing, i-re iu 111 ti i miemi By order W C.T. American Legion of Hoor. KRGULAlt MEETING OF ASTORIA Counci' No S0.V is held on the first and third Tuesday of each month, at 7 o'elock i. 31. By order of the Couneil Coimnauder. R. V. MONTE1TH, Sec'ly. OccidentCouncll No. 5. 0. C. P. "VTEETS EVERY FIRST AND THIRD lfX Mondav eveniucs of each mouth, at S o'clock P. M. Members of the order arc respectfully requested to attend. By order. C. BROWN, Recorder. Cusning Poet No. 14, G. A. R. TEGULAR MEETINGS OF THIS POST XSj on the second and fourth Tuesdays or each month at 7:30 P. 31. Visiting com rades cordially invited. By oider - P. C. Cushing ReUef Corps No. 3, (1. A. R. REGULAR MEETINGS ONTIIESECOND and fourth Tuesdays of each month, at 2 P.M. By order Mr.s. C. ROSS. Secretary. Pacific Lodge No. 17, K. or P. REGULAR MEETINGS OF THIS Lodce every Friday eveninc. at 7 -30 o'clock, in. their Castle Hall, Sojourning iimguis coraiany uiviieu 10 aticnn. W. A. SHERMAN, K. of R. and S. Astoria Division No. One, Uniform Rank, K. of P. REGULAR MEETING ON THE FIRST Thursday of each mouth. In their Ar mory Hall, in Pythian Castle, at 8 p. m. Reg ular drills on the second, third and fourth Thursday of each month, at such place as snail oe uesignatea oy me urmmaniser. Sojourning Sir Knights cordially imited to meetings and drills. SCOTT BOZORTH. Recorder. Astoria Ladies' Colleo Clnb. REGULAR MEETINGS AT TIIE CLUB'S rooms adjoining Liberty Hall 011 the first and third Friday s of each month at 7 P. 31. Mrs. B. S. WORSLEY, Pres. Common Councu. REGULAR MEETINGS. SECOND AND fourth Tuesday evenings of each month at 7J4 o'clock. earpersons desiring to have matters acted upon by the Council, at any regular meet ing must present the same to the Auditor and Clerk, on or before the Friday evening prior to the Tuesda on which the Council holds its regular meeting. THOS.S.JEWETT, Auditor and Clerk. RESTORED The reason that Tin. hi d. nitwot ittt eitrnl ft SCSUXAL irEJKSESS, LOSS OF X'AX ilOOU.axdtheresultafabutt.ducJteorrserntt. it omng to a complication called PROSTA TOR line A. Dll. LIEIIICTS IXriGORATOK ti the OXLYcurtforPROSTATORntlEA. Pnct. 2.09 ptr package, 6 paclagtt, S18 W. Gut.lf to Health and Self-Analyst sent free. AMrest UK RIG UlSPEXSARYfor Dtiecttt of &, JH) Gtary St . Sum Francifo, Cal. -ASK FOR Union India Rubber Co.'s Ture Para Gum CRACK PROOF RUBBER BOOTS. BEWARE OK I3IITATIOKS ! Be sure the boots are stamned CItA CK PROOF on the heels, and have the PURE UUM srMAGS on the loot and Instep, wi icli prevtn their cracking or bn-akim: We are now making them with RUBUEit AXB ASBESTOS Soles which will make them last more than twice as Jong jls anv Rubber boots made. FOR SALE BY ALL DFALEKS. ALL KIM)S RUBBER BELTING. PACK ING, HOE. M'BINGb, CL iTIIING, BOOTS AND SHOES, Etc. GOODYEAR RUBBER CO. R. IL PEASE, .ir I Agents, S. M. RUNYON. f ban Francisco. A. V. All Wholesale and RctaillDealer In Ppnvisiansg MILL FEET). Glass and Plated Ware, TROPICAL AND DOMESTIC FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Together with Wines, Liqtiors,Tobacco,Cfgars Astoria Bakery AND Columbia Candy Factory. Ed. Jaekson, Proprietor. BUY DIRECT OF THE MANUFACTURER and Save Money. French Mixed Creams, 30 cts per lb Plain Candles and Taflys 20 " Bread. Pies and Cakes delivered everv day. Ornamental work for Weddings anil Parties. Best Ice Cream at reasonable prices Cheapest and host place in town. Don't forget the place ; Cnenamua St, near the Fostoffice. MANHOOD yT&KF El Malidi s Communist Commander. This ex-Communist and cut-throat, Ollivier Pain, tvbo is reported to be in command of the Sondan rebels at Metenmeb, went from Paris last year openly avowing his intention of join ing El Mahdi's army. "All English men in Egypt, he said, ''must bhare the fate of Hicks. I hate all law and order. England is the home of law and order. Therefore I hate England. Vive le Mahdi!"--iV 1" Tribune. Dr. Fr:jricr" 1 hront antl 1jmi;r BaKnm Is the greatest remedy in the world for Coughs, Colds, bore Throat, Influ enza, Qninzy, Laryngitis. Croup, Hoarseness, Uronchitis, Asthma, Ca tarrh, and Whooping Cough, and all diseases of tbe throat and lungs. It performs wonders in relieving Con sumption. It strengthens the Lungs and instantly allays all irritation of the throat. CLr.xx,v:cp, Ohio. Dr. Fuaziek Dear Sir: I was troub led for about three months dnring the last summer and fall with Bron chitis and a bad cough. After trying several remedies without finding any relief. I used your Throat and Lung Balsam, and fonnd immediate help. On retiring at night it gave me undis turled rest, and after lining the med icino three weeks I found myself eured. ttnv. E. NTJTE. Dr. Fraziers Throat and Lung Bal sam allays all irriiation of the throat, Penetrates and heals tho Lungs, and assists nature by expectoration to throw off the corruption. Sold by druggists eveywherc at 75 cts. a bot tle. Erazter ZVIbpioinb Co., Prop'rs, Cleveland, Ohio. For sale by J. W. Conn, Astoria, Or. The promoters of tho Manchester, England, ship canal have deposited nearly JE300,000 for another trial of length of purse and strength of argu ment with their opponents. I take pleasure in stating, savs Dr. D. F. Penington, D. D. S., "330 West Fayette St, Baltimore, Maryland, that personally, and in my family, I have used Bed Star Cough Cure "for severe coughs and colds with most satisfactory results. It is a prompt and sure remedy. I experienced no bad results which accompany other cough remedies. The agitation against an increase of the duties on cereals in Germany is becoming more formidable. Srotl'rilmiiision of Pure Cod Liver Oil, with Ilynoplioinhitcn. Has all the virtues oX thesptwo most popular remedies. Made into a form that is very palatable and acceptable to the most sensitive stomach, and is with out doubt, unequalled, as a combined food and remedy for huig troubles, and wasting conditions. The sultan of Morocco has jnst cel ebrated his 1,000th wedding. Dont Look Like a Wreck, " "When a man is going down liiH ! everybody is ready to give him a kick." Yes, that is so. It is sad, but natural. Why, many a man and woman, seeking employment, would have got it if their hair hadn't been so thin and graj, One bottle of Parker's Hair Balsam is then the best investcment. It stops falling hair, promotes ncp growtli and restcres color. Clean, highly perfumed, not a dye. A great improvemct over any similar preparation, and .sold at the low price of ."jOc. English Free Masons gave 200,000 in charity last year. 'Wide A-.ialte Jini'i,ts. Messrs. W. E. Dement & Co. are al ways alive to their business, and spare nopainstosecurethebcstofcvcryarticlc in their line. They have secured theagen cy for the celebrated Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. The only ceitain cure known for Consumption, Coughs, Colds. Hoarseness, Asthma, Hay Fever, Bronchitis, or any affection uf the Throat and Lungs. Sold on a positive guarantee. Trial Uotthis free. Ilegular size $1.00. yoixg 3:n;x!-iti:Ai this. The Voltaic Kklt Co, of Marshall, Mich , offer to s?ihI thvir c lebrated Et.nc-tuo-Voltic ItKi.r and other Elkctimc ArrLi.ycK.- on tria fir thirtv days, to iren (yo.iiig or old) aniieted with n'rvou le-'ilitv. !-. .f vit -.lit y and marhootl. and all kindrit tn.ubl. . Alo tor rheumatiMii, ncunO:isi, aral)sis. and many other disease-.. Complete restoration n health, igor and manhood gimmntted. No risk Is in curred as thirty (lavs trial Lt allowed. Write them at once for Illustrated pamphlet free Catarrh cured, lualth and sweet breath secured by Slulolfs Ctturrli Rem edy. Trice 50 cents. Masai Injector free. For sale by W. E. Dement. Shiloir.s Catarrh llemedy a io.si tivp cure for Catarih, Diptfieria and Canker Mouth. i"o!d by W. E. Dement. Sleepless Nights made miserable by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is the remedy for you. Sold by W. K. De ment fc Ce: Will you suffer with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint '.' Shiloh's Vitalizer is guaranteed to cure you. Sold by W. E. Dement. Wilson & Fishe Ship Chandlers, HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE Paints, Oils, and Varnish. LOGGERS1 SUPPLIES. PROVISIONS AND MILL FEED AGENTS FOR Salem Flouring Mills, Portland Boiler Mills,- Capital Flour and FAIRBANKS' SCALES.. ASTORIA, OREGON. MAEKETS. WYftTT & THOMPSON. DEALERS IN FRESH AND CURED MEATS, CHOICE GEOCEEIES, PROVISIONS, Crockery and Glassware. STAR MA-RKKT. FRUITS. iUTTSS. and EGGS. Oi's riK wt !j.'T 1 -111 '.''-. iUIh 'Jrrl. .iviuria. Mv Washington Market 3Ja!n Sr!. - lsfor:t, ;trcn. KKZUiKA-, A i'i, SMSOI'KSKTOStS IKSPECTFULLA CALL THE AfTEN ia, tiiMi of t!i pubuo to the fact that the a!Hvc Market wit! aiuaj-. be supplied wit ii a FULL VARIETY .AND BF-ST QUALITY or FRESH AND CURED .MEATS I ! Which will be sold at lowest rates, whole sale and retail.. 5?SiK'cial attention given to supplying sluiw. LOTCB & ()0. JOBBERS IN WINES, L1QUOKS, AND CIGARS. AUENTS FOR THE Sast San Francisco Houses and Eastern Distilleries. Tumblers Oecanters, and All Kind? of Saloon Supplies. 3JA11 goods sold at San FrancLsco Prices. MAIN STREET. Opposite Parker Rouse, Astoria, Oregon. w. E. DEMENT & CO. S3tSLZ3,CCpXS,3ErS, ASTORIA. - - - OIEGON Carry in Stock, DBUCS, CHEMICALS, TOILET and FANCY ARTICLES. Prescriptions carefully Compounded G. A. STINS0N & CO., 8LACKSMITHING. At Capt. Rogers old stand, corner of Ca3 'and Court Streets. Ship and Cannery work. Horseshoeing. Wagon made and repsired. Good work guaranteed. PARKER HOUSE ME and Bathing Saloon. Ladies' HairDresser and Y7ig Maker All kinds of HAIR WORK MADE TO ORDER Ladies' Hair cutting and Shampoeim: a specialty. All work done in the most artis tic manner and in the latest style. Ii. DaPARIi, Prop Parker House, Mam St., Astoria, Or. Assignee's Notice. AT OTICE IS HEKEUY GIVEN THAT THE I" undersigned has been apiolnted assign ee of tiie estate of 1. Hart, an insohent tlebtor. All crwlitors of said estate are no tified to present their cla'ms against said es tate, under oath, to me, within three months at the ofllce of F. D. w niton, in the city of Astoiia, Clatsop count v, Oregon. RA AC BERGMAN, Assignee. Dec. 27th. 18&I. Assignee Notice. -RTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE I firm of J. E. Thomas has assigned all their property to the undersigned for the benefit of their creditors and all persons having claims against said estate must pre sent the same duly verified to the assicnee at his ofllce in Astoria, Oregon, within three months from this date. November Ctli. 1831. F. P. HICKS. Notice. TIIE ASSESSMENT JtOLL FOR TIIE yearl&M is now In my iiands for collec tion. All who are delinquent on .said roll will save sheriff's costs by calling at my of fice In Cathlamet and settling the same, or sending i registered letter. S.F.ALBERT. Sheriff of Wahkiakum Co., W. T. Dated at Cathlamet. .Ian. 13th, l8if. GEEMMA HOTEL MRS. EVAWALLMAN, - Proprietor. ASTORIA, OREGON. First Class in Every Respect. NEW HOUSE, NEW FURNITURE. Fitted i Willi every Conven ience Tor tlic Comfort or Transient and Permanent Guests.' Corner Sqtteiuoqua and West Cth Streets. BABB0UR! K H II iylil .&.IrS.3S XHSi SSST. s .ntiryir If. IT J ..4!V'Vu.ilIl.i J. .xa- VL. .' . OaJKIRi?5ViS l, !.. ZZ?yZ?Z2ZZsXmfXJG&Zt v. S.ri. VEi-iirii-'-Sr-- ar.S'-. Sc - n ,,H0UF0UiDEO. 178-. y S m- THEY RECEIVED TIIE For FLAX THREADS, at the London Fisheries Exhibition 1883. And have been awarded HIGHER PftSZES at the various HfTERHATIONAL EXPOSITIONS Than the good of any other IN THE WORLD. (QaaHiy, om . Alwnys bo Depended! m, Tt fn snLflr' rL-ilLiTTni iitr Sift" "ZlSeSfcr?1 i- - Sga wmsmssxvJN mwmmmm b?SS55CiSAli3Sra2iis',4I.ft One of the Milk of th Barbour Flax 5 1 7 and 5 1 9 Market Street, Agents for Seine Twines, Rope and Of radical pLaiigfs"vlic?i - M en 3i&?. Bft!9B Furnishing Goods; Hats, Clothing, Blankets, etc, Qoods at Cost I Drop ian and O ssie. Uncle Sams Corner. Assignee's Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned lias been appointed the as signee of the estate of Banzer & Johnson, and all persons having claims against said firm .are hereby notified to preem th same duly certified to the undersigned, at las of fice. In Astoria, Oregon, withintlirce mouths from this date. Dee. 7th, 1SSJ. .1. II. D. CRAY. Administrator's Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned was on the 5th day ot Jan uary, 1SS3. duly appointed by tin County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clatsop, administrator of the estate of Hans Plenning. deceased All persons hav ing claims against said estate ate hereby notified to present the same properly veri fied to me at my office at the Union cannery. In Astoria, Oregon, within six months from this date. TETER F. JOHNSON, Administrator. Dated, Astoria, Or., January 29, lgv5. 5-lt Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT pursuant to a unanimous vote of the stockholders of the Fishermen's Packing Co., the directors of said company, did on the 17th day of Jan. 1SS3, execute and file supplementary articles of incorporation, whereby such company Is authorized to purchase and hold, sell and convey real es tate. By order Board of Directors, . II. E. NELSON, dw Socretarr. if3 i 3 l 11 ' j f '5 ,75J?25Wb. - Kfc - Ti - 5 Spinning Co., Paterson, New Jersey. - - San Francisco, Pacifie Coast. Netting Constantly on Hand. 2 tM uako, I am compelled to .c ti. i ol- ; To Ship and Engine Builders. i Treasury Department t Washington, D. C, January 27, 1SS5. f SEALED PROPOSALS FOR REBCTILD-inzthareve-iue steamer Richard Rush, I "including new hull and boiler, will be re ceived at this Department until 2 o'ciock p. m. of Tuesday. March 10th. 1S5. Bidders mnst state the time in which they will agree to complete the work. Bids mast be in accordance w ith the specifications, and should be addressed to the Secretary of the Treasury, and Indorsed on the envelope "Proposals for rebuilding the Revenue Steamer Richard Ruh." Specifications for the work will bo fur nished on application to the Collector of Customs at ban Francisco, Cal., and Port land, Oregon. The Department reserves the right to re ject any or all bids, and to waive defects if deemed for the interest of the government so to do. f Signed). CHARLES E. CO ON, Acting Secretary of the Treasury. (.Perthshire. Br bk London Feb 10 Executor's Notice. HAVING BEEN APPOLNTED BY THE County Court of Clatsop County, Ore gon, executrix of the last will and testament of Thos. Goodwin, deceased, all persons having claims against said estate will pre sent them duly verified and with proper vouchers to the undersigned at her resi dence on Clatsop Plains. Clatsop County, Oregon, within six montlis from this date, Dec. 5, 18&1. MARIETTA GOODWIN. il-5t Executrix. ?Q "s-i. -frr r- Is-Sff'