The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, February 14, 1885, Image 3

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?hc -putty gtsiotm
(Monday excepted)
ll?II.1I!KltS 1M ritOl'KIKTOKS,
TcrniK oTSubscrljittou.
Served ly ftarrier, per veek......... ICcts.
Sent by jVlall. jut month COots.
one year ....... . .57.00
Free or postage to subs! liters.
5rAdvcrUsenieiits inserted by the ye:ir at
the rate ol $2 per square per month. Tran
Ment advertising filty cents per square, eadi
Xoticc T Advertisers.
The ASToniA?. guarantees to its ad
vertisers the largest circulation of auy
newspaper published on the Columbia
J. "W. Conn, advertises a reduction in
the price of extracts.
Grand masquerade skating carnival
nt Occidental hall this evening.
The social party at Pythian hall last
evening was a pronounced success.
Repairs on the Chcsebrough have been
all finished, and on Monday she will be
;in reloading her cargo.
Rev. A. L. Liudsley of Portland and
Rev. E. W. Garner of this city will ex
change pulpits to-morrow.
Prof. A. L. Francis will assist hitha
concert to be given in the Congregation
al church next Tuesday evening.
The Progressive Land and Rnildiug
Association hold their annual meeting
in Liberty Hall at 7 o'clock this evening.
The little daughter of H. O. and L.
Lumb. aged 11 years, died of scarlet fever
last Thursday and was Imric-d yesterday
Nick Woinian was giw-n twenty days in
the city jail yeslerdny by Judge Stockton
in the police court on a charge of disor
derly conduct.
Have 3au your ticket for the masquer
ado at "the "skating rink this evening?
You can get one at Clinton's -cigar store
or at the New York Novelty Store where
the prizes to be given are on exhibition.
Cpt. Simpson has offered to buy the
iuericun ship Ocean King on condition
thRt Capt. McAlIep. of Port Townsend,
?akcs command of the vessel. She regis
ters 2T10 tons and was built at Kfiinebec,
Regarding the insurance on the house
of Rergman & Berry, which was partially
destroyed by fire recently, Mr. Ike Berg
man desires it staled that the matter has
been satisfactorily adjusted and tho loss
settled by the resident agents.
Some of the southern Oregon papers
insist that Cadet Brooks of this state is
dead. Tho cadet writes from West Point
that ho is not dead, but the s. (). papers
reiterate that he is defunct. His testi
1U0113' is entitled to general belief.
There is more than one in the legisla
ture to whom tho name of Jons H.
Mitchell would be as the sound of a
trumpet It is the belief of many in this
neck of woods that one vote cast for him
would be the rallying point of many
H. B. Parker has resumed control of
tho Parker House. His adv't appears
under "New To-Day. - Under the ex
perienced management of its owner this
jwpular hotel which has been thoroughly
refitted, invites the patronage of the
traveling public. It is well-known aU
over tho northwest and is thorough in
all its appointments.
The secretary of war has reported to
congress that there are C,580,5(X men in
the United States who arc available for
military duty, and that in the organized
militia of the country there are 7,311
commissioned officers and 83,979 non
commissioned officers and privates. In
Georgia, Mississipi, Arkansas, Tennessee
and Oregon there is no organized militia.
Prom times ho far bauk that the mem
ory of man runneth not to the contrary,
it has been the custom on the 14lh of
February for folks to send the darlings
of their choice a tender missive declar
ing the stato of their hearts in delicate
phrase, and there is something so pretty
about the custom that it is deservedly
perpetuated. In these days of progress
the valentines are really works of art. of
costly material and elegant finish, tho
finer'kinds are well worthy of receipt
and in their production the engraver and
designer puts the choicest efforts of his
skill. Tho tendency to ridicule and car
icature has unfortunately produced a lot
of cheap daubs that are at best anony
mous insults, so that the sneak who
hasn't the courage to say to people's
faces the cowardly promptings of his low
nature makes use'of the custom of the
day to send under cover of an envelope a
vile production calculated to hurt the
feelings of tho recipient. In this waj
people's religion, ideas pursuits, home
ties, all that they hold dear are subjected
to a mean espionage and tho true intent
and purjwse of the day is perverted and
made to run gall instead of the milk of
human kindness.
Yet despite this uupleasaut feature of
Cupid's holiday, tho day is always one
of pleasant associations "to millions of
pure-minded, free-hearted ftien and wom
en who send and receive evidences of
love and friendship and who lay away
the scented envelopes with their pretty
contents as souvenirs of remembrance
to form grateful memories iu tho 3'oars
to come.
According to Chinese chronology this
is the first dnj of the New Year, and from
the coolie to the mandarin they all hold
high jinks to-day. Their joss is dressed in
unusual splendor, punk and slender sticks
of spice are burned, gilt paper is pro-"
f usely pasted up, red tissue paper is cut
and burned in great quantities, and roast
pork and chicken is on every Chinese
table. The white and vellow lilies that
gladden their hearts with plenteous blos
soms are everywhere visible, the belief
being that tho better they bloom before
New Year's day the more prosperous the
ensuing twelve moons will be.
No Chinese New Year's is complete
without noise and the beating of the torn
torn and the fusilade of tho festive fire
cracker is as much a part of the day as
auy feature of tho performance. The
Chinese have been trying during the week
to get Ma3'or Hume to allow them the
privilege of firing off their fire crackers,
as the picnic is no picnic without those
noisy accompaniments.
To-days Valentines.
Dude Valentines, Comic Valentines,
Sentimental Valentines, Novelty Val
entines, Fringed Valentines, Lace Val
entines, Plush Valentines, Satchet Val
entines, at Carl Adler's Crystal Palace.
Ilirsch Still Holds Ills Tnent)-pl&bt Yte.
Fobtland, Or.. Feb. IX John W. Mur
ray, who murdered his brother-in-law,
Alfred Yeuke, in South Portland, on
January C, 18tv4. was hanged in the coun
ty court yard this afternoon, botween 1
and 2 o'clock. The hanging was delayed
in the hope that Governor Moody would
grant a reprieve. Murray appeared very
composed and only made a few brief re
marks before the fatal drop which was
sprung by a lever worked by an electric
battery. The hanging was witnessed by
a very few persons, and was complete in
all its arrangements.
Salem, Or., Feb. 13. The sixteenth
joint ballot for United States senator re
sulted in Miller of Marion getting the
Democratic complimentary vote. Hirsch
got 28 votes, the balance of the Republi
can members scattered as on tke first
ballot. Consolidation is prophesied for
A scene was enacted in the house to
day which was not looked for.. House bill
No. 79, to provide for redistricting the
state for legislative and judicial purpos
es came up. Mr. Downing objected to
the bill on the ground that it was not con
stitutional, and moved its indefinite post
ponement. Mr. Chandler demanded en
enforcement of tho rule prohibiting de
bate. Mr. Leinenweber asked as a favor
that he be heard on the bill; that it was
of importance to Clatsop ceunty: that
the county had not the representation in
the legislature to which it was justly on
titled. Tho motion to indefinitely post
Eone was adopted. Upon this, which Mr.
eineuweber considered an insult, he
gave notice that "Clatsop county would
resist further taxation, and that ho
would resign his seat in the house. Ho
displayed some fooling as was natural
for one who would bo deprived of a com
mon courtesy. His announcement cre
ated great excitement and hubbub in the
house, and friends crowded around him
and urged him to reconsider his action,
He explained that Clatsop county was
allowed only one joint representative,
while other counties with the same popu
lation had three or four. Clatsop only
asked for two full representatives, and if
he had been allowed a moment he could
have made it plain to the house. Stand
ard ..
7'lic city of Axtoria dors ordain as fol-
Section 1. That no person or persons
shall fire or ignite any firecrackers, tor
pedoes, bombs, or other species of fire
works within that portion of tho city of
Astoria which is east of Lafayette street
and north of tho south line of Squemo
qua street according to McClure's re
corded plat of Astoria, and north of the
south line of Water street, according to
Shively's recorded plat of Astoria.
Section 2. That any person or persons
who shall bo convicted before the police
judge of this cityt of violating any of the
provisions of section one (1) of this ordi
nance, shall be fined not more than ono
hundred (100) dollars at the discretion of
tho police judge, together with the costs
of the prosecution, and in default of the
payment of such fine and costs, tb of
fender or offenders shall stand com
mitted to the jail of this city, until pay
ment of said fine and costs, for a number
of days specified, and not exceeding ten
Section 3. That ordinance No. 12o be
and the same is hereby repealed.
Approved March 3, 18S2.
Au Important Vote.
Albion, 111., Feb. 11. This afternooa
fifteen men went out to the residence of
State Senator Brown, Republican, who is
very ill, and carried him into Graysville,
a distance of six or seven miles, on a
stretcher. He will remain, in Graysville
to-night, and to morrow morning will
leave for Springfield, in a special car. He
is very weak, but his friends think he
will stand the trip. He is paired with
Senator Bridges till to-morrow, and upon
his presence or absence from the capital
the election of United States senator may
depend' Without him the Republicans
are one in the minority on joint ballot.
'Hov Crosc Waictbe 3!an!.
Thisqnestion was asked in a recent
law suit concerning n man who had
acted nu pleasantly. The answer was.
"he was so cross that when he called
np the cows at mliking-time it made
the milk sour." Probably this
poor fellow has dyspepsia. But the
worst dyspeptic can be cured by
using Brown's Iron Bitters. Mr. J.
M Conrtwrigbt of Codora, Minn.,
had byspepsia, but now writes,
"Browns Iron Bitters are trluy the
best remedy I ever used for d yspep
sia and bilious complaint."
Hon. F. C. Reed represents the threa
counties of Clatsop, Tillamook and Co
lumbia, which naturally accounts for his
endeavoring to get a bill through for re-
districting the state, feeling that his dis
trict requires more representation. If
the bill failed, it was apparently owing
to the fact of the census having been
taken so long ago as to preclude the pos
sibility of obtaining accurate numbers as
to population. He is much in earnest in
everything pertaining to his section. of
the state, and is very properly the chair
man of the committeo on commerce. He
speaks often and well, and is a Republi
can. ''CltemcJccla," in Standard.
The Telephone.
Jeffs new saloon, the "Telephone," is
now open. It is new all through;
the building is new, the furniture
and fittings are new and of elegantfinish
and the proprietor has put in some
new ideas that will commend them
selves to the patrons of the Tele
phone. Everything about the place is
first class, the wines and liquors of the
best, and Jeff will exert himself to make
it pleasant for anyone who calls. He
has put up and finely furnished a first
class establishment and no cosier place
can be found in the city in which to
meet a friend or join in n social glass.
The Brilliant Electric Lamp
At Carl Adler's. Ask to see it The
"best in use and one dollar cheaper than
any where else in the -city.
Mr. Sit Quee keeps open house to-day
opposite Justice GoodelPs court and in
vites and invites all his friends to call
and sec him.
One of the finest billiard tables on the
coast at Jeffs "Telphone.'
Did'you eTer see any crude rubber, and
have you any idea how it is gathered
and worked? There are twenty or thirty
varieties of crude rubber, varying great
ly in quality, and of all these the best is
known as Para, a South American
product, obtained in Brazil, about 1,800
miles above the mouth of the Amazon.
It is called Para from the city of that
name from which it is shiped to foreign
parts. The gum i gathered by tapping
the rubber trees, as wo tap maplo trees
for sap for maple sugar. The sap is
gathered into a large pot into which the
native dips a flat wooden paddle, to
which sum adheres. He withdraws the
paddle and holds it in a smoke made by
burning palm nuts, whichrflries and cures
the film of rubber ;on tho paddle. He
then dips again, and smokes again, re
peating the process until he has on the
paddle a bunch of gum weighing several
pounds. Then he splits the ball or roll to
get the paddle out and it is ready for
These natives are not models of hones
ty, however, as these chunks of gam fre
quently contain palm nuts, rubber nuts,
uelces of iron, or are freely mixed with
sand to add weight, which often causes
the manufacturer great trouble, l ue
Enblic, or a large share of the public,
ave an idea that crude rubber gum
comes something like tamarac, and that
it is melted and cast into whatever form
is desired, but this is not true. A rubber
shoe factory is not a foundry; It comes
nearer being a printing office.
These chunks of rubber are sliced into
steaks, you might say, by sharp knives
revolving rapidly and kept constantly
wetted. When one of these knives
strikes an iron spike, there is apt to be
'music in the air." The operators are
on the lookout, however, and accidents
are so thoroughly guarded against that
they are very rare. These steaks are
then put into a chopping machine, whero
they are made into an article closely re
sembling boarding house hash, only that
thin hash j3 the straight goods, oxcept
that it needs cleaning. The small pieces
thus formed are thon put through a ma
chine which makes mince meat of them,
and at tho same time washes out all the
dirt and Band. This (not tho dirt and
sand) is now shoveled into a rolling ma
chine which compresses the mass into
rough sheets. This is tho first process.
These sheets are then taken to a steam
drying room, where they remain three
months to free thorn from all mois
ture. Bv tho drviuc process they loso from
15 to 30 per cent, of their weight. If tho
least moisture remains m the rubber
when made up into shoes, the heat of
vulcanization causes its expansion, and
consequently causes blisters in the stock.
The dry gum is then run between heavy
iron rolls, heated by steam, and called
grinders, by which it is softened to per
mit the admixture of the vulcanizing
Rubber in its natural 6tate is unfit for
use, and Goodyear's process of vulcani
zation by the aid of sulphur is necessary
to utilize it. This mixing is done by
running the ground rubber through still
another series of rollers, which pres3 tho
rubber and sulphur together in ono soft,
fine body, whichjis finally run through a
calendar, between great steel cylinders;
the mass is pressed out into long smooth
sheets of any desired width or thickness.
Thea comes tho printing process. Those
sheets are fed through cylinders on the
face of which is engraved the pattern for
sole, heel and upper desired to be pro
duced, and these impressions aro as
clearly printed on the rubber as this
type impression is on this paper.
Thon tho sheets go to the cutters, who
cut out the different parts and send them
to their respective departments. The
lasting is done similarly to that of other
ahoes, except that the parts are all put
to-gether by rubber cement, and, before
removal from tho last, they aro placed
in the vulcanizing ovens, where they are
subjected to a degree of heat that trans
forms the various parts into a homoge
neous moss in the shape of a boot or
shoe with a seam, nail, or peg. Then, if
a dull finish is desired, tho bast is re
moved, and the goods are ready for mar
ket. Otherwise they are varnished to
give the bright finish, and dried, when
they are ready.
or Course You Waul
A nice valentine for to-day. The
81ace to bu3' it is at Carl Adler's
rvstal Palace.
Five Dollars He ward
For the return of three keys on a ring,
lost on Squemoqua street last Wednes
day night. Leave at this office.
White Cook Wauled.
Iuqnire at New York Restaurant, next
to It. Barth's
Ten Thousand Dollars Worth
Of brilliant flashing, dazzling dia
monds on exnioiuon lor the next tan
days at Adler's Costal Palace.
Open Again.
J. G. Charters' Palace Baths. First
class fittings. Only 25 cents. Private
bathing apartments for ladies.
Hot T.uHch, at the Telephone
From 11 to 2 every day.
A fine lunch with drink or cigar, 25
No charge after two o'clock,
At Carl Adlcr'.i,
Is the finest stock of valentines In As
toria. Freak Eastern and Shsalwater
Bay Oysters
Constantly on hand, cooked to anv style
at Frank Fabre's. .
At Frauk Fabre's.
Board for $22.50 a month. The best
in the city. Dinner from 5 to 7.
Furnished Booms To Let.
Apply to Mrs. Muxsox.
Syrup of Figs.
Nature's own true Laxative. Pleas
ant to the palate, acceptable to the Stom
ach, harmless in its nature, painless in
its action. Cures habitual Constipation.
Biliousness, Indigestion and kindred
ills. Cleanses the system, purifies the
blood, regulates the Liver aud acts on
the Bowels. Breaks up Colds, Chills
and Fever, etc Strengthens the organs
on -which it acts. Better than bitter,
nauseous Liver medicines, pills, salts
and draughts. Sample bottles fnu and
large bottles for sale by W. E. Dement
& Co., Astoria.
Private card rooms at Jeff's new sa
loon "The Telephone."
The Truest Teit for Polioa Transmitted from
Savage Bice.
When we want to secure ourselves by
means of taste about any unknown ob
jectsay a lump of some white stuff,
which may be crystal or glass or alum or
borax or quartz or rock salt we pat the
tip of the tongue against it gingerly. If
it begins to burn us we draw it away
more or less rapidly, with an accompani
ment in language strictly dependent up
on personal habits and manners.
The test we thus occasionally apply,
even in the civilized adult htare, to un
known bodies is ono that is being applied
every day and all dav long by children
and savages. Unsophisticated humanity
is constantly putting everything it sees
up to its mouth in a frank spirit of ex
perimental inquiry as to its gustatory
properties. In civilized life we find ev
erything ready labeled and assorted for
us; we comparatively seldom require to
roll the contents of u suspicious bottle
(in very small quantities; doubtfully
upon the tongue in order to discover
whether it is pale sherry or Chili vinegar,
Dublin stout or mushroom catsup. But
in the savage state, from which, geologi
cally and biologically speaking, we have
only just emerged, bottles and labels do
not exist.
Primitive man, in his sweet simplicity,
has only two modes open before him for
deciding whether the the things he finds
are or are not strictly edible. The first
thing he does is to sniff at them, and
smell being, as Mr. Herbert Spencer has
well put it, au anticipatory taste, gener
ally gives him some idea of what the
thing is likely to prove. The second
thing he does is to pop it into his mouth,
and proceed practically to examine its
further characteristics. Strictly speak
ing, with the tip of tho tongue one can't
really taste at all. If you put a drop of
hdney or of oil of bitter almonds on that
S art of the mouth, you will find (no
oubt to your surprise) that it produces
no effect of any sort; you only taste it
when it begins slowly to diffusa itself,
and reaches the true tasting region in
the middle distance.
But if you pnt a little cayenne or mus
tard on the same part you will find that
it bites you immediately the experiment
should bo tried sparingly while if you
put it lower down in the mouth you
swallow it almost without noticing "the
pungency of the stimulant. Tho reason
is that the tip of the tongue is supplied
only with nerves, which are really norves
of the touch, not nerves of taste preper:
they belong to a totally different main
branch, and they go to a different center
in tho brain, together with the very sim
ilar threads which supply the nerves of
smell for mustard and pepper. This is
why the smell and taste of these pungent
substances are so much alike, as every
body must havo noticed, a good sniff at
a mustard pot producing almost tho
same irritating effect as an incautious
mouthful. As a rule, we don't accurate
ly distinguish, it is true, between these
different regions of taste in tho mouth
in ordinary life; but that is because we
usually roll our food about instinctively,
without paying much attention to the
particular p'art affected by it. Ex.
Kl Hahdi Sajs Gordon Ii Dead.
General Breckenbury telegraphs to
London under date of Keibehan, Feb.
11, a translation of the Arabic document
found near the camp deserted by tho
rebels Tuesday. It was found by a pri
vate soldier, in a donkey's saddle, about
400 yards beyond the captured position
It is from tho governor of Berber to his
faithful followers. The document begins
"In the name of God," etc, and con
tinne.?: "To-day, after mid-day prayer, I
received a letter from the faithful khalifa,
Abdullah Eden Mohammed, in which he
says Khartoum was taken Monday, the
9th of Robi, 1302, on the side of El
Haoui, in the following manner: El Mah
di prayed and blessed tho troops, who
then advanced against the fortifications.
They entered Khartoum in a quarter of
an hour, killed the traitor Gordon and
captured his steamers and boats. God
has made him glorious. Bo grateful;
thank and praise God for his unspeak
able mercy. I announce it to you." Tho
9th of Robi corresponds to January 2G,
European style. The foregoing confirms
previous reports of General Gordon's
Bueulcu's Arnica Salve.
The Best Sai.vk in the world for
Cuts, Bruises, Sores,Vicers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains. Corns, aud all Skin Erup
tions, and positively cures Piles, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded.
Price 2.1 cent-; per box. For sale bv W.
E. Dement & Co.
The Best Evidence
Of the merits of a remedy is the effect
on the system, so there can be no doubt
that the California Fig Syrup Company
is pursuing the wisest plan possible to
make known the wonderful efficacy of
Syrup of Figs forall the illsarising from
an inactive cuuuiiiou oi wit: jjivui, n.m-
nej's. Stomach and Bowels, in giving
away sample bottles free of charge. Ask
our enterprising druggists W. E. De
ment & Co. for a free sample bottle, or
yon can buy large bottles for fifty cents
br one dollar
Does not make any second-class Pic
tures at his New Gallfry, Xo. ni&on
the Roadway.
A Boarding House To Let
Furnished complete, near the O. R. &
X. Company's dock. Terms reasonable.
Inquire ai Foarl & Stokes.
For a 3i cut Fitting Boot
Or Shoe, go to P. J. Goodmans, on Che
namus street, next door to I. W. Case.
All goods of the best make and guaran
teed quality. A full stock ; new goods
constantly arriving. Custom work.
All the patent medicines advertised
in mis paper, logeiner wun iiic cuoiccsi
Cerfumery, and toilet articles, etc- can
e bought at the lowest prices, at J. W.
Conn's drug store, opposite Ocidfii
hctel. Astoria.
Headquarters for Valentines
At Carl Adler's. Cemic: sentimental:
fine: call and take a look at them.
For Dinner Parties to order, at short
notice, go to Frank Fabre's.
Foi Dyspepsia andLiver Complaint,
you have a printed guarantee on every
bottle of Shiloh's Vital izer. It never
fails to cure. Sold by W. . Dement.
-Are you made miserable by indi
gestion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of
appetite, Yellow Skin? Shiloh's Vital
izer Is a positive cure. For sale by W.
X. Dement.
CleTclaad's Cablaet.
New York, Feb. 12. Tho Daily A'eura
saj-s: Cleveland has decided to give the
interior and tho departmant of justice
portfolios to the south, the latter posi
tion having been tendered to and accept
ed by; Senator Garland of Arkansas. Tho
interior has not been assigned, but prob
ably will be tendered to ox-Senator
Henry G. Davis of West Virginia. Col
onel William F. Vilas, of Wisconsin, has
accepted o placo in tho cabinet, but to
what portfolio is not learned. New York
will get tho secretary of the treasury, as
a matter of pure business policy, this
city being the financial center of the
country. Allan G. Thurman, of
Ohio, will be tendered the sec
retaryship of state. Of tho seven
members of the cabinet only William F.
Vilas and Senator Garland have been
decided upon thus far. The Sun. in a
double-headed Washington special, de
clares positively that Randolph was
urged during his'recent visit to Cleveland
to accept the secretaryship of the treas
ury, and declined, and now Daniel Man
ning will become secretary, unless the
present plan should be unexpectedly
changed before the 4th of March.
Test Tonr Baking Powder To-Bay !
Brand adrcrUscU as absolutely pcra
riae a can top dom on a hot tiara nnUt
iirate1,thpn remove the cOTerand Mnell. A cheoi
Jt Kill not bo required to detect Uia preaeacfl of
lit Iltthlitttseii IU NEVER Beta C.aMaa4.
liatnillionhosicjforafiaarterof aceaturjr tl
lui j vtool tae consumer's reliable test,
Prico Baking Powder Co.,
Dr. Price's Special Flavoring Extracts,
The strongest, most del I clous and natumt
flavor tnown, and
uu Price's Lupulin Yeasi Gems
1 or Light, Healthy Dread.Tho Bet Dry Hop
Yeast In tho world.
ibht Healthy Bread,
The pest dry hop yeoat in the world.
Bread raised by this yeast Is llght.whlto
ond wholesome like our grandmother
delicious hroad.
pa ip into or the
Price Baking Powder Co.,
MTis ol Br. Price's special FiaTOrinj Ertratts,
Chicago, III. St. Louis, Mo
Forsa'e by Ci'itixo.Mkble & Co.. Agents
Portland, Oregon
To Dress in Style!
Tie Best of Hoods !
If Yon Want the
Lowest Bed-rock Prices
Clothing Emporium.
For Fine Clothhijr, Hats aud Caps, Boots
aud Shoes, Gents' Furnishing Good9.
i I
A Great Beicta Sale in Men's
On account of an overstock in these goods I shall offer for cash,
during the next 30 days, the following lines regardless of cest:
Men's Mixed Cassimere Overcoats.
" Blue Chinchilla
" Gray Mixed Reversible
" California Doeskin ''
:i Heavy Chinchilla "
" Brown Beaver Dress. '
" Blue Beaver ' ''
; Black Diagonal "
" Gray Chinchilla
Huntsman Green Melton
" Blue Germania Beaver
; Brown Chinchilla
" Blue Chinchilla "
" New Shade, Satin lined, Dress
Pythian Building,
Comic Valentines, Sentimental Valentines.
Cameo Valentines. Fringe Valentines,
Salin Valentines, Lace Valentines,
Plush Valentines.
J. Pilger's Stock Commences
Friday, Feb. 13th at 9 A. M.
Special Price List: Cloaks and Suits.
50 Ladies' Ready-Mnde Suits, Reduced from 18 to S7.50. Black and Col
ored Ulsters, Marked down from 15 to $5. Ladies' Walking Jackets,
Former Price $10 reduced to $4.50.
The Entire Stock Will be Saeriliced Without Reserve.
d. a. Mcintosh
Keeps constantly on hand a full stock of the best made
In Business Suits and Dress Suits.
Also the largest stock and the newest patterns in
French and American Cassimeres, Worsteds, Cloths,
Scotch and English Tweeds.
Which will be made up to order in the very latest styles and at the lowest prices.
HATS in all the Latest and Standard Shapes.
A. complete line of
Gents' Furnishing Goods.
3D. .. moiittosb:,
The. Leading Clothier, Hatter and Gents' Furnisher. .
at $9.00 for $7.00
at 11.50 " 8.50
at 13.50 " 10.50
atH.OO 11.00
at 14.50 " 11.50
at 16.00 " 12.00
at 16.50 " 12.50
at 18.00 " 14.00
at 18.00 " 14.00
at 20.00 " 16.00
at 22.50 " 17.50
at 25.00 " 20.00
at 25.00 " 20.00
at 30.00 25.00
Astoria, Oregon.
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