C 3 1 U ?hc flatly tomn. ASTORIA, OREGON: TUESDAY. FEIJUrAKY 10. ISC ISSUED EVERY MORNING. (Monday excepted) J. V. HAL.LORAN & COMPANY, riMII.!S!IKi:.S AND ritOl'KIKTOUS, ASTOKIAX UUILDING. - - UASS STREET Terms of Subscription. Served by Carrier, per eel:. ......... 15cts. Sent by Mall, per month GOcts. " " one year ............. .S7.00 Free ol postage to subscribers. CgrAdvcrUscients inserted by tbc 3-ear at the rate of $2 irt square per month. Tran sient advertising fifty cents per square, cacli insertion. IVolIcc To Advertisers. Tin: ASTOitrAX guarantees to its ad vertisers the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia river. Let ns hnvo peace. Tom Merry is going to Europe. The legislature adjourns next week. Regular council meeting this evening The Queen is due from San Francisco this morning. The Columbia is advertised to sail for San Francisco to-day. The Lucayas, Saraca and Chilcnavfcnt to sea Sunday afternoon. The German bark Flora nailed for Cork yesterday afternoon. Circuit oourt meets at ten this morn ing; Judge Smith on the bench. Congressman-elect Hcrrmsu left Rose burg for Washington last Tuesday. The ladies of Cushing Rolief Corps hnve a meeting at their hall this evening. "Waller Robb was stepping high yester day. For t ho reason see another column. C. "W. Lovings. of this city, took charge of tho Oystorvilb public school yester day. C. O. "Walker has taken time by the forelock and finished a noat cottage at Ilwaco. Tickets for the masquerade nl Occiden tal hall next Saturday for sale at Couch Clinton's cigar store. Judge Smith arrived from Portland Inst evening, he exchanging work with Judge Taylor for the timG being. Clark Loughory gives notice this morn ing concerning a little matter of proba blo import to somo men who have T00. Ross Bros, are making preparations to have tho carnival at the .skating rink next Saturday evening a grand success. Captain "White of the lighthouso de partment, is over in Chehahs looking up a suitable site for a now lighthouso on the Chchalis coast. Tho Britsh wooden ship Sorereiyn cleared for Copenhagen yesterday with 05,918 bus, wheat, worth $lG,lttJi7(. The EmbMon clears to-day. The first smelt caught in tho Columbia river this season were yanked from their native lair yesterday. The3 wero fine. Next after smelt come salmon. Tho vote at Salem yesterday was as follews: Jno. Burnett, 32; Hirsch, 28; "Williams, C; George, 2; Keady, :J; Carson, 1: Failing, fi: Waldo, 1: Hare, r.; ab sent 1. Th e council charier bill was reported favorably from the committee on corpora tions in tho state senate yesterday after noon; it is thought that it will come up for a vote to-morrow. The treasury department has created Oregon, Washington territory and Alaska into the Fifteenth district and appointed in charge thereof J. C. Horr as special agent with residence at Port Townsend. Representative Leinenwober of this county was on last Saturday honored by the receipt of 31 votes from his colleagues at tho state capital for the high office of United States Senator, lacking but 15 votes of being elected. T. F. McElroy, an Olympia pioneer, died suddenly in that citj last Thursday. He was editor of tho Oregon City Specta tor in 18T0, and afterwards published the Columbian at Olympia. the first newspa per north of the "Columbia river. It's about time tho British bark Al lahabad from Hong Kong was showing up. Sho was duo here two weeks ago. She has 7,G00 sacks rice, 180 boxes oil, 745 pkgs mdse, and tho consignees are anx iously awaiting nows oi uer arrival. Mrs. Hattie Dennison has been con firmed as register of tho land office at Vancouver. Sirs. Dennison's appoint ment is the first one of tho kind m tho territory, and is fitting congressional recognition of woman's rights in Wash ington. Senator Reed's bill to redistrict tho state into senatorial and representative districts, and provide for more just rep resentation in the matter of senators and representatives, has been indefinitely Eostponed. Reed worked hard for the ill and did all ho could, but it was no go. Capt. Flavel and Col. Taylor, two of our oldest residents, aro building now private residences that will bo ornaments to the city. Time was whon Astoria had not what'might be called a fine building, but of late years several have been erected which would compare favorably with any in tho state. The chamber of commerce mot last evening and discussed the city charter that tho city council prepared and sent to Salem, a copy of which was furnished the chamber by tho city attorney. Tho chamber then appointed a committee to meet a committee from the council to confer relative to the charter. It was reported last evening that the steward of the Wm. D. Seed had sued that vessel in justice GoodelPs court for 25, alleged to be duo him, and that con stable Beasloy, having forcibly procured a chronometer from that vessel, that his bondsmen, Messrs. Kant and Turk had been sued for such forcible procurement, tho case to come up in the circuit court next Thursday. Capt. Pittendrigh, inspector for fisher ies for British Columbia, reports to the New Westminster Columbian that the total catch of fish in the province last year was $G,2i3,2G7, in which $1,485,000 was by Indians for their own ponsump tion. Salmon was the fish principally taken, after which seals come next. The yield for 1884, including the amount esti mated for Indian consumption, shows a decrease of 286,378.32 from tho previous year. A reward of S950, $509 of which was subscribed by Washington county and the remainder by citizens, is offered for the arrest of "Tang" Smith, who mur dered William Johnson at Glencoe not long once. Dr. Linkblator, Johnson's physician, was attacked with blood pois oning while dressing the wound, but saved his arm by a timely application of nitrate of silver. George Campbell, of Hillsboro. also has a sore finger from dressing Johnson's wound. The state agricultural college associa tion have filed articles of incorporation in the office of the secretary of staufcat Salens. Judge John Burnett, J. R. Bry son, M. S. Woodcock, JE. A. Horning, M. Jacobs, D. Carlile. T. J. Buford. Ander son Avery and J. B. Lee are the incor porators. The capital stock of the con cern is $30,000, divided into shares of 109 oach. The object of tho corporation is to construct a building near Corvallis to b6 used as an agricultural college, to be run under the auspices of tho state. Portland has had two lobbies in the legislature for the last three weeks, one representing the board of trade of that city, and trying to get a charter passed that that body endorses; tho other repre senting the Portland city council, and working like all get out to get a charter through that tho city council endorses. Tho Portland papers think that it is an even bet that neither charter gets through, and that Portland will have to wag along as best she can under its pres ent charter. That would, indeed, be sad. The people of Washington ovidently understand that an inauguration only occurs once in four years. A glance at the advertising columns of tho daily newspapers indicates that almost every body who has a room or window on the the line of march from the capitol to the White house is willing to rent it. Out of a score of advertisements tho lowest price for single windows is $10, or two for $15. The highest prico asked is $60 per window. The average is from $20 to $30. One person near Ninth street offers to rent forty seats at $5 each. The most exorbitant rentals are at the intersection of Fifteenth street and tho avenue. Thirty dollars is the very lowest asked for a fourth-story window, tho prices in creasing from that to $50 according to location. TO HE IIANCEK NEXT FRIDAY. J. W. Murray, the condemned Portland murderer, chatted freely with a Xacs re porter through the wicket last Sunday, and pointing to the death watch said: "They have me cooped up pretty tight at last. A barber shaved mo to-day, but I did not let him finish it because he hurt me so with his dull razor. They wero afraid to let me shave myself, yoH know why; but pshew, I wouldn't do anything like that. My wife sent mo word through a friond of hers, that sho was sorry for tho trouble she caused me, and that it was all the fault of listening to outside talk. She says sho bitterly regrets tho past and wishes she could undo it. Sho comes to her senses at a late day, doesn't she? You know what trouble a woman can make for a man when he's married to her. She can make his homo a hell or a paradise. I never had a day's luck since I married her. Well, I married her be cause she took care of me when I was sick, and I thought an awful lot of her. Sho was very young and I gave her too much her own way. I let her buy every thing she wanted. I went round in old clothes. Stories came to mo and I im agined that everybody know I was a dis graced man. I thought people pointed me out on tho streets. When I looked at my little child it made mo crazy. I can see that these ideas were foolish now. but I couldn t then. But I tell you it works a man up who is a man to have stories ding-donged into his ears week after week. I made up my mind to clear up my debts and leave this place, and was going to as soon as I had done so. That morning I intended to go hunting doyn tho river. If I had only drank three or four drinks more I would have gone to sleep and forgotten all about it. But I didn't, and here I urn in this awful position.' Violation or Law. The Lucayas slipped seaward bound for a foreign shore last Sunday without depositing in tho Astoria custom house a copy of her manifest, thus violating the statutes of the United States for such cases made and provided. In so doing tho captain has laid himself liable to a fine of $100. This is the second time the haughty Briton has ignored Colum bia's laws in this port. On February 7, 1832, Captain Dick in the Scringpatam, wheat-laden for Cork, went boldly forth across Columbia's bar without any evi dence that there was any such place as Astoria, or that there was any such cus tom district as tho Oregon district. Shall such contumoly be borne! Perish tho thought! The next breeze that sweeps from tho cast mav brine to our ears the clash of rosounding arms. Columbia cannot sit idly by and see her maritime laws trampled under foot. It isn't the hundred dellars: it's the principle of tho thin". (That's what a man said yester day when asked why ho didn't pay his city taxes. ) Let no bold Englishman think that his nation can for tho third time insult with impunity these thirty eight states, ten territories and one dis trict. We'll have a revenue cutter and fitter out here and demand tho manifests at tho mouth of the cannon. Let the English lion beware! Fastest Ktcrnn heeler Afloat. Capt. TJ. B. Scott's new steamer, the Telephone, took a trial trip yesterday not the final trial trip, but simply to test the boilers and machinery for the builders, the Willamette Iron Works. She made tho trip from here to Vancou ver, eighteen miles, in 59 minutes the fastest time it is believed, on record and sho was working half stroke, turning her wheel twenty-three revolutions per miiy ute. With full power sho can make twenty-eight revolutions per minute. She had about a three and one-half mile current with her in the Willamette and about a two mile current against her in the Columbia. Tho return trip was made in one hour and six minutes. Her hydraulic steering apparatus worked per fectly, and sho turned around in front of tho city in what seemed from tho shore to bo little more than her own length. Mr. John Gates thinks sho is the fastest stern-wheel boat ever built. It is ex pected that she will be able to steam nineteen miles an hour in dead water. Sunday Orcyonian. Mrs. M. Klipstein, wife of E. W. Klip stein, so lately prostrated by a severe attack of illness, has so far recovered; that unless a relapse should take place, she will be enabled to receive to-day and on next Saturday, Iter many friends and acquaintances whose generously offered their aid and assistance to re here her in her great sufferings and agonies but whose services by strick orders of her attending physician had to be unavoidably declined at those critical periods. Valentines. Dude Valentines, Comic Valentines, Sentimental YalentmeSj Novelty Val entines, Fringed Valentines, Lace Val entines, Plush Valentines, Satchet Val entinos, at Carl Adler's Crystal Palace. Headquarters Tor Valentines At Carl Adler's. Cemic: sentimental: fine: call and take a look at them. Private card rooms at JefFs new sa loon "The Telephone." TIIE SENATORIAL SITUATION. This is the way it looked, at Salem on Sunday to a correspondent of tho Xacs: It was generally expected that when Hirsch passed the line and had Republi can votes enough to amount to a caucus nomination, there would be a break for him. and that some of his strong support would move up to him in a way to put him through by express; but this was not done, and unless it is done on Monday or Tuesdny it will set back the leading Re publican in the race. Some of them have not kept faith with him, though they yet have time enough left to do so. Wh'at there is of the Failing strength will blossom like tho rose this week, and tho Failing managers will do as well as they can here in Salem with no Casino to help along. The faithful four Bourne, Riddle, Lee and Therkolson will not voto by themselves many days longer if all the plans work, and it is hinted that tho speaker, who has been dodging around among the candidates who are harmlessly mentioned each day, is not inclined to think any less of a man because ho is a rich banker. What will be done in Portland over Sunday I can not guess, though I suspect that Hirsch will be slyly pushed aside for Failing in somo secret meetings. It is a strange, selfish world, and when you meet a man you can never be sure as to whether he is telling the truth or lying on occasions like this. There are frank glances and suspicious glances, and everybody goes along full of some secret thought. It reminds mo of the poem by Bayard Tay lor, who describes the English soldiers on the evening before the battle of Bala klava, as they sat around their camp fires and each thought of some dear English girl, while "all sang Annio Laurie." Up here at Salem all aro thinking of somo possible candidate to suddenly jump over to while each votes for Kelsey, or Hare or Applegate, or some othor impossibility. George H. Williams has come to the conclusion that he has small chance of being elected, and Hill is by no means so confident A3 he was. He thought ho could como up like a roaring steer from eastern Oregon, and fill tho bill for all who wanted a candidate without going to Portland for him. Full of this idea ho-Ioaned his votes to Hare one day, to make the Hare men feel good; but after running with the Hares lie found it not so easy to get back the hounds as he had hoped and expected. On the whole, the Hill candidacy is a queer one. To-day it looks formidable, and every one is talk ing about the genuine ability of Lair Hill; to-morrow you will hear somo scoffer wonder how Republicans can think for p moment of elevating a man who tried, for money, to tear tho party down a few vears ago. As for Hare, and Kelsej, and Boise (when he was .in) they represent the anti-monopoly, no money, granger, people's candidate, phase of the situa tion. They are anti-Hirsch, anti-Failing, still more, and anti everything that smacks of individual wealth or corporato power. It is a fact, hanging safely up all by itself, that these anti-monopoly and anti-power will certainly turn at any moment to a man of tho people like Mitchell, and, egad! they may do so yet in spite of everybody. There is no or ganization; there are no managers; there is none of tho running about and whis pering that goes along with the "man aged candidates. Perhaps the others are too much managed. Even those who pretend to have no ono on the ground aro very much favored by men on the ground who have not two bits of their own to keep them in Salem. It is at tho same time a mystery and an open book. Of late there has been some pretty broad gossip concerning money. It is said that there is a fund of $40,000 ready to pay for Republican votes to elect a Democratic senator, and perhaps the on ly reason why somo Republicans, dis gusted at tho way the joint convention is fooling along, are not inclined to "flop over," is the fact that they would surely be suspected of getting some of the ru mored $40,000. Minority men can always go honorably to the best man of tho ma jority candidate, but when majority men deliberately go over to help elect a minor ity candidate, then tb63' might as well take bribes, if there are any going, for they will always bear tho name of having done so. The Democrats left home with no idea of electing one of their own party to the senate, and with a pretty well defined idea in each instance of which, among possible ltepublican candidates, their Democratic constituents would prcfor that they should vote for. This well understood choice was, in no instance, it is fair to say, either of the candidates now before the legislature. Bticlilcn'.s Arnica Salvo. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores,U!ccr.s, Salt Rliuuni, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands. Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by W. E. Dement & Co. StlCCebS. Thesalc of Syrup of Figs is simply immense Everyone is taking it, and all admit that it is the best medicine ever used. Children cry for it on account of its pleasant taste and grown people who have used it once never take any thing else. Unlike other remedies for biliousness and constipation it never loses its power to act. and it always leaves the organs on which it acts strong er than before. Besides, one feels fresh and bright and realizes that it is Nat ure's own true laxative. W. E.Demcnt & Co. are agents for Astoria, Oregon. A Hoarding House To Let Furnished complete, near the O. R. & N. Company's dock. Terms reasonable. Inquire at Foari & Stokes. TIic Telephone. Jeff's new saloon, the "Telephone,'' is now open. It is new all through; the building is new, the furniture and fittings are new and of elegant finish and the proprietor has put in some new ideas that will commend them selves to the patrons of the Tele phone. Jiverytning about tnc place is first class, the wines and liquors of the best, and Jeff will excrthimself to make it pleasant for anyone who calls. He has put up and finely furnished a first class establishment and no cosier place can be found in the city in which to meet a menu or join in a social glass. For a Seat Fitting Boot Or Shoe, go to T. J. Goodmans, on Che namus street, next door to I. V. Case All goods of the best make and guaran teed quality. A full stock; new goods constantly arriving. Custom worlr. ISoticc. The complete fittings and furniture belonging to the establishment of Ros coe Dixon will be sold at private sale in whole or in part Any person wishing to purchase will obta in full particulars by application to S. HAimis, Assignee. Astoria, Oregon, Feb. Gth, 1SS3. One of the finest billiard tables on the coast at Jeffs "Telphone." T0ST.VL NOTES. Some Interesting and Valuable Informal Ion Tor the O'eneral Public. Books, pamphlets aud music can be sent at third-class rates. A letter-press copy-book, with copies of letters written therein, is first-class matter. Clothing is classed as merchandise, and can bo mailed only at tho rate of one cent an ounce. Insurance policies, whether canceled or not, are first-clas3 matter, if they contain any writing. Wedding cake can only n mailed when packed in a tin or wooden box. Confectioneries the same. Send no cash money by mail. It is' much safer and chcapar in tho long run I to buv a monev order or postal note. Matter inclosed in a scaled envelope, though the corners may be cut or the ends notched, is subject to letter rates. Liquids, poisons, explosives and in flammable articles are not received for mailing, no matter how carefully wrapped. Albums, photographic and autographic, are classed as merchandise, and postage is charged at tho rate of one cent an ounce. Animals, reptiles, live or dead (not stuffed insects, except queen bees, when safely secured) aro excluded from the mails. If you wanted to send a suit of clothes by mail which weighed six pounds, you would have to make two packages of it. Samples of ores, metals, minerals, seeds, cuttings, bulbs, nuts, etc., aro also classed as merchandise, and postage charged at ono cent an ounce. Letter-heads, bill-heads and envelopes, blank or printed, aro charged as mer chandise, and postago must bo paid at the rato of one cent an ounce. . Nothing is received for mailing that weighs over four pounds, except in case of a single book, as, for example, a bible or dictionary or history. A postal card is not mailable with any writing or printing on the address side except the address, nor with anything pasted or pinned to the other sido. Every business man should use return request envelopes in all his correspond ence. If every body used them tho dead letter ofiico would soon wind up its busi ness. Tho dead letter office is a monument to tho carelessness and stupidity of the American people. Tho average number of letters received there daily is about 15,000. Don't forget that all parcels deposited for mailing must be so wrapped that thoy can bo examined without destroying the wrapper; otherwise letter rates of postage uro charged. Third and fourth-class matter can bo mailed in the same package, providing it does not exceed four pounds in weight, but it subjects the entire package to fourth-class rates. Ribbon, pocket handkerchiefs, gloves, neckties, laces, embroideries, dress pat terns, corsets, samples of calico and silks and hosiery aro rated as fourth-class, and postage is charged at one cent an ounce. In making a present of a book, it is permissible- to write an inscription or dedication upon tho cover or one of the blank leaves, but it must not contain anything that partakes of personal cor respondence. Written visiting cards ara regarded as first-class matter, and subject to letter rates. If printed, they can bo sent at rate of one cent for each two ounces; that is, if the card is of an embellished design. Third-clas3 matter embraces such arti cles as books, pamphlets, circulars, en gravings, lithographs, newspapers, maga zines, and all matter of the same goneral character, and postago is charged at the rate of one cent for each two ounces or fraction thereof. A tax bill, a receipt, an abstract of title, a power of attorney, a promissory note, a mortgage, a draft or check, can celed checks, coupons, an invoice bill, a bank note, or any document with writing upon it, is subject to letter rates. In sending one, two, three or four arti cles of the fourth class, or, in fact, any number of articles up to four pounds, you can indicate on such package the names of the articles inclosed. Yon can also write upon or attach to any such articles, by tag or label, a mark or num ber, name or letter, for purpose of identi fication. Photographers' photographic or stere optic views, reproduction by solar process, envelopes (printed or plain), letter heads, bill heads, blank cards, business cards, visiting or playing cards, tags, labels, paper sacks, wrapping paper, card board, and ornamental paper are all classed as merchandise, and postago is charged at ono cent an ounce. How He Delivered the Hall A New York letter- carrier, arrested for his misdeed, was found to have cot rid of his letters by dumping a good many of them in a heap behind an old cmnincy. imagine me contu sion among the people on his route! Such confusion arises in tho human system when the liver fails to make a proper distribution of bile. Every thing becomes clogged, and there is a general breaking down. Brown's Iron Bitters arrests the mischief, and puts the liver in good working order. Yonr druggist has it AFLOAT. In tho steamer, oh, my darling! When the foghorns scream and blow, And tho footsteps of tho steward Softly come and softly go; When the passengers are groaning With a deepnnd sincere woe, Will you think of mo and love me As you did not long ago. In tho cabin, oh, my darling! Think not bitterly of me, Tho' I rushed away and left you In the middle of our tea, I was seized with sudden longing To gaze on tho deep blue sea: It was best to leave you then, dear! Best for you and best for me. Don't Give Up Yet. It doesn't follow that a patient will die because the doctors have "given him up,1 or that he will recover because they promise to "null him through."' It is never to late to try the great virtues of Parker's Tonic ilr. Michael Guil foy!e,of Binghamton,X. Yn was cured of'Illieumatism by it after ten years of unspeakable suffering. Mr. It. W. Mbsher, druggist, of same city, certifies that he has sold over a thousand bottles of Parker's Tonic through its reputa tion for this and other cures. WHAT! Do You Think that Jcfr of The Chop House Gives you a meal for nothing, and a glass of something to drink? "Xot much V7 but he gives a better meal and more of it than anyplace in town for 23 cents. He buys by the wholesale and pays cash. "That settles it' For Dinner Parties to order, at short notice, go to Frank h aore's. Test Tour BaMBg Fowfler To-Day ! Brands adrcrtlscd as absolutely pnro THE TEST: ne & can top down on a hot ttovo twill r a tod, then remoro the corerand smell. Achcm lt trill not bo required to detect tho prcsesco oi .Ammonia. WW DOES SOT CONTAIN AMMONIA. Iu Ilriitirakru Ri NEVER Beta QnnUootd. lnarjilllonbomcsfor&qasrtcrof&ccatKrj- it bis i tood tlie consumer's reliable test, THE TEST OF THE OVEN, Price Baking Powder Co., Dr. Price's Special Flavoring Extracts, The strongest, most delicious and natural flavor tnown , and Dr. Price's Lupulin Yeast Gems Kor Light, Healthy liread.TheBest Dry Hop Yeast 1 a tho world. FOR SALE BY GROCERS, CHICACO. - ST. LOUISp ight Healthy Bread. Tho oost dry hop yoast in tho world. Bread raised by this yeast is light.whlta and wholesome like our grandmother's delicious bread. CROCERS SELL THEM. PREPARED BY TM Price Baking Powder Co., KanTrs ol Br. Price's social FteTonns Extracis, Chicago, ill. St. Louis, Mo Forsa'.e by Cuttixg.Mkklk & Co.. Agents Portland, Oregon The prospects of an American ex hibition in London next year are said to be so good as to bo absolntoly assured. Of Course You Want A nice valentine for next Saturday. The place to buy it is at Carl Adler's Crystal Palace. At Carl Adler's. Is the finest stock of valentines in As toria. Hot T.uucli, at tho Telephone Saloon From 11 to 2 every day. A fine lunch with drink or cigar. 2."i rents. No charge after two o'clock, Jkff. Announcement. .lames Y. Ilixson. representing the popular merchant tailoring house of Gordon Uros., San Francisco, has ar rived with a full line of samples of goods for gentlemen's wear for the pres ent and coming season, and can he found at the Occident hotel for a few days. Those wishing first-class custom clothing will do well to give him a call. He is the only scientific, practical cut ter who has taken tiirce diplomas and first prizes in the principal cities of the east tor correct measuring, skillful la bor and perfect fit, who is soliciting orders. Open Again. J. G. Charters' Palace Baths. First class fittings. Only 2."i cents. Private bathing apartments for ladies. Does not make any second-class Pic tures at his New Gallery, Xo. 01X, on the Headway. FrcHli Eoatern anil Shoalivater Hay Oysters Constantly on hand, cooked to any style at Frank Fabrc's. At Frank Fabrc's. Board for 22.30 a month. The best in the city. Dinner from 5 to 7. SjTsip of Figs. Nature's own true Laxative. Pleas ant to the palate, acceptable to the Stom ach, harmless in its nature, painless in its action. Cures habitual Constipation, Biliousness, Indigestion and kindred ills. Cleanses the system, purifies the blood, regulates the Liver and acts on the Bowels. Breaks up Colds, Chills and Fever, etc. Strengthens the organs on which it acts. Better than bitter, nauseous Liver medicines, pills, salts and draughts. Sample bottles fre'e, and large bottles for sale by YV. E. Dement & Co., Astoria, Furnished Rooms To I.ct. Apply to Mns. Muxsox. The Rev. Geo. II. Thayer, of Bour bon, Ind.. says: "Both myself and wife owe our lives to Silicon's Coxsuiiptio.v Cuhe." Sold by W. E. Demean Croup, Whooping Couch and Bron chitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. Sold by W. E. Dement. For lame Back, Side or Cnesc use Shiloh's Porous Plaster, Price 25-cents. For sale by W. E. Dement. All the patent medicines advertised in this paper, together with the choicest perfumery, and toilet articles, etc-can be bought at the lowest prices, at J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite OeMden hctel, Astoria. Gray sells Sackett Bros.' Al sawed cedar shingles A full 31 guaranteed in each bunch. A Nasal Injector free with each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy Price 50 cents. Sold by YV. E. Dement For Dyspepsia andLivcr Complaint, you have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizer. - It never falls to cure. Sold by W. E. Dement Buy your Lime of Gray at Portland prices. L BHHHHHnHHnHHmBHt laHanMHHMmMBMHaBBHM U. I SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT ! A tat Miction Sale In Men's OVERCOATS tut On account of an overstock in these goods I shall offer for cash, during the next 30 days, the following lines regardless of cest: Men's Mixed Cassimere Overcoats. " Blue Chinchilla : " Gray Mixed Reversible li California Doeskin s; " Heavy Chinchilla " " Brown Beaver Dress J " Blue Beaver ,k " " Black Diagonal " " Gray Chinchilla Huntsman Green Melton Blue Germania Beaver Brown Chinchilla ' Blue Chinchilla " New Shade, Satin lined, JkLl Pythian Building, . KvSW P TV Dflfi w ui i i uuu HEADQUARTERS FOR Comic Valentines, Sentimental Valentines. Cameo Valentines. Fringe Valentines, Salin Valentines, Lace Valentines, Plnsli Valentines. ALL STYLES AND PRICES. GRIFFIN & REED. $67,000,000 Capital ! Liverpool and London and Globe. North British and Mercantile Of London and Edinburgh. Old Connecticut of Hartford, AST) COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA Fire Insurance Companies, Representing a Capital or $67,000 OOO. B. VAN DUSEN. Asent. D. A. MclNTOSH Keeps constantly on hand a full stock of the best made READY-MADE In Business Suits and Dress Suits. Also the largest stock and the newest patterns In French, and American Cassimeres, "Worsteds, Cloths, Scotch, and English Tweeds. Which will be made up to order in the very latest styles and at the lowest prices. FIT GUARANTEED. HATS in all the Latest and Standard Shapes. A. complete line of Gents' Furnishing Goods. The Leading Clothier, Hatter and Gents' Furnisher. COOPER'S at $9.00 for $7.00 at 11.50 " 8.50 at 13,50 " 10.50 at 14.00 " 11.00 at 14.50 " 11.50 at 16.00 " 12.00 at 16.50 " 12.50 at 18.00 " 14.00 at 18.00 " 14.00 at 20.00 " 16.00 at 22.50 " 17.50 at 25.00 " 20.00 at 25.00 " 20.00 Dress at 30.00 " 25.00 Astoria, Oregon. K STORE '' GERMANIA BEER HALL AND BOTTLED BEEE DEPOT, Chcnamus Street, Astoria. The Best of Lager 5 Cts. a Glass. Orders for the Celebrated Columbia Brewery Beer Left at this place will be promptly attended to BNo cheap San Francisco Beer sold at this place. "War. BOCK, Proprietor. CLOTHING