The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, February 08, 1885, Image 3

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tTItc Jtotttj stOOTtt,
(Monday excepted)
rur.i.isimns axi i'koi'kiktoks,
Terms orSutrcriilion.
Served Ijv Carrier, per week. .... 15cts.
Sent by Mail, per month COcts.
" " one year -S7.00
Free of postage to subscribers.
tsy-Advcrtiscmcnts inserted by the year at
tbe nite of $2 per square per month. Tran
sient advertising fifty cents per square, each
JYotice To Advertisers.
Trm AStorian guarantees to its ad
vertisers the largest circulation of any
newspaper published on the Columbia
Carl Adler's crystal palace is head
quarters for valentines.
ltev. "V. S. Hamlin officiates at the
Congregational church to-day.
Regular services this morning and
evening in Grace church to-day.
The Oregon started down yesterday to
Ft. Stevens and will cross out to-day.
The Canby minstrels of Ihvaco are go
ing to give a first-class performance on
the 21st inst.
Hermann Wise, at "Uncle Sam's cor
ner" advertises a great reduetion in
clothing, hats, furnishing goods, etc.
Call and C him.
The United States telegraph line near
Scarborough head is to be moved back
from the beach to prevent its being
washed away by the spring tides.
The San Pablo, about whoso arrival
thero has been so much anxiety, arrived
at Yokohama last Thursday. She was
out of coal and had burned part of her
Foard & Stokes have added a new de
partment to their extensive business and
have now a largo stock of ship material
on hand which they will sell at bottom
figures. See adv't.
A death watch has been placed over J.
W. Murray in tho Portland jail, who will
be hanged next Friday for the murder of
Alfred Ycnkc, unless Gov. Moody com
mutes his sentence to imprisonment for
Tho Oregonian is doing good work in
holding up to public detestation that rid
iculous law which allows a deduction of
indebtedness and makes it profitable for
a man in this state to be in debt or
swear that he is.
Judge Dcady has decided that tho city
of Portland, though empowered to "li
cense and regulate laundries." has not
tho power to impose a f eo of 5 per quar
tor, as that sum is more than necessary
to meet the cost of issuing liconces and
therefore becomes a tax for raising reve
nue. The channel cat through Sand island
a few weoks ago is washing away in the
vicinity of tho Great Republic wreck.
The hugo walking beam which for six
years has loomed up in ghastly remem
brance of tho disaster sank into the sand
last Thursday and can now only be seen
at extreme low tide.
The British barks Montgomery Castle
previously reported, and the Kinclunc,
4 18, Caithness master, 53 days from Cal
lao; and the British ship Chipman, "Wil
liams master, lit days from San Pedro,
arrived in yesterday. The German bark
Flora cleared for Queenstown with 52,943
bus. wheat, worth 38,917.
Under tho most adverse circumstances
the proprietor of the Portland News has
made that journal a first-clas3 newspaper
and in saying that its news items are of
ten transferred to these columns without
hesitation as to their authenticity, we
pay it as high a compliment as it is pos
sible for a careful newspaper to bestow
upon a contemporary.
The "Historic pioture," to which Mrs.
A. S. Duniway has devoted so much timo
during tho past year, has been completed
by tho Chicago" lithographers, and ad
vance copies were received on tho 1st inst.
It represents the "Coronation of "Woman
hood" under the watchful ejes of "Wash
ington, Lincoln, Garfield and Baker, with
the portraits underneath of three hun
dred men and women who have contrib
uted to tho advancement of the woman
suffrage cause in the PaciGc northwest.
It is 26x42 inches, neatly designed, and
finely lithographed, and is certainly a
magnificent picture. It is expected that
all subscribers to it can be supplied with
in the next ten days or two weeks. A
copy, handsomely f raiued, was presented
to tho state senate on Tuesday by Mr.
Siglin on behalf of the Oregon woman
suffrage association, and accepted with a
vote of thanks.
Ed. Astekian:
In the general excitement and scramble
to rush into print about the city charter
amendments, ect.. it seems to me that
matters of as much and possibly more
importance are being overlooked for in
stance the condition of Cedar street.
"When Mr. Hennessy's street railway
scheme collapsed some timo ago the work
of preparing tho street above named for
the track was partly done only, and since
that time nothing has been done. The
street is in a dangerous condition, be
sides being too narrow as it now is to ac
commodate the traffic with its present
volume, to say nothing of the great in
crease which tho opening of the spring
trade will make. Would it not bo well
for tho city council hy ordinance to ap
propriate ajsufflcient sum to finish the
work as far as .tho street is cut in the
manner begun by Mr. Hennessy's en
gineer. This could be done probably as
cheaply by the city as it could by a "rail
way company, and should bo done on the
condition that the city be reimbursed by
whoever builds the street railway a work
which will no doubt be done as soon as
necessary preliminaries can bo arranged
in the way of "gettiufi a new franchise at
least so I understand.
Certainly something in tho way of im
proving tho street ought to be done and
that, too, right away, and tho above is
respectfully submitted as one way by
which the end can be attained and with
out cost (except for a short timo) to tho
city. If any one else will suggest a bet
ter plan wo will "acknowledge tho corn,"
but something ought to be done.
Very truly, Astoxia.
Dude Valentines, Comic Valentines,
Sentimental Valcntincst Novelty Val
entines, Fringed Valentines, Lace al
entlnes. Plush Valentines, Satchel Val
entines, at Carl Adler's Crystal Palace.
Headquarters for Valentines
At Carl Adler's. Cemic: sentimental:
fine: call and take a look at them.
Private card rooms at JefFs new sa
Joon "The Telephone.5
Pierre Bronsdon Has Secured the Franchise.
The fourth act in tho play of "The As
toria Street Railway; or, tho Connecting
Link: A talo of Scow Bay," is now on
the stage, some of tho actors being in
San Francisco and some in Astoria.
The curtain rose on the present comedy
last summer when the Astoria street rail
way company was organized, and after a
brief existence sold its franchise or its
rights whatever they were to F. P. Hen
nessy, a pleasant spoken gentlGman from
across the sea, who, with his "associates,"
constituted the company that purely as a
matter of benevolence was going to build a
street railway from upper town down the
roadway and Squemoqua street and out
Concomly to Trullinger's mill and from
there the Lord knows where. The evi
dent inability on Mr. Hennessy's part to
make his promises and performances con
nect in a manner satisfactory to those who
took stock in him, caused tbe scheme to
collapse, and nothing remains in Astoria
to remind one of the existence of Mr. H.
bei'ond a fragrant memory, an uptorn
roadway and sundry book accounts
wherein tho debits outvote the credits.
Among others who took hold in good
faith was Pierre Bronsdon, a man of con
siderable experience and the builder of
the Portland street railway. After work
ing a month for nothing and paying his
board, ho returned to the metropolis and
a short timo ago "went belov. "What
means he used to coax the coy "Mr. Hen
uessy to surrender or make over the
franchise is not to be profaned by publi publi
cateon: a telegram received last evening
says: "Have secured tho franchise in my
own name. P. Broksdok.'"
A company was recently formed here
to put the road throng and place it in
operation this season. The question
of the forfeiture of the franchise comes
up next Tuesday night. It is the opinion
of those who by virtue of 'their positions
ought to know that tho city cannot for
feit the franchise. Just how tho play is
going to end is hard to tell. Tho fifth
act will be "on" next Tuesday night when
fnrther developments may be looked for.
AsToniA, Feb. , lS&J.
Editok Astebian:
For tho information of Mr. J. G. Char
ters, chief engineer of tho Astoria fire de
partment, and others concerned I will
state that Benton street has nover been
opened farther toward the river than tho
north line of Concomly street. Several
years a5o I applied (o tho city council
and received porraission to build a wharf
in front of lots 1 and 2, block 8, and also
to build tho cast half of Benton strept
adjoining said .property, which street
cost me 331.70. Tho parties owning the
opposite properly adjoining tho west half
of Benton street have never built any
street. I now have and always havo had
on my wharf not less than two traps,
where a fire engine can get water, that I
cut and prepared at my own expense,
and always intend to keep an opening to
tho front of the wharf sufficient for an
engine to get there to take water. That
half of Benton street and mv wharf was
built and paid for by me. I would call
the attention of tho chief engineer and
others in authority (who have soveral
times expressed their minds quito freely
about what I should do), to the shameful
condition of Main street from ono end to
tho other; to tho end of Cass etreet, half
tho time blockaded with wood or lumber;
to the crossings at tho ends of Hamilton,
Olney, "West Ninth; the crossing at the
intersection of "Water and "West Sixth
streets. These crossings have been paid
for out of the city treasury but are prin
cipally used by one or two pets and
blockaded at their pleasure.
Mr. Charters is quite right about the
great value of a few moments' time at
tbe commencement of a fire, and if our
model city council would expend the ex
tra ono or two thousand dollars yearly
paid their superior city officials, in build
ing one or two cisterns, our city would
have much better protection and the fire
companies can locate their engines at any
stage of tide without getting the suction
full of mud, then up suction and move
engino and lino of hose, besides running
away from tho fire and laying the hose
back over the samo route, as was the case
at the fire on the evening of the 3rd.
very respectfully,
J. H. D. Gray.
Of Course You Want
A nice valentine for next Saturday.
The place to buy it is at Carl Adler's
Crystal Palace.
At Carl Adlcr'is,
Is the finest stock ot valentines in As
toria. Hot lamcli. at the Telephone
From 11 to 2 every day.
A fine lunch with drink or cigar, 25
No charge after two o'clock,
James P. Hixson, Tepresenting the
popular merchant tailoring house of
Gordon Bros., San Francisco, has ar
rived with a full line of samples of
goods for gentlemen's wear for the pres
ent and coming season, and can he
found at the Occident hotel for a few
days. Those wishing first-class custom
clothing will do well to give him a call.
lie is tnc only scientiuc, practical cut
ter who has taken three diplomas and
first prizes in the principal cities of the
cast for correct measuring, skillful la
bor and perfect fit, who is soliciting
A Boarding' House To Let
Furnished complete, near the O. It. &
N. Company's dock. Terms reasonable.
Inquire at Foarl & Stokes.
The Telephone.
Jeffs new saloon, the "Telephone,1 is
now open. It is new all through;
the building is new, the furniture
and fittings arc new and of elegant finish
and the proprietor has put in some
new ideas that will commend them
selves to the patrons of the Tele
phone, .brcry thing about tnc place is
first class, the wines and liquors of the
best, and Jeff will exert himself to make
it pleasant for anyone who calls. He
has put up and finely furnished a first
class establishment and no cosier place
oan be found in the city in which to
meet a friend or join in a social glass.
For a Neat Fitting Boot
Or Shoe, go to P.J. Goodmans, on Che
namus street, next door to I. W. Case.
All goods of the best make and guaran
teed quality. A full stock; new goods
constantly arriving. Custom work.
At FranU: Fahrc's.
Board for S22.50 a month. The best
in the city. Dinner from 5 to 7.
Exoneration or Capt. Paynton From All
A court of inquiry into tho cause3
which occasioned tho recent fatality on
board the British bark Embleton, was
held here last Monday and Tuesday be
fore Mr. P. L. Cherry, British vice-consul
at this port; Capts. Sterling of the
Monmoutlishirc and Sember of tho 2Vr-
shire. It will bo remembered that two
vessels, tho Star of Erin and the Emble
ton both sailed from Acapulco about the
same timo bound for tho Columbia riven
and that the crews of both vessels had a
dreadful experience. Capt. Coulter and
six men on board tho Star of Erin died
of a fever contracted at Acapulco, and
that vessel put into San Francisco; five
of the crew of the Embleton died from
the same distressing cause. Alone and
almost single-handed Capt. Paynton
struggled in a manful effort to minister
to Iho wants of his men and bring his
vessel to the port where she was bound.
Surrounded by the dead and dying, on a
wintry sea, himself suffering from the
same complaint that laid the crew
corpses at his feet he held up with su
perhuman effort, and not till safe in port
did he relax the strain that was as suc
cessful as any effort of mortal man could
be and which has rarely been equaled in
tho history of heroic endurance on this
Having brought his vessel safely into
port he at once loaded for tho port of
discharge to which he now goes, but de
siring to havo a complete inquiry into
charges that had been brought against
him, a naval court of inquiry was con
vened. The official text of the report has been
obtained from Mr. S. S. Smith, clerk of
the court, and is as follews:
"The court finds that the British bark
Embleton left Peuarth with a cargo of
coals for Acapulco; that during that pas
sago tho health of the crew was good;
we find also the cargo was discharged by
the crew without the least help from tho
shore on account of sickness among the
crew; also that tho most of the crew
contracted the Mexican coast fever whilo
in port, medical attendance being had
from the shore, most of the sick being
convalescent when tho ship left port;
that for nearly a month from leaving
Acapulco the weather was mild and
pleasant when no particular hardship
was experienced; that for fifteen days
afterward tho weather was exceedingly
boisterous and bitterly cold; that during
this timo tho deaths and hardships oc
curred." "Tho court finds tho crew contracted the
fever from the unhealthy port aggra
vated by the excessive heat, use of fruit
and the sleeping of tho crew on deck,
this ngainst the master's orders. They
having to discharge the coals, kept the
men so dirty that they made no great
effort afterward to keep themselves
"During the fine mild weather experi
enced on leaving Acapulco the master
should in our opinion havo taken greater
precaution in getting the men into a
stronger condition by strict discipline in
seeing that tho crew kept themselves per
sonally clean and more attention shown
to their food so that they might gain
strength by it as he should havo reason
ably expected to have to encounter
stormy weather in such a high latitude
as this port."
"That on encountering the cold stormy
weather most of the men in their weak
state, just coming out of warm weather,
succumbed to tbe cold and took to their
bunks, leaving but seven nblo men to
handle the ship, including the master,
mate and steward, that in tho opinion
of tho court that tho so-called brutality
was tho master using his best endeavors
to get some of tho men on the sick list to
come on deck and take some share of tho
of the work so as to reliovo the others.
That we believe this was necessary under
the circumstances, tho ship being "very
short handed and in a critical position.
That in our opinion tho deaths are from
the causes mentioned in the official
"The cook, in our opinion, might with
out great hardship have attended to du
ties in a better manner, as he Was but
slightly ill being ready to be up in a
any or two aner getting into nospitai,
and a great deal of tho neglect in atten
tion during tho cold weather can be at
tributed to him, the steward being fully
employed assisting and doing his duty."
"Tho court has pleasure in returning" the
master, Paul James Paynter, his certifi
cate, exonerating him from blame in the
late disastrous passago from Acapulco to
this port and commending him for his
success in bringing the ship into port
under such trying circumstances.
Tho court also returns the certificate
of Thos. Askew, mate, with a commenda
tion of tho aid given the master."
Capt. Stiblino, 2fonmoullishire.
Capt. Sembeb, Perthshire.
S.S.Ssirrn, Clerk.
It is thought by many that Capt. Payn
ton is entitled to handsomo compensa
tion from the insurance companies.
Though fever stricken and at death's
door, left with but two men and two boys
on a vessel that full handed require"
twenty-two men, he fought tho fever that
was burning his own life away, and with
a steadfastness that deserved tho success
he won, he got safely to this port. Of
the assistance of those at the capo and in
this city mention has heretofore been
made, but simple justice to a brnvo man
demands that Capt. Paynton be given
commendation for the part ho played in
that tremendous drama. To his courapo
and steadfastness the owners are indebted
for the preservation of the vessel.
Buclilcus Arnira Salrc.
Thk Best Sai.vk in the world for
Cuts, Bruises, Sores.Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter. Chanped Hands.
Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Erup
tions, and positively cures Piles, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
? erf ect satisfaction, or money refunded,
rice 25 cents per box. For sale by W.
E. Dement & Co.
Is It Tiot True?
There can be no argument as to the
qualities essential to a perfect remedy
for the ills arising from a disordered or
inactive condition of the Liver, Stomach
and Bowels. Everyone will admit that it
should be perfectly safe for old and
yonng of both sexes, at any and all
times; that it should be acceptable both
to the taste .and the stemach: that it
should never fail to act promptly and
thoroughly, yet painlessly, and it should
give strength to those Organs. It is now
well known that Syrup of Figs possess
es those qualities in a pre-eminent
degree. W.E. Dement & Co. are agents
for Astoria. Oregon.
Does not make any second-class Pic
tures at his "Sew Gallery, No. Gl, on
uio .uuauway.
Fresh Eastern and Shoalwater
Bay Oysters
Constantly on hand, cooked to any style
at Frank Fabre's.
The Leading Woman Journalist of America.
Mrs. Margaret Sullivan, the wife of
Alexander Sullivan. late president of the
Irish land league, is undoubtedly tho
ablest woman journalist America has
produced, considering journalism in the
light of tho varied and universal work of
the daily newspaper. Mrs. Mary Clem
mer, as a correspondent to a weekly
paper, and confining herself usually to
the political world, hardly entered into
compc-tion with the work exacted of n
woman who does her daily work in the
editorial rooms of a daily newspaper.
Mrs. Sullivan is now tho leading writer
on the staff of the Chicago Herald, a
Eaper growing rapidly in power and in
uence. Of her entrance into jour
nalism a correspondent writes:
It was during the fall of 1870, 1 think,
that she came one mornjng to the office
of the Etcniny Post, when I was in charge
during the absence of its editor in Eu
rope. She brought a letter merely iutro
ding her as Miss Margaret Buchanan.
"1 would like a regular position on the
Post," she said.
"There are none,"' I answered. "News
papers properly conducted never have va
cancies. The staff is the result of evolu
tion." "I want to get in the line of evolution."
she suggested.
"What can you do?' I asked.
"Any thing, that needs to be done, I
think." she answered, with a curious com
bination of perfect modesty and utter
"Havo you ever been on a newspaper?"
"No, never; though I Iipvo written a
little for newspapers."
I was amused by her nonchalant ambi
tion, which seemed audacity, and when
she announced that sho was recently from
school in Detroit, I said. "Well, there's a
desk and pens yonder; write what you
Lplease," and turned to my work. She
was 2L or 22 years old, was neatly and
plainly dressed and had a shock of wavy
yellow hair hanging about her shoulders.
In twenty minutes sho brought to mo an
article .headed, "Tho Michigan Schism,'
treating of a serious breach in tho Re
publican party on account of a bolt
against the regular Republican candidate.
It was written with tho off-hand vigor of
an experienced editor and put very con
cisely the salient points of tho case not
before published. It appeared as an edi
torial that samo evening.
Next day sho appaared earlv, smilingly
said: "Good morning," hung up her bon
net and shawl on a convenient nail and
resumed her desk without a word. In
half an hour she brought mean articlo
entitled "The Latest Tariff Dodge,"
treating tho subject from a free-trade
point of view. It was a strong and timo
ly article on pig-iron, and was followed
by others on kindred topics. Sho proved
not only proficient in French Belles-lettres
and acquainted with German, but
she was well up in Latin, Greek and
mathematics, and was a thoughtful stu
dent of those financial and commercial
questions which women seldom touch
Sho could write a belter article on the
silver question, or tho internal revenue,
or our trado with Brazil than on any of
tho questions that ordinarily engross the
attention of women, though she was
thoroughly feminine both in appearance
and character. She stayed on the paper
three years, her salary growing from 12
a week to 45. She manifested an adap
tability, a quickness of perception and
keenness of wit, a wide raugo of informa
tion, the ability to tell with spirit what
sho knew on a given point, and, above
all, u timeliness and readiness that mado
her a valuable workman.
Mrs. Sullivan was for some years dra
matic and musical critic on tho Chicago
Times in its great days, and held at one
timo tho important place of night editor.
No other woman journalist has ever held
so responsible a position on the daily
press. Eastern PajKr.
Professional Exhibitor; of the Elephant.
Standing near tho desk of the Fifth
Avenue hotel a day or two since, I saw
a neatly dressed, gentlemanly man step
up to the clerk and say: "I want to see
tho town and am a stranger stopping
here with you." The clerk without re
plying, turned and whistled for a bell
boy. "CallM ,' said the clerk. In
a moment a large, good looking man, as
well dressed as any gentleman on the
street, appeared. Tho clerk introduced
him to tho gentleman who wanted to see
the sights of the great city, "Whatever
this man does is all right' said tho clerk
to him. "He is our man and ho knows
the ropes.' The two stepped aside, talk
ing in n subdued tone for a moment, and
they parted to meet again later. The
next morning I saw the two men in tho
bar room drinking seltzer water. They
both looked as though they had made
a night of it. All the great hotels keep
good looking, well informed men to show
a stranger around. It is a costly busi
ness to the visitor, but anyone coming
to New York is willing to bo robbed, es
pecially if he is bent on seeing the ele
phant. Philadelphia Xcics.
Wounds are qnickly healed by St.
Jacobs Oil, the best remedy known
to mankind.
Do You Think (hat "Jeff
The Chop Ilouse
Gives you a meal for nothing, and a
glass of something to drink? "Not
much !" but he gives a better meal and
more of it than anyplace in town for
25 cents. He buys by the wholesale and
pays cash. "That settles it."
Nature's own true Laxative. Pleas
ant to the palate, acceptable totlieStom-
acu, Harmless in us uuiurc, painter in
its action. Cures habitual Constipation,
Biliousness, Indigestion and kindred
ills. Cleanses the system, purifies the
blood, regulates the Liver and acts on
the Bowels. Breaks up Colds. Chills
and Fever, etc Strengthens the organs
on which it acts. Better than bitter,
nauseous Liver medicines, pills', salts
and draughts. Sample bottles free, and
large bottles for sale by W. E. Dement
& Co., Astoria.
Furnished Rooms To Let.
Apply to Mrs. Muxsox.
The complete fittings and furniture
belonging to the establishment of Kos
coe Dixon will be sold at private sale in
whole or in part. Any person wishing
to purchase will obta in full particulars
by application to
S. Harris,
Astoria, Oregon, Feb. Gth, 18S5.
Open .tgain.
J. G. charters' Palace Uatlis. First
class fittinss. Only 25 cents. Private
bathing apartments for ladies.
One of Hie finest billiard tables on the
coast at Jeffs "Telpbone.
The FIrnt Iron Ship that Erer Crovfed Colum
bia Rar.
The English bark Montgomery Castle,
arrived in yesterday forty-five days from
Autofogosto. Sho was lately trans
formed into n bark by the removal of
the yards from her mizzenmast, and in
form and general appearance differs little
from the hundred English vessels that
yearly lie hero to load wheat and flour for
the far offEnglish shore. But tho Mont
gomery Castle is of more than passing in
terest to Astorians, for sho is tho first
iron ship that ever entered the Columbia
rivor. It was in the year 1870, and at tho
time she was a wonder. People canio
from Clatsop plains and other parts of
the county, and when she went to Port
land they'thronged from all parts to see
the ship built of iron that had come into
the Columbia river. The exact date of
her entry is not attainable. E. A. Noyes,
the O. It. &N. Co.'s agent, says that he
crossed the bar on July Stb, 1870, and she
was lying here then at what was known as
tho old Pacific dock. Capt. Phil. John
son piloted her to Portland, where she
lay some time, sailing from here, wheat
laden, in December of that year. She
lies in the stream aliovc the city and is an
object of interest.
.Tt.r "crsHnD.
TxinUln, JGcxaon, Qrance, etc, flavor
Cntos, Creams, l'nddlns, fcc, as dell
catcly and naturally as tho fruit from
vlilcu llicy nro made.
1?OT Strength, and True Fruit
Flavor They Stand Alone.
Price Baking Powder Co.,
Chicago, HI, St. Louis, Mo.
uaxer3 cr
Dr. Prioes Cream Baking Pcwdar
Br. Price's Lupulin Yeast Gems.
Ecot Xry Hop YeaaU
The best dry hop yeast in the world.
Bread raised by this yeast is lit;ht.white
and wholesome liko our crandmother'3
delicious bread,
Price Baking Powder Co.,
MTrs ot Dr. Fncs's special Fiaioniiz Extracts,
Chicago, III. St. Louis, Mo.
Forsi'e ly CnTixc.MKm.K & Co., Agents
Portland, Oregon
Send for Your Friends.
To Astoria for S58.00
From Liverpool to Astoria, for Soj 00
For Sale.
J? house with two lots, corner Main and
Seventh streets. For further particulars
apply at The Astokiax ofllce.
Skiff Found
liamsport. It is painted green, with a
yellow border. About 1C feet long one oak
block for rowlock new and unpainted.
Owner can have tho samo by applying at
the old Raymond place and paving charges.
For Rent.
the second and third floors in the cor
ner building on Olney and Squemoqua
Notice To The Public.
i-1 will not be responsible for any debts
contracted by mv wife.
Astoria Dec. 31st, 18S4.
The Rev. Geo. U. Thayer, of Bour
bon, Ind says: "Both myself and wife
owe our lives toSniT.oiffi Consumption'
Cuke." Sold by V. E. Dement.
Croup, Whooping Cough and Bron
chitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's
Cure. Sold by W. E. Dement
For lame Back, Side or cnest use
Shiloh's Porous Plaster, Price 25 cents.
For sale by W. E. Dement.
All the patent medicines advertised
in this paper, together with the choicest
perfumery, and toilet articles, etc can
be bought at the lowest prices, at J. W.
Conn's dniff store, opposite Ociden
hctel, Astoria.
Gray sells Sackett Bros.' Al sawed
cedar shingles A full tf guaranteed in
each bunch.
For Dinner Parties to, order, at short
notice, go to Frank Fabre's.
Buy your Lime of Gray at Portland
A M Miction Sale ii Men's
On account of an overstock in these goods I shall offer for cash,
during the next 30 days, the following lines regardless of cest:
Men's Mixed Cassimere Overcoats, - at $9.00 for $7.00
" Blue Chinchilla " - at 11.50 " 8.50
" Gray "Mixed Reversible - at 13,50 " 10.50
" California Doeskin " - at 14.00 " 11.00
" Heavy Chinchilla " - at 14.50 " 11.50
" Brown Beaver Dress " - at 16.00 " 12.00
" Blue Beaver " ' - at 16.50 " 12.50
Black Diagonal - at 18.00 " 14.00
" Gray Chinchilla - at 18.00 " 14.00
" Huntsman Green Melton - at 20.00" 16.00
Blue Germania Beaver - at 22.50 " 17.50
Brown Chinchilla ' - at 25.00 " 2a00
" Blue Chinchilla " - at 25.00 " 20.00
New Shade, Satin lined,
Pythian Building,
Comic Valentines, Sentimental Valentines.
Cameo Valentines. Fringe Valentines,
Salin Valentines, Lace Valentines,
Plush Valentines.
$67,000,000 Capital !
Liverpool and London and Globe.
North British and mercantile
Of London and Edinburgliv
Old Connecticut of Hartford,
Fire insurance Companies,
Representing a Capital of 867,000 OOO.
B. VAN DUSEN. Aqent.
d. a, Mcintosh
Keeps constantly on hand a full stock of the best made
In Business Suits and Dress Suits.
Also the largest stock and the newest patterns in .
French and American Cassimeres, Worsteds, .Cloths,
Scotch and English Tweeds.
Which will be made up to order in the very latest styles and at the lowest prices.
HATS in all the Latest and Standard Shapes:
A. complete line of
Gents' FurmsMng Goods.
The Leading Clothier, Hatter and Gents' Furnisher.
uuurtn o
ill EMIT !
Dress - at 30.00 25.00
Astoria, Oregon.
Clienamus Street, Astoria.
The Best of Lager 5 Cts. a Glass.
Orders for tile Celebrated
Columbia Brewery Beer
Left at this place will be promptly
attended to
jcb-No cheap San Francisco Beer sold at
this place.
War. BOCK, Proprietor.