n') O'DONOVAX kossa killed. THE .SALKO.V SEASON OF '85. FIFTY TEARS OF LAW SUITS. BIDS FOR GOVERNMENT WORK. ASTOltIA, OREGON: TUESDAY-.. FE1J1UAKY 3, 1885 ISSUED EVERY MORNING. (Monday excepted) J. F. HAL.LORAN & COMPANY, rUDLISHKHS AM VKOrniETOKS, ASTOUIAXBUILDI.NG. - - CASS STREET Terms ofSubscrlption. Served by Carrier, per week .. . 15cts. Sent by Mall, per month GOcts. " " one year- ..........?7.oo Tree or postage to subscribers. ErJ-Advertiseincnts inserted by the year at the rate of 2 per square per month. Tran Ment advertising filtv cents per square, each insertion. 3folice To Advertisers. TnE ASToniAX guarantees to its ad- ertisers the Iarpest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia river. "Wheeler & Kipp have dissolved part nership. See "Michael Strogofr' at Occidental Hill to-night. Circuit court convened again yesterdaj', Judge Taylor on the bench. ltesorved seats for to-night's perform ance at the the New York Novelty Store. The county court was in session yes terday, and resumes its deliberations to day. Gerhard Coleman was yesterday ad judged insane by a board of medical ex perts. Ho will" be taken to Salem to morrow. It would bo a good idea to half-mast the flags to-day in respect to the memory of Mr. C. Jioclliug. one of Astoria's old est and sturdiest pioneers. On the eve of the presidential election last November Messrs. Gra and Kuddook wagered each a gold watcli on tho result of the ballot, and tho vicissitudes that these watches have since passed through in a legal point of view would, if de tailed, be an interesting chapter in tho history of attachments, garnishments, garnishees, garnishees, replevins, writs, claims, recovcrancei, conveyances, pro curements, stays of proceeding5!, levies and various other little legal games. Tho hist stage in the proceedings was reached yesterday morning when Sheriff Ross sold the brace of timopiocos to Sam Harris for SSJi'J. They now adorn the walls of his wigwam. COM.KCTIOX DAY. It was an American of Hibernian de scent that snid that black berries arc always red when thoy aro green. Tho 1st of the month is always collection day in Astoria, and yesterday being the first of the month, on account of the day bo foro being Sunday, a goodly number of gentlemen were out with sacks and bun dles of bills. The same thing occurred last month, when January 1st, though a regular collection day, was not observed on account of it being tho first day of tho year, and collections began on the 2nd. It will be the samo way next month, be cause, as in February, the 1st day of tho month boiug Sunday no well regulated businessannn will start collecting beforo daybreak Monday, March 2nd. Just how it will bo in April depepds: tho salmon season on the Columbia begins that day and prophecy nlwaj'S fails re garding anvthing in Astoria after the 1st of April. Collection day is an honorable cHstom handed down to us from tho past and still perpetuated moro in defer ence to an ancient tradition than for any resultant benefit. On tho 1st of each month, or thereabouts the form of going around from store to office and office to shop is gone through with. It is a pleas ant form of exercise for those who par ticipate in it and is conducive to appetite, especially when tho collector after traversing sixteen blocks has collected enough to pay for a lunch. "JefF' has begun to sot out a lunch hot and free which in this connection, is duly appre ciated for reasons which will suggest themsolves to the fraternity of collectors. The trials of the collector, as related to an Abtoeixn attache yesterday, are nu merous. "Do you know,'' said tho collector, as ho brushed away a tear from his bright, blue eye, "(hat some people act toward a collector as though they thought ho was a sort of inferier: They tell him to come again, when it is just as easy to pay him then as to make him repeat his visit; they say they haven't got the money, when they have; they dispute tho bill, just to gain time and have tho pleasure of deferring payment until another bill is made out; they keep him waiting and snarl at him when he presents his bill as though ho was only made to be snarled at: as though he had down in his bill 'snarling. 2.50,' and that they were afraid they weren't taking snarling enough for the money." 'Then again," said tho collector, as he shifted three or four rolls of twenty-dollar gold pieces from his side to his hip pocket, "peoplo will tell you 'times aro hard.' Now if you can tell mo a surer way to mako what overy body seoms to dread, to bring on hard times than to say it just for an excuse to keep from paying httlo bills, why I'll treat. The way to keep times from getting hard is to keep coin in circulation. Tho ten dollars that I paid you this morning I saw you give to another man who receipted his bill; that ten dollars he paid tho grocer; tho grocer, I know, paid it out right away, and I'll bet you that if that ten dollars was traced through Astoria to-day, it would be found that it paid 200 worth of debts: have a cigar?" and tho collector got into a wagon bound for upper town. It is just possible that somo of what that collector said may be so. A Boarding; House To I.ct Furnished complete, near the O. R. & X. Company's dock. Terms reasonable. Inquire at Foard & Stokes. Temple Lodgrc o. 7, A. F. and A, 21. Regular communication this evening. Important business to be acted upon. A full attendance requested, By order VM. (t. W. Lonnsberry, Secretary. Notice. Members of tho Pioneer and Histori cal Society of Oregon are requested to assemble at Rescue Engine Company's rooms, this day at one o'clock, for the purpose of attending in a body, the fun eral of our late fellow member, Conrad Boelling. E.C.IIOLDG.V, Secretary. Jnst KcccircdL At Carl Adler's", Ogilvie's Popular Read ing, NO. 14; Gray sells Sackett Bros.' Al sawed cedar shingles A full M guaranteed in each bunch. Shot Dead in His Office. SI'KTIAI. TO T1IK ASTOKIAN. New Yoqk, Feb. 2. O'Donovan Rossa, the famous dynamiter, was shot and in stantly killed in his office this afternoon. It was a woman who did it. TJie news has created intense excitement Every expression of opinion is heard in Tegard to the killing. In numorous instances is heard tho remark, ''I'm glad of it." THE EEGUIAR THIKG. Svlem, Feb. 2. The senatorial ballot to-day resulted as follews: Prim, Si; Hirsch, 22: George, 1; G. H. "Williams, 1; Dick "Williams, 1; Hare, 0; Failing, 4; Hill, 7; Bonham, 1: absent, 4: blank, 1. It is now said in some quarters that if Hirsch gets 27 Totes it will have the samo effect as though a Republican caucus had been held and he were the caucus nomi nee. the astobia charted. The chamber of commerce charter amendment if it pass will bo with the property qualification clause stricken out. The council charter is before tho house this afternoon. Its friends have strong hope3 of its carrying. failure. Pobtland, Feb. 2. E. Wineburg, a prominent merchant of this city, failed this morning. THKATKICAL. The Grisnicr-Davios Troupe gave a fine representation of "Monte Cristo' last evening. As "Kdtnond Dantes,' Mr. Grismer looked and acted the part throughout, and in his vicissitudes from imprisonment in the castle d'lf, till his escape and reappearance as tho rich count, tho interest of the audience was kept up throughout. Miss Davies as Mercedes elicited tho warmest com mendation for her able rendition of that character. Tho two leading perform ers were fairly supperted: "jlichael btrogou, the great story on Russian life, from Jules Verne's story of that name, will be nroduced thisevenincr. Mr. Grismer will assume the title role, as originally played by him. The follow ing clipping is from the Unite City Miner: ' 'Michael StrocofP abounds in thrilling situations, strong dialogue, witty repartee, and roaring comedy. Tho auuicuco laugu, weep anu appiana uy turns, at tho discomfiture of tho English newspaper correspondents, tho sufferings ofStrogoff and the heroism of Nadia. Mr. Grismer, as Michael Strogoff. the courier of the czar, with the motto 'For God, for the czar and for my country,' was soldierly, prompt and intrepid. His self-control, self-reliance, and self-sacrifice were well depicted. From tho time the czar dispatches uim from .Moscow across the snow r lad mountains and tho desert plains to Iiku'sk, till his arrival at his destination, after doing battle, be ing taken prisoner by the Tartars, sub ject to tho torture of blinding by tho red hot sword, of walking thousands of miles half starved and threatened by wolves and Tartars, with tho one obpet of serving his master, the czar, he por trayed those qualities out of which Jules Verne created tho character, patience, courage and endurance. Nadia Fedor, an orphan, played by Mis3 Phcebo Davies, was rendered with a just regard for truth and its effects. Her handsome face, her girlish figure and pathetic eyes won moio hearts than Michael StrogofFs for sho was the favorite of all." Death of Conrad Iloellin?. Mr. Conrad Roelling, an old and honor ed resident of this city, died last Sunday evening of paralysis, Ho had had two strokes in tho last year, and a few days before his death expressed tho belief that he would soon have a third which, he bo lieved, would be fatal. Decoased was born in Germany in 1803, and camo to this country in loiy, arriving in Oregon in 1817, and in Astoria in 1819, being a continuous resident of this city for the last imny-bix years, ad me year or nis arrival ho built and fitted up the old"As toria hotel," then on the beach on the present site of tho property corner Main and Concomly streets; this he was pro prietor of for many years, but since his 70th year he relinquished active business life. He leaves a wife and six children, one of his daughters being tho wife of Capt. Geo. Flavel; another married to Capt. Moses Rogers. Mrs. Flavel and her two daughters aro now in San Fran cisco; tho rest of his children and grand children are in this vicinity. Tho funeral will take place from Grace Episcopal church at two o'clock this afternoon. Tho remains will be interred in the cemetery on the hillside. The Telephone VnJer Steam. Captain U. B. Scott's now boat, the Telephone, steamed down tho river Satur day to St. Johns for the double purpose of testing tho machinery and taking on wood. The boat left tho "Washington street wharf at 7:40 a. m. and arrived at St Johns at 8:10, making tho distance in thirty minutes, but ono minuto behind the Fleetwood's time. After loading, the Telenhonc moved down to tho month of tho Willamette, and after a stop the bow was turned toward St. Johns, the back trip, seven miles being made in twenty eight minutes. Tho wheel is eight feet in diameter, and makes fourteen revolu tions per minute, with four paddles in tho water, two totally and two partially. The regular trial trip will be made in three weeks. News, 1. An Annojance. Ed. Astebiax: I respectf ully submit for the consider ation of all concerned, might not tho bell rung at the conclusion of the Sabbath morning service bo omitted entirely; or at least postponed until each service, or sermon, in the other churches is con cluded. W. R. Astoria, February 2,1885. One of the finest billiard tables on the coast at Jeffs "Tel phone." Private card rooms at Jeffs new sa loon "The Telephone.' For Dinner Parties to order, at short notice, go to Frank Fabre's. Mrs. Bryce would respectfully an nouce to the ladies of Astoria that she is prepared to do dressmaking in all its branches at her rooms on Cass St., op posite Odd Fellows building. Buy your Lime of Gray at Portland prices. Tho fishing season of '85 does not givo any promise of activity. The business of canning salmon on tho Columbia has been carried on at a great disadvantage during tho last two years and several cannerymen are now undecided whether thoy will or will not run their establish ments next summer. The last season was so disastrous to nearly every ono connected with tho business that a prob ability of similar conditions in 85 causes many to hesitate. Lack of common purpose or settled unity of interests" among the canners is not the least among the causes that op erate .to unsettle tho business. Thero are about as many different ways of looking at the matter as there are can neries on the river. One man is now paying 22 cents a fathom to white men for knitting nets; another is employing Chinamen to do the same work for 8 cents; another firm is trying to set tho price of salmon for the coming soason at GO cents, while a fourth insists that com bined action will bring the fish to the price that he proposes to pay 35 cents. There seems to be a sort of division of interests this season that will result in separating thoso interested in the busi ness into three classes: thoso who fur nish money and take almost absolute control of the manufactured goods; thoso who get money advanced to tbem and work on tho cooperative plan, and thoso who are what may bo termed independ ent cannerymen." To tho last named belong such establishments as that of Mr. Juo. A. Devlin, J. O. Hanthom, J. G. Megler, A. Booth; to tho second be long such establishments as tho Colum bia Canning Co., "West Coast, Union, "White Star, Fishermen's, Scandinavian, etc.: among the first mentioned may bo enumerated "W. T. Coleman & Co., D. L. Beck & Sons, Allen & Lewis. Among these last named firms there seems to be a mutual objection this year to advance money to purchase supplies, and among tho companies who usually obtain advances there also seems" a mutual desire to get money elsewhere and in a different way from heretofore. Thero was so much litigation and misunderstanding between agencies and Astoria factories in '81 that whatever is done this year will be greatly restricted. Each side has its own story, and is confident that the other sido is in the-wrong. Viewing tho matter with an intent to be impartial, it would appear that on the part of tho agencies "there has been an effort to improve on a good thing and imposo a little more that the business would bear: a desire to get two fingers in tho pie: and on tho other hand a distrust against capital thus employed that makes men ready to believe that a transaction that they cannot exactly un derstand, involves a swindle. Tho present situation seems to suggest that the season of '8.1 will bo character ized by several featuros differing from some former years. There will be fewer boats by f00 on the river: thero will be fewer canneries in operatien: there will be a lower price paid for fish: there will bo fewer "outside" boats; fishing will not begin much boforo May lfth, and not till Juno 1st will thero bo anything like the old time activity; effort will be made to induce unanimity of sentimont among all .interested in the business, and the struggle for supremacy on tho part of rival "agencies' will not bo characterized by such liberal concession as in tho past. The business must sooner or later settle down to a legitimate basis. It has been butchered and oerdone and cannot for some years assume tho proportions it did in '82, "83 and '84. Sooner of later the buyers of raw material will tiro of pay ing high prices to tho swarm of men who swoop down hero every summer, sty for twelve or thirteen weeks, and then away with their earnings. In this connection it may be said that the cooperative com panies have tho best chance for survival if they can only realizo that where their interests as catchers of fish and sellers of canned salmon clash, thegreator profit lies in gotting less price for the raw mate rial that they may mako moro on the goods in the case. But it would appear from circumstances now transpiring that tho cooperative companies would bo forced to the wall unless great care is observed and consid erable business sagacity practiced. For several reasons the cooperative canner ies are a help to Astoria and anything looking toward their continuance, if by that continuance tho men that work could make money, would inure to the common prosperity of tho place. Hot JLimcli, at tltc Telephone Saloon From 11 to 2 every day. Ill I.I, OF PAIIK TO-DAY. Bean Soup. Rare Roast Beef. Clam Chowder. Pork and Beans. Etc. etc. Jeff. Fresh Eastern and Sshoalwater Jlay Oyster Constantly on hand, cooked to any style at Frank Fabre's. At Franlc Falrc?. Board for $22.50 a month. The host in the city. Dinner from 3 to 7. Furnished Rooms To Let. Apply to Mus. Muxsojj. CROW Does not make any second-class Pic tures at his New Gallery, No. GIJ", on the Roadway. Success. The sale of Syrun of Figs is simply immense. Everyone is taking it, and all admit that it is the best medicine over used. Children cry for it on account of its pleasant taste, and grown people who have used it once never take any thing else. Unlike other remedies for biliousness and constipation it never loses its power to act, and it always leaves the organs on which it acts strong er than before. Besides, one feels fresh and bright and realizes that it is Nat ure's own true laxative. W. E.Dement & Co. are agents for Astoria, Oregon. All the patent medicines advertised in this piper, together with the choicest perfumery, and toilet articles, etc-can be bought at the lowest prices, at J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Ociden hctel, Astoria. Syrup of Figs. Nature's own true Laxative. Pleas ant to the palate, acceptable to the Stom ach, harmless in its nature, painless in its action. Cures habitual Constipation, Biliousness, Indigestion and kindred ills. Cleanses the system, purifies the blood, regulates the Liver aud acts on the Bowels. Breaks up Colds, Chills and Fever, etc Strengthens the organs on which it acts. Better than bitter, nauseous Liver medicines, pills, salts and draughts. Sample bottles free, and large bottles for safe by W. E. Dement & Co., Astoria, .Sketch or n Famous Woman Who at Her Death was Legally Worth Two Hna- ilred 3IilIion Dollars. The death of Mrs. Myra Clarke Gaines at the age of seventy-nine, recalls the history of the mo3t famous law suit in the nation. A brief history of the case is not without interest. The mother of Mrs. Myra Clarke Gaines was a beautiful Creole. Her father was Daniel Clarke, an influential Irishman, owning large estates in Louisiana and much properly in Philadelphia. It is as serted that they were secretly married in Philadelphia about 1S03, but he never ac knowledged his wife publicly. Myra was the second child of this union. She was born in 1S0G, in New Orleans. Clarke was sent to "Washington as the first Louisiana delegato to congress, and his wife, learn ing that ho was unfaithful, separated from him. He amassed great wealth and died in 1813, under circumstances which led to the belief that he had been pois oned. The will, leaving his wealth to Myra, was never found, butnn aged negro in Clarke's service testified that ho had seen his partner open Clarke's secretary after his death, and tako from it a sealed document and burn it. When, some years later, the partner was told that Myra had declared in open court that her father had mado this will and that it had been destroyed by nn interested party, ho exclaimed: "Great God! did she say that?' and throwing up his arms, fell dead from apoplexy. Myra married "Wil liam Whitney, n southern gentleman, from whom she learned of her rights and of her just titlo to property oven then worth millions of dollars. Sho also learned that her mother still lived, and that her good name had remained all these years under a dark cloud. To see her mother aud prove her marriage to her father was Mrs. Whitney's first thoughi. The beautiful home was aban doned, and a few weeks later Mr. and Mrs. Whitney wore living in New Or leans, and had taken the first plunge into tho litigation. This was about 1832, Sho was at first successful, but her hus band died of yellow fever, leaving her with three small children to fight out the contest. To legal opposition wero added slanders about the character j of the beautiful young widow, and even at tempted assassination. For the sake of her children and her own name, she pressed tho suits with vigor. But her means ran low. When sho had finally reached a desperate strait, and was ex posed to insult and poverty in New Or leans, she was befriended by General E. P. Gaines, the hero of Fort Erie, and an old friend of her father. He was her gallant protector, and sho at length bo c?mo his wife. Sho thereafter had a respectful hearing. Tho suit was carried to tho United States supremo court threo tinier on questions of practice, and at length, by compromise with one of the defendants, sho gained a victory in 1818, tho United States supremo court declar ing that a marriage had taken place, and thot Mvra was entitled to four-fifths of Clarkefs estate. But Mrs. Gaines found that, to secure tho property, she would Iikvo to bring suits against each of its owners in succession. Her suit against tho executors reached a hearing in the supremo court in 1831. Tho defenso was vigorous this time, and she found her self non-suited at the end of nineteen years, tho conrt reversing its for mer decision as to tho marriage of her mother. In 1849 her hus band had died, aud now, unaided, sho again began suit under the will which, it was alleged, had been destroj-ed by her father's partner. She won at every step up to tho United States supremo court, which decided in her favor in 1861. Tho war stopped the litigation, but at its close sho was ready nsain, and in 1SG5 her rights wero reaffirmed in the United States supremo conrt. Tho property, which includes the best parts of New Orleans, was then worth one hundred million dollars. But the judgments ob tained by her in the supremo court of tho nation simply decided her right to bring suit against tho individual occu pants of her property. Tho number was great. Sho pressed the one against tho city of New Orleans, and it was determ ined, in 1883, that the city was indebted to her in the sum of two millions of dol lars. The long fight, however, wore hor lifo out. In the course of tho fifty yeurs of litigation in which sho was engaged such men as Daniel Webster, Caleb Gush ing, Charles O'Connor, Judah P. Benja min, and others of tho ablest lawyers of tho ago were eniploj'ed in the case. Mrs. Gaines once argued her own case before the United States supreme court against Daniel Webster, and won. Sho is des cribed as a slender little woman, with brilliant eyes and vivacious maimers, and was at once witty and eloquent in con versation. The great wealth to which she established her titlo will go to heirs who will, it is believed, accept comprom ises which sho rejected, and thus end a colebrated case in American jurispru dence. THK SENATORIAL SITfATION. There is, says tho Xetcs, a busy effort to treat Mitchell as though ho were a candidate and kill him in offigy; but it is made ridiculous by the fact that his namo has not been brought forward, and tho further fact that it probably will not be. If, in tho maelstrom of uncertain ties, it should come to tho front, not all tho smouldering embers of old abuse could be fanned into a living flame against it. It is pretty generally under stood that a good man has been put out of tho race by the bitter hatred of friends turned enemies, and this robs abusive statement of its effective sting. If there should ever be a broak toward Mitchell, not all the sneaking ambuscades around tho state house could avail to stop it. It would go Hko a prairio fire through and over all tho cuddiing tricks to real ize on the Mitchell strength, while hunt ing promises, and at the samo timo holding back an agreement, to turn forever from the old love. Something in the way of this is known, and it is contemptible. Not that Mitchell will be a candidate for ho probably will not be certainly not through any act or word of his ewn: but in tho interests of fair dealing all around. It is curious to seo how tho Mitchell question enters into the race of every ono else. Tho Hirsch men remember thoir candidato as a most loyal friend of Mitchell. The Hill men think of their candidato as the original cnemv and tearer-down of Mitchell. Tho Failing men think of their candi dato as tho purse-proud member of the anti-Mitchell clique. Buc!tlcxis Anxica Salve. The Best Saxve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by W. E. Dement & Co. Widely Different Vleirs About the Value of Stono and Tiles Delivered at Point Adams. Following are tho bills received by Capt. Chas. F. Powell. U. S. engineer, for 25,000 tons of stone for the government jetty at Point Adams: James Bays, Portland, 71)c, delivered at Tongue point. E. J. Jeffory, Portland, 55c. delivered atBugby Hole, thirty-five miles abovo Point Adams. James Frainey, Portland, G4c, at Hun- Sry Harbor (opposite Astona); S4c at ugby Hole. Elijah Corbett, Portland, 1.40 on cars at Fort Stevens. J. B. David, Portland, 1.30 at Astoria. Wrm. L. Smith, Portland, 1.30 at As toria. Brazil Grounds, Portland, $1.45 on barges at Point Adams. Oregon Pavement fc Contract com pany, Portland, 95c at Astoria; 65c at Ellis peint: 70c at Cathlamet. Wm. E. Holmes, Portland, 43c at Bug by Hole. James Neal, Portland, 82)c at Tongue point. Leandcr Michall, Dayton, Or., C5c at Point Adams. P. O'Neil. $1.23 at Hungry Harber: 1.45 M mile abovo Hungry Hhrbor:1.40 at Tonguo point. Vincent Cook, Portland, G2c at Bug by's. J. J. Holland, Portland, 9lc at Tongue point; 7Sc at Cathlamet point; 90c at Hungry Harbor. Chas. B. Martin, Astoria, 1.25, fifteen miles from Point Adams, on Washington territory side. Elijah Corbett, Portland, 90c near Cook's cannery. It will be seen that each contractor named the place at which ho would de liver the stone, and this partly accounts for tho widely differing figures. The price mentioned is for a ton. For in stance, W. E. Holmes' bid is 43 cents; Leander MicbaH's 05 cents. The former agrees to deliver the stono at Bugby Hole, about thirty-five miles abovo Point Adams, and the government estimates that it is worth 1 cent per ton per milo to tow it, which makes the bid equal to 83 cents; while Michall's bid for stone, delivered at the proposed work . is G5 cents. The highest bid is nearly 150 per cent, above this. Following are the bids for 20,000 lineal feet of piles to be delivered at Point Ad ams: Brazil Grounds, Astoria, 9 cents per lineal foot. Leandcr Michall, Dayton Or., CM cents. Ole Bowman, Scappose, 11 cents. J. H. D. Gray, Astoria, 1 cents. Thos. Baxter, Vancouver, 7 cents. J. C. Trulliuger, et al., Astoria, 9 cents. P. F. Fallert, Kalaraa, G cents. All the bids have been forwarded to Washington a summary by telegraph and a copy of the bids in full by mail and tho jiward will bo mado there. Ore rjonian. Test Tour BaMng Fowfler To-Day ! Urands advertised as atoolntcly para OPSV'X'.rt TTT -rvnvrr--rrrr x , THE TEST: riaeo a can top down on a hot toTt nntll rented, then remove the coverand unelL A chem Ut will not bo required to detect tho preaenco of Ammonia. DOES SOT CONTAIN A3DI0NIA. lu HrUUtfalans lilt NEVER Ba QcnUcanl. In a million homcsforcquarterofaceEtury it l;.tot.ito J the consumer's reliable test, THE TEST OF THE OVEN. Price Baking Powder Co., I'lsnn or Dr. Price's Special Flavoring Extracts, The Etroagost, most delicious and natural flavor known, anil 3r. Price's Lupulin Yeast Gems 1 or Light, Healthy llrend.Tho Beit Dry Hop Yeast In tho world. FOR SALE BY GROCERS, CHICACO. ST. LOUIS,. Light Healthy Bread. ASIG1S. The deat dry hop veost in the world, Broad rateod by this yeoat is Hght.whlte and wholesome like our grandmother's delicious bread. GROCERS' SELL THEM. PREPARED BY THE Price Baking Powder Co., MTis of Dr. Price's special FtoYoriHs Extracts. Chicago, III. St. Louis, Mo. For sa'.c by Cctting.Mkrlk & Co., Agents l'ortland, Oregon For Rent. ALAUCE, FINE STORE ROOM ; ALSO tlic second and third floors In tho cor ner building on Olucy and Squemoqna streets. Inquire of RUDOLPH BARTII. . Elegant Rooms. S UXXY ANT) CONVENIENT. IN "VM. JIume's build nc. Vpply to SAMUEL ELMORE. Notice of Application. ftJOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE LS undersigned will apply to the Common Council, of the City of Astoria, at its next regular meeting for a license to sell wine, malt and spirituous liquors, in less quanti ties than one quart, for a poriod of one year in the building known as the Anchor Saloon situated on Benton street, betweeu Benton and Lafayette streets on Lot No. 23, Block No. 10, in the city of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John McClure. B. GIBSON. Astoria, January 15tb, 1SS3. ForaKcat Fitting Boot Or Shoe, go to P. J. Goodmans, on Che naraus street next door to I. W. Case. All goods of the best make and guaran teed quality. Afulhstock; new goods constantly arriving, Custom work. C. I is SPECIAL A10ICE1NT ! A GfBat Re Mi Sale in Men's OVER On account of an overstock in these goods I shall offer for cash, during the next 30 days, the following lines regardless of cest: Men's Mixed Cassimere Overcoats. " Blue Chinchilla " Gray Mixed Reversible " California Doeskin " " Heavy Chinchilla " J Brown Beaver Dress " '' Blue Beaver " " " Black Diagonal " " Gray Chinchilla " ' Huntsman Green Melton '' Blue Germania Beaver fi Brown Chinchilla ' ' Blue Chinchilla " New Shade, Satin lined, Dress Pythian Building, CITY BOOK STORE Agents for : KRAXICII; & : BACH, : And Geo Steels Little Giant PIANO S.; HEADQUARTERS ; Agentsior For Fine Stationery, School Books, Blank Books, j TABERand Sheet Music, Musical Instruments, Variety ' Goods, Etc., Etc. j wester Subscriptions recelred for any Periodical published at rnttaca publishers Prices. oae eir Stock Arrlrlng Dally. "ORGANS. GRIFFIN $67,000,000 Capital ! Liverpool and London and Globe. North British and Mercantile Of London and Edinburgh. Old Connecticut of Hartford, AKD COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA Fire Insurance Companies, Representing a Capital of $67,000 OOO. B. VAN DUSEN. Asent. D. A. MclNTOSH Keeps constantly on hand a full stock of the best made RE AD Y-MADE In Business Suits and Dress Suits. Also the largest stock and the newest patterns in French and .American Cassimeres, Worsteds, Cloths, Scotch and English. Tweeds. Which will bo made up to order in the very latest styles and at the lowest prices. TIT GTTAKANTEED. HATS in all the Latest and Standard Shapes. A complete line of Gents7 STurnisliing Goods. X). &. McZSTTOSH, The Leading Clothier, Hatter and Gents' Furnisher, COOPER'S COATS! at $9.00 for $7.00 at 11.50 at 13.50 at 14.00 at 14.50 at 16.00 at 16.50 at 18.00 at 18.00 at 20.00 at 22.50 at 25.00 at 25.00 at 30.00 8.50 10.50 11.00 11.50 12.00 12.50 14.00 14.00 16.00 17.50 20.00 20.00 25.00 Astoria, Oregon. & REED. GERMANIA BEER HALL AND BOTTLED BEER DEPOT, Chenamus Street, Astoria. The Best of Lager 5 Cis. a Glass. Orders for the Celebrated Columbia Brewery Beer Left at this place will be promptly attended to jks-No cheap San Francisco Beer sold at this place. Wm. BOCK, Proprietor. CLOTHING