The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, January 27, 1885, Image 3

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Zht gfaUtj storiatt.
(Monday excepted)
Terms of Subscription.
Served by Carrier, per week......
Sent by Mail, per month .
" " one j ear .... .... ..
Free of postage to subscribers.
. loCtS.
. COCtb.
5Ad ertisements inserted by the year at
the rate of S2 per square per month. Tran
sient advertising fifty cents per square, each
IVotlce To Aclicrtiscrs.
TnE ASTORlAJf guarantees to it& ad
vertisers the largest circulation o any
newspaper published on the Columbia
Regular council meeting to-night.
The senatorial election begins at Salem
The Katie Putnam troupo was among
the passengers on the Queen yesterday.
The moon gets full twice this month
before getting down to its last quarter.
Lucky old moon!
ft is thought in Portland that the
Shubrick needs n new boiler; she needs a
new hull and upper works as well.
The ladies of the Astoria Ladies Coffee
Club are making preparations for a bas
ket social to bo given next Friday even
ing. There are some forcible comments in
Pacific countv over the recent loss of
two English barks on Shoalwater bay
Coroner Ross was on the street yester
day for the first timo since breaking his
leg, and expects to be ablo to fling away
his crutch in a month or so.
The little daughter of Niles and Geor
gina Rjeldanaes died at Upper Astoria
last Sunday. The funeral will take place
from the Swedish church at three this
A. M. Johnson enters tho employ of W.
C. Noon & Co., of Portland, after Feb. 1.
relinquishing the business of sailmakiug
in this city to take charge of that firm's
sail loft in Portland.
Capt. Frank Grounds will start for
Knappa with the Lt'ian'ncxt Thursday
evening at six o'clock for tho accommo
dation of those who aro going to tho ball
at that place that night.
Cleveland Rockwell's painting, "Hovo
To," has been bought by Captain Flavel,
who also owns the companion picture,
"The Mouth of the Columbia." Captain
Flavel considers them accurate in every
Sunday's Orenonian has a clever slorj"
written expressly for that journal by
Frank R. Stockton, whose amusing
skotch, "The Lady and tho Tiger," at
tracted so much attention in tho Century
some time ago.
In the supremo court last Friday a de
cision was rendered which establishes
the validity of tho mortgage tax law in
every point. The decision furnishes an
excellent reason for tho repeal of that
law b' the present legislature.
Tho Orcgonian, the Standard and the
News all virtually express the same opin
ion regarding the qualifications of voters
that this journal has expressed, and
so will any other stale newspaper that
sees fit to express any opinion about it.
From the mass of information con
cerning the charter movements tho fol
lowing appears to bo the only tangible
bit of news that it now appears as
though the bill sent up by the chamber
of commerce would pass with the proper
ty qualification tax stricken out.
Quite an excitement was occasioned op
posite The Astouiatj offico last evening
by tho fainting of Mrs. F. R. Bishop,
who was proceeding homeward. She was
carried into "VY. E. Dement's drug store
where restoratives were applied and after
a short timo she was convalescent.
Tho Welcome has it from undoubted
authority that one Portland bank has
recently declared a dividend of 30 per
cent, and that tho First National
bank has been offered 1.003,000 in New
York, the lenders asking a guarantee of
only G per cent which could bo loaned
there by the bank easily at 9 per cent.
Among tho curios that were added to
our collection yesterday was a photo
graph of one of the street cars for and of
tho Astoria street railway company. It
is a fine looking vehicle complete in all
its details, is No. o, and if it with Nos. 1
and 2 were running past The Astobian
office instead of standing still in the
San Francisco factory we would appre
ciate it better.
ThoSanFrancisco Chroniclcof tho20th
contains a graphic account of a Mr. Jun
kin, who was recently attacked by a large
carp, which climbed into his buggy and
bit a large piece out of tho calf of Mr.
Junkin's right leg. Tho unfortunate man
roared for mercy, and finallv got away
from tho ferocious monster. Right hero
in tho Columbia river, to-day, it is not
safe for any one to risk himself out in an
open boat, and should a dead salmon be
brought ashoro there is strong presump
tive evident that he was killed by the oc
cupant of tho boat on tho same principle
ns tho man in Yamhill county that stole
the mule in self-defence.
Ownoy Geoghegan, a famous New York
sport, died last Tuesday. A short time
ago, talking about his business, ho said:
"I have been keeping my present place in
the Bowery for a little over four years. I
have made 37,000 or $G3,000. I own
somo property, one house worth about
12,000. and another house I gave 33,000
for. I never drank a glass of any kind
of liquor in mv life and never smoked
or chewed it. "By the way, it may seom a
queer thing for me to say, but I never
was in a gambling house in my life, and
only onco for about five minutes, in a
theater. I never was on the race track
in my life, and never either loaded or
carried a pistol. I have no family at all,
and tho only thing I am sorry for is that
I didn't get married fifteen years ago.'
And so Skipanon and adjacent parts is
to bo a town! Let tho Clatsopites be wise
in time, and take warning by the sad
fate of other communities. Down by the
sounding sea whero the fathomless waves
in magnificence toss, and high homeless
and free soars tho wild .albatross, thoy
now dwell in all tho unfettered freedom
of ease. Once they begin fooling with
town meetings and councils and all that
sort of thing they'll get meddling with a
charter and get into all sorts of trouble.
There be thoso in this town that en
vy tho Skipanonians their freedem: and
'tis ever thus : the flies that aro on one
side of tho window pane buzz to get in:
tho flies on the other side buzz to get out;
Skipanon should call a halt in its mad
municipal career or direful may bo the
. .
Does not make any second-class Pic
tures at his New Gallery, No. Gl, on
the Roadway.
Buy your Lime of Gray at Porliaud
prices. ' '
Blushing in conscious embarrassment
The Astoman comes modestly forward
with a suggestion intended to prevent
further piling up of old English iron on
Shoalwater bay. To forestall cruel crit
icism The Astobian hastens to say that
this idea is not original in this offico. It
originates with Professors Huxley and
Tyndall, and to those gentlemen is duo
any delegated praise that may result
from the adoption of tho idea. True it
may bo argued that tho idea, like other
ideas, is not worth much unless it is pub
lished; but argument would fall
scorched in tho fierce flame of carping
"When the Dewa Gungadhur and the
Abbey Cowper laid their bones by the
Broughion and Lammerlaw it was jest
ingly suggested that a subscription be
taken up to get a fund to build a fence
across Shoalwater bay bar, on which
should bo painted in plain black letters:
Tins is SiioAiAVATEn bat! Look out!
Keep awat!
Tho enthusiasm with which tho idea
was received died out when it was learned
that distinguished scientists had been ex
perimenting on tho Cornwall coast with
the happiest results. In brief tho now
plan of aiding hapless mariners to got
correct bearings is to light tho coast with
gas, the jets so arranged that tho light
spells the name of tho point whoro it is
located. This opens up a large field of
interesting possibilities. Let us suppose
an English, iron vessel, Clyde built,
comes this way; in the dusk of evening
she makes Tillamook, and the captain
through his glass sees tho littlo jots that
together make up the word "TILLA
MOOK" in lines of living flame; ho at
onco sings out, "Clow up tho main for'ad
hatchway: let go tho bilge: haul taut on
tho garboard streak, all bauds man the
main brace, fasten down tho skyscraper
and run aft with tho jib boom." Tho
"Vessel under these instructions swings
off. and as the alert seaman successively
sights Pt. Adams, Cape Hancock and Toko
ne mwaruiy messes iuo ingenuity
of tho professors who thought np such
a capital plan to keep shipmen posted as
to their whereabouts. Tho adoption of
tho idea may slightly interfere with ship
building on tho Clyde, on tho well known
law of supply and demand, but there is
no unmixed good in this sad world of
Professors Huxley and Tyndall are en
titled to tho credit of the suggestion, tho
English government is entitled to tho
credit of having put it in practice, tho
light keeper at Wigham is entitled to the
credit of being tho first lighthouse keeper
in tho world to so use gas that ships'
crews off shore could read tho namo of
tho light in gas jots, and tho London
Telegraph from which tho item is taken
is entitled to tho credit of having first
given publicity to the event. But if thoy
hadn't done it somebody clso would. So
it is not plain after all why they should
be given any credit for it.
Tho most intensely realistic drama ever
enacted insido tho walls of a theater has
beon going on at Liberty Hall since
Thursday last. Comedy and tragedy
sink in significance beside tho play of
life and death that has had for its actors
tho principals in a court of justice and
for tho spectators a densely packed
There is always considerable interest
in the trial of a man when his lifo is at
stake: everything about it becomes in
vested with an extraordinary interest
the defendant, his1 lawyers, the prosecu
tors, tho jury, tho witnesses, all eyes aro
strained to one common focus. The
most trivial circumstances connected
with tho deceased and tho unfortunate
man charged with his untimely taking
off are remembered and brought en:
the most extraordinary means aro brought
into existence to sift everything point
ing to evidence that the truth may bo at
tained, and no portrayal of tho dark pas
sions of tho human heart were evor
brought out by tho most gifted actor
with such startling minuteness as in tho
supreme hour when it is to bo determined
by twelve men whether tha defendant
shall bo punished or go free.
Such a scene was in vivid portrayal
yesterday. Tho evidence for tho defense
being in the prosecuting attorney recit-
eu mo auegcu crime, its uitonuauc cir
cumstances, the testimony elicited by tho
state, and at considerable length dwelt
upon the necessity of punishmGat. Ho
was followed by Raleigh Stott for tho de
fense, who went over tho testimony in
his address to the jury, arguing the tes
timony was insufficient to coavict. Tho
court adjourned until 7 r. ii.. when C. W.
Fulton followed for tho prisoner. Ho
snoko till 8:43. and was followed bv F. D,
"Winton, who closed for the prosecution,
sneaking till 10:30. The closest attention
was given by tho largest audience over
packed in that building, and it was with
a sort of relief that tho crowd settled
back after tho argument was over and
listened to Judge Taylor deliver his
chargo to the jury, who at ten minutes
past eleven retired to deliberato upon
their verdict. At 2 o'clock this morning
the jury was still out.
Work for the Postmasters.
A good many of our readers have had
occasion to receive or send a postal note,
and no doubt more than one has noticed
how easy it would bo for ono so disposed
to "raise" tho note to tho highest amount
4 possiblo for the noto to pay. Somo
ono in the soutnern states uaa ooen ex
perimenting, and has got tho best of
Uncle Sam to such an extent that that
old gentleman has sent instructions to
Astoria and other important commercial
centers stopping the sale of postal notes.
So if you want p postal noto you can't
have it till further notice. The funny
part of it is that Postmaster Chance has
about 13,G47 postal notes bound in books
and not used. Ho has to take each ono
of these, tear it out, write on it in a
plain Italian hand tho following legend
"not issued," and return tho 13.G17 to
Washington. That is, it is funny to an
outsider; perhaps Postmaster Chanco
doesn't think it is quite so funny. Our
advice to him is to havo a sore finger, or a
lame elbow, or weak wrist, or something,
until about tho last of next month and
then send word to Washington that they
had better give tho job to his successor
whoever he may be.
Frefeli Eastern and Khnalwater
IStiy Oynlcrs
Constantly on hand, cooked to any style
at Frank Fabre's.
Mrs. Bryce would respectfully an
nouce to the ladies of Astoria thatshe Is
prepared to do dressmaking in all its
branches at her rooms on Cass St, op
posite Odd Fellows building.
For DinnerParties to order, at short
nonce, go to ranK J? abrcs.
Tho Belle of Oregon has arrived out.
The Columbia sails to-day for San
Tho JlcXcur will clear to-day nnd ex
pects to sail to-morrow.
The British ship Carnavon Castle is on
tbo way from Sidney, coal-laden.
The Varuna,Weslern Belle, Valparaiso
and Citadel went to sea yesterday.
The Geo. S. Homer ia taking on wheat
at tho O. R. fc N. dock. Tho Pertlishire
is at thesamo dock finishing with salmon.
It is about time tho Janet ITcXeil was
showing up. Sho is 1M days out from
Liverpool, and has a lot of cannery sup
plies aboard.
The entire cargo of tho bark Hover r of
the Seas, which recently took fire at Vic
toria, is said to be ruined. It was valued
at 100,000.
Tho-Queen of the Pacific arrived in with
a large list of passengersyesterday morn
ing. A good many of them got off at As
toria and will tarry for a season.
A large quantity of railroad iron is
being forwarded from England to Brit
ish Columbia for railroad construction.
At the present timo tho British ship An
drosa is loading at Liverpool, tho Portia
at Cardiff, and the bark Gerard E. Toby
at Newport, all with iron.
Tho British bark Prince of Wales, be
longing to tho Hudson Bay Company
and formerly in tho trado between En
gland and Victoria, was recently frozen
in Hudson's bay while homeward bound,
and with her cargo of skins valued at
300,000, was totally lost. Part of hor
crew was lost with tho vessel.
Tbo Sewells at Bath, Me., havo now on
tho stocks, to be completed and launched
in April, a ship for tho California trado
of 2,400 tons register. Sho is 239 feet
keel, 45 feet beam and 28 feet depth
of hold. Her carrying capacity will bo
3,900 tons on a draft of twenty-five feet,
and her entire cost ready for sea, 123,
000. No intelligence has yet- been received
of tho missing steamer San Pablo. She
has over 700 Chinese passengers on board,
but as sho has a largo quantity of flour
and good condensers no foars aro enter
tained that they or her crew will suffer
from hungor. Tho supposition is, says
tha S. F. Chronicle, that she has either
lost her propeller or broken her shaft, in
either of which cases it will be a long
time before she can make any port un
der sail.
At tbo last meeting of tho San Fran
cisco board of health Qirantino Officer
McAllister presented a communication.
which set forth that the ships Star of
Erin and Emblelon, from Acapulco tor
the Columbia river, had taken on board
somo very bad water and foul ballast at
Acapulco. Tho crows were in conse
quence attacked with malarial fover,
from which six death had resulted. There
were seventeen cases on board the Star
of Erin on her arrival at that port. Dr.
McAllister recommended that the health
authorities of Acapulco be notified of the
occurrence. Tho board instructed tho
health officer to immediately communi
cate with tho authorities of that port on
the subject.
Tho steamer Underwriter, Captain AIc
Allep, was run down near Port Town-
send last "Wednesday by the British bark
Latona. Captain McAUcp, tho owner of
tho steamer, is in tho shipping business
at that place, and was trying to board
the bark, and in doing so ho got under
hor bow and was run down. A very
heavy breeze prevailed at tho timo and
tho bark was going through tho water
rapidly. Tho officers, crow and passen
gers on tho Undcrtvriter were saved by
tho steamer Hip Van Winkle, Captain
Jensen, without injury. Captain Mc Al
len's son was nearly drowned whon saved,
and Harry Lott, tho engineer, was in tho
water half an hour. Tho steamer sunk
in twenty fathoms of water. She is in
sured and can bo recovered.
A remarkable test of speed was had
recently on Paget sound between tho new
tug Tyre and tho Tacoma. On the an
nouncement that the ship Jeremiah
Thompson was in troublo, tho former
immediately started for tho scene, 160
miles distant, tho Tacoma at tbo timo
lying without steam up. It was forty
five minutes boforo she got off after her
rival, 3et sho passed her and reached the
ship fully three hours ahead, and obtain
ed th job of towing tho vessel to a place
of safety. Tho Tacoma was built here
several years ago, and has always
been considered ono of the most speedy
an'd powerful tugs on tho coast. In tho
present raco tho crow on tho Tyec stato
that sho was running thirteen knots, and
tho speed of the Tacoma can be imag
inod. Thoro is more troublo on the steamer
Willamette, which sailed from San Fran
cisco on tho 24th, for Pugot sound. Cap
tain Holmes, hor former master, has
again taken command at full wages,
Captain Simmons taking bis own vessel,
the Walla Walla. A reduction was
made in tho engineer's department and
the chief resigned his place, it being ta
ken by Mr. Growney, a non-msmber of
the association. Tho first and second
engineers, who with tho chief and mem
bers of tho Engineers' Association, re
main in tho vessel at tho regular wages,
but it is stated on tho dock that tho re
mainder of the ship's crew, firemen and
sailors, quit on tho reduction being an
nounced. Their places wcro filled by
non-union men. Tho final action of tho
societies in the matter will bo taken as
soon as possible.
A Great Discovery
That is daily bringing joy to the
homes of thousands hy saving many of
their dear ones from an early grave.
Truly is Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption, Coughs. Colds, A&tluna,
Bronchitis, Hay Fever, Loss o Voice,
Tickling in the Throat. Pain in Side
and Chest, or any disease of the Throat
and Lungs, a positive cure. Trial Bot
tles free at W. E. Dement & Coc's Drug
Store. Largo size 1.00.
Is It Not True?
There can be no argument as to the
qualities essential to a perfect remedy
for the ills arising from a disordered or
inactive condition of the Liver, Stomach
and Bowels. Everyone will admit that it
should be perfectly safe for old and
young of both sexes, at any and all
times; that it should be acceptable both
to the taste and the stomach; that it
should never fail to act promptly and
thoroughly. 3'et painlessly, and it should
give strength to those organs. It is now
well known that Syrup of Figs possess
es those qualities in a pre-eminent
decree. W.E. Dement & Co. are agents
ior AMuno. urrgon.
Foi Dyspepsia amlLiver Complaint,
you have a printed cnaranteeon every
bottle of Snilolfs Yitalirer. It never
fails to cure. Sold by W. E. Dement.
Are you made miserable by Indi
gestion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of
appetite, Yellow Skin? Shiloh's Vital
izcr is a positive cure. For sale by W.
X. Dement.
All the patent medicines advertised
in this paper, together with the choicest
Cerfuinery, and toilet articles, etc can
e bought at the lowest prices, at J. W.
Conn's draff1 store, opposite Ociden
hctel, Astoria.
On the all important question of sena
tor, "Inside" writes to the JVeicvs that the
leading man in the senatorial race is still
Sol. Hirsch, though there aro somo ap
parent Hirsch men who aro waiting to
see the proper moment to go over to Fail
ing. This is giving nothing away, for no
one will talk honestly at Salem, and ono
cannot be blamed for telling what he sees
and hears and thinks. It will be a pain
ful moment when somo of them keep
faith with their latest promises by going
from Hirsch to Fa'ling, and also from
George to Failing; yet, as at present ar
ranged, I am satisfied that this is what
will occur.
Then there are the Mitchell men. They
are, somo of them, away off, so to speak.
These are praying that the time may not
come when they shall be called upon to
lay open their latest bargains and inter
ests and show to outside onlookers that
thoy have allowed themselves to promise
faithfully to "keep off" tho Mitchell
phase of tho senatorial question, what
ever else they may do.
Not the least curious of all tho politi
cal turns now apparent is the fact that
some of the men who would like to seo
Mitchell come forward will go to Lair
Hill, whenever it shall become apparent
that neither their favorito nor any pre
ferred man from Portland can sail in.
No candidate, not eyen the most for
ward of all, who is Hirsch, expects an ex
pression on the first ballot that will tell
how tho fight is going. On tho second
ballot thero may be something definite
but nrobablv not.
It is not a good time to seem to be wise,
tho timo of first expression is too near.
Yet, in the midst of many prophesies, it
might afford somo basis for speculation
if tho chances were arranged something
like this Hirsch, Failing, Hill or the
roan of a momentary whim.
Tbo Welcome says it now leaks out that
the failure to swear in tho officers of tho
house was dono with a purpose. Tho
grangers want low freights and fares on
the railroad, and pending tho senatorial
contest thought they might be ablo to
force through a bill to that effect, as the
friends of the different candidates would
not dare oppose it, and show their sub
serviency to tho corporations. Tho man
who thinks the "cow connty' delegation
is made up of chuckle-heads should be
sent to hunt snips at night with a can
dle and wheat sack.
Certain Democratic legislators who
aro opposed to tho Slater "clique" having
control of tho Federal patronage in this
stato under Cleveland aro fighting the
programme to givo that senator the com
plimentary vote of his party at Salem.
They say that such an endorsement
would make him a tyce, and that they
prefer casting their ballots where thoy
will do somo practical good.
Tho Oregoman correspondent says:
About tho only other man outsido of
Portland much talked about is Hill of
The Dalles, and whatever tho result may
be, I am of tho opinion that ho will cut
an important uguro in tno contest. xo
is so conspicuously fit for the place in
tho essential points of character, ability
and experience that his candidacy even
where it is opposed commands respect.
It is urged against mil tuat ne was a
leader in tho great bolt ten years ago,
and this argument has a good deal of
weight with many who appreciate his
merits and like him personally.
Much quiet work is being done for
Hirsch, and the friends of Hill are active
and enthusiastic, but none of tho others
are making a "fight." Nobody can do
more than guess nt tho result, and for
my own opinion I claim no authority. I
think that Hirsch will carry tho day or
fall on tho first fire that is that he will
be elected on the first joint session next
Wednesday or that his candidacy will be
shown to bo useless. The first voto in
separate sessions Tuesday will bo largely
complimentary and widely scattering,
and it will not affect the fortunes of any
body. If Hirsch fails, then I think the
contest will lie between Hill, Failing and
Williams. From these names I think
tho majority will choose whichever one
meets the least antagonism.
Trade in salmon has not quite disap
peared, in spito of the season of the year.
We notice that tho enquiry is for new
season's Columbia-river, and this speaks
well in view of the expected good demand
after the turn of the year. London Gro
cers1 Gazette.
Trado during tho past few days ha3
been extremely quiet, nnd thero is no
likelihood of revival until the turn
of the year, when it is hoped a mod
erately good inquiry will ensue. Tho
stocks in the hands of grocers are known
to bo small, and no further nrrivals of
moment nave oeen reporteu. onips,
however, aro now about duo and there
fore no sensible diminution in stock may
be looked for for some time to come.
Prices for Columbia river salmon aro
quoted at 21 (g 233, and for other catches
18 20s. London Grocer.
ISticIIcii.s Arnica Salve.
The Best Salve in the world for
Cuts, Bruises, Sores.UIcers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Erup
tions, and positively cures Piles, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
Perfect satisfaction, or money refunded,
rice 25 cents per box. For sale by W.
E. Dement & Co.
At Frault Fabre's.
Board for S22-r0 a month. The best
in the city. Dinner from 5 to 7.
For a Ticat Fittins Boot
Or Shoe, go to P. .I.Goodmans, on Che
lKiinus street, next door to I. W. Cose.
All gooiLs of the best make and guaran
teed quality. A full stock; new goods
constantly arriving. Custom work.
Do Ton Tlxinlc tlmt "Jcfi of
The Chop House
Gives 3'ou a meal for nothing, and a
glass of something to drink? "Not
much !" but he gives a better meal and
more of it than any place in town for
25 cents. He buys by the wholesale and
pays cash. '-That settles if
Syrup of Fir
Nature's own true Laxative. Pleas
ant to the palate, acceptable to the Stom
ach, harmless in its nature, painless in
it3 action. Cures habitual Constipation,
Biliousness, Indigestion and kindred
ills. Cleanses the system, purifies the
lilnntl. rpfrulates the Liver and acts on
tho Bowels. Breaks up Colds, Chills
and Fever, etc Strengthens the organs
on which it acts. Better than bitter,
nauseous Liver medicines, puis, salts
and draughts. Sample bottles free, and
large bottles for sale by W.E. Dement
& Co., Astoria,
Gray sells Sackett Bros.7 AI sawed
cedar shingles A full M guaranteed in
each hunch.
London. Jan. 2G. Commenting on the
dynamite "explosion, the Daily Tele
graph says: "England cannot expect the
United States to help in exterminating
dynamitards while England is afraid to
handlo Parnell."
The Standard says: "England cannot
lose Ireland, notwithstanding all tho ef
forts of the dynamiters. Independent
Ireland would threaten British security
every day. These aro not tho deeds of
an Emmot or Fitzgerald."
The Xeics says, editerially: "The dam
age to tho parliament buildings by the
explosions is so slight, as compared with
what was intended, that tho attempt may
bo looksd upon as a failure. Tho choos
ing of Saturday, when the place was
filled with innocent sightseers, is evi
dence of diabolical cruelty. There can
be no doubt that the dynamiters, if
caught, can be lawfully hanged, on the
ground of high treason, in levying war
against their sovereign. It becomes a
serious question whether England will
not join with Russia and Prussia in an
extradition treaty. Even in America,
where the greatest jealousy in relation to
such question has always existed, steps
havo been taken in the right direction."
TanlUn, Xccson, Orange, etc., flavor
Calces, Creams, Paddings, &c., as dcll
cately acd naturally as tho fruit from
which they aro made.
For Strength and True IFruit
Flavor They Stand Alone.
rstPARto or the
Price Baking Powder Co.,
Chicago, lit. St Louis, Mo
uakcrs or
Dr. Prices Cream Baking Powder
Br. Price's Xupulin Yeast Gems,
IS est Dry Hep Yeast.
S3,-,.. nne.,
Es'ti Hr-A IKY KHr-ft I.
The beat dry hop yeast In the world.
Bread raised by this yeast is ItBht.whlta
and wholesome like our grandmother's
delicious brood.
Price Baking Powder Co.,
MTrs of Dr. Price's special FtoYonnz Extracts,
Chicago, III. St. Louia, Mo
For sale by Ccttixg.Meble & Co., Agents
Portland, Oregon
Smites Ion Is Best Girl !
His Stylish Appearance Did it.
No wender: he gets all his clothes made at
Clothing Emporium.
There you can find the finest assortment of
Cloth. Cassimeres and Tweeds.
Also, the best stock of ready-made CLOTH
ING, for Men. Youths and Boys.
FURNISHING GOODS in the grandest
assortment. The best of BOOTS and SHOES.
Hats and Caps, Trunks and Valises.
Prices are Down to Bedrock
To suit the times. Call and see
The Boss Merchant Tailor and Clothier.
Ship Captains can get their supplies hero on
very favorable terms
Eke mvYS. kVit,
H m
a(U:ii Silllill b
Aramia Says les
I L ' '
:77?u tfn
laiuiuiiiiiHiitccHf iiiiMBj jSBlnjiffirfireraiilBl HHMiiimwnnmi!
Dry Boflis anfl Clothing House of Astoria.
The increase of my business in 188i over former years allows me to an
nounce for 1885 that I shall carry larger stocks of first-class goods in the differ
ent lines, which can be relied upon as represented, and will be sold at the lowest
prices for the quality offered.
Ill 1 Bry ani Fancy Ms
Will be found the Latest and Most Stylish Novelties.
Will be found garments in Style, Cut, and
l Mens ai Boys Clin
Will always be found New and first-class fitting goods, from a fine, satin lined
Prince Albert Dress Suit, down to a Serviceable Business Suit, for
the office, shop, or farm, to fit all shapes or weights,
from 50 to 300 pounds.
In Gent's Furnishing Goods
Will be found a largo assortment in all grades and styles.
In Hats
Will bo found the best makes,
In Boots
Will bo found a largo variety of hand
order by tho best eastern factories,
rely upon the goods
In Oil ClotMi, Wm. Goods, Tnnts, Yalises, ai Umbrellas,
Will be found goods at prices that defy all competition.
Solo agent for Buttonck Pattern's.
Pythian Building,
Agents for :
& :
And Geo Sleeks
Little Giant j
For Fine Stationery, School Books, Blank Books, TABERand
Sfaaet Jfuilc, Musical Instruments, Tarlety
Goods, Etc, Etc.
Sabscrlptlons receired for any Periodical published at
publishers Prices.
Xew Stock Arrltlng Dal I jr.
$67,000,000 Capital !
Liverpool and London and Globe.
North British and Mercantile
Of London and Edinburgh.
Old Connecticut of Hartford,
Fire Insurance Companies,
Representing a Capital of $67,000 OOO.
B. VAN DUSEN. Asent.
Keeps constantly on hand a full stock of the best made
In Business Suits and Dress Suits.
Also the largest stock and the newest patterns in
French and American Cassimeres, Worsteds,- Cloths,
Scotch and English Tweeds.
Which will he made up to order in the very latest styles and at the lowest prices.
HATS in all the Latest and Standard Shapes.
A complete line of
Gents Furnishing Goods,
The Leading Clothier, Hatter and Gents' Furnisher.
Finish to suit the taste and purse of all
and Caps
the latest styles, and best values.
and Shoes
and machine sewed, made expressly to
which enables us to recommend and
as to merit and value.
Astoria, Oregon.
Agents for
; Western
Chenamus Street, Astoria.
The Best of Lager 5 Cts. a Glass.
Orders lor tiifrCelebrated
Columbia Brewery Beer
Left at this place will be promptly
attended to
jWNo cheap San Francisco Beer sold at
this place.
"Wai. BOCK, Proprietor.