0 V. -- ,sr VOL. XXIII, NO. 17. ASTORIA, OREGON, TUESDAY JANUARY 20, ISS5. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. jm. s - i ibl Bl u lM B JK H I ii ill I Sk .& iTjg 'feE." SQi&si riB lflLviH I I II I I I I I I - , " " ' "T BUSINESS CARDS. nas. A. U. and J. A. FUIf OX. Physicians :iud Surgeons. Will clve promDt attention to all calls, ftom any iiut of the city or country. Ofilcc over Allen's Store, comer Cass and Stiueinoqua streets, Astoria, Oiegon. Telephone No. 41. D It. FliAXK PAGK. Phynlrlan nnil Surgeon. Ofllcc, Cor. Main and Chenamus streets. Office IIouus : -9 to 11 a. m. ; 2 to 5 v. M. Kesideucc. opposite the Johansen building GKO. A. DOKK1S. GF.O. N01.ANI) NOLAM) fc lyOlllliS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office in Klnuej's Block, ppolte City Hall, Astoria. Oregon. C W. FDXTOX. G. C FULTON. TUITOTi I5ROTIIEKS, ATTOKNEYS AT LAW. Rooms 5and 6. Odd Fellows Building. t. Q. A. BOWI.BY. J. A. OILU Attorneys and Coniisellors at Law, Office on Chenamus Street, Astoria. Oregon. Tjl C. HOliUKX, NOTARY PUBLIC, AUCTIONEER, COMMISSION AND IN SURANCE AGENT. f KLO F. PAKKKIt. SURVEYOR OF Clatsop County.and City of Astoria Office : Cheuamus street, Y. M. C. A. hall Room No. 8. fi XV. L.EICK, ARCHITECT AND SUPERINTENDENT. Ofkicf. : Room 3, Kinney's Brick Block, JAY tuttjJiOk I. PHYSICIAN AND SUKGEON Offici: Rooms 1,2, and 3 Pythian Build ing. RKsiDENclfi-On Cedar Street, back of St. Mary's Hospital. f r. niexs. A. K. SHAW. hicks & sniw. DENTISTS. - Rooms in Allen's Building, up stairs, cor ner Cass and Squemoqua streets. Astoria Oregon. BANKING AND INSURANCE! I. W. CASE, Broker, Banker, and Insur ance Agent, ASTORIA, - OREGON. OFFICE HOURS : From 9 o'clock A. M. until 3 o'clock F. M. Bozorth & Johns, R1 Estate and Insnranco Agonts and Brokers ASTORIA, ... - Oregon. We write policies In the following well knomi Fire Insurance Companies : THCENIX OF HARTFORD. SCOTTISH UNION AND NATIONAL OF EDINBURG. LION. OF LONDON. HOME. OF NEW YORK. LONDON AND LANCASHIRE, OF LIVER POOL. PHOiXlX. OF BROOKLYN. CONNECTICUT. OF HARTFORD. OAKLAND HOME, OF OAKLAND, CALA. And also represent the WESTERN", of California, HAJMURG-nREMEN. of Ger many, and AMERICAN STEAM BOIL ER INSURANCE CO. Real Estate Bought and Sold on .Commission. a: o. ross. LEADING UNDERTAKER. iUain St. Astoria, Oregon. THE LATEST STYLES IN WALL PAPER AT B. B. FRANKLIN'S, NEXT DOOR TO ASTORIAN OFFICE. A very large Stock from which to select. Window curtains made to order. C&My patent Trimmer to cut Wall Paper will be lound convenient to my patrons. Boat Building. TOE BEST STOCK AND WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED. Boats of Every Description Buiit. Shop over Aradt & Fcrchen's. R. HI. LEATHERS. VISITORS TO PORTLAND Should not forget to call at Town efs San Francisco Gallery, where may bo seen photographs of all the leading men and women of Oregon and Washington Territory. Skillful operators always in attendance, and the most minute attention paid to pictures of children. Don't forget the location, S. TV. eeraw First and Mermen streets, up stain. No trouble to show specimens to visitors. Street railroads pass the door every ten minutes, and this is the nearest gallery to the five principal hotels. Mi ii 1 1 1 i. ..$ O rt 'sHPIsHEsBtasV lOll I I III M-THE 1 EST TONIC. ? This medicine, combining Iron with pure vegetable tonics, quickly and complotely Cures Dyspepsia, Jndlccstlon, Weakness, IinpuroUloodtAIalariafChUluaBdFeTent, and Neuralgia. It is an unfailing remedy for Diseases of the Kidneys and Liver. It Is Invaluable for Diseases peculiar to Women, and all who lead sedentary lives. Itdoesnot injure the teeth, cause headache.or produce constipation olhtr Iron medicinct do. It enriches and purifies the blood, stimulates the appetite, aids the assimilation of food, re lieves Heartburn and Belching, and strength ens the muscles and nerves. For Intermittent Jevers, Lassitude, Lack of Energy, tc. It has ho equal. -82- The genuine has above trade mark and 'rossed red lines on wrapper. Take no other. Ui, auljhj BROWJt CUEBIC1L CO, B1LT1X0UE, MR REDIXGTOX, WOODAEDi CO., Portland, Or WnoLKSALK Agents. H V CELEBRATED Ijt &lf"fIr!S nostettcr's Stomach Bitters Is the article for you, it stimulates the failing energies, invigorates the body and chocrs tho mind. It enables the system to throw off the debil itatlug effects of undue fatigue.glves renew ed vigor to the organs of digestion, arouses the liver when inactive, renews the jaded appetite, and encourages healthful repose. Its ingredients are safe, and Its credentials, which consist in the heartj endorsement of persons of every class of society, are most convincing. Ior sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally. A. V. Allen, Wholesale and RetaUJDealer In Pravl&lQBQ, MILL FEED. Glass and Plated Ware, TROPICAL AND DOMESTIC FRUITS AND VEGErABLES. Together with Wines, Liquors,Tobacco,Ciflars G. A. STINSON & CO., BLACKSMITHING, At CapL Rogers old stand, comer of Cans and Court Streets. Ship and Cannery work. Horseshoeing. Wagons made and repaired. Oood'work guaranteed. Insurance Office OF Geo. P. Wheeler & Co. Representing the following first-class For eign and Home companies : Royal Norwich-Union and Lancashire, assets. $3G.ooo.OOO South British and National, " 20,000.000 Firemans Fund. " " 1,500,000 Union, Fire and Marine " l.Ooo.OOO State, (dwellings only) " 100,000 Aud the old and reliable Travelers Lifo and Accident Insurance Co. of Hartford, Conn. Deposited in Oregon, $400,000 for the security of Policy holders. Personal Attention giveu to all business, and Satisfaction Guaranteed in every in stance. Office In Hume's New Building, Asto ria, Oregon. W. E. DEMENT & CO. ASTORIA, - .- - OREGON Carry in Stock, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, TOILET and FAflGY ARTICLES. Prescriptions carefully Compounded m B HOW ANDREW JOHNSON BECAME DRUNK. Perhaps the most disgraceful scene in our history as a republic was the day of Lincoln's second inaugura tion, when Andrew Johnson, the vico president elect, made a maudlin drunken speech before the leading men of this nation and the represen tatives of nearly every foreign nation of prominence. An eld senator told me to-night how this came to be. Said he: "Andrew Johnson was ac customed to drinking, but he seldom tookanore than he could convenient ly and sensibly carry. "While gov ernor of Tennessee ho used to keep a bottle of whisky in a covered wash stand in his office, and I have taken several drinks with him there. lie would raise the cover, take a drink and offer one to me. Still this was a common custom in the south, and Johnson was not looked upon as a drinking man in Tennessee. I do not think ha often took more than enough for himself in "Washington. As to his drunkenness at his inaugu ration to which Sumner bo sarcastic ally alluded on the senate floor, John "W. Forney told me how it occurred. Forney was clerk of the senate at the time. He said Johnson had -been drinking the night before the inau guration with a lot of friends at tho Metropolitan hotel, and as usual in such cases he arose the next morning with a bad taste in his month aud no appetite. The result was that he start ed up to the capitol without break fast, and when ho got there he was very weak and he looked wan and haggard. He came into the senate and asked Mr. Forney if he could get him a drink of whisky. Forney replied yes, and went and brought in a bottle of old Kentucky "bourbon. Johnson took this and poured n gob let half full, while Forney's eyes grew large in surprise as he gulped it down. This alone would have been enough to have made an ordin ary man drunk, but it was not enough for "Vice President Johnson. He filled the glass half full again and threw it in upon Tiis empty stomach. He then walked off across the room, and he only staggered a little as he took his place beside President Lin coln in front of the assemblage of cabinet secretaries, foreign ministers, and others. When it came time to take his oath and tho book was hand ed him to kiss, ho waved it aside with his hand and bogan to make a speeoh. "What he said was never re ported in tho papers, but it must havo been very funny. He took each of the secretaries to task and gave them instructions. Ho addressed the foreign ministers, and though Forney tried to pull him down by holding to his coat-tails behind, he would not stop, but went on. Presi dent Lincoln was, as were all the Americans present, grieved by tho occurrence, and Abe Lincoln said: 'I hope this will prove a lesson to Andy.1 " Ex. - i , . m am 9 BETTER HAIL FACILITIES NEEDED. The recent stormy weather and flood demonstrate the fact that a daily mail from Montesano to Olympia is a perfect farce during the winter. It has been over a month since the mail has came regularly over that route, and the majority of the paper mail that has come that way has been in bad condition. "While passenger travel has been almost entirely sus pended. You ask, How can this be remedied? Easy enough. Get the route established through to Astoria, The plan to work on ia for this county to build a good road from Laidlaw's wharf to the ocean beach, then the transportation company will build a wharf at North Cove. From there go direct across Shoalwater bay to Oys terville, leaving the "Willapah and Bay Center districts to be served by another route. Then by having a through saok for Gray's Harbor and a f postal clerk on the mail boat on this harbor the trip could be made from Montesano to Asto ria in one day nine months in the year, while from tho middle of No vember to the middle of February tho boat on this end of the route would probably have to start from Hoquiam. "With this revision in the present route we would not only have a comfortable line o travel over, but there need not be more than a day or two's delay in our mails, and this would not occur more than once a year. Let the citizens of this coun ty, of Pacifio county and the citizens of Astoria take hold of this matter. let the Vidette, the Pacific Journal and The Astobian agitate this ques tion and by another winter we will have uninterrupted mail connections with the outside world, there will be no necessity for our steamers to lay up for laok of business. We do not wish to interfere with the route from Montesano to Olymnia: but there is a large scopo of country from Monte sano to Astoria that sorely needs bet ter mail facilities, and now is the time to strike for them. Gray's Har- uur jyeios. Don't 'Give Up Yet, It doesn't follow that a patient will die becauso the doctors have "civen him UD." or that he will recover because they promise to "null him through." It is never to late to try the great virtues of Parker's Tonic Mr. Michael Guil foyle, of Blnghamton,N.YM was cured of Rheumatism by it after ten years of unspeakable suffering. 3Ir. K. Y. Mosher, druggist, of same city, certifies mat ue uas soia. over a inousana Domes of Parkers Tonic through its rcputa tion for this and other cures. WHAT DOES IT PROVE? Editor Asteriax: Believing that you are willing to give a hearing to both sides of any question, if to either, I respectfully ask you to publish the following ex tracts from the .Lewiston, Ale, IV etHly Journal of Jan. 2nd, 1S35: "MAINE'S CRIMINALS AND CRIMINAL LAW. The publication of tho annual re port of Attorney General Cleaves of Maino, will renewedly call public at tention to the question of oapital pun ishment, to issues of taxation and to other vital public interests. It seems that although there have been thir teen cases of homicide in the Maine courts in V18S1, that of all sorts of criminal practices we have had but one to each 450 of population. In the 1445 criminal prosecutions in all the state since the last New Year's day, there are fourteen sorts of crime and of these more than one-half or 818, have been for the violation of the liquor law offenses which m most of the states do not count at all. Of the other offenses there has been but one prosecution to every thou sand population." . "The attorney general regards the detective suits set in operation early in the year 1834 against druggists and manufacturers for neglect to con form to the laws touching each of these professions, as showing the ne cessity of so amending these laws that fines imposed -shall enuro to tho state or county aud that prosecutions bo left to the county attorney." Also the following, from the same journal of Dec 2G.18S4. The reader will bear in mind that in Maine only druggists and manufacturers can get a license to sell intoxicating liquers: "liquor dealers in tiie union. The report of the commisssioner of internal revenue for tho fiscal year shows that 190,063 liquor dealers were taxed m tho United btates, or one to 2S0 inhabitants by tho'census of 18S0. Tho following showing the liquor dealers in specimen states in tho va rious parts of tho Union, with the dram, shop legislation in each state, will be of interest: 'A, -O o 974 S9 2? Mitno, VennanU MtuchuBttj 70) Gtncral Prohibition 757 General Prohibition 5H Two-Thirds License 7.26J Rhode IMmnd. Connecticut, 1.355 ryo License 2.31 SGS Two-Third License S0.U& ICi Mainly Licen-m 7JI1I 161 -Mainly Liccnec 13.753 ISO Mainly LIcensa 10.87-.! 33 Mainly License I.5IS 2fi7 Hish Licence fi.123 TU) One-Third Prohibition 3.99 405 Prohibition I.9M 511 Prohibition 755 SIS Nearly al 1 Co"t Probibfn 2.I5S 7IR Nearly allCo'x Prohibt'n l.8 IUO All License GT. 234 All Licensa 9,(57 0 All License vew i or Now Jery. Ohio. Illinois. Nebraska, Misionri, Iotra, Kansas. W, Vircicia, Geercia, Louisiana. Delaware. California, Maine has a greater number of sea ports and seafaring people than any other state in the Union, yet at the last election, in November 18S4, she voted, two to one, for a prohibition amendment to her constitution. Inez E. Parker. B. S. Green of "Wisconsin, and fa ther of Beuben Green, who was drowned in the "Willapa river some three weeks ago, arrived at this place lost Tuesday on a visit to the country and his son. He did not hear of tho sad news of his son's death until he arrived in Oysterville, and was great ly surprised and sorrowed when it wo3 told to him. He was on board the snow-bound train this side of the Dalles, and there got his toes frozen so severely that when he arrived here they wore in a horrible condition, and it will be necessary to amputate the large toe and also tho second too on one foot in order to savo his foot. Be fore he left home in "Wisconsin he says tho thermometer had got as low as 60 degrees below zero. Mr. Green was accompanied by his son-in-law, S. J, Stringer. Pacific Journal. "When vessels or timber sink to great depths in the ocean tho pres sure is so great that water is forced into the pores, and the wood becomes too heavy to rise again. Even when a ship is broken up the detached por tions sink like lead, it is this pres sure that makes it impossible for divers to descend to any great depths. A Clean Sneep. There was a great commotion the other night at a communist meeting, when an excited orator said, "all existing social institutions must bo destroyed, wiped out, and swept away. Had ho remarked that rheu matism, dyspepsia, and debility must be cleared out and swept away, aud that Brown's Iron Bitters would do tho cleaning and sweeping, ho would have been loudly applauded. Brown's Iron Bitters made a clean sweep of the dyspepsia, nervousness, and sleeplessness of Mr. Geo. P. Miller, of Hamilton, Texas. Scott's Ivmalslon' of Pure Cod Liver OH, -with JlypophosphltcH. Is Especially Useful for Children's Diseases As it acts both as food and medicine. It not only gives flesh and strength by virtue of its own nutritious properties, but creates an appetite for food that builds up the wasted body. Borne with its 300,000 inhabitants, has about thirty daily papers and more than a hundred weekly papers. All the patent medicines advertised in this paper, together with the choicest Eerfumery, and toilet articles, etc can o bought at the lowest prices, at J. W. Conn's drug store, opposito Ocziden hctel, Astoria. PAEKER HOUSE ASTOItIA, OitEGON. Tlii- House has been newly furnished, relit- leu ana renovatea tnrougnout. ana is First-Class in AH Respects. RATES : From SI 50 to S3 50, per day. according to room. Speri-al ltat-s for Steady Hoarders Tills s the best Family Hotel In the City. Fine Samnle I'ooni for Commercial Trav elers, on the ground floor. Also a tlrst-class uaruer Miop connected wim tne nouse. Free Coach to ami from all Steamships and River lioats. J II, CLOSE. Prop'r. ffliAIA HOTEL SIU3. EVA WALLMAN, - Proprietor. ASTORIA, OREGON. First Class lu Every Respect. NEW HOUSE, NEW FURNITURE. Fitted up tvKIi every Conven ience Tor the Comfort or Transient and Permanent Guests. Corner Squemociua and West Cth Streets. FRANK FABRE'S CHOP HOUSE. Oysters, ice Cream, COFFEE. The New Model. Everything First Class. Casj Street, rear of Odd-Fellows Building. Every attention paid my customers, and l ho best set before them in first-class style. Astoria Bakery AND Columbia Candy Factory. Ed. Jackson, .Proprietor. BUY DIRECT OF THE MANUFACTURER aud Save Money. French Mixed Creams. 30ctsperlb Plain CanaJes and Taffys 20 "" " llrcad. Pies and Cakes delivered every day. Ornamental work for Weddings anil Parties. Host Ice Cream at reasonable prices Cheapest and best place in town. Don't forget the place ; Chenamus St. near the Poatoffice. The Seaside Bakery FRESH BREAD Delivered in any Part ot the City. CHRISTMAS CAKES: Home-Made Candy Made Daily: The Trade Supplied: Fine Pastry: A First Class Establishment. Prices to suit the times. F. B. ELBERS0N, Prop'r. Change of Agency. We have appointed MR. O. F. MORTON Our Selling and Collecting Agent at Astoria. All those wishing to purchase a first-class SEWING 2IACIIIXE, or to make pay ments due us will please call on Mr. Morton. Headquarters at B. S. WORSLEY'S Sales room. The Singer Mfg Co., 92 Morrison Street, Portland, Or. Columbia Transportation Company. FAST TIME! THE POPULAR STEAMER Which has been refitted for the comfort of passengers will leave Wilson & Fisher's Dock OTery Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. arriving at Portland at 1 P.M. Returning leaves Portland every Tuesday and Thursday at 6 A. M. arriving at Astoria at 1 P. M. J-An additional trip will be made on Sunday of Each "WceK, leaving Portland at O O'clock Sunday Moraine. Passengers bj this route connect at Ealaroa for Sound ports. D. B. SCOTT, President Wilson& Fisher Ship Chandlers, HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE Paints, Oils, and Varnish. LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. PROVISIONS AND MILL FEED AGENTS FOR Salem Flouring Mills, Portland Roller Mills, Capital Hour and FAIRBANKS' SCALES. ASTORIA, OREGON. B. B. Franklin, 0' Mertaier ami Cabinet Maker, SQUEMOQUA STREET, NEXT TO THE ASTORIAX BUILDIXG. iT"AH Avork done in a skillful manner on short notice at reasonable rates. ASTORIA IRON WORKS. Beaton Street, Nkab Pakkek IIocse, ASTORIA. - OREGON. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. LAND ani MABIME ENfilMS BoilerWork, Steamboat Work and Cannery Work a spe cialty. Of all Descriptions made to Order at Short Xotlce. A. D. Was 8, President. J. G. IIU3TI.EK, Secretary, I. W. Case, Treasurer. joh.v Fox.Supcrlntendent. 3. AKNDT & FERCHEN, ASTORIA. - OREGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop BLACKSMITH SHO j7tvHIHZ3mMai AD M&GEmw?-fy Boiler Shop All kinds of ENGINE, CANNERY, AXD STEAMBOAT WOEK Promptly attended to. A specialty made of repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. FAST TIME! t" ft. asTi" niafeanirSirar5rtiy JjXSa r aT cl THE BEST IS THE Royal Brand Flour Manufactured by the OREGON MILLING COMPANY Is of Superior Quality, and is Endorsed by all who use It. THE HOUSEKEEPER'S FAVORITE Of Superior Rising Quality. Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction. WYATT & THOMPSON Sole Agents for Astoria. H. B. PARKER DEALER IX Hay, Oats, and Straw, Xixaa::H3 Brick, Cement, Sand and Plaster. Wood Delivered to Order. Draying, Teaming, and Express Business J. H. D. GRAY. Wholesale and retail dealer In. GROCERIES, FLOUR, AHD FEED Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME, SAND AND CEMENT. General Storage and Wharfage on reason able terms. Foot of Benton street, Astoria, Orejron. WH.. EDGAR, Dealer In Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes Meerschaum and Brier Pip, GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY Revolvers and Cartridges. CORNER MAIN AND CHENAMUS STS. The Gem Saloon. The Popular Resort for Astorians. For the Finest of Wines and Liquors Go to THE GEM SALOON. ALEX. CAMPBELL, - - PROPRIETOR ASTORIA LIQUOR STORE, AUG. DANIELSON, - - Proprietor. Bebulltand Befitted TkronjchOHt. Tho Best of WINKS. IiiqUOJElS, AXD CIGAKS. For a Good Cigar, call for one of "Danielson's Best." Corner West 9th and Water Streets, Astorlav n9-Cm BRACELETS, Scarf pi Chains, Watches, SILVERWARE, Of every description. The finest stock of Jewelry In Astoria, A1I goods warrantedasrepresented GUSTAV HANSEN, JEWELER, Magnus C, Crosby Dealer in HAM ARE, IRON, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, STOVES, TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON, TJbOL AND Oc3P2D3P- Good Building Lots IN ALDERBROOK, For Sale at Low Rates. Apply to ITSn&AZi C. K.1NXF.Y, At office of Clatsop Mill Company, on the Roadway. "SECURE THE SHADOW" Ere the substance fade, and when you visit Portland, jnako It a part of yoor business to callonW.H.Towjnc,at the San Fran cisco Gallery, S. W. corner Fint and Morrises streets, and have yourphotograpb taken in the highest style of the art. Ol jewelry 0